Sergei Lyubavin: “Family is too personal a world where I have closed access to outsiders. Sergei Lyubavin

Russian singer-songwriter, poet, composer and actor with a new one concert program“Save the last dance for me...” The artist will perform, accompanied by a symphony orchestra, on the stage of the Palace of the Republic on March 28.

The site's correspondent met with Sergei Lyubavin on the eve of March 8 and learned from the artist what a modern family should look like and how to make the woman he loves happy, and also asked him about new impressions in Minsk.

– Artists often see the city where they come on tour only from the car window. This is not your first time in Minsk, do you notice how it is changing?

– I come to Minsk from noisy Moscow and feel as comfortable as in a European city. The traditional friendly attitude of the people complements and adorns the city. You go to breakfast in a hotel or restaurant and meet people who serve you with a smile. This has always distinguished Belarus from other countries. In general, I come to you as if it were my home, and I don’t feel any difference, I don’t feel like I’m abroad - it’s very pleasant.

With all the beauty of Western European cities, magnificent nature, alpine freshness, after several days abroad, you still want to go home. And when I talk with people who moved from Russia or Ukraine to Europe, I come across the opinion that life there is not easy for “ours”, they are treated like foreigners. There are some negative aspects. Therefore, vacationing abroad is yes, living is no.

I myself was born in Siberia, and if it so happened that I moved to live in Minsk, I would not feel like a foreigner here. I repeat: I feel at home in Minsk. Maybe this is the main difference between Minsk. This city always greets me with such a kind aura and energy.

– Your songs are about love for women. Tell me, how can a man learn to understand a woman enough to make her happy every day?

– It seems to me that this cannot be done. Or maybe it’s not even necessary. Everything in life is black and white. Imagine a situation where a woman’s life is full of endless happiness, which ultimately cannot be perceived as joy. There it is. But how difficult and serious our lives are, including those of our women. Therefore, gifts from men and attention to contrast make them happy. Helping and supporting women is the main goal for a man.

– What should a modern family generally look like, how should the roles of men and women be distributed in it?

– People meet and unite according to the principle “we feel good together” – this is the basis. A man earns money, keeps a budget, provides for his wife and children - this is a classic. I have an example, my friend Andrey is a former chef, he cooks superbly. And my wife is a businesswoman and earns money. They love each other and have lived together for more than 15 years, they have two children. He took upon himself everything that, in the classical sense, a woman should do: cleaning, cooking.

There are different variants: how do you distribute who earns more, who earns less, who has the loan, and so on. It's up to you to decide. A child should go to kindergarten or hire a nanny - this is all so individual, and one cannot give unambiguous “correct” assessments of this. The main recipe for family longevity is “we feel good together.”

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– You have an adult son, how did you raise him to be a man?

– Every parent strives to contribute something of their own. My son has been playing professional hockey since he was 7 years old. Played in clubs good seasons there were results. When my son turned 20, he decided that professional sports was not for him. However, while still in sports, he began to engage in business. His current job is related to hockey: he conducts master classes and loves his job very much. By the way, this is now in great demand in Russia and Belarus.

I believe that it is necessary to play sports. Nowadays, when everyone leaves the house, gets into the car, goes to work, sits in the office, then gets back into the car... By the age of thirty, you can get all the diseases of the back and everything else. After all, there is no movement. Women and men should definitely play sports.

I have five memberships that I don't use. (Smiles.) In general, I really love the Russian bathhouse, I go to fitness. While on tour there is an opportunity to work out in hotels. In Minsk I stayed at the Renaissance Hotel. I went to the sauna, swam in the pool, visited the fitness room - the aura was cool. After all, my job is very unsportsmanlike. You move on stage for two hours, and the rest is travel and flights. When I come to different cities and countries, I go to the gyms in hotels and work out, and compensate for the lack of movement.

– There are romances in your repertoire, why is this genre now relevant and popular again?

– Yes, there are several romances in my repertoire. But I don’t sing like Alexander Malinin, only romances. My work is rather similar to its Western counterparts - Julio Iglesias, Luis Miguel, Lara Fabian. Symphonic pop is a fashionable pop genre that is now popular in Europe. Within its framework I make arrangements. Popular music, beautiful melodic songs, which were made with the participation of a symphony orchestra. This adds beauty to the arrangements. The string group is especially often used.

For now, I’m interested in growing and moving in this direction. There are several favorite poets - Lermontov, Blok, Tsvetaeva, and in my concert there are one or two romances, which I always perform to the accompaniment of a guitar or piano. It's a classic and audiences love it.

Sergei Lyubavin has 12 studio albums, several DVDs with concert recordings and video clips. The musician participated in the festivals "Jurmala-93", "Radio Chanson" "Eh, take a walk!" (2011–2014). He also won the “Free Song” festival (1998) and won the “Chanson of the Year” award in the Kremlin (2011–2013).

– How do you choose costumes for performances?

– Pop classics are a genre where you can’t run out of options when it comes to choosing costumes. These are definitely not Swarovski rhinestones or feathers, which are characteristic of the subculture. When I try to change something, choose images, I think about how a female audience will appreciate it.

Our first department is a symphony orchestra, a string group. Dress code: suit, classic tailcoat, bow tie. In the second section there may be different options: this is a more summer option, some light jeans, club jackets, something that doesn’t bother you and is comfortable to perform in.

If we turn to the legislators of the pop genre - Frank Sinatra, Julio Iglesias. For us it’s Valery Obodzinsky, for you it’s a wonderful group, my favorite – “Pesnyary” by Vladimir Mulyavin. “Pesnyary” has beautiful, simply chic folk costumes, because they tried to work within the framework of folk-rock culture. The stage must remain intact male image. Folk costumes with ornaments are great, the group comes out, and you can immediately tell that men have come out. I also try to comply with some canons.

– March 8 is coming soon, please advise how to congratulate the women you love?

– The main thing is not expensive gifts, but an attentive attitude towards a woman. Even a small surprise that can intrigue a woman. You can say before the holiday: “Honey, I’m preparing a surprise for you” - and the woman will languish in pleasant anticipation. These could be tickets to the theater or cinema. A woman loves signs of attention from her beloved man; for her this can be the most important thing in life. And therefore there is only one recipe - love and attention to your woman.

I try to do this in relationships. By the way, here's an example. Just a month ago, I received a request in my email from a fan who has been following my work for ten years. He had a serious event in his life - he was getting ready to get married. I asked you to congratulate me. His wife is also a fan of my work. I recorded it on video" Dear friends, Alexander and Maria, congratulations on your wedding!" And I sent him a video. There was so much delight at the wedding, they thanked us: "The artist Sergei Lyubavin congratulated us, how great!" And of course, it was nice for me too.

Sergei Lyubavin is a famous Russian chanson performer. He was born on April 10 (according to the horoscope Aries) 1966 in Novosibirsk (Russia). His height is about 182 centimeters and his weight reaches 88 kilograms. Real name: Sergei Dedov.

Sergei was born into a fairly educated and creative family. His father, Peter Dedov, was a fairly famous and talented writer; as for his mother, Olga Grigorievna occupied a pedagogical niche in society and taught subjects such as Russian language and literature. In addition to Sergei, the family also raised his beloved brother Alexander, who, to his great grief, died in 1998 during another operation, since at one time Alexander worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, in the future Sergei will write a touching song called “Brother”.

From a very young age, Sergei was completely immersed in literature, music and sports. Thanks to his mother, he was able to discover the delightful world of music, in which there are so many colors and sounds. Parents have always encouraged their children's desire to be creative and have always supported them in this field.

At the age of 15, Sergei even decided to form his own group, which consisted of only two people: he and his classmate. True, in the 90s they had to go down different paths and Sergei eventually became part of a musical group called “Voyage”. The group performed in cafes, clubs and restaurants. And thanks to their activities, they were even able to travel around almost all of Siberia. But after a while, Sergei understands that for more success he needs to leave his native land and get a special education. So, he moves to Moscow and begins his studies at one of the most prestigious music schools named after the Gnisen.

Music career

After some time, Sergei Lyubavin decides to leave School of Music and go to university to study journalism. There he begins to actively write songs and eventually becomes a participant in “Jurmala-93”, and then the winner. In the same year he released his first album, “17 and a Half.” This was followed in 1996 by another album entitled “Taste Familiar from Childhood.” Since then, Sergei has become a very popular person and in a short time earns an army of fans and real fame. This was followed by a large number of concerts, awards, competitions and albums.

In 2013, Sergei’s father passed away, and a year later he released the album “Save the Last Dance for Me...”.


While studying, Sergei meets his future wife Elena, who in 1992 gives him a son, Ivan. Today, Elena is Sergei’s producer, and their son is the owner of a hockey school for children.


Sergei Petrovich Lyubavin(real name Dedov; genus. April 10, 1966) - Russian pop singer, author and performer of Russian love and romantic chanson. Winner of the Chanson of the Year awards.


Sergei Lyubavin was born on April 10, 1966 in Novosibirsk, in the family of writer Pyotr Pavlovich Dedov (1933-2013) and teacher Olga Grigorievna.

In 1981, while studying at school, he created his first Music band. In the late 1980s he began performing with the Voyage group. Repeatedly won city song competitions.

In 1990, Sergei came to Moscow and graduated from the vocal studio of the school. Gnessins (course of Eduard Labkovsky). At the same time, Sergei writes his songs and records them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin.

In 1990, he entered the Faculty of Journalism, taking the course of Gennady Seleznev, and was listed in the student group as Sergei Dedov.

Sergei Lyubavin’s debut on the professional stage took place in 1993 at the Jurmala-93 competition.

First solo album was recorded with local musicians. The producer was Lyubavin’s classmate Baizak Asylbekov. The album was sold pirated. And Lyubavin’s official first album, “Seventeen and a Half,” was released at Soyuz studio in 1994. Then in 1996 the “Cossack” album “Taste, Familiar from Childhood” was released, in 1998 - “Black Raven”, in 1999 - the live concert disc “Robber Songs”. In 2002, two albums were released at once: “The Little Wolf” and the concert “Siberian Tract”. In 2003 - the album “Po Moldavanka” and the re-release of the first album “Seventeen and a half”, supplemented by two new songs.

In 1996, the mini-album “A Taste Familiar from Childhood” was released, consisting of six songs, many of which were written under the strong influence of the works of Sergei Yesenin. Videos for the songs “The Wedding is Spinning” and “Eh, Wasn’t There” were released.

In 1998 he won the Free Song festival, held in Moscow under the chairmanship of Mikhail Tanich.

In 1999, Sergei Lyubavin held his first solo concert at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia".

In 2003, the song “Wolf Cub” took first place on the St. Petersburg radio station “Chanson” as the most ordered work according to an Internet survey of radio listeners.

In 2010, the song “Flower” (“Moscow and the Neva will not meet”), performed in a duet with Tatyana Bulanova, gained popularity. In June 2010, a romantic video was shot for the song.

Personal life

His wife is Margarita, he has an only child - son Ivan. Sergei's older brother, Alexander, died in the 1990s.


Video clips

Prizes and awards

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An excerpt characterizing Lyubavin, Sergei Petrovich

“Your Excellency, they came from the patrimonial department, from the director for orders... From the consistory, from the Senate, from the university, from the educational home, the vicar sent... asks... About fire brigade what do you say? The warden from the prison... the warden from the yellow house..." - they reported to the count all night, without stopping.
To all these questions the count gave short and angry answers, showing that his orders were no longer needed, that all the work he had carefully prepared had now been ruined by someone, and that this someone would bear full responsibility for everything that would happen now.
“Well, tell this idiot,” he answered a request from the patrimonial department, “so that he remains guarding his papers.” Why are you asking nonsense about the fire brigade? If there are horses, let them go to Vladimir. Don't leave it to the French.
- Your Excellency, the warden from the insane asylum has arrived, as you order?
- How will I order? Let everyone go, that’s all... And let the crazy people out in the city. When our armies are commanded by crazy people, that’s what God ordered.
When asked about the convicts who were sitting in the pit, the count angrily shouted at the caretaker:
- Well, should I give you two battalions of a convoy that doesn’t exist? Let them in, and that’s it!
– Your Excellency, there are political ones: Meshkov, Vereshchagin.
- Vereshchagin! Is he not hanged yet? - shouted Rastopchin. - Bring him to me.

By nine o'clock in the morning, when the troops had already moved through Moscow, no one else came to ask the count's orders. Everyone who could go did so of their own accord; those who remained decided with themselves what they had to do.
The count ordered the horses to be brought in to go to Sokolniki, and, frowning, yellow and silent, with folded hands, he sat in his office.
In calm, not stormy times, it seems to every administrator that it is only through his efforts that the entire population under his control moves, and in this consciousness of his necessity, every administrator feels the main reward for his labors and efforts. It is clear that as long as the historical sea is calm, the ruler-administrator, with his fragile boat resting his pole against the ship of the people and himself moving, must seem to him that through his efforts the ship he is resting against is moving. But as soon as a storm arises, the sea becomes agitated and the ship itself moves, then delusion is impossible. The ship moves with its enormous, independent speed, the pole does not reach the moving ship, and the ruler suddenly goes from the position of a ruler, a source of strength, into an insignificant, useless and weak person.
Rastopchin felt this, and it irritated him. The police chief, who was stopped by the crowd, together with the adjutant, who came to report that the horses were ready, entered the count. Both were pale, and the police chief, reporting the execution of his assignment, said that in the count’s courtyard there was a huge crowd of people who wanted to see him.
Rastopchin, without answering a word, stood up and with quick steps walked into his luxurious, bright living room, walked up to the balcony door, grabbed the handle, left it and moved to the window, from which he could see the whole crowd. A tall fellow stood in the front rows and with a stern face, waving his hand, said something. The bloody blacksmith stood next to him with a gloomy look. The hum of voices could be heard through the closed windows.
- Is the crew ready? - said Rastopchin, moving away from the window.
“Ready, your Excellency,” said the adjutant.
Rastopchin again approached the balcony door.
- What do they want? – he asked the police chief.
- Your Excellency, they say that they were going to go against the French on your orders, they shouted something about treason. But a violent crowd, your Excellency. I left by force. Your Excellency, I dare to suggest...
“If you please, go, I know what to do without you,” Rostopchin shouted angrily. He stood at the balcony door, looking out at the crowd. “This is what they did to Russia! This is what they did to me!” - thought Rostopchin, feeling an uncontrollable anger rising in his soul against someone to whom the cause of everything that happened could be attributed. As often happens with hot-tempered people, anger was already possessing him, but he was looking for another subject for it. “La voila la populace, la lie du peuple,” he thought, looking at the crowd, “la plebe qu"ils ont soulevee par leur sottise. Il leur faut une victime, [“Here he is, people, these scum of the population, the plebeians, whom they raised with their stupidity! They need a victim."] - it came to his mind, looking at the tall fellow waving his hand. And for the same reason it came to his mind that he himself needed this victim, this object for his anger.
- Is the crew ready? – he asked another time.
- Ready, Your Excellency. What do you order about Vereshchagin? “He’s waiting at the porch,” answered the adjutant.
- A! - Rostopchin cried out, as if struck by some unexpected memory.
And, quickly opening the door, he stepped out onto the balcony with decisive steps. The conversation suddenly stopped, hats and caps were taken off, and all eyes rose to the count who had come out.
- Hello guys! - the count said quickly and loudly. - Thank you for coming. I’ll come out to you now, but first of all we need to deal with the villain. We need to punish the villain who killed Moscow. Wait for me! “And the count just as quickly returned to his chambers, slamming the door firmly.
A murmur of pleasure ran through the crowd. “That means he will control all the villains! And you say French... he’ll give you the whole distance!” - people said, as if reproaching each other for their lack of faith.
A few minutes later an officer hurriedly came out of the front doors, ordered something, and the dragoons stood up. The crowd from the balcony eagerly moved towards the porch. Walking out onto the porch with angry, quick steps, Rostopchin hurriedly looked around him, as if looking for someone.

We can talk about the artist Sergei Lyubavin endlessly, but we will dwell only on the main stages of his creative biography:

Sergei was born and raised in the city of Novosibirsk, in the family of the famous Siberian writer Pyotr Pavlovich Dedov. Back in Siberia in 1981, Sergei Lyubavin created his first school musical group, and by the end of the 80s he became a vocalist professional group"Voyage".

In the early 90s, Sergei came to Moscow. Faculty of Journalism, then - vocal studio schools named after Gnesins. Even then, Lyubavin wrote his songs and recorded them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin.

Lyubavin’s first official album, “Seventeen and a Half,” was released at Soyuz studio in 1994. It included both well-known yard songs (“Seventeen and a half”, “Lanterns”), and some of Sergei’s original works, which are remembered and loved to this day. A striking example That's why the song "Sanya".

Now, after almost ten years and eight albums (the ninth will appear in June), in Sergei Lyubavin’s repertoire you can find songs, both simple “boyish” ones and songs based on poems by classical poets, incl. Sergei Yesenin ("Farewell to Isadora"), folk songs ("Kalina Krasnaya", "Cherry"), and songs from films ("Black Raven", "Love, brothers...", "I called the horse"). But the main part of Sergei Lyubavin’s repertoire consists of original songs, songs written with soul, with sincere love for his Russia, for the Russian people. Just as in life, these songs echo both the hard fate of a simple worker and the all-consuming love that only a Russian person is capable of. Of course, there is a place for cheerful and catchy songs. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they say “Be sad, so be sad; love, so love; walk, so walk.”


1. "Seventeen and a half", 1994

2. "Taste familiar from childhood", 1996

3. "Black Raven", 1998

4. "Robber Songs", 1999

5. "Crazy Love", 2001

6. "Teen Wolf", 2002

7. "Siberian Tract", 2002

8. "Best songs", 2002

9. "Along Moldavanka", 2003

10. Re-release of “Seventeen and a Half”, December 2003

11. Series “Legends of the Genre” album “First Walker”, June 2004.

12. Collection “Best Songs”, May 2004

14. "Nice, girl" June 2004

15. "Siberian Tract" (reissue) (2004)

16. "The country is rolling" 2005

17. "Farewell to Isadora" 2006

18. "Tramp songs" 2006

Sergei Lyubavin (Dedov) – famous Russian performer songs in chanson style. He has produced many soulful compositions that can touch the heartstrings of any listener, and his concerts famous singer always visited by a huge number of loyal fans.

On the road to success, the man had to go through a lot. On principle, he did not accept help, since he wanted to become a famous chansonnier only thanks to his own strength.

Childhood and family of Sergei Lyubavin

The future chanson star was born on April 10, 1966 in the city of Novosibirsk, in the family of the honored writer Pyotr Dedov and a Russian language teacher. Sergei was not only child in the family: he had a dearly beloved older brother, Alexander, whom the boy looked up to since childhood. Unfortunately, in 1998, Sasha, an employee of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, tragically passed away while performing his duty. In the future, a loving brother wrote a song called “Brother” in memory of Alexander Dedov.

From a very early age, Sergei devoted a lot of time to literature, music and sports. Thanks to their mother’s participation, the children fell in love with music almost from the cradle. The boys’ mother, Olga Grigorievna, often sang at home holidays and praised her sons in every possible way for the fact that they preferred to study and develop creatively, rather than run around with the boys in the yard.

As for the father, he spent most of his time teaching the children literary literacy. As Sergei later admitted: “As a child, my dad very often put a typewriter in front of me and forced me to come up with stories.” After the essay was ready, the father returned, and they carefully analyzed all the mistakes, identifying the strongest and most weak sides text. It was thanks to these classes that the future singer learned to express his thoughts beautifully and succinctly.

After his 15th birthday, Sergei decided to create his first musical group with a classmate, and part-time best friend Oleg Gorbunov. At that time, the guys actively performed in various competitions, demonstrating their talents. In the early 90s, their paths diverged, and Sergei became a vocalist famous group"Voyage". In those years it was difficult to find a good place for performances, so young people often entertained the public in restaurants and cafes.

After Sergei's transformation from a simple boy into a soloist popular group, his life has undergone significant changes. Despite the fact that the guys didn't have own songs, they still managed to travel all over Siberia with performances. Speaking in rural clubs, Sergei dreamed of real fame and therefore promised himself that someday he would definitely perform at big stage. Unfortunately, making your dream come true was not so easy, especially without special education. To achieve what he wanted, Lyubavin decided to move to Moscow, where many prospects opened up, and enter the most prestigious music school.

The beginning of the musical career of Sergei Lyubavin

In 1990, Sergei successfully entered Gnesinka, but, as it turned out, the school did not provide dormitories for students. In order not to give up his dream, the guy listened to his friend and entered another institute, the Faculty of Journalism, where he received housing as a student. Attending the journalism department was free, and the aspiring singer devoted all his time to music, and also began to write his own songs. At that time, he met sound engineer Alexander Kalyanov, who helped him record his compositions. The young man took the pseudonym Lyubavin: first for articles, and then for songs.

Thanks to talent young man managed to get into the Jurmala-93 competition, after which the whole country learned about his work. He submitted only 2 songs for consideration, but the jury members were able to discern the young man’s potential. They gladly invited Sergei, not even suspecting what a sensation he would make.

At that time, Sergei had financial problems, so the singer decided to turn to Kalyanov again and record the first album “17 and a half” together with classmate Baysyk Asylbekov. At first, the tapes were distributed with the help of acquaintances and friends, but, to the singer’s surprise, there was no end to those wishing to purchase their recording.

In 1996, the singer released his second album entitled “A Taste Familiar from Childhood.” All the songs that became part of the album were written by Sergei personally, and his grandfather’s stories, which he loved to listen to at a young age, helped him with ideas for the lyrics.

Sergei Lyubavin - This woman whom I love very much

Just 2 years later, Lyubavin became a participant in the popular “Free Song” festival, where he won. As a gift, he was offered to become the lead singer of the famous group “Lesopoval”. After weighing all the pros and cons, the guy finally decided to refuse, because he wanted to conquer show business without anyone’s help.

In 1999, Sergei met famous performer Pierre Narcisse. After some time, the whole world saw the new concert program of the aspiring star “Crazy Love”. In the same year the first exit to big stage at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, thanks to which Lyubavin appeared on television for the first time.

Released in 2001 new album Sergei Lyubavin called “The Little Wolf”. Just a few months later, the radio station “Chanson” called main song records are the most ordered work on air.

Penya Sergei Lyubavin - “Teen Wolf”

From 2001 to 2007, Sergei released several more wonderful albums, and in 2004 he went with a concert program to the USA for the first time. He managed to perform in 12 cities and captivate the local audience with his sensual and lyrical compositions. In 2006, Lyubavin performed at the Bolshoi Concert hall St. Petersburg "Oktyabrsky". IN next year he went on a tour of Russia and released a new album, “For Love.”

In 2011, the most cherished dream Lyubavin - he performed on the prestigious stage of the State Kremlin Palace. In the same year, the singer visited this stage again, but this time in order to pick up the first “Chanson of the Year” award - for the song “Flower”.

The following year, the musician again received the same award, but this time for the song “Tenderness.” For almost six months, this composition was at the top of the main chanson charts in Russia. A little later, in the Mosfilm recording studio, Sergei and symphony orchestra recorded another album - “Confession”.

Sergey Lyubavin - Tenderness

In the summer of 2013, the irreparable happened. Sergei Lyubavin's father has died. Despite the grief, the singer gave all the planned concerts. In the winter of 2014, Lyubavin’s next album, entitled “Save the last dance for me...”, was released. The debut performance took place on the stage of the Cosmos Concert Hall.

Personal life of Sergei Lyubavin

While studying at Gnesinka, Sergei, quite by accident, in the dormitory, met a beautiful girl Elena, who later became his legal wife.

In 1992 married couple a new addition appeared in the person of his son Ivan, and since then loving wife All free time dedicated it to him. As soon as the boy grew up a little, Elena began helping her husband, becoming his producer.

Sergei’s son chose hockey for himself, played in the Atlant club in the youth team, and when he grew up, he opened his own hockey school for children.

Sergei Lyubavin today

At the beginning of 2015, Sergei decided to re-release studio album“Save the last dance for me...”, which was replenished with several fiery songs. In March of the same year, the singer set off to conquer Belarus; in just 5 days he managed to visit 5 cities. The loudest and large-scale concert It turned out to be a performance in Minsk with the participation of a local symphony orchestra.

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