Fairy tale - Vasilisa the Beautiful. Vasilisa the Beautiful

In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took out the doll from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:
- Listen, Vasilisa! Remember and fulfill my last words. I’m dying and, together with my parent’s blessing, I’m leaving you this doll; always keep it with you and don’t show it to anyone; and when some misfortune befalls you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help the misfortune.
Then the mother kissed her daughter and died.
After the death of his wife, the merchant struggled as he should, and then began to think about how to get married again. He was a good man; It wasn’t about the brides, but he liked one widow the most. She was already old, had two daughters of her own, almost the same age as Vasilisa - therefore, she was both an experienced housewife and mother. The merchant married a widow, but was deceived and did not find in her a good mother for his Vasilisa. Vasilisa was the first beauty in the whole village; her stepmother and sisters were jealous of her beauty, tormented her with all kinds of work, so that she would lose weight from work, and turn black from the wind and sun; There was no life at all!
Vasilisa endured everything without complaint and every day she grew prettier and fatter, and meanwhile the stepmother and her daughters grew thin and ugly from anger, despite the fact that they always sat with folded arms like ladies. How was this done? Vasilisa was helped by her doll. Without this, where would a girl cope with all the work! But sometimes Vasilisa herself wouldn’t eat, but would leave the doll’s most delicious morsel, and in the evening, after everyone had settled down, she would lock herself in the closet where she lived and treat her, saying:
- Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! I live in my father’s house, I don’t see any joy for myself; the evil stepmother is driving me away white light. Will you teach me how to be and live and what to do?
The doll eats, and then gives her advice and consoles her in grief, and the next morning she does all the work for Vasilisa; she is just resting in the cold and picking flowers, but her beds have already been weeded, and the cabbage has been watered, and the water has been applied, and the stove has been heated. The doll will also show Vasilisa some grass for sunburn. It was good for her to live with her doll.
Several years have passed; Vasilisa grew up and became a bride. All the suitors in the city are wooing Vasilisa; No one will even look at stepmother's daughters. The stepmother gets angrier than ever and answers all the suitors: “I won’t give the younger one away before the older ones!”, and after seeing off the suitors, she takes out her anger on Vasilisa with beatings.
One day a merchant needed to leave home for for a long time By trade affairs. The stepmother moved to live in another house, and near this house there was a dense forest, and in the forest in a clearing there was a hut, and Baba Yaga lived in the hut: she did not let anyone near her and ate people like chickens. Having moved to the housewarming party, the merchant's wife continually sent her hated Vasilisa into the forest for something, but this one always returned home safely: the doll showed her the way and did not let her near Baba Yaga's hut.
Autumn came. The stepmother gave all three girls evening work: one made her weave lace, the other knit stockings, and Vasilisa made her spin, and gave everyone homework. She put out the fire in the whole house, left one candle where the girls were working, and went to bed herself. The girls were working. When the candle burned, one of the stepmother’s daughters took the tongs to straighten the lamp, but instead, on her mother’s orders, she accidentally put out the candle.
- What should we do now? - the girls said. “There is no fire in the whole house, and our lessons are not over.” We must run to Baba Yaga for fire!
“The pins make me light,” said the one who wove the lace. - I will not go.
“And I won’t go,” said the one who was knitting the stocking. - I feel light from the knitting needles!
“You should go get the fire,” they both shouted. - Go to Baba Yaga! - and they pushed Vasilisa out of the room.
Vasilisa went to her closet, placed the prepared dinner in front of the doll and said:
- Here, doll, eat and listen to my grief: they send me to Baba Yaga for fire; Baba Yaga will eat me!
The doll ate, and her eyes sparkled like two candles.
- Don't be afraid, Vasilisa! - she said. - Go wherever they send you, just keep me with you at all times. With me, nothing will happen to you at Baba Yaga's.
Vasilisa got ready, put her doll in her pocket and, crossing herself, went into the dense forest. She walks and trembles. Suddenly a rider gallops past her: he is white, dressed in white, the horse under him is white, and the harness on the horse is white - it began to dawn in the yard. She goes further, as another horseman gallops: he himself is red, dressed in red and on a red horse - the sun began to rise.
Vasilisa walked all night and all day, only by the next evening she came out into the clearing where the Baba Yaga’s hut stood; fence around the hut human bones, human skulls with eyes stick out on the fence; instead of pillars at the gate there are human legs, instead of locks there are hands, instead of a lock there is a mouth with sharp teeth. Vasilisa was stupefied with horror and stood rooted to the spot. Suddenly the rider rides again: he is black, dressed all in black and on a black horse; galloped up to Baba Yaga's gate and disappeared, as if he had fallen through the ground - night fell. But the darkness did not last long: the eyes of all the skulls on the fence glowed, and the entire clearing became as light as the middle of the day. Vasilisa was trembling with fear, but not knowing where to run, she remained in place. Soon a terrible noise was heard in the forest: trees were cracking, dry leaves were crunching; Baba Yaga left the forest - she rode in a mortar, drove with a pestle, and covered her tracks with a broom. She drove up to the gate, stopped and, sniffing around her, shouted:
- Fu-fu! Smells like the Russian spirit! Who is there?
Vasilisa approached the old woman with fear and, bowing low, said:
- It's me, grandma! My stepmother's daughters sent me to you for fire.
“Okay,” said Baba Yaga, “I know them, if you live and work for me, then I’ll give you fire; and if not, then I will eat you!
Then she turned to the gate and screamed:
- Hey, my constipation is strong, open up; My gates are wide, open!
The gate opened, and Baba Yaga drove in, whistling, Vasilisa came in behind her, and then everything was locked again. Entering the upper room, Baba Yaga stretched out and said to Vasilisa:
- Give me what’s in the oven here: I’m hungry.
Vasilisa lit a splinter from the three skulls that were on the fence, and began to take food from the stove and serve it to the yaga, and there was enough food for about ten people; from the cellar she brought kvass, honey, beer and wine. The old woman ate everything, drank everything; Vasilisa only left a little bacon, a crust of bread and a piece of pig meat. Baba Yaga began to go to bed and said:
- When I leave tomorrow, you look - clean the yard, sweep the hut, cook dinner, prepare the laundry, and go to the bin, take a quarter of the wheat and clear it of nigella (wild field peas). Let everything be done, otherwise I’ll eat you!
After such an order, Baba Yaga began to snore; and Vasilisa placed the old woman’s scraps in front of the doll, burst into tears and said:
- Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! Baba Yaga gave me a hard job and threatens to eat me if I don’t do everything; help me!
The doll replied:
- Don’t be afraid, Vasilisa the Beautiful! Have dinner, pray and go to bed; morning is wiser than evening!
Vasilisa woke up early, and Baba Yaga had already gotten up and looked out the window: the eyes of the skulls were going out; then a white horseman flashed by - and it was completely dawn. Baba Yaga went out into the yard, whistled - a mortar with a pestle and a broom appeared in front of her. The red horseman flashed by - the sun rose. Baba Yaga sat in the mortar and left the yard, driving with a pestle and covering the trail with a broom. Vasilisa was left alone, looked around Baba Yaga’s house, marveled at the abundance in everything and stopped in thought: what work should she take on first. He looks, and all the work has already been done; The doll was picking out the last nigella grains from the wheat.
- Oh, you, my deliverer! - Vasilisa said to the doll. - You saved me from trouble.
“All you have to do is cook dinner,” answered the doll, getting into Vasilisa’s pocket. - Cook with God, and rest well!
By evening, Vasilisa has prepared the table and is waiting for Baba Yaga. It began to get dark, a black horseman flashed behind the gate - and it became completely dark; only the eyes of the skulls glowed.
The trees crackled, the leaves crunched - Baba Yaga is riding. Vasilisa met her.
- Is everything done? - asks the yaga.
- Please see for yourself, grandma! - said Vasilisa.
Baba Yaga looked at everything, was annoyed that there was nothing to be angry about, and said:
- OK then!
Then she shouted:
- My faithful servants, dear friends, sweep away my wheat!
Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the wheat and carried it out of sight. Baba Yaga ate her fill, went to bed, and again gave orders to Vasilisa:
- Tomorrow you do the same as today, and besides that, take poppy seeds from the bin and clear it from the earth, grain by grain, you see, someone out of malice mixed the earth into it!
The old woman said, turned to the wall and began to snore, and Vasilisa began to feed her doll. The doll ate and said to her as yesterday:
- Pray to God and go to bed; morning is wiser than evening, everything will be done, Vasilisa!
The next morning, Baba Yaga again left the yard in a mortar, and Vasilisa and the doll immediately corrected all the work. The old woman returned, looked at everything and shouted:
- My faithful servants, dear friends, squeeze the oil out of the poppy seeds!
Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the poppy and took it out of sight. Baba Yaga sat down to dinner; she eats, and Vasilisa stands silently.
- Why don’t you say anything to me? - said Baba Yaga. - You stand there dumb!
“I didn’t dare,” answered Vasilisa, “but if you allow me, I would like to ask you something.”
- Ask; But not every question leads to good: if you know a lot, you will soon grow old!
“I want to ask you, grandmother, only about what I saw: when I was walking towards you, a rider on a white horse, white himself and in white clothes, overtook me: who is he?”
“This is my clear day,” answered Baba Yaga.
- Then another rider on a red horse overtook me, he was red and dressed all in red; Who is this?
- This is my red sun! - answered Baba Yaga.
- What does the black horseman mean who overtook me at your very gate, grandmother?
- This is my dark night - all my servants are faithful!
Vasilisa remembered the three pairs of hands and was silent.
- Why aren’t you asking yet? - said Baba Yaga.
- I'll have enough of this too; You yourself, grandmother, said that if you learn a lot, you will grow old.
“It’s good,” said Baba Yaga, “that you only ask about what you saw outside the yard, and not in the yard!” I don’t like to have my dirty laundry washed out in public, but I eat people who are too curious! Now I ask you: how do you manage to do the work that I ask you?
“My mother’s blessing helps me,” answered Vasilisa.
- So that's it! Get away from me, blessed daughter! I don't need the blessed ones!
She pulled Vasilisa out of the room and pushed her out the gate, took one skull with burning eyes from the fence and, putting it on a stick, gave it to her and said:
- Here's a fire for your stepmother's daughters, take it; That's why they sent you here.
Vasilisa ran home by the light of the skull, which went out only with the onset of morning, and finally, by the evening of the next day, she reached her home. Approaching the gate, she wanted to throw the skull. “That’s right, at home,” he thinks to himself, “they don’t need fire anymore.” But suddenly a dull voice was heard from the skull:
- Don’t leave me, take me to my stepmother!
She looked at her stepmother’s house and, not seeing a light in any window, decided to go there with the skull. For the first time they greeted her kindly and told her that since she left, they had no fire in the house: they could not make it themselves, and the fire they brought from the neighbors went out as soon as they entered the room with it.
- Perhaps your fire will hold on! - said the stepmother.
They brought the skull into the upper room; and the eyes from the skull just look at the stepmother and her daughters, and they burn! They wanted to hide, but no matter where they rush, eyes follow them everywhere; by morning they were completely burned into coal; Vasilisa alone was not touched.
In the morning, Vasilisa buried the skull in the ground, locked the house, went into the city and asked to live with a rootless old woman; lives for himself and waits for his father. Here's what she says to the old lady:
- I'm bored of sitting idle, grandma! Go and buy me the best linen; At least I'll spin. The old woman bought good flax; Vasilisa sat down to work, her work is burning, and the yarn comes out smooth and thin, like a hair. There was a lot of yarn; It’s time to start weaving, but they won’t find combs that are suitable for Vasilisa’s yarn; no one undertakes to do something. Vasilisa began to ask for her doll, and she said:
- Bring me some old reed, an old shuttle, and some horse mane; and I’ll make everything for you.
Vasilisa got everything she needed and went to bed, and the doll prepared a glorious figure overnight. By the end of winter, the fabric is woven, and so thin that it can be threaded through a needle instead of a thread.
In the spring the canvas was whitened, and Vasilisa said to the old woman:
- Sell this painting, grandma, and take the money for yourself.
The old woman looked at the goods and gasped:
- No, child! There is no one except the king to wear such a linen; I'll take it to the palace.
The old woman went to the royal chambers and kept pacing past the windows.
The king saw and asked:
- What do you want, old lady?
“Your Royal Majesty,” the old woman answers, “I brought a strange product; I don’t want to show it to anyone except you.
The king ordered the old woman to be let in and when he saw the painting, he was astonished.
- What do you want for it? - asked the king.
- There is no price for him, Father Tsar! I brought it to you as a gift.
The king thanked him and sent the old woman away with gifts.
They began to sew shirts for the king from that linen; They cut them open, but nowhere could they find a seamstress who would undertake to work on them. They searched for a long time; Finally the king called the old woman and said:
- You knew how to strain and weave such a fabric, you know how to sew shirts from it.
“It was not I, sir, who spun and wove the linen,” said the old woman, “this is the work of my stepchild, the girl.”
- Well, let her sew it!
The old woman returned home and told Vasilisa about everything.
“I knew,” Vasilisa tells her, “that this work of my hands would not escape.”
She locked herself in her room and got to work; She sewed tirelessly, and soon a dozen shirts were ready.
The old woman took the shirts to the king, and Vasilisa washed herself, combed her hair, got dressed and sat down under the window. He sits and waits for what will happen. He sees: the king’s servant is coming to the old woman’s courtyard; entered the upper room and said:
“The Tsar-Sovereign wants to see the artisan who made the shirts for him, and to reward her from his royal hands.” Vasilisa went and appeared before the king's eyes. When the Tsar saw Vasilisa the Beautiful, he fell in love with her without memory.
“No,” he says, “my beauty!” I will not part with you; you will be my wife.
Then the king took Vasilisa by the white hands, sat her down next to him, and there they celebrated the wedding. Vasilisa’s father soon returned, rejoiced over her fate and remained to live with his daughter. Vasilisa took the old woman in with her, and at the end of her life she always carried the doll in her pocket.

In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took out the doll from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:

- Listen, Vasilisa! Remember and fulfill my last words. I’m dying and, together with my parent’s blessing, I’m leaving you this doll; always keep it with you and don’t show it to anyone; and when some misfortune befalls you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help the misfortune.

Then the mother kissed her daughter and died.

After the death of his wife, the merchant struggled as he should, and then began to think about how to get married again. He was a good man; It wasn’t about the brides, but he liked one widow the most. She was already old, had two daughters of her own, almost the same age as Vasilisa - therefore, she was both a housewife and an experienced mother. The merchant married a widow, but was deceived and did not find in her a good mother for his Vasilisa. Vasilisa was the first beauty in the whole village; her stepmother and sisters were jealous of her beauty, tormented her with all kinds of work, so that she would lose weight from work, and turn black from the wind and sun; There was no life at all!

Vasilisa endured everything without complaint and every day she grew prettier and fatter, and meanwhile the stepmother and her daughters grew thin and ugly from anger, despite the fact that they always sat with folded arms like ladies. How was this done? Vasilisa was helped by her doll. Without this, how could a girl cope with all the work! But sometimes Vasilisa herself wouldn’t eat, but would leave the doll’s most delicious morsel, and in the evening, after everyone had settled down, she would lock herself in the closet where she lived and treat her, saying:

- Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! I live in my father’s house, I don’t see any joy for myself; The evil stepmother is driving me out of the world. Will you teach me how to be and live and what to do?

The doll eats, and then gives her advice and consoles her in grief, and the next morning she does all the work for Vasilisa; she is just resting in the cold and picking flowers, but her beds have already been weeded, and the cabbage has been watered, and the water has been applied, and the stove has been heated. The doll will also show Vasilisa some grass for sunburn. It was good for her to live with her doll.

Several years have passed; Vasilisa grew up and became a bride. All the suitors in the city are wooing Vasilisa; No one will even look at stepmother's daughters. The stepmother gets angrier than ever and answers all the suitors:

“I won’t give the younger one away before the older ones!” And while seeing off the suitors, he takes out his anger on Vasilisa with beatings. One day, a merchant needed to leave home for a long time on trade business. The stepmother moved to live in another house, and near this house there was a dense forest, and in the forest in a clearing there was a hut, and Baba Yaga lived in the hut; She didn’t let anyone near her and ate people like chickens. Having moved to the housewarming party, the merchant's wife continually sent her hated Vasilisa into the forest for something, but this one always returned home safely: the doll showed her the way and did not let her near Baba Yaga's hut.

Autumn came. The stepmother gave all three girls evening work: one made her weave lace, the other knit stockings, and Vasilisa made her spin. She put out the fire in the whole house, left only one candle where the girls were working, and went to bed herself. The girls were working. Here's what's burned on the candle; one of the stepmother’s daughters took the tongs to straighten the lamp, but instead, on her mother’s orders, she accidentally put out the candle.

– What should we do now? - the girls said. - There is no fire in the whole house. We must run to Baba Yaga for fire!

- The pins make me feel bright! - said the one who wove lace. - I will not go.

“And I won’t go,” said the one who was knitting the stocking. – The knitting needles give me light!

“You should go get the fire,” they both shouted. - Go to Baba Yaga! And they pushed Vasilisa out of the upper room.

Vasilisa went to her closet, placed the prepared dinner in front of the doll and said:

- Here, doll, eat and listen to my grief: they send me to Baba Yaga for fire; Baba Yaga will eat me!

The doll ate, and her eyes sparkled like two candles.

- Don't be afraid, Vasilisa! - she said. “Go wherever they send you, but always keep me with you.” With me, nothing will happen to you at Baba Yaga's.

Vasilisa got ready, put her doll in her pocket and, crossing herself, went into the dense forest.

She walks and trembles. Suddenly a rider gallops past her: he is white, dressed in white, the horse under him is white, and the harness on the horse is white - it began to dawn in the yard.

Vasilisa walked all night and all day, only by the next evening she came out into the clearing where the Baba Yaga’s hut stood; a fence around the hut made of human bones; human skulls with eyes stick out on the fence; instead of doors at the gate there are human legs, instead of locks there are hands, instead of a lock there is a mouth with sharp teeth. Vasilisa was stupefied with horror and stood rooted to the spot. Suddenly the rider rides again: he is black, dressed all in black and on a black horse; galloped up to Baba Yaga's gate and disappeared, as if he had fallen through the ground - night fell. But the darkness did not last long: the eyes of all the skulls on the fence glowed, and the entire clearing became as light as day. Vasilisa was trembling with fear, but not knowing where to run, she remained in place.

Soon a terrible noise was heard in the forest: trees were cracking, dry leaves were crunching; Baba Yaga left the forest - she rode in a mortar, drove with a pestle, and covered her tracks with a broom. She drove up to the gate, stopped and, sniffing around her, shouted:

- Fu, fu! Smells like the Russian spirit! Who is there?

Vasilisa approached the old woman with fear and, bowing low, said:

- It's me, grandma! My stepmother's daughters sent me to you for fire.

“Okay,” said Baba Yaga, “I know them, if you live and work for me, then I’ll give you fire; and if not, then I will eat you! Then she turned to the gate and screamed:

- Hey, my locks are strong, open up; My gates are wide, open!

The gates opened, and Baba Yaga drove in, whistling, Vasilisa came in behind her, and then everything was locked again.

Entering the upper room, Baba Yaga stretched out and said to Vasilisa:

“Give me what’s in the oven here: I’m hungry.” Vasilisa lit a torch from those skulls that were on the fence, and began to take food out of the stove and serve it to the yaga, and there was enough food for about ten people; from the cellar she brought kvass, honey, beer and wine. The old woman ate everything, drank everything; Vasilisa only left a little bacon, a crust of bread and a piece of pig meat. Baba Yaga began to go to bed and said:

- When I leave tomorrow, look - clean the yard, sweep the hut, cook dinner, prepare the laundry, and go to the granary, take a quarter of the wheat and clear it of the nigella. Let everything be done, otherwise I’ll eat you!

After such an order, Baba Yaga began to snore; and Vasilisa placed the old woman’s scraps in front of the doll, burst into tears and said:

- Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! Baba Yaga gave me a hard job and threatens to eat me if I don’t do everything; help me!

The doll replied:

– Don’t be afraid, Vasilisa the Beautiful! Have dinner, pray and go to bed; morning is wiser than evening!

Vasilisa woke up early, and Baba Yaga had already gotten up and looked out the window: the eyes of the skulls were going out; then a white horseman flashed by - and it was completely dawn. Baba Yaga went out into the yard, whistled - a mortar with a pestle and a broom appeared in front of her. The red horseman flashed by and the sun rose. Baba Yaga sat in the mortar and left the yard, driving with a pestle and covering the trail with a broom. Vasilisa was left alone, looked around Baba Yaga’s house, marveled at the abundance in everything and stopped in thought: what work should she take on first. He looks, and all the work has already been done; The doll was picking out the last nigella grains from the wheat.

- Oh, you, my deliverer! - Vasilisa said to the doll. - You saved me from trouble.

“All you have to do is cook dinner,” answered the doll, getting into Vasilisa’s pocket. - Cook with God, and rest well!

By evening, Vasilisa has prepared the table and is waiting for Baba Yaga. It began to get dark, a black horseman flashed behind the gate - and it became completely dark; only the eyes of the skulls glowed. The trees crackled, the leaves crunched - Baba Yaga was coming. Vasilisa met her.

– Is everything done? - asks the yaga.

- Please see for yourself, grandma! - said Vasilisa.

Baba Yaga looked at everything, was annoyed that there was nothing to be angry about, and said:

- OK then! Then she shouted

“My faithful servants, dear friends, grind my wheat!”

Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the wheat and carried it out of sight. Baba Yaga ate her fill, went to bed, and again gave orders to Vasilisa:

“Tomorrow you do the same as today, and besides that, take poppy seeds from the bin and clear them from the earth, grain by grain, you see, someone out of malice mixed the earth into it!”

The old woman said, turned to the wall and began to snore, and Vasilisa began to feed her doll. The doll ate and said to her as yesterday:

- Pray to God and go to bed: the morning is wiser than the evening, everything will be done, Vasilisa!

The next morning, Baba Yaga again left the yard in a mortar, and Vasilisa and the doll immediately corrected all the work. The old woman returned, looked at everything and shouted:

“My faithful servants, dear friends, squeeze the oil out of the poppy seeds!” Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the poppy and took it out of sight. Baba Yaga sat down to dinner; she eats, and Vasilisa stands silently.

- Why don’t you say anything to me? - said Baba Yaga. -Are you standing there dumb?

“I didn’t dare,” answered Vasilisa, “but if you allow me, I would like to ask you something.”

- Ask; But not every question leads to good: if you know a lot, you will soon grow old!

“I want to ask you, grandmother, only about what I saw: when I was walking towards you, a rider on a white horse, white himself and in white clothes, overtook me: who is he?”

“This is my clear day,” answered Baba Yaga.

“Then another rider on a red horse overtook me, he was red and dressed all in red; Who is this?

- This is my red sun! - answered Baba Yaga.

“And what does the black horseman mean who overtook me at your very gate, grandmother?”

- This is my dark night - all my servants are faithful! Vasilisa remembered the three pairs of hands and was silent.

- Why don’t you ask yet? - said Baba Yaga.

– I’ll have enough of this too; You yourself, grandmother, said that if you learn a lot, you will grow old.

“It’s good,” said Baba Yaga, “that you only ask about what you saw outside the yard, and not in the yard!” I don’t like to have my dirty laundry washed out in public, and I eat people who are too curious! Now I ask you: how do you manage to do the work that I ask you?

“My mother’s blessing helps me,” answered Vasilisa.

- So that's it! Get away from me, blessed daughter! I don't need the blessed ones.

She pulled Vasilisa out of the room and pushed her out the gate, took one skull with burning eyes from the fence and, putting it on a stick, gave it to her and said:

- Here's a fire for your stepmother's daughters, take it; That's why they sent you here.

Vasilisa started running in the light of the skull, which went out only with the onset of morning, and finally, by the evening of the next day, she reached her home. Approaching the gate, she wanted to throw the skull: “That’s right, at home,” she thinks to herself, “they don’t need fire anymore.” But suddenly a dull voice was heard from the skull:

– Don’t leave me, take me to my stepmother!

She looked at her stepmother’s house and, not seeing a light in any window, decided to go there with the skull. For the first time they greeted her kindly and told her that since she left, they had no fire in the house: they could not make it themselves, and the fire they brought from the neighbors went out as soon as they entered the room with it.

– Perhaps your fire will hold on! - said the stepmother. They brought the skull into the upper room; and the eyes from the skull just look at the stepmother and her daughters, and they burn! They wanted to hide, but no matter where they rush, eyes follow them everywhere; by morning they were completely burned into coal; Vasilisa alone was not touched.

In the morning, Vasilisa buried the skull in the ground, locked the house, went into the city and asked to live with a rootless old woman; lives for himself and waits for his father. Here's what she says to the old lady:

– I’m bored of sitting idle, grandma! Go and buy me the best linen; At least I'll spin.

The old woman bought good flax; Vasilisa sat down to work, her work is burning, and the yarn comes out smooth and thin, like a hair. There was a lot of yarn; It’s time to start weaving, but they won’t find reeds that are suitable for Vasilisa’s yarn; no one undertakes to do something. Vasilisa began to ask for her doll, and she said:

- Bring me some old reed, an old shuttle, and some horse mane; I'll make everything for you.

Vasilisa got everything she needed and went to bed, and the doll prepared a glorious figure overnight. By the end of winter, the fabric is woven, and so thin that it can be threaded through a needle instead of a thread. In the spring the canvas was whitened, and Vasilisa said to the old woman:

“Sell this painting, grandma, and take the money for yourself.” The old woman looked at the goods and gasped:

- No, child! There is no one except the king to wear such a linen; I'll take it to the palace.

The old woman went to the royal chambers and kept pacing past the windows. The king saw and asked:

- What do you want, old lady?

“Your Royal Majesty,” the old woman answers, “I brought a strange product; I don’t want to show it to anyone except you.

The king ordered the old woman to be let in and when he saw the painting, he was surprised.

- What do you want for it? - asked the king.

- There is no price for him, Father Tsar! I brought it to you as a gift.

The king thanked him and sent the old woman away with gifts.

They began to sew shirts for the king from that linen; They cut them open, but nowhere could they find a seamstress who would undertake to work on them. They searched for a long time; Finally the king called the old woman and said:

“You knew how to strain and weave such a fabric, you know how to sew shirts from it.”

“It was not I, sir, who spun and wove the linen,” said the old woman, “this is the work of my stepchild, the girl.”

- Well, let her sew it!

The old woman returned home and told Vasilisa about everything.

“I knew,” Vasilisa tells her, “that this work of my hands would not escape.”

She locked herself in her room and got to work; She sewed tirelessly, and soon a dozen shirts were ready.

The old woman took the shirts to the king, and Vasilisa washed herself, combed her hair, got dressed and sat down under the window. He sits and waits for what will happen. He sees: the king’s servant is coming to the old woman’s courtyard; entered the upper room and said:

“The Tsar-Sovereign wants to see the artisan who made the shirts for him, and reward her from his royal hands.”

Vasilisa went and appeared before the king's eyes. When the Tsar saw Vasilisa the Beautiful, he fell in love with her without memory.

“No,” he says, “my beauty!” I will not part with you; you will be my wife.

Then the king took Vasilisa by the white hands, sat her down next to him, and there they celebrated the wedding. Vasilisa’s father soon returned, rejoiced over her fate and remained to live with his daughter. Vasilisa took the old woman in with her, and at the end of her life she always carried the doll in her pocket.

Russians folk tales do not lose relevance regardless of the era, political system and the economic situation in the country. Adults and children love them. A fairy tale helps to maintain faith in goodness and magic, instill in children the right values ​​and present to them more than one wonderful image.

Vasilisa the Beautiful - recognizable literary character. She is often confused with her namesake, but girls have different biographies and are actors different narratives.

There are several interpretations of the legends about Vasilisa the Beautiful. In some she appears as a simple girl, in others as a daughter who knows how to prepare the elixir of immortality.

History of creation

The author of the fairy tale, the plot of which is built around a Russian beauty named Vasilisa, was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. Having a legal education, the scientist realized much more in the literary field, studying the works of Kantemir and Novikov. The literary researcher was fond of studying folklore.

Writer Alexander Afanasyev

Afanasyev was interested in the poetic views of the Slavs on the world, studied legends and tales passed from mouth to mouth. This partly explains the fact that a lot of nuances are scrupulously observed in the researcher’s works: detailed descriptions, logical connections, clear interpretations of cultural codes.

In the period from 1855 to 1864, the researcher collected Russian folk tales, which he later published in a collection of 600 pieces. The author's collection “Russian Folk Legends” was banned by censorship in 1859. The publication remained a mystery to the public until 1914. Afanasiev published anonymously in Geneva the book “ Treasured tales", presenting in it a satire on wealthy landowners and representatives of the religious community.

Afanasyev worked on the folk tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful,” beloved by readers, and included it in one of the collections. In the legend, the author reflected what was happening, focusing on the natural component, contrasting Sunbeam crushing wind. Vasilisa and the stepmother became antagonists in the work. The girl's sisters in the form of black clouds only worsened the situation.

According to Westerners, the main idea in it was a woman’s refusal to submit to restrictions and her preference for independence. The strength of the spirit was glorified in the legend as an influential power capable of helping out of trouble.

The tale contains a lot of symbolism and mythology. Speaking about the canons of creation literary work, historians have pointed out the following nuances. If Vasilisa’s father is a merchant, then the action takes place during trade and financial relations. They enjoyed particular interest and popularity during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The death of mother brought Vasilisa true faith and inspired the heroine.

The images of the white, red and black horseman are the personification of the noble and Bolshevik revolutions, as well as the upheavals associated with them. The rag doll, which is discussed in the story, also has secret meaning, reflecting the cultural foundations of the country and being a talisman.

The description of the heroine of the work suggests that the pretty girl is slightly plump, as befits a Russian beauty, has an easy-going character and humbly endures the hardships that befall her. Unlike other characters, Vasilisa is distinguished by a broad worldview, sensitivity and potential that her stepmother and sisters are not endowed with.


The main characters of the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” are familiar to the audience and have familiar roles in the story. Unlike the namesake, the daughter of the sea king Vasilisa the Wise, the heroine of the work is a merchant’s daughter. Mother died early, leaving the girl a doll-amulet. Vasilisa the Beautiful, similarly, is forced to live with her stepmother and sisters, grumpy, envious and narrow-minded women.

A lonely girl constantly endured harassment from said relatives and did dirty housework, while her father agreed with everything new wife. The doll that her mother bequeathed helped Vasilisa cope with her responsibilities. Acting as a spiritual assistant, the amulet brightened up the girl’s existence and alleviated difficulties.

One day the merchant left on business, and the family decided to move to a house located not far from the forest. This fairy tale image symbolized life trials which the beauty had to go through. One evening, while sitting at work, the stepmother decided to harass Vasilisa. Having long been harboring anger at her because the suitors were wooing Vasilisa and not her older sisters, the woman sent her stepdaughter to get fire.

The women expected the beauty to die, but the amulet again came to her aid. Baba Yaga made the girl a servant. The doll did the housework for Vasilisa and helped please the old woman.

The witch, surprised at how well Vasilisa’s work was going, asked what the girl owed to such luck. Having confessed to her mother's blessing, Vasilisa received fire and returned home. The forest, standing in an enchanted state, represented kingdom of the dead, from which the heroine was lucky enough to return.

The fire burned the stepmother and daughters, after which Vasilisa the Beautiful went to the city. The king noticed her there. Having fallen in love, the ruler married the girl. The main idea legends became the idea of ​​value spiritual world, whose strength is capable of overcoming any obstacles.

Film adaptations

In 1939 he removed famous painting called "Vasilisa the Beautiful". Valentina Sorogozhskaya performed main role. Babu Yaga embodied. The plot was about how three brothers find wives after shooting with a bow. The first is a boyar’s daughter, the second is a merchant’s daughter, and the third is a frog.

An enchanted beauty was hidden in the image of the animal. The brothers became jealous and burned the skin of the enchantress. took the girl away, and Ivan had to rescue his beloved. In 1977, a cartoon was created based on the film.

In 2016, children's audiences saw the cartoon “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” on big screens. Main in a feminine way Vasilisa the Beautiful performed. The cartoon character did not resemble the heroine described in Afanasyev’s fairy tale, but it met cinematic standards of beauty.

In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took out the doll from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:

Listen, Vasilisa! Remember and fulfill my last words. I’m dying and, together with my parent’s blessing, I’m leaving you this doll; always keep it with you and don’t show it to anyone; and when some misfortune befalls you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help the misfortune.

Then the mother kissed her daughter and died.

After the death of his wife, the merchant struggled as he should, and then began to think about how to get married again. He was a good man; It wasn’t about the brides, but he liked one widow the most. She was already old, had two daughters of her own, almost the same age as Vasilisa - therefore, she was both a housewife and an experienced mother. The merchant married a widow, but was deceived and did not find in her a good mother for his Vasilisa. Vasilisa was the first beauty in the whole village; her stepmother and sisters were jealous of her beauty, tormented her with all kinds of work, so that she would lose weight from work, and turn black from the wind and sun; There was no life at all!

Vasilisa endured everything without complaint and every day she grew prettier and fatter, and meanwhile the stepmother and her daughters grew thin and ugly from anger, despite the fact that they always sat with folded arms like ladies. How was this done? Vasilisa was helped by her doll. Without this, where would a girl cope with all the work! But sometimes Vasilisa herself wouldn’t eat, but would leave the doll’s most delicious morsel, and in the evening, after everyone had settled down, she would lock herself in the closet where she lived and treat her, saying:

Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! I live in my father’s house, I don’t see any joy for myself; The evil stepmother is driving me out of the world. Will you teach me how to be and live and what to do?

The doll eats, and then gives her advice and consoles her in grief, and the next morning she does all the work for Vasilisa; she is just resting in the cold and picking flowers, but her beds have already been weeded, and the cabbage has been watered, and the water has been applied, and the stove has been heated. The doll will also show Vasilisa some grass for sunburn. It was good for her to live with her doll.

Several years have passed; Vasilisa grew up and became a bride. All the suitors in the city are wooing Vasilisa; No one will even look at stepmother's daughters. The stepmother gets angrier than ever and answers all the suitors:

I won’t give the younger one away before the older ones! And while seeing off the suitors, he takes out his anger on Vasilisa with beatings. One day, a merchant needed to leave home for a long time "on trade matters. The stepmother moved to live in another house, and near this house there was a dense forest, and in the forest in a clearing there was a hut, and Baba Yaga lived in the hut; she was nobody She didn’t let people near her and ate them like chickens. Having moved in for a housewarming party, the merchant’s wife continually sent her hated Vasilisa into the forest for something, but this one always returned home safely: the doll showed her the way and did not let her near Baba Yaga’s hut.

Autumn came. The stepmother gave all three girls evening work: one made her weave lace, the other knit stockings, and Vasilisa made her spin, and gave everyone homework. She put out the fire in the whole house, left only one candle where the girls were working, and went to bed herself. The girls were working. Here's what's burned on the candle; one of the stepmother’s daughters took the tongs to straighten the lamp, but instead, on her mother’s orders, she accidentally put out the candle.

What should we do now? - the girls said. “There is no fire in the whole house, and our lessons are not over.” We must run to Baba Yaga for fire!

The pins make me feel bright! - said the one who wove lace. - I will not go.

“And I won’t go,” said the one who was knitting the stocking. - I feel light from the knitting needles!

“You have to go get the fire,” they both shouted. - Go to Baba Yaga! And they pushed Vasilisa out of the upper room.

Vasilisa went to her closet, placed the prepared dinner in front of the doll and said:

Here, little doll, eat and listen to my grief: they send me to Baba Yaga for fire; Baba Yaga will eat me!

The doll ate, and her eyes sparkled like two candles.

Don't be afraid, Vasilisa! - she said. - Go wherever they send you, just keep me with you at all times. With me, nothing will happen to you at Baba Yaga's.

Vasilisa got ready, put her doll in her pocket and, crossing herself, went into the dense forest.

She walks and trembles. Suddenly a rider gallops past her: he is white, dressed in white, the horse under him is white, and the harness on the horse is white - it began to dawn in the yard.

Vasilisa walked all night and all day, only by the next evening she came out into the clearing where the Baba Yaga’s hut stood; a fence around the hut made of human bones; human skulls with eyes stick out on the fence; instead of doors at the gate there are human legs, instead of locks there are hands, instead of a lock there is a mouth with sharp teeth. Vasilisa was stupefied with horror and stood rooted to the spot. Suddenly the rider rides again: he is black, dressed all in black and on a black horse; galloped up to Baba Yaga's gate and disappeared, as if he had fallen through the ground - night fell. But the darkness did not last long: the eyes of all the skulls on the fence glowed, and the entire clearing became as light as day. Vasilisa was trembling with fear, but not knowing where to run, she remained in place.

Soon a terrible noise was heard in the forest: trees were cracking, dry leaves were crunching; Baba Yaga left the forest - she rode in a mortar, drove with a pestle, and covered her tracks with a broom. She drove up to the gate, stopped and, sniffing around her, shouted:

Fu, fu! Smells like the Russian spirit! Who is there?

Vasilisa approached the old woman with fear and, bowing low, said:

It's me, grandma! My stepmother's daughters sent me to you for fire.

“Okay,” said Baba Yaga, “I know them, if you live and work for me, then I’ll give you fire; and if not, then I will eat you! Then she turned to the gate and screamed:

Hey, my strong locks, open up; My gates are wide, open!

The gates opened, and Baba Yaga drove in, whistling, Vasilisa came in behind her, and then everything was locked again.

Entering the upper room, Baba Yaga stretched out and said to Vasilisa:

Bring me what’s in the oven here: I’m hungry. Vasilisa lit a torch from those skulls that were on the fence, and began to take food out of the stove and serve it to the yaga, and there was enough food for about ten people; from the cellar she brought kvass, honey, beer and wine. The old woman ate everything, drank everything; Vasilisa only left a little bacon, a crust of bread and a piece of pig meat. Baba Yaga began to go to bed and said:

When I leave tomorrow, you look - clean the yard, sweep the hut, cook dinner, prepare the laundry, and go to the bin, take a quarter of the wheat and clear it of nigella. Let everything be done, otherwise I’ll eat you!

After such an order, Baba Yaga began to snore; and Vasilisa placed the old woman’s scraps in front of the doll, burst into tears and said:

Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! Baba Yaga gave me a hard job and threatens to eat me if I don’t do everything; help me!

The doll replied:

Don't be afraid, Vasilisa the Beautiful! Have dinner, pray and go to bed; morning is wiser than evening!

Vasilisa woke up early, and Baba Yaga had already gotten up and looked out the window: the eyes of the skulls were going out; then a white horseman flashed by - and it was completely dawn. Baba Yaga went out into the yard, whistled - a mortar with a pestle and a broom appeared in front of her. The red horseman flashed by - the sun rose. Baba Yaga sat in the mortar and left the yard, driving with a pestle and covering the trail with a broom. Vasilisa was left alone, looked around Baba Yaga’s house, marveled at the abundance in everything and stopped in thought: what work should she take on first. He looks, and all the work has already been done; The doll was picking out the last nigella grains from the wheat.

Oh you, my deliverer! - Vasilisa said to the doll. - You saved me from trouble.

All you have to do is cook dinner,” answered the doll, getting into Vasilisa’s pocket. - Cook with God, and rest well!

By evening, Vasilisa has prepared the table and is waiting for Baba Yaga. It began to get dark, a black horseman flashed behind the gate - and it became completely dark; only the eyes of the skulls glowed. The trees crackled, the leaves crunched - Baba Yaga is riding. Vasilisa met her.

Is everything done? - asks the yaga.

Please see for yourself, grandma! - said Vasilisa.

Baba Yaga looked at everything, was annoyed that there was nothing to be angry about, and said:

OK then! Then she shouted"

My faithful servants, dear friends, grind my wheat!

Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the wheat and carried it out of sight. Baba Yaga ate her fill, went to bed, and again gave orders to Vasilisa:

Tomorrow you do the same as today, and in addition, take poppy seeds from the bin and clear it from the earth, grain by grain, you see, someone out of malice mixed the earth into it!

The old woman said, turned to the wall and began to snore, and Vasilisa began to feed her doll. The doll ate and said to her as yesterday:

Pray to God and go to bed: the morning is wiser than the evening, everything will be done, Vasilisa!

The next morning, Baba Yaga again left the yard in a mortar, and Vasilisa and the doll immediately corrected all the work. The old woman returned, looked at everything and shouted:

My faithful servants, dear friends, squeeze the oil out of the poppy seed! Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the poppy and took it out of sight. Baba Yaga sat down to dinner; she eats, and Vasilisa stands silently.

Why don't you say anything to me? - said Baba Yaga. - Are you standing there dumb?

“I didn’t dare,” Vasilisa answered, “but if you allow me, I would like to ask you something.”

Ask; But not every question leads to good: if you know a lot, you will soon grow old!

I want to ask you, grandmother, only about what I saw: when I was walking towards you, a rider on a white horse, white himself and in white clothes, overtook me: who is he?

“This is my clear day,” answered Baba Yaga.

Then another rider on a red horse overtook me, himself red and dressed all in red; Who is this?

This is my red sun! - answered Baba Yaga.

And what does the black horseman mean who “overtook me at your very gates, grandmother?

This is my dark night - all my servants are faithful! Vasilisa remembered the three pairs of hands and was silent.

Why aren't you asking yet? - said Baba Yaga.

This will be enough for me; You yourself, grandmother, said that if you learn a lot, you will grow old.

It’s good,” said Baba Yaga, “that you only ask about what you saw outside the yard, and not in the yard!” I don’t like to have my dirty laundry washed out in public, and I eat people who are too curious! Now I ask you: how do you manage to do the work that I ask you?

My mother’s blessing helps me,” Vasilisa answered.

So that's it! Get away from me, blessed daughter! I don't need the blessed ones.

She pulled Vasilisa out of the room and pushed her out the gate, took one skull with burning eyes from the fence and, putting it on a stick, gave it to her and said:

Here's a fire for your stepmother's daughters, take it; That's why they sent you here.

Vasilisa started running in the light of the skull, which went out only with the onset of morning, and finally, by the evening of the next day, she reached her home. Approaching the gate, she wanted to throw the skull: “That’s right, at home,” she thinks to herself, “they don’t need fire anymore.” But suddenly a dull voice was heard from the skull:

Don't leave me, take me to my stepmother!

She looked at her stepmother’s house and, not seeing a light in any window, decided to go there with the skull. For the first time they greeted her kindly and told her that since she left, they had no fire in the house: they could not make it themselves, and the fire they brought from the neighbors went out as soon as they entered the room with it.

Perhaps your fire will hold on! - said the stepmother. They brought the skull into the upper room; and the eyes from the skull just look at the stepmother and her daughters, and they burn! They wanted to hide, but no matter where they rush, eyes follow them everywhere; by morning they were completely burned into coal; Vasilisa alone was not touched.

In the morning, Vasilisa buried the skull in the ground, locked the house, went into the city and asked to live with a rootless old woman; lives for himself and waits for his father. Here's what she says to the old lady:

I'm bored of sitting idle, grandma! Go and buy me the best linen; At least I'll spin.

The old woman bought good flax; Vasilisa sat down to work, her work is burning, and the yarn comes out smooth and thin, like a hair. There was a lot of yarn; It’s time to start weaving, but they won’t find reeds that are suitable for Vasilisa’s yarn; no one undertakes to do something. Vasilisa began to ask for her doll, and she said:

Bring me some old reed, an old shuttle, and some horse mane; I'll make everything for you.

Vasilisa got everything she needed and went to bed, and the doll prepared a glorious figure overnight. By the end of winter, the fabric is woven, and so thin that it can be threaded through a needle instead of a thread. In the spring the canvas was whitened, and Vasilisa said to the old woman:

Sell ​​this painting, grandma, and take the money for yourself. The old woman looked at the goods and gasped:

No, child! There is no one except the king to wear such a linen; I'll take it to the palace.

The old woman went to the royal chambers and kept pacing past the windows. The king saw and asked:

What do you want, old lady?

“Your Royal Majesty,” the old woman answers, “I brought a strange product; I don’t want to show it to anyone except you.

The king ordered the old woman to be let in and when he saw the painting, he was astonished.

What do you want for it? - asked the king.

There is no price for him, Father Tsar! I brought it to you as a gift.

The king thanked him and sent the old woman away with gifts.

They began to sew shirts for the king from that linen; They cut them open, but nowhere could they find a seamstress who would undertake to work on them. They searched for a long time; Finally the king called the old woman and said:

You knew how to strain and weave such a fabric, you know how to sew shirts from it.

“It was not I, sir, who spun and wove the linen,” said the old woman, “this is the work of my adopted son, the girl.”

Well, let her sew it!

The old woman returned home and told Vasilisa about everything.

“I knew,” Vasilisa tells her, “that this work of my hands would not escape.”

She locked herself in her room and got to work; She sewed tirelessly, and soon a dozen shirts were ready.

The old woman took the shirts to the king, and Vasilisa washed herself, combed her hair, got dressed and sat down under the window. He sits and waits for what will happen. He sees: the king’s servant is coming to the old woman’s courtyard; entered the upper room and said:

The Tsar-Sovereign wants to see the artisan who made the shirts for him, and to reward her from his royal hands.

Vasilisa went and appeared before the king's eyes. When the Tsar saw Vasilisa the Beautiful, he fell in love with her without memory.

No,” he says, “my beauty!” I will not part with you; you will be my wife.

Then the king took Vasilisa by the white hands, sat her down next to him, and there they celebrated the wedding. Vasilisa’s father soon returned, rejoiced over her fate and remained to live with his daughter. Vasilisa took the old woman in with her, and at the end of her life she always carried the doll in her pocket.

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The fairy tale of Vasilisa the Beautiful

Russian folktale

Read the fairy tale of Vasilisa the Beautiful:

In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took out the doll from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:

- Listen, Vasilisa! Remember and fulfill my last words. I’m dying and, together with my parent’s blessing, I’m leaving you this doll. Always keep her with you and don’t show her to anyone, and when some misfortune happens to you, give her something to eat and ask her for advice. She will eat and tell you how to help the misfortune. Then the mother kissed her daughter and died.

After the death of his wife, the merchant struggled as he should, and then began to think about how to get married again. He was a good man; It wasn’t about the brides, but he liked one widow the most. She was already old, had two daughters of her own, almost the same age as Vasilisa - therefore, she was both an experienced housewife and mother. The merchant married a widow, but was deceived and did not find in her a good mother for his Vasilisa.

Vasilisa was the first beauty in the whole village; her stepmother and sisters were jealous of her beauty, tormented her with all kinds of work, so that she would lose weight from work, and turn black from the wind and sun - there was no life at all!
Vasilisa endured everything without complaint and every day she grew prettier and fatter, and meanwhile the stepmother and her daughters grew thin and ugly from anger, despite the fact that they always sat with folded arms like ladies.

How was this done? Vasilisa was helped by her doll. Without this, where would a girl cope with all the work! But sometimes Vasilisa herself wouldn’t eat, but would leave the doll’s most delicious morsel, and in the evening, after everyone had settled down, she would lock herself in the closet where she lived and treat her, saying:

- Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! I live in my father’s house - I don’t see any joy for myself. The evil stepmother is driving me out of the world. Will you teach me how to be and live and what to do?

The doll eats, and then gives her advice and consoles her in grief, and the next morning she does all the work for Vasilisa; she is just resting in the cold and picking flowers, but her beds have already been weeded, and the cabbage has been watered, and the water has been applied, and the stove has been heated. The doll will also show Vasilisa some grass for sunburn. It was good for her to live with her doll.

Several years have passed. Vasilisa grew up and became a bride. All the suitors in the city are wooing Vasilisa; no one will even look at her stepmother’s daughters. The stepmother gets angrier than ever and answers all the suitors: “I won’t give the younger one away before the older ones!” - and while seeing off the suitors, he takes out his anger on Vasilisa with beatings.

One day, a merchant needed to leave home for a long time on trade business. The stepmother moved to live in another house, and near this house there was a dense forest, and in the forest in a clearing there was a hut, and Baba Yaga lived in the hut. She didn’t let anyone near her and ate people like chickens. Having moved to the housewarming party, the merchant's wife continually sent her hated Vasilisa into the forest for something, but this one always returned home safely: the doll showed her the way and did not let her near Baba Yaga's hut.

Autumn came. The stepmother gave all three girls evening work: one made her weave lace, the other knit stockings, and Vasilisa made her spin, and gave everyone homework. She put out the fire in the whole house, left only one candle where the girls were working, and went to bed. The girls were working. This is what burned on the candle. One of the stepmother’s daughters took the tongs to straighten the lamp, but instead, on her mother’s orders, as if by accident, she put out the candle.

“What should we do now?” the girls said. -There is no fire in the whole house, and our lessons are not over. We must run to Baba Yaga for fire!
- The pins make me feel bright! - said the one who wove the lace. - I will not go!
“And I won’t go,” said the one who was knitting the stocking, “the knitting needles make me light!”
“You should go get the fire,” they both shouted, “go to Baba Yaga!” - and they pushed Vasilisa out of the room.

Vasilisa went to her closet, placed the prepared dinner in front of the doll and said:
“Here, doll, eat and listen to my grief: they are sending me to Baba Yaga for fire.” Baba Yaga will eat me!

The doll ate, and her eyes sparkled like two candles.
- Don't be afraid, Vasilisa! - she said.
“Go wherever they send you, but always keep me with you.” With me, nothing will happen to you at Baba Yaga's.

Vasilisa got ready, put her doll in her pocket and, crossing herself, went into the dense forest. She walks and trembles. Suddenly a horseman gallops past her: he is white, dressed in white, the horse under him is white and the harness on the horse is white - it began to dawn in the yard.

She goes further, as another horseman gallops: he himself is red, dressed in red and on a red horse - the sun began to rise.
Vasilisa walked all night and all day, only the next evening she came out into the clearing where Baba Yaga’s hut stood.

The fence around the hut is made of human bones; human skulls with eyes stick out on the fence. Instead of fences (pillars) at the gate there are human legs, instead of locks there are hands, instead of a lock there is a mouth with sharp teeth. Vasilisa was stunned with horror and stood rooted to the spot.

Suddenly the rider rides again: he is black, dressed all in black and on a black horse. He galloped up to Baba Yaga's gate and disappeared, as if he had fallen through the ground - night fell. But the darkness did not last long: the eyes of all the skulls on the fence glowed, and the entire clearing became as light as the middle of the day. Vasilisa was trembling with fear, but not knowing where to run, she remained in place.

Soon a terrible noise was heard in the forest: the trees were cracking, dry leaves were crunching, Baba Yaga rode out of the forest - riding in a mortar, driving with a pestle, covering the trail with a broom. She drove up to the gate, stopped and, sniffing around her, shouted:
- ugh, ugh! Smells like the Russian spirit! Who is there?

Vasilisa approached the old woman with fear and, bowing low, said:
- It's me, grandma! My stepmother's daughters sent me to you for fire.

“Okay,” said Baba Yaga, “I know them, if you live and work for me, then I’ll give you fire, and if not, I’ll eat you!” “Then she turned to the gate and screamed: “Hey, my locks are strong, open up, my gates are wide, open up!”
The gates opened, and Baba Yaga drove in, whistling, Vasilisa came in after her, and then everything was locked again.

Entering the upper room, Baba Yaga stretched out and said to Vasilisa:
“Bring me here what’s in the oven; I want to eat.

Vasilisa lit a splinter from those skulls that were on the fence, and began to take food from the stove and serve it to Baba Yaga, and the food was prepared for about ten people. From the cellar she brought kvass, honey, beer and wine. The old woman ate everything, drank everything; Vasilisa only left a little bacon, a crust of bread and a piece of pig meat.

Baba Yaga began to go to bed and said:
- When I leave tomorrow, you look - clean the yard, sweep the hut, cook dinner, prepare the laundry, and go to the bin, take a quarter of the wheat and clear it of the nigella. Let everything be done, otherwise I’ll eat you!

After such an order, Baba Yaga began to snore, and Vasilisa placed the old woman’s leftovers in front of the doll, burst into tears and said:
- Here, doll, eat, listen to my grief! Baba Yaga gave me a difficult job and threatens to eat me if I don’t do everything. Help me!

The doll replied:
- Don’t be afraid, Vasilisa the Beautiful! Have dinner, pray and go to bed: the morning is wiser than the evening!

Vasilisa woke up early, and Baba Yaga had already gotten up and looked out the window: the eyes of the skulls were going out. Then a white horseman flashed by - and it was completely dawn. Baba Yaga went out into the courtyard, whistled - a mortar with a pestle and a broom appeared in front of her. The red horseman flashed by and the sun rose. Baba Yaga sat in the mortar and left the yard, driving with a pestle and covering the trail with a broom. Vasilisa was left alone, looked around Baba Yaga’s house, marveled at the abundance in everything and stopped in thought: what work should she take on first. He looks, and all the work has already been done; The doll was picking out the last nigella grains from the wheat.

- Oh, my savior! - Vasilisa said to the doll. - You saved me from trouble!
“All you have to do is cook dinner,” answered the doll, getting into Vasilisa’s pocket, “cook it with God, and rest well!”

By evening, Vasilisa has prepared the table and is waiting for Baba Yaga. It began to get dark, a black horseman flashed behind the gate - and it became completely dark, only the eyes of the skulls glowed. The trees crackled, the leaves crunched - Baba Yaga is coming. Vasilisa met her.
- Is everything done? - asks Baba Yaga.
- Please see for yourself, grandma! - said Vasilisa.

Baba Yaga looked at everything, was annoyed that there was nothing to be angry about, and said:
- OK then! “Then she shouted: “My faithful servants, dear friends, sweep away my wheat!”

Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the wheat and carried it out of sight. Baba Yaga ate her fill, went to bed, and again gave orders to Vasilisa:
“Tomorrow you do the same as today, and in addition, take poppy seeds from the bin and clear them from the earth, grain by grain: you see, someone out of malice mixed the earth into it!”

The old woman said, turned to the wall and began to snore, and Vasilisa began to feed her doll. The doll ate and said to her as yesterday:
- Pray to God and go to bed; morning is wiser than evening, everything will be done, Vasilisa!

The next morning, Baba Yaga again left the yard in a mortar, and Vasilisa and the doll immediately corrected all the work. The old woman returned, looked at everything and shouted:
“My faithful servants, dear friends, squeeze the oil out of the poppy seeds!”

Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the poppy and took it out of sight. Baba Yaga sat down to dinner; she eats, and Vasilisa stands silently.
- Why don’t you say anything to me? - said Baba Yaga. - You stand there dumb!
“I didn’t dare,” answered Vasilisa, “but if you allow me, I would like to ask you something.”
- Ask, but not every question leads to good: if you know a lot, you will soon grow old!
“I want to ask you, grandma, only about what I saw.” When I was walking towards you, a rider on a white horse overtook me, he was white and in white clothes. Who is he?

- This is my clear day! - answered Baba Yaga.
“Then another rider on a red horse overtook me, he was red and dressed all in red. Who is this?
- This is my red sun! - answered Baba Yaga.
“And what does the black horseman mean who overtook me at your very gate, grandmother?”
- This is my dark night - all my faithful servants! Vasilisa remembered the three pairs of hands and was silent.

- Why don’t you ask yet? - said Baba Yaga.
“I’ll have enough of this, you yourself, grandma, said that you’ll learn a lot - you’ll grow old!”
“It’s good,” said Baba Yaga, “that you only ask about what you saw outside the yard, and not in the yard!” I don’t like to have my dirty laundry washed out in public, and I eat people who are too curious! Now I ask you: how do you manage to do the work that I ask you?
“My mother’s blessing helps me,” answered Vasilisa.
- So that's it! Get away from me, blessed daughter! I don't need the blessed ones!

She pulled Vasilisa out of the room and pushed her out the gate, took one skull with burning eyes from the fence and, putting it on a stick, gave it to her and said:
“Here’s a fire for your stepmother’s daughters, take it: that’s what they sent you here for.”

Vasilisa ran home by the light of the skull, which went out only with the onset of morning, and finally, by the evening of the next day, she reached her home. Approaching the gate, she wanted to throw the skull. “That’s right, at home,” he thinks to himself, “they don’t need fire anymore.” But suddenly a dull voice was heard from the skull:
- Don’t leave me, take me to my stepmother!

She looked at her stepmother’s house and, not seeing a light in any window, decided to go there with the skull. For the first time they greeted her kindly and told her that since she left they had not had a fire in the house. There was no way they could cut it out themselves, and whatever fire they brought from neighbors went out as soon as they entered the room with it.

- Perhaps your fire will hold on! - said the stepmother.

They brought the skull into the room, and the eyes from the skull just looked at the stepmother and her daughters, and they burned! They were trying to hide, but no matter where they rush, eyes follow them everywhere. By morning they were completely burned into charcoal, only Vasilisa was left untouched.

In the morning, Vasilisa buried the skull in the ground, locked the house, went into the city and asked to live with a rootless old woman. He lives for himself and waits for his father. Here's what she says to the old lady:
- I'm bored of sitting idle, grandma! Go and buy me the best flax, at least I’ll spin it.

The old lady bought some good flax. Vasilisa sat down to work - her work is burning, and the yarn comes out smooth and thin, like a hair. There was a lot of yarn; It’s time to start weaving, but they won’t find reeds that are suitable for Vasilisa’s yarn; no one undertakes to do something. Vasilisa began to ask for her doll, and she said:
“Bring me some old reed, an old shuttle, and a horse’s mane: I’ll make it all for you.”

Vasilisa got everything she needed and went to bed, and the doll prepared a glorious figure overnight. By the end of winter, the fabric is woven, and so thin that it can be threaded through a needle instead of a thread. In the spring the canvas was whitened, and Vasilisa said to the old woman:
- Sell this painting, grandma, and take the money for yourself. The old woman looked at the goods and gasped:
- No, child! No one except the king could wear such a cloth. I'll take it to the palace. The old woman went to the royal chambers and kept pacing past the windows. The king saw and asked:
- What do you want, old lady?
“Your Royal Majesty,” the old woman answers, “I brought a strange product.” I don’t want to show it to anyone except you.

The king ordered the old woman to be let in and, when he saw the painting, he was astonished.
- What do you want for it? - asked the king.
- There is no price for him, Father Tsar! I brought it to you as a gift.
The king thanked him and sent the old woman away with gifts.
They began to sew shirts for the king from that linen. They cut them open, but nowhere could they find a seamstress who would undertake to work on them. We searched for a long time. Finally, the king called the old woman and said:
“You knew how to strain and weave such a fabric, you know how to sew shirts from it.”
“It was not I, sir, who spun and wove the linen,” said the old woman, “it was the work of my adopted son, the girl.”
- Well, then let her sew it!

The old woman returned home and told Vasilisa about everything.
“I knew,” Vasilisa tells her, “that this work of my hands would not escape.” She locked herself in her room and got to work. She sewed tirelessly, and soon a dozen shirts were ready.

The old woman took the shirts to the king, and Vasilisa washed herself, combed her hair, got dressed and sat down under the window. He sits and waits for what will happen. He sees: the king’s servant is coming to the old woman’s courtyard, enters the upper room and says:
“The Tsar-Sovereign wants to see the artisan who made the shirts for him, and reward her from his royal hands.”

Vasilisa went and appeared before the king's eyes. When the Tsar saw Vasilisa the Beautiful, he fell in love with her without memory.
“No,” he says, “my beauty!” I will not part with you, you will be my wife.

Then the king took Vasilisa by the white hands, sat her down next to him, and there they celebrated the wedding. Vasilisa’s father soon returned, rejoiced over her fate and remained to live with his daughter. Vasilisa took the old woman in with her, and at the end of her life she always carried the doll in her pocket.

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