What does a lucky ticket mean? What to do with a lucky ticket: folk signs and superstitions

How many ways are there to pay 50 cents? We believe that you can pay in pennies 1, nickels 5, dimes 10, quarters 25 and half dollars 50. Gyorgy Pólya popularized this problem by demonstrating an instructive way to solve it using generating functions.

Let us write down an infinite sum representing all possible methods of exchange. It's easiest to start with the case where there are fewer varieties of coins, so let's start with the fact that we don't have any coins except pennies. The sum of all ways to pay a certain number of pennies (and only pennies) can be written as

since each payout option includes a number of nickels selected from the first multiplier and a number of pennies selected from P. (Note that N does not equal the amount is 1 + 1 + 5 + (1 + 5 ) 2 + (1 + 5 ) 3 + ..., since this amount includes many types of payments more than once. For example, the term (1 + 5 ) 2 = 1 1 + 1 5 + 5 1 + 5 5 treats 1 5 and 5 1 as if they were distinct, but we want to list all sets of coins once without regard to their order. )

Similarly, if we also allow for dimes, we get an infinite amount

Our task is to find how many terms in C cost exactly 50 cents.

The problem is solved using a simple trick. Replace 1 with z, 5 per z 5, 10 on z 10, 25 per z 25 and 50 on z 50 . Each term will then be replaced by z n, Where n the value of the original term in penny. For example, the term 50 10 5 5 1 will turn into z 50+10+5+5+1 = z 71. Each of the four possible ways to pay 13 cents, namely 10 1 3 , 5 1 8 , 5 2 1 3 and 1 13 , will reduce to z 13 ; therefore, the coefficient at z 13 after z-there will be 4 substitutions.

Let P n, N n, D n, Q n and C n denotes the number of ways to pay the amount in n cents, if you can use coins no older than 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents, respectively. Our analysis has shown that these numbers are coefficients for z n in the corresponding power series

P = 1 + z + z 2 + z 3 + z 4 + ... ,
N = (1 + z 5 + z 10 + z 15 + z 20 + ...)P,
D = (1 + z 10 + z 20 + z 30 + z 40 + ...)N,
Q = (1 + z 25 + z 50 + z 75 + z 100 + ...)D,
C = (1 + z 50 + z 100 + z 150 + z 200 + ...)Q.

It's obvious that P n= 1 for all n≥0. On brief reflection it is easy to prove that N n = [n/5] + 1: to add up to n cents from pennies and nickels, we must take 0, or 1, or..., or [ n/5] nickels, after which there will be only one way to select the required number of pennies. So the values P n And N n easy to calculate, but with D n , Q n And C n the situation is much more complicated.

One approach to studying these formulas is based on the observation that 1 + z m + z 2m+ ... there is simply 1/(1 z m). Therefore we can write

Now, equating the coefficients for z n in these equations, we obtain recurrence relations, from which the desired coefficients are easily calculated:

For example, the coefficient at z n V D= (1 z 25)Q equals Q n – Q n 25; so it must be Q n – Q n 25 = D n, as written above.

It would be possible to reveal these relationships and express Q n, for example, in the form Q n = D n + D n 25 + D n 50+ D n 75 + ..., where the sum breaks off when the indices become negative. However, the original, non-iterative form is convenient in that each coefficient is calculated using just one addition, as in Pascal's triangle.

We use these relations to find C 50 . Firstly, C 50 = C 0 + Q 50 so what do we need to know Q 50 . Further, Q 50 = Q 25 + D 50 and Q 25 = Q 0 + D 25; therefore we are also interested D 50 and D 25. These values D n in turn depend on D 40 , D 30 , D 20 , D 15 , D 10 and D 5 and from N 50 , N 45 , ..., N 5 . Thus, to determine all the necessary coefficients, it is enough to perform simple calculations:

n 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Pn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Nn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Dn 1 2 4 6 9 12 16 25 36
Qn 1 13 49
Cn 1 50

At the very bottom of the table is the answer C 50: There are exactly 50 ways to tip 50 cents.

What can we say about the closed form for C n? Multiplying all the equations gives us a compact expression for the generating function

which is a rational function of z, the denominator of which has a power of 91. Thus, we can factor the denominator into 91 factors and express C n in a “closed form”, consisting of 91 terms. But such a terrible expression does not fit into any gates. Is it possible to find something better in this particular case rather than using the general method?

And here is the first glimmer of hope: if in C(z) replace 1/(1 z) to (1 + z + z 2 + z 3 + z 4)/(1 z 5):

= (1 + z + z 2 + z 3 + z 4)Č (z 5), Č (z) =

then the degree of the denominator of the “compressed” function Č (z) is only 19 now, so this feature is much better than the original one. New expression for C(z) shows, in particular, that C 5n = C 5n+1 = C 5n+2 = C 5n+3 = C 5n+4 ; and indeed, this relationship is easy to explain: a tip of 53 cents can be given in exactly the same number of ways as a tip of 50 cents, since the number of pennies modulo 5 is known in advance.

However, even for Č (z) there is no simple expression based on the roots of the denominator. Probably the simplest way to calculate coefficients Č (z) will be obtained if we notice that each factor in the denominator is a divisor of 1 z 10 . Therefore we can write

Here, for completeness, is an expanded expression for A(z):

(1 + z + ... + z 9) 2 (1 + z 2 + ... + z 8)(1 + z 5) =
= 1 + 2z + 4z 2 + 6z 3 + 9z 4 + 13z 5 + 18z 6 + 24z 7 +
+ 31z 8 + 39z 9 + 45z 10 + 52z 11 +57z 12 + 63z 13 + 67z 14 + 69z 15 +
+ 69z 16 + 67z 17 + 63z 18 + 57z 19 + 52z 20 + 45z 21 + 39z 22 + 31z 23 +
+ 24z 24 + 18z 25 + 13z 26 + 9z 27 + 6z 28 + 4z 29 + 2z 30 + z 31 .

And finally, taking advantage of the fact that

we obtain the following expression for the coefficients Č n at degrees z n in the expansion of the function Č (z), in which n = 10q + r and 0≤ r<1 0:

Č 10q+r = A j ( k + 4
) =
j, k
= A r ( q + 4
) + A r+10 ( q + 3
) + A r+20 ( q + 2
) + A r+30 ( q + 1
) .

There are actually 10 different cases here, one for each value r; but it's still a good closed formula compared to alternatives involving powers of complex numbers.

Using this expression, we can find out, for example, the value C 50q = Č 10q. Here r=0 and we have

for an amount of 1 dollar it turns out

( 6
) + 45 ( 5
) + 52 ( 4
) = 292 ways;

and for a million dollars this number will be

( 2000004
) + 45 ( 2000003
) + 52 ( 2000002
) + 2 ( 2000001
) =

= 66666793333412666685000001.

Lucky ticket is a belief and mathematical entertainment based on a numerological game with a travel ticket number. What to do with a lucky ticket: folk signs and superstitions When buying a ticket on public transport, a person hopes to get a lucky one! What kind of ticket is this, and what to do with it?

    How to determine a lucky ticket?

    A lucky ticket is one in which the sum of the first three numbers is equal to the sum of the last three numbers. This method of determining a lucky ticket is the most common. It is also called Moscow. There is a St. Petersburg method for determining a lucky ticket. According to old Leningrad signs and superstitions, the ticket whose sum of even numbers will be equal to the sum of the odd numbers in its serial number will bring good luck. Such lucky tickets come across very often. However, there are also special, rare tickets that, according to signs, bring even greater luck. For example, a lucky ticket is a ticket whose six-digit number consists of identical digits. Also, the ticket whose first three digits and last three are the same brings good luck. For example: 321132. In addition to lucky tickets, there are also counter tickets. They are those tickets whose sum of the first three numbers is one unit more or less than the sum of the last three numbers. If you get such a ticket, then on this day you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time.

  • What to do with a lucky ticket?

An old superstition says that if you suddenly come across a lucky ticket, you must eat it immediately, and then good luck will come. However, as practice shows, this ritual does not bring anything other than indigestion. However, there is some wisdom in this ritual. It was probably recommended to eat the ticket so that no one could see the location of the numbers on it. Most likely, the numbers on a lucky ticket or their sum help you win the lottery or solve some problem. If you find a lucky ticket, save it. According to popular belief, it will certainly bring good luck. But at the same time, do not forget to remember either its numbers or their sum - this may lead you to the right decision in a difficult situation.

  • Make a wish for a lucky ticket

Having received a lucky ticket, you can calculate its numerological code and make a wish in accordance with its meaning. This way you enhance the effect of digital vibrations. The ticket code is the sum of all the digits of its number reduced to a prime number. For example: 142511=1+4+2+5+1+1=14=1+4=5.

  • What is the meaning of the main numbers and what is the best guess for each of them?

Lucky ticket: amount equals 1

One is a strong, active number that patronizes risky endeavors, radical decisions, and twists of fate. If you want to change your situation dramatically - move, change jobs, meet your loved one, get rich - make a wish.

One is also favorable for wishing for success in private business: even if you consider yourself not enterprising enough, forget about it - a lucky ticket will help in the implementation of the most fantastic project.

Lucky ticket: amount equals 2

A number associated with interaction and communications, recognition and popularity, so make a wish for the embodiment of some career or creative ambitions.

If there is discord in a family or relationship, then on this date it is good to make plans for reconciliation and voice dreams of mutual understanding and peace in the family.

Lucky ticket: amount equals 3

The troika is responsible for communication - productive, friendly, related, romantic. For anyone who needs mutual understanding with a specific person - be it a loved one or a boss - a lucky ticket with such a code will help win favor and sympathy.

If you experience problems in communication, then shyness and complexes should give way to your desire.

Lucky ticket: amount equals 4

A number associated with control and submission, with the influence you have on other people.

If you are not a very strict parent, the four will help you exert the necessary influence on your teenage child; if you are a boss, it will force your subordinates to zealously carry out your orders; if you are in love, it will help you insist on your own. But try not to overdo it with desire - you don’t want to be perceived as a tyrant and despot? A lucky ticket

Lucky ticket: amount equals 5

The number of emotions and feelings, romance and adventure. Forget about problems at work.

It's time to plunge into the ocean of love and wish that your feelings will be reciprocated and that you will not delay in proposing marriage. Even into the usual course of family life, this lucky ticket can bring a feeling of novelty and temptation.

Lucky ticket: amount equals 6

A number associated with self-realization. Are you sure that you have chosen the profession that best suits your abilities and character? Shouldn't you wish for changes in your life that will help reveal your personality?

Feel free to dream, just let your dreams look like a strategy, not like an abstract painting: formulate your desire as clearly as possible - this number loves order and clarity.

Lucky ticket: amount equals 7

Seven is a guide to mysterious, mystical, transcendental worlds. You should not wish for something everyday or material - this magic number will help you in your spiritual quest, reveal amazing secrets to you, and allow you to penetrate into subtle realms.

You can ask for a lucky ticket to reveal your esoteric abilities or receive a sign from above, see your guardian angel or look into the future. But are you ready to fulfill such a desire, maybe choose something simpler? Lucky ticket

Lucky ticket: amount equals 8

It's time to make a wish for something concrete, significant, visible; eight is the number of wealth and prosperity. If you are unhappy with your financial situation, wish for unexpected wealth, cash flow, salary increase or inheritance.

Make a gift that you most dream of, or some kind of major purchase, you can voice your desire to open your own business, in general, this numerical code requires earthly and material desires.

Lucky ticket: amount equals 9

It's time to extract supposedly insoluble problems from the memory archive and try to overcome them with renewed vigor. Nine will help you untangle even the most tangled knots of personal relationships and solve the most complex production or scientific problems.

In case there are zeros or repetitions in a number, the strength of its main number is weakened. But a lucky ticket, in which all the numbers are different, enhances the attraction of luck.

I can’t say that I’m lucky in life, but I come across them quite often.

This is a couple of my rare tickets:

Got this one today.

May this post bring you some luck! Thank you for your attention! Don't forget to pay your fare and get lucky tickets more often!

A, m. billet m., German. Billett.1. A paper with an official order, order. Sl. 18. The cardinal and civil secretary Lercari recently ordered Mr. Rizz... to hand over a ticket in which he announces to him that without slowing down the road... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

On a Turkmen Airlines plane Ticket (French billet, from the medieval billetus note, letter, certificate; certificate ... Wikipedia

Noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) what? tickets for what? ticket, (see) what? ticket, what? ticket, what about? about the ticket; pl. What? tickets; (no) what? tickets for what? tickets, (see) what? tickets, what? tickets, what about? about tickets 1. A ticket is a document... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Adj., used. very often Morphology: happy and happy, happy and happy, happy and happy, happy and happy; happier; adv. happily, happily 1. Happy is someone who experiences great joy, happiness, because... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Ticket The Ticket Genre Drama Director ... Wikipedia

It Could Happen To You Genre Comedy Director Andrew Bergman Starring Nicolas Cage Bridget Fonda ... Wikipedia

TICKET, huh, husband. 1. A document certifying the right to use something. one-time or for a certain period. Zheleznodorozhny b. Seasonal, monthly b. (for travel for a season, for a month). Single travel card b. (for travel on different types of urban... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

HAPPY, oh, oh; happy and happy. 1. Full of happiness, such that rum is favored by luck and success; expressing happiness. Happy life. Happy childhood. If you want to be happy, be happy (joking). Happy as a child. Happy face... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

happy- I see happy; Wow; m. II aya, oh; happy/sliv, ah, oh. see also happy, happy, happy, happily, happily 1) than, with inf., with appendix. additional One that is tested... Dictionary of many expressions

A; m. [French] billet] 1. A document certifying the right to use something, visit something, participate in something. Tram, trolleybus, railway b. Monthly, travel pass b. (such a reusable document for travel to... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Lucky ticket (set of 2 books), Elena Davydova-Harwood, Olga Bakushinskaya, Eduard Shatov. We present to your attention a set of two books in the LUCKY TICKET series...
  • A unique encyclopedia of happiness. How to win a lucky ticket and catch a goldfish. The best techniques and techniques, Pravdina N.. What does any woman need to be happy? So that there are fewer problems and sorrows in life, and more joyful moments. So that when you look in the mirror in the morning, you would always smile and think: “Well...

In the section on the question How to determine a lucky ticket or not and is it necessary to eat lucky tickets? given by the author Marriage the best answer is more tickets - great happiness

Answer from Alyonka[guru]
How can you eat a ticket that the conductor previously touched with her dirty hands?

Answer from Andrey Chervov[active]
If the sum of the first three digits is equal to the sum of the second three, then the ticket is lucky. But there is no need to eat =(

Answer from Neurosis[guru]
No longer necessary.

Answer from tractor manufacturing[newbie]
There are 7 numbers there! Which ones to fold?
let's say it's 5072937
that means we add 5 0 and 7 we get 12 these are the first 3 numbers
the second 3 numbers which we add 2 9 and 3 we get 14
what to do with seven?!

Answer from Victoria Fidotova[newbie]
I don’t advise you to eat the ticket because the conductor touched it, and his hands are not sterile! If the first three digits match the second, then this is a lucky ticket. To become happy just carry it with you.

Answer from Irina Chikineva[newbie]
It is not enough to simply find a ticket with the desired combination of numbers in order to become happy. According to legend, such a coupon must be kept and carried with you everywhere - in a wallet or pocket of a bag. If you don't want to collect useless items, there is another option. The lucky coupon must be eaten. And then you will certainly be lucky))

"Happy ticket"
We all travel in transport. On the way to work, home, vacation spot and
etc. And very often we buy a travel ticket, which in most cases has
cases a six-digit number. By adding the first three digits of the ticket number and
by comparing them with the sum of the second three digits we define “happiness”
of this ticket. With the “lucky” number everything is more or less clear and
most people know. What about other numbers other than zero? It's clear that
the difference in numbers varies from 0 to 27. That’s how this plate was born...
The action of the ticket is trivial (by the way, it is not at all necessary to eat it!) -
the ticket is valid for 24 hours from the moment of activation or until purchase
the next ticket with a meaningless number. Ticket activation
occurs after counting the number and realizing its meaning - so
say, a magical ritual.
(Note: If the following ticket has its own meaning and
the previous one has not yet been extinguished - one value is superimposed on the other. Well,
for example - you took a ticket with a difference in numbers = 1 = - which means
date. We switched to another transport without meeting anyone we knew -
that is, the ticket is still active and has not “triggered”. We took a new ticket - and
the difference in numbers = 7 = - that is, lime. So what or could happen
two events, or they will merge into one - on a date you will still get
news (“I’m pregnant!” - joke...). And so on. Combinations of
sequences of three numbers were not tested by the authors - there are no large ones
statistical data when driving with three transfers is rare,
This scheme was determined experimentally. As in any experimental
In fact, errors are possible. Send your observations and they will be
taken into account next time.

Difference of numbers Meaning Interpretation

0 Luck Any planned business will end successfully or you will
I'll definitely be lucky in some way.

1 Date You will meet a person whom you will be glad to see (meeting
personal, not for work).

2 Meeting You are having a business meeting.

3 Repeat Something will have to be repeated, otherwise it won’t work.

4 Warning Be careful! Today you may be late for your destination
appointments! Don't relax and everything will be successful. But if you gape -
lateness guaranteed!

5 Pleasantness A pleasant meeting or event will improve your mood!

6 Trouble An unpleasant meeting or event can spoil you
mood. Don't worry too much!

7 News You will receive news from someone!

8 Chaos Something today will not be able to grow together, connect, or end...

9 Completion Some started business will be completely closed today.

10 Beginning Today you will start a new project or a new thought will dawn on you,

11 Walk Well, either there’s a traffic jam, or you’ll just have to take a walk...

12 Dozen Possible drinking of alcoholic beverages...

13 The Devil's Dozen Possible drinking of alcoholic beverages to obscene levels

14 Doesn't mean anything
15 Doesn't mean anything
16 Doesn't mean anything
17 Doesn't mean anything
18 Doesn't mean anything
19 Doesn't mean anything
20 Doesn't mean anything
21 Doesn't mean anything
22 Doesn't mean anything
23 Doesn't mean anything
24 Doesn't mean anything
25 Repeat Something will have to be repeated, otherwise it won’t work.

26 Meeting You are having a business meeting.

27 Date You will meet someone you will be glad to see
(personal meeting, not for work).

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