Lucky colors you should wear based on your zodiac sign. Lucky color for Sagittarius

Each light wave carries a certain impulse and energy. The color encrypts a kind of code that activates one or another facet of your character.

Knowing your color according to your Zodiac sign, you will be able to control Destiny in the right direction, and you will receive the key to finding prosperity and happiness in love!

Color by zodiac sign

The energy of light can calm or, on the contrary, cause irritation. A correctly selected light range will boost immunity, increase fortitude, allow you to attract the right people and quickly achieve success in business.

Representatives of the elements of Water, Fire, Earth and Air according to the horoscope must select colors so that they activate their most powerful character traits.

Aries: red

The planet that rules the Zodiac sign, which is part of the circle of the element of Fire - Mars, symbolizes liberated energy and courage.

Bright scarlet or red color in clothes or apartment interior will help you increase initiative, endurance and enhance the power of passion in love

Red color inspires the Aries soul in actions, helps to assert oneself in life, and effectively maintains personal attractiveness.

For Aries, this light wave is like a charger, allowing for maximum development of talents and opportunities in the financial sector.

The red color will not leave Aries without the attention of others, but combinations with other colors must be done very carefully. Very nobly emphasizes his dignity White color(will make the energy calm, clean and balanced) or pink (will increase femininity and give a feeling of happiness).

Taurus: green

The energy of spring and development nourishes people born under the sign of Taurus, which is part of the circle of the Earth element. For you green color like sprouts that always rush upward and grow more and more. Be sure to include the color green and its shades in the interior of your apartment, clothing items, or purchase accessories that match the color.

The high energy of the green color wave will attract wealth and business success to your home. For you, this color according to your zodiac sign means prosperity, financial well-being and building a strong family.

A Taurus who has successfully chosen the green color scheme will become a leader in the team, a role model and will have all the signs of absolute progress in business. For you, the happiest time of the year is spring, when nature itself dresses in green, actively strengthening Taurus’ connection with the Higher Powers.

Gemini: yellow

The omnipresent and restless representatives of this zodiac sign are bright representatives of the element of Air. Warm yellow color will raise your morale, set you up for positivity and allow you to show off your wit.

Yellow, like the Sun, burns away all negativity, vices, poverty and misfortune, purifying Gemini’s energy for happiness and harmony. He illuminates a prosperous future for you in love and prosperity.

According to the zodiac sign, this color motivates action and behavior in order to achieve the intended goal, inspires development and increased sociability, and improves mood. Yellow color will strengthen the mental abilities of people born under the sign of Gemini, allowing them to concentrate on the main thing and not waste their energy on trifles.

Cancer: silver and white

The majestic and wise Moon patronizes all representatives of this zodiac sign. Your native element is water, which can be both hard and soft and like air. Therefore, pure white color will saturate your energy with perfection and virtue. But the silver shade will give Cancer subtle intuition and connection with the Higher Powers. It is not for nothing that the color white is always present in paintings where angels, prophets and people with supernatural abilities are depicted. This color wave carries invisible tints of other colors and resembles a rainbow.

White color according to the zodiac sign increases everything that is put on it: money, prosperity, endurance and luck. He will bring you growth creativity and the opportunity to expand your business horizons. But the energy of silver color will complement all this with cordiality and a feeling of comfort.

Leo Color: Gold

The royal representative of the fire element according to the sign of the Zodiac should rightfully dress in shiny gold. It is this color that will give Leo a passionate heart, strengthening the strength of his spirit. Like the Sun (the ruling planet of Leo), the golden color wave attracts great prospects in the field of gaining power and prestigious positions.

Shiny gold will give people born under the sign of Leo an optimistic outlook on life, generosity, generosity, luxurious appearance. Color highlights natural talents, helps develop leadership abilities, and enhances authoritarian behavior.

Shining gold, as a symbol of power and prestige, like a magnet, will attract events to you that will help you step up the social ladder step by step. This color will give you new opportunities and prospects, bring luck to your side, improve your character and help you find what you want.

Virgo color: green and brown

Classic shades of calm tones will allow representatives of this zodiac sign to focus on continuous growth. Your ruler, the element of Earth, patronizes the color brown, which represents stability.

This color wave will give Virgo a business and analytical mindset, allowing you to build your life pragmatically and carefully, without falsehood or illusions.

But the green color of development and prosperity enhances Virgo’s energy in the field of financial growth. Color according to your zodiac sign helps you improve yourself and actively develop your business.

A successful combination of two shades in the interior will help create an atmosphere of well-being and fashionability. But accessories, gems or clothes in green and brown tones will attract you into your life. successful projects and devoted like-minded people.

Libra Color: Pink and Blue

The light element of Air bestows upon the representatives of this zodiac sign tender soul and high intellectual abilities. Blue and pink shades will help you open your heart to people, soften your violent temper, and direct your life in a positive direction.

Calming shades of warm and cold colors will bring balance to the distribution of the forces of Libra, who are constantly rushing about in search of truth.

The blue color according to the zodiac sign and its more delicate shades symbolizes the support of heaven, fidelity, the disposition of people, as well as good fame. It increases mental clarity and shows noble birth. It’s not for nothing that they say: “In his veins flows blue blood" But gently pink pacifies feelings, extinguishes raging passions and brings stability to love relationships.

Scorpio Color: Black

Scorpio, always striving for transformation, has high intuition on the verge of extrasensory abilities. Black color will help a representative from the zodiac circle of the element of Water to hide true emotions and look mysterious. Dark color according to your zodiac sign will help you concentrate in any environment and attract positive changes in your life.

Black color will enhance Scorpio's sexual attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. The dispassionate color wave will allow you to see what is hidden from the eyes of other people.

It's not for nothing that Western culture black color is associated with rebirth. The energy of this color enhances the personality’s ability to transform and revive even after great upheavals, like the immortal Phoenix bird.

Sagittarius: purple

This color characterizes a person with a high potential for development and comprehension. latest technologies. The ruling planets of the sign from the Zodiac circle of the element Fire are Jupiter and Neptune. In the same way, purple color organically combines best qualities blue and red shades.

The energy of this color will help Sagittarius develop natural talents, attract the smile of Fortune and expand their horizons in business.

Purple color according to the zodiac sign characterizes a philosophical mindset, speaks of the high spirituality of its owner, pushes towards enlightenment and openness.

Charmingly mysterious shades of purple mute base instincts and increase luck in gambling, rescued from bad habits. For fiery Sagittarius, he will become a symbol of natural luck in any field of activity.

Capricorn color: brown and gray

All representatives of the zodiac sign included in the segment of the Earth element have great endurance and ability to work. The combination of gray and brown energies will help you reach Right way in life and achieve fulfillment cherished dream. These are very practical colors that give their owner fortitude, high performance, practicality and the ability to think rationally.

Colors in neutral shades will increase your sociability and attract authoritative patrons into your life. They will quickly recognize you as a person worthy of respect, whose reliability they can not doubt. By becoming more attractive and desirable in the eyes of people, Capricorn will be able to achieve more and gain undeniable authority in the team.

Aquarius Color: Blue

The ruling planet of this zodiac sign, Uranus, has a bright Blue colour. It symbolizes the rapidity of changes in life, as well as the continuous flow of events.

For Aquarius, blue energy acts like a tonic drink: it stimulates work, harmonizes the mind and feelings, and helps to give birth to new brilliant ideas. For people born under the Zodiac sign of the element Water, the blue color wave helps them act more boldly, sweeping away old stereotypes and mastering the latest technologies.

Blue color according to the zodiac sign is the color of ever-moving water, which will break through any obstacle and give life to the sprouts of new ideas and projects. For Aquarius, it also symbolizes support from the sky, enhancing mobile energy clean water, saving from negativity.

Pisces: light green

The ruling planets of this zodiac sign are Neptune and Jupiter: the first is responsible for creative talents, romance and religiosity, and the second is called the planet of great happiness and luck. For a representative of the element of Water, the gentle green color will become a real talisman against other people’s negativity and will bring healing to the soul and body.

The energy of this light wave will help you get rid of depressive thoughts, give you renewal and the opportunity to abstract yourself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Green color according to your Zodiac sign will improve your connection with the subconscious, increasing your intuition and ability to read the signs of Fate. The tone of development and renewal will help you move through life more comfortably, attracting suitable partners to your side, as well as guaranteeing the successful progress of previously started projects.

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> Colors of the zodiac signs

Color is not just an attribute that we use at random. This is the most affordable way self-expression that incredibly closely matches the characterization offered zodiac horoscope. If you think that you adore blue just because, then you are mistaken. The point is that your zodiac matches the energy and message of this color. Based on this, you can tell a lot about your behavior and even complexes.


Car color by zodiac sign

Avid motorists focus not only on the brand of their iron horse, but also on its color. You can see someone speeding around in a handsome red racing car, while another is calmly steering behind a gray minivan, following all the rules. Car color is not chosen at random. For the most part, we subconsciously settle on what suits our character. For example, calm Virgo and Taurus will like blue, blue, gray, old cars, as they bring calm and balance. But Scorpio and Aries will definitely stand out because they cannot live without speed, so their scarlet, purple or black vehicle will rush right in front of you with the breeze. In the description of the zodiac you will understand what colors are suitable exactly for you. It is important that it matches your emotional background. After all, the road is a dangerous place. Therefore, the sign must be on the same wavelength as the car.

IN modern world Changing your hair color is not a problem. Paint is sold on every corner. At the same time, many strive to change only their appearance, not knowing that there is a more interesting prospect. Of course, a hairstyle, its length and color will either decorate a person or highlight his disadvantages. But color can change fate! In ancient times they believed in this concept. Surely, you have noticed that after the hairdresser you feel renewed or disappointed (if the specialist was crooked). So the change will strengthen the energy and push you to new achievements. It has been noted more than once that after painting, the shy sign suddenly opened up and became sociable. And the recluse and homebody happily began to discover new world. Lucky colors for signs They are purely individual and must be selected carefully, since a false color can even ruin a previously bright personality.

What color to choose according to your zodiac sign

Usually everything Zodiac signs get their bearings by color, relying only on your subconscious. In principle, this is correct, because all our thoughts and feelings are still tuned to a specific zodiac. But favorite colors already reflect our essence, while new ones can change it in positive side. How it works? Each palette has its own energy wave, which, one way or another, affects our behavior. Please note that red sets the mood for a romantic atmosphere and evokes passion. Blue calms and makes you think. Purple is useful for generating ideas. It's like protective stones, which pour the necessary strength into the sign.

For example, you go to an interview and are very nervous. Then let something green be with you. It increases joy and energy levels and also relaxes you. If the zodiac wants to win someone over, then in the elements clothes should be yellow. It's warm and makes you think of you in a similar way.

It is especially important to use the right paints in finishing interior. The house must become a cozy and safe cocoon, where the sign will feel as comfortable as possible. A light green kitchen will invigorate you in the morning, and soft shades in the bedroom will help you fall asleep faster. As you can see, color schemes play an incredibly important role, and the zodiac can use this information to significantly improve their lives.

Each Zodiac Sign, in addition to talismans, also has its own colors that highlight it best features. Sometimes their presence or absence even determines performance and mood.


Representatives of this zodiac sign are perfectly suited to the color red and all its shades, bright and saturated. Since ancient times, this color has been associated with high activity, energy, courage and strength.


Your main color is blue, which brings peace and confidence. Has a calming effect pink color: being a mixture of red and white, it also indicates a desire for comfort


The closest color to Gemini is yellow because it is energetic, bright, and symbolizes movement. For representatives of this Sign, it stimulates creativity and activity. Green, which suits them just as well, promotes health, self-esteem and perseverance.


The main colors of Cancers are silver and gray. They are associated with calm and the moon, calming changeable emotions. Orange is a good color to lift spirits as it is a fairly optimistic color.

a lion

The golden color evokes a feeling of prosperity and beauty, and it also characterizes the generosity of the heart of Leo. To stabilize expressive emotions, white color is suitable for you, and orange will definitely lift your spirits


Noble Brown color best suited for practical Virgos because it is associated with rational thinking, as well as the earth and its gifts. Green stimulates the mind and is always symbolically a sign of prosperity.


Libras prefer to choose pastel colors, primarily blues, greens and sea ​​wave. For representatives of this Sign, blue is the main color that helps them find balance and harmony with themselves.


The contradictory and difficult character of Scorpios is perfectly matched by the purple color and all dark shades of red. They are associated with the power and mystery inherent in those born during this period. Black color is also perfect for you.


Representatives of this Sign should choose deep shades of purple, associated with the manifestation of ambition, power and luxury. It is a composite of blue and red, combining two colors of opposite qualities in the same way as opposites are combined in the character of Sagittarius.


The color brown suits the stable and resilient nature of Capricorns, as it represents perseverance and stability. In principle, dark tones are suitable for representatives of this Zodiac Sign, as they are associated with restraint, a quality very characteristic of Capricorns.


Soft shades are preferred, primarily blue and green. The main quality of Aquarius is the desire for knowledge. These tones are great for stimulating thinking. Another color for representatives of this Sign is silver.


All purple and purple shades perfect for those born during this period. They are often associated with change and distortion, and represent Pisces' ability to penetrate the feelings and emotions of other people, their psychic skills.

When talking about colors, it should be remembered that it is not the clothing of a given color that is meant, but the color itself and its influence on representatives. All the best, use the right shades for your benefit and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.03.2016 01:10

Astrologers agree with folk wisdom that every person has his own totem. Specialists...

It's no secret that people at all times have been looking for ways to attract luck into their lives. For this purpose, various talismans were used. But in addition to amulets, good luck and prosperity can bring specific color. Read the color horoscope and find out what it is for you, then go to Horoscope Guru.

Aries color horoscope

The color of Aries is red. It is he who helps to become even more active and self-confident. This is the color of a leader and careerist.


Taurus' lucky color is . It gives representatives of the sign calmness and balance. Thanks to this, Taurus will be able to achieve success in their career.


But the color of Gemini is, of course, yellow. It symbolizes optimism and positivity.


The color most suitable for the representative of the water element, Cancer, is white. It gives calmness and peace in the soul, which is so necessary for these people.

a lion

Leo is fire sign Zodiac whose lucky color is orange. This warm color matches the hot soul of Leo. It also helps him begin to evaluate himself objectively.

Virgo color horoscope


Colors most suitable for Libra are blue and light green. They bring good luck to this zodiac sign and help them make decisions.


Dark red is perfect. It emphasizes mystery and mysticism and helps protect against negativity.


Astrologers say that the color purple can bring good luck to Sagittarius. It is believed that this color helps develop intuition and make the right decisions.


Capricorn's lucky color is dark green. It helps a person to cleanse himself spiritually and develop in the creative sphere. It is also recommended to wear clothes of this color for this zodiac sign during illness.


It is believed that the color of luck for the Aquarius zodiac sign is green. It gives you faith in yourself and helps you not to lose hope for a good future. It also has healing properties and helps to find inner harmony.


Lavender brings good luck to Pisces. It emphasizes the tenderness, softness and mystery of Pisces. Moreover, it helps you become a more understanding person.

Take the test and learn something new about yourself.

Each zodiac sign has its own colors and shades that help exactly reflect inner world and the energy of a person born under a certain zodiac sign.

Clothes selected in accordance with the colors characteristic of the zodiac sign will add energy, brightness and strength. With the help of colors you can achieve any goal, become more noticeable and attractive, which is why it is so important to know what favorable color shades are according to the zodiac signs in order to choose the right clothes and create an interior that gives comfort and coziness.

What colors suit each zodiac sign?

Aries. The entire palette of red suits this zodiac sign, since this color is dynamic, energetic and quite aggressive, just like Aries. Red symbolizes primacy, passion, courage and activity - all these qualities are inherent in people born under this zodiac sign. It brings them luck and prosperity, but only if Aries is healthy, with feeling unwell he needs to wear clothes in shades of purple and blue, which bring peace and relaxation. Black and white-black combinations are also suitable for Aries. In the interior it is better to use green, white and pinkish-white.
Calf. Blue color and its shades are ideal: it will help you feel peace and tranquility. Also good natural colors - blue sky, green grass, pink sunset and yellow sun - they will lift your spirits and will not upset the balance necessary for an outwardly calm and internally stubborn Taurus. These same colors should be chosen for the interior: they will calm you down, create comfort and help you concentrate. But bright colors, especially red, should be abandoned both in clothing and in home decoration, as they will irritate and anger Taurus.
Twins. The appropriate color for this sign is yellow, as it is associated with joy, positivity and strength, which is so often lacking in active and sleep-deprived Geminis. In addition, yellow stimulates communication skills and mental abilities, which is so necessary for sociable and knowledge-hungry people born under this sign. Green and peach colors will calm and relax, and also give positive energy, which can be used both in clothing and in the interior. But it’s better to avoid cloudy shades - gray or brown are oppressive and lead to apathy.
Cancer. Ideal colors for Cancer are white, pale green, silver, purple and blue, which will protect and attract the opposite sex. However, it is better not to use them for interior decoration, since Cancers themselves are very lonely - they rarely reveal their souls, then at least at home they should feel the brightness of life, so it is better for them to use orange, yellow and hot pink colors for home decoration . Gray is also suitable for them - it is associated with changes in the mood of Cancers and gold - harmony and clarity of mind. You should avoid blue, as this sign can put you in a depressed mood.
A lion. Leo's colors are bright: red, yellow, red, orange and gold. Thanks to them, people born under this zodiac sign will shine and attract attention, which they cannot live without. This is especially true for gold, which symbolizes their generosity and beauty. White is also suitable, but only for vacation and weekend clothes, as well as the rest room, and cherry will calm you down. They can be used in decoration, combining with each other. They will help during stressful situations and to stabilize emotions. Virgo. Natural colors are suitable - green and brown shades, as well as their mixture - olive, ocher and mustard. These colors organize them and also help them concentrate, so they can also be used in home and office decor, although you can use brighter options to decorate your office - add blue, purple or yellow-gold. Grey colour can be combined with green, thanks to this trend Virgos will be able to feel comfortable and stylish, which is very important for this sign.
Scales. Blue and green shades will bring them good luck: the first will calm and relax, the second will maintain a balance between mental and physical forces. Also suitable for them are soft yellow, milky white, gray and pink - they will calm and give strength. For the interior, it is better to choose dark shades - thick green and dark gray. In such an atmosphere, Libra will feel comfortable and calm.
Scorpion. Lucky colors are dark brown, purple, scarlet, cherry, dark blue, green and violet. They will give energy, protect against negative influence competitors during activity, and will also calm you down, and purple will promote sound sleep and reduce mental stress, so it can be used in the interior. Black is also suitable for this zodiac sign, as it helps to quickly gather strength and act. For your home environment, you can use calm tones to feel comfort and coziness.
Sagittarius. Suitable colors are blue, turquoise, light blue, purple. They will bring strength of spirit and spur you to action. Purple will also awaken romantic feelings, give spiritual qualities and wisdom. If you use this color in interior decoration, then Sagittarius in such an environment will be able to reach great heights in creative professions and will also feel calm and peaceful. They can also use red in combination with blue for the same purposes.
Capricorn. Blue, brown, green, purple, gray - all dark shades, as well as black - will bring good luck to this zodiac sign. They will protect you from the negative influence of envious people, give you organization and discipline. Capricorns are recommended to wear brown clothes as often as possible; it will help normalize relationships with others, making them more friendly, which is so often lacking in representatives of this zodiac sign. He will highlight the best qualities - Capricorns will want to lend a helping hand. However, it is better not to use brown in the interior of the house, since you will not be able to relax with it - it is better to give preference to cherry and wine shades.
Aquarius. To realize your plans and yourself as a professional, it is better to use blue, cyan and purple colors, but for a room where you can dream, you need to use dark cherry and silver colors. When Aquarius is nervous or anxious, it is better for him to wear something blue, as this color will smooth out negative emotions and remove mental and physical pain. The color green can restore calm, so it should be used to decorate a bedroom or lounge. Using shades of blue, green and blue will bring calm and peace.
Fish. Favorable shades for Pisces are blurred purple, blue and green, as well as their transitions from one to another. Thanks to this combination, representatives of this sign will feel comfort and freedom, they will be self-confident, doubts and fears will go away. However, as soon as your mental strength returns again, you need to change your clothes to yellow or silver: help in solving important issues. Pure purple should be used if you want changes in life - it will give physical lightness and remove emotional stress. These colors can be used to select clothing and decorate your home and office.
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