Holiday script: KVN "Young Firefighters". KVN script “Young rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations KVN on the theme of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

"Fire is my friend and enemy."

KVN by fire safety on this topic:

"Fire is my friend and enemy."


    introduce children to fire safety rules;

    teach to comply with them;

    bring to the consciousness of children the impossibility of frivolous and careless handling of fire;

    practice the correct actions in the event of a fire;

    bring up careful attitude to your health.

    form a cohesive children's team.

Technical support:

1. Computers.

2. Multimedia projector and screen.

Book exhibition:

    S. Marshak “Cat House”, “Fire”, “The Story of unknown hero”;

    L. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs”, “Fire”;

    B. Zhitkov “Fire at Sea”, “Smoke”, “Fire”;

    E. Permyak “Like fire took water in marriage.”


1.Message about the topic of the event.

Matches are the best toy

For bored children.

Dad's tie, mom's passport -

Here is a small fire.

If you throw the slippers,

Or put a broom,

You can fry a whole chair

Cook the fish soup in the nightstand.

If adults are somewhere

The matches were hidden from you.

Explain to them that matches

For the fire you need!

G. Oster

Of course, this poem is comic, but is it possible to joke with fire?

What do playing with fire lead to? ( to the fire)

What will we talk about today at our holiday? A rebus will help you guess. Solve it. ( About the fire)

Educator: You and I know that fire can be good and it can be evil.

You can’t do a day without a good fire.

He is a reliable friend of us, drives away the cold, drives away the darkness.

He raises a friendly flame, like a flag.

Everyone needs a good fire, and for that he is honored,

That he warms dinner for the guys, cuts steel and bakes bread.

Yes, fire can be different, pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or golden, good fire, evil fire.

Evil fire - fire of fire,

Evil fire is the fire of war.

The days are dark and the fields are black due to the merciless heat.

Residents globe, citizens of any country,

The evil fire must be extinguished.


Educator: Have you ever wondered what would happen if there was no fire? But listen...

If there was no fire.

Grandma told me

That fire is our friend and enemy.

Without him it would be dark

We wouldn't live like this at all.

We'd be shaking from the cold,

Would turn into penguins

Or they became mammoths,

They would be overgrown with long hair.

We wouldn't know about TV

Neither eat nor live,

We wouldn’t play “DANDY” either.

In general, it would be a bad life.

N. Afanasyev

Educator: Fire plays an exceptional role in human life. Heating our homes, cooking, the development of science and technology - everything is connected with fire.

Most fires occur due to the fault of people themselves, due to their carelessness, and approximately every 6th fire occurs due to the fault of children and adolescents.

Educator: Let's begin! Let's start our fire KVN!

We expect, we expect hot fights, bright scenes!

(represents the jury)

Competition 1: WELCOME TEAMS:

Time – 5-7 minutes. Evaluated using a 5-point system.

Educator: To fight fire skillfully,

Everyone needs to know firefighting!

Firefighting skills will come in handy

Then to know how to handle fire.

Competition 2: QUIZ:

In turn, each team is asked 5 questions, 5 points for the correct answer. If a team answers incorrectly or does not answer at all, then the other team gets the right to answer. (Slide 12)

1. What is better to lubricate the burn site - oil or alcohol?

Answer: only cold water, snow or ice.

2. Why can't windows and doors be opened in case of a fire indoors?

Answer: arrives Fresh air(oxygen) and the fire burns hotter.

3. Fireman and firefighter. How are these concepts different?

Answer: A fireman puts out a fire, a fireman is an arsonist.

4. What to do if there is a lot of smoke in the room?

Answer: lie down on the floor and crawl towards the exit.

5. Why is the fire truck red?

Answer: red is the color of fire so that drivers can see and give way.

6. What do people suffer more often from: fire or smoke?

Answer: from smoke more often: 2-3 breaths of carbon monoxide - you will get severe poisoning.

7. What should you do if your or another person’s clothing catches fire?

Answer: fall to the ground and roll around, you can’t tear off your clothes.

8. Cause of electrical wire fire?

Answer: short circuit.

9. If it is difficult to breathe from acrid smoke, what should you do?

Answer: breathe through wet cloth.

10. What to do if the iron catches fire?

Answer: turn off the electricity; cover the tanned iron with a woolen blanket, heavy cloth and press tightly to prevent air (oxygen) from entering.


Children stand in a column. One by one they run up to the phone, pick up the receiver, call 01, and run back. The team that finishes first receives 10 points.

Easier than putting out a fire

We need to WARN him!

Let every citizen know:

Fire service - 01.

We will quickly defeat the fire

If we call on 01.


For each proverb or saying, the team receives 1 point.

Educator: More than once we have been convinced that “ old proverb he doesn’t say anything in passing.” According to the correct observation of the people, proverbs and sayings teach, warn, protect, protect. That’s why I again suggest you turn to the ancient wisdom of our people, carried through centuries, about fire, its meaning and danger. You will take part in a competition for experts on proverbs and sayings. Who knows more proverbs and sayings about fire and words associated with this phenomenon? Let's check it right now.

Examples of proverbs and sayings to answer:

    There is no smoke without fire.

    Straw is not friendly with fire.

    Out of the frying pan into the fire.

    Don't touch the matches - there's fire in them.

    The match is small, the fire is giant.

    The stove is burning, don’t touch it, because there is fire in it.

    Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before the impact.

    It won't catch fire where there is no fire.

    Don't have the habit of carrying matches in your pocket.

    A box of matches, although small, can do a lot of evil.

    Fires can be caused by electrical appliances when left unattended.

    Games with matches are always dangerous; a small spark can cause big trouble.

    Don't have the habit of carrying matches in your pocket.

    A small match burns a large forest.

    In fire, even iron is fusible.


Educator: Our participants remember proverbs and sayings, and we answer in unison: “IT’S ME, IT’S ME, THESE ARE ALL MY FRIENDS!” (slide 15)

    Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, will report a fire?

    Who among you, noticing the smoke, will shout “Fire! We're on fire!"?

    Which of you plays tricks with fire, morning, evening and afternoon?

    Who, sensing gas in the apartment, will call “04”?

    Who can quietly hide matches from their little sister?

    Which one of you is playing with fire? Be honest about it!

    Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to?


From the letters of the word SAFETY you need to make as many words as possible in 2 minutes. For each correctly composed word, the team receives 1 point. (slide 16)

Competition 6: GUESS A RIDDLE.

Each team takes turns guessing riddles, 3 points for the correct answer; if a team does not answer, then the other team gets the right to answer. (slide 17)

1. There is a unit in the kitchen,

I'm glad to cook food.

We strike a match, and immediately

The gas will shoot up like a flame.


2. A fearless hero who is always on duty,
He senses trouble and fire a mile away.
The unequal one fights with the elements,
Always strives to protect you and me.


3. Tourists arranged a halt -

We set up camp in a clean field.

Where are the logs cracking now?

And why do the sparks fly?


4. A midge flew - a pine leg,

She sat on a haystack and ate all the hay.


5. Who is dangerous to the whole area
On a hot day, in a crazy blizzard?
Who will leave us homeless,
Without a coat in severe frost?


6. Red crown,
Two ears, two arms,
It's so empty it's strumming,
And when you fill it, it’s silent.
(Fire bucket.)

7. In a bright red shirt,
Trouble-free in operation.
A device named OP-5
Every student is required to know!

(Fire extinguisher.)

8. On wheels, not a cart.
With water, not a steam locomotive.
Sides in belts,
Always on the clock.
(Fire barrel.)

9. I'm shaggy, I'm shaggy,
I'm above every house in winter,
Over the fire and the factory,
Over the fire and the steamboat.
But nowhere, nowhere me
Can't happen without fire.


Educator: The jury is still summing up the results, and our girls will sing ditties about those who do not follow basic safety rules when handling fire. Let's see what happens to such klutzes.

I. He, she and we and I
Let's sing for you, friends,
And in the meantime let's touch on
Fire safety topics.

II. The match is not very tall.
Don't look how small it is.
This little match
Can do a lot of evil.

III. Near the forest and barn

Don't you dare light a fire.
Maybe there's a big problem
For buildings and people.

IV.At Matryona's house
The son of Erem distinguished himself.
He was playing around with matches
And he set the apartment on fire.

V. Zina turned on the stove once,
Well, I forgot to turn it off,
So as not to cause a fire,
Turn off the electric oven.

VI. Made by Sergei Pugach,
I shot a little.
And now Serezha is a doctor
Treats burns.

VII. I say: “Aunt Masha,
Be careful with fire.
The borscht and porridge will catch fire,
And then the whole house will burn down."

VIII. One day Ivan lay down
With a cigarette on the sofa.
As a result, early in the morning -
No sofa, no Ivan.

IX. Eh, I wish I could douse them once
These violators
From head to toe
From a fire extinguisher.

X. In case of fire, in case of fire,
Every citizen knows
In case of fire, in case of fire
Dial 01.

Educator : Fight the fire in a fiery battle,

Put down the fire, put it on the shoulder blades,

In other words, to tame the fire -

Don't give up, but persevere and win!

Results of the competition, congratulations to the winners.


1. Dubrovskaya E. N. Gaming cool watch. Fire safety rules: training manual.

2. Shorygina T.A. Fire safety rules for children 5-8 years old. (Together with children), 2005

3. To teachers and parents about fire safety - Komova M.A., Prytkov G.A., Ratnikova O.D., Chirko V.E., Vasiliev M.S. Tutorial VNIIPO 2005

4. What you need to know about a fire, or three “Ps” for an “five” - Volkova P.S., edited by Chernov V.N. Tutorial for primary classes 2005.

5. Fundamentals of life safety - Gostyushin A.V., Textbook for students of grades 1-4

6. ABC of fire safety - UGPS GUVD MO, Textbook, 2000

7. To the teacher about the fire - Gainulina V.M., Sergeev F.V., Yakovlev D.E., manual for teachers, 1998.

8. Competitions, holidays, show programs - Kugach A., Turygina S. Collection for school teachers

9. Basics of fire safety behavior - Method. recommendations for teachers working with children preschool age, Vologda 2002

10. Collection of information and methodological materials on working with children on fire safety topics - MGO VDPO, Issue No. 2, Moscow, 2004.

11. Toolkit for conducting classes on fire safety rules - GUO MO, UGPS GUVD MO, For secondary schools Moscow Region, Vidnoye 2000

Vera Gaiko
Scenario of KVN “Young rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations”

Abstract joint activities teacher with children to identify gifted children.

Subject: a game "TO. V.N. Young rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations»

Mixed age group: middle group (4-5 years) ___5___persons

preparatory group (6-7 years) ___4___persons


Continue to create conditions for identifying the prerequisites for the intellectual giftedness of children of middle and senior preschool age through cognitive development in the joint activities of the teacher and children - through instilling basic knowledge and fire safety skills, expanding children’s ideas about emergency situations and overcoming them through children's emotions and feelings.

Educational objectives:

Systematize and activate children’s ideas about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters through play, cognitive activity and game tasks.

Maintain children's interest in cognitive activity, develop curiosity, active thinking, memory and speech.

Strengthen the ability to work in a team, treat each other with respect, and improve communication skills.

Developmental tasks:

Develop an understanding that compliance with fire safety rules is mandatory always and everywhere.

Strengthen children's health, develop physical qualities, create a desire to help people in trouble, and cultivate a sense of compassion and responsibility.

Continue to develop logical thinking, memory, and coherent speech.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate friendly relations with each other, respect for the work of firefighters, its importance in people’s lives.

Materials and equipment for activities children:

Symbols of KVN teams

Tables with points

Prizes for the winners (diplomas of participation and diplomas of winners)

Photos of professions of people related to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the work of firefighters

Fragments of children's cartoon logos

Subject pictures.

Riddles about firefighters and rescuers

Presentation “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” - about the work of the Young School rescuer GU. Ministry of Emergency Situations. Russia according to E.A.O. (organized by the teacher and Kozyreva V.V.)

Projection board


Visual (conditionally symbolic) activity algorithms (on compliance with the rules of behavior in the team).

Preliminary work:

Learning poems and proverbs about work rescuers and firefighters,

Examination of posters and cardboards about fire safety in emergency situations.

Reading fiction works:

"Fire", "Fire Dogs"- L. Tolstoy

"Fire", "In the Smoke"- V. Zhitkova

"Fire", "The Tale of an Unknown Hero"- S. Marshak;

Examination of illustrations for them;

-View presentations:"Fire Station", "School for Young People" rescuers»»Flood and rescuers in E. A. O, 2015,” “Flash mob dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.”

Conversation about profession "Firefighter."Rescuer»

Educational games TRIZA - a method of control questions, good and bad.

Theatricalization of works about fires, watching lessons from Aunt Owl about caution, lessons from Arkady Steam Locomotives.

-Plot-role-playing gamesRescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations"Firefighters in training"

Type of integrated activity children:

Cognitive development

Game development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Integrated Form: KVN.

Methods and techniques:

1. Business Card Competition.

Introducing teams to each other.

2. Warm-up “All about the Ministry of Emergency Situations.”

3. Complete the “Guess the Cartoon” puzzles.

4. Motor pause "Taming the Fire"

5. Captains competition "Photo Riddles"

6. Didactic game"Associations"

7. Homework"Rebus"

Progress of the game.

To the music “We are starting KVN.” includes teams consisting of children from secondary and preparatory groups


Today we have KVN for those who are curious.

Our KVN today is very educational.

Merry Club,

Club of the perky,

Club of resourceful guys.

Two teams of our national teams

They begin their parade.

Educator: And today we have KVN. We will compete and find out who knows best about the Ministry of Emergency Situations, about the dangers that can happen to children and how to avoid them, about professions « rescuer, firefighter"

I would like to invite you to test your knowledge of fire safety.

Listen to the rules games:

The presenter asks you a question, you listen carefully and do not interrupt.

The game is a team game, you need to consult with your friends to give the correct answer.

If you answer incorrectly, you do not receive a point, and your question goes to your opponents.

For each correct answer you receive one point.

The results of the competitions will be assessed by a jury in composition:

Graduate of the School of Young Rescuer in the city of Birobidzhan-Kozyreva Varvara Vladimirovna.

Primary school teacher - Fadeikina Irina Valerievna.

The head of the preschool institution is Olga Vladimirovna Udovenko.

"Business card".

I ask the captains to introduce their teams!

Team captain:"Brave and Smart"


The rules, we know

Simply top class!

If you want,

We will teach you!

Captain of the team "brave and inquisitive"


We are serious

Even though we don’t look menacing.

For victory in good time,

We'll get around you today!

Presenter: So we met. I suggest doing a warm-up.

“Everything about the Ministry of Emergency Situations”

Each team will have to ask questions and answer three questions from their opponents. Before answering, you can confer with each other.

Questions for the team "smart and brave"

1Fire department number? ( "01", "112")

2Why is the fire truck red? (red color is bright and resembles fire; so that she is visible on the road; so that they give way to her)

3Why people's professions were named « rescuers» ?

Questions for the team "brave and inquisitive"

1. What qualities should firefighters and rescuers?

2If the room is filled with thick smoke, what will you do? (cover your nose and mouth with a damp handkerchief or napkin and move towards the exit?

3Why were people’s professions called “firefighters?”

The game begins.

1. Game "assemble the puzzle"

Team members assemble logos from parts and name the cartoon.

GAME 2 – “Whose team will collect the word faster? RESCUER»

Every day a firefighter and rescuer starts with charging. Now we will recharge ourselves with positive energy and warm up.

Aerobics to the music of Sviridov “Taming of Fire”

3. Photo riddles - CAPTAINS COMPETITION.

Riddles are offered to describe how to help victims, and they find the answer from the photo. ( flood rescue, during earthquakes. fire fighting, animal Rescue.

4. Didactic game "Associations".

The facilitator invites team members to choose from a set of subject pictures those that are necessary for rescuers,firefighters.

Playing with spectators - "Make no mistake".

5. Homework "Rebuses"

Record (oral response) sign scheme (rebus) Team members (the option of guessing together with fans, parents, and spectators is possible) solve the puzzle and voice it or present a recording of its decoding.

6. Presenter: Don - don. Don - don.

The cat's house caught fire,

The goat jumped out, its eyes bulging,

A chicken is running with a bucket,

Fill the cat's house.

But they couldn’t fill it.

Leading: Guys, do you know how to put out a fire?

Children: (possible answers) water, sand, earth, snow, washing powder, a tarpaulin blanket, a fire extinguisher, a broom.

A relay race is underway (a siren sounds, children line up in two teams)

Participation of Varvara and the teacher in different teams.

Relay “01” comes to the rescue”

Wear a firefighter's helmet and gloves.

Take a bucket

Snake running between cones

Get through the hoop

“Pour out” the water, put out the fire (children's buckets or children's fire extinguishers)

Return – run in a straight line, pass the bucket to the next participant

8Our children want to express feelings of gratitude and respect for people of a courageous profession.

Reading of poems by game participants.

Take cues from adult firefighters

We always try.

It’s not easy to become the same -

It takes work. - Lev Kabaev

So that the profession of the brave

To master perfectly

You need a lot of important knowledge

And have goodness in your soul. - Ksenia Kaptyuk

And strength and courage

Don't borrow from others...

We wanted to be like that

Strong as you are now. - Karina Gorbunova

Reading a poem for Varvara Kozyreva (author Gaiko V. A.) with viewing of a presentation about the achievements at school of the young rescuer.

“There is something about this girl that you can’t take your eyes off.

Kind, honest, purposeful, full of vitality.

I studied at the Ministry of Emergency Situations and at school, competitions and studies.

I managed to combine everything, and achieved my final goal -

She became a savior! There is still a lot to learn in life,

But he can help people, if misfortune happens, he will always come to the rescue!”

Song: "Hymn rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations»

Leading: summing up the game "Black and white envelope"

In a black envelope we place photos of players who did not actively participate in the transfer. in a white envelope - the strongest players and experts about the Ministry of Emergency Situations. (another option is for the participants themselves to evaluate their activities in the program and justify their actions)

Varvara: Dear Guys! As a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, I express my deep gratitude to you and I say: "huge Thank you» For attention, active participation in demonstrating ingenuity, speed, dexterity and abilities in physical, speech and intellectual development in front of spectators and guests, the Russian Emergency Situations Service awards children with diplomas of winners and participants of the game, and chocolate medals. Presentation of a memorable gift from the children and employees of the preschool educational institution to the former kindergarten pupil Varvara / Vladimirovna Kozyreva (made by children's hands) for participating in the game and teaching preschoolers the basics of fire safety.

Leading: guys, did you like the game "TO. V.N"? What did you find interesting that caused difficulties? (children's answers) Let's tell our guests a big thanks for participating in the game.

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KVN script

for the rally of Young Fire Rescue teams



(A girl runs onto the stage, holding her head in her hands and exclaims desperately)

    Everything is gone, everything is gone!!!

(2nd child runs out to meet her)

    What happened, (name)? What happened to you?

    Yes, our KVN day is just around the corner, and we don’t even have anything to show. And there are PEOPLE (shakes hands in the air), People will evaluate. Let's fail!!!

    Yessss, that's what I was thinking. But don't worry so much. We come from a school with a musical bias. Who cares, but we have to worry. This is what we can do.

    Well, for example.?

    Yes, Lena and Dasha know ditties:

(Music background Chatushki)


I called the firefighters

“Is there water?” - I asked them.

“Yes, we have plenty of water,

Just not enough soap!”

In the house there are eight fraction one

There lived a wonderful citizen.

He liked to smoke in bed...

The house burned down that week.

IN New Year put by Petya

Ten candles on the sideboard.

No longer with Peter,

No buffet, no carpet.

I started heating up the soup,

And I decided to get some sleep.

I wake up: someone is behind me

Waters from a fire hose.

Vadim decided to joke

I called on 01.

I realized later that I was wrong

But you will have to pay a fine.

Purchased at Vanya market

Fireworks from Taiwan.

Have fun around the Christmas tree

Vanya will be... in the trauma hospital.

Matches are not toys

All my girlfriends know.

All my friends know

Why... you can't play with fire! (last line in chorus recitative)

Well, I don’t know... we need to discuss it. (go behind the screen)

(Screen saver from Well Wait)

    Category "fact": The fire inspector, who seemed unsurprised by anything, burst into tears after not finding a single cigarette butt on the school grounds, but quickly came to his senses when he looked into the basement.

(Screen saver from Well Wait)

Rescuers have a delicate nature, but we have a miniature

(screensaver from Sherlock Holmes)

(Music background)

Sir Charles Baskerville sits in front of the fireplace in Baskerville Hall. Enter Barrymore.

Sir, may I have a glass of water?

Please, Barrymore.

Thank you sir.

A minute later, Barrymore enters again:

Sir, can I have another glass of water?

Please, Barrymore.

Thank you sir.

In 5 minutes

Sorry sir. Can I have another glass of water?

Yes Yes. Take it, Barrymore. But why do you need so much water?!

Pozhaaar. sir!

A girl peeks out from behind the screen. And we have 2 more miniatures:

(Music background)

    The fire chief asks his subordinate:

    Ivanov, I called you to find out how you tolerate the heat?

    Not really...But if necessary, I'm ready!

    No, no, there is no need for such sacrifices; going on vacation in December!

(Music background)

A girl with a phone runs through the hall and stops in the middle of the stage:

Call the fire department "101":

If your light is on, press “1”

If you have neighbors, press “2”.

If your phone does not support touch-tone dialing, extinguish it yourself.

He shrugs in surprise and runs behind the screen.

(Music background)

KVN is a joke, and in every joke everything is true. Rescuer is a courageous profession. And now the song is exactly about this

there's smoke all around

so be it, but we are in a hurry

save people always now yes

no breaks or days off

just a problem, just something is wrong, we solve it right away

you have these ailments.

Ministry of Emergency Situations, yes, dial zero one.

We’ll arrive at least at five in the morning, call us.

what's going on, family scandal, all the castles on the spot,

all fires are for us.

there are no such barriers for men,

2 0 14, Novopolotsk here.

we are on alert, we are cold, fire is not a hindrance

be it a field or a mountain, it is more important to save a person.

be confident in yourself, be honest and courageous,

then you will end up in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

where everything is always at work.

alas, where it is simply impossible to sit.

where time is more valuable and you need to spend it

only for needs, only for needs.

And finally, the incident at the museum

A guide and a group of tourists walk past the exhibits:

Guide (Shows a frying pan at the bottom of which there are burnt remains of something):

This is our burnt chicken. It's amazing what's left of her.

(approach the firebrand, shows)

And these are the remains of the New Year's tree. This is what happens if you don't know how to handle pyrotechnics.

(walk past the burnt trousers):

This is one very enthusiastic person, while talking to a friend on the phone, he forgot about his iron being turned on.

And this...(blows dust from his palms)...May remain from you if you do not follow the safety rules when handling fire.

(music sounds)

(all participants go on stage)

(team commander)

Well, our rehearsal has come to an end...(makes a mistake)...meeting with you. We hope that our speech lifted your spirits and showed you how to behave and how not to behave. And remember. We light up and you burn!!

(Music, the team bows, runs off stage to the music).

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