Fairy tale as a genre of children's literature. What are the features of the tale genre? What literary tales do you know?

Almost the entire Russian-speaking audience knows what a skaz is, and it owes its popularity, first of all, to Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. However, not everyone knows that other classical writers also have similar works. As an independent genre, the tale stands out only in Russian literature.

Definition of skaz as a literary genre

Philological specialists rely on certain signs when they answer the question: “What is a tale?” This special genre, in which a plausible plot or real events are often intertwined with elements of magic and the grotesque. Thus, in the “Jumping Ognevushka” the everyday life of prospectors is enlivened fairy-tale character- a girl running out of the fire. In “Lefty” the heroes of the story are the Russian emperors, Ataman M.I. Platov, and gunsmiths from Tula. And the highlight of the work is a savvy flea, which seemed fantastic at that time.

However, the central core of the definition of a tale in literature is not the features of the plot, but the form of its presentation. The narration is told on behalf of a certain narrator who uses colloquial, vernacular- lively, spontaneous, containing jargon, distorted words, dialectisms. In this way, the tale resembles a folklore work.

Another Key Feature of this genre is that the narrator’s worldview, his type of thinking, and style of describing events do not coincide with the author’s. In "The Tale of Lefty" he had a good command of literary language N.S. Leskov seems to be immersed in someone else's consciousness. And then a narrator appears - a native of the people, calling Apollo of Belvedere "Abolon of Polvedere", a double carriage - "two-seater", chandeliers - "busters".

Tales in literature and their classification

The founders of the tale are N.V. Gogol and N.S. Leskov. Very clearly the signs of this genre appeared in “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Lefty”, and in the 20th century - in the stories of I. E. Babel (“Cavalry”, “How it was done in Odessa”), M. M. Zoshchenko (“Lemonade”, “Happiness”), as well as in the works of P. P. Bazhov.

Tales are divided into two types:

  1. Characteristic. The narration is narrated by an unnamed narrator who uses vernacular language (“ Malachite Box", "Jumping Firefly"; “Sentimental stories” by Zoshchenko”; “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” by Gogol).
  2. Ornamental is characterized by a combination of literary and colloquial styles, poetic and everyday, sometimes by the presence of deviations from storyline(“Cavalry” by Babel, Gogol’s “The Overcoat”, “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”).

It is necessary to mention other writers in order to better understand what skaz is. These are V. I. Dal, V. M. Shukshin, A. Bely, L. M. Leonov.

Tales of Bazhov, glorifying the Ural region

The most famous example that gives an idea of ​​what a skaz is is the works of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. From the very first lines it is clear: the narration is in the first person. The narrator talks about “our plant”, “our lands”. Addressing the reader-listener, he inserts such phrases and expressions as “you see”, “you hear”, “as far as I can remember.”

The pearls of the Ural folk dialect are strung on a thread of dialogues and monologues: interrogate, protcha, really, zharyn, dedo. There is a high proportion of diminutive words: tiny, doll, artelka, even. Some incredible events are woven into the plot of almost every tale: a lizard turns into the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, a deer taps its Silver Hoof with its foot gems, the magical grandmother Sinyushka appears from a forest well - “always old, always young,” forever assigned “to the local riches.”

P. P. Bazhov in his books not only described the life of miners and craftsmen, but also glorified the golden hands of the Ural stone cutters, showed the beauty of the soul ordinary people, the charm of our native land.

It is the folklore colorfulness and simplicity of the narrator that allows us to understand what a tale is. This gives the work a special charm. The reader has the opportunity to feel involved in folk traditions, to know your roots, to reveal the sources of the strength of spirit of the Russian people.


tale, tale, husband.

1. Narration told from the point of view of the narrator ( people's poet, lit.). Leskov has a problem with skaz.

2. A term in some grammars that denotes either a complex syntactic whole or a rhythmic-syntactic unit of speech ( gram. neol., introduced prof. Peshkovsky).

Here's my whole (or my last) story ( decomposition) - expression, used in meaning: It’s over, I won’t say anything more, don’t expect anything more from me. “You’re stupid - that’s the whole story for you!” Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


That's the whole story for you simple- that's all, nothing more to talk about

Dictionary of linguistic terms


Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism


1) - folklore genre, a narrative about modern events or the recent past; unlike a legend, it usually does not contain a fantastic element.

RB: types and genres of literature

Genus: folklore genres

Ass: legend

* "Tales and legends were carefully passed down in working families from generation to generation; they spoke about the inexhaustible treasures of the Ural land, not only already discovered, but mainly about those that have not yet been found and are stored in the depths of the mountains... In picturesque details tales are imprinted character traits everyday life... The people captured in words and humor, in legends and tales their poetic perception of the phenomena of life, moral and ethical views, their wisdom" (L. Skorino). *

2) - a form of epic narration based on imitation of the speech manner of a character separate from the author - the narrator; lexically, syntactically, intonationally focused on oral speech.

RB: language. Visual and expressive means

Ass: The image of the narrator, verbal mask, stylization

Example: N.V. Gogol. "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", N. Leskov. "Lefty", P. Bazhov. "Malachite Box", M. Zoshchenko. Stories

* "The tale is not only one of the most important types of development of a short story, short story and tale, but also a powerful source of enriching the language of fiction. The tale as a form of literary and artistic narration, widely used in Russian realistic art XIX literature century, attached to the narrator - the “mediator” between the author and the world of literary reality" (V.V. Vinogradov). *

Grammar Dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms


A term introduced by A. M. Peshkovsky, who uses the term “phrase” in the same sense (see. Offer), corresponding to Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky’s term “syntactic whole” and denoting, according to his definition, “a piece of speech ending in one of three intonations: complete narrative (in writing there is a dot sign), interrogative or exclamatory with a corresponding triple rhythm.” According to the grammatical composition, S. “can be a combination of sentences (“It’s not for nothing that they say that the master’s work is afraid”), and a separate proposal full composition(“I was traveling by train from Tiflis”), and in an incomplete sentence (“What a scandal!”), and in one word (“Fire!”),

Terms and concepts of linguistics. Syntax: Dictionary


A form of authorial speech in which throughout the entire work the presentation is carried out in the spirit of the language and character of the person on whose behalf the narration is being conducted. S. – quotation taken to the limit: formally this is the speech of the narrator, the author, but essentially the author is hiding behind a continuous quotation.

encyclopedic Dictionary


  1. folklore form (including oral folk story), standing on the verge of everyday speech and artistic creativity. Literary tales (N.S. Leskov, P.P. Bazhov) are genetically related to folklore.
  2. The principle of storytelling, based on imitation of the speech manner of a character separate from the author - the narrator; lexically, syntactically, intonationally oriented towards oral speech (A. Vesely, stories by M. M. Zoshchenko).

There are literary works, when reading which you get the impression that you are listening to leisurely oral speech. It’s as if someone around the fire at night is telling a slow, interesting story to the other listeners. Skaz also belongs to such methods. What is skaz? Let's turn to dictionaries for help in interpreting the term.


The dictionaries say that this is a folklore or author’s work, or rather, the form of its presentation. It is specific in its intonation and styles. But the main thing: the tale, as it were, reproduces oral speech in general, and folk character in particular. And also, skaz is a special type of narration in a separate work of art. It is constructed as if from the point of view of the narrator, whose position and stylistic norms differ from the style of presentation of the author himself. This creates the desired artistic effect.

Tale - a genre of literature

In Russian literature, according to the conclusions of literary scholars, the tale originates from the works of Nikolai Gogol. But he was presented in a bright manner and especially skillfully in the works of Nikolai Leskov. His tales about the righteous and heroes from the people “The Tale of Tula Lefty and about steel flea", "The Stupid Artist", "The Enchanted Wanderer" - works where the data is fully disclosed

In Russian literature

What is skaz in fiction? The essence of this manner of presentation is that the story seems to be told not from the perspective of a detached and objective author, but from the perspective of a subjective narrator (usually a participant in the relevant events). At the same time, the text of the work itself seems to imitate the speech of a living person. oral history. And the narrator in a work, as a rule, does not belong to the same social group as the author and the reader. So for Leskov it could be: a merchant, a monk, a soldier, a retired mayor. And each of the narrators speaks precisely in the speech that is most characteristic of him. This is how the artistic effect in the work is achieved. This is what the tale makes an impression on the listener (and reader). This manner gives the work liveliness and originality in the presentation of plots, deepens the social context work of art, gives the text individuality creative characteristics, gives the events presented a more subtle and individual assessment. Take, for example, entire paragraphs of text from Leskov’s “The Tale of Lefty,” where individual characteristics described, seen by Lefty in England, sound very original and bright. Another Russian writer - a master of this genre - Bazhov. Everyone probably remembers his “Malachite Box,” which in form and content is also a literary tale. Pavel Bazhov, a folklorist, was the first to make literary adaptations of folk tales of the Urals: “The Blue Snake”, “The Silver Hoof”, “The Mountain Master”, “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain” and many other works of Russian folklore, giving them a bright form and a certain precise laconicism. All of them were included in the book “The Malachite Box,” which has now been republished in millions of copies.

Russian tales

This term in the relevant sciences of literature can be used to refer to various prose nonsense. fairy tale genres CNT: legends, epics, epics, legends (mainly in folklore). What is a tale, and how does it differ, for example, from a fairy tale? In a fairy tale, mainly we're talking about about magic extraordinary adventures and miracles (exception - everyday tales). And the characters are often fictitious: Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych. In fairy tales, good usually triumphs over evil.

What is skaz? It relies primarily on traditions and legends. The narration is told on behalf of the narrator, and, as a rule, it is based on real events that happened a long time ago. And the main one distinguishing feature- the presence of a person from whom the narrative is told, based on folklore.

    A tale and a fairy tale are different. The main difference is authorship; a tale has a specific author. A tale is written on the basis famous legend, and the legend, in turn, arose on the basis real event.

    In a tale there is always a narrator on whose behalf the story is told.

    Also, a special feature of the tale is the presence of fantastic elements, which may be endowed by the hero himself. magical power, and at the same time the tale contains a description of real things and images of people.

    The main feature of the tale genre is that in nm always is folklore motives. But at the same time, a tale is not a work of oral folk art, for the tale has an author. For example, Lefty Leskova is a tale: there are folklore motifs (including elements of fiction characteristic of a fairy tale), but at the same time there is an author. Another feature of the tale as a genre is emphasis on oral folk speech , very common in the fairy tale genre the comedy of the hero himself(again, remember Lefty), the text contains quite a lot of comical descriptions of the hero, and the image itself is comical,

    although tragic at the same time.

    SKAZ- this is epic prose work with a special style of storytelling.

    And the essence of this very manner is that the narration is conducted not on behalf of the author, but on behalf of the narrator introduced into the work by the author. The narrator usually tells the reader about events and specific persons of the recent past, of which he was an eyewitness or even a participant.

    For example, in the tales of Leskov, an unsurpassed master of this genre, the narrator is either a monastic novice, or a former soldier, or a retired mayor, or former actress and etc.

    These people belong to a completely different social circle, have different professions, education, rather than the writer himself and, quite possibly, the intended reader.

    And therefore speech style , and often position the narrator differs from the point of view and style of the author.

    The narrator's speech is live spoken language, speech oral story: dialects, typically professional words, reinterpretation foreign words in Russian vernacular manner. The vernacular may also be combined with the literary norm, that is, there is a combination of both.

    SKAZ- This is a description of a real event, but it also contains elements of fiction.

    The tale was introduced into Russian literature by N.V. Gogol. For example, in his story The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala, the Ukrainian sexton Foma Grigorievich is introduced into the narrative, who, with his colorful manner of conversation, tells the legend of the fern. But he thoroughly developed and, one might say, glorified this literary genre, of course, the artist of words N.S. Leskov.

    Leskov has quite a lot of tales about the people's righteous people, about talented folk craftsmen, etc.

    It seems to me that the most famous works to the reader are such works as The Enchanted Wanderer, The Stupid Artist and, without a doubt, Lefty.

    Malachite box of Pavel Bazhov, Ural storyteller. Familiar tales from childhood: The Stone Flower, The Mountain Master, The Silver Hoof, and The Blue Snake do not leave anyone indifferent.

    The tales of The Malachite Box are united by one inimitable storyteller from the people - grandfather Slyshko.

    In Isaac Babel's story How It Was Done in Odessa, the narrator is a proud Jew living with the dead - Arie-Leib. The peculiarity of Babel's tale is the inimitable dialect of the so-called Odessa language. Essentially it's Russian with a dash of Ukrainian language and Yiddish.

    There are many examples of literary tales. Such tales were also created by our contemporaries Sholokhov, Tynyanov and other writers. Unfortunately, it is impossible to talk in detail and completely about this interesting topic within one answer.

The meaning of the word SKAZ in the Dictionary of Literary Terms

1) A type of narration based on the stylization of the speech of the hero who acts as the narrator. The narration in S. is conducted on behalf of the hero (character), in his characteristic speech manner, and imitates a living colloquial speech with all the features characteristic of oral speech (spontaneity of speech, often the use of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary and phraseology, the use of dialectisms (see dialectisms), professionalisms (see professionalisms), jargon of isms, incomplete sentences, etc.). Examples of S. in Russian literature are “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” by N.V. Gogol, “Lefty”, “The Enchanted Wanderer” by N.S. Leskov, tales of P. Bazhov, many stories of M. Zoshchenko.

2) Narrative genre, a work in the form of S. 3. Genre of oral folk art (see oral folk art), a narration about events of the past or present, which is told on behalf of the narrator.

Dictionary of literary terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what SKAZ is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SKAZ in the Directory Settlements and postal codes of Russia:
    456990, Chelyabinsk, ...
  • SKAZ in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • SKAZ in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    1) a type of literary and artistic narrative constructed as a story by a person whose position and speech manner are different from the point of view and style of the ...
  • SKAZ V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. Folk epic narrative. S. o folk heroes. 2. In literary criticism: a narration that imitates the speech of the narrator and is conducted ...
  • SKAZ in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    folklore form (including oral folk story), standing on the verge of everyday speech and art. creativity. Lit. tales (N.S. Leskov, P.P. ...
  • SKAZ in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    ska"z, ska"zy, ska"za, ska"call, ska"zu, ska"zam, ska"z, ska"zy, ska"zom, ska"zami, ska"ze, ...
  • SKAZ in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. 1) lit. Narrative form in literary work, reproducing the features of the language and character of the hero on whose behalf the story is told. ...
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    Bazhov is the master of this...
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  • SKAZ in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • SKAZ in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    || that's all...
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    dzeruri, kubair, narration, ...
  • SKAZ in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • SKAZ in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • SKAZ in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • SKAZ in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    In literary criticism: a narration that imitates the speech of the narrator and is told on his behalf by Leskov's tales. tale folk epitechic narrative of S. about ...
  • SKAZ in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    1) folklore form (including oral folk stories), standing on the verge of everyday speech and artistic creativity. Literary tales (N. ...
  • SKAZ in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    tale, m. 1. Narration told on behalf of the narrator (folk poet, lit.). Leskov has a problem with skaz. 2. A term of certain grammars, denoting or...
  • SKAZ in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    m. 1) Narration told on behalf of the narrator. 2) A work of oral folk art about actual events of the present or the recent past, in ...
  • SKAZ in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • SKAZ in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. 1. Narration told on behalf of the narrator. 2. A work of oral folk art about actual events of the present or the recent past, in ...
  • KURBSKY ANDREY MIKHAILOVICH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Kurbsky Andrei Mikhailovich (c. 1528 - 1583), prince, famous political figure and writer. Born around...
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