School encyclopedia. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky(birth name - Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov, March 19 (31), 1882, St. Petersburg - October 28, 1969, Moscow) - Russian and Soviet poet, publicist, critic, also translator and literary critic, known primarily for children's fairy tales in verse and prose. Father of writers Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky and Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya.


Nikolai Korneychukov was born on March 31, 1882 in St. Petersburg. The frequently occurring date of his birth, April 1, appeared due to an error when switching to a new style(13 days added, not 12, as it should have been for the 19th century).
Writer long years suffered from being “illegitimate.” His father was Emmanuel Solomonovich Levenson, in whose family Korney Chukovsky’s mother, Poltava peasant Ekaterina Osipovna Korneychuk, lived as a servant.
The father left them, and the mother moved to Odessa. There the boy was sent to a gymnasium, but in the fifth grade he was expelled due to his low origin. He described these events in his autobiographical story “The Silver Coat of Arms.”
The patronymic “Vasilievich” was given to Nikolai by his godfather. At first literary activity Korneychukov, for a long time burdened by his illegitimacy (as can be seen from his diary of the 1920s), he used the pseudonym “Korney Chukovsky,” which was later joined by a fictitious patronymic, “Ivanovich.” After the revolution, the combination “Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky” became his real name, patronymic and surname.
His children - Nikolai, Lydia, Boris and Maria (Murochka), who died in childhood, to whom many of their father's children's poems are dedicated - bore (at least after the revolution) the surname Chukovsky and the patronymic Korneevich / Korneevna.

Journalistic activity before the revolution

Since 1901, Chukovsky began writing articles in Odessa News. Chukovsky was introduced to literature by his close friend at the gymnasium, journalist Vladimir Zhabotinsky, who later became an outstanding politician Zionist movement. Jabotinsky was also the groom's guarantor at the wedding of Chukovsky and Maria Borisovna Goldfeld.
Then in 1903 Chukovsky was sent as a correspondent to London, where he became thoroughly acquainted with English literature.
Returning to Russia during the 1905 revolution, Chukovsky was captured revolutionary events, visited the battleship Potemkin, began publishing the satirical magazine Signal in St. Petersburg. Among the magazine's authors were: famous writers like Kuprin, Fyodor Sologub and Teffi. After the fourth issue, he was arrested for lese majeste. Fortunately for Korney Ivanovich, he was defended by the famous lawyer Gruzenberg, who achieved an acquittal.

Chukovsky (seated left) in Ilya Repin's studio, Kuokkala, November 1910. Repin reads a message about Tolstoy's death. An unfinished portrait of Chukovsky is visible on the wall. Photo by Karl Bulla.

In 1906, Korney Ivanovich arrived in the Finnish town of Kuokkala (now Repino, Leningrad region), where he became close acquaintances with the artist Ilya Repin and the writer Korolenko. It was Chukovsky who convinced Repin to take his writing seriously and prepare a book of memoirs, “Distant Close.” Chukovsky lived in Kuokkala for about 10 years. From the combination of the words Chukovsky and Kuokkala, “Chukokkala” (invented by Repin) is formed - the name of the handwritten humorous almanac that Korney Ivanovich led to last days own life.

In 1907, Chukovsky published translations of Walt Whitman. The book became popular, which increased Chukovsky's fame in the literary community. Chukovsky becomes an influential critic, trashes tabloid literature (articles about Anastasia Verbitskaya, Lydia Charskaya, “Nat Pinkerton”, etc.), wittily defends futurists - both in articles and in public lectures - from the attacks of traditional criticism (he met Mayakovsky in Kuokkala and later became friends with him), although the futurists themselves are not always grateful to him for this; develops his own recognizable style (reconstruction of the psychological appearance of the writer based on numerous quotes from him).

In 1916, Chukovsky and a delegation from the State Duma visited England again. In 1917, Patterson’s book “With the Jewish Detachment at Gallipoli” (about the Jewish Legion in the British Army) was published, edited and with a foreword by Chukovsky.

After the revolution, Chukovsky continued to engage in criticism, publishing his two most famous books about the work of his contemporaries - “The Book about Alexander Blok” (“Alexander Blok as a Man and Poet”) and “Akhmatova and Mayakovsky.” The circumstances of the Soviet era turned out to be ungrateful for critical activity, and Chukovsky had to “bury this talent in the ground,” which he later regretted.

Literary criticism

Since 1917, Chukovsky sat down to work for many years on Nekrasov, his favorite poet. Through his efforts, the first Soviet collection of Nekrasov’s poems was published. Chukovsky completed work on it only in 1926, having revised a lot of manuscripts and provided the texts with scientific comments.
In addition to Nekrasov, Chukovsky was engaged in the biography and work of a number of others writers of the XIX centuries (Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Sleptsov), participated in the preparation of the text and editing of many publications. Chukovsky considered Chekhov to be the writer closest to himself in spirit.

Children's poems

The passion for children's literature, which made Chukovsky famous, began relatively late, when he was already a famous critic. In 1916, Chukovsky compiled the collection “Yolka” and wrote his first fairy tale “Crocodile”.
In 1923 it was released famous fairy tales"Moidodyr" and "Cockroach".
Chukovsky had another passion in his life - studying the psyche of children and how they master speech. He recorded his observations of children and their verbal creativity in the book “From Two to Five” in 1933.
“All my other works are overshadowed to such an extent by my children’s fairy tales that in the minds of many readers, except for “Moidodyrs” and “Mukh-Tsokotukh”, I wrote nothing at all.”

Other works

In the 1930s. Chukovsky deals a lot with the theory of literary translation (“The Art of Translation” of 1936 was republished before the start of the war, in 1941, under the title “ High art") and actual translations into Russian (M. Twain, O. Wilde, R. Kipling, etc., including in the form of “retellings” for children).
He begins to write memoirs, which he worked on until the end of his life (“Contemporaries” in the “ZhZL” series).

Chukovsky and the Bible for children

In the 1960s, K. Chukovsky started retelling the Bible for children. He attracted writers and literary figures to this project and carefully edited their work. The project itself was very difficult due to the anti-religious position Soviet power. A book called " Tower of Babel and other ancient legends" was published by the publishing house "Children's Literature" in 1968. However, the entire circulation was destroyed by the authorities. The first book publication available to the reader took place in 1990. In 2001, the publishing houses “Rosman” and “Dragonfly” began publishing the book under the title “The Tower of Babel and Other Biblical Legends.”

Last years

IN last years Chukovsky is a national favorite, laureate of several state awards and orders, at the same time maintained contacts with dissidents ( Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Joseph Brodsky, the Litvinovs, his daughter Lydia was also a prominent human rights activist). At his dacha in Peredelkino, where he lived permanently in recent years, he organized meetings with local children, talked with them, read poetry, and invited them to meetings famous people, famous pilots, artists, writers, poets. Peredelkino children, who have long since become adults, still remember these childhood gatherings at Chukovsky’s dacha.
Korney Ivanovich died on October 28, 1969 from viral hepatitis. At the dacha in Peredelkino, where the writer lived most of his life, his museum now operates.
From the memoirs of Yu.G. Oksman:

Lidia Korneevna Chukovskaya submitted in advance to the Board of the Moscow branch of the Writers' Union a list of those whom her father asked not to invite to the funeral. This is probably why Ark is not visible. Vasilyev and other Black Hundreds from literature. Very few Muscovites came to say goodbye: there was not a single line in the newspapers about the upcoming funeral service. There are few people, but, as at the funeral of Ehrenburg, Paustovsky, the police - darkness. In addition to uniforms, there are many “boys” in civilian clothes, with gloomy, contemptuous faces. The boys began by cordoning off the chairs in the hall, not allowing anyone to linger or sit down. A seriously ill Shostakovich came. In the lobby he was not allowed to take off his coat. It was forbidden to sit in a chair in the hall. There was a scandal. Civil funeral service. The stuttering S. Mikhalkov utters pompous words that do not fit in with his indifferent, even devil-may-care intonation: “From the Union of Writers of the USSR...”, “From the Union of Writers of the RSFSR...”, “From the publishing house Children's Literature.. .”, “From the Ministry of Education and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences...” All this is pronounced with stupid significance, with which, probably, the doormen of the last century, during the departure of guests, called the carriage of Count such-and-such and Prince such-and-such. Who are we burying, finally? The official bonzu or the cheerful and mocking clever Korney? A. Barto rattled off her “lesson.” Cassil performed a complex verbal pirouette to make his listeners understand how personally close he was to the deceased. And only L. Panteleev, breaking the blockade of officialdom, clumsily and sadly said a few words about the civilian face of Chukovsky. Relatives of Korney Ivanovich asked L. Kabo to speak, but when in a crowded room she sat down at the table to sketch out the text of her speech, KGB General Ilyin (in the world - secretary for organizational issues of the Moscow Writers' Organization) approached her and correctly but firmly told her, that she won’t be allowed to perform.

He was buried there, in the cemetery in Peredelkino.


Wife (since May 26, 1903) - Maria Borisovna Chukovskaya (nee Maria Aron-Berovna Goldfeld, 1880-1955). Daughter of accountant Aron-Ber Ruvimovich Goldfeld and housewife Tuba (Tauba) Oizerovna Goldfeld.
The son is a poet, writer and translator Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky (1904-1965). His wife is translator Marina Nikolaevna Chukovskaya (1905-1993).
Daughter - writer Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya (1907-1996). Her first husband was the literary critic and literary historian Caesar Samoilovich Volpe (1904-1941), her second was the physicist and popularizer of science Matvey Petrovich Bronstein (1906-1938).
Granddaughter - literary critic, chemist Elena Tsesarevna Chukovskaya (born 1931).
Daughter - Maria Korneevna Chukovskaya (1920-1931), the heroine of children's poems and father's stories.
Grandson - cinematographer Evgeny Borisovich Chukovsky (1937 - 1997).
Nephew - mathematician Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin (1919-1984).

Addresses in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad

August 1905-1906 - Academichesky Lane, 5;
1906 - autumn 1917 - apartment building - Kolomenskaya street, 11;
autumn 1917-1919 - apartment building I.E. Kuznetsova - Zagorodny Avenue, 27;
1919-1938 - apartment building - Manezhny Lane, 6.


Chukovsky was awarded the Order of Lenin (1957), three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, as well as medals. In 1962, he was awarded the Lenin Prize in the USSR, and in Great Britain he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Literature Honoris causa from the University of Oxford.

List of works

Fairy tales

Aibolit (1929)
English folk songs
Barmaley (1925)
Stolen sun
Crocodile (1916)
Moidodyr (1923)
Fly-Tsokotukha (1924)
Let's defeat Barmaley! (1942)
The Adventures of Bibigon (1945-1946)
Confusion (1926)
Kingdom of Dogs (1912)
Cockroach (1921)
Telephone (1926)
Toptygin and Lisa (1934)
Toptygin and Luna
Fedorino grief (1926)
What did Mura do when they read the fairy tale “The Miracle Tree” to her?
Miracle Tree (1924)
Adventures of a white mouse

Poems for children
The elephant is reading
Hedgehogs laugh
Song about poor boots
Christmas tree
Fly in the bath

Silver coat of arms

Works on translation
Principles of Literary Translation (1919, 1920)
The Art of Translation (1930, 1936)
High Art (1941, 1964, 1966)

Preschool education
From two to five

Memories of Repin
Yuri Tynyanov
Boris Zhitkov
Irakli Andronikov

Alive as life
To the eternally youthful question
The story of my "Aibolit"
How was “Tsokotukha Fly” written?
Confessions of an old storyteller
Chukokkala page
About Sherlock Holmes
Hospital No. 11

Editions of essays
Korney Chukovsky. Collected works in six volumes. M., Publishing house " Fiction", 1965-1969.
Korney Chukovsky. Collected works in 15 volumes. M., Terra - Book Club", 2008.

Selected Quotes

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel... - PHONE

I need to wash my face
In the mornings and evenings,
And to unclean chimney sweeps -
Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!.. - MOIDODYR

Small children! No way

In Africa there are sharks, in Africa there are gorillas,
There are big angry crocodiles in Africa
They will bite you, beat you and offend you, -
Don't go for a walk in Africa, children!
In Africa there is a robber, in Africa there is a villain,
In Africa there is a terrible Barmaley... - BARMALEY

Details Category: Author's and literary fairy tales Published 10/09/2017 19:07 Views: 1037

“They often say about children’s writers: he was a child himself. This can be said about Chukovsky with much greater justification than about any other author” (L. Panteleev “The Gray-haired Child”).

The passion for children's literature, which made Chukovsky famous, began relatively late, when he was already a famous critic: he wrote his first fairy tale “Crocodile” in 1916.

Then his other fairy tales appeared, making his name extremely popular. He himself wrote about it this way: “All my other works are overshadowed to such an extent by my children’s fairy tales that in the minds of many readers, except for “Moidodyrs” and “Fly-Tsokotukha”, I wrote nothing at all.” In fact, Chukovsky was a journalist, publicist, translator, and literary critic. However, let's take a brief look at his biography.

From the biography of K.I. Chukovsky (1882-1969)

I.E. Repin. Portrait of the poet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (1910)
Chukovsky's real name is Nikolay Vasilievich Korneychukov. He was born in St. Petersburg on March 19 (31), 1882. His mother was peasant woman Ekaterina Osipovna Korneychukova, and his father was Emmanuil Solomonovich Levenson, in whose family Korney Chukovsky’s mother lived as a servant. He had an older sister, Maria, but soon after the birth of Nikolai, his father left his illegitimate family and married “a woman of his circle,” moving to Baku. Chukovsky's mother and children moved to Odessa.
The boy studied at the Odessa gymnasium (his classmate was the future writer Boris Zhitkov), but he was expelled from the fifth grade due to his low origin.
Since 1901, Chukovsky began publishing in Odessa News, and in 1903, as a correspondent for this newspaper, he went to London, having learned on his own English language.
Returning to Odessa in 1904, he was captured by the 1905 revolution.
In 1906, Korney Ivanovich came to the Finnish town of Kuokkala (now Repino near St. Petersburg), where he met and became friends with the artist Ilya Repin, the writer Korolenko and Mayakovsky. Chukovsky lived here for about 10 years. From the combination of the words Chukovsky and Kuokkala, “Chukokkala” (invented by Repin) is formed - the name of the handwritten humorous almanac that Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky kept until the last days of his life.

K.I. Chukovsky
In 1907, Chukovsky published translations of Walt Whitman and from that time began writing critical literary articles. His most famous books about the work of his contemporaries are “The Book about Alexander Blok” (“Alexander Blok as a Man and a Poet”) and “Akhmatova and Mayakovsky.”
In 1908, his critical essays about the writers Chekhov, Balmont, Blok, Sergeev-Tsensky, Kuprin, Gorky, Artsybashev, Merezhkovsky, Bryusov and others were published, included in the collection “From Chekhov to the Present Day.”
In 1917, Chukovsky began writing a literary work about Nekrasov, his favorite poet, finishing it in 1926. He studied the biography and work of other writers of the 19th century. (Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Sleptsov).
But the circumstances of the Soviet era turned out to be ungrateful for critical activity, and Chukovsky suspended it.
In the 1930s, Chukovsky studied the theory of literary translation and actual translations into Russian (M. Twain, O. Wilde, R. Kipling, etc., including in the form of “retellings” for children).
In the 1960s, K. Chukovsky conceived a retelling of the Bible for children, but this work was not published due to the anti-religious position of the Soviet government. The book was published in 1990.
At the dacha in Peredelkino, where Chukovsky lived constantly in recent years, he constantly communicated with the surrounding children, read poetry, and invited famous people to meetings: famous pilots, artists, writers, poets.
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky died on October 28, 1969. He was buried in Peredelkino. His museum operates in Peredelkino.

Fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky

"Aibolit" (1929)

1929 is the year of publication of this fairy tale in verse; it was written earlier. The plot of this fairy tale, beloved by all children, is extremely simple: Doctor Aibolit goes to Africa, to the Limpopo River, to treat sick animals. Wolves, whales and eagles help him along the way. Aibolit works selflessly for 10 days and successfully cures all patients. His main medicines are chocolate and eggnog.
Doctor Aibolit is the embodiment of kindness and compassion for others.

Good Doctor Aibolit!
He is sitting under a tree.
Come to him for treatment
And the cow and the she-wolf,
And the bug and the worm,
And a bear!

Finding himself in difficult circumstances, Aibolit first of all thinks not about himself, but about those to whom he rushes to help:

But here in front of them is the sea -
It rages and makes noise in the open space.
And there is a high wave in the sea.
Now she will swallow Aibolit.
"Oh, if I drown,
If I go down,
What will happen to them, to the sick,
With my forest animals?

But then a whale swims out:
“Sit on me, Aibolit,
And, like a big ship,
I’ll take you ahead!”

The fairy tale is written in such simple language as children usually speak, so it is so easy to remember, children easily learn it by heart after reading it several times. The emotionality of the tale, its accessibility for children and the obvious, but not intrusive educational value make this fairy tale (and other fairy tales of the writer) a favorite children's reading.
Since 1938, films began to be made based on the fairy tale “Aibolit”. In 1966, the musical Feature Film"Aibolit-66" directed by Rolan Bykov. In 1973, N. Chervinskaya made a puppet cartoon “Aibolit and Barmaley” based on a fairy tale by Chukovsky. In 1984-1985 director D. Cherkassky shot a cartoon in seven episodes about Doctor Aibolit based on Chukovsky’s works “Aibolit”, “Barmaley”, “Cockroach”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Stolen Sun” and “Telephone”.

"Cockroach" (1921)

Although the fairy tale is for children, adults also have something to think about after reading it. Children will learn that in one animal kingdom there is a calm and joyful life animals and insects were suddenly destroyed by an evil cockroach.

The bears were driving
By bike.
And behind them is a cat
And behind him are mosquitoes
On a hot air balloon.
And behind them are crayfish
On a lame dog.
Wolves on a mare.
Lions in a car.
On a tram.
Toad on a broom... They ride and laugh,
They are chewing gingerbread.
Suddenly from the gateway
Scary giant
Red-haired and mustachioed
Cockroach, Cockroach, Cockroach!

The idyll is broken:

He growls and screams
And he moves his mustache:
"Wait, don't rush,
I'll swallow you up in no time!
I’ll swallow it, I’ll swallow it, I won’t have mercy.”
The animals trembled
They fainted.
Wolves from fright
They ate each other.
Poor crocodile
Swallowed the toad.
And the elephant, trembling all over,
So she sat on the hedgehog.
So the Cockroach became the winner,
And the ruler of forests and fields.
The animals submitted to the mustachioed one.
(God damn him!)

So they trembled until the Cockroach was eaten by a sparrow. It turns out that fear has big eyes, and it is so easy to intimidate the stupid inhabitants.

“I picked up and pecked a cockroach. So the giant is gone!”

Illustration by V. Konashevich

Then there was the concern -
Dive into the swamp for the moon
And nail it to heaven!

Adults in this fairy tale will easily see the theme of power and terror. Literary critics have long pointed to the prototypes of the fairy tale “The Cockroach” - Stalin and his henchmen. Perhaps this is true.

“Moidodyr” (1923) and “Fedorino’s grief” (1926)

Both of these tales have in common common topic- a call for cleanliness and neatness. The writer himself spoke about the fairy tale “Moidodyr” in a letter to A. B. Khalatov: “Am I alienated from trends in my children’s books. Not at all! For example, the “Moidodyr” trend is a passionate call for little ones to be clean and to wash themselves. I think that in a country where until recently they said about anyone brushing their teeth, “Gee, gee, you see, he’s a Jew!” this trend is worth all the rest. I know hundreds of cases where “Moidodyr” played the role of People’s Commissar of Health for little ones.”

The tale is narrated from the boy's point of view. Things suddenly start running away from him. The talking washbasin Moidodyr appears and reports that the things ran away because he was dirty.

Irons behind boots,
Boots for pies,
Pies behind the irons,
The poker behind the sash...

By order of Moidodyr, brushes and soap attack the boy and begin to wash him forcibly. The boy breaks free and runs out into the street, but a washcloth flies after him. A Crocodile walking down the street swallows a washcloth, after which he threatens the boy that he will swallow him too if he does not wash himself. The boy runs to wash himself, and his things come back to him. The tale ends with a hymn to purity:

Long live scented soap,
And a fluffy towel,
And tooth powder
And a thick comb!
Let's wash, splash,
Swim, dive, tumble
In the tub, in the trough, in the tub,
In the river, in the stream, in the ocean, -
And in the bath, and in the bathhouse,
Anytime and anywhere -
Eternal glory to the water!

The monument to Moidodyr opened in Moscow in Sokolniki Park on July 2, 2012 on Pesochnaya Alley, next to the children's playground. The author of the monument is St. Petersburg sculptor Marcel Corober

And this monument to Moidodyr was installed in the children's park in Novopolotsk (Belarus)

Two cartoons were made based on the fairy tale - in 1939 and 1954.

In the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief,” all the dishes ran away from Grandma Fedora, kitchenware, cutlery and other household essentials. The reason is the sloppiness and laziness of the housewife. The dishes are tired of being unwashed.
When Fedora realized the horror of her existence without the dishes, she repented of what she had done and decided to catch up with the dishes and negotiate with her to return them.

And behind them along the fence
Fedora's grandmother gallops:
"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!
Come home!”

The dish itself already feels that she has very little strength for the further journey, and when she sees that the repentant Fedora is following on her heels, she promises to reform and take up cleanliness, she agrees to return to the mistress:

And the rolling pin said:
“I feel sorry for Fedor.”
And the cup said:
“Oh, she’s a poor thing!”
And the saucers said:
“We should go back!”
And the irons said:
“We are not Fedora’s enemies!”

I kissed you for a long, long time
And she caressed them,
She watered and washed.
She rinsed them.

Other tales by Chukovsky:

"Confusion" (1914)
"Crocodile" (1916)
"The Cluttering Fly" (1924)
"Telephone" (1924)
"Barmaley" (1925)
"Stolen Sun" (1927)
"Toptygin and Lisa" (1934)
"The Adventures of Bibigon" (1945)

Fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky was illustrated by many artists: V. Suteev, V. Konashevich, Yu. Vasnetsov, M. Miturich and others.

Why children love K.I. Chukovsky

K.I. Chukovsky always emphasized that a fairy tale should not only entertain the little reader, but also teach him. He wrote in 1956 about the purpose of fairy tales: “It is to cultivate humanity in a child at any cost - this marvelous ability of a person to worry about other people’s misfortunes, to rejoice at the joys of another, to experience someone else’s fate as if it were his own. Storytellers are trying to ensure that a child from an early age learns to mentally participate in the lives of imaginary people and animals and in this way breaks out of the narrow framework of egocentric interests and feelings. And since, when listening, it is common for a child to take the side of the kind, courageous, unjustly offended, whether it be Ivan Tsarevich, or a runaway bunny, or a fearless mosquito, or just a “piece of wood in a ripple,” - our whole task is to to awaken, educate, strengthen in a receptive child's soul this precious ability to empathize, sympathize and rejoice, without which a person is not a person. Only this ability, instilled from the very early childhood and brought in the process of development to the highest level, created and will continue to create the Bestuzhevs, Pirogovs, Nekrasovs, Chekhovs, Gorkys...”
Chukovsky's views are practically brought to life in his fairy tales. In the article “Working on a Fairy Tale,” he indicated that his task was to adapt as much as possible to the little children, to instill in them our “adult ideas about hygiene” (“Moidodyr”), about respect for things (“Fedorino’s Mountain”) , and all this at a high literary level, accessible to children.

The writer introduced great educational material. In fairy tales, he touches on themes of morality and rules of behavior. Fairytale images help little man learn mercy, educate it moral qualities, develop Creative skills, imagination, love for artistic expression. They teach them to sympathize in trouble, to help in misfortune and to rejoice in the happiness of others. And all this is done by Chukovsky unobtrusively, easily, and accessible to children’s perception.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (real name - Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov). Born on March 19 (31), 1882 in St. Petersburg - died on October 28, 1969 in Moscow. Russian Soviet poet, publicist, literary critic, translator and literary critic, children's writer, journalist. Father of writers Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky and Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya.

Nikolai Korneychukov, who later took literary pseudonym"Korney Chukovsky", born in St. Petersburg on March 31 according to the new style; the frequently encountered date of his birth, April 1, appeared due to an error during the transition to a new style (13 days were added, not 12, as should be the case for the 19th century). Nevertheless, Korney himself celebrated his birthday on April 1.

Nikolai’s mother was a peasant woman from the Poltava province, Ekaterina Osipovna Korneychukova, who worked as a maid in St. Petersburg for the Levenson family. She lived in a civil marriage with the son of the family, student Emmanuel Solomonovich Levenson. The boy who was born already had a three-year-old sister, Maria, from the same union. Soon after Nikolai’s birth, student Levenson left his illegitimate family and married a woman “of his own circle.” Ekaterina Osipovna was forced to move to Odessa.

Nikolai Korneychukov spent his childhood in Odessa and Nikolaev.

In Odessa, the family settled in an outbuilding, in the Makri house on Novorybnaya Street, No. 6. In 1887, the Korneychukovs changed their apartment, moving to the address: Barshman's house, Kanatny Lane, No. 3. Five-year-old Nikolai was sent to kindergarten Madame Bekhteeva, about his stay in which he left the following memories: “We marched to music and drew pictures. The oldest among us was a curly-haired boy with black lips, whose name was Volodya Zhabotinsky. That’s when I met the future national hero of Israel - in 1888 or 1889!!!”.

For some time, the future writer studied at the second Odessa gymnasium (later it became the fifth). His classmate at that time was Boris Zhitkov (in the future also a writer and traveler), with whom young Korney began a friendly relationship. Chukovsky never managed to graduate from high school: he was expelled, according to his own statements, due to his low origin. He described these events in his autobiographical story "Silver coat of arms".

According to the metric, Nikolai and his sister Maria, as illegitimates, did not have a middle name; in other documents of the pre-revolutionary period, his patronymic was indicated in different ways - “Vasilievich” (in the marriage and baptism certificate of his son Nikolai, it was subsequently fixed in most later biographies as part of the “real name” - given by godfather), “Stepanovich”, “Emmanuilovich”, “Manuilovich”, “Emelyanovich”, sister Marusya bore the patronymic “Emmanuilovna” or “Manuilovna”.

From the beginning of his literary activity, Korneychukov used the pseudonym “Korney Chukovsky,” which was later joined by a fictitious patronymic, “Ivanovich.” After the revolution, the combination “Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky” became his real name, patronymic and surname.

According to the memoirs of K. Chukovsky, he “never had such luxury as a father or even a grandfather,” which in his youth and youth served as a constant source of shame and mental suffering for him.

His children - Nikolai, Lydia, Boris and Maria (Murochka), who died in childhood, to whom many of their father's children's poems are dedicated - bore (at least after the revolution) the surname Chukovsky and the patronymic Korneevich / Korneevna.

Since 1901, Chukovsky began writing articles in Odessa News. Chukovsky was introduced to literature by his close friend at school, a journalist. Jabotinsky was also the groom's guarantor at the wedding of Chukovsky and Maria Borisovna Goldfeld.

Then, in 1903, Chukovsky, as the only newspaper correspondent who knew English (which he learned independently from Ohlendorf’s “Self-Teacher of the English Language”), and tempted by a high salary for those times - the publisher promised 100 rubles monthly - went to London as a correspondent for Odessa News. where he went with his young wife. In addition to Odessa News, Chukovsky’s English articles were published in Southern Review and some Kyiv newspapers. But fees from Russia arrived irregularly, and then stopped altogether. The pregnant wife had to be sent back to Odessa.

Chukovsky earned money by copying catalogs in British Museum. But in London, Chukovsky became thoroughly acquainted with English literature - he read Thackeray in the original.

Returning to Odessa at the end of 1904, Chukovsky settled with his family on Bazarnaya Street No. 2 and plunged into the events of the 1905 revolution.

Chukovsky was captured by the revolution. He visited the mutinous battleship Potemkin twice, among other things, accepting letters to loved ones from the mutinous sailors.

In St. Petersburg he began publishing the satirical magazine “Signal”. Among the magazine's authors were such famous writers as Kuprin, Fyodor Sologub and Teffi. After the fourth issue, he was arrested for lese majeste. He was defended by the famous lawyer Gruzenberg, who achieved an acquittal. Chukovsky was under arrest for 9 days.

In 1906, Korney Ivanovich arrived in the Finnish town of Kuokkala (now Repino, Kurortny district (St. Petersburg)), where he made a close acquaintance with the artist and writer Korolenko. It was Chukovsky who convinced Repin to take his writing seriously and prepare a book of memoirs, “Distant Close.”

Chukovsky lived in Kuokkala for about 10 years. From the combination of the words Chukovsky and Kuokkala it is formed "Chukokkala"(invented by Repin) is the name of a handwritten humorous almanac that Korney Ivanovich kept until the last days of his life.

In 1907, Chukovsky published translations of Walt Whitman. The book became popular, which increased Chukovsky's fame in the literary community. Chukovsky became an influential critic, trashed tabloid literature (articles about Lydia Charskaya, Anastasia Verbitskaya, “Nata Pinkerton”, etc.), wittily defended the futurists - both in articles and in public lectures - from the attacks of traditional criticism (he met Mayakovsky in Kuokkala and later became friends with him), although the futurists themselves were not always grateful to him for this; developed his own recognizable style (reconstruction of the psychological appearance of the writer based on numerous quotes from him).

In 1916, Chukovsky and a delegation from the State Duma visited England again. In 1917, Patterson’s book “With the Jewish Detachment at Gallipoli” (about the Jewish Legion in the British Army) was published, edited and with a foreword by Chukovsky.

After the revolution, Chukovsky continued to engage in criticism, publishing his two most famous books about the work of his contemporaries - "Book about Alexander Blok"(“Alexander Blok as a person and poet”) and “Akhmatova and Mayakovsky.” The circumstances of the Soviet era turned out to be ungrateful for critical activity, and Chukovsky had to “bury this talent in the ground,” which he later regretted.

Since 1917, Chukovsky began many years of work on Nekrasov, his favorite poet. Through his efforts, the first Soviet collection of Nekrasov’s poems was published. Chukovsky completed work on it only in 1926, having revised a lot of manuscripts and provided the texts with scientific comments. Monograph "Nekrasov's Mastery", published in 1952, was reprinted many times, and in 1962 Chukovsky was awarded the Lenin Prize for it.

After 1917, it was possible to publish a significant part of the poems that were either previously prohibited by tsarist censorship or were “vetoed” by copyright holders. About a quarter of Nekrasov’s currently known poetic lines were put into circulation by Korney Chukovsky. In addition, in the 1920s, he discovered and published manuscripts of Nekrasov’s prose works (“The Life and Adventures of Tikhon Trosnikov”, “The Thin Man” and others).

In addition to Nekrasov, Chukovsky studied the biography and work of a number of other writers of the 19th century (Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Sleptsov), which is the subject of, in particular, his book “People and Books of the Sixties,” and participated in the preparation of the text and editing of many publications. Chukovsky considered Chekhov to be the writer closest to himself in spirit.

The passion for children's literature, which made Chukovsky famous, began relatively late, when he was already a famous critic. In 1916, Chukovsky compiled the collection “Yolka” and wrote his first fairy tale “Crocodile”.

In 1923, his famous fairy tales “Moidodyr” and “Cockroach” were published.

Chukovsky had another passion in his life - studying the psyche of children and how they master speech. He recorded his observations of children and their verbal creativity in the book “From Two to Five” (1933).

All my other works are overshadowed to such an extent by my children's fairy tales that in the minds of many readers, except for “Moidodyrs” and “Tsokotukha Fly”, I wrote nothing at all.

In February 1928, Pravda published an article by Deputy People’s Commissar of Education of the RSFSR N.K. Krupskaya “About Chukovsky’s Crocodile”: “Such chatter is disrespect for the child. First, he is lured with carrots - cheerful, innocent rhymes and comical images, and along the way they are given some kind of dregs to swallow, which will not pass without a trace for him. I think there is no need to give “Krokodil” to our guys.”

According to researcher L. Strong, the widow’s speech at that time actually meant a “ban on the profession,” and among party critics and editors the term “Chukovism” soon arose.

In December 1929, the Literary Gazette published a letter from Chukovsky renouncing fairy tales and promising to create the collection “Merry Collective Farm.” Chukovsky took the abdication hard (his daughter also fell ill with tuberculosis): he really would not write a single fairy tale after that (until 1942), as well as the mentioned collection.

The 1930s were marked by two personal tragedies for Chukovsky: in 1931 she died after serious illness his daughter Murochka, and in 1938 the husband of his daughter Lydia, physicist Matvey Bronstein, was shot. In 1938, Chukovsky moved from Leningrad to Moscow.

In the 1930s, Chukovsky worked a lot on the theory of literary translation (“The Art of Translation” of 1936 was republished before the start of the war, in 1941, under the title “High Art”) and translations themselves into Russian (, and others, including in the form "retellings" for children).

He begins to write memoirs, which he worked on until the end of his life (“Contemporaries” in the “ZhZL” series). Diaries 1901-1969 were published posthumously.

As the NKGB reported to the Central Committee, during the war years Chukovsky said: “With all my soul I wish the death of Hitler and the collapse of his delusional ideas. With the fall of Nazi despotism, the world of democracy will come face to face with Soviet despotism. Will wait".

On March 1, 1944, the Pravda newspaper published an article by P. Yudin “The vulgar and harmful concoction of K. Chukovsky,” in which an analysis of Chukovsky’s book “Let’s Defeat Barmaley” published in 1943 in Tashkent was arranged (Aibolitiya is waging a war with Ferocity and its king Barmaley), and this book was recognized in the article as harmful.

K. Chukovsky's fairy tale is a harmful concoction that can distort modern reality in children's perceptions. "War Tale" K. Chukovsky characterizes the author as a person who either does not understand the duty of a writer in the Patriotic War, or who deliberately trivializes the great tasks of raising children in the spirit of socialist patriotism.

In the 1960s, K. Chukovsky started retelling the Bible for children. He attracted writers and literary figures to this project and carefully edited their work. The project itself was very difficult due to the anti-religious position of the Soviet government. In particular, Chukovsky was demanded that the words “God” and “Jews” not be mentioned in the book; by the efforts of writers a pseudonym was invented for God "The Wizard of Yahweh".

A book called "The Tower of Babel and Other Ancient Legends" was published by the Children's Literature publishing house in 1968. However, the entire circulation was destroyed by the authorities. The circumstances of the ban on the publication were later described by Valentin Berestov, one of the authors of the book: “It was in the midst of the great cultural revolution in China. The Red Guards, noticing the publication, loudly demanded that the head of the old revisionist Chukovsky, who was clogging the minds of Soviet children with religious nonsense, be smashed. The West responded with the headline “New discovery of the Red Guards,” and our authorities reacted in the usual way.” The book was published in 1988.

In recent years, Chukovsky has been a popular favorite, a laureate of a number of state awards and a holder of orders, but at the same time he maintained contacts with dissidents (Litvinov, his daughter Lydia was also a prominent human rights activist).

At his dacha in Peredelkino, where he lived permanently in recent years, he organized meetings with local children, talked with them, read poetry, and invited famous people, famous pilots, artists, writers, and poets to meetings. Peredelkino children, who have long since become adults, still remember these childhood gatherings at Chukovsky’s dacha.

In 1966, he signed a letter from 25 cultural and scientific figures to the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee against the rehabilitation of Stalin.

Korney Ivanovich died on October 28, 1969 from viral hepatitis. At the dacha in Peredelkino, where the writer lived most of his life, his museum now operates.

Family of Korney Chukovsky:

Wife (since May 26, 1903) - Maria Borisovna Chukovskaya (nee Maria Aron-Berovna Goldfeld, 1880-1955). Daughter of accountant Aron-Ber Ruvimovich Goldfeld and housewife Tuba (Tauba) Oizerovna Goldfeld.

The son is a poet, prose writer and translator Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky (1904-1965). His wife is translator Marina Nikolaevna Chukovskaya (1905-1993).

Daughter - writer and dissident Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya (1907-1996). Her first husband was the literary critic and literary historian Caesar Samoilovich Volpe (1904-1941), her second was the physicist and popularizer of science Matvey Petrovich Bronstein (1906-1938).

Son - Boris Korneevich Chukovsky (1910-1941), died shortly after the start of the Great Patriotic War, in the fall of 1941, returning from reconnaissance near the Borodino field.

Daughter - Maria Korneevna Chukovskaya (Murochka) (1920-1931), the heroine of her father’s children’s poems and stories. Granddaughter - Natalya Nikolaevna Kostyukova (Chukovskaya), Tata (born 1925), microbiologist, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia.

Granddaughter - literary critic, chemist Elena Tsesarevna Chukovskaya (1931-2015).

Grandson - Nikolai Nikolaevich Chukovsky, Gulya (born 1933), communications engineer.

Grandson - cinematographer Evgeny Borisovich Chukovsky (1937-1997).

Grandson - Dmitry Chukovsky (born 1943), husband of the famous tennis player Anna Dmitrieva. Great-granddaughter - Maria Ivanovna Shustitskaya (born 1950), anesthesiologist and resuscitator.

Great-grandson - Boris Ivanovich Kostyukov (1956-2007), historian-archivist.

Great-grandson - Yuri Ivanovich Kostyukov (born 1956), doctor.

Great-granddaughter - Marina Dmitrievna Chukovskaya (born 1966).

Great-grandson - Dmitry Chukovsky (born 1968), chief producer Directorate of sports channels "NTV-Plus".

Great-grandson - Andrey Evgenievich Chukovsky (born 1960), chemist.

Great-grandson - Nikolai Evgenievich Chukovsky (born 1962).

Nephew - mathematician Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin (1919-1984).

Works of Chukovsky, famous to a wide circle readers - these are, first of all, poems and rhymed fairy tales for children. Not everyone knows that in addition to these creations, the writer has global works about his famous colleagues and other works. After reading them, you can understand which works of Chukovsky will become your favorite.


It is interesting that Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is a literary pseudonym. The real literary figure's name was Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. He was born in St. Petersburg on March 19, 1882. His mother Ekaterina Osipovna, a peasant from the Poltava province, worked as a maid in the city of St. Petersburg. She was the illegitimate wife of Emmanuel Solomonovich Levinson. The couple first had a daughter, Maria, and three years later, a son, Nikolai, was born. But at that time they were not welcome, so in the end Levinson married a wealthy woman, and Ekaterina Osipovna and her children moved to Odessa.

Nikolai went to kindergarten, then to high school. But he couldn't finish it due to low

Prose for adults

The writer's literary activity began in 1901, when his articles were published in Odessa News. Chukovsky studied English, so the editors of this publication sent him to London. Returning to Odessa, he took whatever part he could in the 1905 revolution.

In 1907, Chukovsky translated the works of Walt Whitman. He translated books by Twain, Kipling, and Wilde into Russian. These works by Chukovsky were very popular.

He wrote books about Akhmatova, Mayakovsky, Blok. Since 1917, Chukovsky has been working on a monograph about Nekrasov. This is a long-term work that was published only in 1952.

Poems by a children's poet

It will help you find out what works by Chukovsky are for children, a list. These are short poems that children learn in the first years of their lives and in primary school:

  • "Glutton";
  • "Piglet";
  • "The elephant is reading";
  • "Hedgehogs laugh";
  • "Zakalyaka";
  • "Sandwich";
  • "Fedotka";
  • "Pigs";
  • "Garden";
  • "Turtle";
  • "Song about poor boots";
  • "Tadpoles";
  • "Bebeka";
  • "Camel";
  • "Joy";
  • "Great-great-great-grandchildren";
  • "Christmas tree";
  • "Fly in the Bath";
  • "Chicken".

The list presented above will help you recognize Chukovsky’s short poetic works for children. If the reader wants to familiarize himself with the title, years of writing and summary fairy tales of a literary figure, then a list of them is below.

Works by Chukovsky for children - “Crocodile”, “Cockroach”, “Moidodyr”

In 1916, Korney Ivanovich wrote the fairy tale “Crocodile”; this poem was met with ambiguity. Thus, V. Lenin’s wife N. Krupskaya spoke critically of this work. Literary critic and writer Yuri Tynyanov, on the contrary, said that children's poetry has finally opened up. N. Btsky, writing a note in a Siberian pedagogical magazine, noted in it that children enthusiastically accept “Crocodile”. They constantly applaud these lines and listen with great delight. You can see how sorry they are to part with this book and its characters.

Chukovsky's works for children include, of course, The Cockroach. The fairy tale was written by the author in 1921. At the same time, Korney Ivanovich came up with “Moidodyr”. As he himself said, he composed these tales in literally 2-3 days, but he had nowhere to print them. Then he proposed to found a periodical children's publication and call it “Rainbow”. These two were published there famous works Chukovsky.

"Miracle Tree"

In 1924, Korney Ivanovich wrote “The Miracle Tree”. At that time, many lived poorly; the desire to dress beautifully was only a dream. Chukovsky embodied them in his work. The miracle tree does not grow leaves or flowers, but shoes, boots, slippers, and stockings. In those days, children did not yet have tights, so they wore cotton stockings, which were attached to special pendants.

In this poem, as in some others, the writer talks about Murochka. This was his beloved daughter, she died at the age of 11, contracting tuberculosis. In this poem, he writes that small blue knitted shoes with pom-poms were picked for Murochka, and describes what exactly their parents took from the tree for the children.

Now there really is such a tree. But they don’t tear things off him, they hang him. It was decorated through the efforts of fans of the beloved writer and is located near his house-museum. In memory of the fairy tale of the famous writer, the tree is decorated various items clothes, shoes, ribbons.

“The clattering fly” is a fairy tale that the writer created, rejoicing and dancing

The year 1924 was marked by the creation of the “Tsokotukha Fly”. In his memoirs, the author shares interesting moments that occurred during the writing of this masterpiece. On a clear, hot day on August 29, 1923, Chukovsky was overcome with immense joy; he felt with all his heart how beautiful the world was and how good it was to live in it. The lines began to appear on their own. He took a pencil and a piece of paper and quickly began scribbling lines.

Describing the wedding of a fly, the author felt like a groom at this event. Once before he tried to describe this fragment, but he could not write more than two lines. On this day inspiration came. When he couldn't find any more paper, he simply tore off a piece of wallpaper in the hallway and quickly wrote on it. When the author began to talk in poetry about the wedding dance of a fly, he began to write and dance at the same time. Korney Ivanovich says that if anyone had seen a 42-year-old man running around in a shamanic dance, shouting out words, and immediately writing them down on a dusty strip of wallpaper, he would have suspected something was wrong. With the same ease, he completed the work. As soon as it was finished, the poet turned into a tired and hungry man who had recently arrived in the city from his dacha.

Other works of the poet for young audiences

Chukovsky says that when creating for children, it is necessary, at least for a while, to turn into these little people to whom the lines are addressed. Then comes a passionate elation and inspiration.

Other works by Korney Chukovsky were created in the same way - “Confusion” (1926) and “Barmaley” (1926). At these moments, the poet experienced a “heartbeat of childish joy” and happily wrote down the rhymed lines that quickly appeared in his head on paper.

Other works did not come so easily to Chukovsky. As he himself admitted, they arose precisely at the moments when his subconscious returned to childhood, but they were created as a result of hard and long work.

Thus he wrote “Fedorino’s Mountain” (1926), “Telephone” (1926). The first fairy tale teaches children to be neat and shows what laziness and unwillingness to keep your home clean lead to. Excerpts from “Telephone” are easy to remember. Even a three-year-old child can easily repeat them after their parents. Here are some useful and interesting works Chukovsky, the list can be continued with fairy tales “The Stolen Sun”, “Aibolit” and other works of the author.

“Stolen Sun”, stories about Aibolit and other heroes

“The Stolen Sun” Korney Ivanovich wrote in 1927. The plot tells that the crocodile swallowed the sun and therefore everything around was plunged into darkness. Because of this, various incidents began to occur. The animals were afraid of the crocodile and did not know how to take the sun from him. For this, a bear was called, who showed miracles of fearlessness and, together with other animals, was able to return the luminary to its place.

“Aibolit”, created by Korney Ivanovich in 1929, also talks about a brave hero - a doctor who was not afraid to go to Africa to help animals. Less known are other children's works by Chukovsky, which were written in subsequent years - these are “English Folk Songs”, “Aibolit and the Sparrow”, “Toptygin and the Fox”.

In 1942, Korney Ivanovich composed the fairy tale “Let’s Defeat Barmaley!” With this work the author ends his stories about the robber. In 1945-46, the author created “The Adventure of Bibigon”. The writer glorifies again brave hero, he is not afraid to fight with evil characters, which are several times larger than it.

The works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky teach children kindness, fearlessness, and accuracy. They celebrate friendship and kind heart heroes.

The biography of Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich is replete interesting events. Nikolai Korneychukov March 19 (31 according to the new style) 1882 in St. Petersburg. His mother, a peasant woman Ekaterina Osipovna Korneychukova, met the future father of her children (Nikolai also had a sister, Marusya), when she got a job in the house of her future cohabitant to work as a servant. Emmanuel Solomonovich Levenson, the father of Nikolai and Marusya, bore the title of hereditary honorary citizen and the peasant woman could not make a worthy match for him.

They lived together for at least three years, gave birth to two children, who, as illegitimate children, did not have a middle name, so in documents before the 1917 revolution, the children had different middle names. Nikolai has Vasilyevich, his sister Maria has Emmanuilovna. Subsequently, their father married a woman from his circle and moved to live in Baku, and Ekaterina Osipovna moved to Odessa.

Nikolai spent his entire childhood in Ukraine - in the Odessa and Nikolaev regions.

When Nikolai was five years old, he was sent to Madame Bekhteeva’s kindergarten, about which he later wrote that the children there marched to music and drew pictures. In kindergarten, he met Vladimir Jabotinsky, the future hero of Israel. In elementary school, Nikolai became friends with Boris Zhitkov, a future children's writer and traveler. At school, however, Chukovsky studied only until the 5th grade. He was then expelled from educational institution due to “low origin”.

The beginning of creative activity

At first, Chukovsky worked as a journalist, and since 1901 he wrote articles for Odessa News. Having learned English on his own, Nikolai got a job as a correspondent in London - he wrote for Odessa News.

He lived in London for two years with his wife, Maria Borisovna Goldfeld, then returned to Odessa.

And yet, Chukovsky’s biography as a writer began much later, when he moved from Odessa to the Finnish town of Kuokkala, where he met the artist Ilya Repin, who convinced Chukovsky to take up literature seriously.

While still in London, Chukovsky became seriously interested in English literature - he read Thackeray, Dickens, and Bronte in the original. Subsequently, W. Whitman's literary translations helped Chukovsky gain a name for himself and achieve recognition in the literary community.

After the revolution, the pseudonym Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky became the real name of the writer. Korney Ivanovich writes a book of memoirs “Distant Close” and begins to publish his own almanac “Chukokkala” - a kind of mixture of the name of the place Kuokkala and the surname Chukovsky. Chukovsky published this almanac until the end of his life.

Children's literature

But the most important thing in creative destiny the writer becomes not translations and not literary criticism, and children's literature. Chukovsky began writing for children quite late, already when he was a famous literary scholar and critic. In 1916, he published the first collection for young readers called “Yelka”.

Later, in 1923, “Moidodyr” and “Cockroach” appeared from his pen, with a brief summary of which all children in the post-Soviet space are probably familiar. Chukovsky's work is also studied in modern school- in 2nd grade, and now it’s even difficult to imagine that at one time Aibolit, Mukha-Tsokotukha and Moidodyr were subjected to severe criticism and mercilessly ridiculed. Critics considered the works tasteless and devoid of correct Soviet ideology. But now they won’t write about this either in the preface to the writer’s books or in a brief biography of Chukovsky for children, these accusations brought by critics against the children’s author now seem so absurd.

Chukovsky translated the works of R. Kipling and M. Twain into Russian for children, and retold “The Bible for Children.”

Other biography options

  • It is interesting that Chukovsky founded an entire literary dynasty. His son Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky and daughter Lidiya Korneevna Chukovskaya also became famous writers. Nikolai wrote briefly literary memoirs about poets and writers Silver Age, who were included in his father’s house, and Lydia became a dissident writer.
  • The writer’s second son, Boris Korneevich, died at the front at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
  • It is known that Chukovsky was friendly with
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