Sergei Lyubavin: biography, family, wife, children, photo. Sergei Lyubavin: “Family is too personal a world where I have closed access to outsiders

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Sergei Lyubavin was born on April 10, 1966 in Novosibirsk, in the family of writer Pyotr Pavlovich Dedov (1933-2013) and teacher Olga Grigorievna.

In 1981, while studying at school, he created his first Music band. In the late 1980s he began performing with the Voyage group. Repeatedly won city song competitions.

In 1990, Sergei came to Moscow and graduated vocal studio schools named after Gnessins (course of Eduard Labkovsky). At the same time, Sergei writes his songs and records them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin.

In 1990, he entered the Faculty of Journalism, taking the course of Gennady Seleznev, and was listed in the student group as Sergei Dedov.

Sergei Lyubavin's debut on the professional stage took place in 1993 at the Jurmala-93 competition.

First solo album was recorded with local musicians. The producer was Lyubavin’s classmate Baizak Asylbekov. The album was sold pirated. And Lyubavin’s official first album, “Seventeen and a Half,” was released at Soyuz studio in 1994. Then in 1996 the “Cossack” album “Taste, Familiar from Childhood” was released, in 1998 - “Black Raven”, in 1999 - the live concert disc “Robber Songs”. In 2002, two albums at once: “Little Wolf” and the concert “Siberian Tract”. In 2003 - the album “Po Moldavanka” and the re-release of the first album “Seventeen and a half”, supplemented by two new songs.

In 1996, the mini-album “A Taste Familiar from Childhood” was released, consisting of six songs, many of which were written under the strong influence of the works of Sergei Yesenin. Videos for the songs “The Wedding is Spinning” and “Eh, Wasn’t There” were released.

In 1998, he won the Free Song festival, held in Moscow under the chairmanship of Mikhail Tanich.

In 1999, Sergei Lyubavin held his first solo concert at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" [ ] .

In 2003, the song “Wolf Cub” took first place on the St. Petersburg radio station “Chanson” as the most ordered work according to an Internet survey of radio listeners.

During a tour in the USA in 2003, the singer successfully performed in front of representatives of Russian emigrant families, as a result of which it was decided to organize a Sergei Lyubavin fan club in the USA. The organization of the club was taken over by Mrs. Laura Swan, to whom the singer subsequently dedicated his song “Tenderness.” This song stayed at the top of the “Chanson of the Year” chart for more than 20 weeks [ ] .

In 2010, the song “Flower” (“Moscow and the Neva will not meet”), performed in a duet with Tatyana Bulanova, gained popularity. In June 2010, a romantic video was shot for the song.

On April 7, 2011, the first solo concert took place at the State Kremlin Palace. In the same year, a solo concert with the program “My Earthly Love” was successfully held at the Moscow Variety Theater.

He is called a singer with Yesenin’s Russianness, they note his unpretentious manner of performance and openness. The image, the lyricism, the depth - everything is very similar, close, real. The echo with the great poet is confirmed today by a whole series of original works written by Sergei Lyubavin based on the poems of Sergei Yesenin...

Sergei Lyubavin, author and performer of romantic songs, is a favorite of women. His fans express their adoration in all ways, including hand-made masterpieces - they give him mosaic portraits, flower arrangements... And they also look for ways to meet and communicate with their idol. One fan even changed her last name in her passport and introduces herself as the artist’s wife, even though Lyubavin is a stage name. And yet, for more than a quarter of a century, Sergei Lyubavin has been married to his only wife.

How did you manage to maintain a healthy family in the conditions of constant touring and show business?
- My relationship with my wife developed back in student years, and were not just a flash of frenzied passion. Of course, without mutual attraction there would be nothing at all. But the relationship was built more like friendship. And this is the first step towards getting to know each other better. Certainly, vital importance have family traditions. My mom and dad were married for 53 years. And I did not take my choice of life partner lightly. We had such order in our house - I could only bring my bride there. With my girlfriends, my brother and I could go for walks and relax anywhere. And I had to bring the only one into the house. This is the only one that became my Lena.
From the very beginning, she accepted me as I am - a musician, a student, and later unemployed. If she were a “material girl,” she could have left me a hundred times already. But she chose a fundamentally different position - since we go through life together, we build this life with common efforts. Therefore, Elena worked as an economist and also became my producer and director. That is, all my current achievements are the result of our common many years of work. We have a growing son, Ivan, who also belongs to family traditions, brought up in the same spirit of decency.

You are often away on tour. Is Elena always with you?
- No. Traveling around the country is a big burden. She often stays at home.

They say that all the affairs that later wreck the family boat happen on tour with the artists.
- Let them talk! In fact, touring life gives more air to family relationships. People break up and manage to miss each other. This is also a good recipe to save family relationships. As for affairs, it’s all about the man’s decency. Although many behave like animals, we have both a soul and a brain for self-control. And change, as they say, “can be done through the window.” If a man is ready to “go left,” he does not have to go on tour for this.

And you want to say that for a quarter of a century you haven’t given your wife a reason to be jealous?
- Well, of course, I gave a reason, I give... and I will give! Joke! I am visible, and this is the main component of my profession. The artist's popularity increases largely due to his sexual attractiveness. And, of course, my wife and I have conversations on this topic. She is jealous and expresses it to me. Like all women, she sometimes asks: “What will happen if you leave me?!” In this case I say this: there is beauty modern invention humanity - a marriage contract. Men are different. Some leave in their shirtsleeves, leaving their wife with everything they have acquired. Others take everything from the family. I stand on the position of justice: so that no one gets hurt if something happens, it is necessary to draw up a detailed marriage contract. And then no one will be offended. It's not because I want to destroy the family. This is so that everyone can live in peace. You understand that over a quarter of a century, people become life partners, they have joint property. I still think that property relations are the main bond in most families. And love becomes more and more like friendship over time. And this is a natural process.

What advice do you give to young people who are now choosing a reliable life partner? How to avoid mistakes?
- Well, first of all, you shouldn’t neglect the opinion of your parents. If you are driven by passions, then your parents will be able to warn you against making mistakes. They know you well and wish you well. It is not for nothing that in all world traditions the blessing of parents is required for marriage. Secondly, think for yourself where you will end up with this person in a few years. Use your imagination, assess the situation, and take your time making a choice. Thank God in modern society morality does not prohibit premarital relations. It’s better to live together, rent an apartment, and test your feelings. You need to soberly assess how much your goals and aspirations are in tune with the goals and aspirations of your partner. The passion will pass. But living together living together day after day - how successful are you at this? Or do all relationships end as soon as you get out of bed? If so, then there is no point in starting a family with this person.
As we age, we find ourselves in the situation that we create for ourselves in our youth, as if we were going to the station where we bought a ticket. So before you buy this ticket, you need to think very seriously - do I need to go there?

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Sergei Petrovich Lyubavin(real name Dedov; genus. April 10, 1966) - Russian pop singer, author and performer of Russian love and romantic chanson. Winner of the “Chanson of the Year” awards.


Sergei Lyubavin was born on April 10, 1966 in Novosibirsk, in the family of writer Pyotr Pavlovich Dedov (1933-2013) and teacher Olga Grigorievna.

In 1981, while studying at school, he created his first musical group. In the late 1980s he began performing with the Voyage group. Repeatedly won city song competitions.

In 1990, Sergei came to Moscow and graduated from the vocal studio of the school. Gnessins (course of Eduard Labkovsky). At the same time, Sergei writes his songs and records them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin.

In 1990, he entered the Faculty of Journalism, taking the course of Gennady Seleznev, and was listed in the student group as Sergei Dedov.

Sergei Lyubavin's debut on the professional stage took place in 1993 at the Jurmala-93 competition.

The first solo album was recorded with local musicians. The producer was Lyubavin’s classmate Baizak Asylbekov. The album was sold pirated. And Lyubavin’s official first album, “Seventeen and a Half,” was released at Soyuz studio in 1994. Then in 1996 the “Cossack” album “Taste, Familiar from Childhood” was released, in 1998 - “Black Raven”, in 1999 - the live concert disc “Robber Songs”. In 2002, two albums at once: “Little Wolf” and the concert “Siberian Tract”. In 2003 - the album “Po Moldavanka” and the re-release of the first album “Seventeen and a half”, supplemented by two new songs.

In 1996, the mini-album “A Taste Familiar from Childhood” was released, consisting of six songs, many of which were written under the strong influence of the works of Sergei Yesenin. Videos for the songs “The Wedding is Spinning” and “Eh, Wasn’t There” were released.

In 1998, he won the Free Song festival, held in Moscow under the chairmanship of Mikhail Tanich.

In 1999, Sergei Lyubavin had his first solo concert at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall.

In 2003, the song “Wolf Cub” took first place on the St. Petersburg radio station “Chanson” as the most ordered work according to an Internet survey of radio listeners.

In 2010, the song “Flower” (“Moscow and the Neva will not meet”), performed in a duet with Tatyana Bulanova, gained popularity. In June 2010, a romantic video was shot for the song.

Personal life

Wife - Margarita, yes only child- son Ivan. Sergei's older brother, Alexander, died in the 1990s.


Video clips

Prizes and awards

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An excerpt characterizing Lyubavin, Sergei Petrovich

– She was truly an amazing woman, Isidora! Never giving up and not feeling sorry for herself, just like you... She was ready at any moment to give herself up for those she loved. For those whom I considered more worthy. And simply - for LIFE... Fate did not spare her, bringing down the weight of irreparable losses on her fragile shoulders, but until her last moment she fought fiercely for her friends, for her children, and for everyone who remained to live on earth after death Radomir... People called her the Apostle of all Apostles. And she truly was him... Only not in the sense in which the inherently alien Jewish language shows her in her “sacred writings”. Magdalene was the strongest Sorceress... Golden Mary, as people who met her at least once called her. She carried with her the pure light of Love and Knowledge, and was completely saturated with it, giving everything without a trace and not sparing herself. Her friends loved her very much and, without hesitation, were ready to give their lives for her!.. For her and for the teaching that she continued to carry after the death of her beloved husband, Jesus Radomir.
– Forgive my meager knowledge, Sever, but why do you always call Christ Radomir?..
– It’s very simple, Isidora, his father and mother once named him Radomir, and it was his real, Family name, which truly reflected his true essence. This name had a double meaning - the Joy of the world (Rado - peace) and the Bringer of the Light of Knowledge to the world, the Light of Ra (Ra - do - peace). And the Thinking Dark Ones already called him Jesus Christ when they completely changed the story of his life. And as you can see, it has firmly “taken root” to him for centuries. The Jews always had many Jesuses. This is the most common and very common Jewish name. Although, funny as it may be, it came to them from Greece... Well, Christ (Christos) is not a name at all, and in Greek it means “messiah” or “enlightened one”... The only question is, if in The Bible says that Christ is a Christian, then how can we explain these pagan greek names, which the Thinking Dark Ones themselves gave him?.. Isn’t it interesting? And this is only the smallest of those many mistakes, Isidora, which a person does not want (or cannot!..) see.
- But how can he see them if he blindly believes in what is presented to him?.. We must show this to people! They must know all this, North! – I couldn’t stand it again.
“We don’t owe people anything, Isidora...” Sever answered sharply. “They are quite happy with what they believe in.” And they don't want to change anything. Do you want me to continue?
He again tightly fenced himself off from me with a wall of “iron” confidence in his rightness, and I had no choice but to nod in response, not hiding the tears of disappointment that appeared... It was pointless to even try to prove anything - he lived in his own “ the right" world, without being distracted by minor "earthly problems"...

– After the cruel death of Radomir, Magdalena decided to return to where her real Home was, where once upon a time she was born. Probably, we all have a craving for our “roots”, especially when for one reason or another it becomes bad... So she, killed by her deep grief, wounded and lonely, decided to finally return HOME... This place was in mysterious Occitania (today's France, Languedoc) and it was called the Valley of the Magicians (or also the Valley of the Gods), famous for its harsh, mystical majesty and beauty. And there was no person who, having once been there, would not love the Valley of the Magicians for the rest of his life...
“I’m sorry, Sever, for interrupting you, but the name Magdalene... didn’t it come from the Valley of the Magicians?..,” I exclaimed, unable to resist the discovery that shocked me.
– You’re absolutely right, Isidora. – North smiled. - You see - you think!.. The real Magdalene was born about five hundred years ago in the Occitan Valley of the Magicians, and therefore they called her Mary - the Magician of the Valley (Mage-Valley).
– What kind of valley is this – the Valley of the Magicians, the North?.. And why have I never heard of such a thing? My father never mentioned such a name, and none of my teachers spoke about it?
– Oh, this is a very ancient and very powerful place, Isidora! The land there once gave extraordinary power... It was called the “Land of the Sun”, or “Pure Land”. It was created man-made, many thousands of years ago... And two of those whom people called Gods once lived there. They protected this Pure Land from “black forces”, since it contained the Gates of Interworldliness, which no longer exist today. But once upon a time, a long time ago, this was the place where otherworldly people and otherworldly news came. It was one of the seven “bridges” of the Earth... Destroyed, unfortunately, by a stupid mistake of Man. Later, many centuries later, gifted children began to be born in this valley. And for them, strong but stupid, we created a new “meteora” there... Which we called Raveda (Ra-ved). It was like younger sister our Meteora, in which they also taught Knowledge, only much simpler than we taught it, since Raveda was open, without exception, to all gifted ones. The Secret Knowledge was not given there, but only what could help them live with their burden, what could teach them to know and control their amazing Gift. Gradually, various wonderfully gifted people from the farthest ends of the Earth began to flock to Raveda, eager to learn. And because Raveda was open to everyone, sometimes “gray” gifted people also came there, who were also taught Knowledge, hoping that one fine day their lost Light Soul would definitely return to them.
So over time they called this Valley - the Valley of the Magicians, as if warning the uninitiated about the opportunity to meet unexpected and amazing miracles there... born from the thoughts and hearts of the gifted... With Magdalene and Witch Mary, six Knights of the Temple came there, who, with the help of those who lived friends there, settled in their unusual castle-fortresses, standing on living “points of power”, which gave those living in them natural power and protection.

For love
Behind that wave
Spanish (Gypsy)
One love story
Kabak (In Memory of Yesenin)
The snow is spinning (feat. Tatyana Bulanova)
Like (x Elena Vorobey)
Le Bourget
Kilometers fly by
Linden-sea buckthorn
My love (Thank you)
My Petersburg
We love the sea
New Year's
Dangerous racing
In memory of V. Shukshin
A pair of swans (“You don’t love me, you don’t regret me”)
Migratory birds
Farewell to Isadora
old friend
Happy eyes
Happiness is indebted to misfortune
I'll steal you
Flower (& Tatyana Bulanova)
This Woman (Stolen Happiness)

Biography (history) of Sergei Lyubavin

Sergei Petrovich Lyubavin ( real name Dedov) - author-performer of Russian chanson.

Sergei Lyubavin born and raised in the city of Novosibirsk, in the family of the famous Siberian writer Pyotr Pavlovich Dedov. Back in Siberia in 1981, Sergei Lyubavin created his first school musical group, and by the end of the 80s he became a vocalist professional group"Voyage".

In the early 90s, Sergei came to Moscow. Faculty of Journalism, then - vocal studio of the school named after. Gnesins. Even then, Lyubavin wrote his songs and recorded them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin.

Lyubavin’s first official album, “Seventeen and a Half,” was released at Soyuz studio in 1994. The album includes both well-known yard songs (“Seventeen and a half”, “Lanterns”), and some of Sergei’s original works, which are remembered and loved to this day. A striking example That's why the song "Sanya"

Now, after almost ten years and eight albums (the ninth will appear in June), in Sergei Lyubavin’s repertoire you can find songs, both simple “boyish” ones and songs based on poems by classical poets, including Sergei Yesenin (“Farewell to Isadora”) , folk songs (“Kalina Krasnaya”, “Cherry”), and songs from films (“Black Raven”, “Love, brothers...”, “I called the horse”).
But the main part of Sergei Lyubavin’s repertoire consists of original songs, songs written with soul, with sincere love for his Russia, for the Russian people. Just as in life, these songs echo the hard fate of a simple worker and the all-consuming love that only a Russian person is capable of. Of course, there is a place for cheerful and catchy songs. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they say “To be sad, to be so sad; love, love like that; walk, walk like that.”

In numbers and dates:

1980 - 1990 - sang and played in various musical groups of the city, being a repeated winner of city song competitions.

1991 - comes to Moscow, enters the vocal studio of the Gnessin School for the course of Eduard Labkovsky.

1993 - diploma holder International competition"Jurmala 93"

1994 - records the first solo album “17 and a half” at the studios of A. Kalyanov and V. Markin.

1996 - S. Lyubavin’s second album, “A Taste Familiar from Childhood,” is published

1998 - Winner of the festival chaired by M. Tanich “Free Song” in Moscow. The singer’s next album, “Black Raven,” is being released.

1999 - published new program singer and the album “Crazy Love” with showman Pierre Narcisse. The first solo concert at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" with subsequent broadcast on central television

2000 - Amplac album “Robber Songs”, recorded at the Soyuz studio with producers V. Klimenkov and Y. Garipov

2001 - the album “Teen Wolf” is released. During this period, three trips to Chechnya with solo concerts. He has numerous diplomas and certificates from the Union of Veterans of Chechnya and Afghanistan.

2003 - solo album “According to the Moldavian” is released - a new program with the gypsies of the Romen Theater. Lyubavin tours widely throughout the country and abroad. The song “Wolf Cub” takes 1st place on the radio station “Chanson” in St. Petersburg, as the most ordered work according to an Internet survey of radio listeners.

2004 - solo album “Nishtyak, girl.” Large tour of the United States of America. Performance in 12 cities for Russian-speaking audiences.

2005 - release of the album “The Country is Rolling” together with the talented Moscow poet Andrei Alyakin.

Sergei LyubavinRussian singer, poet, composer.

An unusual, bewitching timbre, strong, professional vocals, fresh, pure songs about love for a woman, the lyrical “Yesenin” note of his works, a completely live sound at solo concerts - this is what attracts people so much to the work of Sergei Lyubavin.


Sergey was born on April 10, 1966 in Novosibirsk into a family famous writer Pyotr Pavlovich Dedov (author popular books“To the Unsetting Sun”, “Birch Tree”, “Svetozary”, “Scarlet Light of Dawn”, etc.) and his wife Olga Grigorievna, a teacher of Russian language and literature. Sergei had an older brother, Alexander, who early childhood was an example for him. Looking up to his older brother, Sergei also began to study music. In April 1998, Alexander, who served in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, tragically died in the line of duty.

In memory of his older brother Alexander, Sergei Lyubavin wrote the song “Brother”.

Childhood and youth

Since childhood, Sergei was interested in literature, music and sports. Sergei's mother, Olga Grigorievna, is naturally very beautiful voice, she often sang with her family, and her love of music was passed on to her sons. The father instilled in his children a love of literature and their native speech, and taught them to express their thoughts competently. Pyotr Pavlovich sometimes spent time with youngest son such activities: placing a stack of books on a chair and placing a typewriter in front of a seven-year-old boy. During the day I “tried to reveal the mystery of creativity - to write a story. As a rule, he composed something about nature or animals, tapped out the text with one finger and called dad. My father sat next to me and examined my “creation” in detail, explaining the strengths and weak sides, corrected errors. These classes taught me to clearly and competently express my thoughts, to understand how the plot and composition should be built,” recalls Sergei.

In 1981 at the age of 15, Sergei creates his first school musical group, in which he, together with classmate Oleg Gorbunov, participates in numerous city and regional competitions amateur song.

In the late 80s, Sergei Lyubavin became the vocalist of the professional group “Voyage” under the leadership of Vladimir Irzhanov. The group, like most professional pop groups of those times, worked in urban dance floors, in restaurants and cafes.

During this period, Sergei began his real “adulting” touring activities. As a soloist of the Voyage group, he toured all over Siberia with concerts. At that time, the aspiring artist’s repertoire included practically no original works; the group performed popular hits by Yu. Antonov, A. Rosenbaum, V. Dobrynin and other stars Soviet stage. However, going on stage rural clubs, small regional "DCs", Sergei never stopped dreaming about big stage, but in order to become a professional in his field, it was necessary to receive a good musical education.

In the early 90s. Sergei went to study in Moscow. At this time, global events were taking place in Russia historical events. The USSR collapsed, a coup d'etat occurred, the country experienced decline in all spheres of the economy, agriculture, culture and art. But with the advent of the new government, freedom of speech, freedom of thought appeared in society, many pop singers began to compose songs about life and events in new Russia. Were declassified Soviet archives, the new authorities began to publicly talk about crimes against Soviet people and millions of innocently convicted Soviet people during the years of repression. All this personally affected Sergei. His grandfather, a Don Cossack, was exiled to Siberia and spent 7 years in Stalin's camps. This fact had a great influence on early work Lyubavin, which combined very diverse compositions - from stylizations of criminal and street songs to vivid sketches “from life” from the life of the “dashing nineties”, as well as compositions based on poems by the poet Sergei Yesenin.

The beginning of the way

In the capital, a gifted guy from Siberia entered the vocal studio of the school named after him on the first try. Gnesins on the course of Eduard Labkovsky. But since music school there was no dormitory, Sergei simultaneously submitted documents to the Faculty of Journalism at the Youth Institute (a branch of Moscow State University), where he was also accepted and given a place in the dormitory.

During this period, Sergei composed his first songs and recorded them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin.

After graduation, having received two diplomas as a vocalist and a journalist, Sergei was already planning to return to hometown Novosibirsk and apply the acquired knowledge there, continuing to build a further professional career as a singer and musician in their native places. But the unexpected happened - Sergei met his only beloved woman, his future wife Elena, thanks to whom he stayed in Moscow for long years. In 1992, the couple had a son, Ivan. Subsequently, when the child grew up a little, Elena began to help her husband in his creative and concert activities as its producer.

Creative activity

In 1993 Sergey, having learned that Laima Vaikule and Raymond Pauls organize a festival of young talents in Jurmala, send a cassette with two of their songs to the competition and successfully pass the selection.

That period was financially tense for Sergei, and he barely had enough to buy a new concert suit, even a ticket to Riga. Therefore, he appeared before pop star Laima Vaikule in his best “country cowboy” outfit - worn jeans and a shirt. The singer tactfully suggested that the provincial change his image, but when she realized that he simply did not have the money for it, she lent Sergei her husband’s costume for the performance.

This was the first time out young performer to the professional stage. A bright participant noticed. Sergey Lyubavin reached the semi-finals, receiving the title of Diploma winner of the Jurmala-93 competition.

In 1993 Sergei Lyubavin released his first album “17 and a half”. The cassette was distributed among friends and acquaintances through piracy. Work on this album took place in the studio of Alexander Kalyanov, who saw the “spark of God” in Sergei and, sparing no time and effort, mentored him for a long time in professional issues, teaching to sing “in your own voice” and not to imitate anyone.

Sergei Lyubavin’s first albums contain very diverse compositions: from stylizations of criminal and street songs to vivid sketches “from nature” from the life of the “dashing 90s” and compositions based on Yesenin’s poems.

In 1996 The second “Cossack” album “Taste, familiar from childhood” is released, written under the impression of the stories of his grandfather.

In 1998 Sergei becomes the winner of the Free Song festival chaired by Mikhail Tanich and receives an offer of cooperation from the creator of the Lesopoval group himself as a soloist of this group. But in the end he decides to go his own way. Mikhail Isaevich, who highly appreciated Lyubavin’s work, will forever remain his “ godfather"on the Russian stage.

In 1998 The album "Black Raven" was released. It was a time of searching in creativity and life.

In 1999 new one is coming out concert program singer and the album “Crazy Love” with showman Pierre Narcisse. In the same year with great success The first solo concert of Sergei Lyubavin takes place at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, followed by broadcast on central television.

In 2000 The amplakt album “Robber Songs” is released, recorded at the Soyuz studio with producers V. Klimenkov and Y. Garipov.

Special page creative biography Sergei Lyubavin began performing concerts in hot spots in the North Caucasus. He repeatedly gave solo concerts for the military contingent in Chechnya, Dagestan, and Tajikistan. He has numerous diplomas and certificates from the Union of Veterans of Chechnya and Afghanistan.

In 2001 The album “Little Wolf” is released at the Soyuz studio. In the same year, the composition “Little Wolf” took 1st place at the “Chanson” radio station in St. Petersburg, as the “most ordered” work among radio listeners.

In 2003 The album “According to the Moldavian” was recorded - a completely new program with artists of the Gypsy theater “Romen”. At the same time, Sergei Lyubavin began an intense touring activity in Russian cities, near and far abroad countries, and the USA.

Spring 2011 a triumphal solo concert of Sergei Lyubavin took place on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace with the program “My Earthly Love”.

In April of the same year, on the stage of the Kremlin Palace, Sergei Lyubavin, together with Tatyana Bulanova, received his first Chanson of the Year award for the song “Flower”. In the same year, a solo concert with the program “My Earthly Love” was successfully held at the Moscow Variety Theater.

In April 2012 Sergei Lyubavin on the stage of the Kremlin Palace receives another Chanson of the Year award for the song “Tenderness,” which has not left the top of the charts for more than six months.

In the same year, a new program “Recognition” was released, recorded at one of the best recording studios in Moscow - Mosfilm, together with symphony orchestra under the direction of A.A. Petukhov. The program included works to music by famous Western composers and original works by S. Lyubavin. A new one has begun creative stage in the life of Sergei, who grew from a performer of traditional Russian chanson to a singer performing world hits with the best musicians of Russia.

In October 2012 year, a large-scale tour began in support of the new album “Confession”. The presentation of the program of the same name began with a solo concert in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, accompanied by the State Symphony Orchestra of St. Petersburg. The title of the album turned out to be prophetic. The songs included in this album earned public recognition.

In April 2013 Sergei Lyubavin receives another Chanson of the Year award in the Kremlin for the song “Betrothed”.

In July 2013 year, Sergei Lyubavin’s father, Pyotr Pavlovich, passed away. Despite the bitterness of loss, Sergei Lyubavin did not let the organizers down and held all the planned concerts.

December 5, 2014 year, the presentation of the new album “Save the last dance for me...” takes place on the stage of the Cosmos Concert Hall.

In January 2015 coming out this year studio album“Save the last dance for me...”, in which, along with lyrical compositions, fiery dance melodies are heard.

From 25 to 29 March 2015 With resounding success Sergei Lyubavin took a tour of the cities of Belarus. In 5 days - five cities, five live concerts, the most grandiose of which was a solo concert in the capital of Belarus, Minsk, on the stage of the Palace of the Republic with the participation of the National Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus.

Currently, the songs of the talented performer Sergei Lyubavin are in rotation on the most prestigious radio stations in the country (“Radio Chanson”, “Road Radio”, “Dacha”, “Police Wave”, “Humor FM”, etc.) Clips for his songs in - on the air of popular central and regional TV channels in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova.

Personal channel of Sergei Lyubavin on the portal Youtube visited daily by thousands of fans of his work.

Fan club talented singer in our country and abroad there are already more than 1 million people.

Sergei Lyubavin occupies a special place in musical world post-Soviet space. The uniqueness of this singer, poet and composer lies in his rare romance, genuine sincerity, true intelligence and amazing love for his listeners. Finding themselves at Lyubavin’s concerts, spectators are delighted with his bright energy, charm, and sophistication, which in some incomprehensible way combines with true masculinity.

What does the soul sing about?

A special place in his creativity is occupied by a program based on the poems of Sergei Yesenin entitled “Farewell to Isadora,” but the main part of Sergei Lyubavin’s repertoire consists of original songs, songs written with soul, with sincere love for his Russia, for the Russian people.

Since 2011, Sergei Lyubavin’s repertoire has begun to be dominated by melodic compositions, recorded with a symphony orchestra at one of the best studios in the country. There are more and more lyrical songs and romances with beautiful arrangements in the symphonic pop style, which last years very popular in Europe. Garou, Lara Fabian, Celine Dion, and other foreign performers work in this style.

Sergei Lyubavin's discography includes more than 15 albums

In each album one can feel the creative search of the artist - on the one hand, Sergei Lyubavin cannot live without yard songs, on the other hand, his own lyrics appeared, with interesting melodies, poems and arrangements. Gradually, melodic compositions and romances begin to dominate in his creativity.

In addition, several DVDs have been released with concert videos of Sergei Lyubavin, as well as recordings of video clips of the artist.

Awards and achievements:

1993 – Diploma winner of the International Competition for Young Performers


1998 – Laureate of the “Free Song” festival (chairman of the jury M. Tanich).

2003 – Laureate of the Festival “Songs of Cinema” (within the framework of the All-Russian Film Festival “Kinotavr-2003”)

2010-2014 - participant of the Radio Chanson festival “Eh, Razgulay!”

2010,2011 — Nominee music award"Peter-FM

2012 - winner of the title “Road Radio Star”,

2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 – Winner of the “Chanson of the Year” award in the Kremlin.

2014 – special prize “From the Women of Russia” in the project “Live Sound” (TV channel “Russia”)

Famous hits

"For love"

"I'll steal you"

"Seventeen and a half"

"Behind that wave"

"Kilometers are flying"

"Teen Wolf"



"Farewell to Isadora"

"This woman"

"My love"



“Flower” (duet with T. Bulanova)


"A Love Story"

"Memories of Bali"

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