Sergei Netievsky: “I was ready to return the brand, but Ural Dumplings started suing me.” The Ural Dumplings team was split by money. Who left the Ural

The other day there were rumors that “Ural Dumplings” had broken up. Actress Yulia Mikhalkova commented on this information.

KVN team " Ural dumplings"I'm not worried better times. For many months now, the team has been suing former director Sergei Netievsky, which is affecting their work.

The other day it became known that Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Yulia Mikhalkova and Andrei Rozhkov did not take part in the concerts held in Krasnodar region. Their photographs were absent from the event poster, which is why fans assumed that the team was breaking up.

Yulia Mikhalkova decided to get in touch with the fans and reassure them. According to the comedian, “Ural Dumplings” will continue to work and delight viewers with their jokes.

« Hello friends! I read the morning newspapers over a cup of coffee. I was surprised to learn that, it turns out, “Ural Dumplings” had fled! I declare with responsibility: We are together and, having closed ranks, we confidently move into a bright humorous future. A new step tomorrow evening - a concert in Moscow", said Mikhalkova.

Later it turned out that the stars of the team warned the audience in advance that they would not be able to take part in the Krasnodar concerts due to being busy with other projects.

Julia's post delighted and inspired many fans of the famous band. According to fans, rumors about the dissolution of the Ural Dumplings regularly arise against the backdrop of their long-standing conflict with Sergei Netievsky.

The fact is that the team is suing the former director for the right to own the episodes of the television show and their distribution. The conflict has been going on for months, and the parties still cannot agree on who should own the Ural Dumplings brand.

Despite constant legal proceedings, the team's popularity is only growing year by year. The team often performs in different parts of the country, and its members work on television and at private events.

Apparently, “Ural Dumplings” really has no intention of breaking up. At least the team's stars often share photos together, and their tour schedule is scheduled months in advance.

Now fans hope that the comedians will be able to resolve the protracted conflict with Sergei Netievsky, because then “Ural Dumplings” will be able to delight them with their creativity even more often.

The former leader of the team, Sergei Netievsky, was kicked out of the team: once inseparable colleagues and friends quarreled over money.

“Show Ural dumplings”/TASS

The residents of Yekaterinburg, who chose orange shirts for their uniform, gathered in 1993 on the basis of student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. There were 12 of them, like apostles: Andrei Rozhkov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Dmitry Sokolov and others. Sergei Svetlakov was taken from the “Park of the current period” team. In 1994, Sergei Netievsky came. They created a national team of USTU-UPI, called themselves “Ural dumplings”, started playing in KVN and won in 2000 Major League. Then they took a few cups and began to think about continuing their journey.

Sergey Netievsky. Photo: STS Channel

That's when Sergei Netievsky took control of the ship. Everyone considered him a good captain of the ship, a person who could promote and sell the project on TV. And Sergei Isaev, who subsequently removed Netievsky, and Dmitry Sokolov, and Dmitry Brekotkin said in unison that it was not for nothing that Sergei became the producer of the group.

It was his idea to go to TNT with the idea of ​​the show. The humorous project “Show News” did not live long and was a failure, but it was this bad experience that allowed the guys to sit on the STS channel for a long time.

Alive for the profit

“Ural Dumplings” put together a serious lineup and began to play around concert programs. In 2009, they were invited by STS. More precisely, it was Sergei Netievsky who did not give up trying to sell the project - and did it with great success. The team began recording shows directly at their concerts. Not too multi-layered, but understandable humor, interaction with the audience in the hall, recognizable faces - that’s the whole secret of success. Plus “Pelmeni” continued to tour. 130 people (!) are working on the show - authors, directors, film crew, make-up artists...

In 2013, “Ural dumplings” soared to 15th place on the Forbes list. And where large amounts, there are big conflicts there. Alas, even among old friends.

Head over heels in court

In 2015, the team was suddenly led by Sergei Isaev. The revolution took place without bloodshed. After all, ten participants of the “Ural Dumplings” are the founders of the project - here. It turned out that by the time of the change of power in Pelmeni, Netievsky single-handedly organized the team’s tour - he was general producer Idea Fix Media and founder of First Hand Media. These are the companies that produced the Ural dumplings projects and were engaged in touring activities team. All income from the TV show went to these companies. The key claim was this: Netievsky “received income from the sale of shows to television channels, hiding it from the team for three years.”

Producing is a huge job producing a show! And the guys didn’t do anything as producers

But the displaced producer is not at all embarrassed by this. “It’s as if everything that the production company and I, as a producer, earned had to be shared with the team! - Sergei Netievsky is surprised. — Producing work is a huge job of producing a show. The guys didn't do anything as producers. The team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters, so the production company entered into contracts with them, as with actors and authors. And they received a fee for each episode of our show."

Pelmeni lawyer Evgeny Orlov assured that the ex-producer stole “not a fundamentally huge amount, several million rubles.” Netievsky launched a retaliatory attack - to court. He stated that he was removed, firstly, without a quorum of votes and, secondly, he was not notified of the date of the meeting 30 days in advance. The court reinstated the producer in his position and collected 300 thousand rubles from his former colleagues in his favor for legal costs. After which Netievsky was fired again, and he again proved a violation of rights. Realizing that he could no longer cook porridge with Ural dumplings, in the fall of 2016 Sergei left voluntarily.

The team filed a class action lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court and demanded that the rights to the Ural Dumplings trademark be retained by themselves, and not by Netievsky. The court refused. After which Sergei transferred to the team the right to two Ural Dumplings trademarks, asking for a symbolic sum of two rubles.

But the litigation did not end there.

Because the rights to the performances belong to all the actors on the TV show. However, before 2015, Netievsky was one of them, but after 2015, not. Therefore, the team is trying to agree with Sergei on how to divide the rights, earned capital, website and shares in the project.

Million dollar scam

“Now I’m producing a program in which teams of “already Muscovites” and “newcomers” compete in wit on the Moscow 24 channel,” says Sergei Netievsky. — Together with the Russian Youth Union I am involved in the All-Russian STEM Festival, from which I want to make a TV show. And for a year now, the authors and I have been writing the script for the film “March 9.”

“Ural dumplings” also participate in the film process. Not so long ago, the heroes of which won 43 million rubles and decided to run away from loved ones so as not to share. Maybe it's hello former friend. Maybe a symbolic message for everyone.

Be that as it may, Sergei Netievsky now lives alone. He separated from his wife two years ago after 18 years life together. The producer denies the information that since the divorce he has accumulated 1.5 million rubles in alimony. He moved his eldest son Ilya to Moscow, the guy is studying at school and does not want to return home, as his father assures. The middle son Ivan and daughter Masha live in Yekaterinburg with their mother.

Now the director of Ural Dumplings is legally Andrey Rozhkov.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Netievsky - Russian showman and producer, former director creative association “Ural Dumplings”, who left the team in 2015 due to a scandal.

Childhood and adolescence

Sergey was born and raised in the small Ural village of Basyanovsky, lost among the dense taiga. Like all boys of that time, as a child he played football with friends in the yard, rode a bicycle, went fishing, and played sports.

After graduating from school, he went to Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) and entered the mechanical engineering department of the local polytechnic institute. At the university, Netievsky enrolled in student team KVN “Ural Dumplings”, which became the launching pad for his future career. Together with his comrades, he came up with jokes, went on stage and worked in the “Dream” construction team.


After graduating from college in 1993, the young man managed to get a job as a director in a hardware store, but soon made the final choice in favor of KVN and devoted himself entirely to his favorite business.

The team's popularity grew rapidly, and soon the guys found themselves in the Major League. In 2000, “Pelmeni” became champions, and two years later – winners of the Major League Summer Cup. By this time, Sergei led the team and coped with his responsibilities perfectly. Under his leadership, “Pelmeni” became winners of the “Voting KiViN” festival three times and played a draw in the international tournament between Asia and Europe.

In 2007, Netievsky moved to Moscow, where completely different prospects opened up for him. TNT channel launched a new entertainment project“Show News” and invited Sergei to head it. Plunging headlong into new activity, Sergei realized that “Pelmeni” also needed to switch to television.

The success of Sergei Svetlakov, who, having left the team, quickly “promoted” on TNT, only confirmed that he was right. In 2009, the first episode of the new show on the STS channel “Ural Dumplings” was aired, which immediately aroused great interest among the audience. Already in 2013, residents of the Urals became winners of the TEFI award and were noted on the pages of Forbes in the list of the most successful Russian celebrities.

At the same time, Netievsky was involved in several other projects: he produced the show “Unreal Stories” and played a leading role in it, was a member of the jury and ideological inspirer talent show “MyasorUPka” and took part in writing the script for the acclaimed comedy “Freaks”.

He even completed directing courses in order to make a full-length film about the team for the twentieth anniversary of “Pelmeni”. But these plans were not destined to come true.

Why did Netievsky leave Ural Dumplings?

In 2015, Netievsky found himself at the epicenter of a scandal. His teammates accused him of hiding part of the show's television revenue from them for three years (from 2012 to 2015). Allegedly, the producer convinced “Pelmeni” that they were working exclusively for fees, and arbitrarily embezzled part of the money and used it for the needs of his production center, First Hand Media.

Interview with Sergei Netievsky

In this regard, the remaining members of the team filed a lawsuit against Netievsky and removed him from office. Sergey Isaev became the new team leader. For Netievsky this came as a complete surprise. He filed an appeal, after which the court recognized the illegality of his removal.

The legal proceedings continued for several years; in January 2018, one of the participants in the Ural Dumplings, Andrey Rozhkov, announced the filing of a new lawsuit against Netievsky - in the amount of 28 million rubles.

In turn, Sergei demanded that the court recover 107 million from the UP: these are loans that the company Idea Fix Media (a subsidiary of First Hand Media owned by Sergei Netievsky) issued to 4 legal entities, including Ural Pelmeni Production LLC, as well as

Dmitry Sokolov is a Russian showman and comedian, founder of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” and a permanent member of the same name comedy shows, in which the composition participates former team KVN.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov was born in April 1965, in the city of Pervouralsk, located in Sverdlovsk region. Dmitriy - youngest child in family. He has an older sister.

Dmitry Sokolov grew up as an active and artistic guy. As the artist’s mother Irina Aleksandrovna said in an interview, at the age of 3 her son knew the Brothers Grimm fairy tale by heart “ The Bremen Town Musicians" And one day, when a repairman came to the house to fix the TV, Dima gave a real performance: the boy recited, sang and danced this fairy tale to the grateful audience. As he was leaving, the master asked: “Why do you need a TV?”

Until the 4th grade, Dmitry Sokolov did not study very diligently: his innate mobility and curiosity were in no way combined with perseverance. Teachers often complained about Dima. But, according to the mother, the son was an inventor, but not a dirty tricker. In middle and high school, the boy improved his academic performance. The parents managed to redirect some of their son’s excess energy to a useful hobby for music. Although rumors musical abilities Dmitry did not have one; Sokolov diligently studied at music school and even participated in the ensemble.

In the 5th grade, Dmitry Sokolov managed to surprise his teachers a lot. During a trip to the capital, the children asked to take the class to a zoo, a circus, or a cafe. Only Dima asked to show the theater.

After finishing school, Sokolov went to Yekaterinburg. For admission, Dmitry identified the Ural Polytechnic University, where he chose the Faculty of Chemical Technology. This choice was dictated by the fact that Dmitry’s older sister studied here. The girl took part in an intense and have a fun life student construction team "Horizon". The guys went to collective farms, where they organized concerts. My brother soon developed the same hobby.

After the 2nd year, Dmitry Sokolov went with a construction team to Astrakhan. A misfortune happened there: several guys, among whom was Dima, fell ill with typhoid fever. After a long treatment and recovery, Sokolov took academic leave. So from the construction brigade he ended up in the construction battalion. But after the army, the guy returned to his favorite pastime - amateur performances.


For some time after returning from the army, Dmitry Sokolov played in the rock band “Neighbors”. Having seen and thoroughly studied the entire “kitchen” from the inside, 28-year-old Sokolov decided to create his own project. So in 1993 a new one was born, and now famous team"Ural dumplings".

KVN team "Ural dumplings"

At the origins of the team was Dmitry, a veteran of the “Horizon” construction team. The residents of the new team were guys from different construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic University. All of them, according to Sokolov, are not random people. Because you can’t get into KVN just by choice. You must be born with a sense of humor and artistic ability. New team subsequently turned into an independent and full-fledged project, forever changing the biography of Dmitry Sokolov.

The very first performances of “Ural Dumplings” as part of the KVN game were accompanied by enormous success. Very soon the team from Yekaterinburg entered the KVN Major League. A few years later, 6 prestigious awards appeared in their treasury, including the KVN Super Champions Cup and several KiViNs.

Each of the players is an accomplished artist, very bright and charismatic. The game of the founder of “Ural dumplings” Dmitry Sokolov can be especially highlighted. This is an explosive mixture of simple and even somewhat brutal, but at the same time subtle humor. Calm and even gloomy, Dmitry tells his jokes with a straight face, often without a hint of a smile. It’s a paradox, but this is an additional incentive to laugh at his witticisms.

Dmitry Sokolov or Sokol, as his colleagues call him, is one of the audience’s favorites. Some of his jokes turned into aphorisms. Poem "Lonely" white mouse"performed by Sokol is almost a classic of modern humor.

"Ural dumplings"

The Ural Dumplings team created by Dmitry Sokolov is perhaps the only one that managed to continue its life on television even after finishing playing in KVN. Moreover, “Pelmeni” today is no less, and perhaps more popular, than during the period of its biography.

In 2007, team members created their own project - a parody news program “Show News”, which they supported and aired “ Comedy Club Production" and "Around the World Production". The first episodes of the TV show were popular among viewers and were included in the channel's Top 10 programs.

In terms of popularity, “Show News” took place between the series “My Fair Nanny”, “Happy Together”, “Slaughter League” and the show “Comedy Club”, but subsequent episodes began to lose the love of TV viewers. In 2009, the team tried to restart the project, but this did not save Show News, so Ural Dumplings switched to their own personal project, which began to enjoy success.

Today “Ural dumplings” has own show, which has been broadcast on the STS channel since 2009. In the show, Dmitry Sokolov plays the role of a narrow-minded, “village” person who does not understand the current situations, but at the same time is endowed with special simple wisdom. In addition, situations are often played out when other characters are afraid of the hero Dmitry. Sokolov's teammates play the roles of intellectuals and eccentrics, and Dmitry's hero can show the aggression or savagery required in a joke. This is also facilitated by the showman's appearance - tall (but the exact height of the actor is unknown to journalists), powerful, with a shaved head.

As for Dmitry Sokolov, not a single project in which artists from “Ural Dumplings” take part is complete without his participation. He organizes concerts and directs. Sokolov is one of the main authors of most jokes, sketches and new projects. As an actor he is also irreplaceable. Viewers can enjoy his performance in “Big Difference”, “ProjectorParisHilton”, “Yuzhny Butovo” and “Comedy Club”, where Sokolov performed both with sketches and humorous songs. And, of course, Dmitry Sokolov is present in every episode of the Ural Dumplings show.

At the same time, comedians launched other projects. In 2011, members of the Ural Dumplings launched the sketch show Unreal Story, which aired for three seasons. In 2012, the team created another humorous parody show - “Valera-TV”. The plot of the episodes played up the growing interest around video bloggers. Main character project, Valera works as a cameraman in the province and decides to also start a blog, where she posts videos of everything she comes across.

The Ural Dumplings team celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2013. Anniversary concert called "20 years in the test." These years, Dmitry Sokolov remained one of the pillars on which the popular team relied. At the same time, no one can blame Dima for star fever or loss of a sense of humor due to popularity.

Personal life

In the biography of Dmitry Sokolov there are two marriages. The artist’s first wife was Natalya, whom Dmitry met in a construction team. The girl was also a student at the university where Dmitry studied. Two children were born in this marriage. Son Alexander appeared in 1992, daughter Anna in 2002. But the nomadic life of a KVN artist and the everyday problems that fell on the fragile women’s shoulders took their sad toll: the family fell apart.

Dmitry Sokolov's personal life improved in 2011. In September, Sokolov married for the second time. The showman's wife was Ksenia Li, familiar to fans of the KVN game. The girl was an actress of the “Irina Mikhailovna” team.

The couple met in 2006. Common interests and romantic feelings became the basis of this marriage. Then children appeared in the family. Masha was born in the fall of 2012, and Vanya in April 2015. It is noteworthy that the son was born a week after Dmitry celebrated his 50th birthday and became a real gift for his dad’s anniversary.

Ksenia Li also helps her husband write scripts for the Ural Dumplings show. The woman goes on tour with Dmitry Sokolov, and during the filming of TV shows and live performances she always sits in the audience and supports her husband’s team.

Dmitry Sokolov now

In March 2017, a full-length film created by the Ural Dumplings team - the comedy "Lucky Chance" - was released. The main character Valera () wins 43 million rubles in the lottery. Together with his friends, the lucky one escapes to Moscow. Men want to spend their winnings on their own without sharing with their wives. But the other halves of the heroes find out about the win and set off in pursuit of their husbands. The main roles in the comedy were played by members of the Ural Dumplings team.

In May 2017, journalists learned that Dmitry Sokolov became a father for the fifth time. Ksenia Li gave her husband a daughter, Joanna. The couple did not hide Ksenia’s pregnancy; the woman posted photographs on the microblog showing interesting situation. To direct questions from the press, Dmitry honestly answered that his wife was pregnant, and that the couple already knew the sex of the unborn child. The couple immediately wrote about the birth of a girl on the page in “ Instagram ».


  • 2001 - “Outside the native square meters”
  • 2002 - “Big Grater”
  • 2007 - “Show News”
  • 2009 – today - “Comedy Club”
  • 2009 - “Big Difference”
  • 2009 - “ProjectorParisHilton”
  • 2009 - “Southern Butovo”
  • 2009 - today - show "Ural dumplings"
  • 2011 - “Unreal Story”
  • 2012 - “Valera TV”
  • 2017 – “Lucky Chance”
Published 06.26.17 13:13

The artist himself, expelled from the team, said that he was upset by the statements of his former colleagues.

Journalists from Sobesednik learned the details of the conflict between the Ural Dumplings team and Sergei Netievsky. The publication was told about the situation CEO team Evgeny Orlov, as well as team members Dmitry Sokolov and Dmitry Brekotkin.

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According to Orlov, in 2011 a " Creative association“Ural dumplings”, in which all team members had 10%, and in 2012 Sergei Netievsky organized the company “Idea Fix Media” in Moscow and became its main co-founder:

“Essentially, this company, owned and controlled by Sergei Netievsky, became the owner of almost intkbbee all programs of "Ural Dumplings". The Ural Dumplings team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters on separate one-time contracts, trusting Sergei and being confident in his integrity. And Netievsky received income from the sale of programs to TV channels, hiding it from the team. Netievsky told the team that they work for fees. And the guys believed this version for 3 years. And at this time, he appropriated money from television activities (selling programs on STS), and considered the money already embezzled insufficient. He is suing the team, trying to prohibit the disposal of old programs, the rights to which he himself stole from the team. He wants to be the sole owner of the rights, he wants more and more,” explained Evgeny Orlov

He stated that Netievsky had been selling recordings of Ural Dumplings concerts to television channels since 2009, keeping all the proceeds for himself. As Dmitry Sokolov added, at the time of signing creative team agreement with STS to record the show, Sergei Netievsky continued to hide the real income from the team.

"We already had suspicions. Once on film set We had a conversation with a representative of STS, during which we realized that there is money in this business. After that, we held a meeting at our creative base and asked Netievsky to come with all the contracts and reporting documents. At the meeting, it became clear that our friend was embezzling our income from television activities. Netievsky had to admit everything,” said the artist, noting that when Sergei Netievsky was organizing the Ural Dumplings tour, he also hid real income from the team members:

“After that, we deprived him of the right to tour. In general, there were always hints that something was unclean. He considers his actions legal! Nine people are wrong, and he is right. He said: “This is business. In Moscow, all producers do this." That is, for some reason he imagined himself to be our producer. Although everyone in our team has an equal contribution to the common cause, and income should also be equal. And for his organizational work we paid him an additional 10% ", said Sokolov.

According to Dmitry Brekotkin, the team proposed to resolve this issue out of court, but Netievsky did not agree to a settlement.

"We told him, 'Well, it happened. Let's call it "the devil has confused" or "dizziness from success." You're wrong. You have a way out, you say: “Okay, guys, I admit that I’m wrong. I’ll try to return something.” Do you know what he replied: “What are you talking about? It’s all of you who are wrong, not me!” Then we kicked him out of the directorship, created a new enterprise, we are doing well creative work, new projects. And let the investigative authorities in both Moscow and Yekaterinburg deal with this situation,” Brekotkin explained.

Later, Sergei Netievsky himself said in an interview with DK.RU that he read the statements of his colleagues, and they upset him.

“I didn’t expect this from my past colleagues... I understand that they are not doing this themselves, but under the influence of my former manager Evgeniy Orlov. A television product is created not only by actors and authors, it is created and promoted by the work of a well-coordinated team of a production company under the leadership of producers. I done great job producer and really made the KVN team "Ural dumplings" - popular television show! Launching a TV project is different, compared to actors and authors, more high level responsibility, risk and, accordingly, this is another payment. In the process of our joint activities my former colleagues were aware of this, and even spoke about it in interviews, but under the influence of the new leader they suddenly changed their minds. I am addressing my former colleagues“If you have any claims against me, but you can’t come to an agreement, then we have a rule of law state - go to court,” Netievsky said

As I wrote, the conflict between “Ural Dumplings” and Sergei Netievsky has been going on for quite some time. In the fall of 2015, the team decided to remove him from his director’s position, but Netievsky challenged this in court and won the case. In 2016, the showman himself left this position, and this summer, as expected, the Moscow Arbitration Court will consider two claims by Sergei Netievsky based on the results of the activities of the ex-manager of the production company "Idea Fix Media" Evgeniy Orlov, currently holding the position of director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC ".

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