Sberbank online loan rates. Sberbank loan calculator for individuals

To apply for a loan from Sberbank online, you need to follow a number of simple steps. Go to your personal bank website online and fill out the form in the online calculator. Next, you should fill out the form that opens and select the loan parameters: its amount, repayment period - the program will automatically calculate the allowable interest rate. At the same time, you will see a schedule for making payments for the product. Select the bank branch that is convenient for you to visit and fill out an online application for a loan from Sberbank by clicking on the appropriate button. Then all you have to do is visit the office and take out a loan. The loan application in the online service is already ready to be sent, but it does not have to be sent right away. In the calculator that Sberbank offers to use, the online application is saved in drafts. The online loan application sent by Sberbank will be located in the section of the same name. After you submit an application for a loan to Sberbank online, you will not receive an answer immediately, but your request receives priority over those requests that clients submit at a bank branch. And although according to the regulations two days are allotted for consideration, an online application for a bank loan is usually considered on the same day.

How to apply to Sberbank online?

Applying for a loan from Sberbank online has a number of undeniable advantages.

  1. Save time. Using the calculator, you can easily calculate an online loan and determine a suitable payment schedule without visiting a Sberbank office;
  2. Ease of use. The search engine interface, with which you can select and apply for a loan, is made simple and understandable. In the appropriate columns of the loan you only need to indicate its amount and a convenient repayment period. Parameters such as interest rate and payment schedule will be calculated automatically.
  3. Easy search for a loan offered by Sberbank - the online configurator will provide only those offers that may interest you.
  4. The ability to compare the parameters of Sberbank loans and weigh the pros and cons in order to get the loan you need.

You can use a similar search engine on the portal “”. To select the required bank product, you need to click the “Banks” tab at the top of the screen, move the cursor to the “Loans” item and select Sberbank of Russia in the window that opens. The “” search engine is also convenient because it makes it possible to set more parameters by which you can apply for a loan online: its purpose, collateral, application review period and special conditions. The loan application generated to be sent to Sberbank may include specialized targeted programs.

“” makes it possible to easily compare the conditions under which Sberbank provides a particular loan and submit an application for a loan. Using the “” calculator you can easily determine the appropriate loan size, its interest rate and repayment period. Knowing the basic parameters, it is easy to calculate the loan payment schedule and select the desired option taking into account the specified parameters. After you find the optimal loan program for yourself, all you have to do is submit an application online - the bank will review it to issue a loan. According to the regulations, Sberbank reviews such an online loan within two business days (in practice, faster).

Sberbank's loan calculator will help you calculate a consumer loan in cash based on data for 2019. Make the calculation using the 2019 calculator from the official website and choose the most profitable loan.

A credit card is an opportunity to get the thing you are interested in without the long and tedious accumulation of money, or not getting the necessary amount in case of objective need or unforeseen circumstances. However, to ensure that the loan program does not turn into a heavy financial burden for you and your family, you should wisely and thoughtfully choose a suitable line of credit.

To make the loan agreement as profitable as possible, you should use a financial instrument specially created for this purpose - a cash loan calculator from Sberbank. It allows:

  • Determine the maximum allowable loan amount based on the amount of monthly income;
  • Get objective data on monthly payments;
  • Plan, if necessary, to close the loan with early repayment.

Do you need a truthful and highly effective online calculator to analyze your loan term? Then it is best to choose Sberbank loan calculators.

Loan terms 2019

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount: 5 million rubles;
  • Duration: from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Loan issue fee: none;
  • Security: guarantees from individuals – citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2).

Interest rates in Sberbank

Name of consumer loan - Interest rates
Educational with state subsidies 7.76%
Calculation example: if you take a consumer loan in the amount 100,000 rub.. for a period of 12 months. at 7.76% per annum, then the monthly payment on a consumer loan will be RUB 8,694.62, you will overpay RUB 4,335.55, which is 4.34% of the consumer loan amount. Total loan cost: RUB 104,335.55
Refinancing 12.5 - 13.5%
1,000,000 rub. for 12 months at 12.5% ​​per annum, every month you will pay RUB 89,195.21 RUB 70,342.52, which is 7.03% of the consumer loan amount. In total, a consumer loan will cost you RUB 1,070,342.52
Consumer without collateral 12.5%
Calculation example: consumer loan amount: RUB 1,500,000, term: 12 months, interest rate: 12.5% ​​per annum. Under these conditions, every month you will pay RUB 133,792.76 The overpayment will be RUB 105,513.78, which is 7.03% of the consumer loan amount. As a result, the total cost of a consumer loan will be RUB 1,605,513.78
Mortgage loan 7.4-10.0%
Calculation example: you took out a loan 10,000,000 rub. for 120 months at 9% per annum, every month you will pay RUB 127,611.98 The overpayment on a consumer loan will be RUB 5,313,413.80, which is 53.13% of the consumer loan amount. In total, a consumer loan will cost you RUB 15,313,413.80

A competent choice of a particular lending program is provided by a loan repayment calculator, which allows you to instantly calculate the monthly payment and get a visual table with payments on the loan of interest:

  • For individual entrepreneurs.
  • For pensioners.
  • For individuals.
  • For legal entities.

Particularly attractive conditions are available for salary credit card holders.

The calculation calculator takes into account all the necessary information, including options for closing a loan with early repayment and even partial early repayment, with the ability to download the result.

You can take out a loan:

  • Cash.
  • For refinancing.
  • For the development of small business.
  • To buy a car.
  • To build a house, to buy a home.

Many of Sberbank's future borrowers are trying to independently calculate the payment schedule for the proposed loan. However, after applying for a loan, most clients do not match the amounts received with those indicated in the schedule drawn up by the bank. Why does this happen, and how is the monthly loan payment calculated correctly?

Calculation of the payment schedule for a Sberbank loan using the annuity and differentiated method

When applying for a loan, Sberbank often offers clients an annuity repayment method. It represents a scheme where the loan is paid first, and then the body of the loan itself.

Payment formula for the annuity scheme:

where i is the monthly interest rate or annual/12;

n – loan period in months.

To understand the process of calculating the annuity payment, it is better to consider it using an example:

From the presented graph we can highlight the main loan parameters necessary for the calculation:

  • total amount - 500 thousand rubles;
  • payment scheme - annuity (the outer column contains equal payment amounts);
  • – 60 months;
  • payment start date – 05/16/2012;
  • interest rate – 11.5% per annum.

By substituting the calculation data into the above formula, you can check whether the schedule was drawn up correctly by Sberbank employees.

First of all, you should find the monthly interest rate:

i = 11.05/12 = 0.92083 or 0.0092083

Then you need to substitute all the necessary values ​​into the annuity payment formula:

monthly payment = 500,000 x 0.0092083 x (1 + 0.0092083) 60 / (1+ 0.0092083) 60 – 1;

expression (1 + 0.0092083) 60 = 1.7332.

Substitute it into the final formula, you get:

annuity payment = 500,000 x 0.0092083 x 1.7332/0.7332 = 10883.68 rub.

  • with a reduction in the monthly payment amount;
  • through maternal capital.

You cannot reduce the loan term using early repayment at Sberbank.

An example of calculating a regular early repayment, when the debt balance and, accordingly, the monthly payment are reduced:

  • it is necessary to repay the loan in the amount of two hundred thousand rubles ahead of schedule;
  • you need to find out the balance of the debt as of the specified date;
  • subtract the repayment amount from the balance (RUB 200,000);
  • calculate the new monthly payment under the annuity scheme.

So, in order.

To determine the balance of the debt, you should subtract from the total loan amount the amounts that are in the “loan” column before the required date. For example, if on a loan in the amount of 500,000 rubles. 31,886 rubles were paid. principal debt (without interest), then the balance will be 500,000 – 31,886 = 468,114 rubles.

If you subtract the repayment amount from the balance, you get the new amount of the principal debt: 468,114 – 200,000 = 268,114 rubles. (this is the amount that must be deposited into the bank in order to completely close the loan).

The loan term will also decrease and will now begin from the moment of early repayment. If the borrower paid the amount in the sixth month according to the 60-month schedule, then the new loan term is 54 months.

Now you need to define a new monthly annuity payment for the conditions obtained:

  • amount of debt – 268,114 rubles;
  • loan term – 54 months;
  • interest rate 10.05% (per annum).

To get a new monthly payment amount, you need to substitute the existing data:

268,114 x 0.0092083 x (1 + 0.0092083) 54 / (1 + 0.0092083) 54 – 1 = 268,114 x 0.0092083 x 1.64045 / 0.64045 = 6323.78 rub.

If you compare it with the monthly payment, which was calculated at the beginning of the article (RUB 10,883.68), you can see that after early repayment it decreased by almost half.

Calculating payments on a Sberbank loan using a loan calculator

On the Sberbank website in the section with loans there are calculators for preliminary calculations:

  • by loan amount – the system will automatically calculate the total and monthly payments;
  • by income – the maximum possible loan amount is determined;
  • Based on monthly payments, you can determine the amount of the loan and its term.

  • go to the main page of the official website of Sberbank of Russia;
  • hover your mouse over the “Take a loan” menu;
  • from the drop-down menu, select the appropriate type of loan (consumer, mortgage, refinancing, etc.);
  • in the upper field of the calculator, select the type of calculation (by amount, income, monthly payment);
  • fill out the remaining positions;
  • Click the “Calculate repayment” button.
  • During the calculation, the online calculator applies only those interest rates that are in effect at the time of calculation. If you need to calculate amounts at previously existing rates, the program will automatically change the specified interest rate to the one currently applied by the bank. In such cases, it is better to independently calculate the amount of monthly payments using formulas.
  • It happens that when calculating a differential monthly payment, the payment period begins in the middle of one month and goes to the middle of the second month. In this case, the number of days in a month should be taken based on the first of two months.
  • When making calculations, it should be taken into account that Sberbank may not apply differentiated monthly payments for all types of loans. For example, when mortgage lending, only annuity schemes are used.

The leader in providing loans to Russians, Sberbank, is expanding its credit line and offering more favorable conditions to its potential clients. But any person who wants to use borrowed funds is always interested in the question of how to calculate a loan from Sberbank so that it is profitable and not burdensome for their own budget.

How to calculate a cash loan at Sberbank

Most borrowers make the same mistake: they believe that overpayment on a loan is determined by adding up the interest rate and the principal. But this is absolutely not true: banks use completely different options for calculating the maximum loan size and monthly payments for each specific client. Calculation formulas take into account many factors.


You can do preliminary calculations yourself in two ways. The very first one is traditional. A citizen contacts the credit department, where, after providing information about himself, income and the desired amount of borrowed funds, he receives all the information from the manager. In this case, the client cannot directly participate in the calculation itself, but will only receive the finished result. For those who want to independently explore all the possibilities of the loan program and, most importantly, analyze for themselves all the benefits of this or that product, it is worth going to the website and making all the necessary calculations online, selecting different parameters using a loan calculator.


Another method of calculation is based on the use of mathematical formulas.

Amount of differentiated payment calculated like this:

E=S/t+ (((S*M*dl)/DY)/100), where

E– monthly payment amount,

S– loan size,

t– number of months (or remaining months);

M– annual rate, according to the contract;

dl– the number of days in a particular month;

DY- days a year.

Monthly payment under the annuity scheme repayment is determined as follows:

E=S*(m*(1+m)^n)/((1+m)^n-1), where

m– monthly interest rate,

n– number of months under the contract.

Monthly interest rate is defined like this:

m = M/12/100, where

M– annual rate, according to the contract.


In banking practice, there are only two loan repayment schemes - annuity and differentiated (classical).

Annuity involves fixed and equal monthly payments that do not change throughout the entire loan term. Such payments include both the loan principal and interest. Their ratio may change monthly, but the size of payments will be the same. Under this scheme, most of the interest is paid in the first months and only then the principal debt. This is the reason for the increase in overpayments. This method is most often used for long-term loans, and especially for mortgages. It has its pros and cons. The advantages include the following:

  • for the first months the client will pay less than with the classic repayment scheme;
  • Knowing the fixed payment, it is easier for the borrower to plan his budget.

Among the shortcomings noted:

  • the overpayment is greater than with the classic option, and with an increase in the credit period it is more significant;
  • it is difficult to determine the outstanding balance;
  • early repayment is not very profitable.

The differentiated scheme consists of reducing the amount of monthly payments. The payment itself consists of the body of the loan, the size of which is divided proportionally across all months, and interest accrued on the unpaid balance. Due to the reduction in interest, the payment is reduced at the end of the term. Advantages of differentiated payments:

  • overpayment is less;
  • early repayment is very profitable;
  • it is easier to determine the remainder.

But there is also a drawback: in the first months, payments are maximum.

How to calculate differentiated loan payments

With differentiated repayment, each subsequent monthly payment is less than the previous one - this is the essence of classical lending. The maximum payment is in the first month, and the minimum in the last month. All borrowed funds are divided into equal parts according to the number of months specified in the agreement. To each of these payments is added the amount of interest accrued on the balance. Since the balance decreases every month, the payment amount decreases.

Step-by-step instruction

  • amount of outstanding balance,
  • the remaining time until the end of repayment,
  • number of days in a particular month;
  • number of days in a year.

Having these indicators, you need to go to the site and select the required loan. Then fill in the fields with the information listed above. Choose a repayment method - differentiated - and make a calculation.

How to calculate the amount of loan payments

When applying for a cash loan from Sberbank, the client is always interested in how to calculate the amount of payments.

Since recently banks have been moving away from the differentiated scheme and settling on the annuity scheme due to greater benefits for themselves, most calculations are associated with annuity payments. In most cases, these are all types of mortgages and long-term loans.


Since this scheme involves equal payments every month, the borrower is mainly interested in the volume of overpayments. To get this indicator, it is better to use a calculator and do the following:

  • go to the website and select the loan you are interested in;
  • On the page with the selected product, a calculator is most often provided;
  • study all the columns to fill it out;
  • fill in all the data and indicate the type of payment;
  • calculate.

The summary table will indicate all the indicators - the amount of overpayments and payments each month, on the basis of which the client will be able to draw conclusions about the benefits and feasibility of the loan product.

Loan calculator: how to calculate a consumer loan in 2017

The Sberbank loan calculator for 2017 allows the borrower to calculate what monthly payments he will have to pay. The algorithm is simple: you will need to fill out all the fields, taking into account your personal data and loan parameters. The result of the calculations will be a table or graph that will clearly demonstrate the amount of the principal debt, payment dates and interest to the bank. The advantage of a loan calculator is that you receive complete calculations in a matter of seconds and real information about the selected product. This allows the user to realistically assess their capabilities and the financial burden on the family budget.

It is worth considering that the calculator does not take into account possible additional payments (ship bill, commission amounts, insurance). You can find out about them at the bank branch before concluding an agreement.


To calculate the required loan amount from Sberbank using a calculator, you need to follow the following scheme:

  • go to the bank's website;
  • In the menu from the “Consumer loans” list, select the one you need and click on it;
  • decide on the type of calculation (by credit amount, average monthly income or monthly payments);
  • set the desired date and loan term in months;
  • it is mandatory to indicate the category of the borrower, this affects the amount of interest;
  • fill in personal information;
  • the interest rate is set automatically, and it corresponds to the current one;
  • indicate your income (yours and your family’s), family composition, expenses;
  • make a calculation.

When filling out all the items, you should realistically assess your financial capabilities and the duration of debt repayment.

How to calculate a loan for building a house in Sberbank

On the eve of contacting a banking institution, you can make an approximate calculation of a loan for building a house at Sberbank, calculating the overpayment and the amount of the monthly payment using a mortgage calculator. In addition to the main indicators (type of calculation, repayment scheme, value of the property, term and amount of borrowed funds), it is worth paying close attention to other points that affect the rate. This is the category of the borrower, the income of the client and his family, the desired size of the down payment, the time of registration of the object (before the conclusion of the contract or after) and the ability to use state budget funds. The latter includes attracting maternity capital and participating in the “Young Family” campaign. After maternity capital is credited, the bank recalculates the loan repayment schedule, reducing monthly payments. But you should not hope that the repayment period will be changed.

Sberbank mortgage calculator: how to calculate early repayment

Early repayment of a mortgage loan from Sberbank should be calculated according to the scheme for annuity payments. To do this, use a mortgage calculator. The algorithm is simple:

  • all parameters are entered (date of conclusion of the contract, amount, rate, and term);
  • the type of payment is indicated;
  • the amount and date planned for early repayment are indicated.


Having figured out how to calculate a loan from Sberbank of Russia, you need to take into account a few more points. Before going to the bank, you should evaluate your own solvency and real capabilities without embellishment. You should not chase an unrealistic loan, but settle on the loan that will be beneficial for you and carefully study the terms of the loan. There is no need to rush to apply for a loan without first calculating future payments. Then they can be compared with the calculations in the office and deal with additional “surcharges”. The best option is to opt for a differentiated debt repayment scheme.

Sberbank of Russia is the largest Russian bank with an extensive network of divisions and offices offering a wide range of loan products for individuals and pensioners. The Sberbank loan calculator will allow you to calculate online the exact date and amount to be repaid, taking into account the provided data.

What loans does Sberbank issue?

The main specialization of the bank is consumer loans for any purpose. They are issued both without collateral and under the guarantee of individuals or real estate collateral. Special conditions await military personnel and NIS participants, as well as farmers with private farms.

A special educational loan with state support has been developed for young and active people. Sberbank also offers loans to pay off debts from other banks (refinancing) and more than 6 types of mortgage loans.

It will help to calculate any of these loans and find out the planned monthly payment Sberbank loan calculator. A potential borrower just needs to indicate the required amount, rate, type of payment, date and term, and the monthly payment will be calculated automatically. Of course, you can calculate the payment yourself, but this requires at least 15-30 minutes, and when we are talking about hundreds of thousands of rubles, the difference in calculations can be huge. In such cases, you simply cannot do without Sberbank’s loan calculator.

Sberbank loan calculator

Sberbank loans

Sberbank has prepared all kinds of products for its clients. For example, any citizen of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 65 years can apply for a non-targeted consumer loan without collateral using one passport. At the same time, the interest rate for the use of borrowed funds will not exceed 23.5% per annum for salary clients or pensioners, and 29.5% for all others, and the maximum amount is 1.5 million rubles.

The bank offers very interesting conditions for an educational loan with deferred repayment for the entire period of study and an additional 3 months. In this case, insurance or collateral for the loan is not required, and the interest rate is set at around 7.06% and directly depends on the Central Bank refinancing rate based on (1/4 of the refinancing rate + 5 percentage points) An education loan is available from the age of 14.

Credit Max. sum Min. Bid Max. term Payment type Calculation
without collateral
RUB 1,500,000 16,9% 60 months Annuity
on behalf of
RUB 3,000,000 13,9% 60 months Annuity
Non-targeted under
real estate pledge
10000000 rub. 14% 240 months Annuity
Loan for military personnel
and NIS participants
500,000 rub. 15,5% 60 months Annuity
Consumer on
1,000,000 rub. 14,9% 60 months Annuity

Sberbank of Russia consumer loan calculator will help you calculate the monthly payment for any of the presented types of loans.

Mortgage and Sberbank mortgage calculator

Sberbank of Russia offers its clients more than 6 types of mortgage products designed specifically for different categories of the population, including military personnel and young families.

Min amount Max amount Rate in
per annum
Max term Initial
Mortgage from the state
45,000 rub. 8 million for Moscow and St. Petersburg
3 million for regions
From 11.9%
up to 12.9%
1 year 30 years From 15%
from cost
finished housing
300 thousand rubles. No more than 80% of the price From 13.5% to 14.5% 1 year 30 years From 20% of the cost
housing under construction
with security
300 thousand rubles. No more than 80% of the price From 13.5% to 14.5% + surcharges up to 2.5% 1 year 30 years From 20% of the cost
No No more than 80% of the price 12,5% 1 year 15 years No

For mortgage programs with the purchase of finished or under construction housing, repayment is available using financial capital.

The main package of documents that will be required to complete an application for a mortgage from Sberbank of Russia:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration
  • Any second document (passport, TIN, SNILS, etc.)
  • Documents to confirm employment and financial status (2NDFL certificate for the last 6 months, copy of work book)
  • Direct application with personal data

If the mortgage loan provides for collateral, then the obligatory condition is the provision of documents on the collateral property (the original certificate of ownership; the original contract of sale, exchange, donation, etc.; extract from the Unified State Register; cadastral passport with a detailed plan, etc.)

If the bank makes a positive decision on the client’s application for a mortgage product, then within 2 months you need to provide an additional package of documents:

  1. A complete set of documents for the loaned premises
  2. Payment order for payment of down payment

To obtain a mortgage under the “Young Family” and “Maternity Capital” programs, you need an additional package of documents.

Methods for repaying a consumer loan at Sberbank of Russia

The bank offers its clients to repay the loan in several ways to choose from:

  • By making a payment through a cashier
  • At an ATM or PVN bank from your card
  • Through the personal account of the Internet bank “Sberbank-Online”. To do this, the borrower must have a debit or credit card. For convenience, you can activate the “Autopayment” service and the money will be debited towards the next loan installment automatically on the specified date
  • Automatic debiting of funds from a Sberbank card account after issuing a written order to debit funds by the bank. A similar agreement can be drawn up for debiting funds from a deposit account.

Penalties for late monthly payments

As penalties for late payment of a loan, Sberbank imposes a penalty on borrowers in the amount of 20% per year of the amount of the scheduled payment for the entire period of delay, starting from the date following the date of the next payment until the date of the actual payment.

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