Family autobiography sample. ○ Basic rules for writing an autobiography

An autobiography is a separate document when applying for a job (not a duplicate of a resume). This way the employer receives additional information about the applicant, which allows him to form a complete picture of the candidate. This is an optional document: the labor legislation of the Russian Federation does not require it to be drawn up, but in some cases it is useful.

The autobiography is prepared by the applicant, who later submits it to the employer personally. It describes the main stages of life that are not indicated in the official resume (is a separate task).

When do you need an autobiography when applying for a job?

Thanks to the autobiography, the employer sees how the applicant’s life priorities have changed, what he was able to achieve, and what he was powerless to achieve. If an applicant for a position indicated ungraduated universities, the manager should find out for what reason he was unable to graduate from them. When a potential employee has had long breaks in labor activity, we need to find out why. If the applicant has small children or a large family, you need to ask whether he can fulfill work and home responsibilities at the same time.

Another advantage of an autobiography is that it demonstrates a person’s literacy, the ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts, and structure information. Some companies employ a graphological research specialist: he finds out how open the applicant was in a given document, whether he has negative features character.

Sometimes the requirement to write an autobiography is mandatory, which has to do with the specifics of the position/company. The document is submitted along with . An applicant attracts increased attention if he applies for a job associated with high financial responsibility, military or commercial secrets.

In the latter case, HR employees develop separate forms for writing an autobiography. In them, a person notes whether he participated in elections, whether he was prosecuted, or whether he has any diseases. To avoid difficulties during the interview, you need to warn about the need to convey such information in advance.

How to write an autobiography for work?

There is a list of rules:

  • the document is completed in writing;
  • before the introduction, a title is written in the middle at the top of the sheet - autobiography;
  • the introduction is as follows: “I, full name, was born...”;
  • facts from life are described randomly in chronological order;
  • At the end, the signature and date of the document are affixed.

The autobiography is written on one sheet of A4 paper. It consists of a number of elements:

  • Date and place of birth;
  • information about parents, family composition (spouse, children, brothers and sisters) - date of birth, education, work;
  • education (from school to obtaining a diploma in the specialty studied, indicating the duration of study);
  • information about past positions and previous places of work, reasons for dismissal (without insults or personal attacks);
  • information about received incentives and awards;
  • scientific publications, works, developments, patents;
  • business activity (if any);
  • the man indicates information about completed military service and rank;
  • if a woman changed her maiden name, you should indicate it and the date of change;
  • briefly - business qualities and professional skills, wishes for future work.

Some organizations require writing an autobiography in the presence of a personnel officer, so it is recommended to draw up the text of the document in advance. Sometimes employers ask you to fill out a form along with your autobiography. It consists of several questions.

Autobiography samples when applying for a job

Let's look at a few samples.

Autobiography sample No. 1

Autobiography sample No. 2

Autobiography sample No. 3

Let's sum it up

An autobiography allows the employer to get to know the applicant better (sometimes characteristics and other documents are not enough). The potential employee lists his education, previous jobs, family composition, awards and achievements, as well as character traits.

You need to write your autobiography by hand on one A4 sheet. Formal writing style should be followed. You cannot make mistakes, get personal and stoop to insults - it is by how the autobiography is written that the employer will judge the professional suitability of the applicant. You can use examples, templates and templates when writing it.

How to write an autobiography. Template, example. Requirements for content and text. (10+)

Autobiography. Template, example, sample

I will give an example of an autobiography with explanations. An autobiography can be compiled in chronological order without breaking into sections or divided into sections by topic. The example below uses partitioning. In some cases, the end describes the current state of affairs and social status.

Depending on the purpose for which you are writing an autobiography, the requirements for it may be different. Before writing, read the requirements of the place where you are submitting it.

The text should be in a formal business style.

All data in the autobiography are fictitious, all coincidences, if any, are accidental.

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, autobiography

Date and place of birth, parents

Born 08/12/1964 in Rostov

Father: Ivanov Ivan Sergeevich (born 07/14/1940 in the village of Nizhneye, Rostov region), teacher.

Mother: Ivanova (nee Zakharova) Antonina Vasilievna (born 02/08/1944 in Rostov), ​​software engineer.

In information about parents, if the parent was deceased at the time of writing the autobiography, the date of death may be indicated, but often it is not indicated. There are discrepancies in what position the parents should indicate, because a person could change jobs or advance in career ladder. Sometimes the position at the time of the child’s birth is indicated, sometimes at the time the autobiography was compiled. Most often in our time it is not indicated at all, since the worker-peasant origin, which was established using these data, has lost significance.


1971 - 1979 studied at secondary school N 61 Rostov

1979 - 1981 studied at Physics School No. 18 named after. Kolmagorov at Moscow State University them. Lomonosov Moscow

1981 - 1986 studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov Moscow. at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. The topic of the diploma is "Mathematical modeling of the influence of technogenic carbon dioxide on the greenhouse effect" (Scientific supervisor...)

1986 - 1989 studied in graduate school at Moscow State University. Lomonosov Moscow, worked on a dissertation. In 1989 he defended his dissertation on the topic “Mathematical modeling of the movement of air masses and greenhouse effect", received the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. (Scientific supervisor...)

1990 trained at the Ecological University (France, Leon)

Labor activity

1990 - 1994 Researcher, Department of Mathematical Modeling, Ecological Institute, Moscow.

1994 - 1998 Senior Researcher, Department of Mathematical Modeling, Ecological Institute, Moscow.

1998 - present. Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Modeling, Ecological Institute, Moscow.

Family status

In 1984 he married Tatyana Georgievna Feoktistova ( Date and place of birth). In 1986, his son Sergei Ivanovich Ivanov was born ( Date and place of birth).

In 1989, the marriage to Tatyana Georgievna Feoktistova was dissolved.

In 1990 he married Galkina Zinaida Vasilievna ( Date and place of birth). In 1991, daughter Ivanova Irina Ivanovna was born ( Date and place of birth).


In 1985, the book “Mathematical Approaches to environmental safety", in the work on which he took part as part of a group of authors.

In 1992, the book "Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming" was published.

At this moment

Married, I have two children.

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. I'm working on my doctoral dissertation.

I teach at the Ecological Institute in Moscow

I own foreign languages: English - I read with a dictionary, French - I speak fluently, Japanese - I read with a dictionary.

Awarded an international environmental prize and a commemorative diploma from the Russian Environmental Technologies Foundation for services to protecting environment RF.

Hobbies and personal qualities

I'm getting carried away fishing and tourism, outdoor recreation.

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Autobiography is a consistent description of human life and activity. This document is required when applying for work, study, service and many other industries. Often, an autobiography tells the entire life of a person, but as an exception, it may cover a period of several years. This may be the time when he lived in another country or served in the armed forces.

The autobiography gives the employer the opportunity to get to know the newcomer. It helps to understand who the future employee is, his education, experience, hobbies, and ability to express thoughts. The employer, based on it, draws up psychological picture person. Therefore, its writing should be taken seriously.

Important rules when writing

Business writing style. It should not contain any errors. Often it is they who pay attention to them, and not the form of writing. The speech must be literate and the test must be easy to read.

It is important when writing an autobiography to adhere to chronological order. You won’t get a beautiful resume if the content in it jumps from one period of life to another.

All information that will be indicated in the autobiography must be truthful. If over time the employer is caught in deception, problems may arise, including loss of trust. This will prevent you from achieving your desired workplace.

How to write correctly

There are no clear rules in writing. Write it on an A4 sheet. When writing, they are guided by the employer’s requirements. Basically, all autobiographies consist of 8 points. These include:

  1. Title. So at the very top in the middle of the sheet the word is written with a capital letter Autobiography.
  2. Name. The full last name, first name and patronymic are written on a new line. Afterwards the date and place of birth is indicated. For example: I, Semyon Mikhailovich Ivanov, was born...
  3. Education. School years You don’t need to pay much attention; just indicating its number will be enough. But now at the university, the faculty, it is worth dwelling in more detail.
  4. Labor activity. Here you should indicate where you worked previously, the name of the company and what position you held. It is necessary to tell what responsibilities, achievements and reason for dismissal were. Don’t be shy about talking about promotions, awards and incentives. Also with positive side inventions and publications in journals will be shown.
  5. Family status. It is necessary to briefly talk about your family, spouse or children, if any.
  6. Military service. In this paragraph, men should indicate where they served and their rank.
  7. Relatives. In some cases, the employer asks to provide information about parents, brothers, and sisters. You need to write about them their year of birth, profession, place of study.
  8. Signature and date. This information is placed by the author at the bottom of the text. The date is on the left, the signature is on the right.

If you were fired from your previous job, it is worth telling truthfully and delicately about the true state of affairs. You shouldn’t write that you were treated wrongly or that you got a bad manager. There is no need to present yourself as a brawler and not well-mannered person. Reason for leaving family circumstances It is worth indicating only if it exists.

Sample autobiography when hiring a teacher


I am Orekhov Anton Viktorovich, born on February 2, 1989. in the city of Kyiv. In 2007, he graduated from the Novoselovskaya secondary school of I-III degree. and entered National University bioresources and environmental management of Ukraine. In 2012 Received a master's degree in automated control of technological processes in agriculture No. KV 439 25 726.

He began his working career while still a student. In 2010, he worked as an operator at the production site of the Bakhchisarai branch of PJSC Crimean Fruit Company.

After graduating from the university, he was hired as an electrician-operator of the incubator of the Training and Experimental Breeding Poultry Plant named after. Frunze.

In 2014, he was hired as a teacher of general technical and special disciplines Separate division"Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College". At the end of 2014 transferred to the Federal State Autonomous educational institution higher education"Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky" (FGAU "KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky") Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College (branch), where I work to the present time.

I live at 296570 Ave. 60-let USSR 2/56 s. Yantarnoye, Saki district, Republic of Crimea.

Father Orekhov Viktor Yurievich - 1961. R.

Mother Orekhova Alina Nikolaevna – 1963 R.

We don't judge, non-partisan. I am active life position. I adhere to the laws of the Russian Federation.

Download Sample autobiography when hiring a teacher in WORD text format

Autobiography sample for a woman's job


I, Elena Vasilievna Zubkova, was born on November 19, 1958 in the village. Roshchino, Amur region, Tambov district. Russian citizen.

Higher education: from 1987 to 1992 she studied at the Crimean Order of the Badge of Honor Agricultural Institute named after. M. I. Kalinina, specialty: “Economics and organization of agriculture.” From 2003 to 2004 she studied at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the National Agrarian University, specializing in “Vocational Training”.

Labor activity: from 1983 to 1996 she worked as a senior labor economist and wages collective farm named after Lenin, Dzhankoy district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; from 1996 to 1999 – senior accountant of the Pribrezhnensky state farm-technical school; since 2001 – teacher of economic disciplines at the EP NUBIP “Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College”.


I have two adult children.

Place of residence: 296563, Republic of Crimea, Sovetsky district, village. Lokhovka, st. Dostluk, 4, apt. 18.

Not convicted.

Member of the United Russia party.

“___” July 2014 Zubkova Elena Vasilievna _________________

Download Autobiography sample for a woman's job in WORD text format

Autobiography sample writing for a man's job


I, Umid Dzhaferovich Narkisov, was born in 1960 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

In 1967, he went to the first grade of secondary school No. 77. While studying at school, he simultaneously completed courses as a mechanic - mechanic.

In 1977 he received a certificate of secondary education. On next year got a job as a car repair mechanic in the transport production department of Glavtashkentstroy.

From November 1978 to December 1980 he served in the Leningrad Military District VC 63261.

From 1981 to 1983, he took a special course for bus drivers followed by an internship. After completing the courses, he worked as a driver until 1987.

From 1988 to 1989 he worked as a traveling photographer.

From 1989 to 1995 he worked as a workshop manager at the Aziz cooperative.

From 1995 to 1997, TED worked as a workshop foreman at the cooperative.

The next stage in my life was in 1997 moving to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol district, Shkolnoye village, st. Irgat Kadyr, 10, where I currently live with my family. This is where mine began social activity. For for long years took an active part in the development of his village. On this moment I am seeking a solution to one of the important problems of our village - the interchange of convenient access roads to locality. I also show great initiative in adjusting the project highway Kharkov - Simferopol - Sevastopol on the territory of Shkolnoye village, favorable for residents of the settlement.

Wife - Narkisova Susanna Lenorovna, born in 1970, works as a sales consultant at SFDP Market Plaza.

Son – Ernest Narkisov, born in 1991, student.

Daughter – Elnara Narkisova, born in 1993, student.

Non-partisan; no criminal record. I live at the address: Crimea, Simferopol district, Shkolnoye village, st. Irgat Kadyr, 10.

Often when applying for a job, candidates have a question: How to correctly write an autobiography about yourself, sample below? It is clear that not everyone faces such a problem and not always. Therefore, sometimes people are confused about how to write an autobiography and what data should be indicated in it, and what it is better to remain silent about. In fact, such a document is intended to present itself in a short or in detail. Let's look at how to write an autobiography in detail - you will find an example of a writing sample when applying for a job in this article.

Autobiography - this definition implies a life story professional path person. If you think that you have never encountered the preparation of such a document, then you are most likely mistaken: after all, visual example autobiography - a questionnaire that is filled out by all candidates for a vacant position.

Examples of autobiography texts when applying for a job demonstrate that such a document is drawn up in any form, but still there are certain rules of personnel records management that must be followed for successful enrollment in the organization's staff. The main requirements for an autobiography are that the information entered must be reliable, comprehensive on the one hand and as brief as possible on the other.

Rules for writing an autobiography

An interesting example of filling out an autobiography for a job is posted below, but for now let’s figure out how to write an autobiography for yourself. What should always be included in a document? It doesn’t matter to what extent you are going to provide information - a sample of a short autobiography or a detailed one must be written clearly, in compliance with chronology, with links to documents confirming personal data. This is, first of all, an identification document (usually a passport), diplomas and certificates of training/qualification, work book, etc.

The main principles of writing an autobiography:

  1. The form for filling out an autobiography is laconic, businesslike, the optimal document size is one, maximum two sheets. The main task of the applicant is to attract the attention of the recruiter to his candidacy, which means it is necessary to present the information concisely but effectively. In this case, the autobiography is written in one’s own hand. free form- sample below.
  2. Filling out an autobiography when applying for a job - stick to it business style. Don’t forget about literacy: nothing affects the first impression of a candidate more than the presence of stylistic, syntactic and spelling errors. Study examples of autobiography in a formal business style on the Internet and try to achieve an “easy” form of presentation.
  3. Chronological writing of an autobiography when applying for jobs - always write your resume sequentially and in order. Start with more early events, then move on to later ones. Some types of autobiographies provide for the opposite presentation - at the beginning the latest data in terms of origin are indicated, then the original ones.
  4. Drawing up an autobiography form for applying for a job - do not write the application form by hand. It is more common today to compile documents on a computer; this will make a favorable impression on employers.
  5. Reliable CV details - do not try to deceive the employer about your age, length of service or business skills. All information is easy to check, especially since many serious organizations have security services that, among other things, clarify data on applicants.

Note! Some positions require drawing up a document according to the established form - an autobiography according to Appendix 2, 3 to the Instructions under Order No. 626 of November 11, 2009.

The exact structure of the autobiography depends on the characteristics and specifics of the upcoming employment. If a short autobiography is being compiled, the sample must contain all the main sections about the candidate’s education, experience, skills, additional advantages and abilities. If an autobiography is filled out in any form, the sample can be more detailed and expanded - indicating personal character traits, hobbies, expectations from life in general and specific activities in particular, etc. To correctly write an autobiography when applying for a job, study the sample breakdown of data into sections.

Autobiography template – blocks:

  • General personal data – the citizen’s full name, date of birth, as well as place, residential address, gender, and passport details are indicated here. Social background In an autobiography, a current sample is usually not given, but the author can fill out this line if he wishes.
  • Data on marital status and family ties - in this section you enter information about parents and other close relatives (place of work, position, full name). In addition, it is indicated here Family status candidate, presence or absence of children.
  • Education – information about all types of education is indicated, starting from high school and until graduation from higher educational or secondary specialized institutions. The data is given with the designation of the faculty, specialty, years of beginning/completion of studies, and the numbers of diplomas and certificates can be given.
  • Career achievements - describe your work activity in as much detail as possible: which organizations did you work for, what was included in job responsibilities what projects they participated in. If there have been achievements, be sure to tell us about your victories. Women need to designate periods of maternity leave and leave to care for small children, men - time military service. When transferring within the same enterprise, the dates of such personnel changes should also be indicated.
  • Other professional skills - if you have several professions, in addition to your autobiography, you can note all your business qualities. It often happens that a driver's license or excellent knowledge of the language is required - in this case, your training will serve as an additional advantage when selecting a suitable employee. Among the knowledge, advanced training courses, participation in trainings and/or seminars are also valued.
  • Personal qualities - in addition to dry facts and information about work experience/education, the application form must include information about the candidate’s personality. After all, we spend almost half of our time at work, communicating with other people, which means that high sociability, activity, and diligence will not only help to successfully perform work functions, but will also help strengthen morale and team cohesion, which is so valued by direct company managers.
  • Requests for the place of work - do not hesitate to talk about your expectations from the vacant position. Describe your desired income level and preferred working conditions. Immediately indicate which conditions are unacceptable to you. For example, if you are unable to travel on business, note this so that you don’t embarrass yourself later and let your employer down.

How to write a short autobiography about yourself - example and sample

“I, Semenov Ivan Vasilievich, was born on September 18, 1978 in Moscow, Moscow region. In 1984, he went to the 1st grade of the Moscow school with a French bias No. 99. He graduated from school in 1995, receiving a gold medal.

In 1995, he entered the full-time 1st year department of Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, majoring in International Journalism. He graduated from the university in 2000 with honors.

Worked from 2000 to 2009 in various printed publications, including “AiF”, “ TVNZ", "Kommersant", etc. From 2009 to the present, I have been working as a senior editor at Moscow Life.

He had no criminal record and did not serve in the army due to health reasons.

Marital status: wife – Semenova Valentina Konstantinovna, born April 8, 1982. Place of birth - Moscow, has a higher economic education, works as an economist.

Two children - a boy and a girl.

Additional Information:

Mother - Semenova Irina Olegovna, born on June 6, 1957 in Ivanovo. Works as a mathematics teacher at school.

Father - Semenov Vasily Nikolaevich, born on August 15, 1952 in Moscow. Works as a surgeon at Hospital No. 20.

Sister - Semenova Natalya Vasilievna, born July 10, 1980. Currently studying at the correspondence department of Moscow State University, majoring in Foreign Languages.

Samples and example of filling out an autobiography when applying for a job

“I, Ivanov Kirill Andreevich, was born on 02/01/1985 in Tver. My father is Andrey Aleksandrovich Ivanov, born in 1950, deputy head of JSC Energo, my mother is Marina Anatolyevna Ivanova, born in 1960, general practitioner.

In 1991 he entered Wed. School No. 6 in Tver, which he graduated from in 2002 with a silver medal.

From March 2003 to March 2004, he served in the RA Missile Forces and graduated with the rank of sergeant.

In April 2004, he was employed as a manager at TC "PEK", in November 2005 he was transferred to the position of head of the logistics department. Due to relocation, he resigned in August 2008.

From October 2008 to December 2014, he worked as a specialist in the credit department at CB “Money in Debt”. In May 2015, he resigned due to the closure of the institution.

In August 2015, I took a job as a senior account manager at KB Bystrodengi, where I currently work.

No criminal record, marital status – single, no children.

Address: Tver, st. Barrikadnaya, 28 apt. 10.

Phone: 8-918-123-44-55

Ivanov K.A.”

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Employers, when hiring a new employee, may ask him to provide him along with the main package of documents autobiographical entry About Me. An autobiography is written in a strictly structured format. A biography about yourself is a more convenient thing for an employee and an employer when applying for a job than.

The legislative framework

Writing an autobiography at the request of the employer is controlled by regulatory documents and legislative acts:

  • Labor Code RF, namely Articles 65, 86
  • Federal Law (No. 114, No. 152)
  • instructions (if working in special services)
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation

When is an autobiography needed?

When applying for a job, a biography is drawn up at the request of the employer and is not an obligation. An employee may refuse to write an autobiography, although it can help the employer get to know the potential employee better and choose him among other applicants for his employees. In some cases, according to the law, an autobiography is a necessity. A biography about yourself must be compiled upon entering the service:

  • to the authorities that control the import and export of goods across the border (customs posts and organizations);
  • to fire authorities;
  • V law enforcement agencies(Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • to the authorities military service(warrant officers, sergeants, majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels, etc.);
  • large non-budgetary organizations.

Form, structure and content of a biography about yourself

A person’s autobiography is written in free form, with the exception of civil servants, where a biography about themselves is compiled on special forms.

The biography is written on clean sheets, not drafts. Mostly in A4 size, printed or handwritten. The volume of an autobiography is 0.5-1 sheet; more extensive texts are not allowed. The style of writing a biography is businesslike. Writing an autobiography is allowed in blue or black ink, you can use gel pen.

It is not allowed to write a document on lined or dirty paper.

The employee’s autobiography should not contain leading questions that imply a pre-prepared answer or hints.

Life events (study, work) that the employee must indicate in the document are written in strict chronological order. There are rules for writing time intervals, starting with studying and ending last job that you can use:

  • writing the years and place of study using a dash;
  • use of prepositions that are placed between years educational process At school;
  • You can write the place of study and in brackets the date of admission and graduation from a university, secondary vocational education institution, secondary educational institution, etc., followed by the assignment of qualifications.
  • personal data of the employee with the obligatory indication of date and place of birth;
  • information about close relatives (wife, husband, parents, brothers, sisters, children);
  • Further, education is indicated from the moment of entering school until graduation from a university, secondary vocational education or other educational institution (you can write about taking courses and receiving additional education);
  • places of work are listed, starting from the very first and ending with the last (it is advisable to adhere to the chronology and).

It is allowed to write your marital status and information about military service in any troops. Women can indicate if they have had a period maternity leave and the presence of children with their personal data.

A separate paragraph can indicate the presence or absence of criminal prosecution of the employee and his relatives.

An employee can also write if he has any number of awards and other types of remuneration for decent work.

In addition, you can write your existing business or other type of business in a separate paragraph. entrepreneurial activity.

At the very end, contact information is written that will help the employer contact the future employee.

Women who, after marriage or for some other circumstances, took a different surname, are required to indicate their maiden name and the date when this event occurred.

There are additional points that should also be described, but this is at the discretion of the employer, and only he recommends them for writing. Additional information, depending on the position for which the employee is applying, may include information about projects, competitions, research projects, and articles that were noted at any events.

In separate paragraphs you can include information such as career, professional skills, business qualities (stress resistance, punctuality) and wishes for work.

Structure autobiographies:

  1. In the middle of the sheet write the title of the appeal (autobiography) with capital letters. At the end of the word there is a period and others punctuation marks are not installed.
  2. Introductory part. The employee introduces himself and indicates his personal data.
  3. Main part. Labor and educational activities.
  4. At the end there is a dating and signature with the employee’s decoding.

What are the rules for writing an autobiography?

There are no strict requirements for writing a biography of a person who wants to get a job. You just need to adhere to a clear structure, write in free form and take your time. The rules for writing an autobiography are simple:

  • At the beginning the first sentence is written full information about yourself down to your date and place of birth.
  • Then the personal data of the parents and their places of work are indicated.
  • What follows is a clear and detailed information about education with detailed dates of admission and graduation educational institutions. In addition, you can add school numbers. If the school has a specific name (for example, the school named after I.V. Sukharev), this should also be indicated.
  • Then it is specified which profile you completed, again with full dating. Received additional education can also be mentioned here.
  • Men and women liable for military service must clearly and accurately describe their military service. Indicate the date of conscription for military service, troops, ranks. Provide appropriate documentation that confirms receipt of a particular award or title. You can only write the document number.
  • Then information is written about places of employment from the beginning of working activity to the present time. As additional information You can write the assignment of a new qualification or participation in any projects.
  • Then additional skills and abilities are indicated (fluency in English, German or other languages, completion of courses, etc.).
  • In addition, an important point will be to indicate to women the period of maternity leave.
  • You can indicate the period of residence abroad, if any, and who the citizen worked while he was there. It wouldn’t hurt to write down the reason for moving abroad or, conversely, returning home.
  • The presence of certificates, diplomas or other evidence of work well done should be indicated in the section on work or hobbies, if such an item is included in the biography.
  • At the end, you can indicate what your current marital status is, the presence or absence of children, and their place of actual residence.

Many organizations still have special requirements for writing a biography about themselves, and this should be taken into account and inquired about in advance. The autobiography must be written in compliance with all punctuation and spelling rules.

The biography of a potential employee must be compiled correctly, without unnecessary information and in compliance with a certain sequence of life episodes. The sheet on which the biography about yourself is compiled must be neat and without bending. Lyrical digressions not allowed. The document is written in legible, neat and understandable handwriting.

An autobiography is written in the first person and singular. Before you begin, you need to comprehend and think about what should be indicated, and only then start writing.

The autobiography should only contain true information, since everything written is checked for compliance.

After watching this video, you will learn in more detail about the correct preparation of an autobiography. Find out what rules exist for writing this document.

What should you not write in your autobiography?

When compiling an autobiography for applying for a job, you should remember that in no case should you indicate in it:

  1. Information not related to employment. Don't write too many stories about yourself. It is not recommended to move to the back side of the sheet.
  2. It is not allowed to use a large number of epithets and adjectives that show the employee on the good side. Excessive praise can have a detrimental effect on the employee in the future.
  3. You cannot remain silent and not indicate in your biography periods when there was a lack of work or maternity leave.
  4. Insults or boorish attitude towards other employees in the autobiography are not acceptable, even if the dismissal was not according to the law. Show your own people in a bad light former employees Not recommended.

Features of the autobiography of a civil servant

The biography of a civil servant must be presented in a strict format and, like any other, without the use of profanity. Here, the autobiography should not be written in free form, but only on special forms and using a sample provided in advance by the employer or the head of the personnel department.

In the autobiography, it is necessary to indicate only reliable, truthful information that will facilitate the further employment of this particular candidate for the position.

Information about previous places of work can be taken from work book. If work experience in public services large, this can also be indicated as additional information, which will help when selecting competitors for the role of employee in government agency.

Information about places of work that is indicated in the CV is checked by the employer, so it is necessary to indicate real work, not fictitious ones.

In the autobiography of a civil servant, sentences must be constructed according to syntactic norms and without errors. To check the correctness of the compiled biography, you can use any specialized program.

The autobiography should not contain information that does not relate to the position for which the future employee is applying. Fleeting part-time jobs and unofficial types of work should not appear in the biography.

One of the features of compiling an autobiography of a civil servant is a clear hierarchy and structure. Previous places work must be indicated with accuracy from hiring with the order number until dismissal.

Discrimination and autobiography

In an autobiography, discriminatory actions can be noticed immediately. They are expressed by the following points that the employer requires to indicate without fail:

  • detailed description all relatives, including existing hereditary diseases;
  • indication of race;
  • nationality;
  • increasing category (although there are types of work where there are certain age limits for workers, and this does not contradict the law);
  • test tasks or other forms of control in the biography.

This video explains what an autobiography is, why and in what cases it may be needed, and also provides brief recommendations on how to compile it.

An autobiography is not required when applying for a job, but is compiled only at the request of the employer. A biography about yourself is written in any form, in compliance with certain rules, but some government services have special forms with samples to fill out. A correctly compiled autobiography in some cases can help an employee get the desired position.

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