Download the photo translator program. Translation of text from photographs online

Well, hello, autumn. Hello, “long-awaited” school year. Until next summer, blissful idleness and sweet entertainment. The time has come to bite into the granite of science.

I dedicate today's review to schoolchildren, students and everyone who is receiving an education. Here are 6 free mobile applications for recognizing and translating text from photos that are most popular among users. These programs will protect your teeth from wearing down too quickly when learning foreign languages ​​and more.


Translate.Ru- a product of one of the best developers of automated translation systems PROMT, will not only cope with the text on a photographed page of a textbook or PC monitor, but will also teach the correct pronunciation of foreign words, and will also help you understand what the teacher is talking about.

The application is a complex of three parts: a translator, a dictionary and a phrasebook. It supports 18 popular foreign languages, including Japanese, Finnish, Korean, Portuguese, Hebrew, Turkish, Catalan, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Dutch and Hindi. Language packs are downloaded according to the user's choice.

To translate text from a picture, just point the camera at it or download it from the gallery. As the experiment showed, Translate.Ru copes with English, French and German inscriptions on photos with a bang, but things are not so good with oriental languages. The program did not recognize the fragment in Chinese at all, but translated individual phrases in Korean.

Other functions of Translate.Ru

  • Possibility to select the subject of the translated text, which increases the accuracy of the result.
  • Read and translate texts from applications and clipboard.
  • Translation of words and phrases spoken into a microphone.
  • Dictionary and phrasebook with voice assistant (pronunciation of foreign words).
  • “Dialogue” mode – the ability to translate your speech and your interlocutor’s messages into the desired languages ​​in real time.
  • Integration with iMessage messenger on iOS devices.
  • Storing the 50 most recently translated materials on your phone. Maintaining a list of favorites.

Yandex translate

Mobile Yandex translate uses its own, also very effective algorithms. The quality of translations into Russian from the three main European languages ​​(English, German and French) can be assessed as “good with a plus”; from Asian and others – somewhat lower, but in comparison with many analog programs its level is more than acceptable.

Yandex supports over 90 national languages. Most of them are available online only, but the 3 main ones, as well as Turkish, Italian and Spanish, are loaded into the program natively and can be used offline. There are 12 languages ​​available in photo translation mode. In addition to those listed above, these are Polish, Chinese, Portuguese, Czech and Ukrainian.

To translate text from an image using Yandex, just point the camera at the image and tap the shutter button. To transfer photos from the gallery, squint at the thumbnail located to the left of the camera shutter button.

The program requires registration. If you use a Yandex mail account on your device, you will be logged in automatically.

Other features of Yandex.Translator

  • Translation of web pages, applications (via the context menu in Android 6.0 and later), clipboard contents.
  • Saving the history of translated materials, adding to favorites.
  • Voice input of translated text.
  • Pronunciation of words and phrases in English, Turkish and Russian.
  • Automatic language detection.
  • Hints for quickly typing foreign words.
  • Support for Apple Watch and Android Wear smartwatches: display on the screen the translation of words and entire phrases spoken into the microphone.

Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator– a stylishly designed, convenient and functional application capable of accurate and fast translations from 60 national languages. Works online and offline. To use the program offline, the selected language packs will have to be downloaded to the device.

Unlike Yandex, the Microsoft product supports photo translations into all or almost all 60 languages ​​(nothing is said about the limitation). It cannot be said that their quality is always high, but a passage of text in Korean was recognized and translated quite decently, in Chinese - a little worse.

The program can translate captions on images captured on camera and stored in the device’s gallery. To translate text from an external image, touch the camera button and point the lens at the area of ​​interest.

The button for loading photos from the gallery into the program is located in the same section.

Other Microsoft Translator features and capabilities

  • Simultaneous translation of spoken phrases in online conversations with up to 100 participants.
  • Built-in dictionary and phrasebook with transliteration and pronunciation of translated phrases.
  • Translation of texts in other programs via the context menu (supported starting from Android 6.0).
  • Saving history and maintaining a list of favorites.
  • Supports Android Wear and Apple Watch smartwatches - displaying translations of spoken words and phrases on the screen.

Google Translate

Google Translate, perhaps the most famous and popularly loved automatic translation tool. And the record holder for the number of supported language packs - there are as many as 103 of them, and 59 of them are available offline. Photo translation of texts from pictures is possible into 39 languages.

The quality of translations by the Google Translate service is taken as the standard against which competitors are measured. Many texts processed by him require almost no manual corrections, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve an absolute ideal in this matter. By the way, test fragments in Chinese and Korean, photographed from a laptop screen, were recognized quite correctly.

To perform a photo translation in the Google Translate application, tap the camera icon and point it at the desired object. What to do next, I think, is clear without explanation.

Other Google Translate features

  • Conversational mode (simultaneous translation from 32 languages).
  • Handwritten mode (translation of handwritten text).
  • Translation of text data from applications and SMS messages.
  • Phrasebook (empty, to be filled in by the user).
  • Voice input and voicing of translated phrases.

Translator Foto – Voice, Text & File Scanner

Application Translator Foto – Voice, Text & File Scanner Although it has a smaller set of functions, it works no worse than its competitors. On the contrary, it is even better than many, since, like Google Translate, it supports more than 100 languages.

Translating text from photos is the main function of the program. To use it, touch the button with the image of the camera, select the source - gallery or new photo. Selecting the second option will launch the Camera app. After taking the photo, the photo of the text you want to translate will be loaded into the program. To launch the translator, tap the button in the lower right corner of the photo.

Translator Foto recognizes the languages ​​of printed text in pictures quite well and translates them into Russian quite well. The accuracy of the results is almost at the same level as that of Microsoft and Yandex products.

Other features of Translator Foto – Voice, Text & File Scanner

  • Recognition and translation of spoken phrases.
  • Translation of copied or manually entered text.
  • Voiceover of translated phrases.
  • Saving in another program or sending to another user the typed (copied) text along with the translation.
  • Saving history and favorites list.


TextGrabber came from the pen of the leading developer of software products in the field of linguistics - ABBYY. It may be inferior to Google Translate as a translator, but it probably has no equal in terms of accuracy in recognizing printed lines in images. When the program is connected to the Internet, more than 100 foreign languages ​​are available for translations; in offline mode – 10. Text recognition is carried out in more than 60 languages.

The program recognizes and translates printed inscriptions on images in photo and video modes. The first mode is convenient when the picture is small and fits completely on the screen of a mobile device. The second is indispensable when recognizing texts on large surfaces, for example, on the pages of books or a computer monitor.

TextGrabber works quickly and clearly, but it is too intrusive in asking you to subscribe to the paid version. Although this is his only noticed flaw.

Other features and functionality of TextGrabber

  • Recognition and translation of texts from pictures in the gallery (like competitors).
  • Built-in editor for manual corrections.
  • Creating notes (only 3 notes are available in the free version).
  • Clickability of links, addresses, phone numbers in recognized and translated text.
  • Transfer text data to other applications, automatically copy to the clipboard.

Happy translation!

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Note to students. The best apps for recognizing and translating text from photos for Android and iOS updated: September 7, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

In this article I will introduce you to the best online photo translators. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is the key to full use of all the opportunities of the modern world. But many users own it at an initial level, which is enough to spend time online and playing games. At the same time, in the process of studying or working, sometimes it is necessary to translate text, and not just printed text, which can be inserted into an online translator using the commands ctrl+c/ ctrl+v, but depicted in electronic or printed form. This could be documentation in a foreign language, text on photographs, pictures, signs, posters and much more.

Translation from foreign languages

Using programs and services that recognize text from an image, you can first extract what needs to be translated, and then use an online translator. After this, the text must be manually converted to readable form and used where required. The original image must be clear so that free programs do not have difficulties with recognition, since not all users have the opportunity to use paid services that work even with images of poor quality. Software developers also thought about combining two functions into one, that is, so that the program or service would recognize the text and immediately translate it. Online photo translators for mobile platforms are more common, but there is also an option for desktop computers.

Online photo translator for mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Windows Phone

Google Translate

In the Google Play store, Google Translator is considered the most popular application. So let's put it in the search bar. The following image will appear.

Google Translate

The application for translations from English into Russian has the following advantages:

  • works with 103 languages ​​of the world;
  • supports 59 languages ​​offline (for this you need to download additional dictionaries);
  • automatically translates speech (from 32 languages ​​and back);
  • translates text at high speed (both copied from any application and photographed).

You can also enter a sentence by hand; Google Translate successfully recognizes and translates handwritten text.

ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries

The application installed on a mobile gadget offers users an excellent opportunity to carry out various translations of texts, including from photographs, screenshots and using a video camera.

Abbyy Lingvo dictionaries work even when the Internet is turned off, which allows you to use them anywhere. In the application you can create your own set of necessary dictionaries (from 11 that are freely available and 200 paid). Another advantage of the program is its ability to remember new words and add them to the database. When shooting with a video camera, you need to keep it as level as possible and provide good lighting. Otherwise, the application will not even try to perform text recognition.

TextGrabber: OCR Text Recognition + Translator

Unlike the two translators discussed above, this program is paid. Using the camera, take a photograph, TextGrabber: OCR will recognize it and translate it from/to 100 or more languages ​​of the world.

Paid TextGrabber app: OCR

The application also works with any printed sources - advertisements, books, documents, etc. After translation, the text can be edited and sent either via SMS and e-mail, or through popular instant messengers installed on a tablet or smartphone. Without purchasing additional packages, the user has the opportunity to use translation from 60 or more languages. To make the application work faster, do not use the auto-language detection function, but select it yourself before starting work. The text is not formatted during the translation process - you will do the arrangement of paragraphs, lists and other details yourself.

Photo Translate

Photo Translate is another online program for processing and recognizing photos. It does not have its own database of languages, so it uses an Internet connection for translation. All functionality is limited only to working with images.


Translator is a simple name for an application for users of gadgets on the Windows Phone platform. It is a basic online photo translator from Bing. In addition to performing basic functions, it helps users learn the language using the “word of the day” on the main screen. This application differs from other programs in one interesting detail - it writes the translation over the image. If this function interferes (the source text is written in small font or consists of a large number of words), then it can be disabled.

Translation over text

iSignTranslate (iOS)

iSignTranslate is a Russian development that you can be proud of. The application was created to translate various banners, signs, and signs using a phone or tablet camera. Just point the camera at the target, wait a little, and the translation will be placed on top of the captured image. English and Russian are available for free, the rest can be purchased for a fee. The program also does not have its own language base and uses Google, Bing and Yandex translators to translate text from images, so it can only work when connected to the Internet.

Online services for photo translations for desktop computers and laptops

Let's try to make a translation from a photograph on a desktop computer. Before you start, there are several steps you should take:

  • make sure that the required image has good clarity, since this determines how well the service recognizes the text;
  • make sure that the image is saved in one of the common formats: gif, jpeg, png, bmp and others;
  • If possible, check the text for errors to ensure correct machine translation.

After this, you can start working with the online services themselves. For example, let's take Yandex Translator.

Go to Yandex Translator. In the upper left corner of the page you will find the words “Text”, “Site” and “Picture”, by clicking on which you can go to other tabs. We need a “Picture”. We click and this screen appears in front of us.

Selecting a file or dragging a picture

Select a file from your hard drive or simply drag it with LMB into the field. The following screen appears with our photo.

Recognized image

To the right of the text in the upper corner there is the inscription “Open in translator”. Click on it, and the next page in a new tab splits the screen into two parts. On the left is the text extracted from the image, on the right is the translation. Note! The translation is machine-based and requires mandatory correction.

Text translation

The example shows a translation from English into Russian, but you can select any of the supported languages ​​or use their auto-detection function.

Look closely at the right side. At the bottom there is a switch “New translation technology”. By moving it to the active position, you will take advantage of the fact that the translation will be carried out according to a statistical model and using neural networks. A special algorithm will select the best option and offer it to you. Thanks to this technology, Yandex Translator is able to cope even with low-quality images. This service also has an Android version.

Follow simple requirements for image quality, and using online services for translating text from photographs yourself will not be difficult for you.

Users are faced with the need to translate text from photos online. Situations can be different: there is text in a photograph that needs to be extracted from the image and translated into another language, there is an image of a document in a foreign language, text from the picture needs to be translated, etc.

You can use text recognition programs that use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to extract text from images. Then, the text extracted from their photo can be translated using a translator. If the original image is of good quality, then in most cases free online text recognition services will do.

In this case, the entire operation takes place in two stages: first, text recognition occurs in a program or online service, and then the text is translated using an online translator or an application installed on the computer. You can, of course, copy text from a photo manually, but this is not always justified.

Is there a way to combine two technologies in one place: immediately recognize and transfer a test from a photograph online? Unlike mobile apps, there is little choice for desktop users. But, nevertheless, I found two options for how to translate text from an image online in one place, without the help of programs and other services.

An online photo translator will recognize the text in the image and then translate it into the desired language.

When translating from images online, pay attention to some points:

  • the quality of text recognition depends on the quality of the original image
  • In order for the service to open the picture without problems, the image must be saved in a common format (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, etc.)
  • if possible, check the extracted text to eliminate recognition errors
  • the text is translated using machine translation, so the translation may not be perfect

We will use Yandex Translator and the Free Online OCR online service, which has functionality for translation of text extracted from photographs. You can use these services to translate from English into Russian, or use other language pairs of supported languages.

Yandex Translator for translation from pictures

Yandex.Translator integrates OCR optical character recognition technology, with which text is extracted from photographs. Then, using Yandex Translator technologies, the extracted text is translated into the selected language.

Go through the following steps sequentially:

  1. Log in to Yandex Translator in the “Pictures” tab.
  2. Select the source language. To do this, click on the name of the language (English is displayed by default). If you don't know what language is in the image, the translator will start auto-detection of the language.
  3. Select the language to translate. By default, the Russian language is selected. To change the language, click on the language name and select another supported language.
  4. Select a file on your computer or drag a picture into the online translator window.

  1. After Yandex Translator recognizes the text from the photo, click “Open in Translator”.

Two fields will open in the translator window: one with text in a foreign language (in this case, English), the other with a translation into Russian (or another supported language).

  1. If the photo was of poor quality, it makes sense to check the recognition quality. Compare the translated text with the original in the picture, correct any errors found.
  • You can change the translation in Yandex Translator. To do this, turn on the “New translation technology” switch. The translation is carried out simultaneously by a neural network and a statistical model. The algorithm automatically selects the best translation option.
  1. Copy the translated text into a text editor. If necessary, edit the machine translation and correct errors.

Translation from photos online to Free Online OCR

The free online service Free Online OCR is designed to recognize characters from files of supported formats. The service is suitable for translation, since it optionally has capabilities for translating recognized text.

Unlike Yandex Translator, Free Online OCR produces acceptable recognition quality only on fairly simple images, without the presence of foreign elements in the picture.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to .
  2. In the “Select your file” option, click on the “Browse” button, select a file on your computer.
  3. In the “Recognition language(s) (you can select multiple)” option, select the required language from which you want to translate (you can select multiple languages). Click on the field and add the desired language from the list.
  4. Click on the “Upload + OCR” button.

After recognition, the text from the image will be displayed in a special field. Check the recognized text for errors.

Copy the text into a text editor. If necessary, edit and correct errors.


Using Yandex Translator and the Free Online OCR online service, you can translate text into the desired language from photographs or pictures online. The text from the image will be extracted and translated into Russian or another supported language.

Often PC users are faced with a situation where they need to translate foreign text from a picture. Situations can be different: there is text in a photograph that needs to be extracted from the image and translated into another language, there is a photo of an important document whose text needs to be extracted, etc. Naturally, you can perform text recognition using the ABBYY FineReader program. However, this will require the program itself, a high-quality photo and the performance of not one operation, but several.

Step-by-step instructions for translating text from a picture online

These methods will be described exclusively for PCs. If you are using a mobile phone, then translating the text of the picture can be done using other resources.

To translate text from a photo, you can use two resources: Yandex.Translator and Free Online OCR. We have already written about both the first and the latter. However, this time we offer you a solution on how to extract and translate text from a foreign language from a photo. We recommend that you pay attention to several points:

  • The photo quality must be normal. If the picture is not clear, then the text will not be completely extracted;
  • The image format must be JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP;
  • The translation will be machine-based and therefore require manual correction.

The first example of translation from a photo is the use of Yandex.Translator.

  • Open Yandex.Translator. Go to the “Picture” tab.
  • Select the language of the source and final translation.

  • Next, you need to select or drag the picture into the online translator window.

  • Now select and copy the desired text from the translator.

  • This is the easiest and most convenient way to translate text from a picture online. The finished text can be copied and pasted into a blank .doc file.

The second resource that can be used to translate text from a picture is Free Online OCR. The translation steps are as follows:

  • Open Free Online OCR.
  • Select “Select your file”. Click on the “Browse” button. Select a file on your computer.

  • Then we select the source translation language and the final language.
  • We indicate in what format the translation should be completed.

  • The finished text will be displayed in a separate window.

  • Now the text can be copied and translated using any translator.

It is important to note that the presented methods will be effective if the text in the image is clear and the file format matches the above.

Greetings, dear user and, undoubtedly, a lover of gadgets based on the iOS operating system - iPhone and iPad. In today's short article, we will talk about a wonderful tool that appeared on smartphones relatively recently, but has already gained enormous popularity among users. The tool we will talk about today is a photo translator.

With this tool you can translate any text in a matter of seconds, just by taking a photo of it.

Agree, it is very convenient, especially when you travel. I have made for you a selection of photo translators for iOS (iPhone and iPad), which will allow you to choose the right tool for yourself. I selected each photo translator according to the following principles:

  • Functionality. By this term I mean the available capabilities of a photo translator. The more features a tool has, the more useful they are, the better the program, in my opinion.
  • Ease of use. I don’t really like it, I think no one likes it when an application is very inconvenient or difficult to use. Therefore, I selected programs that are as easy as possible to use.
  • Appearance. I don’t know how well this point fits a photo translator, but, in my opinion, any program should have a good, thoughtful, pleasant appearance, i.e. design.

So let's get to the selection. You can find links to all the tools offered in the selection in the description of each photo translator. Attention: in order to immediately download the necessary photo translator to your mobile gadget, I recommend following the provided links directly from it.


A good iOS photo translator application allows you to quickly and easily translate signs by simply photographing them. I would like to note that this application was made by our compatriot, which, as it were, naturally implies that it is best used for translation into Russian. Of all the features of this application, I would like to highlight the following three:

  • Translation is carried out from all popular European languages;
  • The application is free, although it is possible to purchase additional language packs;
  • The application is regularly updated, which, combined with its Russian production, is good news.

You can download this photo translator using the link located under the title above..


Translator, photo translator, dictionary, in general, a universal tool for iOS – iPhone and iPad. If you want a program that has everything at once, then use this tool. I would like to note the following features::

  • High speed of text translation;
  • Built-in exercises for memorizing English words;
  • A large number of languages ​​for translation.
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