Scandal in Dzhigarkhanyan's family. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan filed for divorce: latest news

YEREVAN, April 5 – Sputnik. Ex-wife people's artist USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan accuses his ex-husband’s friends of real estate intrigues. Komsomolskaya Pravda writes about this.

The high-profile scandal in the Dzhigarkhanyan family - Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya grew into a multi-part drama, the main character which became Vitalina. The woman, already a regular participant in the talk show, talks about the numerous machinations of her ex-husband’s friends, accusing everyone and everything of breaking the law.

This time Vitalina talked about changing the locks in her apartment. As always, she considers Arthur Soghomonyan, a friend of Armen Borisovich, to be the attacker.

“From time to time I come to visit this apartment in Rublevsky Suburb. I recently arrived, at first I wanted to get receipts for housing and communal services. But I couldn’t open the mailbox: there was a broken key in it. Entrance door I couldn't open it either. Someone changed the locks,” Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya said on the TV show.

The Russian publication did not take the woman’s word for it and contacted a friend of the people’s artist.

“Another lie! The ex-wife no longer knows what to invent in order to attract the attention of journalists. She crossed the boundaries of not only morality, but also common sense! I won’t comment on all her gossip, but the story with this apartment has already gone far,” Soghomonyan noted.

According to him, a one-room apartment does not represent serious material value (its cadastral value is 3.7 million rubles. - Ed.). At the same time, it is very important for Dzhigarkhanyan, since it is away from everyone that the artist can rest and relax a little.

“In 2012, Vitalina re-registered this apartment in her name. She rewrote the contract, put my signature on it, without even notifying me about it (I was away). Vitalina knew that I would not cause a scandal. But when the hype began around the people’s divorce artist, I asked to return the apartment to Armen Borisovich,” the man noted.

According to him, when Vitalina was charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code (“violation of the inviolability privacy" - ed.), she was scared. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was forced to return the apartment to Dzhigarkhanyan, since Soghomonyan could file a statement of forgery of documents.

On January 31 of this year, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan officially became a bachelor, which the actor himself is happy about, but not him ex-wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

A loud scandal in the family of the People's Artist occurred in October 2017. At first, there were rumors that Dzhigarkhanyan was kidnapped by unknown people, then it turned out that he was hospitalized. It turned out that all his property was registered in the name of his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. After this, Armen Borisovich decided to file for divorce.

The actor said that Vitalina took all his money by deception, transferred the property to herself and even attempted murder. At the same time, Vitalina said that she has nothing to repent of and blames Dzhigarkhanyan’s entourage for everything that happened, which negatively influences him.

The whole country is discussing the passions in Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s family. Recently, a man gave an interview from the hospital in which he said that he was literally hiding from his young wife. It turned out that Vitalina is not at all who she pretended to be for so long. Read our article about what is happening in Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s personal life.

A few days ago the press learned that the popular Russian actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan filed for divorce. This was reported Russian media, referring to the artist’s friend, Arthur Sogomanyan. According to the man, the artist had already left the hospital and managed to go to the registry office to write a divorce application.

Arthur Sogomanyan also said that his friend wished to make the court hearing closed. Perhaps in this way the artist decided to get rid of the annoying attention of journalists.

So far, Armen Borisovich is in a peaceful mood to resolve the property issue. If his wife does not want to separate amicably, the man will go to court. For now, the property issue will not be considered as part of the divorce process.

The first negotiations on the division of acquired property have already taken place. So far they have not been successful. Armen Borisovich's wife does not intend to give in to her husband.

It is worth recalling that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya became a wife famous actor in February 2016. Previously, she was appointed director of the Moscow drama theater, operating under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

The artist's comments about the scandal with his wife

Days earlier, Russian media published a very interesting information about Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Unpleasant details of his personal life were revealed. The artist’s young wife wrote a statement to the police asking to find her husband, since he disappeared several days ago. According to Vitalina, Armen Borisovich left with friends and did not return home. Before this, the couple quarreled. It became known that the cause of the scandal was a financial issue.

A little later, information was received from unverified sources that Armen Borisovich wrote a statement to the police against his young wife, in which he accused Vitalina of attempted murder. Later this information was refuted by Oksana Pushkina. The woman published a post on a social network in which she stated that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan did not write any statement. According to Oksana Pushkina, the artist was preparing to file for divorce.

Subsequently, it turned out that Armen Borisovich had not disappeared at all.

He is in the hospital. From there he contacted Andrei Malakhov. The presenter decided to make the scandal in the artist’s family the next topic for his show. Armen Borisovich spoke negatively about his wife. He called the situation "extremely vile story, which you can’t just tell.” The artist noted that he is not ready to forgive his wife and does not intend to communicate with her.

Armen Borisovich considers Vitalina a thief. He called his wife’s act extremely vile.

Why is the young wife of a famous actor called a swindler?

Information has repeatedly appeared that the director of the theater, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, fires employees - artists and service personnel - without reason. The team started talking about the need to sue Vitalina. Despite difficult situation in the theater, the woman decided not to give up and still continued to establish her own rules.

Perhaps Vitalina wanted to take over the entire theater. But the fact that the woman acted based on good intentions cannot be ruled out. Accusations that she is a swindler are shenanigans evil tongues and envious people. At least, that’s what the famous actor’s wife herself thinks.

For example, the theater costume designer Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is not surprised that she is getting a divorce. She immediately noticed that something was wrong with Vitalina. The master's friend saw how his wife was trying to take over the entire theater. The woman decided that personal life Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife are just a farce. And Vitalina clearly lives with the actor for her own benefit, and not in the name true love, as she often stated.

It is known from unreliable sources that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya managed to transfer part of the actor’s inheritance to herself. Plus, the famous artist bought her an apartment the day before the woman married him.

Perhaps Armen Borisovich foresaw that Vitalina would want something more. He decided that it was most logical to buy her a home right away, so that the young wife would not worry about what she would be left with in the event of a divorce.

How did Armen Borisovich treat his wife at the beginning of the relationship?

When asked by journalists whether he loved Vitalina, Armen Borisovich answered in the affirmative. He says he was aware of the complexities of their relationship. Still, the age difference has an effect (Remember, Vitalina was born in 1979, and Armen Borisovich - in 1935).

Armen Borisovich liked the way Vitalina played. She is a musician. The actor says with a laugh that he was even ready to help her - turn the notes over.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan did not admit to the press what exactly attracted him to his third wife. Despite his busy personal life with Vitalina, he himself still does not understand why he decided to connect his life with this woman. Perhaps she became exactly the person who could give him the warmth he desired. The age difference did not matter at all.

What is known about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya?

As Vitalina herself admitted, Armen Borisovich is her idol since early childhood. She fell in love with him back when she was an ordinary 16-year-old girl. At that time she lived with her parents in Kyiv. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan often came there with performances. The girl tried not to miss a single performance. Despite the fact that Vitalina is no longer a 16-year-old girl, she still recalls those performances that became one of the most vivid impressions in life.

By the way, the first meeting of future lovers took place precisely in that at a young age Vitalins. The girl wrote a note to the artist. She didn't expect that he would want to see her later. Perhaps the note didn't do him enough strong impression. He and the actor drank tea before the next performance and had a nice chat.

Naturally, Vitalina could not even think that one day she and her favorite actor would be together. The woman admits that they started dating in the early 2000s. Then she presented the actor with a figurine of Socrates, who really impressed him. This gift still stands in Armen Borisovich’s office.

When the actor fell ill, Vitalina felt that she had to be with him. Let us remember that this happened in 2002. Actor for a long time was in the hospital. Vitalina went to see him every day.

Many believe that it was the actor who invited Vitalina to move to Moscow. Actually this is not true. Vitalina’s parents sold their apartment in Kyiv and bought housing in the Moscow region. That's how she ended up in Russia.

Later the actor invited new girlfriend work for him in the theater. Vitalina helped stage musical compositions.

How did the relationship between Vitalina and Armen Borisovich develop further?

Vitalina is glad that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan decided to build a family with her. She doesn’t know what exactly attracted the man. It seems to her that he made her a part of his personal life, because he realized that he could count on her support. Most likely, this happened after Vitalina began visiting the actor in the hospital. She was one of the few who was really interested in how Armen Borisovich was feeling and whether he needed any help.

The woman understood that many were jealous of her. Most of the actor's fans would like to be in her place. However, it was Vitalina who was able to attract the attention of Armen Borisovich. Probably not in vain. The woman understood that she was really worth something.

Armen Borisovich in live"Let Them Talk" program

Vitalina believes that her main merit is that Armen Borisovich is actively involved in creative activity. She believes that any man needs to be supported, especially in old age. If it were not for her love and kindness, perhaps the actor would not have been so active, and gradually his vitality faded away altogether.

The woman does not admit how long she has been living with the actor. She considers this information personal and does not want to share it with the press.

According to Vitalina, the press already knows a lot about her biography. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan also did not talk about this fact from his personal life in an interview. It is possible that the couple has been living together since the actor fell ill in the early 2000s. Moreover, everyone knows about the actor’s reluctance for a long time to divorce his second wife and enter into a legal marriage with his new chosen one.

According to Vitalina, she is not embarrassed by the age difference. She believes that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Attractive man any age. Moreover, age, in principle, adorns every man.

Actor on the set of the program “Live”

Who does Dzhigarkhanyan live with?

Despite the current unstable situation in their relationship, Armen Borisovich and Vitalina were previously happy together. The woman spoke warmly about her chosen one. It seemed they had found each other. Of course, some fans and admirers of Dzhigarkhanyan’s work were sure that the relationship between their idol and the young woman would not last long. The age difference will do its job, and they will soon separate. As we see, they were right.

Someone still hopes that peace will come to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s family. Fans want the famous actor to be happy and not live his life alone, like many other theater and film artists in Russia.

Unborn children of Armen Borisovich

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife could have a very eventful personal life. The fact is that the actor’s wife demanded children from him. The artist considered that at his age it was no longer worth taking risks and having offspring. Plus, Armen Borisovich was sure that Vitalina wanted to have a child for selfish purposes. The actor has no biological children. And it is possible that the entire inheritance went to the child of the third wife, if such a child were born.

This information became available to the press after the details of the scandal in the artist’s family were clarified. At that time, Vitalina stated that she was looking forward to meeting her husband and hoped that the misunderstanding would end soon. The woman wanted to make peace with her husband and continue living together.

Earlier in his interviews, the actor said that physical intimacy for him is not the main thing in a relationship. He doesn't want to be lonely. It was important for the artist to have someone at home, and at night to lie next to him and just breathe. Nothing else mattered to the man.

Remember all

Let's remember how the artist's personal life developed throughout his life. Armen Borisovich's first wife's name was Alla Vannovskaya. The wife was an artist. She died in 1966.

Alla and Armen had a daughter. Her name was Elena. The woman was born in 1964. In December 1987 she died. Elena fell asleep in the car with the engine running. Death came quite quickly.

For some reason, the press often writes that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s first wife is Tatyana Vlasova. This may be due to the death of the real first wife. The actor lived with Tatyana for quite a long time. Their marriage broke up in 2015. Previously, Tatyana was a theater actress. She now works as a teacher in the USA. Armen Borisovich has a stepson. The man's name is Stepan. He was born in 1966.

The actor’s third wife is Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The woman is now 38 years old. In February 2016, she married Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

How does Tatyana Vlasova live now?

Tatyana Vlasova now lives in the USA with her son. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan bought them housing. The woman says her husband cheated on her for about 15 years, starting in the 2000s. She was in the USA while the actor had a young mistress in Russia. More likely, we're talking about about his current wife Vitalina.

The actor with his second wife Tatyana Vlasova

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya spoke about the relationship between Dzhigarkhanyan and Tabakov

The pianist said that Dzhigarkhanyan was always “blackly jealous” of his colleague’s success, writes the Vlad Time portal with reference to Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s Facebook page. In the post ex-wife People's Artist stated that with such behavior Dzhigarkhanyan doomed himself to death in loneliness and shame.

The pianist allowed herself a harsh statement. As it became known, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya wrote a post about the contradictions between two great actors. According to her, Dzhigarkhanyan will die in shame.

“Tabakov has always been more successful, courageous and consistent in his actions. Dzhigarkhanyan knew this and did not like him. But these are already human qualities,” this entry was found on her page.

Vitalina actively communicates with fans in in social networks. "My ex-husband doomed himself to die in shame. And this is his choice,” said Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

The day before, Vitalina was charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of privacy”) and ordered not to leave.

The court arrested the Moscow apartment and 1 million rubles of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife

“The capital court arrested my client’s apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street in Moscow as part of a criminal case for violation of privacy. In addition, the court imposed a security arrest for 1 million rubles, which is located in a safe deposit box at Lanta Bank and also belongs to Vitalina,” the defender said.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation charged Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of privacy”) and took a written undertaking not to leave the place. According to investigators, the artist’s ex-wife collected and disseminated information in the press about personal and family life with Dzhigarkhanyan without his consent.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself, in an interview with a TASS correspondent, rejected the charges. Later, her lawyer Larisa Shirokova told the agency that a non-disclosure agreement was taken from her client; the lawyer emphasized that “if charges were brought, it was in violation of the law.” According to her, from the materials of the criminal case it is not entirely clear who contacted the law enforcement agencies, since there is no information about the interrogation of the actor as a complainant about the crime.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is outraged by the court decision

All through yesterday former muse Armena Dzhigarkhanyan remained silent, but due to the uproar that predictably arose in the media in the evening, she decided to speak out about the court’s decision.

“I am forced to comment on what is happening, since nothing “sensational”, as stated in the press, happened,” says Vitalina. - So: the Moscow City Court was supposed to consider the complaint against the decision of the Cheryomushkinsky court, filed by me and Larisa Shirokova regarding the illegal withdrawal of funds from my safe deposit box in November (or December) 2017. In fact, they were looking for fake documents about fraudulent real estate transactions, but in their absence they decided to seize at least the money. The article under which the investigation is being conducted does not provide for such sanctions, and we will appeal anything that is contrary to the law in all possible instances in a procedural manner. In fact, the meeting was postponed due to untimely notification (at least 7 days), and in our case, the complete lack of notification by the Cheryomushkinsky court to me and my lawyer about the date of the meeting. However, we were never notified of any procedural action of this court. We found out about the seizure by chance, a month later.”

Yesterday, Vitalina’s representative Larisa Shirokova commented as follows: judicial scandal: “The capital court arrested my client’s apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street in Moscow as part of a criminal case for violation of privacy. In addition, the court imposed a security arrest for 1 million rubles, which is located in a safe deposit box at Lanta Bank and also belongs to Vitalina,” she said.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya spilled the beans about Dzhigarkhanyan’s black envy of Tabakov

Famous actor and theater director Armen Dzhigarkhanyan wrote a statement to the police against his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. He accused his wife of attempted murder and theft. At the same time, the artist himself is in the hospital. What is happening in the actor’s family, clairvoyant Marianna Abravitova asked the tarot cards.

“The situation is quite classic. You can give many examples of such unions, among our artists, showmen, leaving their families and rushing to young ladies. The same thing happened with Armen Dzhigarkhyanyan,” says tarologist, clairvoyant Marianna Abravitova.

Of course, this doesn’t happen in a vacuum. “So there was a certain basis for this, and an empty niche that I wanted to fill with something. Now to say that it was the girl who started it all, and started it all, and all that, is wrong. A holy place is never empty. In his soul he wanted to fill the space. This beautiful girl happened to be nearby, a spark flashed, it started spinning and everything started spinning. So it turned out what we see,” noted the tarot reader.

The couple got married safely. “The fact that he copied everything to her is his right. Maybe he was blinded by passion, practically a person does this as in last time. A person leaves a trail behind him, and if you look closely, you can see a lot of such examples with such a scenario. Well, he himself came out of this scenario, he started the quarrel himself. Those friends who were nearby at the moment of his loneliness really screwed him up. That’s why he ended up in the hospital,” said the clairvoyant.

According to Abravitova, the relationship between the spouses will not be the same as before. “The wedge has been driven seriously. The development of events is the erosion of these relations. There is a showdown ahead regarding both inheritance and real estate. There is a phenomenal scandal ahead,” said the tarot reader.

Abravitova noted that the actor now has a choice of what to do: either put up with this wife, or return to his first wife, or calmly remain alone. “A fork in the road, so to speak. But universal human concepts are included. Then he goes in the direction of leaving his young wife. I would give it 70% in favor of them breaking up,” the cards showed.

"I don't see that she's a fraud and robbed him. She just happened to be in the right place and in right time. She helped him a lot with his health and generally enlivened his life. Now he may begin to come to completely different conclusions, especially since everyone is singing completely different things to him. Many people simply make it up. If now everything is taken away from Vitalina in court, then it will be wrong. She gave him her youth and attention, and truly loved him. She surrounded him with love and warmth. I would like the situation to be fair,” says the clairvoyant.

In second place is the question: where will the actor go if he gets divorced? “Reconciliation with the first wife will be quite conditional. But as a person, Dzhigarkhanyan is far from his first wife and a global return is impossible. He will remain a free man, as they say, a free groom,” Abravitova concluded.

The controversial story that unfolded around the famous actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya not only does not subside, but, on the contrary, is gaining new momentum. Almost all Russian media write about this.

The news about the conflict between the most popular theater and film actor, the head of the Moscow Drama Theater Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who is 44 years younger than her husband, literally blew up the Internet.

Soviet and Russian actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan accused his wife and director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya of theft.

As TV presenter and State Duma deputy Oksana Pushkina explained on her Facebook, Dzhigarkhanyan is going to divorce his wife, 38-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

It is reported that the reason for the divorce was the financial fraud of the wife, who is also the director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater.

According to Pushkina, “Armen Borisovich did not write any statements. Preparing documents for divorce.” The actor also “expressed no confidence in the director and her two deputies on legal and financial issues.”

Information appeared in the press that the director of the Drama Theater had a fight with his young wife because she “wanted to kill him and take possession of the property,” after which he and his friends left home and did not return. The artist did not contact his wife.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, in turn, claimed that an ordinary family quarrel occurred between the spouses, and the actor’s friends took him away and forcibly kept him in the hospital.

Later, Vitalina allegedly contacted the police so that law enforcement agencies could help find her husband. After some time, Dzhigarkhanyan was found in the hospital in serious condition.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s sister, Marina, also spoke out in defense of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, claiming that Vitalina is a deeply decent person, without whom her brother would have left this world long ago.

The day before, representatives of the program “Live with Andrei Malakhov” spoke with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the hospital, who said that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya “behaved vilely.” In his speech, the actor called his wife a thief.

“I'm sick. Got a little cold. It was almost over. But the most difficult thing is that not very good processes have happened in my life. I had a wife like normal person. Then this woman turned out to be... Nothing seemed to be in danger. Sad. I have difficulty pronouncing her name. It brought me a lot of pain... A lot of unfair pain. I'm always afraid when even people close to me start coming close to me. No! Let me think for myself and make a decision. I'm not ready to forgive her. Will in rude words say: she behaved vilely. Thief! She is a thief, not a person!” Dzhigarkhanyan noted in his unexpected confession.

“I am in very good condition, I am 80 years old. This all needs to be taken into account, because I won’t run now. I can’t and I don’t want to. But the most important thing for me is that I want to return to my favorite theater. And all the other comrades say: “Don’t do it.” Because we often pretend that we are helping. We are masters of disrupting lives,” he said.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself does not comment on the situation. According to her friend and representative Elina Mazur in an interview with the portal, she simply does not want to aggravate her husband’s poor condition.

“She stands in the hospital for hours, crying, dying, almost fainting. And on the contrary there is a person who says: “Come during office hours.” She comes to office hours, and they tell her that we won’t give any information, Armen Borisovich forbade it. How can he prohibit it when he is there as an unidentified person, without documents?” - said Mazur.

“She doesn’t need anything except her husband next to her. All this nasty stuff that is creeping in the press has something to do with property... Vitalina herself has been making great money for a long time. And who supports whom - big question. Disgusting!

Now understand family drama Dzhigarkhanyanov will face the police, since Vitalina Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya filed a complaint against the employees of the clinic where her husband is, and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, in turn, accuses his young wife of attempted murder.

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