Family emblem for fun starts. Sports team names and mottos

Unit names, mottos, emblems


Team names and mottos



Motto: Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble.


Motto: Vitamin is strength, vigor, life.

Team"Wait for it!"

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter!

This way we will achieve success faster. If another squad is ahead,

We will tell him: “Well, just wait!”


Motto: Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind.


Motto: We are simply awesome penguins, win, try us!


Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small,

But we are friendly and that is why we are strong.


Motto 1: The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere!

Motto 2: Let's fly forward and win! We help everyone who is lagging behind!

Motto 3: The comet has a motto: "Never fall down"


Motto: Cheburashka is a faithful friend, Helps everyone around!

Team"Scarlet Sails"

Motto 1: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.

Motto 2: Swim always, swim everywhere, and you will find the path to your dream!


Motto: Camelot - always forward, Camelot has always been first!


Motto: We are like rainbow colors, never separable!


Motto: We are like orange slices. We are friendly and indivisible.

Team"Faithful friends"

Motto 1: We are a team no matter what! We are all masters in sports. We will run, kick the ball, fight for victory

Motto 2: If a friend gives his word, he will never let you down!


Motto: Life without a smile is a mistake, Long live laughter and smile!


Motto: Kapitoshka is at the helm, Never gives up!


Motto: Burn, don’t smolder and be able to do everything!


Motto 1: Our motto: Friendship and success! We will defeat everyone today!

Motto 2: All for one, one for all, Then there will be success in the team!


Motto: Aurora knows, Aurora fights, Aurora will always achieve victory.

Team"3rd row"

Motto: Good, smart 3rd row Will please the guys.


- cool song"

Let's sing chika-boom all together If you need some cool noise Sing with us chika-boom I'm singing boom chika-boom I'm singing boom chika-boom I'm singing boom, chika-ra-ka, chika-ra-ka, chika-boom Ah! Hurry up again!


We are terribly hungry, It’s no longer important to eat. We eat everything. This is our squad.

To the dining room:

Let's say together, let's say at once, Where are we going now? Let's sing songs together and go to the dining room!

We always want to eat. From exercise to lights out, feed us, cooks, we will eat any dish! Thanks for the cutlets, Thanks for the compote! We ate so much that it’s true we won’t eat for a year

All: Ta-ra-ram! We are never bored. Counselor: Look, Everyone: People! Counselor: Squad All: Coming! Counselor: What does a hungry choir sing when the cook calls for food? Everyone: Take a spoon, take some bread and sit down for lunch! Counselor: Bim-bom


do on a tank (the squad repeats each line after the leader) I see a cow in a hat with earflaps With a healthy horn Hello cow How are you Do you speak English What are you calling me names?

Swimming in a submarine Again a cow In a mask and fins With a healthy horn Hello cow Where are you going Shrechen sie Deutsch What are you calling me names?

I'm flying in a helicopter Again a cow On a parachute With a stern look Hello cow Where are you flying Assalam alekum What are you calling me names?


Let's go on a hike. What will the squad take with them? A pot and a spoon, a mug and potatoes! Let's make soup, warm up tea. Have fun and don't get bored!

Leader: Go there, Everyone: I don’t know where! Leader: Bring it, Everyone: I don’t know what! Leader: Meet with whom?! Everyone: Tell everyone. All together: That our squad is top class!!!

We go, we go, we go. We go wherever we get. We will get there where we will be Joyful and cheerful!

We walked for a long time, almost tired, But we didn’t forget Where and how, why, where It’s time for us to get there!

Success awaited us along the way, without damage or hindrance! After all, a detachment is going on a hike, Our counselor is very happy!

"Bala - bala - mi"

The chant is spoken by the leader, the rest shout only one word, “Hey.” Ved: Bala - bala - mi! All: Hey! Ved: Chika - chika - chi! All: Hey! Ved: Tika - tika - ti! All: Hey! Ved: Chick! All: Hey! Ved: Chick-chirp-chick! All: Hey, hey! Everyone repeats after the counselor: Hey, guys, take a wider step! We can't be bored at all! No, probably, in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys. We are not sad in our family, We sing, we dance, we dance. All activities are good - have fun from the heart! Who walks with backpacks? Who is not familiar with boredom? Those who are behind, don't lag behind. Those who are tired, do not be discouraged! Whoever wants to come with us, sing our song


We're going to the stadium. Our squad will be champions. Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey athletes, line up! Do you have a team? Eat! Is our captain here? Here! Come out to the field as soon as possible. It is an honor to support the squad.


The counselor says a line, everyone repeats (It looks like a chant that you can say when going to the beach)

All the guys are happy about the sunny summer. Relaxation, sea, friendship - what else do we need? We promise to tan and never get sick. Swim like dolphins, arching your backs. Let's fly together, kids Let's ring out a loud "HURRAY!"

The squad is divided into two teams: girls and boys. They each shout their own words at the same time. Whoever is louder wins.

Boys: We are a squad soul. The change is good with us, We are strong and brave, Like tanned blacks!

Girls: We decorate the squad, everyone is happy to meet us. We are cheerful and friendly, Every shift needs us!

Speeches, squad name and motto for summer camp on various topics:

  • Squad name: Extreme. The motto of the squad: We are top class guys, Our extreme is always with us.
  • Squad name: Coca-Cola. The motto of the squad: we are Coca-Cola guys, we can’t live without jokes!
  • Squad name: SHOCK. Squad motto: Noisy! Naughty! Kinders!
  • Squad name: NonStop. Squad motto: No matter what happens - NonStop always moves forward!
  • Squad name: Laces. The squad's motto: We cannot be untethered!
  • Squad name: Smile. Squad motto: Smile, people love idiots!
  • Squad name: Phoenix. The squad's motto: Burn and light others up.
  • Squad name: SOS. Squad motto: Operational Rescue Service
  • Squad name: Ducklings. Squad motto: Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't quack in vain.
  • Squad name: Assets. The squad's motto: Active at night, active during the day, Active always, everywhere and in everything!
  • Squad name: Smile. The squad's motto: Life without a smile is a mistake, long live laughter and smile!
  • Squad name: Barkhan. The squad's motto: The movement is us.
  • Squad name: Tornado. The motto of the squad: There is no need to run into us, Because we are a tornado!
  • Squad name: BEMS. The squad's motto is: Fighting, Energetic, Young, Pretty.
  • Squad name: Brakes. The motto of the detachment: We are slowing down everything, two counselors and - The name of the detachment.
  • Squad name: Valenki. The squad's motto: We are neither right nor left, because we are felt boots!
  • Unit name: USSR. The squad's motto: Union of the Most Modern Guys!
  • Unit name: VVO. Squad motto: All in - Squad name!
  • Squad name: Constellation. The squad's motto: The stars shine above, in our small country, the stars send us their greetings, give us warmth and light!
  • Unit name: German Titov. The squad's motto: Not the first, but alive and well!
  • Squad name: The Addams Family. The motto of the detachment: We are a family of simply class, everyone in our family is atas!
  • Troop name: Hungry Chipmunks. The squad's motto: Not a step back, not a step in place, but only for an afternoon snack and only all together!!!
  • Squad name: Records. The squad's motto: Records always, records everywhere, records on land and even in water!
  • Squad name: Grand. The squad's motto: We are a super gang, There is no better Grand!
  • Squad name: Rainbow. The motto of the squad: We, like the colors of the rainbow, are never inseparable.
  • Squad name: Dynamite. The squad's motto: If our camp thunders, Dynamite did it!
  • Squad name: The King's Loyalties. The squad's motto: Always, in everything, follow the king!
  • Squad name: Friends. The squad's motto: Many times, many times! There are many, many of us! We are the name of the squad - the name of the squad of friends! It's more fun with us!!
  • Unit name: Train. Squad motto: Very noisy guys!!! We are a train, not a carriage. There is no one better than us - Name of the squad, Our train to victory GO!!!
  • Squad name: Instigators. The squad's motto: If something happens somewhere, know that we did it!
  • Squad name: Pioneer dumplings. The squad's motto: Pioneer dumplings - you've never eaten anything like them before!
  • Order name: Cacti. The motto of the squad: We are always together, we are always close, cacti are always with - Name of the squad!
  • Name of the detachment: Again 25. Motto of the detachment: 25 stars in the sky, 25 in - The name of the detachment is about us, whoever doesn’t know us yet will recognize us now!
  • Squad name: Karapuzy. Squad motto: Tits spank the belly!
  • Order name: Dandelion. The squad's motto: Stay together so as not to get blown away.
  • Squad name: Club. The squad's motto: Let everyone know how we relax!
  • Squad name: Macrome Night Circle. The squad's motto: Isn't the name enough?
  • Squad name: Merchants. The motto of the detachment: We are businessmen of the market age, the fate of man is in our hands.
  • Squad name: Invincible. The squad's motto: Our motto is INVINCIBLE: we will excite and we will not give in!
  • Squad name: Cutlets. Squad motto: Always ready!
  • Squad name: MTS. The squad's motto: We are mobile guys from the MTS team! MTS is the highest class, there is no one better in the world than us!
  • Squad name: Forest Brotherhood. The motto of the detachment: We are the Forest Brotherhood, we march once or twice, we will defeat anyone - once and done!
  • Squad name: The Best. The squad's motto: Let's light a fire in the hearts of people, like Prometheus did!
  • Squad name: Leader. The squad's motto: If there is to be, then to be the best!
  • Squad name: Youth of the 21st century. The squad's motto: We are the youth of the 21st century, we will achieve success always and everywhere! We came to you from an ordinary planet, There is nothing supernatural about us, But we will be the best, we will achieve victory, We will never forget everyone who helps with this!
  • Squad name: Cool Peppers. The motto of the detachment: You have become pepper - so don’t look for food, don’t look for an easy life!
  • Squad name: Forget-me-nots. The squad's motto: We are not geese, we are not ducks, we are forget-me-nots. Let's not forget to sleep all night and help our friends.
  • Squad name: Kingdom of the Elves. The squad's motto: Through the walls to the stars!
  • Squad name: Socks. The squad's motto: We can't be broken!
  • Squad name: Comet. The squad's motto: The comet is in the sky, and we are on the earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere!
  • Squad name: Oba-na. The motto of the detachment: Without - The name of the detachment is BOTH to the entire Khan camp.
  • Squad name: Kipish. The squad's motto: Hey, dude, can you hear? - This is us as a team - KIPSH!
  • Squad name: OMON. The motto of the detachment: - The name of the special purpose youth detachment!
  • Squad name: Kapitoshka. The motto of the detachment: The rain is dripping on the roads, but we are not at all bored. We play and sing and have a lot of fun.
  • Squad name: From Dusk Till Dawn. Squad motto: From dusk to dawn we are ready to do it!
  • Squad name: Iskra. The squad's motto: A spark will ignite a flame!
  • Squad name: Pirates of the Caribbean. The motto of the squad: We, pirates, are great - smart, athletic! A jack of all trades and, of course, strong!
  • Squad name: Madhouse. The motto of the detachment: How - We will call the name of the detachment - that’s how we will live in it!
  • Squad name: Generation. The squad's motto: Ripped jeans, sneakers, sneakers - we are the generation of a new party!
  • Squad name: Friendship. The motto of the detachment: Peace, peace, war is unnecessary, we - The name of the detachment was called friendship!
  • Squad name: Navels. Squad motto: Our motto is 4 words: we are belly buttons and it’s cool!
  • Unit name: Ninth Company. The squad's motto: Not a step back, Not a step in place, but only forward and only all together!
  • Squad name: Torn sneaker. The motto of the squad: Even if there is a hole in the sneaker, we still run to victory!
  • Squad name: City of Shadows. The squad's motto: Goths, zombies and vampires, Come all here, You will never find another city of shadows!
  • Squad name: RMID. The squad's motto: The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all the commonwealths on Earth.
  • Squad name: Hollywood. The squad's motto: Since Hollywood is not waiting for us. We'll make Hollywood happen here!
  • Squad name: ELEPHANT. The squad's motto: The Best Otrad is Ours!
  • Squad name: Nails. The squad's motto: Wherever we want, we'll go there!
  • Squad name: Rip off your head. The squad's motto: One - two, Rip off your head! This name is always heard here! All the cool guys have gathered here, their name is Rip off your head!
  • Squad name: Cornflowers. The motto of the squad: We are cornflower flowers, we love pies very much! Cornflower, cornflower, my favorite flower! Anyone who doesn't like Cornflower will get it between their legs!
  • Squad name: Teenagers. The motto of the squad: We are groovy guys, Our motto is not to fall down, And hold on to the ledge!
  • Squad name: On topic. The motto of the squad: Get down on your knees, First on stage, Crowd on treason, Together we are IN THE TOPIC!
  • Squad name: Brakes. The motto of the detachment: We slow down everything: two counselors and - Name of the detachment!
  • Unit name: Brigade. The squad's motto: We are guys from Rostov, our life is very cool! And we have assembled a team so that you do not lose heart! Brigade - today, brigade - always, brigade - for ever, brigade - hurray!
  • Squad name: Tube. The squad's motto: If you don't push, you won't get it!
  • Squad name: Gang. Squad motto: We are a fun (serious) team - because we are B-A-N-D-A!
  • Squad name: Smile. The motto of the squad: Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere - goodness everywhere.
  • Squad name: Tide. The squad's motto: Dirt is strength, dirt is class, let's take this strength and flush it down the toilet!
  • Squad name: Favorite. The squad's motto: Favorite - always worth it!
  • Squad name: SOS (The Most Charming Tomboys) Squad motto: This is us! Who are they? - Tomboys, come on, stand in a row! This is our friendly team name!
  • Squad name: Khokhlyandiya. The motto of the detachment: Khokhland - the country of sun and lard!
  • Squad name: PEPSI. Squad motto: We whisper and foam, we will not share our victory
  • Squad name: SHOCK. Squad motto: Shock! Hooray! We will always be the first! We have a blow, We have a throw, We will grind everyone into powder!
  • Squad name: Drive. Squad motto: What is a cool life? - This is life in - the name of the squad is Drive!
  • Squad name: Shpan. The squad's motto: Shpana is not to be trifled with, your khan will come to you now. Open your mouths wider, you suckers, it's only the Shpans who are going into battle!
  • Squad name: 3D. Squad motto: Film kids from 3D special effects can do anything!

Songs, emblems, chants, squad name and motto for summer camp, for junior squads and seniors. On the topic: ecology, space, cinema, nature, travel, sports, fairy tales, professions, summer, sea, Russia, countries, pirates, health, flowers, time, trade union, circus, dancing, mathematics, cartoons, fire, patriotism,



1 . One two three four! Three, four, one, two!

The sun just woke up and smiled at the guys!

2. Hurry up, my friend, get up and run out to exercise!

3 . The sun is shining brightly! The sun is hot and hot for us!

Sunshine, warm it up more, warm the water in the river for us!

4. Sun, air and water are our best friends!

To charge

1 . Go out and exercise! Wake everyone up for exercise.

All the guys say: physical exercise is a guy’s friend!

2 . Athletic child, get strong!

Physical exercise in the morning is not harmful - it is good for us.

3 . Left! Right! Running, swimming.

Let's grow up brave, tanned in the sun.

To the dining room

1 . Whoops, whoops, whoops, we're going to the dining room

Oops, oops, oops - the hungriest ones.

The cooks make us soup, feed us potatoes,

We will work hard for this with a spoon.

2. We ate everything - the plates were empty, it was very tasty.

3 . Together they took the spoons in their hands, quickly ate them, and cleaned everything up!

4 . We go to the dining room and sing a sonorous song

We really want to eat, we will eat everything in the dining room.

5. We are standing at your door, we are hungry like animals.

We want to eat quickly, quickly, open it quickly!

6 . Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,

Lots of fried potatoes

Lots of soup, pasta,

We are running from all directions.


1. We jumped, we played, we were very tired.

Let's go to bed quickly, otherwise you'll miss the bed.

To the stadium

Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey team, line up!

Do you have a team? - Eat! Are the commanders here? - Here!

Come out to the field as soon as possible to support the squad's honor.

We are going to the stadium, our squad will be champions!

Muscles: strong! And everyone themselves: beautiful!

Why am I so enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey athletes, line up!


1 . One, two, three, four, hey guys, step up.

No, probably in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys.

2 . There is no sadness in our family, we sing, draw, dance.

3 . All activities are good, we have fun from the heart.

4. One, two! Guys! Three! Four! And the girls!

One, two! Who are we? - awesome guys!

5 . We are not afraid of work and sadness,

We can't turn off the road.

We will always be together, we are now one family!

Unit names and mottos:

For younger ones:

1. “Firefly” - Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

2. “Orange” - Like orange slices, we are friendly and indivisible!

3. “Bell” - We are ringing, we are ringing all day long, but we are not too lazy to call.


Snow White, the merry fellow and the team of super-gnomes!

Hey guys - step up, the fairy tale is waiting for its heroes...

Without much effort

We'll spread our wings

Come on, Birds - let's all take off!

The heights of heaven are calling!


We are not simple guys

Our prowess is full of strength

We are risky, crazy

We guys are awesome!

7. Mickey Mouse

Even though he looks like a little guy, he will give anyone a fight

The strongest, the most dexterous, Mickey Mouse is mischievous

8. Sunny

How many bright rays the sun has, so many fun and adventures we have.

9. Meow meow

Scratch, bite, do not give in to the enemy.

10. Restless - Thunder struck in the clear sky, It’s us - Restless! To correct our pranks... Even the riot police will not help!

For teenagers:

1. “New generation” - If you’re not happy, object, if you object, suggest, propose, do it, get down to business boldly!

2. “220” - If you need to hit something! We're hitting 220!

3. “Tusovka” - Fashionable jeans, skateboards and sneakers, we are the children of dreams, we are the children of the party!

4. “Both-on!” - “Both-on!” - this is a miracle, “Both-on!” “This is class, our life is not bad at all, you will miss us.”

5. “Dandelion” - Stay together so as not to get blown away.

6. “BEMS” - Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

7. “ELEPHANT” - The Best Squad is Ours!

8. “Mammoths” - Thunder rumbles, the bushes shake - these are mammoths rushing!

9. “220 V” - We cannot live without movement, we are always energized.

10. "COMET"

Energy, speed, freedom of movement...

Comet - the afterburner of my generation


Younger age

Squad name: "Beetles"
Squad chant:

We are mobile bugs
Two legs and two arms
We don't sit still
Here and there we will win!

Young squad: “Luntiki”
Speech of the junior squad:

Screws and tongues
Wrappers and pounds
Everything is interesting to us
We are in the Luntiki squad

Squad name: "Positive"
Squad chant:

Our squad - Positive
Our motto is Positive
Our cheerful team
Radiates positivity!

Squad name: “A Thousand Devils”

Do you hear the sonorous laughter of children?
This is "A Thousand Devils"!
A million wonderful ideas
- This is “A Thousand Devils”!

Team name: "Bulls"

Who is everyone running away from?
From the Bulls! From the Bulls!
Today we will beat fools, fools!

Older age

Our squad is moving forward
He calls others to follow him.
We are special guys
From a special squad
Cheerful, strong, smart.
We must be the best!!!

(team name) - that's us.
(team name) - ahead.
We will carry out all the work,
We'll go around all the units.
Together we walk in step -
We are coming to you to help
If someone gets bored,
(team name) help out.

Our squad is “Equator”,
We are a squad - winged
We're flying across the sky
Straight towards the sun, towards the light.
There are sparks in our songs,
There is wind in our dances.
A quick ray of sunshine
He will illuminate everything for us.

Who walks together in a row?
Our team is very friendly.
Well, what is our name?
“Flame” - there is no more beautiful name.
What are we doing?
We help people together
We light a flame in the heart.

We are strong, kind, beautiful,
And smart beyond their years.
And, of course, to us guys ,
All problems can be solved

1.2 - we are all together
We never get bored.
(team name) is out of place -
We always rush to the stars.
The counselor walks ahead,
And we follow him.
Let's have fun, guys.
(team name) we are still!

Sports chants
We're going to the stadium
Our squad will be champions.

The muscles are strong (the boys say)
And we ourselves are beautiful (say the girls).
Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun?
Hey athletes, line up!
Do you have a team?
Are the captains here?
Get out into the field quickly
Support the squad and honor!

We are sports guys.
We are ahead of all squads.
We walk in formation to exercise,
We do full push-ups.
Let's strengthen our strength
And we wish the same for you.

Let's start a new day
Drive away your laziness quickly
Get up, wipe your eyes!
To exercise, one, two, three!

Who is always a friend to the guys?
Sun. Air and water!
Is this where you turned black?
We're tanned in the sun!
Our muscles are strong
We are sons of our native country.
What do we need for work?
Sun, air and water!

Campfire chant

Come on, throw the birch bark
For firewood (2 times)
Strike a match on the fire!
One, two!
So that our fire grows
To the stars!
So that its radiance
The Martians saw it.

Marching chants

We walk with brisk steps,
We sing sonorous songs.
One, two - in step!
Three, four - a firmer step!
What does a tourist take on the road?
A song, a spoon and a backpack!

Who walks with a backpack?
We are (team name)
Who is not familiar with boredom?
We are (team name)
Who is the friendliest of all in the world?
We are (team name)
Nothing more fun in the world
Us - (team name)

The roads are calling us forward
Our motto is “Always forward”.
Our best suggestions:
Through, through and across.

Take a wider step.
We leave early and early.
Wider your step, wider your step.
The drums are drumming,
Wider your step, wider your step.
Only he is ready to go.
Who knows how to walk in step,
Those who keep their alignment strictly take a wider step.

You are our fire,
Dear bonfire,
We stand behind you!!!

Evening chants

A lot of roads have been traveled
It's time for the guys to go to bed.
Good night - Motherland.
Until the bright morning.

The day has ceased to make noise and is embraced by the night,
The camp calls for sleep.
Good night to you, our girls,
Good night, our guys,
Good night, our counselors!
Tomorrow you will be on your way again.
May we be lucky tomorrow.

The concept of a motto implies a phrase or even a single word that characterizes the worldview and life goals of an individual or group of individuals.

The emergence of mottos is attributed to the heraldic system of the aristocratic strata of the population, from the Middle Ages to the present day.

In recent history, mottos have often been used to briefly indicate the goals of a particular public organization.

For example, motto of Soviet pioneers: "Be ready! Always ready!"

Slogans and sports

The most popular use of mottos is in sports. Especially in team competitions.

A well-coordinated team really wants to know about their goals, aspirations and character even before the start of the competition.

However, more often than not, this is just a tribute to tradition, because the final of the competition can bring a complete fiasco to the team’s aspirations and demonstrate inconsistency with the chosen motto.

In professional sports, the team motto is more of a part of the advertising campaign, so they take it very seriously.

For example, Motto of the Barcelona Football Club sounds: “More than a club!” It is immediately clear that there is no place for outside creativity here.

Diversity in such creativity is more characteristic of amateur sports, and especially school and student sports.

Nature and content of mottos can be divided according to some general criteria:

Slogans by name and type of competition

Let's fly!

Higher than an airplane!

Soaring higher than the eagle!

We fly to the goal like an arrow!

If the name chosen is neutral, for example, “Pennant,” then it is better to associate the motto with a specific sport.

For the foil team:

Swords for battle!

Let's go, heroes!

For swimmers:

Forward like an arrow across the water surface

Faster than everyone else for the sake of victory!

For boxers:

Backhand! Forehand!

Our glory will come with victory!

Depending on the composition and sports form

If the composition is purely female or male, then this will be reflected in the name.

The team of girls track and field athletes “Queens of the Stadium”.

To give queens crowns,

We conquer stadiums!

Collective of guys wrestlers “Oh yes guys!”

The sport of carpet conquerors!

For real men!

Happens, that ideas with a name are born thanks to well-chosen form. This refers to a special type of cut, color, additional patterns or accessories.

Synchronized swimming team "Goldfish".

We are in scales, like the heat of grief.

It’s not in vain that we strive for gold!

Team in blue Dolphin jerseys

We will give battle to the enemy!

Let's ride a blue wave!

Place of residence and professional activity

Often names for sports teams are given depending on the place of residence of their participants. And if in this case you can’t really get creative with the name itself, then they try to put into the motto the main well-known features and characteristics of the local population.

Sports team of the city of Pskov rowing "Pskovites"

Rowing from dawn to dawn

Scrapers with oars together!

(“Skobari” is an unofficial nickname for the local population).

Team of cyclists "Tagiltsy"

Let's curb the ardor of our opponents!

Let's go Nizhny Tagil!

Amateur athletes always have some kind of main occupation, and if their sports association is a specific professional team, then its other attributes will be accordingly in the topic.

Let’s take a certain industry, which includes the Neftyanik athletics society.

Who mines black gold

It will take you as far as the Olympic Olympics with a hammer.

General mottos

Such slogans do not refer to any team individually, but reflect the general spirit of the competition.

The motto of the Olympic Games is: “Faster, higher, stronger!” And the unspoken: “The main thing is not victory, but participation!”

It happens that sports competitions are dedicated to an individual city:

On the city anniversary

Sport calls all people.

Or a holiday:

All as one for the builders' holiday!

Our spirit is one athlete and a builder!


A special field for creative activity in terms of creating teams and mottos is school sports life. Here the range of possible names and topics can expand in a humorous direction. Children and adolescents have come up with light, cheerful and even funny names, the mere sound of which will evoke enthusiasm, a desire to participate and an additional surge of strength during the competition.

For example: “The “Guys” team is busy day after day!”

Creativity in this regard can be extremely simple and associated only with the name of the class.

"Brave 5th grade"

Our brave class

Show class!

In the motto, with certain restrictions, the use of popular children's or teenage words is allowed.

There are exactly 26 of us in the class

Our team is tough!

Since the life experience of such a contingent of young people is still insufficient, the use of names associated with literature, cinema and even children's animation is used.

Team “Pull” and its motto:

Jump! Pull! Push!

Run! Throw! Win!

And for the little ones:

We are called “Smeshariki”!

If we don’t win, we’ll laugh!”

The choice of titles may well reflect trends in foreign children's literature.

For example, a team based on the Harry Potter book “Quidditch”. Accordingly the motto stuffed with spells.

Carpe retractum above the common banner!

Deprimo! Protego! Victory is ours!"


If sports competitions are organized within the same family, then here fun creativity is absolutely unlimited. Just coming up with funny team names and mottos for them can turn into a kind of competition useful for the overall development of children. Names and mottos may change several times during game time.

Principles of creative work here can be subdivided as follows:

  1. Only adults come up with names and mottos.
  2. Only children.
  3. Together.

The division of a family into teams can also occur according to different principles:

1.Adults versus children.

Team “Ancestors” versus team “Salazhata”.

We're still fast and we're still sharp

Forward to victory, team “Ancestors”!

Even if we're still greenhorns,

But very strong guys!

2. Mixed formulations.

Team "Daddy's Daughters" vs. "Mama's Boys"

We will win, period!

Follow daddy's faithful daughters!

We're not behind mom's back!

We are going into battle next to our mother!

3. Men and boys on one team, women and girls on the other.

Women's team "Amazons" and men's team "Hercules".

Down with dolls and knitting needles!

And women have gunpowder in their flasks!

Heroes of the field, mountains and forest

Followers of Hercules.

In family games You can even come up with names for toy teams. For example, when playing table football or hockey. Here it is permissible to use the names and mottos of teams that already exist in human life.

Camp is when you eagerly await news from your parents: “We bought you a ticket.” This is when you pack your suitcases at the speed of light, stuffing everything you need and don’t need into them. This is when you stuff into secret pockets those products (chips, chocolates) that will be taken away anyway when you move in. The camp is new friends and girlfriends, from neighboring or distant cities and countries. Discos and evening lights, sleep and meals on schedule, competitions and festivals. A sea of ​​positivity, sun, buzz, joy, smiles, hopes, friendship, summer, relaxation...

Where to begin?

So, everyone gathered at a certain place for the senior counselor. And what is the first thing dear leaders ask their children to take care of? Of course, an important component of camp life is the endless mottos, chants, chants, and team emblems for your squad. And everyone is immediately frantically trying to remember what happened last year, to come up with and create something new. The slogan and motto for the team must correspond to its name.

What exactly are they for, these words of encouragement for the team, is this a clear difference from any other? The answer is given in the question itself. Undoubtedly, competitions and competitions should bring positive emotions. Slogans, chants, team emblems will help show the opponent who he will have to fight with. They will instill in him, if not fear, then doubts for sure. They will set the team in a positive mood.

Thinking about the name

So, let's move directly to the thought process. There will be a lot of competitions and competitions, this is a children's camp. From sports and recreational to cultural and patriotic. Intellectual quizzes, Olympic games, record books, championships in various sports, parody days, beauty contests, boys and girls contests, military competitions, quests and station games... And for each event you need to come up with your own distinctive signs, as in words , and on paper. In a couple of days, or maybe hours, or maybe minutes, the event will begin. But you don’t have a slogan and motto ready for your team.

It is necessary to start from the name. If it doesn't exist yet, it's worth thinking about it carefully. Firstly, the name must correspond to the theme of the competition. Let’s say an orienteering championship is being held at the camp, and you want to be called not “Keen Eye”, “Sly Wolves” or “Compasses”, but “Karapuz”, “Dandelion” or “Ragged Sneaker”.

You should also think about the fact that soon you and your team will be called that way. The name will take root and there will be no way to change it later. It is important that the name does not sound offensive to rivals, but is still accurate and resonant. Teams of boys and men can emphasize their courage, strength, perseverance, fortitude, and agility. Teams of girls and girls must show all the grace, sophistication and beauty of the fair sex.

Name options

Here are examples of command names:

  • If the shift or event is related to the forest or native land - “Squirrels”, “Siberia and I”, “Spring”, “Forest Brothers”, “Slovians”, “Dandelion”, “German Titov”.
  • Sports and team competitions - “Energy”, “Dynamite”, “Friendship”, “Record Breakers”, “Hercules”, “Best of All”, “Extreme Sports”.
  • Girls' teams - "Cuties", "Oboyashki", "Rainbow", "Smile".
  • Boys' teams - "Gang", "Cool Peppers", "Our District", "Hawks".


Let's continue. A motto, chant, team name for the camp - this is the very first thing you need to come up with. We figured out the name. Let's take the motto.

These are one or more lines attached to the name that clearly describe the team. The rhyming of the motto is not required. However, this way everyone who is rooting for you will be able to remember it much faster. And here the same rule. The team's motto and slogan should match the name. If you are the Lions, then the chant: “We are playing better than everyone else, we will have success today” will not do. A short and concise phrase should combine a description of the team and the mood of the fans, how your people differ from other teams, what they want to achieve and how they will do it. It is important to know when to stop and not resort to topics that could offend someone’s feelings.

What can you use?

Here are some examples of a team name, chant, and motto. Bright and interesting:

  • "Ragged sneakers" - Our sneakers will reach victory!
  • “Little dolls” - They love the dolls, they know the dolls, everyone in the camp loves the dolls!
  • "Star Wars" - Come to our side, we have cookies!
  • "Squirrels" - Our motto is always this: Don't let enemies into the hollow! Let your friends into the hollow to make it more fun!
  • "Dynamite" - Dynamite will defeat everyone!
  • “The Best” - No difficulties can stop us, we will achieve success everywhere and in everything!
  • "Energizer" - Never lose heart and never forget your friends!

There is a variant of the name and motto - an abbreviation. That is, the name just has a few letters, and the motto explains what they mean. For example, "BEMS" - Fighting, energetic, young, pretty. "USSR" - Union of the most "serious" guys. This is a universal option for any competition or competition, and maybe even for the name of the entire squad for a camp shift.

Cheers and chants

There is always a greeting at the beginning of the event. This will help show children that no matter the outcome, they are all equally equal in front of each other; they should not turn up their noses too much or, conversely, get too upset. You can come up with these words yourself, or you can read them in books. Can be presented in the form of a “business card”. Both the participants themselves and their support group can perform.
When we come up with a chant and a motto for the team, we think about chants. And this is not a type of speech. Speeches are closer in nature to mottos, and chants are long rhymed poems to support your team. “Hey, tiger cubs, don’t yawn, open your mouths wider!” Or, conversely, come up with something that will offend the opposing team (within reason). "Drink milk, children, you are far from ours." “Eat more porridge, you are far from ours.”
In addition to a motto and chant, in some cases teams are required to create a whole song. It can be used both at a greeting and during a game or any other occasion. “In our “Winged” camp there is a mischievous team! They will always achieve everything, defeating all obstacles...” You can remake some famous song. “No one will get between us here! No one CAN defeat us! We are not afraid of obstacles! Everyone here is happy to have a competition!”, “Your years are as precise as arrows...”, “Stop, stop, rival... rival wants to go out."

And now, when you have come up with a motto, a chant, a team song, the most important thing remains. Let's gather our thoughts!

Creating an emblem

It can be of numerous types and forms. Made from various materials: paper, fabric, drawn on faces or other parts of the body, chalk on asphalt... Any color. Orange - if the team is called "Orange", yellow - if "Sun". Animals, birds, people, cars, objects, household items, clothing, accessories, geometric shapes, symbols, footnotes, numbers... (Do we remember the rule of appropriateness?). If the team is called "Amur Tigers", a drawing of an orange or a snowman will not work. You can make an emblem in the form of the coat of arms of your team or squad. It will be great to draw what you have planned on whatman paper and during the game raise the team emblem and at the same time shout a chant. Or sing a song. Now we have everything: team name, motto, chant, emblem.

And finally...

You can learn a lot about how to do this or that, read a lot about it, but without real practice absolutely nothing will happen. Pack your bags and go to camp, if your age and circumstances still allow it. When creative and positive people “cook in the same pot,” something original and interesting always comes out.

Remember that any competition is, first of all, excitement, entertainment and a lot of fun. The main thing is not victory, but participation - and this is truly a suitable phrase for any camp session that you will remember for the rest of your life. And your emblems, names and mottos will remain in memory for a long time. And the memories will warm your soul even when you leave.

Don’t be shy about your ideas, talk about them, share with each other the joys of a long-awaited meeting, seek advice and don’t be afraid to ask for help from counselors (or even senior counselors, they don’t bite at all). Love your squad, your team, support each other. And then, absolutely, any competition and any competition will give you only positive emotions that you will remember for the rest of your life.

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