Scenario for a bachelorette party at home - Brazilian party. Class hour (5th grade) on the topic: Scenario for the performance of a team of students at the “Island of Friendship” competition. Brazil

We travel without leaving home. Recipes for treats and entertainment in the style of different countries.

Stylized party “a la Brazil”.

When we talk about Brazil, three things immediately come to mind: the Brazilian carnival, TV series and football. All this will have to be tried and experienced by those who decide to plunge into the atmosphere of this country, feel its flavor and take part in a celebration in the Brazilian style. The holiday is so fun and interesting that it can be timed to celebrate the New Year, Birthday, or any family or even corporate celebration. Number of participants unlimited, because at a Brazilian party it is interesting to be not only a participant, but also a spectator.


Such a celebration requires from the participants, firstly, desire, secondly, creativity, thirdly, excitement and readiness to have fun. Since football and a carnival procession require a large area, a clearing, a spacious hall or, in extreme cases, a large living room is best suited for holding a holiday.

List of what you need:

For decoration:

Balloons (small round (7 - 10 inches), large (13 - 15 inches) with a tail, and thin sausage balls). Pump. Posters with views of Brazil, ropes, ropes, lamps in the form of an aquarium with swimming fish, toy monkeys, artificial fruits and flowers (vines and other spreading plants), yellow and green fabrics.

For the holiday program:

A disk of Brazilian music (samba, lambada, etc.), a tape recorder, pens, sheets of A4 paper, masks, colored transparent scarves and fabrics, pieces of fur, wigs, headbands with bows and flowers, feathers, boas, crowns, bracelets and beads.

For prizes:

Colored ribbons, fabric paints, masks and crowns with feathers, a CD with music, a book with culinary recipes.

Preparatory stage.

Find out the exact number of party participants and make a list. If we're talking about about a corporate or family event with adult relatives and friends, gather or call everyone a few weeks in advance, draw lots and divide them into groups. To do this, you can, for example, pull pieces of paper with numbers from one to four or playing cards from a hat. In the second case, there should be as many cards with the same suits as there are participants.

Formed teams or dance schools (just like in Brazil) will not only take part in the Brazilian holiday, but also help prepare it. Each group will have to dress up in bright dance costumes, take part in a carnival procession, perform their own “samba”, and also take on a number of responsibilities for organizing the holiday.

You should have four creative groups: artistic, musical, culinary and decorating, and four responsible for decorations, festive menu, music and room decoration.

Music group task - Find and download Brazilian dance tunes, anthems and traditional carnival songs. Organize the dance part of the evening, turn the music on and off in accordance with the holiday program plan.

Behind culinary group's cottage– collect money, buy food, cook Brazilian-style dishes and set the table.

Art and decorating group can unite. After all, the task of one is to come up with and make decorations, and the second is to hang and put everything in its place. The fourth group can also help the “culinary” set up and set tables.

And finally fifth group– the leader or the brain, this includes the main organizers, the people who conduct the celebration and make sure that all groups cope with the assigned task.

There can be more than four teams. In this case, for example, not one, but several groups may be responsible for the holiday menu.

Tell everyone the idea of ​​the celebration in advance and “ homework"- teams must prepare carnival costumes and a dance performance. The main condition is that everything must be done in the style of the Brazilian carnival, which has two main rules - have fun and don’t be shy.

Attention! Be prepared for the fact that for some reason one or more teams may not be prepared, citing busyness and lack of time. In this case, you should have a safety net or plan B.

What it is?

Plan b"- this is an option in which the preparation of costumes and decorations is carried out directly at the holiday in the form of competitions “costume from improvised means” and “best Brazilian wall landscape” (scenery competition). The organizers prepare everything else: music, program, festive table and props for competitions.

For carnival costumes participants stock up big amount materials of different textures and colors. Ropes, old wallpaper, fabrics, various colored paper(velvet, self-adhesive, corrugated, foil).

Particular attention should be paid to feathers and boas. These are the ones that are often used to make hats for carnivals. True, if you can’t get feathers, you can always make them out of paper by cutting it and painting it to resemble the feather of a peacock or any other bird. Don’t forget to rummage through your closet and grab old things for the carnival; during the holiday they will definitely find a use in the most unexpected ways. By the way, all guests can be asked to do the same. In a word, everything from which you can make a wall collage and a carnival outfit will come in handy.

Stock up on scissors and tape - this is the fastest and easy way fasten all the products together, besides, ordinary transparent tape leaves no traces on the clothes, so you can be sure that things will not become unusable after the holiday.

Room decoration. Scenery.

Ropes and ropes (vines) will help turn the venue of the holiday into a tropical forest; green, light green and yellow fabrics (for draping walls, background decoration), as well as tourist brochures and posters with views of the nature of this beautiful country. From balloons you can build homemade palm trees, bananas, coconuts and even monkeys. By the way, animals can also be toys.

How to make a palm tree with coconuts out of balloons?

The easiest way to make palm trees is from helium balloons. In order to make one palm tree you will need a pump and a helium balloon, as well as three types of balloons:

small round (7 - 10 inches) dark brown - 7 pcs.

large balls (13 - 15 inches) with a tail at the end, light brown - 6 pcs.

thin balls – bright green sausages – 4 pcs.

Fill large balloons with helium, tie them and connect them into a chain, tying them together. This is a palm tree trunk. Make leaves from sausages. Pump them with air using a pump, bend them in half and tie them at the bend to one of the ends of the trunk so that the palm leaves hang down and stick out in different directions. Inflate 3 small balloons to the size of coconuts and tie them to the tail of the large balloon at the top of the palm tree. Fill the remaining four small balls with water, each containing no more than half a glass. Tie them together and secure them to the base of the palm tree. This will give it stability and prevent it from flying away.

Attention! If you don't have a helium tank, you can build a palm tree using the same scheme. The only thing is that you will have to secure its “leaves” and “trunk” with rope or tape to the wall or ceiling. To do this, tie a thread to the top and bottom end of the palm tree and glue one piece of it with tape to the ceiling, the other to the floor.

Balloon flowers.

To make one flower you need 5 round balls (diameter 5-7 inches), one “sausage” (for the stem). Inflate the round balloons, tie them together and connect them to the green “sausage”. Grasp the lower end of the stem, skip ten centimeters, grab it in this place, and slightly twist the ball. Holding the ball so that it does not unwind, with one hand, grab it a little higher with the other (20 centimeters). Bring both hands closer to each other, the ball will bend, twist the resulting leaf, wrapping it several times around its axis.

The main course of the holiday.

Gathering of guests.

The organizers greet the guests and hand out postcards with views of Brazil, on the back of which there is a number written that determines which team a particular person will play on. While the guests are arriving, people who have already arrived are participating in art competition "Nature of Brazil".

Exotic views of the tropical coast and the Amazon are drawn on sheets of whatman paper, a kind of decoration for the hall in which the main action will take place. If a special group is allocated for the decorations, then the visiting guests simply help install and hang everything in place, recreate the natural corners of a fairy-tale country.


Guests take their places, to the music of one of the Brazilian carnivals, the host appears, dressed in a costume corresponding to the style of the holiday, and begins the celebration.


Dear guests! We welcome you to a holiday dedicated to a mysterious, fabulous and exotic country. It would seem that we know everything there is to know about her. Tell me, what four things come to mind as soon as you hear the name of this country? (guests answer).

Absolutely right! Coffee, carnival, football and Brazilian TV series. But this is only a small part of Brazil's cultural heritage. Unfortunately, we are separated from it by an entire continent and ocean. You can admire the views of this country on TV and mentally imagine what it would be like to live in Brazil. But I invite you to experience everything for yourself, feel the aroma of coffee prepared according to a Brazilian recipe, and taste the culinary delights. And, of course, take part in the most popular Brazilian entertainment - carnival.

So, I ask you to take a seat at the table and get acquainted with Brazilian cuisine.

Everyone takes their seats. And before starting the tasting and eating, the host talks about the features of Brazilian cuisine, its history and the most popular dishes.


Gently spicy but not hot, fatty but with the freshness of lime, healthy, rich, with complex flavors and aromas, Brazilian cuisine also combines an amazing variety of ingredients and cooking methods, a true fusion of new and old worlds.

There are a huge number of recipes and variations of dishes. One dish can be prepared by ten different ways, depending on the region and the person who will cook it. This is also explained by the fact that the traditions and features of the cuisine of the Portuguese colonialists and the African slaves they brought were added to the cuisine of the South American Indians, the first settlers of Brazil. From these three distinct culinary cultures, Brazilian cuisine emerged.

The culinary traditions of the American Indians, the original inhabitants of the continent, are observed in the customs of food preparation. They are often prepared by wrapping them in banana leaves and using earthen fire pits and barbecues.

Portugal's culinary heritage is reflected in the sweet egg-based desserts and the use of ingredients such as salted cod, garlic, olives, quince and almonds.

African ingredients play a major role in many Brazilian recipes, such as palm oil, coconut, and dried shrimp.

Later Golden fever, as well as the rubber and coffee booms, brought emigrants from Italy, Germany, China and Japan, and with them their culinary traditions.

We invite you to try popular Brazilian dishes.

Brazilians consider chicken broth to be the healthiest, and even recommend it as a cure for certain diseases. Well, let's not delay the sweet moment and taste the famous Brazilian chicken broth.

Guests try the first course.

The first course is chicken broth with rice.

Chicken broth recipe.


Chicken – 2/3 carcass

rice – 1/2 cup

onions - 1 pc.

carrots - 1 pc.

potatoes - 1 pc.

tomatoes - 2 pcs.

garlic - 3 cloves

greens, parsley - 1 bunch

olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.

water – 1 - 2 l

salt, pepper - to taste

Serves 6 – 8 servings.

Cut the chicken into pieces, separating the wings, legs, thighs and a couple of pieces from the breast. Finely chop two cloves of garlic and crush along with pepper and salt. Rub the resulting mixture onto the chicken pieces.

Place a frying pan on the stove, pour in olive oil (you can also use sunflower oil, but in Brazil this is not accepted) and fry the remaining garlic in it until golden brown. Then place the chicken in the pan and fry it until golden brown, turning it over from time to time. While the chicken is roasting, prepare the vegetables. Cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes, peel and pit the tomatoes, finely chop them along with the onion. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan, add one liter of water, and place the fried chicken in it. Pour some water into the pan and pour it into the saucepan with the remaining garlic and oil. After this, cover the dish with a lid and bring the broth to a boil over high heat. When the broth boils, add rice and, if necessary, the remaining water (this is determined by the thickness of the broth, it should be liquid).

When the rice is cooked, remove the pan from the heat, throw into the pan the finely chopped herbs that you have on hand (parsley, dill, etc.). Cover the pan with a lid and let sit for five to ten minutes. The broth is ready.

Before serving, you can remove the chicken from the broth, garnish it with herb leaves, tomato slices and serve on a separate dish. The broth is eaten hot.

Second course.


The main course is usually served with cold appetizers and drinks, salads and a main course with a side dish. All this is put on the table at the same time. IN holidays Particularly popular is food that you can pick up with your hands and eat in a couple of bites. These snack foods can make up a full menu at weddings or birthdays.

Brazilians' favorite snacks are various canapés, fried cheese balls, fried cod balls, miniature shrimp or chicken pies, and chicken legs. There are several types of cold appetizers on the table. I hope everyone will find something to their liking.

And don't forget to try the national Brazilian dish - feijoada.

History of feijoada.

About 300 years ago, it was invented by slaves who mixed leftover pork from their masters' table with black beans to feed the animals. In fact, this dish has African roots, but the Portuguese introduced sausages and sausages into it, and the Indians added farofa (a mixture of cassava flour and butter).

The whole family often gathers for this dish on Saturdays in Brazil.

The unforgettable aroma and taste of feijoada, a cold caipirinha (cocktail) or Brazilian beer, Brazilian music, conversations about football and TV series - these are what are an integral part of a Saturday evening in Brazil and the best way to feel the atmosphere of this country.

Recipes for the second course.



white beans - 1 cup

peeled shrimp - 500g

tomatoes (peeled) - 5 pcs.

onions - 2 pcs.

sweet pepper - 1/2 pcs.

green apple - 1 pc.

garlic - 2 cloves

olive oil - 3 tbsp.

bay leaf - 6 pcs.

ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

What does the Brazilian theme require of us? Revelations and ingenuity! And also - non-standard thinking and lack of complexes. A Brazilian party is a real test for quiet people and puritans who suddenly, at one moment, decided to become not very good girls. Well, boys too, of course. Although, a men's party suit is not so shockingly frank. It looks more like an exquisite beach outfit... However, let's discuss all the features of the Brazilian suit one by one.


If we went to a real carnival in Brazil, we would have to wear something similar to this:

But the task of the holiday hosts is not to put their guests into a state of deep shock (due to a lack of understanding of the costume or where to get it). Therefore, we suggest focusing on the strong details of a Brazilian suit for the party. Adding them to your favorites bright dress You can end up with a wonderful carnival outfit that fully corresponds to the dress code requested by the owners of the ball.

So, let's begin.

The basis of the costume can be a colorful off-the-shoulder cocktail dress or a bright plain floor-length dress with an equally brightly emphasized neckline.

Plays of color in the outfit are welcome. If you manage to combine Brazilian motifs, mood and fabric, you will get a stunning costume for a party. Moreover, we are not talking about a sharply revealing outfit at all!

Another motif that can be used when going to a Brazilian party is puffy sleeves and fantastic headpieces.

Moreover, the latter can be decorated with both bright large flowers, feathers and tropical fruits.

Ethnic motifs and philosophical painting on the face and body are also welcome in clothing. If you manage to find your own line (corresponding to your character and type of appearance) in this direction, your outfit will receive a prize as the most original at the party.

If you have a little time to spare, you can make your own outfit for a Brazilian party. For this you will need: a corset, blue tulle and peacock feathers.

Now a little about accessories.

Multi-colored ones are almost an obligatory attribute of a Brazilian costume. You can make them yourself, using ordinary Christmas tree decorations as the main material.

An important detail of a party look is the hairstyle. Highly raised and intricately styled hair, decorated with a beautiful hairpin from peacock feathers self made.

And, of course, a mask. Required attribute Brazilian carnival is a fancy mask with glasses, or originally decorated with patterns and decorations on two-thirds of the face.

But after midnight, what’s hidden under the mask becomes important. And so that the lady does not disappoint the ardent gentleman, captivated by the mystery of the mask, it is worth thinking about the right makeup for the carnival.

Makeup is also important to maintain in bright colors, characteristic of color range your outfit and the party in general. Don’t be shy about clear lines, don’t try to mute the color - here and now it’s completely inappropriate!

Create artistic masterpieces on your face and enthusiastically enjoy the admiring glances directed in your direction!

It is equally important to take care of a stylish manicure. In the case of a Brazilian party, we offer several win-win options available at home. Bright varnishes, complex patterns and definitely rhinestones - this is a set of paraphernalia for a participant in the Brazilian carnival that evening!

So, let's try to summarize. A lady's evening outfit for the Brazilian carnival at home should be made in bright colors with the obligatory use of characteristic paraphernalia: feathers, rhinestones, masks, beads, sparkles and varnish. Here are several options for a complete and carefully thought out costume.

As for the outfit for a Brazilian gentleman, everything is much simpler. It is enough to put on bright (or plain, if you have a bronze tan) breeches, apply a pattern to the body and decorate your head with a headband made of rhinestones or feathers. Let the ladies present at the celebration admire your flawless torso and undisguised sexuality.

You can use long beads and baubles. This will add mystery and some intrigue to the image of a real adventure hunter.


If we figured out the costumes for the carnival easily, then with gifts (the ideas for which your guests will probably dry their heads) everything is a little more complicated. Here you will need a lot more imagination and an associative method of thinking. So, Brazil. What comes to mind first? TV series, coffee, football, reggae, spices... All this can easily become part of your gift to the hosts of the holiday in the spirit of their idea! Give them Latin music CDs, agogos, books, or forgotten soap movies. Or an anthology of Brazilian football, why not? It all depends on the preferences of your friends - the hosts of the holiday.

Here are a few more fun gift options:

1. Decorations in the style of Brazilian ethnic tribes. The owner of the house will probably like it and will suit her (or match her outfit) long earrings handmade and intricately shaped, with secret encrypted symbols of the sultry country. A necklace in the shape of the wings of a flying bird would also be appropriate.

Palm tree on stage

staff in Brazilian outfits


Music — 1

9.00. Good evening! We are pleased to welcome you to the Brazilian carnival of little Paradise called cafe....!

The Brazilian carnival is a bright holiday like our Maslenitsa. He is like a hurricane, a waterfall of passions, a fire that never goes out. They say that Brazilians have 30 holidays a year - that is, it turns out that for a whole month of the year they indulge their souls as best they can. Music and dance are more than just entertainment for Brazilians. This is the best medicine for the hardships of life.

And so let's get started. Carnival is about dancing. What dance is everyone doing? (samba)

And this is how the masters perform for you Latin American dance at the international level, touring performers from many countries of our planet!

9.02.Denis and Anya - samba

9.06. It should be noted that now the Brazilian carnival in Rio de Janeiro has become the most powerful tool for attracting tourists. A normal carnival ticket costs an average of $1,500.

Therefore, it is better to watch the Brazilian carnival today here at the Virage cafe!

Tell me, what do Russian people associate Brazil with? TV series of course! Series lovers! Your time has come!

COMPETITION No. 1 Brazilian TV series

1 robe Isaura

2. the secret of soaking

3. women in love

4.fierce angel

5.castles in the air

6. new victim

7. tropical

8.just Maria

9. land of love, land of hope

Prizes 10

Host: The heroines of the Brazilian TV series from the 90s are dancing for you - Tropicana!

9.15. premiere - Tropicana

9.20. Presenter: Anecdote: Two families are relaxing on a beach in Brazil - one from Russia, the other from Brazil.
Their children met, a girl from Moscow, a boy from Rio de Janeiro, naked, of course. They look at each other carefully.
And then the girl says:
“I couldn’t even imagine that Brazilians are so different from us Russians...

Well, now we will dance a Brazilian folk dance, which we have long considered almost Russian - lambada.


Mus — 2

(Two participants gather the tail under the lambada. It should turn out to be a huge “snake” that has engulfed everyone.)

Inv – 2 beads

People dance the lambada, the music fades to the words of the presenter: you both are great, friendship has won. Let's keep dancing! I'll be back soon!

9.28. dance block

9.48. Host: Palm trees, heat, girls in swimsuits, a lot of booze and no need to rush anywhere! Beauty! The law of today's holiday is to have fun and don't think about anything! Our Brazilian carnival is in full swing!

9.50. premiere - Brazil

9.53. COMPETITION No. 3 carnival costume

Muses – 3 dress, 4 fashion show, 5 undress

2 teams of a man and an equal number of assistants - about 3. The task of the assistants is to tie as many ribbons on M as possible, thus making it something like a Brazilian suit, then M is paraded, but the team that removes all these ribbons the fastest wins.

Inv – 100 ribbons

10.03. premiere - esso

10.07. Host: Guests, it's time to choose the queen of the carnival!!

6-10 participants.

So, you are contenders for the title of queen of the Brazilian carnival!

You have every chance for this - beauty, figure...

But you don’t know how to dance the samba...

jamb! No problem, we’ll teach you now.

10.08. COMPETITION No. 4 samba. Choosing a carnival queen

Dance teacher - premiere

Muses – 6 teach, 7 connect

Prize – 1 + beads

Host: All that remains is to choose the king of the carnival. Let's take a short break! Let's dance from the heart and continue!


10.40. Host: It's time to choose the king of the carnival!!


Two applicants are invited and perform tasks that men must be able to do at the Brazilian carnival:

  1. 1. at the carnival there is always a fire show - red donuts are played - fire simulators knots - 8
  2. jugglers - juggle 2, if they can, 3 oranges muses – 9
  3. 3. acrobats perform - they lift each girl into their arms in a certain pose, imitating acrobats muses - 11
  4. 4. men at the carnival move their lower parts well - they twist the halahoop in turns muses - 10

inv – halahup, 2 fires, 6 oranges

Presenter: who will answer me which one? male dance Brazilian carnival? (capoeiro). This is a mixture of Brazilian martial art and dance. Meet a real capoeiro master!

10.55. capoeiro

Muses – 12

Host: Enjoy your holiday! We wish you sunny smiles, a sea of ​​money and Have a good mood!

Brazilian Party Scenario

This is a party in the style of the brightest and most global Brazilian carnival. - this is the noisiest and fun party, the greatest show on the planet!

Millions of people dream of going to Brazilian party! An exotic mixture of costumes, dances and national dishes, only the best awaits you Party in the style of the Brazilian carnival.

It has its own flavor and special atmosphere. Try it and you will feel what real fun is!

Images of participants of the Brazilian party

King Momo, Queen, Jester Molandro, Indian, Teacher-Conductor, Dancer, etc.

Brazilian party program

  • Opening of the Brazilian Carnival,
  • Carnival samba in bright costumes,
  • Solo performances of carnival participants,
  • Choosing the King and Queen of the carnival,
  • Men's show
  • Dance competitions,
  • Capoeira,
  • Bright and fiery dance Shaik,
  • Performance of the Jesters,
  • Acrobatic performances,
  • Joint dance of girls Mas que nada,
  • African dance performed by men
  • Lambada dance competition,
  • Best costume competition
  • Fun interactivity with the audience,
  • Brazilian disco.

What to wear to a Brazilian party

  • Revealing outfits
  • Swimwear,
  • Sequins,
  • Rhinestones,
  • Beads,
  • Bead embroidery,
  • shells,
  • Glass and wood products,
  • Anything that can sparkle and attract the eye,
  • Body art,
  • A sultan of such long, fluffy, colorful and luxurious feathers
  • Sandals on high heels,
  • Bright makeup,
  • Flowers,
  • Decorative pendants,
  • Cosmetics.

Brazilian party music

  • Michael Franks,
  • Madita,
  • Frequent Flyer Ipanema,
  • Bandoneon Electro Tango,
  • Blue Six,
  • Antonio Carlos Jobim, etc.

Carnival in Brazil

Carnival is the largest national holiday in Brazil, although currently, in some areas of the country, it has had to make room for other holidays. The Rio de Janeiro Carnival is the most prominent expression of the Brazilian carnival, it is known throughout the world and attracts tourists of all nationalities.

The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro falls on different dates from year to year, usually the end of February and the beginning of March. It officially opens on Saturday and ends the following Wednesday, called Ash Wednesday. However, many people start celebrating the carnival on Friday and continue to have fun until the end of Ash Wednesday.

At the end New Year's holidays, many are looking forward to the carnival. After the festive New Year's expenses, the accumulation of money for the carnival begins; All major matters are postponed until later. Over time, the carnival in Rio has gradually changed. IN last decades the so-called "street carnival" was greatly reduced, and all carnival action was reduced almost entirely to the parade of samba schools and large carnival balls. But at the very Lately The "street carnival" gradually began to gain strength again.

There are several versions of the origin of the carnival, the traditions of which, according to some researchers, begin 10 thousand years before the birth of Christ. The word "carnaval" itself goes back to Latin expression"carrum novalis", with which the ancient Romans opened their holidays, or comes from the expression carnelevale, meaning "farewell meat" in the Milanese dialect of Italian (an allusion to the beginning of Christian fasting).

Where to hold and celebrate a Brazilian party

  • At home (apartment, dacha)
  • Water park, Sauna,
  • Banqueting hall
  • Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Dining room
  • Bomb shelter
  • Bowling Club
  • Hotel, Hotel, Holiday home, Boarding house
  • DK (house of culture)
  • Disco Bus
  • Abroad, on an island
  • Metro
  • Club ( night club)
  • Camp (pioneer camp)
  • Open air (outdoors)
  • Beauty saloon
  • Motor ship
  • Trading house
  • School, Kindergarten

Hot tropical Brazil is a country of contrasts. Everyone has heard about the Brazilian carnival, but few know what this bright and stunning procession of millions of people is like. Nowadays, stylized parties and holidays are at the peak of popularity. educational institutions. Have you been invited to such an event or offered to host a Brazilian carnival in kindergarten, school, but no suit? No problem, in this article we will tell you in detail how to make costumes for the Brazilian carnival, talk about the features of national costumes and the history of the festive procession. Once you understand the basic principles of creating a costume, you can easily bring it to life.

Origins of the holiday

Very for a long time fabulous Brazil was a colony of Portugal. Indigenous people adopted most of the traditions European countries. Yes, the national language tropical country- Portuguese, and most of the population are adherents of the Roman Catholic faith. But Brazilians have not forgotten about their roots, combining many traditions into a colorful festive procession - carnival.

This fantastic holiday marks the beginning of Lent and is somewhat similar to our Maslenitsa. Festivities They perk up the spirit and support the body during a forty-day abstinence from meat products and bodily pleasures. The Brazilian Carnival is considered the main holiday of the country and is celebrated on an unprecedented scale. Take a look at the photos from the annual festival: happy faces, an abundance of colors, luxurious costumes - this is the spirit of the carnival.

The basis was taken from the traditions of old Europe, where costume parties – carnivals – were often held. The holiday appeared in Brazil in the 17th century and today has absorbed many traditions of other countries. Anyone can take part in the procession; they line up in groups in the form of ropes and geometric shapes and march through the city streets to national musical tunes. Nowadays, most groups perform on special decorated platforms designed on the basis of cars. During the celebration, national dance schools perform and compete for cash prizes. Interestingly, preparations for the next luxurious celebration begin after the end of the present one.

Luxury and shine

The costumes for the Brazilian Carnival reflect a riot of colors. Women's costumes are the most beautiful and luxurious. Brazilian women are so liberated that sometimes you can meet completely naked women, whose bodies are adorned only by makeup with lots of glitter and a luxurious headdress. For many, such “robes” are unacceptable, so the most widespread are brightly decorated bikinis and miniskirts of an interesting cut - short in the front and long in the back. They are replete with sparkles, sequins, embroidery with stones and beads. An integral part of the costume is the headdress. It amazes with its splendor and abundance of decor, among which massive feathers play the most important role. Makeup must match the chosen image. It often includes floral patterns, images of butterflies and dragonflies. The back of the bodice is also decorated with feathers, and the Brazilians look like fantastic birds.

The men's suit consists of bright trousers with a fringe patch and sequined ribbons. The upper part of the robe is represented by a luxurious shirt or vest, decorated in the same style. The men's headdress is a bright hat with an abundance of decor.

The girls' outfits include a bright top embroidered with rhinestones, sequins, beads and a fluffy skirt with ruffles. It can also be a brightly colored samba dress with an embroidered bodice and lots of frills at the hem. Both a smaller version of a woman’s crown with feathers and a simple crown-shaped headband with lots of sparkles and rhinestones are worn on the head.

The costumes of Brazilian boys differ from men's only in the abundance of multi-colored frills on the sleeves of the shirt and the lower part of the trousers.

Costume for a matinee

We bring to your attention a master class on sewing a Brazilian suit for a girl with your own hands. To create it you will need:

  • Bright fabric of red, blue, yellow flowers. It is advisable to use shiny material - satin, brocade. The amount of material depends on the size of the girl, but the main shade will require at least 2 meters, and the other two shades will need 1.5 meters each.
  • Bias tape. It is necessary for processing the edge and you will need at least 5 meters of each color.
  • Elastic band for clothes approximately 1 meter.
  • Sewing supplies and machine.
  • Decor. Depends on your wishes - beads, sequins, beads, rhinestones.
  • Sweater. The pattern for the top of the suit will be based on it.

You can sew a skirt using the following pattern.

Take measurements from the model and adjust the pattern to your parameters. You will need waist circumference, waist to knee length, and waist to floor length. Construct a pattern, taking into account that 2R is half the waist circumference, the average length is the sum of the measured lengths to the floor and to the knee, divided in half. The values ​​of D1 and D2 will be equal to the sum of the average length and the length to the knee (to the floor for D2) divided in half.

Fold the fabric inside out and transfer the created pattern. Pin the edges and cut them open, adding 2.5-3 cm to the seams.

Hem the edges with bias tape.

Fasten the elastic band to the waistband and, pulling it tight, sew it in place.

To create a pattern for the top of the suit, use a blouse. Place it on the paper, folding the sleeves.

Mark the middle of the shoulder and draw the neckline.

Cut with extra seams.

Machine stitch the seams.

Edge the edge with bias tape.

Cut fabric of a contrasting color into strips 10 cm wide and connect them together. Finish one edge with a zigzag and the other with bias tape.

Sew blue ribbon around the entire perimeter of the skirt, gathering it to create a flounce.

The yellow ribbon is sewn with the right side to the skirt so that when folded, the seam is not visible.

The top is trimmed in the reverse order.

The costume is ready! All that remains is to add decorative elements and create a suitable image.

Something similar can be created for a boy. Take a bright shirt as a basis and sew multi-colored flounces onto the sleeves. Do the same manipulations with the bottom of the trousers. Add a stylish hat and send the young Brazilian to an impromptu carnival.

Stylized party

Having sorted out the costumes for children, you can dress yourself up too. You don’t have to work long on a man’s suit, just take bright tights or sew them according to the simplest satin pattern. Brazilians don’t have to wear a top; a vest, which can be created from an old shirt, is enough. Simply cut off the sleeves and finish the edges with bias tape. You can decorate a men's suit with bright cuffs or large fringe; it will fit perfectly. A stylish hat will complete the look.

Creating a women's suit is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Take a bikini or one-piece swimsuit with an open belly as the basis of the costume. Embroider it with bright decorative elements. If you are embarrassed by such a revealing outfit, cover your body with a pareo. It will add zest and mystery to your image. Choose makeup with floral patterns and lots of glitter. You can take a regular headband as the basis for the Brazilian crown, attach cardboard of the desired width to it, and decorate it with shiny fabric. Glue fluffy feathers and generously decorate with glitter. You can go to the party!

More detailed description You will find the process of making a headdress in this video tutorial.

Video on the topic of the article

From the video selection below you will learn how to make a costume for a Brazilian carnival procession.

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