Todes dance school official. Reviews about "Todes"

They asked for bread and circuses at all times. And if things are more or less satisfactory with “bread,” it can be quite difficult to respond to the need for “shows”: everyone wants something exciting, everyone wants to be surprised. Therefore, parties today are not complete with music and DJs alone, and banquets with snacks alone - show ballets come to the aid of organizers in achieving cultural satisfaction for the viewer.


Even before you start organizing a dance group, you are faced with the task of determining the area in which your work will work. creative association. Will it be folk group, either a “Go-Go” dancer, or a show ballet following the example of “Todes” by Alla Dukhova. By the way, "Todese". The Dukhova team became famous, of course, largely thanks to their work with famous Russian artists and the maestro’s connections, but even they would not have helped if “Todes” did not have its own style. You need to decide on this too.

Your consumer will depend on what type of activity you choose. Teams involved folk art, are in demand during city holidays, receptions of foreign guests, and in thematic establishments. “Go-Go” dancers - respectively, at parties and club events, show ballets participate mainly in the performances of artists, forming the background of the performance, or independently.

It would be useful to monitor existing teams and possible customers in order to identify a free niche that your team can occupy.

What do you need?

To run show ballet business, it is enough to register as individual entrepreneur. This type of activity does not require licensing, so, from the point of view of legal registration, the organization creative team It's not a dusty business.

There is a certain specificity in the way this business is run.

How it works?

A successful dance company requires frequent training, first to acquire skills and then to hone their skills and routines. Frequent training is considered to be 4 times a week or more. Therefore, this requires a room, a choreographic hall. The area of ​​the required hall will depend on the size of your team. On average, landlords offer halls ranging from 50 square meters. Depending on the size and condition of the class, rent for one hour varies from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Training will be in vain without the help of a qualified choreographer. Choreography teachers are also paid hourly and, depending on skill and education, up to 1,500 rubles.

If the group is also vocal, you will also need classes with a vocal teacher. The cost of an hour-long lesson with a vocalist reaches 2000 rubles, but it all depends on qualifications.

For classes, it will be absolutely necessary to have equipment - music center, microphones (if the band is vocal), DVD player, TV. Many rental venues offer their own equipment, but it is better if you have your own technical equipment that you are confident in and can handle.


The main investment in show ballet business will require clothing for performances. Here you will have to “dress” each member of the team from head to toe, and it’s not cheap at all. The main ratio here is the ratio of price to quality. As you understand, you can’t save money here - costumes are the face of your team.

Prices for costumes vary from 1500-2000 thousand rubles to infinity. The average price of a quality suit is 15,000-20,000 rubles. Today, many techniques are used to decorate pop clothing: embroidery, inlaid with Swarovski crystals, custom tailoring - all this only adds value to the costumes, but besides this, it gives them a more respectable look. The average cost of one pair of dance shoes is 2,500 thousand rubles. To purchase costumes for a team of 10 people you will have to spend about 230,000-25,000 rubles.

The cost of practice clothing is usually the responsibility of the dancers, but performance costumes must be entirely maintained by the directors and kept up to date. If some details can be used from room to room, for example, shoes, then dresses and suits should be changed quite often.

By the way, all costumes must be kept in constant order. Dry cleaning is also not a cheap pleasure. Cleaning each element of a suit costs an average of 400 rubles. We calculate: cleaning a skirt and blouse will cost about 800 rubles, the cost of a men’s suit (shirt, trousers, jacket) is up to 1500. If there are 10 people in a team, each with 3 suits, the cost of dry cleaning is about 12,000-15,000 rubles.

In addition, things do not last forever and they need constant repair. To save money, you can enter into an agreement with an inexpensive studio to receive additional discounts. The cost of repairing clothing, depending on the complexity of the damage, today averages from 100 to 1,500 rubles.

Another issue related to concert clothing is storage space. You can, of course, store suits at the manager’s home, but as the team develops, the wardrobe will expand. The best option is renting a dressing room in a theater or cultural center, which houses a training room.

Income and bonuses

Many dance schools practice collecting monthly membership fees of up to 1,500 thousand rubles (approximately 15,000 rubles per team). This nominal payment can cover the chalk expenses of executives.

The main source of income is payments from performances. The cost of one performance varies from 5,000-7,000 rubles to hundreds of thousands, depending on the complexity of the program, the time of the performance and the “promotion” of the group.

Salaries of dancers and male dancers, depending on skill, range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles. On initial stage You can set a minimum or piecework payment for team members.

Ilkevich Daria
- portal of business plans and manuals

“TODES” is an immense dance world created by Alla Dukhova, our permanent leader and mentor, a world that has been giving millions of its students, viewers and fans around the planet the amazing joy of dance for the third decade!

The development history of TODES is truly bright and fast-paced. In 1987, Alla Dukhova formed a breakdance team that instantly gained popularity on the Russian stage. For 10 years, TODES has worked with top stars domestic show business(Sofia Rotaru, Valery Meladze, Vladimir Presnyakov, Larisa Dolina and others), making their concerts a real holiday for the audience.

In 1997, after an enchanting solo concert In honor of its tenth anniversary, TODES becomes a completely independent band, whose tours are eagerly awaited by fans around the world. Further – more: a year later (1998), Alla Dukhova’s first dance school “TODES” opened in Moscow. There were already so many people who wanted to study the art of choreography at Alla Dukhova’s school that soon new schools began to open not only in Moscow, but also in other cities of Russia. Today, TODES is the largest network of dance schools in the world - more than 100 branches throughout Russia and abroad.

The logical result of many years of hard work by the artists and the permanent choreographer of “TODES” Alla Dukhova was the opening of the unique Dance Theater “TODES” in 2014. In just one year of its existence, the Theater won incredible love Muscovites and guests of the capital, his performances regularly sell out and are very popular all over the world. This is a completely separate segment of “TODES”, which has long ceased to be just the name of the group, now “TODES” is a serious brand in the world of dance.

Over 28 years, TODES has become a real lifestyle. Students of "TODES" throughout Russia receive in our schools something more important than the ability to dance beautifully: here the children find real friends, gain invaluable stage experience, have a great and useful time at the All-Russian Festivals of "TODES" schools and in dance summer camps, working both in Russia and abroad.” “TODES” is a large, united team, dispersed throughout our vast homeland. Alla Dukhova regularly organizes Open lessons schools "TODES" and the largest dance festivals so that the guys continuously share their experiences and remember that they are a friendly and a strong family, in which every person is important.

"TODES" is open to everyone who loves dancing. In Alla Dukhova's schools there are no restrictions on the age and physical criteria of students. “TODES” is classes at the ballet barre combined with cool hip-hop battles and acting courses. Dance is freedom, joy that knows no boundaries from every second of life. “TODES” is a unique opportunity to find yourself through dance.

In 2014, Alla Dukhova opened the Dance Theater, which began new era in the life of the ensemble "Todes". The theater building is located on Mira Avenue, the technical equipment allows you to experiment and create unique dance shows.

During the first four years of operation, the theater’s repertoire included five performances, including the production “Let’s Dance Love!”, a collection of the best numbers “We”, and the dance fairy tale “The Magic Planet Todes”. These performances can be found on the theater poster. Ticket prices and availability can be found on

Fashionable cultural destination

Since the dance theater appeared quite recently, the auditorium and all other premises meet all modern requirements. Latest technology allows you to organize 3D shows, create visual and audio effects.

The interior also meets modern requirements, and the hall is designed in such a way that all spectators can clearly see the stage. Comfortable chairs in the stalls and amphitheater allow you to concentrate on the performance and enjoy the performance.

Among the advantages modern interior and new auditorium viewers note:

  • high-quality sound;
  • audiovisual effects;
  • wide viewing angle from any place;
  • festive atmosphere.

Spectators can enter the theater building an hour before the start of the performance. At the entrance you will have to go through special control, including metal detectors. It is not allowed to bring outerwear or large bags into the hall, but all these items can be left in the cloakroom at no additional cost.

Food and drinks are also prohibited from entering the hall, but they are allowed in the cafe-bar, which opens an hour before the performance and is open during intermission. After the third bell, the buffet stops serving visitors.

You can enter the hall after the first ring, and the second ring reminds you to turn off Cell phones. All these rules are aimed at providing comfortable conditions for spectators to relax, and for artists to work.

The Alla Dukhova Theater is popular and in demand among the Moscow public. You can always get acquainted with the schedule of performances, study the poster and purchase tickets for performances online at

How to buy theater tickets?

To purchase a ticket for dance show, just go to our website and do a few simple steps:
  1. Select an event and seats in the hall.
  2. Fill in the fields with contact information.
  3. Select the method of receipt and delivery of the ticket.

You can place an order in just a few minutes. If you choose e-ticket, then after payment you will see it at the email address you indicated when filling out. Tickets can also be obtained at the box office or ordered by courier delivery. Cash and non-cash payment is possible; a commission for using the ticket service is added to the ticket price.

If necessary, purchased tickets can be returned in accordance with the rules of the “Public Offer Agreement”. To do this, you will need a check or payment receipt, as well as a copy of your passport.

Refunds are possible if there are at least five working days left before the selected event. If an event is cancelled, replaced or postponed, buyers can also return tickets. is a simple and convenient way to keep abreast of everything that happens in cultural life capital Cities. You can follow the update of the poster and buy tickets for performances, concerts and performances on time. The ability to purchase tickets online allows you to save time and effort, because everything Required documents you will receive in in electronic format or with courier delivery.

Our service gives convenient access to posters of all Moscow theaters, provides necessary information about events. Buy tickets at and enjoy music, dance and theater shows!

We always went to your concerts with pleasure, received a lot of impressions, great mood. And today, from the first minutes, I realized that we were scammed. In Saratov today, November 6, 2018, there was a one-on-one program, like November 6, 2017. What, Alla, now only money is important, and the viewer doesn’t care? Or are there no new ideas, a creative crisis? Disappointing, very sorry. I’ll try to post information on the networks tomorrow so that people who regularly attend your concerts don’t get caught like we did.

A very successful business project by Alla Dukhova, aimed at personal enrichment by fooling parents and luring children with the stage, the atmosphere of a party show. And then, only parents are present at the concerts. As for dance practice - NOTHING. There is a sacred rule in the studios: TODES is one big family (or rather the mafia). Only you are not part of this family - you bring your money there every month. And feed Dukhova & comp. Verified. Ask more or less professional dancers...

Dear Alla Vladimirovna! Our children go to the Preobrazhenka studio from 7 to 8 years old. We visit group 1, which has been traveling to festivals for 3 years, which brought the studio 1st and 3rd places in 2016, two 3rd places in 2017. And what is happening this year. Our director Heimanis Evgeniy, for reasons unknown to us, decided to make changes in the already danced group. First, 8-year-olds are added to the group of children 10-12 years old. Then he transfers the girl to the 6th group (for what purpose it is not entirely clear, because Group...

I have always liked Todes ballet. When I learned about schools for children, I certainly began to research information about these schools with the goal of sending my daughter there. It seemed to me very expensive and accessible only to the stars. And she gave her daughter to ballroom dancing. It was beautiful and accessible. But only at the very beginning. Then it became more and more expensive: shoes, expensive dresses, hairstyles, tournaments where the participation of the dancer and the presence of parents are paid, individual sessions with a teacher is a must! IN...

See screenshot. Everyone gives up and spits. Do you even need such a gift? Guys, maybe you can give your director a gift yourself? This is your director. Oh, I’ll give him a card or a chocolate. Although, he doesn’t give our children chocolates on their birthdays.

We visited Todes in Minsk on November 20, 2016. There was no “Wow”. Professionally, synchronously, everything is in tune with the music, but as she herself says in the jury at the “Dance” show: “Everything is clear, everything is correct, but there is no zest, no delight.” My 11-year-old daughter was with me and said to me: “Mom, maybe there’s no delight because we’ve seen better?” To which I answered her: “It seemed to me that Alla Dukhova belongs to the “Best” category, but apparently she still doesn’t live up to it.” In addition, the show is short, they didn’t even extend it with an intermission.

Dear Alla Vladimirovna! We've been coming to you for a very long time! But every year it gets worse and worse! We understand that life is more difficult now, there is a crisis, etc., but! Maybe it’s enough to make money for nothing? Now we are preparing for the Moscow festival. Not only is it held on weekdays when children need to be at school. So they also came up with some kind of entry fee for the participant! 5500! For what? Why can't anyone at the studio explain where this money will go? Children must pay to participate...

My daughter went to Todes six months ago. Firstly, this is the administrator Nastya, who does not say hello, does not report anything, and sits without getting up angry face. Teachers are constantly changing. But the child likes it and we went. 2 days ago we were informed that our group was being closed and we were being transferred to other days! I paid 6 thousand for the summer because I planned to go and in the end, without even letting us finish the month, they transferred to other days. We had to leave. It’s a shame and it left a bad aftertaste. I don't recommend it to anyone.

I want to say a big thank you to Alla Dukhova for the whole dance world! My daughter goes to the Lyubertsy studio, she really likes to study, her eyes light up, she goes with great desire! I recently came from the Todes dance camp, I really liked it, I brought back a lot of positive emotions and a lot of new friends! In addition to classes in the studio, there are also master classes, festivals, and concerts! In June we only had time to perform everywhere! And what a concert they organized at Triumph, to the delight of both children and parents! I regret one thing...

Dear Alla Vladimirovna! I really don’t want to be disappointed in you, but I have to. You have created a huge corporation, World Todes, and we are happy because our children are happy. Thank you for this. But we just can’t understand why Volosov pleases you so much, if in any advertising photos from reporting concerts and festivals, photos of only the 25th group of Vavilov’s studio are posted. You know, it's already getting funny. But other studios employ more capable and responsible directors, teachers and...

We've been going to Maryino's studio for three years. At first I liked it, but now I don’t know. Everyone is obsessed with X groups. The adults are really cool. Bugakov is a talented choreographer. His productions are interesting. But all the other groups: “Junior”, “Kids” and “Baby” are children just like children, nothing special. We watched the festival broadcast from Voronezh and wanted to cheer for our people. In the end we were disappointed. Very simple productions and very dirty. The battle is a complete humiliation. It seems that Maryino has lagged behind the rest...

Hello! I wrote a review on a nearby site, but the review was not displayed. I have no desire or time to write again. Briefly - If Todes management keeps a record telephone conversations administrators with clients, Lapino, please listen to the conversation on March 05, 2016 at 17.25. I have already called twice and hoped to bring my child to study with you; I live in a neighboring cottage community. On March 5th I was ready to bring my child to his first lesson. But I’m still not your client, it’s impossible to get to you...

We attended the “Magic Planet” show in Volgograd in January 2016. Complete disappointment. Firstly, the poster did not indicate that this was a purely children's fairy tale performance. Secondly, they delayed the start for half an hour, and didn’t even come out to explain until people in the hall began to be indignant. Thirdly, where is the show ballet? There were few dances, the dances did not surprise with any complexity and expressiveness, there was a lot of chatter, more like children's performance. Fourthly, only 1 hour for 1800 rubles, an unjustified price. By faces...

Thank you very much to studio DEGUNINO for everything you taught me!

Dear Alla Vladimirovna! Please accept my sincere parental gratitude for your brainchild - TODESA World! Once upon a time, you created the Todes ballet in order to bring beauty from the stage, and the adrenaline of dance enveloped in macro parameters - more than one country (all of Russia, the Baltic states, Ukraine), in micro parameters - every member of the family studying at the child’s Todes school-studio . For such an honor in our country, the way the first team of Todes performed would have been enough for you, however, you, Alla Vladimirovna, with your powerful...

At the beginning of December, my husband and I went to the Song of the Year, our daughter performed there! What a pleasure it is to watch the children of Todes dance! What little geniuses! Not in one other dance school Children are not taught that way! Many thanks to our teacher and Alla Dukhova!

Hello, dear Alla Vladimirovna! This is my second year writing! No answer. I (and many, many children and mothers of our city) have a dream that a branch of the Todes ballet show will open in Yakutsk. Marina Georgievna said that this is real! But things didn’t go any further. We love you very much and are waiting for you! What does that require?

Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes" has existed for almost 30 years. At first it was completely small team. Its leader and creator Alla Dukhova was an unknown young girl at that time. She is with her dance group came to conquer Moscow. Then no one could have imagined what a brilliant future was in store for her and her small team.

Alla Dukhova

Alla Dukhova - director of the ballet "Todes" - was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa (Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug). A year later the move to Riga took place. There Alla met her parents sent her to music school. But the girl liked dancing more. At the age of 11, the future celebrity joined the Ivushka ensemble. But she dreamed not only of dancing, she wanted to be a stage director. A. Dukhova organized her first team at the age of 16. It was called "Experiment". Only girls danced in it. The dances of her group were based on modern Western choreography. Alla studied foreign school herself, on videotapes.

At one of the festivals in which A.V. Dukhova took part with her “Experiment,” fate brought her together with the male group of breakdancers “Todes” from St. Petersburg. The guys really liked Alla’s choreography. The girl, in turn, gained respect for the breakers for how skillfully they performed their tricks. As a result, the two teams decided to unite.

Today A. Dukhova very often takes part in television programs, gives interviews, and is a member of the jury of dance television projects.

History of the team

Alla Dukhova created the ballet “Todes” on March 8, 1987. This event took place in North Ossetia, on The team that she then led included three girls: Ivona Konchevska, Dina Dukhova and Alla Dukhova herself. The ballet “Todes” (breakers), with which the girl’s group merged, consisted of seven young guys, they were: S. Voronkov, G. Ilyin, R. Maslyukov, A. Glebov and A. Gavrilenko. The performances were choreographed by Alla Dukhova. The ballet “Todes” quickly gained popularity. Very soon it became difficult for A. Dukhova to combine the work of a director and dance herself. The issue was resolved by the team by choosing her as leader.

Soon the Todes ballet set off to conquer the capital. There the artists worked as backup dancers for the stars Russian stage: S. Rotaru, K. Orbakaite, L. Dolina, V. Leontyev, V. Meladze, V. Presnyakov and many others. They even had a chance to perform on stage in Monte Carlo with R. Martin, M. Kerry and M. Jackson.

Gradually, the ballet grew, he became cramped in the ranks of the backup dancers, and he began to perform independently and tour. Studio schools began to open, and recently a theater appeared.


Most recently, the dance theater was opened by Alla Dukhova. The Todes ballet performs here with its performances. The theater opened in March 2014. Alla Dukhova and her artists dreamed about this event for many years. The performances of the Todes ballet are stunning shows with first-class choreography, fantastic costumes, magnificent lighting effects and 3D scenery.

The choreographer and director of the performances is Alla Dukhova.

Despite the fact that the theater has only existed for two years, it is already very popular.


Alla Dukhova’s show ballet “Todes” in its recently opened theater invites viewers to watch the following unique performances:

  • Attention is bright spectacular show about love and life. Without a single word, the play will tell about how complex the world of relationships between a man and a woman is.
  • The play “Magic Planet” is where the actors tell young spectators that they need to be brave, honest, faithful and strive for their dreams.
  • The play “Dancing Love” is a story about young lovers who dream of becoming famous. They believe that Big city will help them to realize themselves, while their love will not break. Is it really?
  • The play “We” is an enchanting show that brings together the best dance numbers for the entire almost 30 years of existence of the Todes ballet.


The main cast of Alla Dukhova's ballet “Todes”:

  • A. Ilyasova.
  • A. Zelenetsky.
  • A. Shcheglova.
  • M. Smirnov.
  • D. Petrenko.
  • E. Koval.
  • V. Shapkin.
  • A. Sotnikov.
  • D. Ponomarev.
  • A. Mankova.
  • D. Kiseleva.
  • Yu. Korzinkina.
  • D. Gorkov.
  • D. Ishmetov.
  • V. Medvedev.
  • E. Aglyamova.
  • A. Radev.
  • Y. Agapova.
  • Zh. Kurbanova.
  • A. Osipov.
  • P. Volosov.
  • A. Liventseva.
  • S. Gogin.
  • E. Nuikina.
  • A. Kaverina.
  • M. Scibor-Gurkovsky.
  • I. Parinov.
  • T. Shchedrina.
  • E. Heimanis.
  • A. Hwang.
  • A. Tunik.
  • A. Remeslov.
  • I. Surina.
  • A. Zubova.
  • I. Nesterenko.
  • M. Shabanov.
  • A. Khazaryan.
  • D. Written.
  • Ya. Sivtseva.
  • E. Vasiltsov.
  • R. Dmitrischak.
  • D. Alexandrov.
  • I. Leimin.
  • I. Efimenko.
  • M. Tarelko.


Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes" provides an opportunity young talents and even for adults to show Creative skills, learn to dance beautifully. The team has opened many schools in different cities. Everyone is welcome to attend the training. People with any physical fitness, weight and age can study at the Todes school; there are no restrictions, the main thing is the desire to dance, diligence and good attendance at classes. Classes are conducted by soloists of the ballet "Todes", who have undergone pedagogical and psychological training and were allowed to work after successfully passing the exam. Students of the studio school take part in festivals and reporting concerts.

The school also has its own workshop, where you can purchase or have comfortable clothes made to order for rehearsals. The studio gives children an excellent education and good prospects for the future.

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