Nordic walking with poles - reviews, contraindications and choice of equipment. The benefits and harms of Nordic walking

Nordic or Finnish walking is a relatively new type of aerobic exercise. Those who exercise daily outdoors in a park or nature will improve their health, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. However, the effect can only be achieved if the correct technique is followed and the right choice of sports equipment.

The essence of the method and what it is

Nordic walking is also called Nordic, Nordic or Finnish. This is an amateur sport that involves walking using special poles, similar to ski poles.

Kantan later developed a manual for Finnish walking and changed the design of Nordic walking poles.

In 2010, Anastasia Poletaeva opened her own school where Nordic walking is taught. Anastasia Poletaeva’s school trains coaches and provides professional training for Nordic walking enthusiasts. Equipment for this sport is available for sale.

Nastya Poletaeva’s school gained popularity and in a short time trained more than 500 Nordic walking trainers. Amateurs who have completed training can boast of sports results.

The essence of the method is to push off with poles, both during descent and ascent, to increase the load on the upper body. At the same time, energy consumption increases. Therefore, doctors recommend the Scandinavian walking style for those who want to lose weight. The benefits of Nordic walking are also indicated by the fact that it uses about 90% of all muscles.

Relying on Scandinavian walking poles makes it possible to relieve some of the load from joints and ligaments.


Nordic walking with poles, the benefits and harms of which are known to everyone who practices it, provides an even load on all muscle groups. The pelvis, knees and heels are not loaded. This allows those who have problems with the spine and joints and people with weak physical shape to exercise.

This healthy activity burns 1.5 times more calories than regular walking. Therefore, doctors recommend this type of exercise for people who are overweight. At the same time, the heart is trained by increasing the frequency of contractions.

How is Nordic walking with poles beneficial for the vestibular system? It improves coordination and balance. Those who practice this sports technique are distinguished by good posture.

The main load falls on the upper body, which allows you to increase the volume of your lungs by more than a third.

The health benefits of Nordic walking include the following:

  • reduces blood cholesterol;
  • removes metabolic products;
  • stimulates intestinal function;
  • helps normalize metabolism;
  • rejuvenates the body.

The comfort of hiking is increased by the ability to rely on poles while climbing a mountain and hiking over rough terrain chosen for the activity.

What does walking cure?

Finnish walking is recommended for people undergoing rehabilitation after injuries to the musculoskeletal system or surgery related to it. Many patients with hip replacements can return to their normal lives within a month.

Nordic walking is indicated for certain diseases. It will be beneficial in the treatment of:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic pain in the back, neck and shoulders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neuroses and depression;
  • insomnia;
  • obesity, excess weight.

Reviews from doctors suggest that people with a predisposition to osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension can reduce the risk of their development by regularly practicing walking with poles. And, judging by the reviews of real people, Nordic walking really improves the health of the spine.

“I have been walking with poles for 2 years now, and during this time I have cured scoliosis,” says Leonid from Nizhny Novgorod.

Walking with poles is useful for people who cannot run for health reasons.

Features and selection of equipment

Properly selected accessories and equipment will help increase the effectiveness of Nordic walking:

  1. sticks;
  2. running or walking shoes for Nordic walking;
  3. sports uniform.

First we select clothes. In the cold season, they practice in ski overalls, wearing thin thermal underwear underneath.

For the summer, a regular tracksuit, as well as a T-shirt and shorts, will do.

Picking up sneakers for Nordic walking, you need to take into account that they must have a dense but flexible sole and fit well on the foot. It is recommended to wear 2 pairs of breathable natural fabric socks under your sneakers. This will protect you from blisters.

It's important to know how to choose the right one sticks for Nordic walking. Preference should be given to carbon material. The advantages of carbon poles are lightness, strength, elasticity and springiness. You can use telescopic aluminum poles. But when choosing between aluminum and carbon, you should prefer the latter.

Folding models have a composite carbon shaft. A folding pole is selected based on its carbon index, which indicates how much carbon fiber the material contains. A beginner should choose poles with a carbon index of 20-30%. Carbon Nordic walking poles with a lower index are less reliable, while those with a high index are stiff.

The advantage of folding models is ease of transportation. But when choosing between folding and monolithic poles, you should prefer the latter. They are more reliable.

Nordic walking poles are selected based on height by multiplying it by 0.7. Monolithic products are usually of standard length. The size of Nordic walking poles differs by 5 cm.

The table will help you choose Finnish sticks.

Height, cm Length of poles for health group, cm
150 110
160 115
170 120
175 125
180 130
190 135
200 140

Women's fitness groups, regardless of height, recommend increasing the length of walking poles by 5 cm. Athletes increase the length to + 10 cm.

In order to choose the length of the sticks without a table when obtaining an intermediate number, you need to round the result. When buying Nordic walking poles for beginner athletes and people with spinal diseases, it is better to ask a specialist how to choose them. Smaller sizes are usually recommended. Since a significant length of Nordic walking poles will unnecessarily load your back and arms. Longer than usual poles are suitable for those who have sports skills and experience. Sometimes the length of Nordic walking poles can be adjusted. This applies to telescopic sliding models. They are cheaper than monolithic ones. Telescopic products are suitable even for children.

It is better to choose telescopic and monolithic poles with comfortable, rubberized or cork handles. The poles have a fastening called a lanyard. It resembles a glove with cut off fingers, which serves to secure the palm. How to choose Nordic walking poles so that they are of high quality? Good products make it easy to detach the stick, freeing up your hand.

Next, choose special attachments for Nordic walking poles in the form of a tungsten carbide spike or claw. Super durable material is used for the tips, thanks to which the stick can be stuck into the ground or sand. Poles equipped with tips will not get stuck or slip.

Many people are interested in how to choose the right poles for Nordic walking, depending on the area where the activity is taking place and the time of year. The stick has a removable spike. This allows you to use sports equipment not only on the ground, but also on ice or snow. If an athlete is going to walk on an asphalt road, then the tips for Nordic walking poles should be in the shape of a boot. Rubber tips wear out quickly, so it is recommended to have a spare pair of tips. Poles with plastic tips may slip.

Execution technique

Before starting independent practice, it is recommended to take several lessons from experienced instructors who would show how to move, as well as read pictures and photos on the Internet. Having high-quality images and videos will speed up the process of mastering the technique.

Those who do not need instructors can start classes. Even knowing how to do Nordic walking correctly, you can easily sprain ligaments. Pre-warm-up will help avoid harm:

  1. swing your arms and legs;
  2. jumping on one and both legs;
  3. flexion-extension;
  4. bending to the sides with raised arms and forward with emphasis on sticks;
  5. raising on tiptoes.

According to the instructions, before you start walking, you need to secure the poles with wide strips covering the thumbs at their base. Thread your hands into the loops and adjust their diameter using the fasteners.

Special attention is paid to technology. When walking begins, you need to hold the stick freely, without straining your hand. Hands are placed parallel to each other. According to the instructions, when passing areas with a hard surface, it is preferable to use rubber tips. On soft ground, walk by pushing off with a spike.

The Nordic walking technique involves natural movements. It resembles normal walking - the body and limbs move synchronously and freely.

Once you take the right position, you can move forward. When walking begins, the left arm is bent at the elbow and pushed forward, pushing off the ground with a stick. The picture shows that the right leg bent at the knee is also moving at the same time. With the next step, the right arm and left leg move forward. The stick is at an angle. Hands are located at the level of the pelvis. When walking, the foot is placed first on the heel and then on the toe. Nordic walking does not involve sudden movements. How to walk correctly? They move smoothly, without jerking, holding the poles at an angle to the side near their legs.

The Nordic walking technique with poles, as evidenced by the instructions and images, involves alternating slow and fast walking, small and wide steps. Sometimes they add short-distance jogging, take rest breaks or special exercises with poles, and use weights.

The main rule is not to lean heavily on the poles. Even if the height is chosen correctly, this will create additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

But not only the movements must be correct, but also the breathing. Inhale through the nose in 2 steps, exhale through the mouth in the next 2 steps.

How to lose weight with Nordic walking?

There are many reviews online that Nordic walking is good for weight loss. The walking technique for weight loss involves a more intense pace of movement than during a regular walk. Therefore, with this type of exercise, 2 times more calories are burned.

Nordic walking for weight loss will be effective if you do 5 sessions a week. Maximum benefits can be achieved by devoting more than 1 hour to classes at a time. Weight loss of 3-4 kg per month is ensured, which is the norm. In this case, you don’t have to follow the diet.

When losing weight slowly, moving over rough terrain will help increase the number of calories you burn. In winter, the effect is achieved by walking in the snow, and in summer they use a backpack weighing 10-15 kg.

Nordic walking with poles is effective for weight loss, as evidenced by reviews on women's forums. Those people who chose walking noted a significant decrease in volume in the hips, abdomen, arms and chest. This is possible by improving muscle tone and removing excess fat tissue.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the technique

Walking with Nordic poles has its contraindications:

  • severe joint diseases;
  • osteoporosis;
  • exacerbations and relapses;
  • severe angina pectoris;
  • hypotension and severe hypertension.

The disadvantage of this sport is its dependence on weather conditions. Nordic walking lessons should be postponed in case of heavy snowfall, frost, rain, blizzards or hurricane gusts of wind. But it is still more useful to exercise outside rather than indoors. It is not recommended to skip workouts. If the technique is not followed, there is a risk of injury. Without knowing about the available contraindications, you can harm yourself.

There are rules for Nordic walking with poles for older people:

  1. You should start with 2-3 workouts per week.
  2. Each workout should last no more than 20 minutes.
  3. The optimal pace of movement for older people is slow or medium.
  4. Elderly people and heart patients must monitor their pulse using a special device. If the numbers are too high, then the speed of movement is reduced or a break is taken.
  5. By practicing Nordic walking in accordance with the rules, you can avoid most problems:
  6. You cannot use poles designed for other sports when walking.
  7. The chosen sticks should not slip or cross.
  8. When raising your arms, you must not turn your body.
  9. When pushing off the ground, you need to press with your elbow, not your hand, to distribute the load across your arm.
  10. The following must be taken into account:
  11. The clothing you choose should be appropriate for the weather and be layered.
  12. The right suit should not restrict movement.
  13. The choice of shoes is carried out by size.

Training apparatus

A special exercise machine for home is also called “Nordic walking”. Just look at the picture to see that it completely imitates Nordic walking. Sports equipment has levers that are used instead of sticks. Exercise machines for home help to use almost all muscle groups that are loaded when walking outside. But for nervous disorders, Nordic walking in the fresh air will be of great benefit.

In winter, using a home exercise machine will help you avoid missing classes.

Whatever goals a person pursues, choosing Finnish walking on a simulator or on the street, his health will certainly improve. In the absence of contraindications, almost anyone can practice it. In order to avoid injury during the lesson and get a positive result, you must follow the instructions. Beginners need:

  • good Nordic walking instructor;
  • regular training;
  • quality equipment.

Be healthy, active, cheerful and vigorous!

It is unlikely that there will still be a type of health-improving physical education characterized by such positive factors: year-round and at any time, without health contraindications, publicly accessible and simple at any age, free and in the fresh air.

Therefore, Nordic walking is becoming increasingly popular. In this article we have prepared answers to the most common questions from interested readers.

It will help you understand your personal health benefits, choose the necessary equipment, and decide on the load and exercise regimen.

What is Nordic walking and what does it give?

The differences between Nordic walking and regular walking are in the technique and use of objects. The history of Nordic walking goes back to ancient times, when shepherds and travelers used sticks to help them overcome difficult terrain.

And in the northern snowy countries, where you can’t go far without poles and skis, Nordic walking in winter has been familiar to everyone since childhood.

Finnish professional skiers, in order to keep themselves in shape all year round, began running with poles in the warm season in 1940, imitating skiing.

The classes became so popular that Nordic walking teachers appeared (Mauri Rapo and Marco Cantaneva) and, naturally, fans. Half a century later, the new health-improving physical education has gained credibility throughout the world.

How is Nordic walking beneficial for everyone?

  • trains and maintains tone up to 90% of muscles;
  • burns 45% more calories than regular walking;
  • produces less pressure in the knees and spine;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs;
  • relieves problems with the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • improves coordination of movements;
  • increases the body's endurance;
  • eliminates disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • straightens posture;
  • very suitable for climbing hills, uphill.

Pros and cons of Nordic walking

The main advantage of Nordic walking in the absence of contraindications. It can be recommended in the same way as walking in the fresh air is recommended. You won’t do them with a fever, with an exacerbation of a chronic or other disease?! After recovery, stick in your hands!

For those who have diseases of the lower extremities, the Nordic type of walking is even more suitable than conventional walking, since relying on poles reduces the load on the hip and ankle joints.

When Nordic walking, the heart rate increases every minute by 10-15 beats. If you have serious heart or vascular disease (eg, angina, hypertension), consult your doctor.

Nordic walking has many more indications than contraindications. She recommended for the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • neuroses, insomnia;
  • overweight and obesity.

Numerous medical studies confirm that clients who constantly engage in this walking experience lower cholesterol levels over time, improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism, and rejuvenate the body.

This is a good prevention of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and arthritis. But even if you feel well, remember to moderate and determine the load wisely. This is especially true for ladies who want to quickly lose extra pounds.

Compared to regular walking or jogging, Nordic walking more efficient in the fight against weight.

Firstly, as we have already noted, it uses many more muscles. In this case, it is more difficult for fat cells to find a “secluded” place.

Secondly, more calories are burned (in an hour of Nordic walking you will burn the same number of calories as in two hours of walking).

Thirdly, rapid breathing with fresh air fills the body with oxygen, which increases metabolism and improves metabolism.

And this is an integral part of the fight against excess weight. For tangible weight loss, exercise should be done daily and for at least an hour. Then every hour will give you minus 700 calories.

What muscles work during Nordic walking?

Even distribution of the load during Finnish (as it is also called) walking allows you to activate and train all muscle groups equally. The muscles of the cervico-brachial region, back, upper and lower extremities are strengthened and maintained in tone.

People who have been walking for a long time notice an improvement in their figure. Correction of their posture is the result of active work of the muscles of the back and shoulders. The disappearance of the “breeches” or “ears” on the hips is a good workout for the thigh muscles. Abdominal reduction - thanks to burning fat and tightening the abdominal muscles. Beautiful hands - because of the muscles of the hands trained with the help of sticks.

Nordic walking equipment

The most important accessory for Nordic walking is special poles (ski poles are not suitable). They come in two types: monolithic standard and telescopic with retractable elements.

The handles have built-in wrist straps that have locks and allow you to adjust the size individually. Choose sticks based on the following criteria:

  • a Nordic walking cane should be made of light but durable materials - aluminum, plastic, composite alloy;
  • the handle should be comfortable for your hand shape;
  • the strap (lanyard) ensures a tight fit of the hand to the handle, without the need to squeeze it while moving (the fixed stick should naturally move behind the person walking);
  • on the reverse end there is a spike for stopping in ice, snow and removable rubber tips;
  • The minimum warranty period for the product is two years.

How to choose poles for Nordic walking?

Stick height calculated according to formulas and is calculated as follows: the human height indicator is multiplied by 0.66; for more trained people, growth is multiplied by 0.68; for physically strong and athletes, the height indicator is multiplied by 0.70. As you can see, the stronger you are, the longer the stick should be.

Remember this when purchasing monolithic standard products. A more suitable individual length can be achieved using telescopic poles. They are preferable for children, as they will “grow” with them.

Make sure that the latches in telescopic poles are in good working order to prevent them from suddenly collapsing while walking.

You can learn more about choosing Nordic walking poles in our article “How to choose Nordic walking poles.”

Shoes: Any sportswear suited to the season and weather is suitable, it is important that it is comfortable, does not get wet, and has a flexible soft sole. Cloth: cotton homewear, jeans, bikers are undesirable; a tracksuit is best. In cold weather, wear Nordic walking gloves.

They must fit to the hand like a “second skin” and be made from natural materials. Don't forget to refasten the strap on the stick so that the lanyard fits tightly to the hand again. A fitness bracelet will help you monitor calories burned and distance traveled.

A GPS device would be a good idea for those who are into romantic life. A backpack for Nordic walking should not be a heavy backpack. Take the essentials for the walk and what you might need later.

Finally, you have the right clothes and shoes, professional sticks in your hands, a fitness bracelet on your wrist, a navigator in your phone, a hat or panama hat on your head.

Did you remember the article “Nordic walking with poles - instructions and walking techniques”? Be sure to read it so you don't make mistakes.

How many times a week is Nordic walking recommended? Instructors offer 3 weekly classes are 30 minutes long. Nordic walking for pregnant women and children, Nordic walking for beginners can be 15 minutes in 3-4 days.

It is advisable to start classes with a warm-up, For which, by the way, exercises using sticks are suitable. And you should end the hike by stabilizing your breathing and stretching. Accordingly, clothes for Nordic walking should be loose, not restricting movement, and shoes should be comfortable.

To achieve positive results, reconsider your diet. Nordic walking, no matter how many calories it burns, must be maintained proper nutrition. There is no need to start it on an empty stomach; it is better to eat a light breakfast. A pleasant message for those with a sweet tooth: a banana, a bun, low-fat yogurt, juice will do.

If your morning plans include work, then start walking 3-4 hours after a hearty breakfast. Try not to eat immediately before and after walking. To replenish carbohydrates and proteins (lost from physical activity), eat cereals, fruits, juices, meat, fish, poultry. Keep fatty foods to a minimum.

Remember the simple ones rules: do not drink coffee-containing drinks before or after training; do not eat 1-1.5 hours before and after; Gradually drink 500 ml of water after exercise.

If your main goal is to lose weight, then eat no earlier than 3-4 hours after walking. Make sure that the calorie content of food consumed is half the number of calories lost.

You can read reviews of people who have managed to lose weight and become healthier in the article “Nordic walking with poles for weight loss - reviews.”

To summarize the benefits of Nordic walking, it should be noted: to practice it no restrictions by age, gender and health status.

In terms of equipment, you should purchase only specific poles. Clothes, shoes, a backpack, and sneakers for Nordic walking can be found in your personal wardrobe. You can learn the walking technique on your own. The reward for diligent consistency will be a healthier body, and communication with nature will increase the amount of endorphins (hormones of happiness) in the blood.

Are you on your way yet?! Still have questions? Then write them in the comments. We also ask experienced “walkers” to join the conversation.

One day, professional skiers from Finland decided to stay in shape at any time of the year. An idea came up - in the absence of snow, to train using only ski poles. This is how Nordic walking was born. In the nineties of the last century, this sport won the hearts of many outdoor enthusiasts and became widespread.

The benefits of Nordic walking, its advantages

Nordic walking exercises activate most muscles in the body:

  • deltoid;
  • subscapular;
  • pectoralis major;
  • triceps;
  • infraspinatus;
  • widest;
  • abdominal oblique;
  • flexing the forearms;
  • press;
  • quadriceps and gluteal;
  • calf and hamstring muscles;
  • tibial anterior.

Nordic walking is a simple but at the same time effective type of physical activity, with which you can load all the muscles of the body

Nordic walking is also called Finnish or Nordic walking.

What explains the effectiveness of Finnish walking for strengthening muscles and burning fat? Including the arms in the process of moving forces the entire body to actively work, since in this case the load is distributed evenly.

The popularity of Nordic walking is explained by the desire of most people to lose excess weight. Anyone can engage in this type of fitness, even pensioners, children, and pregnant women. Thanks to visual propaganda, the number of fans of this sport is increasing every year. Today we see both lonely pedestrians actively working with sticks and entire families.

Nordic walking can be practiced at any age

The advantages of this type of physical culture are obvious:

  • tension in the joints of the lower extremities and the load on the spine are relieved and, as a result, posture is corrected;
  • blood circulation in the brain improves, the muscles of the cervico-brachial region are strengthened, which eliminates osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Thanks to active burning of calories, weight loss;
  • “bad” cholesterol is eliminated and the heart muscle is strengthened. As a result, the heart rate and blood pressure are normalized, and the risk of thrombosis is reduced;
  • improves sleep, concentration, memory;
  • the ligamentous apparatus is strengthened, a muscle corset is formed, thanks to which the risk of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is reduced;
  • Osteoporosis is prevented - walking in the sun increases the production of vitamin D;
  • the musculoskeletal system is restored after injuries;
  • coordination of movements improves;
  • the volume of the lungs increases, which increases the supply of oxygen to tissues;
  • the muscles of the body are in constant tone.

Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life.


Athletes often use Finnish walking because they need constant endurance training to strengthen their cardiovascular system. Classes do not require a gym, expensive exercise equipment, special uniforms or lengthy training. Outside, the body receives more oxygen than in a building, and this is very important.

Elena Malysheva about Nordic walking - video

How Nordic walking helps you lose weight

Like many aerobic sports, Nordic walking helps you burn calories and help you lose weight fairly quickly. Doctors note that when practicing Nordic walking, weight loss is 2-3 times more effective compared to running. If the work is “sedentary” and requires low activity, then muscle tissue in the body is gradually replaced by fat. And this must be dealt with somehow.

In one hour of intense Nordic walking, 400–500 calories are burned, while with regular walking this figure reaches 280.

In order for the training to be most beneficial, you must follow the rules:

  • Do not neglect the duration of the workout. If the goal is to lose weight in the shortest possible time, then you need to exercise for at least an hour every day. Calories begin to be burned after a thirty-minute workout. Only after this time has passed, the body uses the accumulated fat as a source of energy;
  • use inventory. Thanks to sticks, the speed of movement increases and muscle work increases;
  • exercise in any weather. During the cool season, energy is also spent on heating the body, which allows you to accelerate the desired weight loss. Walking over rough terrain, hiking in the hills or uphill enhances fat burning. Experts advise moving with an incline of 5 degrees - this allows you to increase calorie burning by 50%. Gravel and snow, which make movement difficult, also speed up the disappearance of stored fat deposits;
  • use weights. Over time, to increase the load on the body, you need to start using additional weight. It is distributed evenly in a vest or in a backpack behind your back. Accelerating with a larger arm span also increases the efficiency of Nordic walking;
  • master interval training methods. Interval training is a good way to lose weight. It consists of alternating short-term intense loads with weak ones. For example, Nordic walking of average physical activity for 15 minutes is replaced by a simple fast step. Then they return to the main position. This type of training improves your metabolism.

Nordic walking is an incredibly effective and accessible sport

The benefits of Nordic walking are not limited to physiological indicators. Many fans of this type of fitness note positive changes in their mental state after a month of training:

  • there is no need to take antidepressants;
  • walks in the park area, squares, along the river evoke a feeling of unity with nature;
  • acceleration of hemodynamics contributes to the production of endorphins, which calm a person.

Is it possible to lose weight by doing Nordic walking - video


Nordic walking is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • bleeding during pregnancy;
  • colds or acute infections;
  • arthrosis, arthritis and flat feet;
  • injuries of the shoulder joint and limbs;
  • hypotension;
  • scoliosis of the spine;
  • diabetes mellitus;

During the recovery period after surgery, you should also not engage in active walking.

Nordic walking technique with poles

The Nordic walking technique is simple - with the help of special poles you move like a skier, pushing off the ground.

Start training with a warm-up. A short-term exercise is performed, which includes bending to the sides, back and forth, stretching the legs and squats. Then check the fastenings on both poles.

The Nordic walking technique is as follows:

You should start training gradually. At first, fifteen minutes, three times a week, increasing the duration and speed of training. It’s a good idea to control the maximum permissible heart rate. For women it is calculated by subtracting age in years from the number 226, for men - from 220.

The company of like-minded people stimulates the habit of training - together it is easier to endure difficulties - many overweight people lack willpower. This is explained by the lack of muscle training and heavy sensations after the first workouts.

Complete lesson on Nordic walking for beginners - video

How to choose equipment

Poles must be durable, so you should choose models with a higher carbon content (20%). It is better to purchase equipment with replaceable tips in order to move comfortably on any surface: ice or snow require tips in the form of spikes, and a smooth surface requires rubber tips. Plastic parts wear out quickly, so their number in equipment should be minimal.

The poles should be securely fastened, lie comfortably in the hand, not slip and be light in weight. Equipment with plastic handles should be avoided.

There are two types of sticks:

  • telescopic - good to take with you on the road, since the poles fold up and take up little space;
  • monolithic ones are more reliable and safe, since this equipment does not have latches, which often fail.

Finnish walking poles must be selected individually

It is important to choose the desired length of poles; it is calculated individually. A person's height in centimeters is multiplied by 0.68 and rounded to a number that is divisible by 5.

For example, with a height of 180 cm - 180x0.68 = 122.4. Result = 120 cm - this is the required length of the stick.

How to choose poles - video

Nordic walking (Nordic walking, Finnish walking, Nordic Walking) is a fairly popular type of physical activity, which is based on a certain technique of movement with the help of special poles, which in appearance resemble ski poles. This technique became known throughout the world in the late 90s of the last century. The principle of movement is based on the exercises of skiers in the summer.

The history of Nordic walking

Walking using sticks has been around for a very long time. Similar supports were used by pilgrims when overcoming rough terrain. In physical therapy, sticks are used for the purpose of rehabilitation after illnesses and improving general health.

A type of movement close to modern Nordic Walking first appeared in Finland in 1940 and was used by skiers to keep fit between seasons.

The primacy of the method of walking with poles as an amateur independent sport is disputed by Mark Kantan (the method is described in 1997 in the article Sauvakävely) and Mauri Repo (a similar description of the method is presented in 1979 in the article Hiihdon lajiosa). However, the name was patented by Mark Kantan - it was he who became the author of the first manual on Nordic walking.

By the end of the 90s, this walking technique became an independent sport and was popularized throughout the world.

This sport came to Russia relatively recently and has already become an effective alternative to running exercises. This is due to the fact that in the process of movement, almost the entire muscular system is used (about 90%, while during normal walking only 70% of the muscles are used), this leads to strengthening of the body as a whole and the joints and spine in particular. The muscles of the back and shoulder girdle work more actively, which is not observed during normal walks. Reliance on equipment makes it possible to reduce the load on the knee and hip joints, as well as on the foot.

The benefits of Nordic walking have been repeatedly proven and undeniable, however, the technique also has its limitations, which are associated with the intensity and dosage of loads in the presence of various diseases, and therefore requires consultation with a doctor before starting such training.


This sport has many indications. For example, in Germany, Nordic walking is a mandatory element of programs for the rehabilitation of patients after operations on the musculoskeletal system. Patients in German clinics who have undergone hip replacement return to a normal lifestyle a month after the operation thanks to walking with poles.

The greatest effectiveness is observed in the following cases:

    rehabilitation period after surgery;

    vegetative-vascular dystonia;

    sleep disturbance;

    Parkinson's disease;

    neuroses, depression;

    heart and vascular diseases and prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension;

    disorders of the musculoskeletal system: scoliosis in children and adults, osteochondrosis, is also one of the methods for preventing osteoporosis;

    mild respiratory pathologies;

    excess body weight.

In terms of load, walking can be compared to cardio training. First of all, it strengthens the heart muscle, which means approval from a doctor is required in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs. The technique has no age restrictions, so it is especially popular among people of retirement age.

Features of choosing equipment and equipment for classes

In order to get the maximum effect from classes, you must have:

  • special shoes for running or walking;

    comfortable sportswear according to the weather.

For activities in winter, clothing that is used for skiing is suitable, for example, thin thermal underwear that can keep you warm in cold weather, and ski overalls. In summer, you can wear a tracksuit or comfortable shorts and T-shirts. Regarding shoes, it is important that they firmly and reliably fix the foot area and have a dense, but flexible sole. You should also wear two pairs of cotton socks at once to prevent the formation of calluses.

Selection of poles

The first poles specifically for Nordic walking were released in 1997 by Exel Oyj. The length of the poles must be selected individually; to do this, you need to multiply the athlete’s height by a coefficient equal to 0.7. Absolutely all monolithic Nordic walking poles have a standard size with a difference of 5 cm. If the resulting number is intermediate, the results should be rounded based on the person’s physical abilities.

    A shorter length is more preferable for beginner athletes and people with contraindications to increased stress on the spine.

    Longer poles put more stress on the arms and back, so they are better suited for trained athletes.

Telescopic poles are also available for sale, which allow them to be used by all family members, they are especially good for children, since they can be adjusted as the child grows. The best material is carbon. Aluminum poles are cheaper.

Equipment for Nordic walking is quite expensive, so you need to buy it in accordance with your physical capabilities and height.

The benefits of Nordic walking

Doctors have long proven the fact that walking is much healthier and safer for health, in comparison with strong physical activity and running. Moving at a calm, measured pace has a positive effect on your health and emotional state.

What walking gives you:

    positive and good mood;

    healing of the spine and joints;

    improved coordination and balance;

    burning fat deposits;

    improvement of muscle tone;

    strengthening the immune system;

    lowering cholesterol levels;

    activation of the process of removing toxic substances;

    improved digestion;

    acceleration of metabolic processes;

    strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels;

    enrichment of blood and, accordingly, internal organs with oxygen.

The main thing is to do exercises regularly; you can skip workouts only for health reasons.


Like any other sport, before starting a workout you should do a warm-up - swinging your arms, legs, bending your body, bending over, rising on your tiptoes for a few seconds, carefully jumping from foot to foot. You can also use exercises with sticks: bending to the sides with your arms raised up, while your hands hold the sticks, bending forward with emphasis on the sticks.

So, how to walk correctly:

    The main element of the lesson is the step.

    The main rule is the order: the left hand with the stick moves forward with the right leg and vice versa, the right hand moves forward with the left leg, the result is a counter move.

    The stick is located on the side of the leg at a slight angle.

    When touching the ground with a stick, you need to take a step: the foot is placed on the heel, and then rolled onto the toe. Do not immediately place your foot on the entire surface of the foot.

    During the step, you need to bend your legs slightly at the knee joints.

    During movement, the arms are bent at the elbows, and movements are carried out up and down, while pushing off the surface. The arm should rise at an angle of 45 degrees in the upper position, while the lower arm moves back to the level of the pelvis.

    You cannot lean on sticks with great effort. This will create additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

How to hold sticks?

Essentially, the poles are held on the hands using special strong and reliable loops. Such loops look like the bells of gloves and, with the help of wide stripes, cover the bases of the thumbs, thus preventing incorrect movements in the hand. The equipment must be held freely, parallel and without straining the arms. When overcoming a hard surface, for convenience, you can put special rubber tips on the poles; on soft terrain it is better to walk simply by pushing off with the spike.

Before starting the lesson, you need to put your hand through the loop and adjust its diameter to suit you using the clasp, secure the loop so as not to pinch the wrist area. This will allow you to securely fix the poles so that they do not fall out of your hands.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the technique:

    primary rehabilitation period after surgery, when bed rest is indicated;

    severe hyper- and hypotension;

    severe angina pectoris;

    osteoporosis, serious joint diseases;

    exacerbations of chronic diseases or acute pathologies.

The disadvantages of this type of amateur sport is its dependence on the weather. Of course, you can practice walking throughout the year, but in heavy snow or rain, movement becomes significantly more difficult, which can have a detrimental effect on your health. Walking in the gym is difficult, but skipping classes is not advisable.

How to walk correctly for maximum effect

It is recommended to go with the whole family or find a companion for exercise - this motivates and increases both efficiency and overall mood. There are special schools and clubs for Nordic walking fans, which involve daily group walks.

    It is advisable to eat food an hour and a half before class.

    It is better to walk at a fast pace and then start running. The walk should be comfortable and not accompanied by rapid breathing, shortness of breath, or abdominal pain.

    You only need to increase the load gradually.

    While walking, you should not lower your head down; you need to relax your shoulders and lower them freely, with an even posture. You should think only about good things and smile more.

    You should only take walks in environmentally friendly places, with plenty of vegetation and lack of transport. The best option is a hilly path in a square or park.

    The duration of the lesson should be more than 40 minutes. The maximum training time depends on individual physical abilities, but should not exceed an hour and a half.

    While walking, you should drink water in small sips and only clean water.

    After your walk, you should do a few leisurely stretches or just take deep breaths.

Nordic Walking and weight loss

Proper Nordic walking, which is performed regularly, helps to get rid of extra pounds. Walking at a fast to moderate pace burns approximately 10 calories per minute. All muscle groups are also pumped. While walking, you need to work on problem areas. Thus, if the goal is to correct the abdominal area, you should walk with the muscles in this area moderately drawn in. Overcoming rough terrain with climbs allows you to pump up your leg muscles. To improve the shape of the buttocks, you can tighten and tighten this area.

Common mistakes

Nordic walking with the help of poles will not be easy for everyone, and some will not notice absolutely any positive changes. Such situations are most often associated with some errors in the process:

    using uncomfortable shoes;

    using hand strength during push-off rather than elbow strength;

    turning the body when raising the arm to push off;

    improper holding of poles;

    using equipment from other sports or homemade sticks.

Nordic Walking is a pleasant and accessible sport for everyone, which has a positive effect on mood, appearance and health.

The modern world forces us to lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. We want to look slim, fit, mentally stable people. A very exciting and accessible sport for everyone – Nordic walking – can help us with this!

Scandinavian (Finnish, Nordic, Nordic) walking is a type of walking using special poles that resemble ski poles. This is a physical treatment of the body that has a positive effect on the functioning of almost all human organs.

Even in ancient times, pilgrims and shepherds overcame difficult terrain obstacles with the help of sticks. In the 40s of the last century, Finnish ski athletes, in order to keep themselves in shape in the summer, began to train without skis, using only poles. This is how a new type of sports exercise appeared.

By the 90s, this sport had gained worldwide fame. It gained mass popularity and popularity due to its effectiveness and very simple technique.

  1. Leaning on sticks, we squat 15 times. Beginners start squats with 3 reps.
  2. Raising the stick above your head, bend to the right and left.
  3. Leaning forward, we move our arms back. Leaning back, we put our hands forward.
  4. We lean on the stick with our right hand, while bending our left leg, clasping our left foot with our hand. We fix this position for 15 seconds. Then we do the same with the left arm and right leg.
  5. We take two sticks in our hands, lean forward, resting on the sticks with outstretched arms. Leaning on sticks, we bend over. We do the exercise several times.

After warming up, you can start walking. The technique of performing Nordic walking exercises is quite simple. You just need to not strain too much and breathe correctly.

Nordic walking technique

  1. Let's straighten our back, relax our arms and shoulders. The poles should be as close to your body as possible. We hold the handles without straining.
  2. The movements of Nordic walking are very similar to skiing. Arms and legs work alternately, i.e. left leg and right arm and then vice versa, pushing the body forward.
  3. After pushing off with a stick, use your hand to send the stick behind your body. Straighten your elbow and release the stick.
  4. Place the poles at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground behind your back and push off with them. If you rested correctly, there will be a small mark on the ground. When making a push, you must bring the stick forward with the handle.
  5. First, we place our foot on the heel, and then transfer all the weight to the toe, using the rolling method. Using your toes, push your toes off the ground.
  6. Having chosen a comfortable walking pace for yourself, start exercising 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes. Once you get used to the same loads, your body will allow you to exercise longer and more often.

After class, be sure to stop. Taking a few deep breaths, do stretching exercises for your hips, back, and calf muscles. To prevent your muscles from bothering you the next day, warm them up in a bathhouse, sauna, or take a warm bath.

Walking is mainly done by older people. The rules of Nordic walking with poles for the elderly are no different from the general rules. Among the beginners there may also be people who have suffered injuries, since this type of load is light physical exercise.

How to choose sticks and how do they differ?

A positive result from Nordic walking depends on correctly selected poles. It is important to know the selection features.

At the moment, poles are made of carbon (carbon fiber) and high-quality aluminum.

Carbon poles are distinguished by their strength, lightness, elasticity and flexibility. When walking on heavy, hard ground, they relieve tension from the shoulder girdle and arms by absorbing vibration. These poles are suitable for more obese people with a large body weight.

The advantage of aluminum alloy poles is their inexpensive price. Aluminum poles are mainly intended for light weight people.

Scandinavian sticks come in two types:

  1. When walking, almost all muscles of the body are involved. The tone of the lower and upper muscles is synchronously restored.
  2. Problems of the cervical and shoulder regions disappear. Posture is corrected.
  3. Tension in joints and knees goes away. The load on the spine itself is reduced.
  4. The extra pounds are gone. Nordic walking helps burn up to 40% more calories than regular walking.
  5. Improves the functioning of the lungs.
  6. Helps in the rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal diseases.
  7. Helps strengthen the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure and pulse, and removes cholesterol.
  8. Improves balance and coordination of movements.
  9. Sleep is normalized, memory is improved and restored.

Nordic walking has minimal contraindications:Unfortunately, almost 90% of people, when they start Nordic walking, make a lot of mistakes. Here are a few of them:

  • “Gait on the elbows” - when bending the arms at the elbow, the upper shoulder region does not work at all.
  • “Carrying sticks” - the stick is carried forward and stuck into the ground.
  • “Amplitude” - the hand is only extended forward, without forming a swing back and forth at 45 degrees.
  • "Holding a stick in a fist."
  • “Throwing sticks to the side” is an uncontrolled flight of sticks.
  • “Walking fast” means not following the walking technique.
  • “Imitating push-off” - you don’t make any effort when walking.
  • “The hand is not fixed” – the hand bends.
  • “Ski gait” is a firm, sliding step.

Full video lesson on Nordic walking

If you decide to take up Nordic walking, then listen to these recommendations, and the exercises will bring you excellent health and a good mood!

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