Scenario for the holiday: fine arts for preschoolers. Scenario for an extracurricular art event (fine arts, music) “Musical palette” material (6th grade) on the topic

Scenario children's party

Target: formation of interest in creative artistic activity and the basics of drawing.


· through play, instill in children an interest in fine arts;

· expand your understanding of the color palette, cold and warm colors, genres of art (landscape, still life, portrait);

· involve children in observing the surrounding reality;

· teach to see and express freely emotional mood with the help of facial expressions, movements, and on paper due to color;

· develop children's fantasy and imagination.

Target group: students of the aesthetic department, preschool age.

Necessary materials:

· costumes for presenters: Brush and Artist,

· drawings of sultry Africa and the northern sea,

· plates with the names of warm and cold colors,

· exhibition of paintings by genre (portrait, landscape, still life),

cards with riddles,

· cup,

· easels,

· sheets of paper A-2 format,

· felt-tip pens,

· sheets with printed blots,

· paints, brushes, glass of water.

Time spending: 30-40 minutes.

Progress of the event:

(Brush enters)

Brush: I'm the funniest of all the brushes

And I'm opening a school for you.

Primers and books.

Here he learns to draw, there will be children.

We'll go on a journey to the land of fine art!

(The Artist appears in the hall)

Artist: Hello, brush! You're already here?

Brush: Yes, I already told the guys about our trip.

Artist: Then it's time to go.

Brush: Attention! What kind of miracles? I hear someone's voices! Someone claps loudly...

(Children clap their hands)

Brush: And he stomps his feet...

(Children stomp their feet)

Brush: What to surprise us with, what to show our cheerful Guests? Maybe we can sing or dance together?

Artist: No! No! We'll show you a fairy tale! It will help you remember why some colors are called warm and others are called cold.

The colors live and live in the world - Red, Orange and Yellow. They resemble fire and the sun, which is why they were called warm. They paint a lot of things with warm colors: strawberries, carrots, chickens. And what else? (Children answer). Blue, Blue and Purple paint They are called cold because they look like ice, snow, or a thundercloud. And what else? (Children answer). Warm and cold colors were always arguing with each other. “We are the most needed! We are the most beautiful! " - said the warm colors. "No, you're wrong! We are the most beautiful and the most needed!” - answered the cold ones. The blue river with green banks spread the word about these disputes throughout the world. The Sun and the Cloud heard about it and decided to teach them a lesson. They suggested using cold colors to paint a picture of sultry, hot Africa, and using warm colors to paint a picture of the northern sea. We have these drawings today. Brush, show it to the guys.

The brush shows the drawings and asks:

Brush: Well, what does it look like? blue africa to the real one, and the sultry sea to the northern one?

Artist: Of course they are not similar. They realized that they had made a mistake and decided to make peace. Since then they have lived together. In the kingdom of colors, peace and harmony now always reign, a multi-colored rainbow shines high, high in the sky above them, and artists paint pictures with both cold and warm colors.

Brush suggests playing the game “Paints”:

A game.

Brush: I wanted to draw, but didn't know how to start. Paints, where are you? (children answer: “We are here”)

Brush: I will take three basic colors. These colors are not simple: all the others are made of them.

Where are these main colors? (three main colors come out: red, yellow, blue.)

Brush: If red and yellow become friends, which one? new paint will it work? Take your girlfriend

(red and yellow bring out orange).

Brush: And if yellow and blue become friends, what new paint will you get? (green)

If red and blue become friends, what new paint will result? (purple).

Brush: And now warm colors:

Together we held hands,

They bowed, smiled,

They turned around and went their separate ways.

Cold colors

Together we held hands,

bowed, smiled,

turned around and separated!

Artist: Guys, for our holiday we have prepared a small exhibition of paintings. Tell me, into what three groups can all the paintings be divided? (Portraits, landscapes, still lifes). Who can show pictures of each group? And now the riddles!

If you see: in the picture

A river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost, or garden and clouds,

or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut

Required picture

It's called... (scenery).

If you see in the picture

Cup of coffee on the table

Or fruit drink in a large decanter

or roses in crystal,

Or a pear, or a cake,

Or all items at once,

Know that this... (still life).

If you see what's in the picture

Is anyone looking at us?

Or a prince in an old cloak,

Or like a steeplejack,

Pilot or ballerina.

or Kolka, your neighbor

The picture must be called... (portrait).

Artist: Well done guys, you know the genres of paintings.

Brush: Let's see if you can guess the riddles about summer. Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes (Sun).

There are bells, blue color.

With tongue, but no ringing (bells).

White-white steamship

Floats above the trees.

If it turns blue

It's going to rain (cloud).

A white, fluffy ball was encountered in a clean field.

The wind blew - became like a grandfather

At ninety nine years old (dandelion).

In the heat of the stumps

Lots of white petals.

Each thin stalk

Holds a scarlet light.

Unbend the stems

Collecting lights (strawberries).

The pot is boiling in the forest,

But there is no scale (anthill).

She was green, small,

Then I became scarlet.

I turned black in the sun, -

And now I'm ripe (blueberry).

He rides on two wheels

Doesn't slip on slopes.

And there is no gasoline in the tank.

When sometimes I feel lonely,

will give you (telephone).

Artist: Guys, in order to be able to draw you need to have good coordination. Let's test your coordination!

The game is being played: Children stand in a circle and take themselves right hand behind the left ear, and with the left hand behind the nose. Then they release, clap their hands and change hands (i.e. with the left hand behind right ear, and with your right hand behind your nose). The movements are repeated, and the speed increases.

Brush: We checked the coordination, well done! Let's play game "Hold" ball balance"!

A game: Place the inflatable ball on the glass so that it does not fall. Players need to run around the chair and come back, pass the ball to another.

Artist: There's an incident at the museum! The picture is missing! Its location is already known. It is presented among other paintings on this wall and this makes it difficult to find. To find a painting, the museum curator needs to give it a verbal description. The detective will be guided by it when searching (a museum curator and a detective are selected). The game can be repeated, changing heroes and missing pictures.

Brush: Guys, let's draw, but we will do it with our fingers. Two teams stand opposite each other and representatives from the teams alternately “draw” in the air various items, animals, cars. Opponents must guess and name the drawing.

Competition “Drawing Together”.For the competition you need two sheets of paper and markers. Two groups of children sit opposite each other and help draw a picture - a fantasy. Team representatives draw or draw any squiggle on the opponents’ sheet. The team members must continue this squiggle so that a meaningful drawing can subsequently be obtained. So, the guys take turns imagining on each other’s sheet of paper, complicating the drawing, “taking it away” from the emerging image. The team must, in any case, complete their drawing and give it a title.

Competition "Blotography".There are blots of paint on large sheets of paper. Participants in the competition are invited to see some object in them and complete the drawing.

Department of Culture Administration of Ust-Ilimsk

Municipal educational institution additional education for children

"School of Arts No. 2"

Art department

Methodological development

Holiday scenario

"Journey to the land of FINE ARTS."

For preschool children

Compiled by:


Municipal Educational Institution of Education "School of Arts No. 2"

Teacher of the theater and music department Trishin D.S.
School of Arts No. 2 – UNESCO Club

Scenario for the holiday “Initiation into Art.”

Location: concert hall.
Stage design: in the upper right corner of the stage backdrop there is an image of Zeus.
In the center is the school emblem. Before the start of the holiday, the stage is not illuminated; the school emblem is illuminated by a light cannon.
The first three rows are free for first grade students.
The lights in the hall suddenly go out.
Music sounds:
The voice of Zeus sounds behind the scenes,
The image of Zeus is illuminated by a light gun.
Oh, dear Muses, tell me,
Where do so many beautiful maidens and young men come from?
Who collected them, on what occasion?
Say, O Helia, goddess of knowledge.
A light cannon illuminates the presenter in the image of the goddess Helia.
Helia: I'll tell you, Great Thunderer.
Today is a great day in this temple of art and science.
G: It was not for nothing that you sent me here.
Many goddesses came with me...
So that today in this temple.
They could introduce the kids to art.
The voice of Zeus from behind the scenes.
No wonder from high Olympus,
I turned my gaze here.
See that you are not in vain
Friends came to the temple of arts.
But I don’t see everyone here,
Where are the least of you?
Let him come out here now
The youngest, first grade.
And you, sitting in this hall.
I ask all my friends to rise.
Give the kids a round of applause.
I command you to greet them solemnly.
Music is playing.
The light goes out, aimed at the image of Zeus.
The lights in the hall are turned on, 1st grade students enter and take the designated seats in rows 1-3.

The stage lights turn on.
Gelia descends into the hall, walking around the rows of first-graders
Helia: You can’t count everything,
Oh, how many wonderful discoveries
They have to do in this temple
And let it be difficult at first
The path to knowledge lies only through thorns.
They study a lot of subjects here, and they can master languages
All knowledge will be gained in chemistry
And they will be able to overcome computer science
Let them love biology
Yes, physics is the science of sciences.
And I hope a little later
History will become them best friend,
.Let them not be at odds with literature,
What if someone can become a poet?
They will study mathematics and soon...

The exit of the muse of muses from the right wing is highlighted on the stage.

Muse of Music, interrupting Helia:
Wait, sister, what about my subject?
After all, music is the pairs of art" ¬
Music inspires the world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of imagination, and gives life to everything that exists. She can be called the embodiment of beauty.
At this time, while the presenters are illuminated by a light gun located at the right wings, performers (5-6 soloists per different instruments according to the school profile). Placed on stage.
M. M. Look, they came here with me
Those who have known the muse of music for a long time, Ito, what did they learn here? They will show you warmth from the bottom of their hearts.
They sound concert numbers soloists taking the stage.
We illuminate one by one with a beam. Students are the last to play.
piano department. The stage lights come on and the performers
they bow and at the end of the next words, Helia leaves the stage. The muse of muses goes backstage.
Gel. Thank you, muse of muses,
Your friends are always nice
They are like a ray of sunshine
Among the beautiful lands
A smile is given to everyone living on earth.
Gel. Among the gods of sacred Olympus
Believe me, there are countless beautiful maidens.
Invitation by voice and gesture, music is turned on.
Goddess of dancing, Terpsichore, your friends are in this hall

Terpsichore: I am Terpsichore, I am the goddess of dance,
Music is always beautiful,
Dance is the harmony of muse and body,
Look at the dance
My students dance so skillfully.
Dance "Waltz".
The dancers go behind the right wing and remain there until the end of the concert.
Helia: Thank you, Terpsichore.
Terpsichore: Wait, Helia, I didn’t come alone
My friend came with me
It's called a palette.

Brush, pencil and even clay
It’s as if someone is singing in her hands.
Music is playing.
Palette: Thank you, I’m telling you, friend
That you didn’t forget about me,
But I'm not used to saying
I create with my hands, friends.
My creations are visible everywhere
They are in sculptures, on canvases.
The music of the exit of goddesses and muses sounds.
Sometimes flying under the dome,
Amazing with a deadly trick,
The muse of illusions, who is in love with the circus
I command that she come out.

Muse of illusions: My bow to you, servants of art,
My bow to you, his students.
So I ask them to go on stage now
Those students are very young,
Those in the circus arena
They dream of going out under the parade alley
And give your art
For the joy, laughter and fun of everyone.
M.I. goes behind the right wing. During these words, a student of the circus department comes out of the auditorium to the right wing of the stage, at the end of the words they bring out their details and show their number. At the end of the performance the performers
descend into auditorium.
Gel. Today from the heights of Olympus
And Melpomene descended
As a patron theatrical arts
She came to you, friends.
Melpomene emerges from the left wing:
Thank you, oh fellow young ones
On theater stage not easy
Entering your image
Soar above the world
Or fall very deep into the abyss.
Live or die on stage
To be either a hero or a scoundrel.
But know that in the theater
You can't be lazy
You need to burn with a bright torch fire.
Number from the theater department.
Melpomene leaves behind the left wings at the end of Helium's number
continues to represent goddesses.
Gel. I heard. No, I know for sure
There are disciples of Orpheus in this temple,
They caress our ears with their songs."
Servants of vocals, show yourself here.
From behind the right wings, a girls’ choir sings the song “Twice two is four”,
The music of the muses' exit sounds on the Helium stage.
Helia: Friends, muses, help
Get the guys here quickly.
Helia: I invite students to the stage.
1. Theater department.
2.Art department.
3. Choreographic department.
4. Music department.
5.Variety and Circus Department.
6. Choir department.
Teachers lift students onto stage l-th classes.
Helia, addressing the muses:
Thank you, my friends,
You had a wonderful holiday.
(Addressing the children.)
But listen, friends,
To initiate you into art
Zeus must pronounce the oath.
And if you accept it
A temple of art for you.
The door will open wide.
The image of Zeus is consecrated with a light gun. The voice of Zeus sounds:

Zeus: We swear to serve music. .
And love her all my life.
We swear.
Learn choreography
Make friends with a brush and canvas
We swear.
In the theater or in the circus arena
Only bring joy to people.
We swear.
Sing together in the choir,
No falsehood, pure, no wheezing.
We swear.
Entering the land of beauty,
Sparing neither effort nor time,
We will serve art
Treasure teachers
The love of art is to preserve everything.
We swear. We swear. We swear.
All concert participants take the stage.
Helia: Friends, please come to this stage,
Directors come up now.
Guys, he wants to congratulate everyone
To say parting words to you in good time.
1.Words from the director
2. Gifts for first graders.

Gelia: Thanks to everyone who visited,
This temple today
I think that you are not in vain
They sent their children here.
They won't spend years here in vain,
Forward to knowledge of art and science
Come with me my friends.
Congratulations on your holiday today
Forward to knowledge, friends.
The music turns on. First graders descend from the stage and leave the auditorium.
Behind the scenes voice of Zeus:
I wish you happiness and luck
I command you to love art
See you again and come back often
To this temple of art.
With that I say goodbye.

05-013 New approaches to artistic and aesthetic education of children in preschool institutions

FINAL WORK (Lomonosov University)

Holiday scenario« Arts Day»

Holiday plays an important role in the life of any child. First of all, for the child holiday is a game, entertainment and pleasure, good mood.

The Festival of Art is a special holiday, it can be dated to any social important event in the life of our country or kindergarten. Main difference festival of arts from traditional holiday in kindergarten is that everything festive events and their design are carried out by children's hands.

Target: expand children's ideas about the types of fine arts art(painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture and design, develop the creative activity of preschool children, their skills in using artistic means expressions: colors, lines, composition, rhythm and volume to achieve your intention.

Music design hall: on the doors of the hall there is a poster with an invitation to holiday; the central wall is decorated with letters « Arts Day» ; under the ceiling there are clouds made of synthetic polyester with snowflakes (made by children's hands); on the central wall there are curtains from children's work, made in technology: painting, graphics; There are exhibitions of handicrafts on the tables - clay Dymkovo toys made by children and teachers, architectural buildings from building material And paper: palaces, houses, fortresses, castles.

Preliminary work:

The children drew landscape drawings on the theme “Such a different autumn”, "Enchantress

winter", "Fabulous New Year";

Registration of invitation cards;

They built city streets from small construction kits, different types bridges;

Castles, towers, and houses were constructed from paper and cardboard;

We sculpted and painted Dymkovo toys from clay: young ladies, goats,

horses, turkeys, ducks, etc.

House parts with slots were made from thick cardboard;

Costumes for adults are decorated artists: painting, architecture, graphics,

sculptor, architect, designer, blots, fine art fairies arts;

Video created slides: children draw, design, sculpt; scenery,

portrait, still life;

Learning songs "Drawing" comp. Protasov, "Children love to draw" comp.

Shainsky, "Kitty" comp. Dolukhanyan, "Building a house" M. Krasev;

Learning finger play "House";

Learning the dance "Smakodyavka" auto A Rodikov, A. Potekhin;

Record to cassette sounds: gurgling in water, splashing through puddles, etc.


Cassettes with recordings sounds: sound background of a construction site, splashing, gurgling in the water;

musical works;

Multimedia projector, laptop, screen; disc with video materials;

2 easels, paper, felt-tip pens, drawing pencils;

Planar details of houses with slots;

Brushes, pencils, paints, albums, a jar for water, black markers,

dolls, toys;

Planar "blots" from paper (one side is black, the other is colored).

Slides with pictures of snow, ice, sand, clay, plaster,

architectural sculptures.

Participants holiday: older children and preparatory groups, preschool teachers, musical director, senior teacher.

(The hall is decorated, children are sitting on chairs)

Senior teacher: In the Apatity kingdom, in Russian state, far in the north there is an amazing children's country “Smile (multimedia screensavers). In this country, children love to draw using painting and graphic techniques, and create sculptural crafts and architectural buildings. And helps children "Fairy Fine" arts» . The children were preparing for holiday"Day arts» : we drew a poster, decorated colorful curtains with our drawings, designed and sent invitation cards to holiday for the queen"Paintings", artist "Graphics", queen "Architecture", master "To the sculptor". Artist "Designer" helped decorate the hall holiday.

So the holiday can begin!

(Music sounds, the Fairy of Fine Arts enters arts)

Fairy Fine arts: How beautiful it is in this room! Which one is today?


Children: Arts Day.

(Sounds of splashing and gurgling in the water are heard, blots run in, scattering blots on the floor with the black color on top).

Fairy Fine arts: Who you are? And what are you doing?

Blots: We are blots, and these are our traces. We love to leave them everywhere.

Fairy Fine arts: Leave our holiday, we don't need you!

Blots: We're daydreaming! Let's not leave! Let's put things in order here!

Fairy Fine arts: The whole hall was dirty, what should we do now?

holiday! Who will help us?

(Sounds light music, the Queen enters "Painting", dressed in a beautiful picturesque dress, a crown on her head, holding brushes, paints, a palette in her hands).

Queen Painting: Hello children! I, Queen "Painting"! I received your invitation to holiday and hurried to you. Children, I’ll tell you riddles about types of painting, and you guess (multimedia screensavers with pictures of landscapes, portraits, and still lifes are turned on).

TO. "Painting" reads riddle poems about each type of painting, and the children guess.

- “If you see: in the picture

river drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain

Or a field and a hut,

Required picture

Called (scenery).

If you see that

from a painting

Is anyone watching

Or a prince in a cape


Or a steeplejack in a robe,

Pilot or ballerina

Or Kolka, your neighbor

Definitely a picture

It's called... (portrait).

If you see on

Cup of coffee on the table

Or the sea in the big

Or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase

Or a pear or a cake

Or all items at once

Know that this is... (still life) A. Kushner.

Queen Painting: Well done, children! What happened here? What's on

Fairy Fine arts: The blots have left their traces, they want to spoil us holiday. Help us!

Queen Painting: I have an idea! Let's play a game "Get ready for your drawing class". Exercise: you need to transfer the manuals that are needed for the drawing lesson to the table one item at a time, jumping over the blots. (on the common table there are brushes, pencils, paints, albums, water jars; dolls, toys. "Blots" arranged 4 in a row at a certain distance from each other. 2 teams of children participate, each with 3 people).

Blots: Can we play with you, we can do everything!

Fairy Fine arts: Children, shall we give them the opportunity to play?

Children: Let them play.

Blots: they take toys, jump on the blots, bring them to the table, confuse them, they don’t succeed.

Queen Painting: You can’t do anything, take the blots and don’t interfere with the children’s play (competition with children).

Fairy Fine arts: Well done, children, you coped with your task! Queen "Painting", our children love to draw and sing songs.

Children perform a song "Children love to draw" comp. Shainsky.

Fairy Fine arts: Stay Queen "Painting" on our holiday(offers a chair).

Children, is someone knocking on our door? Let's get a look!

(Included "Artist Graphic", his outfit is black and white with a tie, and he wears a top hat with a checkerboard pattern on his head; holds markers, white and black sheets of paper in his hands)

Artist Graphic: Hello children! I received your invitation to holiday, pleased to Meet You.

Fairy Fine arts: Dear "Artist Graphic", we welcome you! The children have prepared an entertainment program for you.

A song is being performed "Drawing" comp. M. Protasov

Artist Graphic: good song you sang, friends,

Now I invite you to play.

Here on the easel is a magic circle

Continue drawing quickly, friend.

Children, I wanted to offer you an attraction "Magic Circle", but I don’t know, the markers have disappeared somewhere.

Blots: We have the pencils, you sing a song and we will give away the markers.

Fairy Fine arts: Are you disturbing us again? Do you think that children don’t know songs?

Children perform a song "Kitty" comp. Dolukhanyan.

Blots: We really enjoyed it, grab your markers.

Artist Graphic: Great! Let's play a game.

A game "Magic Circle".

(Places 2 easels with sheets of white Whatman paper, a circle is drawn on them).

Artist. Schedule: Children, you need to complete the drawing with markers. You can draw your favorite animal. Looks at the drawings, well done kids!

(Background sounds "Construction"). Included "Queen - Architecture". The costume is painted with the architecture of the city; on the head there is a crown on which temples and towers are drawn; in the hands of a tube, a triangle).

Queen-Architecture: Hello, dear friends!

Fairy Fine arts: Hello, dear guest! Tell me, who are you?

Queen - Architecture: I "Queen Architecture". I came by invitation to your holiday. You love to play.

I suggest you play finger game "House".

Start with me:

I want to build a house (hands above my head "house",

So that there is a window in it (hands in front of the eyes, the ends of the fingers are closed in


So that the house has a door (palms turned towards you, closed at the sides,

Nearby so that the pine tree grows (fingers spread out, arms pulled up,

So that there is a fence around (hands in front of you in a ring, fingers connected,

The dog guarded the gate (one hand "dog", disconnect the little finger from the other fingers,

The sun was (cross your hands, fingers spread,

It was raining ( "Shaking" movements,

And the tulip bloomed in the garden (forearms pressed, fingers- "petals" look up).

Well done children, we played very interestingly!

Fairy Fine arts: Queen of Architecture, our children know how to build houses, look how cleverly they do it.

A game "Build a house"

(2 teams of 4 children build a house with walls and a roof from pre-prepared sheets of cardboard with slots)

Fairy Fine arts: Here's what beautiful houses our children succeeded. And they also know the song.

Children sing a song "Building a house" M. Krasev

Fairy Fine arts: Stay with us on holiday queen"Architecture".

Children, we also invited you to visit "Master Sculptor". Let's call him?

Children (in unison): Master sculptor! (included "master sculptor" in a robe with a hammer and a chisel in his hands)

Master Sculptor: Hello children! I "master sculptor". I wanted to show you how to sculpt a sculpture, but you have nothing here, only ready-made figures.

Fairy Fine arts: Tell me, children, what can sculptures be made from?

Children: from snow, clay, ice, sand, etc.

Master Sculptor: That's right kids, look what interesting sculptures can be made from different materials (a multimedia screensaver of sculptures is in progress). You can make sculptures from clay, sand, ice, snow, etc.

Fairy Fine arts: Don't worry, master sculptor, we'll fix the situation now, let's play a game "Ocean is shaking"

Blots: No, it’s not the sea, but the sculptor who’s worried!

Fairy Fine arts: Children, have you noticed that the blots have begun to do good deeds? (children's answers)

Master Sculptor: And I will choose a student who, together with me, will choose the best sculptural figure (chooses)

A game "The sculptor is worried"(similar to the game "Ocean is shaking")

Fairy Fine arts: artist-designer, let's change the clothes of the blots, they are on ours got better at the holiday, they will no longer be mischievous.

Artist-Designer: Yes, of course, instead of black clothes, I decided to make them a bright, beautiful outfit. And now we will change them into festive clothes(he and the children attach bright bows to the blots’ clothes).

All characters and children perform a dance "Smakodyavka" auto A. Rodikov, A. Potekhin

Fairy Fine arts: It is customary to give gifts to guests. Let's draw large drawing about your impressions of holiday(children draw a general picture on the wallpaper and give it to the guests. Photo as a souvenir).

Presenter: Children, our amazing holiday« Arts Day» has come to an end. Well done to all of you! For your creativity, I treat you with sweets. Let's tell our guests “See you again!”

Leisure scenario for preschoolers “Art Festival”

Kravchenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of MKDOU Buturlinovsky kindergarten No. 7, Buturlinovka, Voronezh region
Description: This scenario will be interesting and useful for educators preschool institutions, primary school teachers

Target: Introduce children to the world of art.
- Learn to distinguish reproductions of paintings by artists by type of painting
- Strengthen children’s knowledge about the variety of folk crafts
- Strengthen children’s understanding of primary, complementary, and spectral colors
- Develop fantasy, imagination, creativity
- Cultivate a love of beauty and art.

Progress of the event:

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the fabulous city of artists. Do you know what kind of city this is?
Children's answers.
Educator: Fairy-tale wizards live in this city: smart girls with brushes and little boys with pencils walk the streets, fidgety painters run around, sheets of paper proudly stride. The sun is shining brightly and everything is sparkling! Residents of the fairy-tale city like to ask questions and make riddles to their guests. I think you will be able to complete all the tasks of the inhabitants of the fairy-tale town and this journey will be interesting for you! But to get to this fabulous city you need to turn into pencils or brushes. Let's put on our magic hats and close our eyes.
Music is playing.

Well, here we are on the sheet! Look how light and bright it is here! But the brush girl passed, and the fast pencil boy ran.

Guys, imagine that we find ourselves in a city in which everything gray: houses, trees, sky, and even the sun. Gray people with gray faces and gray clothes walk along gray streets. What would be?
Children's answers.
Educator: Yes, guys, it would be boring and gloomy all around.

If they bloomed in the field
Only white flowers
I'd be tired of admiring
Soon they will be me and you
If they bloomed in the field
Only yellow flowers
We would miss you and you
From such beauty... (B. Kochetkov “Flowers and Summer”)

But in a fairy-tale city there are main and non-main colors. Tell me what colors are the main ones?
Children: red, yellow, blue.

Educator: Right!

Only three colors! Isn't that a little?
Where can we get green and orange?
Maybe we should mix paints in pairs?
From blue and red this one
Will we get color? (violet)

And we'll mix blue and yellow
What color do we get? (green)

And red plus yellow
It's no secret to everyone
They will give us, of course, ( Orange color)

Educator: Well done boys! Right! Sometimes when it rains, if you listen to its sounds, it seems that all things are talking, that all things have voices. And your pencils talk too. Want to hear what they have to say?

Music is playing: sounds of the rain
Educator: Listen, the red pencil says:
-I am poppy, I am fire, I am flame!
Orange - I am a carrot, I am an orange!
Yellow - I am chicken, wheat, sun!
Green - I am the grass, I am the gardens, I am the forests!
Blue - I am the sky, I am the ice!
Blue - I am the sea, I am the bell!
Purple - I am a plum, I am a lilac!

But the rain stops and with it the voices of the pencils stop. And a rainbow rises over the horizon. Everyone is happy, because in the rainbow there is a poppy, and an orange, and the sun, and grass, and the sky, and the sea, and lilac! Anyone who doesn't look at a rainbow admires it!

What are the colors of the rainbow called?
Children: spectral
Educator: Yes, guys, rainbows are a very beautiful phenomenon. But look at the forest. IN magical land magical strange things happen. The forest has lost its colors. Let's draw trees in the forest to make it beautiful all around.
The recording sounds: Ha ha ha! It was I, an evil wizard, who stole all the paints from the forest and hid all the brushes and pencils in the fairy-tale city of artists. Now draw whatever you want!

Educator: What a shame! What should I do? Maybe we can try to draw without brushes and pencils? What can you draw with?
Children: finger, crumpled paper, foam rubber.

Children collectively draw trees on the wall different ways

Educator: The trees turned out very beautiful! I think that the evil wizard did not manage to ruin our trip; we were able to draw without brushes and pencils.
- Guys, look, the residents of the fairy-tale town have prepared a small exhibition of paintings for us. Now, listen to the task. I will tell you riddles, and you must guess them and divide the reproductions of paintings by type of painting:

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut.
Required picture
Called (landscape)

Children select and display landscapes

If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or a bronze vase,
Or all items at once,
Know that this is... (still life)

Children select and display still lifes

If you see in the picture,
Is anyone looking at us?
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka is your neighbor
The painting must be called ... (portrait) (A. Kushner “About Paintings”)

Children select and exhibit portraits.

Educator: And now one more task. Do you know the name of these paintings? Come closer and look at them
Children show paintings by artists and name the authors

Educator: Well done guys, you completed this task. During the classes you drew, got acquainted with the paintings of artists, and learned a lot about folk crafts. Guess the riddles and tell me whether the artists of the fairy-tale city have products of these crafts at the exhibition?

Blue and white dishes
Tell me where are you from?
Apparently she came from afar,
And flowers bloomed
Blue, blue
Tender, beautiful... (Gzhel)

Educator: Why is Gzhel called the soft blue miracle?
Children: Because it is painted with blue and light blue paint

All the leaves are like leaves
Here everyone is golden
Such beauty people
They call it...(Khokhloma)

Educator: What colors are used to paint Khokhloma dishes?
Children: Red, black, yellow

The boards are made from linden
And spinning wheels and horses
Decorated with flowers
It’s like half-shaks... (Gorodets)

Children guess and show Gorodets' products.

Merry white clay
Circles, stripes on it
Nurses and water bearers
Snow-white like birch trees
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away (Haze)

Children guess and show Dymkovo toys

Educator: Well done boys! You have completed all the tasks of the artists from the fairy-tale city and guessed the riddles correctly. But ours amazing trip By fairytale city artists are running out and it’s time for us to return to the group. Everyone sat down and closed their eyes.
Music is playing. Children take off their hats

And at six, and at ten, and at five,
All children love to draw
And everyone will boldly draw,
Everything that interests him.
Flowers, drawings, forest and fairy tales,
They will draw everything, if only there were paints,
Yes a piece of paper on the table
And peace in the family and on earth! (V. Berestov)

The script of L. Zharkikh “Art Day” for children was used primary school.

"Koschei the Colorless and the Rainbow Fairy"

Yushkova S.G. music teacher


Adults: Presenter, Fairy Rainbow.

Children: Koschey the Colorless, Paints.

Children enter the hall. There are seven closed boxes on the table.

Host: Children, today we have great joy. We were sent an invitation to an exhibition of paintings. Do you want to know who the invitation is from? It was sent by the Rainbow Fairy. She commands all colors. The colors love her and are friendly with her, so joy and fun reign in their palace, a lot of music and colors. Fairy Rainbow sent us colorful invitation cards. (Opens the envelope). Oh! What happened? I myself held these invitations in my hands, and they sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow. And now for some reason all the colors have disappeared. Where are the paints?

Koschey the Colorless enters.

1. All paints, pencils

I'll hide it, then look for it.

I will forbid children to draw.

But all this doesn't count,

Something else requires

My wild imagination.

I will order White color

Repaint it black

And I’ll order you to make flies.

What will I do next?

When I think about it -

It takes my breath away.

Host: Everything is clear. This is Koschey the Colorless. It was he who hid all the colors.

Koschey: Yes! Yes! Yes! Since childhood I have not liked any kind of paint. I locked them in boxes. As long as they are there, you will never defeat me!

I firmly believe in dimness

Glad it's a cloudy day.

I love any gray personality

I love and appreciate.

Host: Please tell me, Your Dullness, what keys open your boxes?

Koschey: Okay, I’ll tell you, you still won’t be able to open it. Only correct answers to very difficult questions will open my boxes. Where are you! Even I don't know these answers!

Host: We'll try. The children worked diligently and learned a lot. And we really want to return the colors.

Each box has a question written on it. The children answer and take out a colored pencil from the box. Koschey the Colorless is angry at first, then gradually becomes kinder.

Host: Children, what kind of music is Koschey afraid of and most disliked? (Cheerful, bright, sunny...)

Quests from boxes.

1) Listen and name musical composition and composer (E. Grieg. Morning; In the Cave mountain king.)

2) Listen and name your favorite dance of the Rainbow Fairy

(“Waltz of the Flowers” ​​- from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by composer P.I. Tchaikovsky)

3) Listen to the music and name the composer and musical instrument. (An organ fugue in G minor sounds. Answer: J.S. Bach. Organ)

4) Name the instruments that depict the heroes of S. Prokofiev’s symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf” (Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon (bird, duck, cat, grandfather);

Petya – violin, viola, cello, double bass; wolf - horns, hunters - drums, timpani)

5) Name the composition of the Russian orchestra folk instruments

6) Which composers wrote music for fairy tales. Listen and name the works. (N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee” from the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. “Dance of the Little Swans” from the ballet “ Swan Lake»)

7) Help me finish the poems.

Five rulers, the staff is a house,

Sounds settled in him,

And they become......

Staff it's locked up here

The key of the note SALT is in your hand.

The keys to the locks are different,

She has the key...


You can hardly confuse a piano and a grand piano,

After all, you can’t with an elephant

Confuse a three-story house.<…>

Just know: they have had it for a long time

There is one name

Do not forget - ………. it is pronounced


Presenter: That’s it, Your Fading, the children guessed the riddles and completed the tasks. The colors are now free!

Koschey: Well done! I was angry and mischievous because I didn’t know the names of all the colors. Now I'll get better. But I feel bad about being Colorless. Maybe you can help me?

Presenter: Children, let's help Koshchei the Colorless become Colorful.

Master class for technology teacher.

Making roses from napkins by students in grades 3, 4, 5. 1st and 2nd grade students color invitation cards.

Children decorate Koshchei's cloak with paper roses.

Music is playing. Fairy Rainbow and Paints come out. Children hold reproductions of paintings in their hands.

Host: Children, do you agree that music and visual arts make our lives beautiful and joyful?

The song “Children love to draw” is performed

Koschey was Colorless, now he is Multi-Colored!

Fairy Rainbow - art teacher conducts a tour.

Fairy Rainbow - art teacher gives a tour of the painting exhibition.

Technology teacher master class

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