A fairy tale ordered by a pike to read. Fairy tale "At the command of the pike"

Russian folk tale

Three brothers lived in one small village: Semyon, Vasily and the third - Emelya the Fool. The older brothers were married and engaged in trade, and Emelya the Fool still lay on the stove, shoveled soot and slept for several days without waking. And then one day the brothers decided to go to the capital city to buy goods. They woke Emelya up, pulled him off the stove and told him: “We, Emelya, are leaving for the capital city to buy various goods, and you live well with your daughters-in-law, listen to them if they ask you to help them with anything. If you listen to them, then for this we will bring you a red caftan, a red cap and a red belt from the city, and besides, many more gifts.” And Emelya liked red clothes most of all; he was delighted with such outfits and clapped his hands with joy: “Everything, brothers, will be done for your wives, if you just buy such outfits!” He climbed onto the stove again and immediately fell into a sound sleep. And the brothers said goodbye to their wives and went to the capital city. So Emelya sleeps for a day, others sleep, and on the third day his daughters-in-law wake him up: “Get up, Emelya, from the stove, you probably got enough sleep, because you’ve been sleeping for three days. Go to the river for water!” And he answers them: “Don’t pester me, I really want to sleep. And you’re not ladies, get out of the water!” - “You gave your word to your brothers that you would obey us! But you yourself refuse. In this case, we will write to the brothers so that they do not buy you a red caftan, a red hat, a red belt, or gifts.”

Then Emelya quickly jumps off the stove, puts on his supports and a thin caftan, all smeared with soot (and he never wore a hat), took the buckets and went to the river.

And so, when he filled the hole with water and was about to go, he saw a pike suddenly appear from the hole. He thought: “My daughters-in-law will bake me a good pie!” He put down the buckets and grabbed the pike; but the pike suddenly spoke in a human voice. Even though Emelya was a fool, he knew that the fish did not speak in a human voice, and he was very scared. And the pike said to him: “Let me go into the water to freedom! I will be useful to you over time, I will carry out all your orders. Just say: “By pike command, and according to my request, “and everything will be for you.”

And Emelya let her go. He let go and thought: “Or maybe she deceived me?” He approached the buckets and shouted in a loud voice: “By the pike’s command, and by my request, buckets, go up the mountain yourself, and don’t spill a single drop of water!” And before he could finish his last word, the buckets began to flow.

The people saw and were surprised by such a miracle: “How long have we lived in the world, not only have we seen, we haven’t even heard of buckets moving on their own, but this fool Emelya walks on their own, and he walks behind and chuckles!”

When the buckets came to the house, the daughters-in-law were surprised at such a miracle, and he quickly climbed onto the stove and fell asleep in a heroic sleep.

Quite a long time passed, their supply of chopped firewood ran out, and the daughters-in-law decided to bake pancakes. They wake up Emelya: “Emelya, oh Emelya!” And he replies: “Don’t pester me... I want to sleep!” - “Go chop some wood and bring it to the hut. We want to bake pancakes and we’ll feed you the richest ones.” - “And they’re not ladies themselves - go, pin them and bring them back!” - “And if we just chop the wood ourselves, then we won’t give you a single pancake!”

Emelya loved pancakes very much. He took the ax and went into the yard. I stabbed and stabbed, and I thought: “Why am I stabbing, you fool, let the pike stabbing.” And he said to himself in a quiet voice: “At the command of the pike, and at my request, an ax, if there is firewood, and firewood, fly to the hut yourself.” And at one moment the ax chopped up the entire supply of firewood; suddenly the door opened and a huge bundle of firewood flew into the hut. The daughters-in-law gasped: “What happened to Emelya, he really works some miracles!” And he entered the hut and climbed onto the stove. The daughters-in-law lit the stove, baked pancakes, sat down at the table and ate. And they woke him up and woke him up, but they never woke him up.

After some time, their entire supply of firewood ran out, they needed to go to the forest. They started to wake him up again: “Emelya, get up, wake up, he probably got enough sleep! If only you washed your terrible face, look how dirty you are!” - “Wash yourself if you need to! But I’m already fine...” - “Go to the forest for firewood, we don’t have firewood!” - “Go yourself - not ladies. I brought you firewood, but they didn’t feed me pancakes!” - “We woke you up, woke you up, but you don’t even raise your voice! It’s not our fault, it’s your fault. Why didn’t you get down?” - “I’m warm on the stove... And you should have taken and put at least three blinkas for me. When I woke up, I would have eaten them.” - “You contradict everything with us, you don’t listen to us! You need to write to your brothers so that they don’t buy you any red outfits or gifts!”

Then Emelya got scared, puts on his thin caftan, takes an ax, goes out into the yard, wraps up the sleigh and picks up a club. And the daughters-in-law came out to watch: “Why don’t you harness the horse? How can you go without a horse?” - “Why torture the poor horse! I can ride without a horse.” - “You should at least put a hat on your head or tie something! It’s freezing, you’ll frostbite your ears.” - “If my ears get cold, I’ll block them with my hair!” And he himself said in a quiet voice: “At the behest of the pike, and at my request, go yourself, sleigh, into the forest and fly faster than any bird.” And before Emelya had time to finish his last words, the gates opened and the sleigh faster than a bird flew towards the forest. And Emelya sits, raising his club up, and, no matter what voices there are, he hums stupid songs. And his hair stands on end.

The forest was outside the city. And so he has to pass through the city. But the city public did not have time to run away from the road: they were interested - some fellow was riding without a horse, in only a sleigh! Whoever grabbed his sleigh, he hit him with a club - whatever he hit. So he galloped through the city and crushed many people and beat many with his club. He arrived in the forest and shouted in a loud voice:

“At the command of the pike, at my request, an axe, chop the wood yourself, and fly the wood into the sleigh yourself!”

As soon as he had time to finish his speech, he already had a cartload of firewood and was tied down tightly. Then he got on the cart and drove again through this city. And the streets were jammed with people. And everyone is talking about the fellow who rode in the same sleigh without a horse. On the way back, when Emelya passed by with a cart of firewood, he crushed people even more and beat him with a club even more than the first time. He came home, climbed onto the stove, and his daughters-in-law gasped: “What happened to Emelya, he works some miracles: his buckets move on their own, and firewood flies into the hut on its own, and a sleigh drives without a horse! We won’t have a good time with him. He’s probably crushed a lot of people in the city, and he and I will be put in prison!”

And they decided not to send him anywhere else. And Emelya sleeps peacefully on the stove, but when she wakes up, she shovels the soot in the chimney and falls asleep again.

A rumor reached the king about Emelya that there was a man whose sleigh drove itself and that he had crushed a lot of people in the city. The king calls his faithful servant and orders him: “Go and find me this young man and bring him personally to me!”

The royal servant goes on a search in different cities, towns, and hamlets, and everywhere he gets the same answer: “We’ve heard of such a fellow, but we don’t know where he lives.” Finally, he finds himself in the city where Emelya crushed many people. And this city is located seven miles from Emelya’s village, and just one man from Emelya’s village came into the conversation and told him that such a fine fellow lives in his village - this is Emelya the Fool. Then the king’s servant comes to Emelina’s village, goes to the village elder and says to him: “Let’s go and take this fellow who has suppressed so many people.”

When the royal servant and the headman came to Emelya’s house, the daughters-in-law were very frightened: “We are lost! This fool not only ruined himself, but also us.” And the royal servant asks his daughters-in-law: “Where is Emelya?” - “He’s sleeping on the stove.” Then the royal servant shouted in a loud voice at Emelya: “Emelya, get off the stove!” - “Why is this? It’s warm for me even on the stove. Don’t pester me, I want to sleep!”

And again he snored deeply. But the royal servant, together with the headman, wanted to drag him off the stove by force. When Emelya felt that he had been dragged from the stove, he shouted at the top of his lungs in a loud voice: “By the pike’s command, and by Emelya’s request, appear, bludgeon, and give the king’s servant and our elder a good treat!”

And suddenly the club appeared - as it began to mercilessly beat both the headman and the king’s servant! They barely made it out of this hut alive. The royal servant saw that there was no way to take Emelya, he went to the king and told him everything in detail: “Look, your royal majesty, how my whole body is beaten.” And he lifted his shirt, and his body was like cast iron, black, all covered in abrasions. Then the king calls another servant and says: “I found one, and you go and bring it. And if you don’t bring it, then I’ll take your head off, and if you bring it, I’ll reward you generously!”

Another royal servant asked the first where Emelya lived. He told him everything. He hired three horses and went to Emelya. When he arrived in Emelya’s village, he turned to the headman: “Show me where Emelya lives and help me take him.” The headman is afraid of angering the king’s servant - he can’t, he’ll punish him, and he’s even more afraid of being beaten by an emel. He told him everything in detail and said that Emelya could not be taken by force. Then the king’s servant says: “So how can we take him?” The headman says: “He really loves gifts: sweets and gingerbread.”

The king's servant collected gifts, came to Emelya's house and began to wake him up: "Emelya, get off the stove, the king has sent you a lot of gifts." When Emelya heard this, he was delighted and said: “Come on, I’ll eat them on the stove - why should I get down? And then I’ll rest.” And the king’s servant says to him: “You will eat the goodies, but will you go and visit the king? He ordered you to come and visit.” - “Why not go? I love to ride.” And the daughters-in-law said to the king’s servant: “It’s better to give him what you intend to give to the stove. And if he promised to come to the king, then he will not deceive, he will come.”

And so they gave him gifts, he ate them. The king's servant says: "Well, I've eaten enough of the goodies, now let's go to the king." Emelya answered him: “You go, the king’s servant... I’ll catch up with you: I won’t deceive you, I’ll come,” - he lay down and began snoring throughout the entire hut.

And the royal servant once again asked his daughters-in-law, is it true that if he promises something, then he does it afterwards? They, of course, confirmed that he never really cheats. The royal servant has left, and Emelya is sleeping peacefully on the stove. And when he wakes up, he clicks the seeds, then falls asleep again.

And now quite a lot of time has passed, and Emelya does not even think about going to the Tsar. Then the daughters-in-law began to wake Emelya and scold: “You, Emelya, get up, you’ve had enough sleep!” He answers them: “Don’t pester me, I really want to sleep!” - “But you promised to go to the king! You ate the gifts, but you sleep and don’t go.” - “Okay, I’ll go now... Give me my caftan, otherwise I’ll probably get cold.” - “And you will take it yourself, because you will not ride on the stove! Get off the stove and take it.” - “No, I’ll get cold on the sleigh; I’ll lie on the stove with a caftan on top!”

But his daughters-in-law say to him: “What are you thinking and doing, fool? Where have you heard of people driving stoves!” - “It’s the people, or it’s me! I’ll go.”

And he jumped off the stove, took out his caftan from under the bench, climbed onto the stove again, covered himself and said in a loud voice: “By the pike’s command, and by my request, stove, go straight to the king’s palace!”

And the stove crackled and suddenly flew free. And faster than any bird she rushed to the king. And he hums songs at the top of his lungs and lies down. Then I fell asleep.

And as soon as the king’s servant rode into the king’s courtyard, Emelya the Fool flies in on his stove. The servant saw that he had arrived and ran to report to the king. Such an arrival interested not only the king, but also his entire retinue and his entire family. Everyone came out to look at Emelya, and he sat on the stove with his mouth open. And the king's daughter came out. When Emelya saw such a beauty, he liked her very much, and he said to himself in a quiet voice: “At the behest of the pike, at my request, fall in love, beauty, with me.” And the king orders him to get off the stove; Emelya replies: “Why is this? It’s warm for me even on the stove, I can see you all from the stove... Say what you need!” The king then said to him in a stern voice: “Why did you crush so many people when you rode in the sleigh?” - “Why don’t they turn it off? And you would stand there with your mouth open, and they would crush you!”

The Tsar was very angry at these words and ordered Emel to be pulled off the stove. And Emelya, when he saw the royal guard, said in a loud voice: “At the command of the pike, at my request, bake, fly back to your place!” And before he had time to finish his last words, the stove flew out of the royal palace with the speed of lightning. And the gates opened on their own...

He arrived home, his daughters-in-law asked him: “Well, were you with the king?” - “Of course I was. I didn’t go to the forest!” - “You, Emelya, create some miracles with us! Why does everything move for you: the sleigh drives on its own, and the stove flies by itself? Why don’t people have this?” - “No and never will be. But everyone listens to me!”

And fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, the princess began to yearn for Emelya so much that without him, God’s light was no longer dear to her. And she began to ask her father and mother to call this young man and gave her in marriage to him. The king was surprised at such a strange request from his daughter and became very angry with her. But she says: “I can’t live in this world anymore, some kind of strong melancholy has attacked me - give me in marriage to him!”

The king sees that his daughter does not give in to persuasion, does not listen to her father and mother, and decides to call on this fool Emelya. And he sends a third servant: “Go and bring him to me, but not on the stove!” And so the king’s servant comes to Emelina’s village. Since they told him that Emelya loves gifts, he collected a lot of different gifts. Upon arrival, he woke up Emelya and said: “Get off the stove, Emelya, and eat the goodies.” And he says to him: “Come on, I’ll eat the treat on the stove!” - “You probably have bedsores on your sides - you’re still lying on the stove! I want you to sit next to me, and I will treat you like a gentleman.”

Then Emelya gets off the stove and puts on her caftan. He was very afraid of catching a cold. And the caftan - there was just a name "caftan" - there was a patch hanging on a patch, it was all torn. And so the royal servant begins to treat him. And Emelya soon ate his fill of goodies and fell asleep at the table on a bench. Then the royal servant ordered Emel to put him in his carriage and so, sleepily, brought him to the palace. When the tsar found out that Emelya had arrived, he ordered a forty-bucket barrel to be rolled out and the princess and Emelya the Fool put in this barrel. When they planted it, the barrel was tarred and lowered into the sea. And Emelya sleeps soundly even in the barrel. On the third day I started waking him up beautiful princess: "Emelya, oh Emelya! Get up, wake up!" - “Don’t pester me. I want to sleep!”

She cried bitterly because he did not pay any attention to her. When he saw her bitter tears, he took pity on her and asked: “What are you crying about?” - “How can I not cry? We are thrown into the sea and sitting in a barrel.” Then Emelya said: “At the behest of the pike, and at my request, the barrel, fly ashore and crumble into small pieces!”

And they were instantly thrown ashore by a sea wave, and the barrel crumbled; and this island was so good that the beautiful princess walked around it and could not stop admiring its beauty until late at night.

When she came to the place where she left Emelya, she saw: he, covered with a caftan, was sleeping soundly. She began to wake him up: “Emelya, oh Emelya! Get up, wake up!” - “Don’t pester me! I want to sleep.” - "And I want to sleep. Yes, under open air You'll get cold at night..." - "I covered myself with a caftan." - "What am I doing?" - "What do I care?"

Then the princess cried very bitterly because he did not pay any attention to her, but she loved him with all her heart. When he saw that the princess was crying, he asked her: “What do you want?” - “Yes, at least we should make some kind of hut, otherwise it will get wet with rain.” Then he shouted in a loud voice: “By the command of the pike, and by my request, appear such a palace as there is no other in the whole world!”

And I barely managed to finish last words How a marble and very beautiful palace appeared on this beautiful island - one that does not exist and has never existed in any capital city! The princess takes Emelya by the arms and approaches this palace. And the courtiers meet them, and open the gates and doors wide for them, and bow down to the damp ground...

When they entered this palace, Emelya threw himself onto the first bed he found, without even taking off his torn caftan. Meanwhile, the princess went to inspect this magnificent palace and admire its luxury. When she came to the place where she had left Emelya, she suddenly saw that he was crying bitterly. He asks him: “What are you crying so bitterly about, dear Emelya?” - “How can I not roar and cry? I can’t find a stove, I have nothing to lie on!” - “Is it bad for you to lie on a feather bed or on a precious sofa?” - “I feel best on the stove! And besides, I have nothing to amuse myself with: I don’t see soot anywhere either...”

She calmed him down, he fell asleep again, and she left him again. And when she’s walked around the palace, she comes to Emelya and is surprised: Emelya stands in front of the mirror and swears: “I’m very ugly and bad! scary face!" And the princess answers him: “Although you are bad and unattractive, you are very dear to my heart, and I love you!” Then he said: “By the pike’s command, and by my request, I must become the most handsome young man!”

And suddenly, before the eyes of the princess, Emelya changed and turned into such a handsome hero that neither could be said in a fairy tale nor described with a pen! And with an intelligent mind... Only then did he fall in love with the princess and begin to treat her as his wife.

After not much time, they suddenly hear cannon shots at sea. Then Emelya and the beautiful princess leave their palace, and the princess recognizes her father’s ship. She says to Emela: “Go meet the guests, but I won’t go!”

When Emelya approached the pier, the king and his retinue were already going ashore. And the king marvels at this newly built palace with magnificent green gardens and asks Emelya: “Which kingdom does this precious palace belong to?” Emelya said: “This is yours.” And asks him to come and visit him to try some bread and salt.

The king entered the palace, sat down at the table, and he asked Emelya: “Where is your wife? Or are you single?” - “No, I’m married, I’ll bring you my wife now.”

Emelya went to get his wife, they approached the king, and the king was very surprised and scared, he didn’t know what to do! He asks: “Is it really you, my dear daughter?” - “Yes, I, dearest parent! You threw me and my husband into the sea in a tarred barrel, and we swam to this island, and my Emelyan Ivanovich arranged it all himself, as you can see with your own eyes.” - “How can this be? After all, he was a fool and didn’t even look like a man, but rather like some kind of monster!” - “He is the same, only now he has been reborn and changed.” Then the tsar asks for their forgiveness - both from his daughter and from his beloved son-in-law Emelyan Ivanovich; they forgave him for his guilt.

Having stayed with his son-in-law and his daughter, the king invites them to visit him in order to marry them and invite all his relatives and friends to the wedding, to which Emelya gave his consent.

when the king began to send out messengers so that everyone would come to this great feast, then Emelya also said to her beautiful princess: “And I have relatives, allow me to personally go for them. And you stay in the palace for now.” The king and the beautiful young princess, although reluctantly, still let him go, gave him three of the best horses harnessed to a gilded carriage and a coachman, and he rushed off to his village. When he began to approach his native place, driving through a dark forest, he suddenly heard a hooting sound to the side. He orders the coachman to stop the horses and tells him: “It’s some people who got lost in this dark forest!"

And he begins to respond to their voice himself. And then he sees his two brothers approaching him. Emelya asks them: “Why are you walking? good people, are you shouting so loud here? Perhaps you are lost?" - "No, we are looking for our own brother. He disappeared from us!” - “How did he disappear from you?” - “And he was taken to the king. And we think that he ran away from him and probably got lost in this dark forest, because he was a fool." - "So why should you look for a fool?" - "How can we not look for him? After all, he is for us brother, and we feel sorry for him more than we feel sorry for ourselves, because he is a wretched, stupid person!”

And the brothers had tears in their eyes. Then Emelya says to them: “This is me - your brother Emelya!” They don’t agree with him at all: “Please, don’t laugh and don’t deceive us! We’re already sick of it.”

He began to assure them, told them how everything happened to him, and remembered everything he knew about his village. And besides, he took off his clothes and said: “You know that I have a large mole on my right side, it is still on my side.”

Then the brothers believed; he put them in a gilded carriage, and they drove on. Having passed through the forest, we reached the village. Emelya hires another three horses and sends her brothers to the king on them: “And I’ll go pick up my daughters-in-law, your wives.”

When Emelya arrived in his village and entered native home, then the daughters-in-law were very scared. And he tells them: “Get ready to the king!” They could barely stand on their feet and cried bitterly: “Probably our fool Emelya has done something wrong, and the king will probably put us in prison...” And he orders: “Get equipped as quickly as possible and don’t take anything with you!” " And he seated them next to him in a gilded carriage.

So they arrive at the royal palace, where the king, and the beautiful princess, and the royal retinue, and their husbands come to meet them. The husbands say: “Why are you so upset? After all, this is our brother Emelyan Ivanovich with you!” They talk and smile cheerfully at their wives. Only then did they calm down, threw themselves at the feet of Emelyan Ivanovich and began to ask for forgiveness for their bad treatment of him earlier. Emelya forgave them everything and dressed everyone - both brothers and daughters-in-law - in precious clothes. And the king prepared a feast and gave the parental blessing to his daughter and Emela to go down the aisle. When they got married, Emelya did not hold a feast in the royal palace, but invited everyone to his palace on the island. And the entire royal retinue and guests went with great pleasure to see this wonderful island and the precious, beautiful palace. And upon arrival there they gave a feast for the whole world.

And I was there, I drank wine, beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth!

He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets. And Emelya became such that he could neither be told in a fairy tale nor described with a pen. I am the same Emelya. If I want, I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom. They put Emelya and Princess Marya in it, tarred them and threw the barrel into the sea.

The ax began to chop, chop dry firewood, and the firewood itself fell into the sleigh and was tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered an ax to cut out a club for himself - such that he could lift it with force. The nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king. The king immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled in. Emelya is very lazy, ready to lie on the stove all day. But he also has qualities that make him lucky.

The tale ends with Emelya marrying the Tsar's daughter, since he was able to prove to the Tsar his heroic strength. Together with our channel, you can take a short break and start watching cartoons online for free without registration. Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you gifts. Buckets are walking through the village, people are amazed, and Emelya walks behind, chuckling...

Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop it up. Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, and got dressed. Why did you, fool, get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse? But we had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed and crushed a lot of people. The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the city where he crushed and crushed a lot of people just now, and there they are already waiting for him.

A tale about Emelya and the pike.

Whether long or short, the king heard about Emelin’s tricks and sent an officer after him: to find him and bring him to the palace. Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask. Emelya, Emelya, the king will provide good food and water, please, let’s go.

V. Graphic analysis and writing of the lowercase letter ь

Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You suppressed a lot of people. At this time, the Tsar’s daughter, Marya the Princess, was looking at him through the window. Boring and sickening, Emelyushka! As soon as he said, a stone palace with a golden roof appeared. Princess Marya and Emelya entered the palace and sat down by the window.

Why did Emelya catch a pike?

All the days I kill myself with the housework, and look at it - I’ll have to die of hunger; but my neighbor has been lying on his side all his life, so what? - the farm is large, the profits flow into your pocket. Apparently I didn’t please God; I will begin to pray from morning to evening, maybe the Lord will have mercy.” He took the bucket, went to the well and just threw it into the water - suddenly he caught a huge pike in the bucket. The man rejoiced: “Here I am, happy holiday!”

IX. Commented writing of words and sentences

He went to church, stood at Matins and Mass, returned and began to break his fast; I had a snack and a drink, went out the gate and sat on a bench. At that time, the princess decided to take a walk through the streets, goes with her nannies and mothers and, for the sake of the holiday of Christ, gives alms to the poor; I served it to everyone, but forgot about this little guy.

How to make laziness work for you? Emelya method

So the barrel floated across the sea, was carried by violent winds and washed up on a distant shore. “What,” asks the poor man, “do you know now what thirst and hunger are?” - "I know!" - the princess answers. As soon as he spoke, a rich palace appeared; Faithful servants run out of the palace, take them by the arms, lead them into white-stone chambers and seat them at oak tables and stained tablecloths.

The poor man and the princess got drunk, ate, rested and went for a walk in the garden. They let him go: “Go, son, with God!” He saddled the heroic horse, sat down and rode off on his way.

Where would you like to go? - “I’m going, grandma, to look for a bride, but I don’t know where to look.” - “Wait, I’ll tell you, child! How long or how short did he sail on the sea, soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done - he comes to that kingdom, appears to the local king and begins to woo his daughter. If you refuse me, I’ll ruin you!” - "What you! It’s better to measure your strength with him: whichever of you wins, I’ll give my daughter for him.”

They all got up at once, equipped the ships and sailed across the sea. The princess and her husband greeted the guests with honor, and feasts and fun began again. Kings and princes, kings and princes returned back; The owner came out to them and began to say: “Is this what good people do?

Then all the other kings and princes, kings and princes laughed loudly: “Ha-ha-ha! That's how it is! The kings have already begun to steal!” The princess's father swears by all the saints that stealing was never on his mind; but how the duck got to him, he himself doesn’t know. Tell us! They found it on you, so you are the only one to blame.” Then the princess came out, rushed to her father and admitted that she was the same daughter of his, whom he married to a wretched man and put in a tar barrel: “Father!

She told him how and what had happened, and after that they all began to live and get along together, making good things and doing bad things. Emelya is not allowed to take part in serious matters of the family. At first, Emelya uses the acquired gift for everyday purposes - she makes buckets go for water, an ax - to chop wood, a club - to beat her enemies. It is interesting that, while driving her vehicles, Emelya mercilessly crushes people (“Why did they climb under the sleigh?”).

The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to treat Emelya. Emelya, let me go into the water, I will be useful to you. The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, takes him to the palace, and seats him at the table. They begin to feast.

Main character fairy tales - Emelya - absorbed both negative and positive traits an ordinary Russian guy of his time.

Unknown author

Some fairy tales appear on their own, others are invented by writers. How did the story called “At the Pike’s Command” come about? The tale, the author of which is still unknown, is a product folk art. It had several variations and different regions told differently.

The Russian ethnographer Afanasyev, following the example of the Brothers Grimm or Charles Perrault, decided to organize a voyage around the country and collect scattered legends into one voluminous work, so to speak, to systematize the national heritage. He changed the title of the story somewhat and generalized certain elements that differed depending on the region. Thanks to this, the fairy tale “Emelya and the Pike” gained popularity.

The next person to take on the familiar plot was Alexey Tolstoy. He added in folk epic literary beauty and returned the work to its old title “At the Command of the Pike.” The fairy tale, the author of which tried to make it more interesting for children, quickly spread throughout Moscow and St. Petersburg, and local theaters even added a new play to their repertoire.

Main characters

The main character of this legend is a certain not very efficient young guy Emelya. It contains those negative qualities that prevent him from leading a good life:

  • frivolity;


However, when he shows his intelligence and kindness, he comes across real luck - a pike from the ice hole.

The second character, literally the antipode of Emelya, is the pike. She is smart and fair. Fish is called upon to help a young man in his personal development, to direct his thoughts into the right direction. As is expected in such situations, Emelya and the pike became friends.

The third hero appears as a villain. The Tsar is a busy man, leading a state of many millions, whom Emelya forces with his antics to descend to the level of a commoner. The fairy tale “About Emelya and the Pike” endowed him with an envious character.

The Tsar's daughter is a prize for the main character for taking the path of correction.


The fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" begins with an introduction to the main character. He is so stupid and extremely lazy that everything assigned to him has to be remade by other people.

Emelya's daughters-in-law asked him for help through long persuasion. Nevertheless, as soon as someone promises him a reward for what he does, he will immediately set to work with double strength.

And suddenly one fine day Emelya takes out a magical pike from the hole. She offers him her service in exchange for life. The guy immediately agrees.

Magical help

After the pike becomes his magical subordinate, Emelya lives even better than before. Now he doesn’t even have to carry out very simple tasks.

Magical powers chop wood, walk on water and even beat up his enemies. Emelya remains very pleased with what is happening. He's so lazy that he doesn't even want to get up from the stove. Pike helps him in this too, turning the stove into the first prototype of a mechanical vehicle.

During such walks on horseback, Emelya can run over several peasants who come across along the road. He justifies himself by the fact that people themselves jumped under his stove.

It seems that he does not repent a bit of what he did. The fairy tale "About Emelya and the Pike" contains a hidden moral.

Tsar and Emelya

Having heard about an unprecedented miracle, a self-propelled stove, and even about the cool disposition of its owner, the Tsar decides to call Emelya to his place.

Reluctantly, the “hero” appears to look at the master’s mansions. But this trip changes the guy's whole life.

In the royal palace he meets the queen. At first, she also seems quite capricious and lazy. But Emelya decides that it’s time for him to settle down and wants to call her to be his wife.

The master's daughter does not agree at first. The monarch himself opposes such a union, harboring hopes that his daughter will marry only a noble person or a foreign king.

Emelya asks the pike to bewitch the naughty princess. As a result, the young man achieves his goal. The girl agrees. They are getting married.

The angry king locks the eternally in love couple in a barrel and throws them into the sea. Emelya asks the pike to save them. She makes sure that the barrel arrives at the shore, and they get out of it.

The guy asks the pike to build himself a huge palace and turn him into a handsome man. The magic fish makes wishes come true.

The happy newlyweds live happily ever after until an angry king comes to visit them. His palace is much smaller than Emelya's. The main character graciously forgives the sovereign for the entire past. He invites him to have lunch with them. During the banquet, Emelya confesses to him who he really is. The king remains amazed at the young man's dexterity and intelligence. Now he understands that this is exactly the guy who should have married his daughter.

“At the command of the pike” is a kind and instructive fairy tale. Its end leaves no specific direction for action. On the contrary, everyone must think for themselves and decide for themselves what is right in life and what is not worth doing.

“At the command of the pike” (Russian fairy tale): analysis

This story is a bit like a dream Slavic peoples by using magical powers get everything you want without straining too much.

At the same time, Emelya managed to catch a pike only on his own, when he finally began to do at least something conscientiously.

Before the eyes of the readers, a complete quitter evolves into a hardworking, decent person. Having received sufficient motivation in the form of love for the princess, he forgets about the desire to remain a lazy person, to live only for his own pleasure, and gets down to business.

If the pike does not make much of an impression on him, he initially takes her for granted, then the girl’s first refusal awakens feelings in him.

At that moment, when Emelya on the stove begins to crush passers-by, according to many researchers of the fairy tale, the guy begins to show royal traits. After this incident, even the monarch turned his attention to him.

It is possible that our ancestors, who created the fairy tale, saw in Emelya’s last external transformation also internal changes for the better.

When he became more beautiful, he was able to forgive and understand the king, and became kinder and more attentive to others. People with visible distinctive signs on the face were usually considered bad or even familiar with evil spirits.

As long as Emelya looked like an ordinary, not very pleasant guy, he could not become a king. With the acquisition inner beauty everything changed immediately.

Traditional Russian fairy tales always have a hopeful ending. Most likely, this is how the peasants of that time imagined their happiest day.

"At the behest of the pike"

The catchphrase of the entire fairy tale is “At the command of the pike, at my will.” This is a kind of spell that summons a magic pike. By uttering these words, Emelya gets everything she wants. “At the behest of the pike,” that is, just like that. Without putting any effort into it. Despite the fact that the fairy tale is called “Emelya and Pike,” it was popularly renamed in honor of these magic words.

Pike teaches the guy this secret spell. And as soon as it sounds, magic begins to work, wherever Emelya is. Either on the stove or under water. In the barrel he is saved by the phrase “at the behest of the pike.” The tale runs through it as its main thread.

These words immediately became a proverb among the people. They mean an attempt to do something not with one’s own hands, but at someone else’s, most often magical, expense.

Fairy tale in pop culture

When the story was first printed in large numbers and could be read by many, it immediately became popular.

The fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" even became the basis for a film of the same name. The children's film was made in 1938. The then famous Alexander Rowe was responsible for directing. Certain elements of the script were taken from Elizaveta Tarakhovskaya’s play “Emelya and the Pike.” The fairy tale in its interpretation was adapted to modern realities, but the moral remained the same.

Director Ivanov-Vano made a cartoon based on the same fiction in 1957. And once again Tarakhovskaya’s play was taken in 1970, for a new film adaptation by Vladimir Pekar.

The third cartoon was created by Valery Fomin, already in 1984.

The fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" was immortalized on GDR stamps in 1973. Each of the six stamps depicts one of the scenes.

The mentions of Emelya themselves became popular. The main character of the tale began to be associated with a lazy person seeking to gain wealth without doing anything.

“Emelya and the Pike” is a fairy tale, the author of which is unknown, did not want to immortalize himself and remain in the memory of his descendants, did not strive for fame, wealth, fame. Nevertheless, his image perfectly demonstrates what a good person should be.

Ecology of life: Emelya returned from vacation and lay down on his favorite stove. Everything would be fine, lie down, warm yourself, listen to the birds, but as autumn approaches, the sun can no longer warm up the stove - you need firewood. And Emelya had a question: should she go to the pike and ask her to renew her expired annual subscription to make her wishes come true, or should she, out of old habit, put things off until later?

The Tale of Emelya, Ivan the Fool and the Pike

Emelya returned from vacation and lay down on his favorite stove. Everything would be fine, lie down, warm yourself, listen to the birds, but as autumn approaches, the sun can no longer warm up the stove - you need firewood.

And Emelya had a question: should she go to the pike and ask her to renew her expired annual subscription to make her wishes come true, or should she, out of old habit, put things off until later?

Emelya thought and thought, and decided that it would be Indian summer for another week, which means we might as well not get up from the stove for now. One day does not rise, another day lies on the stove, and then Ivan the Fool passed by, looking for a miracle.

Do you know, Emelya, how I can find a miracle?
- Well, Vanya, I have a way.
- Maybe you can share?
- Maybe I’ll share, but it’s all in vain. What do you need someone else's miracle for?
- Why did you, Emelya, think that it was someone else’s? Maybe it's temporarily yours?
- Yes? Let's check it out?
- Frets. Let's.
- I’m too lazy to get off the stove, Vanya, go to my Pike, ask for me to renew my wish subscription, and there we’ll see how faithful Pike is to me.

Ivan the Fool came to the river and called Pike:
- Pike, I’m from Emelya. Appear, he is calling you!

The pike stuck its head out of the water and said:
- Why didn’t he come himself? Is Ali sick?
- He asked me to renew your subscription. And I myself am looking for a miracle.
- It’s interesting what you’re doing! One guy sends another a miracle for himself to prolong, but the other doesn’t care for whom he begs for miracles.
- Well, why do you, Pike, think that I don’t care? I care, but an agreement is worth more than money - I promised your favorite, Emelka, that I would go to you for him, which means I must fulfill my word.
“You’re a fool,” says Pike, “to go and bring someone else a miracle to the stove, when you yourself are looking for a miracle far away.” And he is even more of a fool than you.
- Why is he a fool?
- Because I, as a female, need attention, but he, apparently, only has a subscription, and even then not very much, since he sent him a fool. So it turns out that one fool sends another fool, and then what difference does it make to me which fool I serve? Moreover, the new fool is a very cute fool,” said Pike coquettishly.

Pike, I like you too. You are wise and warm-hearted!
- God, how gallant you are, Vanya! If only something like this could come out of Emelyan just once!
- Eh, Pike, what can’t you learn until you travel to distant lands in search of a miracle!
- You're a cool guy, Vanya! At the behest of the pike, at my wish... swap places between Vanya and Emelya. Let Emelya's stove go to Ivan, and let Emelya look for a miracle.

The stove immediately appeared, threw off Emelya and helpfully provided steps for Vanya to climb up. new owner up.

No,” says Ivan, “I don’t need a stove, I need a miracle.” Give yourself to me as your wife, Pike, I will love you more deeply than my cousin Ivan Tsarevich loved his frog wife.
“And you, Ivan, are not a fool,” said Pike and turned into a beautiful maiden of such beauty that Vanya and Emelya closed their eyes. She stood next to Vanka and said:
- I was waiting long years It’s a miracle that someone would marry a fish. I hoped for Emelya, but all he needed from me was to issue subscriptions on time. But the fact that the fish also needed love, his head did not realize. I will marry you, Vanya, and you will be Ivan Shchukin, Lord of the Seas and my beloved.

“What is this?” Emelya was indignant. “Aren’t you going to renew your subscription?” What about the consumer protection law? I will complain!
- Darling, you will lose in arbitration court. Judge for yourself. Has your subscription expired? Came out. Here you go. Everything is according to the letter of the law. “They’ll acquit me, and they’ll oblige you to sell the stove in order to cover the legal costs,” Pike said wisely, “And in general, you consumers are so insolent that you’re already too lazy to consume, and you’re sending messengers in your place.” And we, service providers, need to be loved. Then you look, and the terms of the subscription would increase from one year to three.
- OK. Stop the market,” Ivan pushed Emelya aside, looked menacingly into his eyes and said, “Pike was your service provider, and now she’s my lawful wife.” And therefore I will ask you to free the water area.
Come on, little wife, tell his stove to take the owner away from our family estate.
- Whatever my master wants! Just let me whisper something goodbye to him before transporting him.

Know, Emelya, a person must desire. So far you have wished and gone on vacation, and after the vacation you felt good. And as soon as you stopped wishing, all your happiness vanished and dissolved. And you, apparently, imagine yourself as a Buddha, like, no desires - no suffering - full of happiness!

To be happy, you need to free yourself not from desires, but from self-indulgence and laziness. Laziness has ruined you. Now you will have to live without Pike. And this is good for you: the cold weather will come and you will want to warm up, chop wood, light the stove, cook porridge, and so you will get involved again, you will break out of your “depression” and begin to desire, and then, like Ivan, you will go for a miracle. You will find the meaning of life and improve your health along the way. So everything is for the better, Emelka!

The girl turned to Ivan and said:
- And thank you, hubby, for the main miracle in my life - I moved from service personnel to new status- I finally became a wife! Isn't it a miracle?! Isn’t this the miracle you went to such distances for, Vanya?
I ask one thing: do not lose your miracle, like Emelya.

Vanya hugged his wife and kissed her right on her scarlet lips. And said:
- Wife, dear! I went to distant lands for science. They told me as a child that every person is a magician and can materialize anything he wants if he understands how miracles happen.

My stupid, learned forehead understood the secret of the miracle hidden in the magic spell, which Emelya repeated and repeated, but still did not understand. "By To the command of the pike, according to my desire" - this means that a woman must turn on her will, and a man must turn on his desire!

How is that? - asked retired Emelya, who was standing next to the loving couple.

And so! "By the command of Pike - that means, by the command of a woman! Pike who? A woman! It was you who foolishly thought that it was a fish. And what does the second part of the spell sound like? “At my will!” Who should have wanted? Emelya - that is, the face male! Do you understand, Emelka? A woman turns on her will, a man turns on his desire, and a miracle happens! If a husband and wife want something together, everything will definitely happen.
- And who said that you, Vanya, are a fool? You are Ivan the Sage, father of the people!


If Emelya had seen a woman in the service personnel, he would not have forgotten how to desire, and over the years he would have gained the glory of Sai Baba, made people into wizards, would have married all of Mother Rus' and would have awakened respect for the country among foreigners.

And so he will have to start over:

First, look for a woman.

Secondly, learn to want.

And thirdly, agree with the will of the wife without becoming henpecked.

Will Emelyan be able to achieve such a feat? inner world rebuild? This fairy tale is silent about this, but a new fairy tale Pike hasn’t told me to tell yet.published

©Mark Ifraimov

there was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya. Those brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything.

One day the brothers went to the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let’s send him:
- Go, Emelya, for water.
And he told them from the stove:
- Reluctance...
- Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you gifts.
- OK.
Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.
He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and set them down, while he looked into the hole. And Emelya saw a pike in the ice hole.

He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand:
- This ear will be sweet!
Suddenly the pike says to him in a human voice:
- Emelya, let me go into the water, I will be useful to you.
And Emelya laughs:
- What will you be useful to me for? No, I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook your fish soup. The ear will be sweet.
The pike begged again:
- Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want.
- Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go.
Pike asks him:
- Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?
- I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill...
Pike tells him:
- Remember my words: when you want something, just say:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wishes.

Emelya says:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go home yourself, buckets...

He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets.

The buckets are walking through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya walks behind, chuckling... The buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.
How much or how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him:
- Emelya, why are you lying there? I would go and chop some wood.
- Reluctance...
- If you don’t chop wood, your brothers will return from the market, they won’t bring you gifts.
Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, an ax, chop some wood, and the firewood, go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven...

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let’s chop wood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and into the stove.
How much or how much time has passed - the daughters-in-law say again:
- Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop it up.
And he told them from the stove:
- What are you talking about?
- What are we doing?.. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

I don't feel like...
- Well, there won't be any gifts for you.
Nothing to do. Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, and got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sleigh:
- Women, open the gates!
His daughters-in-law tell him:
- Why did you, fool, get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse?
- I don't need a horse.
The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and Emelya said quietly:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, sleigh, into the forest...

The sleigh drove through the gate on its own, but it was so fast that it was impossible to catch up with a horse.
But we had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed and crushed a lot of people. The people shout “Hold him! Catch him! And he knows he’s pushing the sleigh.

Arrived in the forest:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
axe, chop some dry wood, and you, firewood, get into the sleigh yourself, tie yourself up...

The ax began to chop, split dry trees, and the firewood itself fell into the sleigh and was tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered an ax to cut out a club for himself - one that could be lifted by force. Sat on the cart:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, sleigh, home...

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the city where he crushed and crushed a lot of people just now, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her off the cart, cursing and beating her.
He sees that things are bad, and little by little:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
Come on, club, break off their sides...

The club jumped out - and let’s hit. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.
Whether long or short, the king heard about Emelin’s tricks and sent an officer after him to find him and bring him to the palace.
An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks:
- Are you a fool Emelya?
And he from the stove:
- What do you care?
- Get dressed quickly, I will take you to the king.
- I don’t feel like it...
The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek.
And Emelya says quietly:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
club, break his sides...

The baton jumped out - and let’s beat the officer, he forcibly carried off his legs.
The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent his greatest nobleman:
“Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.”
The great nobleman bought raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began asking his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.
“Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask.
The great nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, and gingerbread and said:
- Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.
- I’m warm here too...
- Emelya, Emelya, the king will have good food and water, please, let’s go.
- I don’t feel like it...
- Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

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