Scenario of a thematic event for a summer camp. Musical competition program at the summer camp Evening event at the camp scenario

Holiday script for the camp “Hello, sunny summer”

Scenario for 1st lazy summer for children's camp. Interesting and funny scenario for children. Poems and many songs, fun games for schoolchildren. Characters: two presenters, children - readers. What is needed in preparation: learn songs and poems with children, organize teams, decorate the stage.

Humor Day at Children's Camp

Scenario for Humor Day at a children's camp. An interesting and fun scenario for children. Poems and many songs, fun games for schoolchildren. Characters: presenter, teams of children. What is needed in preparation: props - paper and cardboard, pens, headscarves, plastic bottles, hoops, Cell Phones, Chinese hats, cardboard thermometers.

Scenario for opening a camp shift

Scenario for opening a camp shift in a children's school camp. Oath of allegiance to the camp, others interesting rituals aimed at strengthening friendship between children. Characters: two presenters, children. What is needed in preparation: children need to draw posters, emblems of their squad, come up with a motto, squad name, squad song.

Scenario for Dating Day at Camp

An event for the first day of camp, when children are not yet familiar with each other, teachers and the laws of the camp. Dating games for schoolchildren to get to know each other in game form. Characters: teachers, children. What is needed in preparation: educators must prepare props for games and provide instructions for children.

Scenario for the summer health camp “Mysteries of Summer”

Scenario of an event in a health school camp for children from 7 to 10 years old, which takes place in an interesting form of traveling through imaginary stations. Actors: presenters for each station, team. What is needed in preparation: preparation and execution of assignments; venue; formation of teams, jury; making cards.

Scenario of an event dedicated to June 1 - Children's Day in a children's camp. On this day, children are told about the holiday. Party games for children in the camp. Characters: the presenter, the cat Basilio and the Fox Alice. What is needed in preparation: props for games, prizes, room decoration, costumes of fairy-tale characters.

Scenario for Children's Day in the “Childhood Holiday” camp

Scenario for a game show dedicated to International Day child protection. It is advisable to hold this event on the street, where there are book exhibitions and playgrounds. Characters: presenter, clowns, artist, Uncle Styopa, Fiona, Fiona's assistants 2-3 girls, robot - Palamarchuk. What is needed in preparation: props for games, costumes of characters, room equipment.

Script for kindergarten or a school camp on the theme of the holiday - Children's Day. It takes place outside. Children, led by funny presenters, play games and solve riddles. Characters: Liar-Bully, Clown Smeshinkin (performed by adults). What is needed in preparation: costumes of the heroes - presenters, props for games.

Scenario for the summer music and sports festival camp “Long live children all over the planet”

Scenario sporting event outdoors for children's camp. The holiday is held on the street, children are divided into teams and participate in outdoor games. Characters: presenter, grandmother, two girls. What you need in preparation: a beautifully decorated area balloons, ribbons, flags, props for games.

Script for summer camp"Sun Festival"

The Sun Festival scenario for a children's camp is ideal for uniting and making friends with children. Games, riddles, Interesting Facts from the Sun. Characters: presenter. What is needed in preparation: decorating the site with many “suns”, a costume “ Sunny bunny", music, poster with quiz questions about the sun.

Scenario of the event for the summer camp “Day of Miracles”

Fun scenario have an interesting holiday for children's camp. According to the scenario, 2 teams of children must find a magic tree using a fragment of the map. Characters: presenter, Baba Yaga, Basilio the cat, Alice the fox. What is needed in preparation: purchase bananas according to the number of children participating and hang them on the tree, prepare cards and tasks for teams, costumes for heroes.

Scenario "Day of Liars" in a summer camp

Scenario for a very fun holiday at the school summer camp “Liars' Day”. The holiday develops imagination, Creative skills children. Funny Games and competitions. Characters: two presenters, two liars. What is needed in preparation: the day before, each squad must compose an implausible story for the competition funny story on the topic of life in the camp. You will also need props for competitions and fun music.

Scenario of the competition program for the summer camp “The Best”

The scenario of the competition program “The Most” is ideal for entertaining children at a school summer camp. Competitions should evaluate both intellectual and athletic achievements of children, erudition, and ingenuity. Characters: two presenters, jury. What you need in preparation: awards for the winners, props for competitions, fun music.

Scenario for the “Creativity Day” holiday in a summer camp

A very interesting holiday scenario for a summer camp for schoolchildren. Creative competitions in the categories “Dancers”, “Fashion Designers”, “Writers”, “Artists”, “Poets” should help every child show their talent. Characters: presenters. What is needed during preparation: task sheets for each unit, props for creative competitions, awards for winners, music for a dance competition.

Game scenario for the summer camp "Polundra"

Scenario of a fun outdoor game for a summer school camp. The essence of the game is for teams to complete competitions and, as a result, reach a place where a large box of chocolates is hidden for the winners. Characters: presenters. What is needed in preparation: tasks for teams, props for competitions, candy, music. The game can be played both outdoors and indoors.

Scenario of a patriotic holiday on Russia Day for a summer school camp. Beautiful poems and songs about Russia. It’s good if the children read their poems about the Motherland. Characters: presenters, poetry readers. What is needed in preparation: learn songs and poems, decorate the hall with flags and balloons in the color of the Russian flag, set up tables and chairs.

Scenario for closing a shift at a summer camp

Scenario for closing a shift at the summer camp “Welcome from the opposite side!” Fun party Ideal for children saying goodbye to camp. Characters: 2 buffoons, presenter, Padishah, translator, gardener, nurse. What is necessary in preparation: compose poems, ditties or songs about each counselor, teacher, etc., distribute the words in advance, because they are quite complex.

Scenario of a disco with competitions at a school camp

Scenario for a fun disco at a summer school camp. Dancing and other competitions at the disco will make it more interesting for the participants. Characters: disco host, fishermen. What is needed in preparation: fishermen's costumes, props for competitions, awards for winners, musical equipment.

Scenario for a dating holiday at the opening of a school camp

This dating holiday scenario is proposed to be held in the “light” format at the opening of a school camp. The purpose of the holiday is to let children get to know each other and create an atmosphere of trust in the camp. Characters: presenter, counselors. What is needed in preparation: cardboard stars with questions for children, come up with chants.

Scenario of the Olympic Games in the summer camp “Faster, Higher, Stronger”

Scenario of a sports event for a school summer camp, which can be held as Olympic Games. Sports competitions, competitions, interesting facts about the Olympics. Characters: presenters, Prometheus, Zeus. What is needed in preparation: props and sports equipment for sports competitions, awards for winners, music.

Scenario for opening a school camp for children 7 - 10 years old

This scenario for opening a shift at a school camp is suitable for younger schoolchildren - children 7 - 10 years old. The purpose of the holiday is to give children the opportunity to get to know each other and express themselves. Games, riddles for children. Characters: presenter. What you need in preparation: props for competitions and games.

Scenario for the opening of a camp shift with the participation of life-size puppets

This scenario for opening a shift at a summer camp is quite labor-intensive, but very bright and interesting. Games, competitions, riddles for children, presentations by counselors, stories about the camp. Characters: 2 presenters, life-size puppets: Baba - Yaga, Cat, Hare, Tiger. Hut. What is needed in preparation: Costumes of life-size dolls, music recordings, refreshments, T-shirts for counselors.

Scenario of the counselors’ concert at the opening of the camp shift

A concert by counselors will be a successful event at the opening of a shift at a summer camp. Children will be able to learn more about their counselors and make friends with them. The concert needs to end with an evening gathering of the squad. Characters: counselors, children. What is needed in preparation: costumes for counselors, stars to give to children.

Scenario of the ceremonial ceremony for the opening of the shift in the camp

Usually the opening of a camp shift begins with a ceremonial assembly. We offer a line-up scenario with the removal of the Russian flag and greetings camp management for children. Characters: counselors, teachers, camp director, children. What is needed in preparation: Russian flag, musical equipment, microphones.

Scenario of a game entertainment program for Children's Day

Gaming entertainment dedicated to International Children's Day is designed for older preschoolers - children aged 5-6 years. It is advisable to hold games and competitions for children outside. Characters: 2 presenters, children - readers, Vredina (adult). What is needed in preparation: props for games, Vredina’s costume, prizes for competition winners, music.

Musical hour at a summer camp at school. Scenario "Our Favorite Children's Songs"

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary teacher MBOU classes Secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Description This material can be used by teachers primary classes, music teachers in primary school for extracurricular activities.
Target To intensify students’ interest in music by introducing them to the song heritage of Yuri Entin.
- tell students about the life and creative path of songwriter Yuri Entin;
- expand students’ horizons about the authors of children’s songs;
- correct memory, attention, thinking, oral speech, develop the ability to analyze, compare, systematize the studied material, highlight the main thing; develop the ability to answer questions comprehensively and coherently;

Progress of the event

Yuri Entin is one of the most cited authors of our time. For 30 years it" idioms" do not leave the pages of periodicals. "There is nothing better in the world...”, “Any roads are dear to us”, “Oh, the guards get up early...”, “My best gift is you...”, “ But I want to fly..." and many other quotes from the works of Yuri Entin have become firmly entrenched in the consciousness of children and adults.

Yuri Entin's parents - his father was a physicist and his mother was an economist - dreamed of seeing their son continue their professions. But Yuri school years became interested in literature and history.
First graduated from the Faculty of History pedagogical institute, then - the editing department at the Printing Institute, and taught history at school for some time.
For 30 years creative activity he wrote a huge number of songs, including for cartoons, films, theater performances. Among them are for the film “Property of the Republic”, “Winged Swing” for “The Adventures of Electronics”, “Beautiful Far Away” for the film “Guest from the Future”, songs for the films “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Dunno from Our Yard”, “The Little Mermaid” and songs for cartoons that are incomparable in popularity, such as “Antoshka” (“Merry Carousel”), “Chunga-changa” (“Katerok”), “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where was...” (“Well, wait a minute !"), "I am a Waterman" ("Flying Ship"), "If only there were no winter" ("Winter in Prostokvashino") and many others.
Throughout creative path Yuri Entin collaborates with the best composers in the country. Gennady Gladkov, Evgeny Krylatov, Vladimir Shainsky, Alexey Rybnikov, Mark Minkov, Maxim Dunaevsky became his regular co-authors. He introduced some of them to the genre of children's songs for the first time. His works were performed by many outstanding actors: Andrei Mironov,

Anatoly Papanov,

Rina Zelenaya,

Mikhail Boyarsky.

Quiz "Songs of Yuri Entin"
According to Yuri Entin, guess the song and cartoon or movie
1.But from greed (kva-kva)
And from stinginess,
But from meanness (kva-kva)
And out of stupidity
And also from boasting

(Duremar's song from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

2.Our carpet is a flower meadow,
Our walls are giant pine trees,
Our roof is a blue sky,
Our happiness is to live by one destiny!

(Song of friends from the cartoon " The Bremen Town Musicians")

3.And if trouble suddenly comes,
Don't let sadness gnaw at you.
The old man has a beard -
She will always help.
Just call the old man
And he will come for sure.

(Song about Hottabych)

4. The clock strikes like a golden key,
Open the doors in the morning cheerfully!
Open the windows wide open in the morning,
Drive away the darkness of the night from the streets.

("The clock is striking on the old tower" from the movie "The Adventures of Electronics")

5.Queen bit card
Bit and his entire squad.
The matter will be closed -
The cards tell the truth.

("The First Song of the Robbers" from the cartoon "The Town Musicians of Bremen")

6. Forget your worries, ups and downs,
Don't whine when fate doesn't behave like a sister.

("On the Road of Good" from the film "The Adventures of Little Muk"

7. Dili-dili,
We didn't go through this
We were not asked this!
Taram, pam, pam,
Taram, pam, pam.

("Antoshka" from the cartoon "Antoshka")

8. As long as there are fools in the world,
Therefore, we can live by deception.

(Song of the cat Basilio and the fox Alice from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

9. There is water inside me,
Well, what's the deal with this?

(Song “And I want to fly!” (Water) from the cartoon “Flying Ship”)

10. Never know peace,
Cry and laugh at random!
I was like that myself
Three hundred years ago...

(Romance of the Turtle Tortilla from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

11. It happens - if it happens suddenly
There is grief in your house,
Mom is the best, most reliable friend -
Will always be by your side.

("Song about Mom" ​​from the movie "Mama")
12.If anyone decides
Encroach on the owners
Who can stand next to you?
And she was impudent to bite.

(“Everyone Knows This” from the movie “The Adventures of Electronics”)

13. If a blizzard had not come to us
At least for a day
And the bullfinch did not sit on the spruce,
If only, if only, if only...

(“If only there were no winter” from the cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”)

14.What doesn’t happen in the world
What doesn't happen in the world
And people with wings meet
And people fly into the sky.
On the wings of faith in the impossible
They are flying to the land of dreams,
Let the cautious ones smile
I'll fly there
I'll fly there
I'll fly there, and you.

(“Where are the wizards?” from the movie “Dunno from Our Backyard”)

15. On his head is a cap,
But the enemy will be deceived.
He will show his nose to the villains
And make your friends laugh until they cry,
He will be here very soon
Tell me, what is his name?

("Pinocchio" from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

16. The kids are waiting for my gifts
And you will get it from me
Finally all dreams come true
My best gift is you

(“Tell me, Snow Maiden” from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”)

Competition "Guess the composer"
1. Composer who wrote the songs: “Beautiful is Far Away”, “If There Were No Winter”
(Evgeny Krylatov)

2. Composer who wrote the songs: “Pinocchio”, for the cartoon “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way”
(Alexey Rybnikov)

3. Composer who wrote the songs: “Or maybe a crow”, for the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”
(Gennady Gladkov)

4. Composer who wrote the songs: “Chunga-Changa”, “Clouds”
(Vladimir Shainsky)

5. Composer who wrote the songs: for the cartoon “The Flying Ship”, “Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh!”

Today Yuri Entin travels around the world, meeting children from China, America, Russia and singing his old and new songs with them. And recently in the USA he was shown a book where it was scientifically proven that it was the poet Yuri Entin who changed the course of the history of the Soviet Union with his children's songs.
Yuri Entin, poet: “That I was creating some kind of fantasy, a different dream, and did not write pioneer songs, but wrote songs about freedom!”
New Age begins with new songs by Yuri Entin. And his “old” songs continue to sound, passed on from generation to generation, without losing their popularity and relevance. Discs, cassettes, videos, karaoke with his works are sold in all corners of Russia and abroad.

The presenters come out.

1st presenter.

Hello my friends,

We are glad to meet you.

Who is there in the hall!

We send greetings to you all now.

2nd presenter.

We are glad to start our holiday,

We will sing and dance.

And the song contest is here, friends,

I declare it open.

1st presenter.

Dear Guys! Today we have a Song Contest. You all prepared for this competition in advance. We will choose the most best performers, the best dancers. For this we rely on our jury. (Jury Presentation)

2nd presenter. Now we will draw lots for the participants. (The drawing of lots is carried out.)

1st presenter. So, let's start our concert.

2nd presenter.

Everyone around knows this song.

And both adults and children sing it.

Because with the song like this

It’s interesting to live, friends, in this world.

I will now remind you of the words,

What you will find out right away without error:

“The river begins with a blue stream,

Well, friendship begins with a smile.”

The phonogram of the song “Smile” is turned on and those present sing it together.

1st presenter. And now the participants speak. Let's welcome them.

The concert part is underway. At the end the results are summed up. The winners are awarded.

Musical competition program in grades 1-2 “A song will help us increase our friendship!”

Goals and objectives:

Development logical thinking And musical ear in younger schoolchildren;

Instilling a love of music, uniting the team of first- and second-graders.

Audio recordings are prepared in advance.

Competition program “Go, song, on the road!”

The teacher invites students to remember proverbs, sayings, popular expressions in which we're talking about about the song. The competition can be held in the form of an auction.

The teacher offers several competitions:

Description of the class hour

- Continue the proverb started by the presenter.

- Explain in what cases they say: “Your song is finished!”

— Solve the folklore “rebus.” In two keywords written on the card, you need to name the proverb. (For example: nightingale - song; “Nightingales are not fed with songs.”)

Proverbs that can be used in this competition:

Conversation whiles away the journey, song - work.

Even without songs, your mouth is too tight, but if you start singing, you’ll completely tear it apart.

AND new song getting old.

You can't remove the words from the song.

On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.

You sit in the wrong corner, you sing the wrong songs.

Music competitions

The teacher invites students to listen to the recording and also:

- name the genre of the work (folk, pop song, romance, etc.);

- name of the song;

- say which movie (cartoon) the song is from.

Auction of songs. The class is divided into 2 parts. The first half of the playing ripples begins a verse of any song they know, and the second continues.

Backfilling task. You need to very seriously sing the first verse of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest”:

a) like soldiers in the ranks;

b) as a child who cannot pronounce several sounds (if there are children with speech impediments, exclude this item from the program);

c) like a frozen passenger at a bus stop.

To the tune of the song “Let them run clumsily...”:

a) meow with the whole team;

b) bark;

c) hum.

Zoo. Who can name more songs about animals and birds?

There is no bad weather. Who can name more songs about natural phenomena (about storms and storms, autumn rains and spring sun)?

And I’m walking, walking around the country. Who knows more songs about their favorite cities?

Musical quiz “Is he sung in a song?”

Teacher: And the song, it turns out, is sung about many things without which we cannot live in the world: about potatoes, a smile, pedestrians... Listen carefully to the questions and try to answer them.

1. She is a delicious food, the ideal of pioneers! What is it? (Potato)

2. It will make everyone warmer... (Smile)

3. It’s fun to walk through the open spaces with her... (Song)

4. Drawing of a boy... (Sun circle, sky around)

5. He runs, sways... (Blue carriage)

6. They run clumsily... (Pedestrians)

7. They are made from flowers and bells, from notebooks and exchanges of glances... (Girls)

8. If you go on a journey with him, the journey is more fun... (Friend)

9. He didn’t go through anything, they didn’t ask him anything... (Antoshka)

10. Imagine, imagine - he was green... (Grasshopper)

11. She still lies and looks at the sun... (Turtle)

12. Don’t turn it around, you won’t find on it that country, the special country that we sing about... (Globe)

13. They are so wonderful: with a book, friendship, song they fly so quickly... (School years)

14. He complains that no one hangs out with him because he has water in him. (Water)

The teacher should encourage the best “song experts”, perhaps encouraging active participants. Then it is concluded that song is a constant companion in a person’s life in any life situations(joy, sorrow, entertainment, work).

Musical kaleidoscope. Script for
I. Opening remarks.
Leading. Hello guys!
Do you love music?
What does music consist of? (from notes)
How many notes are there? (seven notes)
These seven notes make up the scale. Our task is to compose this scale.
To do this you need to complete seven tasks. Ready?
For each correct answer you will receive a music token. That,
Whoever collects the most tokens is the winner. We answer,
just by raising your hand. Your teachers will be my assistants. They
They will tell you which of you raised your hand first.
II. Competition program.
1. Competition “Guess the melody”.
You need to guess 10 melodies. (I hang up a note)
2. Competition “Sing a song based on the proposed picture.”
I will show pictures: raspberries, school, clock, apple. According to them the participants
must remember and sing a few lines of songs.
3. Competition "Song according to a hint."
The third note is in front of you,
Guess the songs yourself.
Teams need to sing a song according to the prompt:
1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat
(“If it takes a long time...”).
2. A song about a spirit who lived in a swamp and helped build a flying ship
(“I am a merman, I am a merman...”).
3. A song about a strange toy that no one noticed (“I was once
strange, wooden toy...").
4. A song about an African island where life is easy and simple

4. Competition “Auction of songs with names.”
The fourth note is in front of you,
It is dedicated to songs with names.
Teams must perform 12 lines from songs in which
any name is mentioned.
5. Competition "Changes".
Here's the fifth note
And a new job awaits you.
It's the turn of the changelings,
Guess 'em, people!
You must give an answer: what song is “hiding” behind the changeling?
1. The pink truck is flying and oscillating. (The blue carriage runs and sways.)
2. Blizzard told him a poem: get up, cactus, hum.
(The snowstorm sang a song to her: sleep, Christmas tree, bye bye.)
3. There were locusts lying on the tree. (In the grass Grasshopper sat.)
4. Past the black peach of the sun. (Past the white apple of the moon...)
5. “Let motorists walk deftly on dry asphalt” (“Let them run
clumsy pedestrians through puddles")
6. “It’s sad to swim alone along a narrow corridor” (“It’s fun to walk together
across the open spaces")
6. Competition "Clip".
Here is note six in front of you,
There is a new task in it.
Now I’ll turn on the soundtrack, and you all have to show the clip to
1 Karoche
2. I’ll forget your beloved name
7. Competition “Musical riddles”.
Leading. The seventh note is also for you,
We'll open it now.
"Musical riddles."

1. Seven vocal girlfriends,
Seven silver bells
They live together happily
Songs are sung loudly (notes)
2. He stands on three legs,
Himself black in black boots
White teeth, pedal
It's called... (piano)
3. Her whole soul is wide open,
And even though there are buttons, it’s not a shirt
Not a turkey, but pouting
And it’s not a bird, but it’s pouring (an accordion)
4. Here are the keys, like on a piano,
But for them to play,
So that the song is not bad,
You need to stretch the bellows (accordion)
5. Dad has a six-string one,
Setting it up is difficult.
And so as not to upset dad,
It's better for us not to configure it. (guitar)
6. Three strings, plays loudly
That instrument is a cocked hat.
Find out quickly
What is this? (balalaika)
7. Letting go of the hammers
On iron leaves
And a cheerful sound flies.
What's ringing? (glockenspiel)
8. A group of musicians who play together
And they play music together
It can be string or wind,
Pop, folk and any other. (orchestra)
9. I'm on stage in the twilight
I'll go out in an elegant tailcoat
I'll wave a thin stick
The violins will begin to sing
The harpist will shake the string
The pipes will respond
How the orchestra plays so well!
Well, I’m the most important one in it! (conductor)
10.The name of which instrument contains two terms “loud” and “quiet”?

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