How many years did Armen Dzhigarkhanyan live with Vitalina? Famous old men who married young beauties

Faktrum I have collected a selection of couples in which the age difference between the spouses cannot but shock, but it does not seem to bother them at all.

1. Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel

Age difference - 60 years

24-year-old Natalya Shevel met her future husband at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where she was a student and her fiancé taught. But he turned out to be not a shy graduate student, but 84-year-old People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krasko! The age difference between the spouses has discouraged many, but the lovers themselves do not pay attention to the gossip and continue to assure gossipers that they are happy.

2. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Age difference - 60 years

Five years ago, the 85-year-old founder of Playboy magazine announced his engagement to 25-year-old model Crystal Harris. The engagement lasted two years, during which the lovers even managed to quarrel and cancel the wedding, but later changed their minds and still went down the aisle.

3. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Age difference - 45 years

About the affair of the 79-year-old actor with 34-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, musical director of the Moscow Drama Theater. Dzhigarkhanyan, has been known for a long time. Dzhigarkhanyan left his wife Tatyana Vlasova six years ago, but he decided to formalize the divorce only now, on the eve of his anniversary.

The actor’s novel caused a lot of noise not only in the press, but also in his theater, where Dzhigarkhanyan was recently the director. After Armen Borisovich gave his position to Vitalina, many actors quit. However, the artist and his muse seem to care little about this. The lovers settled in an apartment near Moscow, where they enjoy each other's company.

4. Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

Age difference - 36 years

For 17 years now, Andrei Konchalovsky has been happy with his fourth wife, actress and cook Yulia Vysotskaya, who is younger than the eldest son of her husband, director Yegor Konchalovsky.

5. Ronnie Wood and Sally Humphreys

Age difference - 31 years

In 2008, Ronnie Wood, guitarist for The Rolling Stones, split from his wife Jo after 23 years of marriage for Russian waitress Ekaterina Ivanova, but the relationship between the old rocker and the fickle Katya did not last long. Three years after the affair with Katya, Wood married for the third time. His new chosen one was 34-year-old Sally Humphreys, a theater producer.

6. Clint Eastwood and Christina Sandera

Age difference - 33 years

Immediately after his divorce from his wife Dina, who was 35 years younger than him, the actor and director found solace in the arms of a new girlfriend - and again much younger than himself. Now 85-year-old Eastwood lives with Christina Sandera, the administrator of the Mission Ranch hotel owned by the star.

7. Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn

Age difference - 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. The couple had a common son, Ronan, and the couple also took two adopted children, Dylan and Moses.

The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director’s affair with the adopted daughter of actress Soon-Yi Previn, whom she had previously adopted along with her ex-husband. At that time, the girl was 22 years old, and Allen was 57 years old. In 1997, Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen got married and also adopted two girls.

By the way, Soon-Yi Previn admits that she never treated Woody Allen as a father, and all the talk about her being his daughter makes her laugh.

8. Al Pacino and Lucila Sola

Age difference - 39 years

In March of this year, confirmed bachelor Al Pacino surprised fans with the announcement that he was going to marry his Argentine friend, actress Lucile Sole. Pacino has been dating her for about five years and notes that a wedding is possible - because the actor “never says never.”

9. Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Age difference - 30 years

Tabakov met his future wife in 1986, when the young graduate of GITIS was accepted into the troupe of Oleg Tabakov’s theater studio (the actor was 51 years old). After ten years of romance, the teacher and student got married, and then became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at the age of 41.

10. Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, and last year the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named Alexander in honor of his father. True, the musician is in no hurry to marry his beauty.

11. Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilsson

Age difference - 47 years

The young model Lina became a muse for the designer and the beginning of a second youth after his divorce from Eva Dühringer. He met the beautiful Cavalli when she was only 20 years old, and despite the couturier’s age, young Lina lost her head over him.

12. Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

The producer met his sixth wife at work: 25-year-old Victoria was Alibasov’s assistant. Despite the fact that the legendary creator of the Na-Na group proposed live on NTV, the wedding was a secret.

13. Alexander Gordon and Nozanin Abdulvasieva

Age difference - 30 years

At the time of his acquaintance with 20-year-old VGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva, Gordon already had a reputation as a lover of young girls: the journalist had a divorce behind him from Nina Shchipilova, who was also 30 years younger than her husband, and from Katya Gordon, who was 15 years younger than Alexander . Nozanin became Gordon's fourth official wife and the mother of his third child.

Love has no boundaries. Sometimes, even a huge age difference does not stop people from taking such a serious step as marriage. In society, such couples are often treated with condemnation. Most often this concerns public people whose lives are in plain sight. Their relationship becomes the subject of heated discussions, mistrust and sincere feelings. But it seems that the lovers themselves are not interested in outside opinions.

1. Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel

Age difference - 60 years

24-year-old Natalya Shevel met her future husband at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where she was a student and her fiancé taught. But he turned out to be not a shy graduate student, but 84-year-old People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krasko! The age difference between the spouses has discouraged many, but the lovers themselves do not pay attention to the gossip and continue to assure gossipers that they are happy.

2. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Age difference - 60 years

Five years ago, the 85-year-old founder of Playboy magazine announced his engagement to 25-year-old model Crystal Harris. The engagement lasted two years, during which the lovers even managed to quarrel and cancel the wedding, but later changed their minds and still went down the aisle.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Age difference - 45 years

About the affair of the 79-year-old actor with 34-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, musical director of the Moscow Drama Theater. Dzhigarkhanyan, has been known for a long time. Dzhigarkhanyan left his wife Tatyana Vlasova six years ago, but he decided to formalize the divorce only now, on the eve of his anniversary. The actor’s novel caused a lot of noise not only in the press, but also in his theater, where Dzhigarkhanyan was recently the director. After Armen Borisovich gave his position to Vitalina, many actors quit. However, the artist and his muse seem to care little about this. The lovers settled in an apartment near Moscow, where they enjoy each other's company.

4. Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

Age difference - 36 years

For 17 years now, Andrei Konchalovsky has been happy with his fourth wife, actress and cook Yulia Vysotskaya, who is younger than the eldest son of her husband, director Yegor Konchalovsky.

5. Ronnie Wood and Sally Humphreys

Age difference - 31 years

In 2008, Ronnie Wood, guitarist for The Rolling Stones, split from his wife Jo after 23 years of marriage for Russian waitress Ekaterina Ivanova, but the relationship between the old rocker and the fickle Katya did not last long. Three years after his affair with Katya, Wood married for the third time. His new chosen one was 34-year-old Sally Humphreys, a theater producer.

6. Clint Eastwood and Christina Sandera

Age difference - 33 years

Immediately after his divorce from his wife Dina, who was 35 years younger than him, the actor and director found solace in the arms of a new girlfriend - and again much younger than himself. Now 85-year-old Eastwood lives with Christina Sandera, the administrator of the Mission Ranch hotel owned by the star.

7. Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn

Age difference - 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. The couple had a common son, Ronan, and the couple also took two adopted children, Dylan and Moses. The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director’s affair with the adopted daughter of actress Soon-Yi Previn, whom she had previously adopted along with her ex-husband. At that time, the girl was 22 years old, and Allen was 57 years old. In 1997, Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen got married and also adopted two girls. By the way, Soon-Yi Previn admits that she never treated Woody Allen as a father, and all the talk about her being his daughter makes her laugh. Mia Farrow does not agree with her, who, after breaking up with Allen, accused him of molesting her daughter and forbade him to communicate with the rest of the children.

8. Al Pacino and Lucila Sola

Age difference - 39 years

In March of this year, confirmed bachelor Al Pacino surprised fans with the announcement that he was going to marry his Argentine girlfriend, actress Lucila Sola. Pacino has been dating her for about five years and notes that a wedding is possible - because the actor never says “never.”

9. Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Age difference - 30 years

Tabakov met his future wife in 1986, when the young GITIS graduate was accepted into the troupe of Oleg Tabakov’s theater studio (the actor was 51 years old). After ten years of romance, the teacher and student got married, and then became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at the age of 41.

10. Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, and last year the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named Alexander in honor of his father. True, the musician is in no hurry to marry his beauty.

11. Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilsson

Age difference - 47 years

The young model Lina became a muse for the designer and the beginning of a second youth after his divorce from Eva Dühringer. He met the beautiful Cavalli when she was only 20 years old, and, despite the couturier’s age, young Lina lost her head over him.

12. Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

The producer met his sixth wife at work: 25-year-old Victoria was Alibasov’s assistant. Despite the fact that the legendary creator of the Na-Na group proposed live on NTV, the wedding was a secret.

13. Alexander Gordon and Nozanin Abdulvasieva

Age difference - 30 years

At the time of his acquaintance with 20-year-old VGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva, Gordon already had a reputation as a lover of young girls: the journalist had a divorce behind him from Nina Shchipilova, who was also 30 years younger than her husband, and from Katya Gordon, who was 15 years younger than Alexander . Nozanin became Gordon's fourth official wife and the mother of his third child.

Over his long, more than eighty-year life, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was married three times. All of his wives were different from one another, and the fate of each of them developed differently.

The artist's double tragedy

The first wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was the actress of the Yerevan Russian Theater. Stanislavsky, Alla Vannovskaya. Dzhigarkhonyan was also enrolled in the same theater. He was struck by the extraordinary beauty of the young woman, and Anna reciprocated his feelings.

The couple lived for six years, but they did not bring much joy to Dzhigarkhanyan. Alla was explosive, hysterical and painfully jealous. They say that in a fit of jealousy she rushed into a fight.

In 1964, Alla Vannovskaya gave birth to a daughter, Elena. Childbirth complicated Alla’s already precarious health, and doctors diagnosed her with a mental illness - chorea(Dance of St. Vitus). Unable to bear it, Dzhigarkhonyan took his one-year-old daughter and filed for divorce.

They say that when Dzhigarkhanyan moved to Moscow, Alla Vannovskaya committed suicide. According to another version, she died in a psychiatric hospital.

Later, the artist’s mother helped raise Elena, and then, when he got back on his feet in Moscow, the actor took her in with him. Elena wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps, and rehearsed the play “Sunset” with her father. Shortly before the premiere, Elena was found asleep in a car with her boyfriend. What was it - an accident or a double suicide! This question remains unanswered.

It is only known that Elena had a relationship with a young man, and the famous dad was against his daughter’s choice. Only once in an interview did Dzhigarkhanyan say, “ It's my fault».

Marriage of forty years

Dzhigarkhanyan lived with his second wife Tatyana Vlasova for more than forty years. He met her at the same Yerevan Russian Theater, where she went to serve as head of the literary department. She stood on the porch of the theater, thin, in black stockings, and smoked a long cigarette with a mouthpiece. Seeing her, the actor realized that this was his woman.

She was married to the director of the theater in which Dzhigarkhanyan served. Tatyana gave birth to a son, Stepan, in marriage with her husband, but the couple no longer lived together. Nevertheless, Dzhigarkhanyan did not dare to court, he simply admired from afar. One day a girl complained that nothing made her happy. " There is a proven way - you need to fall in love", advised the artist. Tatyana told the actor some time later that she followed this advice. So she confessed her love for the artist.

The young couple signed in a hurry, without even having time to buy rings. The actor put his grandmother's wedding ring on the bride's finger.

Soon Lenkom actress Olga Yakovleva came to their theater. Impressed by working with Dzhigarkhanyan in the play “104 Pages about Love,” she invited Armen to move to Moscow. To play at Lenkom, with Efros himself - who could resist such an offer? Tatyana also had a desire to move to the capital.

Interesting notes:

They lived in a small room in the basement of the theater without amenities, but were so passionate about each other that they did not notice the difficulties.

Dzhigarkhanyan’s relationship with Tatyana’s son Stepan did not work out. They remained strangers. He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but did not work in his specialty. Dzhigarkhanyan did everything possible for his stepson- bought an apartment, set up his own theater, which he organized in 1996. Stepan also did not stay long at his stepfather’s theater; he was fired for gross violation of labor discipline.

And suddenly, in the nineties, the artist’s wife expressed a desire to move to the USA. By that time, Dzhigarkhanyan had received American citizenship. Dzhigarkhanyan himself did not want to move overseas. He stayed in Russia, where his work, language, his theater are.

For fifteen years the couple lived on opposite sides of the ocean, Dzhigarkhanyan spent only two months a year in America. He complained that Tatyana was not at all interested in his life, health, or affairs. He fully supported his wife, paying all his bills and needs. A void formed next to the artist himself, and, as you know, a holy place is never empty. A third woman appeared in his life.

I was just nearby

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in the late 70s in Kyiv, where she graduated from the Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. In 2001, she moved to Moscow, where she continued her education at the Maimonides State Classical Academy.

The girl was a longtime fan of Armen Dzhigarkhonyan, back in her youth, in Kyiv, she attended a performance with his participation and received an autograph from the star’s hands. Since then, she dreamed of meeting the actor, looked for meetings, and looked for phone numbers.

She managed to meet her idol in person. They met sometimes and had lunch together. Vitalina was then teaching at the Jewish Academy, and Dzhigarkhanyan invited her to work in his theater. The woman first worked there as an accompanist, then headed the musical department.

In 2001, Dzhigarkhonyan suffered a mini-stroke, and a devoted fan was next to the actor's sister. Meanwhile, his legal wife lived quietly in the United States, and supposedly did not even know about his illness. According to one version, Armen himself did not tell her, because he forbade calling his wife from America, but always called himself. Vitalina supported the middle-aged man in every possible way and looked after him.

Photo by Armen Dzhigarkhonyan and Vitalina

There are very contradictory rumors about Vitalina, that with her arrival intrigues appeared in the theater, that she influences the distribution of roles and is guilty of the dismissal of a number of leading actors and other theater workers. Since 2015, the girl took the position of theater director, and she is also blamed for the departure of the previous director.

Dzhigarkhanyan divorced Tatyana Vlasova, and in 2016 married Vitalina. He cannot answer the direct question of why she hooked him. " If you know the answers to all the questions, then you are from KVN", he says.

In the fall of 2017, a scandal began around the marriage of Armen and Vitalina. The couple divorced, and their divorce proceedings and all its ensuing consequences were discussed in detail in episodes of Let Them Talk and Live. After the divorce, all of the actor’s real estate went to his ex-wife.

A video appeared on the Internet where Armen calls Vitalina “cheap” and swears at the girl, demanding to pour him more whiskey. On the show, Vitalina did not tell the reason for the scandal. Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife said that she felt unnecessary in this relationship.

The episodes also discussed Vitalina’s possible pregnancy and her involvement in the embezzlement case at the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. During all the proceedings, Olga Martynova supported Vitalina.

Now the age difference does not surprise anyone, but these old people have crossed all boundaries. I have only one question when looking at these photographs: “How?”

Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris - 60 years age difference

Five years ago, the 85-year-old founder of Playboy magazine announced his engagement to 25-year-old model Crystal Harris. The engagement lasted two years, during which the lovers even managed to quarrel and cancel the wedding, but later changed their minds and still went down the aisle.

Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel - age difference 60 years

24-year-old Natalya Shevel met her future husband at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where she was a student and her fiancé taught. But he turned out to be not a shy graduate student, but 84-year-old People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krasko! The age difference between the spouses has discouraged many, but the lovers themselves do not pay attention to the gossip and continue to assure gossipers that they are happy.

Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilsson - age difference 47 years

The young model Lina became a muse for the designer and the beginning of a second youth after his divorce from Eva Dühringer. He met the beautiful Cavalli when she was only 20 years old, and, despite the couturier’s age, young Lina lost her head over him.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - age difference is 45 years

The actor’s novel caused a lot of noise not only in the press, but also in his theater, where Dzhigarkhanyan was recently the director. After Armen Borisovich gave his position to Vitalina, many actors quit. However, the artist and his muse seem to care little about this. The lovers settled in an apartment near Moscow, where they enjoy each other's company.

Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova - age difference 40 years

The producer met his sixth wife at work: 25-year-old Victoria was Alibasov’s assistant. Despite the fact that the legendary creator of the Na-Na group proposed live on NTV, the wedding was a secret.

Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko - age difference 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, and last year the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named Alexander in honor of his father. True, the musician is in no hurry to marry his beauty.

Alexander Gordon and Nozanin Abdulvasieva - age difference 30 years

At the time of his acquaintance with 20-year-old VGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva, Gordon already had a reputation as a lover of young girls: the journalist had a divorce behind him from Nina Shchipilova, who was also 30 years younger than her husband, and from Katya Gordon, who was 15 years younger than Alexander . Nozanin became Gordon's fourth official wife and the mother of his third child.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina - age difference 30 years

After ten years of romance, the teacher and student got married, and then became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at the age of 41.

Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn - 35 years age difference

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. The couple had a common son, Ronan, and the couple also took two adopted children, Dylan and Moses. The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director’s affair with the adopted daughter of actress Soon-Yi Previn, whom she had previously adopted along with her ex-husband.

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