Celine Dion biography. Biography of Celine Dion

Celine Dion, with her rare, amazing voice, is one of the most popular and successful singers in the world. Her magical compositions can be heard even in the most remote corners of the planet. The sincere, sensual performance of these stunning songs is mesmerizing. “The Power of Love”, “All by Myself”, “I Surrender” - you want to listen to these and many other compositions performed by this singer forever.

Childhood and adolescence

Celine Marie Claudette Dion came into this world in the spring, March 30, 1968. The newborn baby was the fourteenth child in a family with French-Canadian roots living in Charlemagne, a tiny town that later became part of Montreal (Quebec, Canada). It was here that she spent her childhood, and it was here that her path to a global career began.

Little Celine's parents, Adhemar and Teresa, owned a modest bar, Le Vieux Baril. Cozy restaurant, from morning to evening full of clients, was for the family not only a source of small income, but also an opportunity to feel real pop singers. Long before this establishment was purchased, the friendly Dion family toured Canada as a musical group called Dion’s family. And now, in their own bar, each family member could fully demonstrate their talent.

To the great delight of visitors, long concerts were held here on Sundays. Musical accompaniment was provided by the elders: my father masterfully performed any melodies on the accordion, my mother played the violin amazingly. The children sang so wonderfully that those who wanted to listen to them crowded into the small restaurant hall.

Soon, little Celine became the main performer in the family choir. The girl literally lived by music, and her dream was a singing career. In this passionate desire for the stage, the parents supported their growing daughter in every possible way. At the age of 12, Celine first recorded a French-language song composed for her by her mother, and her brother sent the tape to producer René Angélil, who at that time was managing the career of Ginette Rino, a famous French singer.

Impressed by the girl’s vocal abilities, the manager personally listened to Celine’s singing, after which he immediately signed a contract with her, the basis of which was the clause that Angelil would personally organize her promotion.

The producer had no doubts about the future success of the aspiring singer. Therefore, he was not afraid to mortgage his house in order to get money to sponsor Celine. Rene’s calculations were justified: songs from her very first album “The Voice of the Lord” (La Voix du bon Dieu) became hits, and the “singing teenager” became a Quebec celebrity.

Great start

The girl’s professional growth was ascending - from rehearsal to rehearsal, from one performance to another. By the age of 18, the young performer had recorded 9 discs. Her incredible talent has been recognized with numerous awards - the Felix Awards from the Canadian organization ADISQ and Canada's equivalent of the Grammys - numerous Juno Awards. In 1986, she signed a lucrative contract with CBS Records Canada.

Celine Dion at Eurovision with the song “Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi” (1988)

Real success came in 1988, when she won the Eurovision Song Contest, held in Dublin, where Celine performed the song “Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi”. This was a completely different level of recognition, giving hope for admission into the world American stars. It’s not for nothing that the girl’s idol was (and forever remained) Michael Jackson, whose death she experienced very hard later.

Rene Angelil knew for sure: Celine would definitely become a world-class star. As part of this grandiose project, Rene insisted on changing her appearance. He had already achieved some success in this direction before: Celine was tall and very thin, and she did not wear too much makeup at all short haircut with ridiculous bangs, so the producer long ago convinced the girl to grow her hair and curl it beautifully.

But the girl also had a more serious drawback - an incorrect bite, which even at school caused constant ridicule from her classmates. When she underwent the necessary dental surgeries, her image changed dramatically.

Suddenly a problem with her voice arose: due to the inability to properly control her vocal cords, the girl felt severe pain in the throat, which could derail what had just begun singing career. I had to go to sabbatical to save your voice in silence for a month, and then fix the positive effect with special classes with a highly qualified vocal teacher, William Riley.

Angelil, working for the future, demanded that Celine also master the English language at the famous Berlitz school. And this yielded results: with an excellent command of the language of international communication, Dion in 1990 was able to make a very successful debut with the album “Unison” on the English-language music market. The musician and arranger David Foster, who constantly collaborated with her, helped the singer achieve such great success.

Celine Dion, Peabo Bryson - Beauty And The Beast

And in 1992, in a duet with Peabo Bryson, Dion recorded the title track for the Disney animated film Beauty and the Beast. The beautifully performed romantic composition graced Celine’s second English-language album, which went gold in the United States and brought the singer the prestigious Grammy and Oscar awards. Now Dion could safely go on her first tour of America.

Zenith of popularity

The singer's striking performances during tours in North American states, combined with the commercial success of her English-language albums, elevated Dion to superstar status. Her songs about love and fidelity were understandable and close to everyone. Her powerful and sonorous mezzo-soprano, covering a range of 5 octaves, makes the hearts of a multimillion-dollar audience of fans tremble. Such a voice is undoubtedly a great gift from above.

Interview with Celine Dion on the Larry King Show

Celine Dion achieved her goal: she gained unprecedented popularity in the United States and firmly established herself on the world stage. Proof of unconditional international recognition was the singer’s offer to perform the song “The Power of the Dream” at the opening Olympic Games-1996 in Atlanta, and also sang on VH1's Divas Live (1998) with superstars Gloria Estefan, Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey and Shania Twain.

Regularly appearing new recordings by Celine Dion increased her fame as the world's best-selling singer, which was confirmed by the awards she received. Thus, in 1996, Dion was awarded the World Music Awards for the third time with the wording “World's Best Selling Singer of the Year.” And for the album “Falling into You” (1996), she was awarded a Grammy for best pop album of the year.

Celine Dion - "My Heart Will Go On" (from the movie "Titanic")

At the end of the 1990s, Celine Dion set a real record: over 100 million of her albums were sold worldwide. Of course, a big impetus for the growth of the singer’s popularity was her masterpiece song “My Heart Will Go On,” which became main theme the best melodrama of the 90s - James Cameron's Titanic.

However, the beginning of the 2000s was marked by a short break in the singer’s career. In 2002, Celine Dion lit up the world with her return. music scene: her song “A New Day Has Come” topped the charts in almost 20 countries around the world.

Celine Dion - “A New Day Has Come”

The next decade was filled with hard work: annual album releases, participation in concerts, and active work as a UN FAO Goodwill Ambassador. Barbra Streisand, Luciano Pavarotti, Andrea Bocelli, AR Kelly, Patrick Bruel - that's far from full list the names of those famous performers with whom Dion sang a duet.

Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Celine Dion: biography, personal life, video" about the popular Canadian singer. If this is a new name for you, I'm sure you've heard her voice. Hard to find in the world modern man who has not heard the song from the movie Titanic. This is the voice of Celine Dion.

Celine Dion: biography

Celine Marie Claudette Dion is full name singers. She came into this world in the spring of 1968. Celine comes from a large family; besides her, there were 13 more children.

Mother and father were musicians and ran a small piano bar in the province of Quebec. At the age of 5, Celine decided to become a singer. When she turned 12, she wrote with her mother and brother French song, which changed her life forever.

Rene Angelil

The cassette with the song was sent to producer René Angélil. They say that when Rene heard her sing, he could not hold back his tears. A year later, this producer set a goal for himself: to make Celine a famous singer in the world. Rene mortgaged his own house to sponsor the debut album of the young singer!

With Renee's support, she begins a musical career. In 1982, 14-year-old Dion won a composers' competition in Japan. Study in English school helped her polish her English.

This was a necessary pass to Big world. Soon, Dion turned from a teenager into a young singer, ready for all difficulties.

After winning Eurovision, the 20-year-old singer was already enjoying superstar status in her native Quebec.

Soon the relationship between the producer and the singer grew from business to something more. The 26-year age difference forced the lovers to hide their relationship. After several years of secrecy, the happy couple got married in 1994. Rene Angelil became the closest person in the world after his parents. They will live in marriage for 22 years.


The pop star keeps a diary, which she remembers to write in every day. IN Lately she often includes quotes from her late husband. Celine believes that he was a very wise man, and is afraid to forget some of his sayings, which seem especially valuable to her. The pop star started this tradition during his lifetime.

Rene Angelil died in January 2016 from cancer (she died at the same time brother from the same disease). She still has a hard time dealing with this loss. And when she misses her loved one, she tries to communicate with him using a diary.

– Constant travel around the world with tours is huge and difficult task, says the 49-year-old widow. – This is especially true when you have three children. Traveling becomes problematic, sometimes it scares me. And now everything has become even more difficult, my grief has not yet passed.

She took long vacation in order to be with your spouse in the last hours of his life.

“He suffered for three years,” the widow complains. - It's a long time. I took a year off and told him: “I can only live well next to you, I don’t live for a career, you are my life, my work.”

Any wife would do this, any mother would do this. And any artist will do the same. I took care of him the best way, did everything she could. We talked a lot and made notes together. I still have my notebook and pencil. I write down all his questions, comments, thoughts there.

Today, Dion is learning to live again in a world in which his loved one no longer exists. Dion's height is 1.71 m, zodiac sign is

Video selection

In this video additional and detailed information"Celine Dion: biography, personal life." Photos of parents, husband, children, house, interior, etc.

Celine Marie Claudette Dion- singer, actress, songwriter.

Celine Dion was born on March 30, 1968 in Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada. The singer's parents are Adhemar Dion and Teresa Tanguet, Canadians of French origin. Celine is the youngest of 14 children born in the family. According to Dion herself. Their family was very poor, but happy.

Music has always been a part of the Dion family. The singer’s parents even named her after the song “Celine,” which was performed two years before her birth. French singer South Ofre.

In 1973, on August 13, Celine had her first public performance. This happened at her brother's wedding. The girl then sang the song “Du fil des aiguilles et du coton” by Christine Charbonneau.

Subsequently, Celine, along with her brothers and sisters, sang in her parents’ small piano bar, which was called “Le Vieux Baril”. Since childhood, Celine has cherished the dream of becoming a singer.

In 1980 12-year-old Celine, together with her mother and brother, composed their first song, “Ce n’etait qu’un reve.” The older brother sent a recording of this song to music manager Rene Angélil. Why should he? Because his name was written on the back of Jeanette Reno's album.

After listening to the recording, Angelil was touched by the voice of young Dion. He decided then that he would definitely make a star out of her.

In 1981 René mortgages his house with the intention of financing Céline's first recording, La voix du bon Dieu, translated as The Voice of God. This recording in Quebec made Dion a No. 1 star.

In 1982 Celine Dion takes part in the Yamaha music festival, which took place in Tokyo. The girl receives the award " Best Performer"and a gold medal for the song "Tellement j'ai d'amour pour toi'.

In 1983 Dion becomes the first Canadian artist to receive a gold record in France. The award was for the single “D’amour ou d’amitie”. Dion also receives several Felix awards, including “Discovery of the Year” and “Best Performer”.

In 1987 19-year-old Celine and 45-year-old Rene Angelil begin an affair. Their business relationship turns personal.

In 1988 In Europe, real success and popularity comes to Dion when she wins the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin, Ireland. Celine represented Switzerland. But Dion's American success was just ahead, because she was an exclusively French-speaking singer. After seeing Michael Jackson perform, Celine told Angelil that she wanted to be a star like Jackson.

In 1989 Rene, being completely confident in Celine’s talent, still knew that for world popularity the singer needed to correct her a little appearance. Dion disappears from the scene for a while. During this time she undergoes dental surgery and then goes to the Berlitz School to improve her English.

In 1989 Dion lost her voice while on tour in support of her Incognito album. She was offered to have surgery on her vocal cords or not use them for a long time. Celine refused the operation and took a course of vocal training in order to properly use her vocal cords.

In 1990 Celine Dion makes her English-language debut with her album Unison. The album receives good reviews from critics. The album establishes the singer as rising star in the USA, as well as continental Europe and Asia.

In 1991 Celine becomes the lead singer of "Voices That Care", a song that was dedicated to the American troops participating in Operation Desert Storm. In the same year, Dion, in a duet with Peabo Bryson, recorded the title song for the animated film “Beauty and the Beast,” which became a real international breakthrough for the singer. This track becomes both a commercial and critical hit for Celine, becoming her second single in the American top 10, and also brought Dion an Oscar for best song for a film, as well as a Grammy for best performance duet. This year, Dion and Angélil are officially engaged.

In 1992 The singer’s second English-language album is being released: “Celine Dion”, which was also very well received by listeners and critics. Dion's two albums, as well as constant performances, brought Celine the status of a North American superstar. The singer achieved one of her main goals - to achieve fame and gain a foothold in the English-speaking market.

In 1993 The singer’s third English-language album, “The Color of My Love,” is released, and in a dedication to it, Dion announced her feelings for Rene Angelil, calling him “the color of her love.” Fans enthusiastically accepted this couple.

In 1994 Celine and Rene got married at Notre Dame Cathedral in Quebec City in an extravagant ceremony. wedding ceremony, which aired live on Canadian television.

In 1995 The singer's album "D'eux" is released, which becomes the best-selling French-language album of all time.

In 1996 Dion won the World Music Awards for the third time as the world's best-selling Canadian female artist of the year. By the mid-1990s, Dion was establishing herself as one of the world's best-selling singers. The same year, Dion released her fourth English-language album, Falling into You, which covered many musical styles. The album received many mixed reviews. However, it became one of the best-selling albums of all time, going 11 times platinum and receiving a Grammy for best album of the year.

After this, Dion's status in the world musical Olympus became even stronger. She was even asked to sing "The Power of the Dream" in Atlanta at the 1996 Olympic Games opening ceremony.

In 1997 release the album “Let’s Talk About Love”, announced as a continuation of the previous album. World stars took part in the recording of the album: Barbra Streisand, Luciano Pavarotti, Bryan Adams and others. The album went diamond certified in Canada. The most successful composition of the album was the touching ballad “My Heart Will Go On”. It was she who served as the love theme of the film “Titanic” and topped the world charts, becoming Dion’s most recognizable song. In nominations like best song For the film, this composition receives an Oscar and a Golden Globe, as well as two Grammys for “best female pop vocal performance.”

Celine Dion ended the 90s with three extremely successful albums:
In 1998– Christmas album “These Are Special Times”.
In 1999- French-language album “S’il suffisait d’aimer”, as well as the collection “All the Way... A Decade of Song”.

In 2000, On January 5, Dion and Angélil renewed their wedding vows in Las Vegas. A little earlier, Rene was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. In the same year, Celine underwent two small operations at the New York reproductive medicine clinic and used, after several years unsuccessful attempts get pregnant, in vitro fertilization.

In 2001 On January 25, Dion gives birth to her son, Rene-Charles Dion Angélil. After the September 11 terrorist attacks, the singer returned to the music scene, appearing on television with the song “God Bless America.” Dion performed the song again before Super Bowl XXXVII in 2003 in San Diego. In December of the same year, the singer’s autobiography “My Story, My Dream”, her story of ascension, was published.

In 2002 The singer's album "A New Day Has Come" is released as a symbol of the end of her three-year absence from music industry. Throughout the year, Dion also performs at many charity concerts. This year, Dion announces that she has signed a 3-year deal to perform in 600 shows, five nights a week, at the Las Vegas Coliseum at Caesars Palace in the entertainment extravaganza A New Day... This move was noted by many as one of the very smart business decisions.

In 2003 Dion releases album dance music"One Heart", which receives moderate success and mixed reviews from critics. The French-language album “1 fille & 4 types” is also released, which became No. 1 in Canada, Belgium and France.

In 2004 Dion's next English-language album, “Miracle,” is released. This project was conceived by Celine together with photographer Anna Geddes, and is dedicated to children and motherhood.

In 2005 On Billboard's Money Makers list, Dion ranks 6th with $76 million earned from the show. The singer extends her contract until 2007.

In 2007 The album "D'elles" is released, Dion's last French-language album. Also this year, the singer releases her latest English-language album, entitled “Taking Chances.”

In 2008 Dion embarks on world tour in support of last album"Taking Chances", which was a huge success. For the second year in a row, Dion appeared on “Idol Gives Back” and was nominated for six Juno Awards, followed by three more in 2009.

In 2009 Celine Dion is named the 20th best-selling artist of the decade, the 2nd best-selling artist of the decade in the US, having sold over 17.57 million albums. That same year, Forbes reported that Celine Dion earned $100 million in 2008. And over the course of the entire decade, she earned $522.2 million. And most of this income is income from a five-year stay at Caesars Palace.

In 2010 Dion's documentary about her tour in support of her Taking Chances album is being released. It's called "Celine: The World Through Her Eyes." In the same year, in tribute to Michael Jackson, Dion performed the song “Earth Song” together with other stars on stage. In January of this year, the singer took first place in the annual Los Angeles Times list, as having earned $747.9 million from 2000 to 2009. Also in the Harris poll, Celine Dion was named the most popular musician in the USA, where she was ahead of even Elvis Presley, U2 and The Beatles.

On October 23, 2010, Celine Dion gives birth by Caesarean section to two healthy twins: Eddie and Nelson. In December of the same year, Dion and her newborn sons appeared on the cover of the Canadian Hello.

In 2011 Dion returns to Caesars Palace in Las Vegas for three years for the Celine show, which will feature all of her songs as well as select scores from Hollywood classics.

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Biography, life story of Celine Dion

She was the youngest of fourteen children in a working-class family in Quebec, and she should have been glad that her childish hands could even reach the cheese sandwiches left over from the older children, not to mention the piano. But in her family, living in a small village called Charlemagne, east of Montreal, there were two things they loved more than anything: children and music. (Céline herself was named after a song her mother liked to sing when she was pregnant). Celine's parents ran a small restaurant and club where children had the opportunity to demonstrate their musical talents to the public to the accompaniment of their father's accordion and mother's violin, and Celine first tried herself as a vocalist at the age of five. By the time she was twelve, Celine had composed her first song and, with the help of her mother and brother, recorded a demo tape, which she then sent to an address they found in an album by the popular French singer Genet Renaud. This turned out to be the address of Rene Angeli, who invited Celine to his office as soon as he received the recording. When he heard her sing live, he cried. He became her first admirer; this was just the beginning - then she would have millions of them. Celine's rise has begun.

Dion gradually transformed from a nightclub singer into a sweet-voiced pop siren (a surprisingly large percentage of her songs have the words "love" or "amor" in their titles). Her path to the top was fairly smooth, but not without difficulties - record companies, as it turned out, were not inclined to invest in her with the same ease as Angeli did. But Angeli was so fascinated by Dion’s talent that he mortgaged his own house to pay for her debut. The risk turned out to be justified - Celine's first two albums: "La Voix du bon Dieu" and "Celine Chante Noel" - made her a sensation in Canada. The young singer received a series of awards in a short time, including a gold medal at the Yamaha Festival in Tokyo. By 1983, while still in adolescence, Dion became the first Canadian to ever have a gold disc in France.


Celine had virtually no difficulties adolescence, which ruined more than one brilliantly started career. The young diva became more and more popular with every new song whether it was about “the depth of her love,” “the strength of her love,” or “the immeasurability of her love.” She has won countless Felix and Juno Awards (Canadian Grammys). The highlight of the first stage of her career came in 1988, when she won the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin and performed live in front of six hundred million television viewers in Europe, the USSR, the Middle East, Japan and Australia. However, the most difficult thing still had to be done - to get attention in Canada's neighboring country, the United States.

In 1990, Dion debuted with the English-language album "Unison" on Epic Records. However, her real breakthrough into the American market came with the help of Walt Disney Studios. Celine was chosen to sing the song for the animated film "Beauty and the Beast", and this song became the main song in her second English-language album "Celine Dion", 1992. The theme for "Beauty and the Beast" became No. 1 in the charts and brought the performer two major world titles at once. music awards: Grammy and Oscar.

Dion quickly conquered the States: released in 1993 and consisting mainly of ballads, “Color of My Love” literally drove America crazy. As always, the album contained many hits with the word “love” in their title.

Constant concerts, tours, and work in the studio left Celine little time for her personal life and “real”, not fictitious, love. It turned out that Rene Angeli managed to solve this problem. The romantic relationship between him and his best client began as soon as the latter turned 19. Three times previously married Angeli, who was also twenty-six years older than Dion, kept their relationship secret for several years, fearing to scare off the singer’s fans. However, when they eventually got married in Montreal's Notre Dame Basilica, Canadians treated the event with no less respect than royal wedding.

Dion performing at grand opening The Atlanta Olympics in 1996 confirmed that she had taken one of the main places on the world stage. The graceful Canadian's performance of "The Power of the Dream," a song co-written by Linda Thompson, Babyface and David Foster (who appeared on all of her English-language albums), left a deep imprint on the hearts of millions of Americans. And although some call Celine Dion a "vocal machine" and many critics consider her performing style cold and mechanical, Dion, with her enormous performance and commercial skill, continues to rise. Her 1996 album "Falling Into You" won two Grammy Awards: Album of the Year and Best Pop Album. And yet perhaps major success was expecting the singer with the release of James Cameron's film "Titanic".

Fate itself favored Celine Dion to become a worldwide famous singer. To begin with, she endowed her with excellent vocal abilities and gave her the opportunity to be born into a musical family, where the girl was supported in every possible way and helped to open up. Then she gave me a meeting with Rene Angelil and... the whole world. It is difficult to name a corner where one has not heard her lyric soprano, full of feelings and emotions. We invite you to follow the path of Celine Dion with us and find out how she was able to reach such heights.

short biography

On March 30, 1968, the Dion family, which had French-Canadian roots, welcomed its fourteenth child, little Celine. This event took place in the small town of Charlemagne, which later became part of Montreal - itself large city Canadian province of Quebec. This is where I spent my childhood future star. It was here that she took her first steps towards a global career. And her parents helped her with this.

Adhemar and Teresa Dion were the owners of a small bar. The establishment not only brought in a small income, but also allowed the whole family to feel like a single musical group. While father played the accordion and mother played the violin, the children sang. Such concerts took place every Sunday, allowing little Celine to hone her skills and become familiar with the stage.

  • The French-speaking singer remembers well her first performances for her huge family. A five-year-old girl delighted her loved ones with the songs of American rock singer Janis Joplin, standing on the kitchen table. The concert look consisted of a handmade dress and old shoes that the girl’s mother painted White color- money for new pair the family didn't have one.
  • The choice of René Angélil as Celine's future manager was somewhat accidental. The mother of a 12-year-old girl simply saw his name on the cover of the album of the popular Canadian singer Jeannette Renaud and decided to contact him.
  • At school, young Celine was not popular. A very thin girl with an overbite was laughed at by her classmates; they called her rude names, called her names, and threw snowballs at her. The singer herself had a hard time forcing herself to go to school, which she hated with all her heart. She couldn't wait for school to end so she could quickly get home and turn on the music.
  • Celine has a special passion for fashion. Deprived of beautiful outfits as a child, she more than makes up for the gap: she dresses from world-famous couturiers, changes up to 7 costumes per concert, shoots for fashion houses and delights fans with her own collections of accessories. So, in 2017, she presented more than 200 options for bags, belts and suitcases. Celine also owns the line perfume aromas. Elegant, stylish and gorgeous - those around her shower her with compliments. True, sometimes the work of her stylists and makeup artists causes condemnation from the press and army of fans.

  • The age difference with Rene affected their desire to have children. After marriage, Celine was determined to have a baby. Rene’s priorities had other tasks, and at the age of 52, health problems made themselves felt. The conflict of interest led to the woman beginning to lose weight and get sick more often. The culmination was Celine's attempt to poison herself from exhaust fumes in a closed garage. A series of unfortunate events, including Renee's throat cancer, led to soul-searching and a mutual desire to become parents.
  • In August 2015, Celine Dion launched for her fans interesting competition. She asked them to send songs for her own composition. The request was met with enthusiasm: in total, the singer received about 4,000 compositions. Among them, the track “À la plus haute branche” was chosen, which became a tribute to the artist’s husband and manager.
  • No pop singers - this was the main requirement that James Cameron made of the performer of the title song of the film “Titanic”. But James Horner, the film's composer, gave him a demo of Celine to listen to. The result is known to everyone. Before inviting Celine to perform the soundtrack, Horner described the film's content to the woman. It touched the singer so much that she cried and without hesitation agreed to come to the studio to record the composition.

  • After several concerts in a row, the performer gives her voice a rest. She simply stops talking for 1-2 days, tries to laugh and cough so as not to strain her ligaments. Communication is carried out using a notepad. This “treatment” was prescribed to her by doctors back in 1989, after the woman lost her voice on stage. Three weeks of silence or the end of the singer’s career - this was the verdict put forward by experts. And Celine fell silent to sing with renewed vigor.
  • In 2008, Celine had to cancel a concert in her native Canada. The reason for such a radical decision was criticism from local journalists who spoke unflatteringly about the singer’s show. This is not the first time such disagreements have occurred with the Canadian public. At the dawn of American popularity, in 1992, Celine won the English Artist of the Year award. But she had to refuse the award in order to prove her love to her French-Canadian fans.
  • In the mid-1990s, Celine helped organize the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. She was prompted to take this step by the death of her niece Karin, who died from this disease. Dion dedicated the very lyrical and touching composition “Vole” to her.
  • Celine admires the vocal abilities of Scottish singer Annie Lennox, Barbra Streisand, Adele. Her development as a performer was influenced by the work of Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, the Beatles, and Stevie Wonder. If we talk about French-speaking artists, these were Jacques Brel and Ginette Reno.
  • On shelves in the early 2000s bookstores one could find Celine's autobiography entitled "My Story, My Dream".

  • In 2003, the singer entered into an agreement under which she was to give 600 concerts in Las Vegas. The performances lasted for 5 years, 5 times a week.
  • Celine enjoys playing golf and tennis, and also goes in for swimming.
  • If not for the music, where would we see Celine now? On the podium. A career as a fashion model was a fallback option in case of failure in the music world.
  • The singer considers a 5-cent coin to be her talisman. She found it before her first victory in Tokyo.
  • Celine plays the piano and sings in five languages. True, in Spanish, Japanese and German infrequently.
  • The Canadian is often compared to Mariah Carey, Barbra Streisand and Lara Fabian. There are many parallels with the latter. Both are of French origin, both have excellent vocal abilities, and both tried to conquer the American public. They even performed at Eurovision the same year. Only Celine then took first place, and Lara took fourth.
  • Andrea Bocelli, Barbra Streisand, Patrick Bruel, R Kelly, Peabo Bryson, Luciano Pavarotti - this is just a small list of names with whom Celine sang a duet.

Among 146 singles it is difficult to choose the best ones. Even fans of the star are at a loss when asked to name their idol’s favorite songs. But there are compositions that instantly come to mind when the name Celine Dion is heard.

  • « My heart will go on" Perhaps the soundtrack received no less popularity than the film for which it was written. The single topped the charts different countries and acquired status from gold to diamond.

“My heart will go on” (listen)

  • « The power of love" - a song by Jennifer Rush, which, performed by Dion, acquired a different sound. When arranging the track, the emphasis was placed on the strength of the Canadian's vocals, rather than on the instrumental accompaniment. The result is a beautiful, heartfelt song.
  • « Because you loved me"entered rotation in 1996 and captivated the American and Canadian public. This is a touching and tender composition, which sings about gratitude to a man for strong love and support.

“Because you loved me” (listen)

  • « A new day has come" In addition to beautiful vocals, the single is lively and light musical accompaniment. It was with this song that she returned after the birth of her first son.
  • « Un amour pour moi" - an example from the singer’s early work in French. This composition is memorable for its beautiful lyrics and romantic music, which is typical of love songs.

“Un amour pour moi” (listen)

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