Show Bachelor season 4 who was a bachelor. Vorobyov explained for the first time why he didn’t choose anyone

How the popular show Bachelor (season 4) ended - the ending is of interest to many fans of this project. The fourth season of this reality show was truly unusual, and Alexey Vorobyov managed to shock not only the participants, but also the project organizers and television viewers.

Finalists of the show Bachelor 4

The fourth season of the popular television show was remembered by the audience thanks to the unconventional behavior of the main character, Alexei Vorobyov. The man was desperately trying to find a girl who would meet all his criteria. As a result, only two candidates reached the finals.

The first of them is Yana Anosova. The girl is a very successful actress, acting not only in films, but also in music videos. For a long time, the girl worked as a model.

Finale of the show Bachelor 4.

The second contender for the man’s heart was Natalya Gorozhanova. It was she who was prophesied by the majority of TV viewers as Alexei’s bride. This is a very shocking, beautiful person, professionally involved in the modeling business, who managed to win the hearts of television viewers.

Show Bachelor (season 4) - final

So who did Alexey Vorobyov choose and who rightfully became the winner of the Bachelor 4 show? As for Yana Anosova, the girl knew the prince even before the project itself. Many believed that the relationship between the young people would not work out, but the girl had a second chance and she tried to make the most of it.

The relationship with Natalya Gorozhanova was very strange. At first, the girl won the young man’s heart, but then for a couple of weeks he did not invite her on dates, and everyone began to think that Alexey had simply forgotten about such a contender. But after the date was destined to take place, Vorobyov was convinced that he was ready to meet with her in the final.

Each of the contenders was 100% confident of their victory. However, the dates that took place in the finale could hardly be called successful.

Bachelor finalists Yana Anosova and Natalya Gorozhanova.

Yana was refused almost immediately; Alexey was very harsh and stated that he was clearly not the man who was ready to make her happy. She did not wait for any explanations or enter into dialogue, but only wished the man happiness and left. Then, sitting in the limousine, she burst into tears and admitted that she felt simply terrible.

The date with Natalia also did not go smoothly. The girl almost immediately told the young man bluntly that she did not love him, but if he did not let her go, she would try to change her attitude towards him. At the final ceremony, the beauty was dressed in a white dress and, going to the rendezvous with Alexei, still hoped for a miracle.

She believed that even though she played with his feelings, he would still choose her. But, unfortunately, the miracle did not happen. Alexey admitted that during the show he tried to determine what kind of woman could be “his.” But I realized that it is impossible to find the perfect one. He saw many girls who “caught” his heart.

He was sure that Natalya stood out among all the participants, that she was the woman who would motivate him, attract attention, with whom he would want to move forward. However, Natalya’s final words “I don’t love you” broke all plans. The hero admitted that he really didn’t want to let the girl go, but he couldn’t do that. In the final scene, Alexey walked Natalya to the limousine and, sitting in the car, the beauty burst into tears.

After the show

As you can see, no one won the show Bachelor 4. The main character chose to remain single and was unable to choose any of the participants. Of course, such an event could not leave journalists and experts on family relations indifferent. For example, Mila Levchuk noted that such behavior was unacceptable, because took part in the show not just 25 beautiful, smart, talented and beautiful girls.

The main character could not choose any of the participants.

These participants did what girls shouldn't do - they wooed men. Half of the participants were humiliated, others left the project with a broken heart. Mila writes that she cannot find meaning in Alexei’s actions.

She spoke very categorically about the situation with Natalya. Mila is sure that from the first minutes of the show, TV viewers and girls want to see a man on the screen, a real man who knows what he wants, understands what kind of woman he is looking for and does not allow anyone to decide for himself. You really want to fight for such a man.

But what do we see in the end? A girl who struggles in agony and screams “Yes, I don’t love you!” and a man who doesn’t care about it. According to Mila, such a phrase from Gorozhanova demonstrates not the absence of any feelings for Alexei, but, on the contrary, their presence. This relationship expert claims that the girl's challenge is actually asking the man to "create her love."

As a result, the man who had to decide everything for himself simply gives up and says that he can’t do anything. And it is truly terrible when a man gives up, not believing that he can win the love of a woman who is not indifferent to him. For centuries, men have been pursuing women, but Vorobiev decided to simply give up. This is why Levchuk believes that there was no point in the project - 25 women’s hearts were broken.

The only moral that can be made is that men have become weak, women fight for them, struggle, and they are not even able to make the final choice.

The girls who fought for the heart of the Bachelor 4

It was impossible to ignore such a very impudent and condemning comment. Therefore, Alexey did not remain indifferent. The man is sure that he is for mutual love and he is not going to force someone to feel sympathy for him. That's why he did what he did in the finals.

This is how the fourth season of the popular TV show The Bachelor ended. Of course, many were disappointed, some were angry with the bachelor, but Alexey made his choice, and nothing can be changed. We can only hope that in the next season of the show the main character will be more attentive to the participants and still choose the one and only one.

Only recently Alexey Vorobyov presented his new video, where he showed an ideal picture of the relationship between a man and a woman. He wanted everything in his life to be just as romantic and sincere.

“One of the happiest scenes I’ve ever filmed...” said Alexey about the filming of the video “Happy today and here.”

To find his love and bring the plot of the video to life, Vorobiev went to the “Bachelor” project, but luck did not smile on him there. For the first time in the history of the show, the eligible bachelor did not choose any of the finalists. The editors of Woman’s Day were able to contact the artist and get his first comment about the unexpected ending of the reality show.

“I, no less than those who followed my personal life for thirteen weeks, dreamed of a fairy tale with a happy ending... But I cannot deceive myself or others. I have never been one to give a word, a promise, and then after a couple of months decide that I was too hasty. And if someone wanted to see something like this, then I am sincerely sorry that in this period of my life, a fairy tale with a happy ending did not work out,” said Alexey. I became convinced that love cannot be created, built or artificially grown in a relationship. Everyone has a different path, someone chooses the right person for themselves, someone doesn’t know what they want and is ready for irresponsible experiments, and there is another type of people that I belong to. These are people who know exactly what they want, know what it looks like, and are ready to be responsible for every word spoken and promise made,” said Alexey.

Photo archives of press services

Alexey admitted that such a ending was a surprise for himself, because he came to the project not just for the sake of the show, but really wanted to find love. Despite the fact that the young ladies who reached the finals were unable to convince the “bachelor” that their feelings for him were real and sincere. It seemed to Alexey that, unlike him, the girl had just come to the project for the sake of the show. Nevertheless, Vorobiev has not given up on love and relationships and intends to continue searching for the one and only one.

“Family is a huge support, and it cannot interfere with a career, it can only help, because in addition to goals, there will also be those in life for whom you need to achieve these goals; I'm talking about my wife and children.

I was and remain a romantic, so I will also believe that if now I have not met the woman who was destined for me, then it is not time yet. But it will definitely happen. This means that the amount of pain experienced will then be equivalent to the happiness that I will find when falling asleep and waking up, hugging the woman I love, the one for whom life is worth living.”

Photo archives of press services

Until the very end, the producers of the show maintained the intrigue, and Alexey himself did not admit which of the beautiful young ladies he liked more.

Last week, the artist admitted to a Woman’s Day correspondent that from the very beginning he did not listen to the show’s producers, because he wanted to be himself, and not put on a mask and pretend. And although Alexey sometimes behaved harshly, he was as honest as possible with the audience and with himself.

It must be said that most of Alexey’s fans were confident that Natalya Gorozhanova would win. By the way, Alexey singled her out from the very first seconds of communication.

“When I saw Natasha for the first time, I immediately realized that in the finale I would see her in a white dress. I knew this from the very beginning, and I did not need to look further or communicate with her to receive confirmation of my inexplicable sensations. I told Natasha this on our first date. Such things cannot be explained, all that remains is to lay down your arms and obey your feelings. It may seem like something illogical, stupid, whatever, but this is what you felt and nothing can be done,” Alexey admitted to Woman’s Day.

Natalya admitted even before the final that she had sincere feelings for Lesha; during the project he became a close person to her. Gorozhanova even charmed the groom’s parents. It seemed that the outcome was obvious. But... when Alexey asked the girl to tell the truth about her feelings, she suddenly said that she did not feel love. Either Vorobyov put too much pressure, or the explanation in front of the cameras took its toll, or maybe Natasha really doubted her feelings. But what happened happened.

Photos of Instagram heroes of the publication

For Yana Anosova, what happened also came as a surprise. She met Alexei four years ago. The young people met during a festival in Khanty-Mansiysk, talked for only a couple of hours and never saw each other again until the 21-year-old actress appeared before Alexey in the show “The Bachelor.” Vorobyov was impressed by this turn and even wondered: was this fate? Yana seemed to have it much easier than the other girls: she was not shy, she freely communicated with the artist. But in the finale she failed the task - she tried to melt the ice that symbolized the bachelor’s heart. But Vorobyov suddenly did not appreciate the gesture, dryly noting that sometimes the ice should just be left as it is, and not try to change it.

“It was very surprising that we met. How so? For four years I saw her photo on VKontakte and did not pay any attention. When I met Yana on the project, I realized that I had missed something somewhere. It's a very strange accident and I've never been disappointed. This accident brought us both a lot of joy, it’s even difficult to describe. And this is already wonderful,” Alexey told us.

The editors of Woman's Day found out how the personal lives of the winners of all five projects turned out. So far, not a single season has ended with a wedding, but some of the girls still managed to find their love after the show.

First season

Bachelor – Evgeniy Levchenko

Winner – Olesya Ermakova

The winner of the first season of the show “The Bachelor” in 2013 was Olesya Ermakova. It was she who managed to win the heart of football player Evgeniy Levchenko, who at one time played for CSKA Moscow and the Ukrainian national team.

However, nine months later, the athlete announced his separation from his chosen one. But the beautiful Olesya did not remain alone for long; a year later, an old acquaintance from London proposed to her. Fortunately, this time the distance did not become an obstacle to the relationship.

Currently, Ermakova is producing various television projects and also works as a model.

Photo by TNT channel, @olesyayermakova

Second season

Bachelor – Maxim Chernyavsky

Finalists – Maria Drigola

The winner of the second season of the reality show was Maria Drigola, who competed for the heart of entrepreneur Maxim Chernyavsky, who shortly before his participation in the program broke up with the ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra” Anna Sedokova.

The relationship of this couple lasted almost a year and a half. The lovers even began to prepare for the wedding, but everything collapsed in November 2015. As in the first story, love was ruined by distance.

After breaking up with his bride, Maxim said that they really wanted to be together no matter what, Maria often came to see him in Los Angeles, but in the end nothing worked out.

Maria Drigola now travels a lot and manages to head the legal department in her father’s company, which repairs and sells military equipment. The girl’s personal life remains unsettled, but given the popularity of her Instagram page, she has quite a few fans.

Photo TV channel TNT

Season three

Bachelor - Timur Batrutdinov

Finalists – Daria Kananukha

Few people believed in the sincere choice of Timur Batrutdinov in the third season of the show. Although Daria Kananukha received the ring, many fans suspected that the showman had feelings for the second finalist Galina Rzhaksenskaya. After the project, Timur and Daria tried to maintain the legend of the relationship, despite the fact that the girl spent all her time in her hometown in Kazan, and Timur, meanwhile, was seen more than once in the company of Gali. And a little later, the TNT channel confirmed the fictitious relationship.

“So the contract is over. Dasha and Timur were never together. Dasha immediately returned to Kazan, and Timur began his work,” said the message that appeared in the official “Bachelor” VKontakte group. And Timur really had a difficult relationship with Galina Rzhaksenskaya, which did not last long.

After filming ended, Dasha defended her diploma from Kazan Federal University with a degree in organizational management and opened an etiquette school for children in Kazan. And after that, her personal life improved; Kananukha met a man whom she plans to marry this July.

Everything turned out well for Galina Rzhaksenskaya, she got married last year and is preparing to become a mother in October of this year.

Photo by @kananukha, TNT Channel, @senoritagalo

Season four

Bachelor - Alexey Vorobyov

Finalists: Natasha Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova

The finale of the show's fourth season was the most unpredictable yet. “Bachelor” Alexey Vorobyov faced a choice between Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova; in the end, the artist did not choose either of the girls.

“I came into the project with confidence that there would be a happy ending. But if one girl tells me to my face that she doesn’t love me, and the second, after three months of communication, having already managed to get to know me closely, first gives me an icy heart, saying that I have the same, demonstrating that she mistakes me for someone else, and not can give an answer to the question: “What do you feel about me?”, which she herself asked me five minutes ago. And then, in a frank conversation, it turns out that she has no serious plans to change her life in the near future, except for her career. What beautiful fairy tale can we talk about? I understand perfectly well that the audience wanted to see a fairy tale with a happy ending, but believe me, I wanted it much more than the millions of people who watched my life for 13 weeks,” Alexey told Woman’s Day.

The 22-year-old singer, model and actress from Yakutsk was very upset by the ending. Anosova later admitted more than once that she really fell in love with “The Bachelor” and for a long time hoped that fate would bring them together again, but this never happened. Now she works as an actress; what is going on with her personal life remains a mystery.

Natalya Gorozhanova, who grew up in an orphanage, tried to learn as much as possible from the project. According to the participant, she managed to look at herself with different eyes. The girl was definitely Alexei's favorite. If she had not admitted that she did not have feelings for him, she most likely would have become the winner of the fifth season of “The Bachelor.” In the meantime, the girl continues to work as a model and seek her happiness.

They joined the TV screens in anticipation of the outcome of the show “The Bachelor,” which lasted 13 weeks, during which Alexey chose his betrothed from 25 beautiful participants.

Who will the singer choose in the finale of season 3 of the show “The Bachelor”?

In the finale of the show “The Bachelor,” the 4th season of which ended today, two participants fought for the opportunity to be close to Alexei Vorobyov - Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Unlike previous episodes, the final dates were thought out by the girls themselves, and they had something to offer the discerning artist. The beautiful Natalya Gorozhanova, knowing about Alexey’s explosive character and his love for extreme sports and speed, arranged for Vorobyov the opportunity to drive a “pumped up” car and experience a storm of emotions from driving a powerful car. This date, which both young people liked, later moved into a romantic setting with candles and wine.

The girl decided to surprise the extreme sports enthusiast with racing in a powerful car.

At first, Alexey surprised the girl by asking uncomfortable questions in a harsh manner. He even managed to bring Natasha to tears, although he quickly calmed her down and the conversation turned into a romantic direction. Natalya blindfolded Alexei and took off his and her clothes. The audience expected closeness from the main characters, but the Girl was able to surprise everyone and Alexey himself - they approached the easel and Natalya, moving Vorobyov’s hands along the canvas, depicted a ship, which Alexey himself called his best drawing.

As for Yana Anosova, she arranged a romantic date in a very interesting place - a cave with candles and soft lighting, where the girl placed envelopes with questions that interested her in secret places. Alexey slowly moved through the cave, answering Yana’s questions, approaching her. The first questions were easy, Alexey answered them with a smile, but each subsequent question was more and more difficult and the singer, as the meeting progressed, became gloomier.

The finalist started a romantic date in mountain caves by candlelight

One of the questions was “What should I do to make you mine?” Alexey did not like it and he considered it a simplification of the relationship. And the next question is “How do you feel about me?” generally confused the young man - he thought that such a question should be asked live, looking eye to eye. And Alexey was completely finished off by the surprise gift, because Yana handed him an icy heart, saying that this was not her heart, but Alexey’s. This insulted and offended the young man. Yana wanted to ask the man of her dreams in a metaphorical form for the opportunity to melt her icy heart together; I think this metaphor is romantic. But Alexei decided that it was easier to break an icy heart, and to melt it would mean losing his heart. As a result, the singer freaked out and shouted that such a heart needs cold, and since Yana believes that he has just such a heart, he ran out into the street and left him in the cold. The date has reached a dead end.

Beauty Natalya Gorozhanova wanted to hear completely different words from “The Bachelor”

At the end of the show, when both participants took turns appearing before Alexei in chic wedding dresses, he told both of them what he felt, how he saw their feelings for himself, and... did not choose either one! Alexey could not come to terms with the fact that both girls did not have real feelings for him. They both could not say the three main words - I love you. Both participants left the estate in limousines, leaving a disappointed Alexei alone on the steps of the porch.

What happened in the finale of season 4 of the show “The Bachelor” did not just come as a surprise to viewers. The finale of “Bachelor 4” literally blew up the Internet, forcing people to argue for the second day about the unexpected choice of Alexei Vorobyov.

Violating the rules of the show at every step, Alexey Vorobyov in the finale of “Bachelor 4” caused a real storm of emotions among the audience, leaving season 4 without a winner.

Why Alexey Vorobyov could not build a relationship on the show “Bachelor 4”

In the first episodes of the Bachelor project, season 4, Alexey Vorobyov admitted that he came here in the hope of finding the one with whom he will remain for the rest of his life. It seems that from the first minutes the artist was disingenuous - it is impossible to build sincere relationships in the show format.

Only 10-year-old schoolgirls can believe that the Bachelor’s romantic dates were one-on-one. We must not forget that all the romance took place in the presence of an entire film crew. What kind of sincerity can we talk about if the date goes according to the script?

Alexey, who has experience working on a film set and incomplete acting education, easily coped with the role of an attentive, vulnerable simple guy who firmly believes in love. But the girls had a hard time revealing their feelings to the Bachelor under the guns of movie cameras and playing along with Vorobyov.

As you know, none of the three previous seasons ended with the wedding of the Bachelor and the winner of the project. At best, the couple pretended to be in a relationship for two or three months, after which they happily ran away in different directions. This state of affairs reduced the interest of viewers, and with it the ratings of the show “The Bachelor”. That is why the option with explicit scenes and an unexpected ending in the finale turned out to be a good move by the creators of the show.

The scriptwriters' calculation turned out to be correct. The latest news about the finale of season 4 of the Bachelor project turned out to be the most popular, and interest in the personal lives of the project participants and Alexei Vorobyov does not subside even after the end of the Bachelor 4 show.

How the personal life of Alexey Vorobyov changed after “Bachelor 4”

Even before his appearance on the show “The Bachelor” season 4, Alexey Vorobyov had the fame of a ladies’ man in the show community. Moreover, the artist’s personal life remained in plain sight for a long time.

While studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, Vorobyov began a relationship with Anna Chipovskaya. The couple tried to build a relationship for about a year, but things didn’t work out. By the way, Alla Berger, who was predicted to win the show “Bachelor 4,” somewhat resembles Alexei’s former lover:

The affair with Oksana Akinshina turned out to be stormy, but short-lived. Alexei Vorobyov was not even embarrassed by the fact that the actress was married. The couple was often captured by the paparazzi.

Alexei Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko had a serious relationship, but this romance did not last even a year. After the breakup, the singer took a long time to come to her senses.

After his affair with Victoria Daineko, Alexey Vorobyov does not comment on his personal life, preferring to share exclusively creative plans. On Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram, the topic about the girl he is dating is closed. It is impossible to say whether Alexey Vorobyov now has a girlfriend, or whether he is still alone.

The only love and affection that Bachelor Alexey Vorobyov is ready to talk about on his Instagram page is his favorite corgi Elvis-Melvis.

The singer regularly posts new photos of the dog on his microblog and even took Elvis to the set of “Bachelor 4.”

The personal life of Alexei Vorobyov after the finale of “Bachelor 4” does not seem to have changed. There is no information on Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram about whether there is love in his life. It seems that the artist is still waiting for his girlfriend and dreams of ideal happiness, creating it in his videos for now:

Which girl is Alexey Vorobyov dating after “Bachelor 4”?

When fans of the Bachelor project were watching the final 13th episode of season 4, Alexey Vorobyov flew off on tour to Kazakhstan.

During his stay in Almaty, the singer, judging by the pictures on social networks, enjoyed increased attention from his fans.

True, Alexey Vorobyov does not write anything on his Instagram after the broadcast of the last episode of the show “Bachelor 4”. Subscribers to the artist’s page bombarded his blog with thousands of comments, but Alexey prefers to remain silent and not discuss the ending with his followers.

Even if Alexey Vorobyov, after the show “Bachelor 4,” meets with one of the girls who came to the project, he is in no hurry to announce it publicly.

Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov did not resume their relationship after “Bachelor 4”

For a long time, viewers were sure that Alla Berger would become the winner of season 4 of the show “The Bachelor.” After there was no winner in the final, speculation arose on the Internet that after “Bachelor 4” Alexey Vorobyov returned Alla Berger.

Apparently, the hopes of fans of the beautiful model were not justified. On her Instagram, Alla Berger wished Alexey Vorobyov to find his soul mate after the finale of “Bachelor 4”:

The last episode just ended. And our bachelor @mr.alexsparrow remained a bachelor Lesh, be happy! Find your soul mate in this world Love and happiness to all

Natalya Gorozhanova and Alexey Vorobyov after the show “Bachelor 4”: will there be a continuation?

In the final of the Bachelor 4 project, Natalya Gorozhanova remained the main contender for the hand and heart of Alexei Vorobyov. Despite the fact that the show was staged, Alexei’s fans were able to see the “chemistry” between the singer and Natalya.

When Gorozhanova left the project, she said that she was ready to try to build a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov in the future.

In the comments to the latest news from the show “Bachelor 4,” many Internet users express confidence that Alexey Vorobyov and Natalya Gorozhanova began dating again after “Bachelor 4.”

The attitude of Vorobyov’s relatives also speaks in favor of this development of events: in the penultimate issue, Bachelor’s mother noted that it was a wife like Natalya Gorozhanova that would be ideal for Alexey Vorobyov.

It is quite possible that the artist listened to the opinion of his relatives, and soon his fans will learn that after the finale the show “Bachelor 4” with Alexei Vorobyov had a continuation...

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