Scenario with a letter to the little prince. Scenario of lyrical fantasy "Planet of Dreams" based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

Structural subdivision GBOU Secondary School No. 2 "OTs"

"Kinel-Cherkasy House children's creativity»

Teacher additional education

theater children's association


Elena Mikhailovna Znamenshchikova

year 2012.

With. Kinel-Cherkasy.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

« A little prince»

Act one

Scene one

On stage, two girls run out and take the book from each other.

Music, children freeze. Angels appear.

A1 There is a truth that is as old as time. Friendship is a gift that should be treasured. But for some reason people often forget this.

A2. To open the eyes and stir the hearts of two grumpy girl friends, we will take them on a journey.

A1 .It will bring them closer to one of the secrets of heaven, in which there is a deep meaning

A2. But they will understand how they need to be friends, what to value and how to love... it depends only on them.


D1 .Oh, were we asleep?

D 2 .Look, what is this?

D1 .Some old book.

D 2 . Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

D1 .How interesting

D 2 .Let's read it.

D1 . “Once upon a time there lived a Little Prince. He lived on a planet that was slightly larger than himself, and he really missed his friend.

D 2 . Have you ever heard of the Little Prince?

D1 .I know a lot of fairy tales about princesses and princes, about witchcraft, and evil wizards, but... The Little Prince... no, I haven’t heard.

D 2 . In my opinion, this is a very unusual story. Look what is written here:

“I don’t want my book to be read just for fun. My heart aches painfully when I remember my little friend. It's very sad when friends are forgotten. And I'm trying to talk about him so as not to forget him

D1 .You know, I want us to be friends all our lives!

D 2 .Do I know what I’m thinking about?

D1 .About what?

D 2 .Why does the author of the manuscript write about the Little Prince with such love? And who is he really?

D1 .I think the manuscript will help us figure this out.

Scene two

The appearance of the little prince to the music

D1 On the planet of the little prince, simple and modest flowers grew. But one day one sprouted from a grain brought from nowhere, and the Little Prince admired it. The bush quickly stopped stretching upward and a bud appeared on it and the Little Prince was waiting for a miracle

D 2 And the unknown guest, hidden within the walls of her green room, kept getting ready, kept preening.

The music of awakening sounds, to which the rose flirts.

D1 Yes, she was a terrible coquette! Mysterious preparations continued day after day. And then one morning, as soon as the sun rose, the petals opened.

Rose . Oh, I woke up forcibly... (confused) Please excuse me, I’m still completely disheveled.

MP. How beautiful you are!

Rose . Yes its true? (pause) And note, I was born with the sun! Looks like it's time for breakfast. Be so kind as to take care of me.

The little prince is embarrassed, takes a watering can and waters the bush

Rose. Be careful.

MP . Sorry, sorry. (very polite)

(to the viewer) She has a very difficult character.

Rose . I'm terribly afraid of drafts. Don't have a screen?

MP .It’s strange, the plant is afraid of drafts?!

Rose. When evening comes, cover me. It's too cold here. A very uncomfortable planet. Where I came from...Apchhi, apchhi. Cover me.

MP .(confused) I’m now, I already wanted to go, but I couldn’t help but listen to you.

Rose coughed. MP gently covered her.

MP . (to the viewer) I listened to her in vain. You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe their aroma. You have to judge not by words but by deeds. She gave her scent and illuminated my life.

I was too young, I didn’t know how to love yet.

MP goes backstage.

D . That morning he decided to travel with migratory birds. He tidied up his planet very carefully. And when he's in last time watered a wonderful flower, he even wanted to cry.

MP . Farewell!

Rose . Farewell! (coughs). I was stupid. Forgive me and try to be happy

(the prince did not expect such a reaction from the grumpy rose)

Rose . Yes, yes I love you. It's my fault that you didn't know this. Yes, it doesn’t matter. But you were as stupid as me, try to be happy. Leave it, I don't need it anymore.

MP . But the wind?

Rose . I'm not that cold. The freshness of the night will do me good. After all, I am a flower.

MP . But animals, insects.

Rose. But I must put up with two or three caterpillars if I want to meet butterflies. They must be lovely! Otherwise, who will visit me? You'll be far away. But I'm not afraid of big animals. I also have claws... Don’t wait, it’s unbearable! If you decide to leave, then leave.

Rose . (crying)

D She didn't want MP to see her crying. It was a very proud flower...

D. The little prince's journey has begun.

Scene three

D .The closest thing to the planet MP was the asteroid on which the king lived.

D .He sat on the throne with a very majestic appearance.

(MP included)

King . And here comes the subject!

MP . How did he recognize me? After all, he sees me for the first time. (words spoken to the viewer)

King . Come, I want to look at you.

(MP looked around and yawned from fatigue)

King . Etiquette does not allow yawning in the presence of the monarch. (menacingly). I forbid you to yawn...

MP . I accidentally, I was on the road for a long time and didn’t sleep at all,

King. Well, then I command you to yawn. I haven't seen anyone yawn for many years. I'm even curious. So...yawn!!! This is my order.

MP . But I'm timid. I can not do it anymore.

King . Hm, hm...Well then...then I command you to yawn, seems I'm confused.

MP . Can I sit down?

King . I command you to sit down!

MP . Your Majesty, may I ask you?

King . I command you to ask!

MP . Your Majesty, where is your kingdom?

King . Everywhere.

MP . Everywhere?

(The King moved his hand, modestly pointing to his planet, as well as to other planets and stars).

MP . And all this is yours?

King. Yes.

MP . And the stars obey you?

King . Well, of course, the stars obey instantly. I don't tolerate disobedience.

At first the prince was delighted: such power! But I became sad again, remembering my planet.

MP . (to the viewer) How is my little planet doing!?

I want to watch the sun set. Please do me a favor and make the sun go down.

King . If I order some general to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, and he does not carry out the order, who will be to blame?

MP . You, Your Majesty!

King . Absolutely right. You need to ask everyone what they can give. Power must be reasonable.

MP . What about the sunset?

King . Everything has its time. (The prince yawned and got bored)

MP . I have to go, I have nothing else to do here.

King. Stay! I will appoint you as minister.

MP . Minister of what?

King . Well, justice.

MP . But there is no one to judge here.

King . Somewhere on my planet there lives an old rat. I hear her scratching at night. You could judge her.

MP . This activity is not for me. I have to go.

King . No, it's not time!

MP . Your Majesty! If you wanted your commands to be carried out unquestioningly, you could give me a prudent order. Command me to go on my way.

King . I appoint you as ambassador!

MP . Strange people these adults.

Leaves. Prince's music.

The prince descends into the hall and finds himself on the planet of the ambitious.

Scene four

H . Oh, here comes the admirer!

MP . Good afternoon What a funny hat you have.

H . This is to bow, to bow when I am greeted. Unfortunately, no one comes here.

MP . How's that?

H . Clap your hands!

MP . clapped his hands, and the ambitious man raised his hat and began to bow.

MP . (to the viewer) It's more fun here than at the old king's.

MP . it got boring.

MP . What do you need to do to make the hat fall off?

The ambitious man did not hear.

MP . Yes, vain people are deaf to everything except praise.

H . You are truly my enthusiastic admirer.

MP . What is it like to read?

H . To honor means to recognize that on this planet I am the most beautiful, the most elegant, the richest and the smartest.

MP . But there is no one else on your planet!

H . Well, give me pleasure, admire me anyway.

MP . I admire, but what joy does this give you?

Really, adults are very strange people.

Prince's music.

MP . Finds himself on the planet of a business man.

MP . Good afternoon

Del.PERSON . Three and two are five. Five and two are seven. Twelve and three-fifteen.

MP. I say good afternoon!

Del . Twenty six and five - thirty one. Ugh! The total, therefore, is five hundred one million six hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred thirty one.

MP . Five hundred million of what?

Del . Are you still here? Five hundred million... I don’t know what... I’m a serious person and I have a lot of work.

MP . Still, five hundred million of what?

Del . I have been living on this planet for many years and in all that time I have only been disturbed three times. For the first time, a cockchafer flew to me. He made a fuss and I made three mistakes. The second time I had an attack of rheumatism. I sit a lot, I have no time to walk around. Third time - here you are... Five hundred million..

MP . Millions of what?

Del . (thoughtfully) Five hundred million of these little things that are sometimes visible in the air.

MP . What are these flies?

Businessman . No, they are so small and shiny.

MP . Bees?

Businessman. No. Small, golden, any lazy person will look at them and start daydreaming. And I'm a serious person. I have no time to dream.

MP. Eh, stars?

Businessman . Exactly. Stars.

MP . Five hundred million stars? What are you doing with them?

Businessman . What am I doing?

MP . Yes.

Businessman . I'm not doing anything. I own them.

MP . Do you own the stars?

Businessman . Yes.

MP . But I have already seen the king who...

Businessman . Kings do not own anything. They reign. It's not the same thing at all.

MP . Why do you need to own the stars?

Businessman . To be rich.

MP . And for what?

Businessman . To buy more and more stars.

MP . How can you own the stars?

Businessman . They are mine because I was the first to think of it!

MP . What do you do with them?

Businessman . I manage them. I count them, I count them. It is very difficult. But I'm a serious person.

MP . (thinking) If I have a silk scarf, I can tie it around my neck and take it with me. but you can't take away the stars.

Businessman . No, but I can put them in the bank.

MP . Like this?

Businessman . And so, I write on paper how many stars I have. Then I put this paper in a box and lock it with a key.

MP . That's all?

Businessman . That's enough.

MP . Funny! And even poetic. But not that serious.

I have a flower and I water it every morning. I have three volcanoes, I clean them every week. Both my volcanoes and my flower benefit from the fact that I own them. And the stars have no use for you.

No, adults and, truly, amazing people.

He goes downstairs to the music and meets the lamplighter.

Having caught up with the lamplighter, the MP bowed very respectfully.

MP . Good afternoon. Why did you turn off the lantern now?

Background . That's the deal. Good afternoon

MP . What kind of agreement is this?

Background . Turn off the lantern. Good afternoon. (lit the lantern)

MP . Why did you light it again?

Background . That's the deal.

MP. I don't understand.

Background . And there is nothing to understand. An agreement is an agreement. Good afternoon. (turned off the flashlight)

He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Background . My job is hard. Once upon a time it made sense. I turned off the lantern in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I had one day left to rest and a night to sleep...

MP . And then the agreement changed?

Background . The agreement did not change. That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster and faster year after year, but the agreement remains the same.

MP . And what about now?

Background . Yes, that's it. The planet makes a full revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second to rest. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.

MP . That's funny! So your day only lasts one minute!

Background . There's nothing funny here. We've been talking for a whole month.

MP . Whole month?!

Background . Well, yes. Thirty minutes. Thirty days. Good evening! (the lantern lit up.)

MP . Listen, I know a remedy: you can rest whenever you want...

Background . I always want to rest. After all, you can be true to your word and still be lazy.

MP . Your planet is so tiny, you can walk around it in three steps. And you just need to go at such a speed that you stay in the sun all the time. When you want to rest, just go, go... And the day will last as long as you want.

Background . Well, that doesn't do me any good. More than anything in the world I want to sleep.

MP . It's bad for you.

Background . My business is bad. Good afternoon. (turned off the lantern)

MP . Here is a man whom everyone would despise - the king, the ambitious, and the businessman. And yet, of all of them, he is the only one, in my opinion, who is not funny. Maybe because he is the only one who thinks not only about himself. (sighs)

I wish I could make friends with someone. But his planet is so tiny, there is no room for two.

D 2 . He did not dare admit to himself that he regretted this wonderful planet most of all for one more reason: in twenty-four hours you can admire the sunset on it one thousand four hundred and forty times!

Scene five

D1 . The little prince was on five more planets. They were all very small, and their inhabitants were very strange.

D 2 . More and more he thought about his abandoned flower, but he really wanted to visit the earth.

MP. What a huge planet. Strange, but where are the people? Maybe I ended up on another planet by mistake? (having seen strange creature)

Good evening!

Snake . Good evening!

MP . What planet did I end up on?

Snake . To the ground.

MP . Here's how. Are there no people on Earth?

This is a desert... Nobody lives in deserts. But the land is big.

MP . I would like to know why the stars glow. Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs.

Look, here is my planet - right above us... But how far away it is!

Snake . Beautiful planet. What will you do here on earth?

MP. I quarreled with my flower. I may have even offended him.

Snake . And here it is.

MP . Where are the people? It's lonely here.

Snake . It's also lonely among people...

MP. You are a strange creature. No thicker than a finger.

Snake . But I have more power than the king's finger.

MP . Well, are you really that powerful? You don't even have paws.

Snake . I can take you further than any ship. (winds around the prince) I return everyone I touched to the earth from which they came. But you are pure and came from the star. I feel sorry for you, you are so weak on this earth, hard as granite. On the day when you bitterly regret your abandoned planet, I will be able to help you. And now goodbye.

MP . Yes, it's time for me to go.


Scene six

D1 .MP walked for a long time through sands and rocks and finally came across a road. And all roads lead to people.

D 2 .Along the way he had a lot interesting meetings and impressions. But there was also something that touched him to the depths of his soul.

Exit of roses to music

MP appears simultaneously

Mp. Good afternoon

Roses . Good afternoon.

Good afternoon.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon

MP . Who you are?

Roses . We are roses. We are roses, we are roses, we are roses.

MP . Here's how... And my rose said that there were no others like her in the whole universe, so she would be angry if she saw them. She would cough terribly and pretend to die, just not to seem funny.

I imagined that I owned the only flower in the world that no one else in the world had, and it was the most ordinary rose. All I had was that simple rose yes, three volcanoes are knee-high, and then one of them went out, and maybe forever... (cries) What kind of prince am I after this!?

(lay down on the grass and cry)

Roses . He is crying!

Roses. He is sleeping, he has fallen asleep. (leave)

A fox appears behind the apple tree.

Fox . Hello!

MP . Hello! (looking around)

Fox . I'm here under the apple tree

MP . Who are you?

Fox .I am a fox.

MP . And I'm a prince. Play with me, I'm so sad...

Fox . Don't come near me (hiding)

Prince . Where are you? I'm upset. Play please!

Fox . Well, I do not! Where are the others?

Prince . What others? Nobody's here.

Fox. Other hunters.

Prince . But there is no one here except me.

Fox . Where's your gun?

Prince . What other gun?

Fox . People have guns. And they go hunting. They also raise chickens. Are you looking for chickens?

Prince . No, I'm looking for friends! Play with me!

Fox . I can't play with you, I'm not tamed.

MP . Oh, sorry (after thinking, I asked). How is it to tame?

Fox . You're not from here, what are you looking for here?

MP . Looking for friends. How is it to tame?

Fox . ABOUT! This is a long forgotten concept. It means: to create bonds.

Mp. Bonds?

Fox . That's it. You are still just for me a little boy, exactly the same as a hundred thousand little boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me. But if you tame me, we will need each other. And I will be alone for you in the whole world.

MP . I begin to understand. There is one rose... She probably tamed me...

Fox . It is very possible that nothing can happen on earth.

MP . It wasn't on earth.

Fox . (surprised) On another planet?


Fox . Are there hunters on this planet?

MP . No.

Fox. How interesting! Are there chickens there?

MP . No.

Fox . There is no perfection in the world! (pause) My life is boring. I hunt chickens and people hunt me. But if you tame me, my life will seem to be illuminated with light. Do you see the wheat ripening in the fields over there? I don't eat bread and it's sad. But you have golden hair. Golden wheat will remind me of you. (walks away, turns, looks into the eyes of the prince)

Please tame me.

MP . I would be glad, but I have so little time. I still need to make friends and learn things

Fox . You can only learn those things that you tame. If you want to have a friend, tame me.

MP . What should you do for this?

Fox . We need to be patient. First, sit down over there on the grass. Like this. I will look sideways at you, and you remain silent. Words only interfere with understanding each other. But sit a little closer every day.


They stand up holding hands.

Voice. So MP tamed the fox.

Fox . I will cry for you. (sighs)

MP. It's your fault. I didn't want you to get hurt. You yourself wanted me to tame you.

Fox . Yes, sure.

MP. But you will cry!

Fox . Yes, sure.

MP . So does this make you feel bad?

Fox. No, I'm fine. Remember what I told you about the golden ears. (pause)

Go and look at the roses again. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the whole world. And when you return to say goodbye to me, I will tell you one secret. This will be my gift to you.

Music. Dance of the roses.

MP . You are beautiful, but empty. No one has tamed you and you have not tamed anyone. This was my fox. But I became friends with him and now he is the only one in the whole world. You are not like my rose. I don't want to die for you. Of course, a random passer-by, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you, but to me it is dearer to all of you. She is mine!!!

The fox appears from behind the apple tree.

MP . Goodbye!

Fox . Goodbye! Here's my secret, it's very simple. Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

Fox. Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it all your days.

MP. Because I gave her all my days...

Fox . People have forgotten this truth, but don't forget. You are forever responsible for those you tamed! You are responsible for your rose!

MP. I am responsible for my rose. It's time for me to go back. My rose is waiting for me. But I will never be able to forget you. Be happy and goodbye!

Music. Farewell scene.

Girls coming out.

D1 . You know, for some reason I'm very sad. Everything that happened to us is mysterious and incomprehensible. And deep down in my soul I already fell in love with the little prince. Perhaps you, like me, fell in love with him. Then you, like me, don’t care at all what happens to him.

D 2 .Look at the sky. Perhaps there, on our planet, our good friend I found my rose. And finally, I am immensely happy. When I think about it, the whole world becomes different. And no adult will ever understand how important this is.

D 2 . Remember this place. Here for the first time the little prince appeared on earth and then disappeared. If you happen to be passing through here, I implore you, don’t rush, linger a little under this star!

And if a boy with golden hair comes up to you, if he laughs loudly and doesn’t answer your questions, you will certainly guess who he is. (Slams the book)

I want to give you a gift. May you have this book.
D1 . What about you?

D 2 . I will be pleased to read it with you. You won't mind, will you?

D1 . Well, what are you doing? I will be only glad of this.

Music. The appearance of Angels.

Angel1 We are glad that you passed the test with dignity. Your friendship has become even stronger.

D 2 . You have learned to see and appreciate the main things. And we hope that the book helped you with this.

D1 . Life is an absolutely wonderful journey. This constant search myself. This is both work and passion.

D 2 . The main thing is not to miss anything, to notice all the signs given by God. And listen, hear your heart.

D1 . Love your loved ones. Perhaps love is a careful attempt to return oneself to oneself. Not to what I would like you to be, but to who you are.

Music. Dance of angels.

Departure of the Angels.

Leon Vert.

I ask the children to forgive me for

that I dedicated this book to an adult.

I will say in justification that this adult -

my most best friend. And yet, he understands

everything in the world, even children's books.

After all, all adults were children at first,

only few of them remember about it.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"A little prince"

Pilot: Six years ago I had to make an emergency landing in the Sahara. Something broke in the engine of my plane. There was no mechanic or passengers with me. I barely had enough water for a week. I had to fix the engine myself or... die.

A little prince: Please draw me a lamb!

Pilot: A?

A little prince: Draw me a lamb.

Pilot: But... What are you doing here?

A little prince: Please... Draw a lamb...

Pilot: I'll try... (draws)

A little prince: No no! I don't need an elephant in a boa constrictor! The boa constrictor is too dangerous and the elephant is too big. Everything in my house is very small. I need a lamb. Draw me a lamb.


A little prince: No, this lamb is completely frail. Draw someone else.


A little prince: You see, this is not a lamb, this is a big ram. He has horns...


A little prince: And this one is too old. I need a lamb that will live a long time.

Pilot: Here's a box for you. And your lamb sits in it.

A little prince: This is exactly what I need! Do you think he eats a lot of grass?

Pilot: And what?

A little prince: After all, I have very little at home...

Pilot: He's had enough. I'm giving you a very small lamb.

A little prince: He's not that small... Look, he fell asleep! ...What is this thing?

Pilot: It's not a thing, it's a plane. My plane. He is flying.

A little prince: How? Did you fall from the sky?

Pilot: Yes.

A little prince: That's funny! So, you also came from heaven. And from what planet?

Pilot: So you came here from another planet?

A little prince: Well, you couldn't have flown in from far away.

Pilot: Where did you come from, baby? Where is your home? Where do you want to take your lamb?

A little prince: It's great that you gave me the box. The lamb will sleep there at night.

Pilot: Well, of course. If you're smart, I'll give you a rope to tie him up during the day. And a peg.

A little prince: Tie? What is this for?

Pilot: But if you don’t tie him down, he will wander into an unknown place and get lost.

A little prince: But where will he go?

Pilot: You never know where. Everything is straight, straight, wherever your eyes look.

A little prince: It's okay, because I have very little space there. If you keep going straight and straight, you won't get far. Tell me, do lambs really eat bushes?

Pilot: Yes its true.

A little prince: That's good! So they eat baobabs too?

Pilot: Baobabs are not bushes, but huge trees, as tall as a bell tower.

A little prince: Baobabs, at first, until they grow, are very small,

Pilot: It's right. But does your lamb benefit from eating small baobabs?

A little prince: But of course! There are terrible, evil seeds on my planet... These are baobab seeds. The entire soil of the planet is contaminated with them. And if the baobab is not recognized in time, then you will not get rid of it. He will take over the entire planet, permeate it right through with his roots. And if the planet is small. And there are a lot of baobabs - they will tear it to shreds. ... There is such a firm rule. Got up in the morning, washed, put myself in order - and immediately... bring.... get your planet in order! It's very boring work, but not difficult at all. ... If a lamb eats bushes, does it also eat flowers?

Pilot: He eats everything he comes across.

A little prince: Even flowers that have thorns?

Pilot: Yes, and those with thorns.

A little prince: Then why the spikes? ... Why are spikes needed?

Pilot: The thorns are not needed for any reason; the flowers release them simply out of anger.

A little prince: That's how it is! I don't believe you! Flowers are weak and simple-minded. And they try to give themselves courage. They think that if they have thorns, everyone is afraid of them... And you think that flowers...

Pilot: No! I don't think anything! I answered you the first thing that came to mind. You see, I'm busy with serious business.

A little prince: Seriously? You speak like adults! You confuse everything, you understand nothing! ... I know one planet. There lives such a gentleman... In his entire life he has never smelled a flower, never once looked at a star. He never loved anyone. He is busy with one thing, he adds up numbers, and from morning to night repeats: “I am a serious person! I’m a serious person!” He's not really human. He is a mushroom.

Pilot: What?

A little prince: Mushroom. ... Flowers have been growing thorns for millions of years, and for millions of years, lambs still eat flowers. Is it really not important that lambs and flowers fight each other? ... And if I know the only flower in the world, it grows only on my planet. And one fine morning the little lamb will suddenly take it and eat it. And he won't even know what he did? And in your opinion this is not important?... My flower lives there... But if the lamb eats it, it’s the same as if all the stars went out at once! (crying)

Pilot: Don't cry, baby. The flower you love is not in danger. I will draw a muzzle for your lamb, and armor for your flower... Better tell me about your planet, baby, and about all your travels.


Second picture.

Rose: Oh, I woke up forcibly... I apologize... I’m still completely disheveled...

A little prince: How beautiful you are!

Rose: Yes its true? And note, I was born with the sun. ... It seems it's time for breakfast. Be so kind as to take care of me...

They laugh and dance. Music.

Rose: Let the tigers come, I'm not afraid of their claws!

A little prince: There are no tigers on my planet. (dance, laugh) And then, tigers don’t eat grass.

Rose: I am not grass. (hard)

A little prince: Excuse me…

Rose: No, tigers are not scary to me. But I'm terribly afraid of drafts. Don't have a screen? When evening comes, cover me with a cap. It's too cold here. A very uncomfortable planet. Where I came from... And where is the screen?

A little prince: I wanted to follow her, but I couldn’t help but listen to you!

Rose: Farewell! I don't need the cap anymore!

A little prince: But the wind...

Rose: I'm not that cold. The freshness of the night will do me good. After all, I am a flower!

A little prince: But animals, insects...

Rose: I must tolerate two or three caterpillars if I want to meet butterflies. They must be lovely. Otherwise, who will visit me? You'll be far away. But I’m not afraid of big animals, I also have claws!

A little prince: Farewell!

Rose: Don't wait, it's unbearable! If you decide to leave, then leave!

A little prince:(sharp) Farewell!

Rose: I was stupid... Forgive me... Come back!!

A little prince:... I listened to her in vain. You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. This talk about claws and tigers, they should have moved me, but I got angry! I shouldn't have run! We must judge not by words, but by deeds! But I was too young, I didn’t know how to love!

A little prince: On the first planet there lived a king.

Third picture.


King: Ah, here comes the subject! Come, I want to look at you. ... Etiquette does not allow yawning in the presence of the monarch. I forbid you to yawn.

A little prince: I accidentally. I was on the road for a long time and didn’t sleep at all...

King: Well, then I command you to yawn. I'm even curious about this. So, yawn! This is my order!

A little prince: But I... I can't do it anymore.

King: Then, hmm... Hmm... Then I command you to either yawn or not to yawn.

A little prince: Can I sit down?

King: I command: sit down!

A little prince: Your Majesty, may I ask you?

King: I command you: ask!

A little prince: Your Majesty... Where is your kingdom?

King: Everywhere!

A little prince: Everywhere? And all this is yours?

King: Yes!

A little prince: And the stars obey you?

King: Well, of course, the Stars obey instantly. I don't tolerate disobedience.

A little prince: Your Majesty, I would like to watch the sunset... Please do me the favor of commanding the Sun to set.

King: If I order some general to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, or to compose a tragedy, or to turn into a sea gull, and the general does not carry out the order, who will be to blame for this? Him or me?

A little prince: You, Your Majesty!

King: Absolutely right. Everyone must be asked what they can give. Power, first of all, must be reasonable. If you command your people to throw themselves into the sea, they will start a revolution. My orders must be reasonable.

A little prince: What about the sunset?

King: You will also have sunset. I will demand that the sun go down, but first I will wait for favorable conditions, for this is the wisdom of a ruler.

A little prince: When will the conditions be favorable?

King: It will be... Hmm... Today it will be at seven forty minutes in the evening. And then you will see how exactly my command will be fulfilled.

A little prince: I have to go. There's nothing else for me to do here.

King: Stay! Stay, I will appoint you minister.

A little prince: Minister of what?

King: Well... justice.

A little prince: But there is no one to judge here!

King: Who knows. I have not yet explored my entire kingdom. There is not enough room for a carriage here. Walking is so tiring...

A little prince: But I already looked! There's no one there either!

King: Then judge yourself. This is the hardest thing. It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself, then you are truly wise.

A little prince: I can judge myself anywhere. For this there is no need for me to stay with you.

King: It seems to me that somewhere on my planet there lives an old rat. I hear her scratching at night. You could judge this old rat. From time to time sentence her to death penalty. Her life will depend on you. But then she will have to be pardoned. We must take care of the old rat, because we have only one.

A little prince: I don't like passing down death sentences. And anyway, I have to go.

King: No, it's not time!

A little prince: If Your Majesty desires that your commands be carried out unquestioningly, give a prudent order. Order me to set off without hesitating for a minute... It seems to me that the conditions for this are the most favorable.

King: I appoint you as an ambassador!

A little prince: Strange people, these adults.

Ambitious: And here comes an admirer!

A little prince: Good afternoon

Ambitious: Good afternoon

A little prince: What a funny hat you have!

Ambitious: This is for bowing when greeted. Unfortunately, no one comes here. ...Clap your hands.

A little prince: It's more fun here than the old King's. (claps his hands) What needs to be done to make the hat fall off?

Ambitious: Are you really my enthusiastic admirer?

A little prince: But there is no one else on your planet!

Ambitious: Well, give me pleasure, admire me anyway.

A little prince: I admire! But what joy does this give you? Really, adults are very strange people.

A little prince: Hey, what are you doing?

Drunkard: Drink.

A little prince: For what?

Drunkard: To forget.

A little prince: What to forget?

Drunkard: I want to forget that I am ashamed.

A little prince: Why are you ashamed?

Drunkard: Drink conscientiously.

A little prince: Why are you drinking?

Drunkard: To forget.

A little prince: Forget what?

Drunkard: What am I ashamed to drink?

A little prince: Yes, really, adults are very, very strange people.

The next planet belonged business person.

A little prince: Good afternoon.

Business man: Three and two are five. Five to seven – twelve. Twelve and three are fifteen.

A little prince: Good afternoon.

Business man: Good afternoon. 15 yes 7 – 22, yes 6 – 28. 26 yes 5 – 31. Phew! Total, therefore, 501 million, six hundred twenty-two thousand 731.

A little prince: 500 million what?

Business man: A? Are you still here? 500 million... I don’t know what... I have so much work! I am a serious person, I have no time for chatter! 2 yes 5 – 7…

A little prince: 500 million what?

Business man: I have been living on this planet for many years, and in all that time I have only been disturbed three times. The cockchafer flew here for the first time. He made a terrible noise and then I made four mistakes in addition. The second time I had an attack of rheumatism from a sedentary lifestyle. I don’t have time to walk around, I’m a serious person. The third time - here it is! So, therefore, 500 million...

A little prince: Millions of what?

Business man: 500 million of these little things that are sometimes visible in the air.

A little prince: What are these, flies?

Business man: No, so small and shiny...

A little prince: Bees?

Business man: No. So small, golden, every lazy person looks at them and starts daydreaming. But I am a serious person, I have no time to dream.

A little prince: A?! Stars!

Business man: Exactly. Stars.

A little prince: 500 million stars? What are you doing with them all?

Business man: 501 million 622 thousand 731. I am a serious person. I love precision.

A little prince: What are you doing with all these stars?

Business man: What am I doing?

A little prince: Yes.

Business man: I'm not doing anything. I own them.

A little prince: Do you own the stars?

Business man: Yes.

A little prince: But I have already met the King who...

Business man: Kings own nothing. They only reign. It's not the same thing at all.

A little prince: Why do you need to own the stars?

Business man: To buy new stars if someone discovers them.

A little prince: How can you own the stars?

Business man: Whose stars?

A little prince: Don't know. Draws.

Business man: That means mine, because I was the first to think of it.

A little prince: Is that enough?

Business man: Well, of course. If you find a diamond that does not have an owner, then it is yours. If you find an island that has no owner, it is yours. If you are the first to come up with an idea, you take out a patent for it; She's yours. I own the stars because no one before me thought of owning them.

A little prince: What do you do with them? With the stars?

Business man: I manage them. I count from and recount. It is very difficult. But I am a serious person.

A little prince: If I have a silk scarf, I can tie it around my neck and take it with me. If I have a flower, I can pick it and take it with me. But you can’t take the stars, can you?

Business man: No, but I can put them in the bank.

A little prince: Like this?

Business man: And so, I write on a piece of paper how many stars I have. Then I put this piece of paper in the box and lock it with a key.

A little prince: That's all?

Business man: That's enough.

A little prince: I have a flower and I water it every day. I have three volcanoes and I clean them out every week. I clean all three, and the one that went out too. You never know what can happen. It is good for both my volcanoes and my flower that I own them. And the stars have no use for you. ... No, adults are truly amazing people.

A little prince: Good afternoon. Why did you turn off your lantern now?

Lamplighter: Such an agreement. Good afternoon.

A little prince: What kind of agreement is this?

Lamplighter: Turn off the lantern. Good evening.

A little prince: Why did you light it again?

Lamplighter: Such an agreement.

A little prince: I don't understand.

Lamplighter: And there is nothing to understand. An agreement is an agreement. Good afternoon. This is a hard craft. Once upon a time it made sense. I turned off the lantern in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I still had a day to rest and a night to sleep.

A little prince: And then the agreement changed?

Lamplighter: The agreement did not change, that’s the problem! My planet rotates faster and faster year after year, but the agreement remains the same.

A little prince: So what now?

Lamplighter: Yes, that's it. The planet makes a full revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second to rest. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.

A little prince: That's funny! So your day only lasts one minute!

Lamplighter: Nothing funny. We've been talking for a month now.

A little prince: Whole month?!

Lamplighter: Well, yes. Thirty minutes, thirty days. Good evening.

A little prince: Listen, I know a remedy: you can rest whenever you want...

Lamplighter: I always want to rest.

A little prince: Your planet is so tiny. You can walk around it in three steps. You just need to walk at such a speed that you stay in the sun the whole time. And the day will last as long as you wish.

Lamplighter: More than anything in the world I love to sleep.

A little prince: Then it's bad for you.

Lamplighter: My business is bad. Good afternoon.

A little prince: Here is a man who would be despised by a king, an ambitious man, a drunkard, and a businessman. And yet, of all of them, he is the only one who is not funny. Maybe because he thinks not only about himself. I wish I could make friends with someone. On this planet you can admire sunsets a thousand times.

Geographer: Check this out! The traveler has arrived! Where are you from?

A little prince: What is this huge book? What are you doing here?

Geographer: I am a geographer.

A little prince: What is a geographer?

Geographer: This is a scientist who knows where the seas, rivers, cities and deserts are.

A little prince: How interesting! This is the real deal! Your planet is very beautiful. Do you have oceans?

Geographer: I do not know this.

A little prince: Are there any mountains?

Geographer: Don't know.

A little prince: What about cities, rivers, deserts?

Geographer: And I don’t know this either.

A little prince: But you are a geographer, aren’t you?

Geographer: That's it. I am a geographer, not a traveler. I miss travelers terribly. After all, it is not geographers who count cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. The geographer is too important a person; he has no time to walk around. But he hosts travelers and records their stories. And if one of them tells you something interesting, the geographer makes inquiries and checks whether this traveler is a decent person.

A little prince: What for?

Geographer: But if a traveler begins to lie, then everything in the geography textbooks will be mixed up. And if he drinks too much, that’s also a problem.

A little prince: And why?

Geographer: Because drunkards see double. And where there is actually one mountain, the geographer will mark two.

A little prince: How do you check the discovery? Do they go and look?

Geographer: No. They simply require the traveler to provide evidence. For example, if he discovered a large mountain, let him bring from it big stones. But you are a traveler yourself. Tell me about your planet. I am listening you.

A little prince: Well, it's not that interesting for me there. Everything I have is very small. There are three volcanoes. Two are active, one is extinguished. Then I have a flower.

Geographer: We don't celebrate flowers.

A little prince: Why? This is the most beautiful!

Geographer: Because flowers are ephemeral. Geography books are the most precious books in the world. They never get old. After all, it is a very rare case for a mountain to move. Or for the ocean to dry up. We write about things that are eternal and unchanging.

A little prince: What is ephemeral?

Geographer: This means something that should soon disappear.

A little prince: And my flower should soon disappear?

Geographer: Of course.

A little prince: My Rose "must disappear"? And I abandoned her, she was left completely alone on my planet. She has nothing to protect herself from the world, she only has four thorns. What should I do?

Geographer: Visit planet Earth. She has a good reputation.

A little prince: Good evening.

Snake: Good evening.

A little prince: What planet did I end up on?

Snake: To the ground. To Africa.

A little prince: Here's how. Are there no people on earth?

Snake: This is a desert. Nobody lives in the desert. But the Earth is big.

A little prince: I would like to know why the stars glow? Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs. Look! Here is my planet, right above us... But how far away it is...!

Snake: Beautiful planet. What will you do here on Earth?

A little prince: I quarreled with my flower...

Snake: Ah, here it is...

A little prince: Where are the people? It's still lonely in the desert.

Snake: It's also lonely among people.

A little prince: You are a strange creature... Little...

Snake: But I have more power than the King.

A little prince: Well, are you really that powerful? You don't even have paws. You can't even travel.

Snake: I can take you further than any ship. Anyone I touch, I return to the Earth from which he came... But you are pure and came from a star. I feel sorry for you. You are so weak on this Earth, hard as granite. On the day when you bitterly regret your abandoned planet, I will be able to help you. I can…

A little prince: I understood perfectly... But why do you always speak in riddles?

Snake: I solve all the riddles.

A little prince: What a tiny, inconspicuous flower! Hello!

Flower: Hello.

A little prince: Where are the people?

Flower: Where are people? Unknown. They are carried by the wind. They have no roots. It is very uncomfortable.

A little prince: Good afternoon

Roses: Good afternoon!

A little prince: Who you are?

Flower: We are roses...

A little prince: Here's how...Who are you?

Flower: We are roses - roses - roses - roses.

A little prince: No!!! (crying)

From Behind a Tree - Fox

Fox: Hello!

A little prince: Hello.

Fox: I'm here... Under the apple tree.

A little prince: Who are you? How beautiful you are!

Fox: I am Fox.

A little prince: Play with me. I'm upset.

Fox: I can't play with you. I'm not tamed.

A little prince: How is it to tame?

Fox: You're not from here. What are you looking for here?

A little prince: I'm looking for people. How is it to tame?

Fox: People have guns and go hunting. It is very uncomfortable. And they will also breed chickens. These are the only ones that are good. Are you looking for chickens?

A little prince: No. I am looking for friends. How is it to tame?

Fox: This is a long forgotten concept. It means "to create bonds"

A little prince: Bonds?

Fox: That's it. For me, you are still just a little boy, like a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. For you, I am just a fox, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world.

A little prince: I’m starting to understand... There was one Rose... She probably tamed me...

Fox: Very possible. There's just so much that doesn't happen on Earth.

A little prince: This was not on Earth.

Fox: On another planet?

A little prince: Yes.

Fox: Are there hunters on this planet?

A little prince: No.

Fox: How interesting! Are there any chickens?

A little prince: No.

Fox: There is no perfection in the world! My life is boring. I hunt chickens and people hunt me. All chickens are the same, and all people are the same. And my life is a bit boring. But if you tame me, my life will be illuminated as if by the sun. I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of other steps. When I hear people's steps, I always run and hide. But your walk will call me like music... Please tame me!

A little prince: I would be glad, but I have so little time. I still need to make friends and learn different things.

Fox: You can only learn things that you can tame. People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. If you want to have a friend, tame me!

A little prince: What should you do for this?

Fox: We need to be patient. First, sit there, at a distance... Like this. I will look sideways at you, and you remain silent. Words only interfere with understanding each other. But every day sit a little closer... closer.

They play and ride like children

Fox: It’s better to always come at the same hour... Now, if you come at four o’clock, I’ll feel happy already from three o’clock. You must always come at the appointed time, I will already know at what time to prepare my heart... You must follow the rituals.

A little prince: So I tamed the Fox

The Little Prince is bored, the Fox sees

Fox: I will cry for you.

A little prince: It’s your own fault... I didn’t want you to be hurt, you yourself wanted me to tame you...

Fox: Yes, sure!

A little prince: But you will cry!

Fox: Yes, sure.

A little prince: So it makes you feel bad.

Fox: No, I feel good!... Here’s my secret, it’s very simple! Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

A little prince: You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

Fox: Your Rose is dear to you because you gave her your whole soul.

A little prince: I gave my whole soul to her.

Fox: People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget: you are always responsible for everyone you have tamed. You are responsible for your Rose.

A little prince: I am responsible for my Rose.

Pilot: Yes, everything you say, baby, is very interesting... But I haven’t fixed my plane yet and I don’t have a drop of water left.

A little prince: The fox I became friends with...

Pilot: My dear, I have no time for Fox right now.

A little prince: Why?

Pilot: Yes, because you will have to die of thirst...

A little prince: It's good to have a friend, even if you have to die. I’m very glad that I was friends with Lis.

Pilot: You don't understand how great the danger is. You have never experienced hunger or thirst... A ray of sunshine is enough for you...

A little prince: I’m thirsty too... Let’s go look for a well...

Pilot: So you also know what thirst is?

A little prince: The heart also needs water...

Sat down on the sand

A little prince: The stars are very beautiful, because somewhere there is a flower, although it is not visible...

Pilot: Yes, sure.

A little prince: And the desert is beautiful... Do you know why the desert is beautiful? Springs are hidden somewhere in it...

Pilot: Yes, whether it’s the stars or the desert, the most beautiful thing about them is what you can’t see with your eyes.

A little prince: Look! Well! Everything seems to be prepared for us. Hey! E-hey! Do you hear? We woke up the well and it began to sing. Water is a gift to the heart! On your planet, people grow five thousand roses and do not find what they are looking for.

Pilot: They don't find it.

A little prince: But whatever they are looking for can be found in one single rose, in one sip of water.

Pilot: Yes, sure.

A little prince: But the eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart!

Pilot: You're up to something and you're not telling me.

A little prince: You know, tomorrow it will be a year since I came to you on Earth.

Pilot: So it wasn’t by chance that you ended up here alone, you were returning to the place where you fell then? … I'm scared…

Snake: I'll come here tonight. You will find my footprints in the sand. And then wait.

A little prince: Do you have good poison? Won't you make me suffer for a long time? Now go away... I want to be alone.

Pilot: What are you thinking, baby? Why do you start talking to snakes?

A little prince: I'm glad you found what was wrong with your car. Now you can return home...

Pilot: How do you know?

A little prince: And I will also return home today. It's much further... and much... more difficult.

Pilot: I want to hear you laugh again, baby!

A little prince: Tonight my star will be exactly above the place where I fell a year ago...

Pilot: Listen, kid, this whole thing - the snake and the date with the star - is just a bad dream, isn't it?

A little prince: The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes. My star is very small, I can’t show it to you. That's better. She will be just one of the stars for you. And you will love to look at the stars... They will all become your friends. And then I'll give you something.

Laughs loudly

Pilot: Oh, baby, baby, how I love it when you laugh!

A little prince: This is my gift. For everyone, stars are mute, for scientists they are like a problem that needs to be solved, for a businessman they are gold, for others they are just little lights. And you will have very special stars.

Pilot: How so?

A little prince: You will look at the sky at night and hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh! You will open the window at night and laugh yourself, looking at the sky. It’s as if I gave you a whole bunch of laughing bells instead of stars... You know... Tonight... It’s better not to come.

Pilot: I will not leave you.

A little prince: It will seem to you that I am in pain... It will even seem that I am dying. That's how it happens. Don't come, don't.

Pilot: I will not leave you.

A little prince: You see... It's also because of the snake. What if she bites you... Snakes are evil. Stinging someone is a pleasure for them.

Pilot: I will not leave you!

A little prince: True, she doesn’t have enough poison for two... It will hurt you to look at me. It will seem to you that I am dying, but this is not true... My body is too heavy for me to carry it myself. Nothing sad here... Think about it! How funny! You will have five hundred billion bells, and I will have five hundred million springs... You know... My rose... I am responsible for her. She is so weak and so simple-minded. OK it's all over Now…

The pilot turns away

A little prince: Do you have good poison? Won't you hurt me?

Pilot: That's all. If you ever visit Africa, stay under this star. And, if a little boy comes up to you…. And he won’t answer your questions... You, of course, will guess who he is!

This, in my opinion, is the most beautiful and saddest place in the world. If you happen to end up in Africa, in the desert... Stop under this star! And if a little boy comes up to you, if he laughs loudly and does not answer your questions, you, of course, will guess who he is.

Scenario extracurricular activity for grades 5-6


(based on the philosophical fairy tale “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Slide No. 1

Presenter 1: Hi all! How's the rehearsal? Is the song working out?

Presenter 2:To be honest, not really. The concert is coming soon, but so far we have such discord.

Presenter 1:So! Don't be sour! Breathe in! Let's reach out! Smile! Turn on the soundtrack! Song "The Little Prince".

(Track No. 1)

Slide No. 2

Presenter 2:Nothing seems to be working out. A couple more rehearsals and ok!

Presenter 1:But there’s something I don’t understand! What kind of prince is this? Why is he small? And most importantly, why is it so popular? They sing songs about him, make films, and stage plays!

Presenter 2:Everything is explained very simply. It was invented by the famous French writer, who was a pilot... or, conversely, a pilot who was a writer.

Slide No. 3

Presenter 1:Can you be more precise?

Presenter 2:It’s possible, but it’s no longer for me. Ask Vlad - he is our walking encyclopedia.

Slide No. 4

Vlad:I will be happy to answer you. Moreover, the encyclopedia is right at hand.

Slide No. 5

Count Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Exupéry was born in June 1900 in France in the city of Lyon, in the castle of La Moll.

Slide No. 6

His parents came from old aristocratic families.

Slide No. 7

As a child, he was a dreamer, wrote poetry, drew, learned to play the violin, and was interested in mathematics, technology and cars. His family called him “Sun King” because of the blond hair that crowned his head.

Slide No. 8

His comrades nicknamed Antoine “the astrologer” because his nose was always turned up to the sky. In 1917 he entered the Faculty of Architecture at the Paris School of Fine Arts. The turning point in his fate was 1921, when he was drafted into the army and enrolled in pilot courses.

Slide No. 9, 10, 11,12

A year later, Exupery received a pilot's license and moved to Paris, where he turned to writing.

Slide No. 13,14

Presenter 2:And I heard about his death.

Slide No. 15

On July 31, 1944, Antoine Saint-Exupery set off from an airfield on the island of Sardinia on a reconnaissance flight.

Slide No. 16

He did not return to base. For a long time nothing was known about his death. And only in 1998, in the sea near Marseille, a fisherman discovered a bracelet.

Slide No. 17

There were several inscriptions on it: Antoine, Consuelo (that was the name of the pilot’s wife) and the address of the publishing house where Saint-Exupéry’s books were published. In 2003, the wreckage of an airplane was found and raised from the bottom of the sea; one of these fragments retained the tail number corresponding to the aircraft 42-68223, which was flown by Exupery.

Slide No. 18

Vlad:On my own behalf I would like to add that it was amazing person. An adult child who was interested in everything.

Presenter 1:Yes I know. In a book called " True stories", where they talked about virgin forests, he once saw an amazing picture. In the picture, a huge snake-boa constrictor swallowed a predatory animal.

Slide No. 19

The book said: “The boa constrictor swallows its victim whole, without chewing. After this, he can no longer move and sleeps for six months straight until he digests the food.”

The future writer drew his first picture with a colored pencil.

Slide No. 20

He showed his creation to adults and asked if they were scared.

Is the hat scary? - they objected to him.

And it wasn't a hat at all. It was a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. Then Exupery drew a boa constrictor from the inside so that adults could understand it more clearly.

Slide No. 21

Presenter 2:Wait! Maybe he was the little prince himself?

All: Who?

Slide No. 22

Presenter 2:Exupery! This is what happens: writers portray themselves in their characters!

Vlad:Don't think! Although autobiographical features are not excluded. As far as I remember, the story in the fairy tale about the little prince is told from the perspective of the author, that is, the pilot, which means he cannot possibly be the little prince.

Presenter 1:I know what we need to do. We must find this little prince!

All:How? Is it possible? Where?

Slide No. 23

Presenter 1:Let's take a philosophical fairy tale about him, turn on our imagination - and off we go! The Little Prince's home planet is the size of a house!

Slide No. 24

In addition to such large planets as Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, there are hundreds of others, and among them are so small that they are difficult to see even with a telescope.

Slide No. 25

When an astronomer discovers such a planet, he does not give it a name, but simply a number. For example: asteroid 3251.

Slide No. 26

There are serious reasons to believe that the Little Prince flew from a planet called “asteroid B-612”. This asteroid was seen through a telescope only once, in 1909, by a Turkish astronomer. The astronomer then reported his wonderful discovery at the International Astronomical Congress. But no one believed him.

Slide No. 27

Presenter 2:But I don't see the Little Prince yet. It would be hard to miss on such a tiny planet.

The Little Prince always had this firm rule:

Slide No. 28

Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

Slide No. 29

It is imperative to weed out baobabs every day, as soon as they can be distinguished from rose bushes: their young shoots are almost identical.

Slide No. 30

It's very boring work, but not difficult at all.

Presenter 1:Look - a rose! Such a beauty! Tell me, rose, where is the Little Prince? We are looking for him!

Slide No. 31

Rose:Ah! Je me réveille à peine...Je vous demande pardon... Je suis encore toute décoiffée.

Presenter 2:Oh, what should I do? After all, Exupery wrote his fairy tale in French and all the characters speak French.

Presenter 1:So how do we find out about the prince from her?

Presenter 2:We must call Vlad. Vlad, was “The Little Prince” published only in French?

Slide No. 32

Vlad:Well, “The Little Prince” is considered the most read and translated book in the French language; it has been translated into 250 languages ​​and dialects, including Braille for the blind. But for the first time... Although see for yourself:

Slide No. 33

Newspaper delivery guy: (on English language) Sensation! Sensation! For children and adults! (2 times) The tale of the wonderful French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”! (2 times)

Vlad:Yes, yes, for the first time famous fairy tale Exupery was published not in the original, but in translation into English.

Slide No. 34

Slide No. 35

The Little Prince was translated into Russian by the famous Soviet translator Nora Gal (Eleanor Galperina) and in her translation it was published in 1959 in the Moscow magazine.

Slide No. 36

Presenter 1:That's great. So, Rosa will be able to speak to us in Russian?

Vlad: Well, yes.

Slide No. 37

Presenter 1:Rose, tell me, where can we find the little prince?

Slide No. 38

Rose:I once sprouted from grain brought from nowhere, and the Little Prince did not take his eyes off my tiny sprout, which was unlike all the other sprouts and blades of grass. He thought: “What if this is some new variety of baobab?” But I was preparing a miracle for him, preening myself, carefully selecting colors, dressing up leisurely, trying on the petals one by one. I didn’t want to come into the world disheveled, like some poppy. I wanted to show myself in all the splendor of my beauty. Yes, I was a terrible flirt! He considered me beautiful, protected me from drafts, watered me with spring water... but, among other things, I was also very capricious... The little prince was offended and flew away. He took empty words to heart and began to feel very unhappy. Are you looking for him? If you find him, tell him that I’m waiting for him... and I won’t offend him anymore!

Presenter 2:Well, let's move on.

All:How are we going to move?

Slide No. 39

Presenter 2:The way the Little Prince did it - with migratory birds. Look - they're flying!

Dance of the Birds (Track No. 2)

The king appears on the stage

Slide No. 40

Presenter 1:Hello King!

King:Ah, here come the subjects! Come, I want to look at you.

Presenter 2:We are not subjects - we are looking for the Little Prince. He was with you, wasn't he?

King:Was. But not for long! He yawned in the presence of the monarch, although I did not allow him to do so. Then he allowed it, but he no longer wanted to yawn. And for the king, the most important thing is that he be obeyed unquestioningly. I would not tolerate disobedience. I am an absolute monarch. But I am very kind, and therefore I give only reasonable orders. If I order my general to turn into a seagull, and if the general does not carry out the order, it will not be his fault, but mine.

Il faut exiger de chacun ce que chacun peut donner. L'autorité repose d'abord sur la raison.

Presenter 1:And what does it mean?

Slide No. 41

King:Everyone must be asked what they can give. Power must first of all be reasonable. Your little prince has flown on, I have appointed him as ambassador! I also appoint you as ambassadors - fly!

Presenter 2:Look! There's another one here funny character! An ambitious man lives on the second planet!

Slide No. 42

Ambitious:Clap your hands. (Bows, taking off his hat) Are you really my enthusiastic admirers?

Presenter 1:What is it like to read?

Ambitious:To honor means to admit that on this planet I am the most beautiful, the most elegant, the richest and the smartest.

Presenter 2:But there is no one else on your planet!

Ambitious:Well, give me pleasure, admire me anyway!

All: We admire.

Presenter 1:But what joy does this give you? Tell me better how we can find the Little Prince.

Ambitious:Well, give me pleasure, admire me!

Presenter 2:Screw him! Turn the page!

Slide No. 43

Vlad:On the next planet there lived a drunkard. The little prince stayed with him for only a short time, but after that he felt very sad.

Slide No. 44

The fourth planet belonged to a business man. He was so busy that when the Little Prince appeared he didn’t even raise his head.

Business man: Trois et deux font cinq. Cinq et sept douze. Douze et trois quinze. Bonjour. Quinze et sept vingt-deux. Vingt-deux et six vingt-huit. Vingt-six et cinq trente et un. Ouf! Ça fait donc cinq cent un millions six cent vingt-deux mille sept cent trenre et un.

Presenter 1:What is he doing?

Vlad:He counts the stars, believing that he owns them. Counts them and recounts them.

Slide No. 45

Presenter 2:Well, let's not disturb him - he is too absorbed in his own affairs. The fifth planet is very interesting. She is the smallest of all. It only fits a lantern and a lamplighter.

Lamplighter:(lights the lantern): Bonjour! (Extinguishes): Bonsoir!

Presenter 1:Hey lamplighter! Can you tell me how to find the Little Prince?

Slide No. 46

Lamplighter:My planet rotates faster and faster every year. It makes a full revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second to rest. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again. I had the little prince, but that was hours ago - by the standards of my planet, an eternity ago! Bonjour! Bonsoir!

Presenter 2:Well, who advised the little prince to visit Earth?

Slide No. 47

Vlad:Exactly! Look. (Shows the page). It was an old geographer from the sixth planet. Yes here he is .

Geographer: Visit la planète Terre. Elle a une bonne réputation.

Slide No. 48

Presenter 2:Well, on Earth we will quickly find it.

Vlad:So the seventh planet he visited was Earth. The Earth is not a simple planet! There are one hundred and eleven kings (including, of course, black ones), seven thousand geographers, nine hundred thousand businessmen, seven and a half million drunkards, three hundred and eleven million ambitious people, a total of about two billion adults.

Slide No. 49

Presenter 1(Jumps up): Oh, snake! Was it you, the snake, who bit the Little Prince?

Snake:What do you! I just helped him when he asked for it! I have wonderful poison! But first I showed him the roses!

Vlad:The Little Prince walked for a long time through sand, rocks and snow and finally came across a road. And all roads lead to people. In front of him was a garden full of roses.

Slide No. 50

The little prince saw that they all looked like his flower. And I felt very, very unhappy. His beauty told him that there was no one like her in the entire universe. And here in front of him are five thousand exactly the same flowers in the garden alone!

And then he thought: “I imagined that I owned the only flower in the world that no one else had anywhere, and it was a very ordinary rose. All I had was a simple rose and three volcanoes that were knee-high.” , and then one of them went out and, perhaps, forever... what kind of prince am I after that..." He lay down in the grass and cried.

Slide No. 51

Dance of the Roses (Track No. 3)

Slide No. 52

Fox:Are you looking for the Little Prince? I know him - he tamed me, and we became friends.

Presenter 1:How is it - tamed?

Fox:If someone tames someone, both become necessary to each other.

You can only learn those things that you tame. People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.

Slide No. 54

The little prince learned a lot by taming me. He realized that his rose was the only one in the world, and all the others were empty, because he did not love them.

I told him one secret, and I’ll tell it to you too. He very simple:

Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu"avec le coeur. L"essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

Only the heart is vigilant.

All:You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

Fox: Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.

Slide No. 55

All:You are always responsible for those you have tamed.

Slide No. 56

Presenter 1:We found his footprints in the sand, and nearby the curling trail of a snake... but we never saw the Little Prince. We read the last entry in the pilot’s diary that the Little Prince, before parting, gave him five hundred million stars laughing with joyful bells.

Slide No. 57

Sand animation "The Little Prince"

Slide No. 58

(Track No. 4)

Karpova:Which Touching story! Everyone will read it in their own way, because we were all children, little princes and princesses, and we all have to give childhood to our little ones, our sons and daughters. Exupery is right: we all come from childhood. And the longer we remember this, the longer we remain happy. Read this wise tale - you will become wiser.

Slide No. 59

Song "The Little Prince" ( Lisa Monde « Le petit prince »)

Le petite prince - Lisa Monde

Music: M. Tariverdiev

Words: Lisa Monde,

(in original: N. Dobronravov,

and Alisa Freindlich sings in the original)

Est-ce que c'est en effet, astres solitaires?

Je rêve, je rêve beaucoup du pays stellaire

Quand la nuit tombera, quand la nuit tombera

Des vagues écumantes déborderont.

La chanson de la nuit chassera le silence

Ton regard trés naïf briellera de loin

Tout doucement tout doucement,

Mon petit prince arrivera

Sa voix trés heureuse s’insinuera.

Je t'en pris, je t'en pris, ne me quitte pas

Le petit prince mystérieux du mon conte de fée

Garde á tout jamais, garde á tout jamais

Pour la planéte entiére, ton ame sincére.

Romantic music sounds, a young man and a girl come out.

Young woman. Once upon a time I already read the fairy tale “The Little Prince” and watched a play at the Youth Theater. Even then, this fairy tale made an impression on me. A feeling of something tender and sad remained in my soul, and I realized that this fairy tale should be read as an adult. Not even as adults, but rather in youth.

young man. In our youth, when we stand on the threshold adult life, at a crossroads, it is so important to have unshakable truths in your soul. Truths that would become guides in life. Such eternal truths are the statements of the Little Prince. Arriving on a deceitful, insincere Earth, this little traveler teaches us kindness and compassion.

The vocal ensemble performs the song “The Little Prince” (lyrics by N. Dobronravov, music by M. Tariverdiev).

Who invented you, star country?

I have been dreaming about her for a long time, I have been dreaming about her.

I'll leave the house, I'll leave the house,

There is a wave breaking right behind the pier.

On a windy evening the cries of birds will fall silent,

I will notice the starry light from under the eyelashes,

Quietly towards me, quietly towards me

The gullible Little Prince will come out.

The most important thing is not to scare away the fairy tale,

Open the endless windows to the world.

My sailboat is rushing, my sailboat is rushing

On a fabulous journey!

Where are you, where are you on the island of happiness,

Where is the coast of light and goodness,

Where with hopes, where with hopes

The most tender words wander.

Distant friends left behind in childhood

Life is a voyage to distant lands.

Farewell songs, farewell songs,

Everyone has their own fairy tale in life.

The music sounds as if simulating the landing of an airplane. The Little Prince appears.

A little prince(addressing the young man). Turned one year old tonight. My star will be right above the place where I fell a year ago.

young man. Listen, kid, this whole thing - the snake and the date with the star - is just a bad dream, right?

A little prince. The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes!

young man. Yes, sure!

A little prince. It's like a flower. If you love a flower that grows on a distant star, it’s good to look at the sky at night; all the stars are blooming.

Young man. Yes, sure!

A little prince. I would like to know why the stars glow? Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs again.

Young man.

We will remember more than once

That good planet

Where with the rays of the eyes

There are dawns,

Where are the sunny dreams?

Where are the star paths?

Where in the songs are heard

Laughs and sadness.

A little prince. I know one planet, there lives a gentleman with such a purple face. He had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. If you love a flower, the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars, that’s enough - you look at the sky and you’re happy. And you say to yourself: “My flower lives there somewhere.”

The Waltz of the Flowers is performed.

Young man. Main character fairy tales Exupery is a child who explores the world, he is interested in everything, and he does not remain indifferent to any new fact. He strives to learn as much as possible about the world, about people, and nature.

A little prince. Each person has his own stars. For those who wander, they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a problem that needs to be solved. For all people the stars are mute. (Addresses the audience) And you will have very special stars. Look at the sky at night - there will be such a star, where I live, where I laugh, and you hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who will laugh. You'll be glad you knew me once. You will always be my friend.

The song “Starfall” is performed (lyrics by V. Tatarinov, music by S. Nagibin).

Starfall outside the window, starfall.

I was beckoned by the falling stars with witchcraft.

Like a dream, like a vivid dream.

So let it not go out!

Starfall is a golden hail

Above me, above you, above fate.

And hearts beat in harmony.


One star shines for us.

She is faithful to you and me.

You shine, shine, star, always!

Look into my eyes, look -

How many days, how many stars are ahead!

Let our days fly, our days,

As if bright stars lights!

Just give me a look, just a look,

And in your eyes there is a shower of stars.

Starfall, starfall, starfall...

And hearts beat in harmony.


Young man. This fairy tale by the French writer contains many wise thoughts, reflections on eternal questions human life: about friendship, responsibility, devotion, love, about life and its values, about people’s relationships.

The Little Prince is not only the image of a specific hero, but also a symbol of a child.

Young woman. Where are we from? We come from childhood, as if from some country, says one of the most amazing Dei, dreamer, pilot, writer Antoine de Saint Exupery.

The song “The Little Prince” is played again.

Quiz on the fairy tale "The Little Prince"

1. How many chapters are there in a fairy tale? (27.)

4. Where was the plane made an emergency landing? (In the Sahara.)

5. What drawing did the Little Prince ask you to draw? (Lamb.)

6. What planet did the Little Prince come from? (The planet is asteroid B-612.)

7. What evil seeds were on the planet of the Little Prince? (Baobab.)

8. How many sunsets did the Little Prince once see in one day? (43.)

9. What does the Little Prince think about adults? (That they are very strange people.)

10. Who owned the 4th planet? (To a business person.)

11. Why did the Little Prince regret the fifth planet most of all? (In 24 hours you can admire the sunset 1440 times.)

12. Who did the prince meet on the 6th planet? (Geographer.)

13. Which planet did the geographer advise the prince to visit? (Planet Earth.)

14. What did the prince see when he climbed the high mountain? (Rocks, sharp and thin, like needles.)

15. What did the Fox ask the prince? (Tame.)

16. What did the Fox say to the Little Prince goodbye? (You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.)

Additional material

Return of the Little Prince


The pilot is a very nice, sweet grown-up child.

The little prince is the one everyone is waiting for, but who comes only in a dream.

The artist is smeared with paint, always searching for himself, subject and brushes.

The little fox is a kind, homely, tamed character.

The boy Vasya is an ordinary harmful child.

Rose is a selfish coquette with a very, very attractive appearance.

Chamomile is a mischievous, slightly hot-tempered little girl.

Cacti are dull and somewhat limited guards.

Natalia Kozyuk
Script of the play “On the Road of Friendship with the Little Prince” for children of the preparatory group

Based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry for preschool children

activate cognitive interest in children;

develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, fantasy, imagination, creative thinking;

develop the ability to coordinate your actions with other children; cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers;

develop the ability to evenly position and move along stage area without colliding with each other, develop plastic expressiveness and musicality;

develop the ability to create images of living beings using expressive plastic movements.


1. Presenter

3. Prince

6. Lamplighter

7. Geographer

9. Rose girls brighten up the action with their beauty.

10. Boy stars bring movement, with their help the pictures change.

Attributes: 3 screens of blue color with sewn stars, a model of an airplane, a model of an apple tree, a throne for a king, a table with books for a geographer, a lantern, soft toy rose, roses and stars for dancing.

Costumes are designed by children and parents themselves. It is necessary to involve as many students as possible. This will increase their interest in performance and to the subject as a whole.

Progress of the performance:

Leading: Hello, Dear guests! Today we will show you re-enactment according to a fairy tale « A little prince» , which was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a wonderful French writer and pilot who died heroically in an air battle with the Nazis in 1944.

This tale tells about The Little Prince who looks at the world through children's eyes. He is inquisitive, tireless and very kind. A very capricious rose grows on his planet. He wants to punish her for this and... goes on a journey.

Towards the end of the tale the prince understood what is love, fidelity, friendship. And although he was very sorry to part with friends: A pilot and a Fox, he cannot remain in a world of people who do not understand him.

He felt that he simply needed to return home, to Rose, who could die without him. After all, he is responsible for her.

Phonogram « A little prince» M. Tariverdieva (minus)

Stars bring the Prince.

Prince(against the background of music):

Listen! After all, if the stars light up, does that mean someone needs it? So - someone wants them to be? This means that it is necessary for at least one star to light up in the sky every evening!

The music is louder.

A little prince"looks to the sky", then slowly walks away.

Picture 1. The Little Prince and the Pilot.

The music is replaced by the noise of the engine.

Phonogram "The Sound of a Falling Plane". Pause.

On a pilot enters the stage. He examines the plane (the mock-up set initially stands in the background, picks up a tablet and a pencil, and thinks about it.

Pilot: It had to happen for my plane to crash right here, in this lifeless desert...

It turns out A little prince. He approaches the Pilot from behind and addresses him.

Prince: Draw me a lamb...

Pilot: What?. What lamb? (The pilot looks around in fear.)

Pilot: You. Who are you? How did you get here? Where are your parents?

Prince: Please draw me a lamb.

Prince silently shrugs.

Pilot: You see, my plane crashed. I need help, I have very little water. Where are people?

Prince: Nobody's here. Just you and me. Well, please draw a lamb. It is important!

Pilot: Well, okay, okay (draws)

Prince: No, he's too small, he won't survive with me. Draw someone else.

Pilot: Just wait with your lambs. You see, if I can’t take off, I’ll die in this desert.

Prince(surprised): Can you fly?

Pilot: Well, yes! Here is a plane, I fly on it. The plane flies because it has a motor inside. But now the engine has stalled and I can’t take off...Baby, tell me, where are the adults you came here with?

Prince: I didn’t arrive, but flew in.

Pilot: Arrived? On what?

Prince: Nothing. I just wanted to and flew in.

Pilot: One? Without adults?

Prince: There are no adults on my planet.

Pilot: So you're from another planet?

Prince: Yes, and there is no lamb on my planet. But there is Rose. She is very beautiful, but she misses me. Draw a lamb. He will be friends with Rose, and play with her while I'm away.

Pilot (draws): Here's a lamb for you.

Prince(joyfully): Thank you! Now I have my own lamb...

Pilot: What is your name?

Prince: Prince. …

Pilot: I soon found out that a little prince really lives on another tiny planet, I found out why Prince went on a trip...

Picture 2. The Little Prince and Rose. Phonogram « A little prince»

A little prince

On my little planet

The sun rises every day.

I only have a little

But I have enough worries:

We need to clean out the volcanoes

Baobabs snatch a row.

And when I feel sad,

I'm going to watch the sunset.

One day quite by accident

I found a sprout in the grass.

He reached up desperately

My precious flower.

It was just a miracle

It was some kind of dream:

I don't know where from

A bud suddenly appeared.

Rose picked out the paints,

I gave her water to drink

Gave her tenderness and affection

And spoke quietly:

"Do not be afraid of anything,

open up quickly!”

Phonogram. Beautiful gentle melody (on the background)

Stars bring a rose.


Well, what kind of planet?

Those are terrible winds,

That hot summer

It's raining.

In the heat and in the cold

Take care of Rose

Create for Rose

Comfort and coziness.

Water the weed.

Cap bring.

Well, why are you standing?

Put it here!

Rather be sorry

Hurry up and water it

Rather cherish

My beauty.

How cool!

Put up a fence!

I need a screen

Please, here!

Hurry up and protect

Save it quickly

Hurry up and save me

My beauty!

Phonogram "Sineglazka's Song". (minus)

Rose sings a song.

1. I will tell you, friends, frankly,

What is there alone in the Universe,

I'm so alone in the Universe

Amazing like a star!

I can be a little capricious

Willful, a little prickly,

And proud, and a little whiny.

But always incredibly beautiful!


Oh! Petals of a red rose.

So fresh and so beautiful.

And charms everyone

Their magical aroma.

The most tender and wonderful

Their magical aroma.

2. And although this is not modest, probably

But my The prince loves me immensely

And ready to talk every day

About my unearthly beauty.

He surrounds me with care,

And waters with spring water,

Saves from winds and heat

And he admires me with delight.

He listened to her in vain. You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. The flower filled his entire planet with fragrance, but he did not know how to rejoice at it. He got angry, decided to punish her and left his planet...

Prince Farewell!

Rose: I was stupid. I'm sorry. And try to be happy!.

The stars carry Rose away and bring the following characters, stand in a circle, hiding them from the audience. They are released one by one scenarios.


- To the little prince I really wanted to find a true friend, and so he went traveling. There lived a King on a neighboring planet.

Picture 4. Prince and King.

Phonogram "Kings can do anything..." A. Pugacheva. (minus)

Girls – "stars" sing a song.

He lived and he lived, he lived and he lived,

Once upon a time there was one King.

He wanted to rule the country and people.

Only, apparently, I forgot

He completely forgot

That he’s all alone on his own planet.

And that King thought,

What is endowed with power?

And he can command everyone around him.

But, unfortunately, that's all.

What is he capable of?

To sit on the throne alone.


And it seems like I’m not stupid

That monarch was a star

And fulfill it with honor

He is ready for his role.

But command the stars

And command the sun

Not one, not one King can. 2 times

I'm tired of it, like saucers,

Only control the stars.

Resolutions, Revolutions...

Ah, the sad life of a king!

It's not done, it's not served,

Where are my subjects?

Where are my subjects?

Where can I find my subjects?

Where can a sensitive heart be found?

I would order him.

Sympathize, sympathize,

Oh, how difficult it is to live alone!

It's not done, it's not served,

At least stand on the corner with a crown.

Where are my subjects?

Where are my subjects?

Where can I find my subjects?

Prince approaches the throne of the King.

King: And here comes the subject!

Prince(surprised): Am I a subject?

Prince: Your Majesty. what do you rule?

King: Everyone! (waves his hand around) And everything around me obeys!

Prince: And the stars?

King: Well, of course, the stars obey. I don't tolerate disobedience!

Prince: Your Majesty, I really love watching the sunset. Please do me a favor and make the sun go down!

King: There will be a sunset for you. I will demand that the sun go down. But first I will wait for favorable conditions.

Prince: And when will the conditions be favorable?

King: (rummages in his robe, takes out a notebook and looks at it) It will be. today it will be exactly seven hours and forty minutes in the evening. And then you will see how exactly my command will be fulfilled.

Prince(disappointed): Alright I have to go.

King: Stay! I will appoint you as minister.

Prince: No. This is not for me. Sorry, I have to go. All the best!

Picture 5. The Prince and the Lamplighter.

Music is playing.

Presenter - No, adults are amazing people. Is it possible to live next to such a person? Well, what's the use of it?

No, this person cannot become a true friend. Still, these adults are strange people! The music is quieter.

- Prince flew around several asteroids. Very strange adults live on them...

He was on a planet where there lives a gentleman who has never smelled a flower in his life and never looked at the stars. He spent his whole life adding up numbers and never loved anyone. He considered himself a serious person. But in fact he is not a person, but a mushroom...

And on another planet A little prince I met a man in a funny hat. He wanted everyone to admire him. He considered himself more beautiful than everyone, smarter than everyone, more elegant and richer than everyone. Although there was no one else on his planet... These adults are strange people.

Here, it seems, is another one - Lamplighter.

He lives on the fifth planet. His work still has meaning. When he lights his lantern, it’s as if another star or flower is born. And when he turns off the lantern, it’s as if a star or a flower is falling asleep. Great activity.


I wish I could sleep through the dawn:

But the agreement - expensive.

So I rush to the lantern.

Every day is the same.

Every hour it gets faster

The planet is spinning.

To make it more fun

I sing verses:

Morning, evening - a day away;

The day has flown by,

As day follows night.

In one minute.


Meanwhile, in my opinion, the Lamplighter is worthy of respect. Because he is true to his word and thinks not only about himself...

Prince: - With him I could make friends. But his planet is very tiny. There's no room for two.

Music is playing.

Picture 6. The Prince and the Geographer.

On the sixth planet the prince met the geographer

Music is playing. Girls - "stars" open the curtain.

A geographer sits in a robe, writing something in a thick book. The prince approaches him.

Prince: Hello.

Geographer: Ah-ah! The traveler has arrived! Where are you from?

Prince: What a huge book! What are you doing here?

Geographer: I am a geographer!

Prince: What is a geographer?

Geographer: This is a scientist who knows where the seas, cities, rivers and deserts are.

Prince: How interesting! Your planet must be very beautiful! Do you have oceans?

Geographer: I do not know this.

Prince(disappointed): Oh... Are there mountains?

Geographer: Don't know.

Prince: What about cities, rivers, deserts?

Geographer: I don’t know that either.

Prince: But you are a geographer!

Phonogram "The Stargazer's Song" (minus)

1. Geographers are held in high esteem among scientists around the world.

They are needed - praise and honor to them!

Seas and oceans, deserts, mountains, rivers -

It is so important to take all this into account.

We write in thick books

Stories of those who wander

In different, amazing places.

It's just a pity, of course

Something that we will write about,

Alas, we are not destined to see!


There on Earth, on Earth

Somewhere in the depths of the sea

A new pitfall has appeared.

And on the moon, on the moon

On a blue boulder

Some strange crater appeared.

Many mysterious places

In the distances of space there is.

Someone will tell about them someday.

And to new rivers, mountains,

To new seas, cities

Book for you Right way will always indicate.

Geographer: I am a geographer, not a traveler. The geographer is too important a person. I cannot leave my office and look for mountains, seas and oceans. I am busy. We, geographers, we accept we host travelers, write down their stories, demand evidence.

So you are a traveler and have come from afar. Tell me about your planet.

Prince: Well, on my planet it’s not that interesting... Everything is very small. There are three volcanoes. Two are active, and one has long gone out... I also have a flower, it.

Geographer: We are not interested in flowers.

Prince: But why, because this is the most beautiful thing I have.

Geographer: Geography books are the most precious books in the world. They never get old. It doesn't often happen that a mountain moves or an ocean dries up.

What about your flower? Today it is there, but tomorrow it is no longer there.

Prince: So my flower should disappear?

Geographer: Certainly.

Prince comes to the fore.

Prince: My rose is so weak. She has nothing to protect herself from the world. She only has four spines. And I left her. And she was left completely alone. Rose, my rose...

(decisively) No! I still have to fly further.

(addresses the geographer) Where do you recommend I go?

Geographer: Visit planet Earth. They say it’s a very good planet!

Prince: Well, Earth, then Earth. Farewell!

Picture 7. Prince and Fox.

So, the seventh planet visited A little prince, there was Earth.

The Earth is not a simple planet! There are kings, geographers, drunkards, and ambitious people on it. There are a lot of different kinds of people. But people do not take up much space on earth. All of humanity could be lumped together small island in Pacific Ocean. Adults, of course, won’t believe this. They imagine that they take up too much space.

Before Little Prince garden of roses(girls).

Roses - Good afternoon. Good afternoon.

A little prince(amazed). - Who you are?

Roses - We are roses. We are roses.

A little prince. That's how!. And my beauty said that there are no others like her in the entire Universe. I imagined that I owned the only flower in the world that no one else had anywhere, and it was the most ordinary rose. (crying).

Phonogram 10.

Fox: Hello!

Prince(looking around): Hello!

Fox: I'm here. Under the apple tree. (Carefully comes out, comes closer and immediately backs away)

Prince: How beautiful you are! Who are you?

Fox: I am the Fox... And you?

Prince: And I Prince.

Fox (walks around him in surprise): Pri-i-inc?

Prince: Well, yes. Prince. And I'm so sad... Play with me!

Fox: I can't play with you.

Prince: Why?

Fox: You see, I am not tamed.

Prince: How is it - tamed?

Phonogram "The Blue Puppy Song" (minus)

The fox sings.

1. On a clear day and on days of bad weather

I have no happiness in my life.

My fox age is darkened -

I am not tamed by anyone!

2. And for Little Prince

I'm an ordinary fox!

I'm sad, cursing fate -

Oh, tame me!

Fox: You see, for now you are just for me a little boy, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. For you, I am an ordinary fox, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me,

we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world. Understand?

Leading: You can only learn those things that you tame. People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.

Fox: If you want to have a friend, tame me!

A little prince. What should you do for this?

We must be patient. Sit over there for now.

Only with each new meeting you sit closer.

Come to me at exactly the same hour all the time.

Try not to be late even for a minute.

Because every time I will prepare my heart to meet you...

And I will find out what happiness is.

The prince moves away 7 steps, then takes steps towards the Fox, shakes hands

So you tamed me.

A little prince(sighing). We need to say goodbye. I have to go.

Fox (hiding tears). I'll miss you.

A little prince. It's your fault. I didn’t want you to get hurt, you yourself wanted me to tame you.

Fox. Yes, sure… (after a pause) Now go and look at the roses again. You will understand that your Rose is the only one in the world.

Roses. We are roses. We are roses.

A little prince You are nothing like my Rose. You are nobody yet. This is how my Fox used to be. But I'm with him made friends, and now he is the only one in the whole world.

You are beautiful, but empty... Of course, a random passer-by, looking at my Rose, will say that she is exactly the same as you. But to me she dearer than all of you. She is mine. (to the fox). Goodbye.

Leading (Prince) :

Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

Your Rose is so because you are dear that you gave her your whole soul.

People have forgotten this truth, but you haven't forget it: You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your Rose.

Song « A little prince» . Words by N. Dobronravov, music by Mikael Tariverdiev.

1. Who invented you, star country?

2. On a windy evening, the cries of birds will fall silent.

I notice the starry light from under my eyelashes.

Quietly towards me, quietly towards me

Will come out gullible A little prince.

3 The most important thing is not to scare away the fairy tale,

Open the endless windows to the world,

My sailboat is rushing, my sailboat is rushing,

My sailboat is rushing on a fabulous path.

4. Where are you, where are you, happiness island?

Where is the coast of light and goodness?

Where with hopes, where with hopes

The most tender words wander.

5. Who invented you, star country?

I have been dreaming about her for a long time, I have been dreaming about her.

I'll leave the house, I'll leave the house -

There is a wave breaking right behind the pier.

Leading: This story is about a star boy, The Little Prince. He was light as a ray of light and even more fragile than he seemed at first glance. He saw with his heart, never explained anything, and gave his laughter as a gift.

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