Counting book in English for children.

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Counting books “In English” read

One, two. How are you?
Three, four. Who's at the door?
Five, six. My name is Fixed.
Seven, eight. Sorry, I'm late.
Nine, ten. Say it again.

One, two. How are you doing?
Three four. Who's there at the door?
Five six. My name is Mr. Fix.
Seven eight. Sorry, I'm late.
Nine ten. Do it all again.

come on out and play with me.
come and play.
come with them.
near the tree.
Oh, how happy we will be.
Lots of fun for you and me.

Come out and play with me.
Go and play.
Go with them.
Next to the tree.
Oh, how happy we will be.
Lots of fun for you and me.

Eeny, weeny, winey, wo,
Where do all the Frenchmen go?
To the east and to the west,
And into the old crow's nest.

Yeni, Veni, Vini, Vut,
Where are the French all running?
They run to the west and east,
To the old crow's nest!

Out goes the rat,
Out goes the cat,
Out goes the lady
With the big green hat.
Y, O, U spells you,
O, U, T spells out!

There comes a rat
There's a cat coming out
There's a lady coming out
In a big, green hat.
T-Y means you,
V-O-N means out!

Buttons, a farthing a pair,

They are round and sound and pretty,
And fit for the girls of the city.
Come, who will buy them of me?
Buttons, a farthing a pair.

Who has strong buttons,
Who has round buttons,
Who has bright buttons
Haven't bought it yet?
Brilliant, good!
Half a dozen is a penny,
Hurry up, those who forgot.

Hi all! It's no secret that young children learn a foreign language faster, easier and more productively. However, sometimes they have a hard time: their parents force them to learn the language, and the kids still don’t quite understand why they need to be able to speak English. But it’s up to you to turn your children’s learning into a fun game. A variety of teasers, nursery rhymes and counting rhymes English language will help you easily learn numbers, colors, days of the week, names of animals in English. Counting rhymes for children in English

At 4-5 years old, little ones, with the help of teachers, parents and other family members, begin to learn small rhymes in Russian (Eniki-benniki, We sat on the golden porch, Interest, etc.). Why not teach your child English nursery rhymes. Then he will be able to use them not only at home or in class, but also in real games with other children:

Eeny, weeny, winey, wo,
Where do all the Frenchmen go?
To the east and to the west,
And into the old crow's nest.


Yeni, Veni, Vini, Vut,
Where are the French all running?
They run to the west and east,
To the old crow's nest!

Most of these humorous rhymes are devoid of deep meaning, however, using them in games with peers, the baby is simultaneously immersed in the English language. Children's counting rhymes can also be used by adults to resolve disputes between children, in classes, in collective games or when you need to fairly determine who should be in charge. Trust chance!

Very often, inventive children come up with little rhymes themselves, and they are very pretty. But most often the professionals who write rhyming rhymes and teases are children's poets. The ancient rhymes lost their authorship and became popular.

Counting tables have been known since ancient times. In those days, counting rhymes were used by adults to distribute household responsibilities; with their help, they found out who would stay to defend their homes, who would go to war, and what their role would be in the hunt. This was the fate of fate, whose decision was never disputed.

According to another version, our ancestors used these poems for veiled counting, hence the name. In order not to offend the gods or arouse their envy, the ancients counted their booty in an allegorical form. Our ancestors believed that words have great strength, therefore, great attention was paid to pronounced rhymes using non-existent lexemes:

Azi, dvazi, zizi, prize,
Noise, room, oak, cross.

Over time, counting rhymes have lost such significance for adults, and today they are used only by children or only in relation to children.

Why are English counting rhymes needed today?

Children's counting rhymes today are used to establish turns, to indicate to the participants, whoever gets the chance is the one who leads, or vice versa, whoever is the last to remain is the one in charge. By learning rhymes in English, children train their memory and develop a sense of rhythm. English teasers play a significant role in general development children, teaching them foreign language and account:

1, and 2, and 3, and 4
I am sitting on the floor
I am playing with a ball (ball)
And a pretty little doll

Saying rhymes out loud and performing appropriate actions develops children's diction and correct English pronunciation, coordination of movements and fine motor skills fingers. The images that emerge as the story progresses stimulate creative thinking, drawing vivid images in children’s imaginations:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star. (Shine, shine little star)
How I wonder what you are! (It's great that you exist!)
Up above the world so high, (Above the ground so high,)
Like a diamond in the sky. (Like a diamond in the sky)

Nursery rhymes teach a child to interact with peers in the language of society: accept certain rules, act according to them, find compromises. A child who knows a lot of rhymes in English enjoys authority among his peers and often acts as an organizer and leader among children.

Child psychologists also claim that when saying nursery rhymes, kids often touch each other. And this contributes to the production trust relationships within the group and creating a friendly disposition. And having received, as a result of the counting rhyme, a not very pleasant role in the game, the child learns to use volitional efforts.

I have selected for you several dozen interesting English rhymes with and without translation:

Teasing is interesting for children. It’s fun to compose them yourself and easy to remember existing ones. Counting books in English allow your child to easily, with pleasure, game form gain new knowledge and enrich your stock of foreign vocabulary. This is a perfect example of oral folk art transmitted from mouth to mouth. Such poems are the most simple method involve the little student in the learning process and instantly attract his attention.

Good luck to you and your baby! Bye!

Bee, a bee

Bee, a bee, a bumblebee
Stung a man upon his knee
And a hog upon his snout,
I'll be dogged if you ain't out!

Bee, bee, queen
I was bitten on the knee
And a pig in the cheek - wow!
I'm not me if YOU don't come out!

One, two, three, four, five

One, two, three, four, five,
I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I let him go again.
O-U-T spells out goes you!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I caught a fish again.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Let her go, don't laugh.
I'll tell you: Oh, you!
It happened again - YOU are driving!

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

A, B, C, D, E, F, G
Come on out and play with me.
H, I, J come and play.
K, L, M come with them.
N, O, P near and tree.
Q, R, S, T, U, V
Oh, how happy we will be.
W, X, Y, Z
Lot's of fun for you and me.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G
Come out and play.
H, I, J Don't be sorry
K, L, M Hurry up
N, O, P Walk next to me
Q, R, S, T, U, V
How happy we are
W, X, Y, Z
We play, you drive!

Rain-rain go away

Rain-rain go away,
Come again another day;
Little Johnny wants to play.
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Don't show your face again

Rain, rain, go away,
Come another day;
Johnny wants to play.
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Don't show yourself anymore.

One to ten

One for sorrow,
two for joy,
three for a girl,
four for a boy,
five for silver,
six for gold
seven for a secret,
never to be told,
eight for a wish,
nine for a kiss,
ten for a time
of joyous bliss.

1 is sadness,
2 is joy,
3 is a girl
4 this is a guy
5 is silver,
6 is gold
and 7 is a secret,
What is not given to know
8 - desire,
9 - hugging,
And 10 is nice
Attention everyone.

You need to use all forms: fairy tales, games, poems, songs and, of course, nursery rhymes in English. Counting books are used to learn a language, expand vocabulary, and improve a child’s diction. Counting rhymes can and should be introduced to a child from a very early age.

This genre of oral folk art arose in ancient times. Then, with the help of short rhymes, responsibilities around the house were determined: who should hunt, who would guard the hearth, who would clean, who would cook, who would guard the home. Such rhymes had a sacred meaning, were considered a choice of fate, and no one could challenge the verdict of the rhyme.

Nowadays, children often use counting rhymes in games: when dividing into teams or to determine the leader. We know a lot of Russian-language counting rhymes, but from an early age a child should be introduced to counting rhymes in English.

Advantages of counters:

  • Make the language learning process more fun and exciting for the child
  • Train your memory
  • Develop diction and fine motor skills (when accompanied by gestures)
  • I increase my vocabulary

How and when to use counting rhymes:

  • At home. Make counting rhymes in English a good tradition. Count with your child when choosing clothes, fruits, candies, and distributing simple household chores.
  • Playing with toys. Show your child that you can count, which doll can be given tea first, which car can be taken out of the garage, which bunny can be given a carrot. Then the child will learn to have fun, even if you are not always there
  • Playing with other children. Tell your child that often all conflicts can be resolved with an ordinary counting rhyme: decide who will play first and who will play second. Help your child explain this to other children.

Options for counting rhymes

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

One of the most common American rhymes. Its text is not difficult to remember, but you should pay attention. that the first and last lines of the counting rhyme are simply a set of incomprehensible words.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a tiger by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

Tinker, Taylor

Traditional English counting rhyme, which was used not only as a calculation in the game, but also as a unique form of fortune telling. True, girls used more than full version this counting rhyme.

Dip Dip Dip

Very often, counting rhymes are known in the form of funny songs. Your child can perform them too, singing:

Dip Dip Dip
My blue ship
Sailing on the water
Like a cup and saucer,
But you are not in IT

Memory books

Counting books can be used not only during the game, but also as a memorization tool important words for a child:

  • names of numbers
  • days of the week
  • seasons
Here is an example of a counting rhyme for memorizing numbers:
Own, two,
I love you.
Three, four,
Touch the floor.
Five, six,
Mix and mix.
Seven, eight,
It is great.
Nine, ten,
Play again.

Simple counting poems are quickly remembered and can turn even the most boring activity (for example, picking up toys around the room) into a fun game.

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