Calculate Sberbank loan favorable interest rates. Sberbank loan calculator - online consumer loan calculation

To apply for a loan from Sberbank online, you need to follow a number of simple steps. Go to your personal bank website online and fill out the form in the online calculator. Next, you should fill out the form that opens and select the loan parameters: its amount, repayment period - the program will automatically calculate the allowable interest rate. At the same time, you will see a schedule for making payments for the product. Select the bank branch that is convenient for you to visit and fill out an online application for a loan from Sberbank by clicking on the appropriate button. Then all you have to do is visit the office and take out a loan. The loan application in the online service is already ready to be sent, but it does not have to be sent right away. In the calculator that Sberbank offers to use, the online application is saved in drafts. The online loan application sent by Sberbank will be located in the section of the same name. After you submit an application for a loan to Sberbank online, you will not receive an answer immediately, but your request receives priority over those requests that clients submit at a bank branch. And although according to the regulations two days are allotted for consideration, an online application for a bank loan is usually considered on the same day.

How to apply to Sberbank online?

Applying for a loan from Sberbank online has a number of undeniable advantages.

  1. Save time. Using the calculator, you can easily calculate an online loan and determine a suitable payment schedule without visiting a Sberbank office;
  2. Ease of use. The search engine interface, with which you can select and apply for a loan, is made simple and understandable. In the appropriate columns of the loan you only need to indicate its amount and a convenient repayment period. Parameters such as interest rate and payment schedule will be calculated automatically.
  3. Easy search for a loan offered by Sberbank - the online configurator will provide only those offers that may interest you.
  4. The ability to compare the parameters of Sberbank loans and weigh the pros and cons in order to get the loan you need.

You can use a similar search engine on the portal “”. To select the required bank product, you need to click the “Banks” tab at the top of the screen, move the cursor to the “Loans” item and select Sberbank of Russia in the window that opens. The “” search engine is also convenient because it makes it possible to set more parameters by which you can apply for a loan online: its purpose, collateral, application review period and special conditions. The loan application generated to be sent to Sberbank may include specialized targeted programs.

“” makes it possible to easily compare the conditions under which Sberbank provides a particular loan and submit an application for a loan. Using the “” calculator you can easily determine the appropriate loan size, its interest rate and repayment period. Knowing the basic parameters, it is easy to calculate the loan payment schedule and select the desired option taking into account the specified parameters. After you find the optimal loan program for yourself, all you have to do is submit an application online - the bank will review it to issue a loan. According to the regulations, Sberbank reviews such an online loan within two business days (in practice, faster).

One of the most popular types of loans among citizens of the Russian Federation is a cash loan from Sberbank. This is due to fairly favorable lending conditions and a loyal attitude towards each client. A cash loan for different bank clients may have different terms and conditions. To understand how much loan amount is available to you and under what conditions it will have to be repaid, you can use the loan calculator presented below.

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Online calculator

If you want to take out a cash loan from Sberbank, the calculator will help you pre-calculate all the conditions for receiving and repaying the loan. You can also apply for it online.

Amount of credit


Interest rate


Loan terms


Calculation results

Monthly payment:


Overpayment on loan:


Total cost:


Show payment schedule

Cash loan at Sberbank: types of loans

If you decide to take out a cash loan from Sberbank, first you need to decide which type of loan is right for you. Not only the terms of the loan itself depend on this, but also the amount that can be borrowed.

Today you can get a loan from Sberbank on the following conditions:

  • No collateral. This is a standard scheme for obtaining a cash loan without guarantors or collateral.
  • With security. This loan application scheme requires the presence of guarantors who can provide their income certificates. The data specified in them affects the size of the loan that the bank can provide to the client.
  • With collateral. This lending condition allows you to obtain a larger loan amount. Various property owned by the client can act as collateral.
  • Refinancing a cash loan received from another bank. The conditions for such a loan are selected individually, taking into account the data specified in the agreement.

The popularity enjoyed by the Sberbank loan calculator is explained by two main factors. Firstly, the financial institution is the largest and most successful in the country, and secondly, the developed online service for calculating loan terms is deservedly considered one of the most convenient and practical. As an example, there are several options for calculating various types of consumer loans issued by Sberbank.

Product Initial conditions Monthly payment amount Total overpayment
Sum Term Bid thousand roubles. thousand roubles.
New Year 500 thousand rubles. 1 year 11,90% 44,401 32,774
New Year 2 million rubles 2 years 11,90% 94,054 257,234
Refinancing 1 million rub. 1.5 years 11,90% 60,936 96,798
Refinancing 2.5 million rubles. 2 years 11,90% 117,101 310,357
Non-target bail 3 million rubles 2 years 12,50% 141,922 406,043
Non-target bail 5 million rub. 3 years 12,50% 167,268 1 021,389
Owners of private farms 1 million rub. 2 years 17,00% 49,442 186,571

Thanks to its clear interface, it can be used to make online payments for any type of loans offered by the largest bank in the country. To do this, it is enough to change the interest rate and substitute the necessary initial data.

Payment schedule calculation

The Sberbank loan calculator 2019 allows you to calculate the payment schedule for any type of loan issued by a financial institution. In this case, the potential borrower is given a division of each payment into two parts - payment of interest for the use of bank funds and payment of the principal debt. With an annuity payment scheme, the share of the first part gradually decreases, and the second, on the contrary, increases.

Calculation of the loan payment table

The functionality of Sberbank's loan calculator allows you to present monthly payments both in the form of a graph and a table. In addition, the program calculates another important parameter for the borrower, which helps make a decision on whether to receive a loan. We are talking about the total amount of overpayment on the loan. Examples of several lending options indicating the size of the monthly payment and the amount of overpayment are given below.

Sberbank's loan calculator will help you calculate a consumer loan in cash based on data for 2019. Make the calculation using the 2019 calculator from the official website and choose the most profitable loan.

A credit card is an opportunity to get the thing you are interested in without the long and tedious accumulation of money, or not getting the necessary amount in case of objective need or unforeseen circumstances. However, to ensure that the loan program does not turn into a heavy financial burden for you and your family, you should wisely and thoughtfully choose a suitable line of credit.

To make the loan agreement as profitable as possible, you should use a financial instrument specially created for this purpose - a cash loan calculator from Sberbank. It allows:

  • Determine the maximum allowable loan amount based on the amount of monthly income;
  • Get objective data on monthly payments;
  • Plan, if necessary, to close the loan with early repayment.

Do you need a truthful and highly effective online calculator to analyze your loan term? Then it is best to choose Sberbank loan calculators.

Loan terms 2019

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount: 5 million rubles;
  • Duration: from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Loan issue fee: none;
  • Security: guarantees from individuals – citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2).

Interest rates in Sberbank

Name of consumer loan - Interest rates
Educational with state subsidies 7.76%
Calculation example: if you take a consumer loan in the amount 100,000 rub.. for a period of 12 months. at 7.76% per annum, then the monthly payment on a consumer loan will be RUB 8,694.62, you will overpay RUB 4,335.55, which is 4.34% of the consumer loan amount. Total loan cost: RUB 104,335.55
Refinancing 12.5 - 13.5%
1,000,000 rub. for 12 months at 12.5% ​​per annum, every month you will pay RUB 89,195.21 RUB 70,342.52, which is 7.03% of the consumer loan amount. In total, a consumer loan will cost you RUB 1,070,342.52
Consumer without collateral 12.5%
Calculation example: consumer loan amount: RUB 1,500,000, term: 12 months, interest rate: 12.5% ​​per annum. Under these conditions, every month you will pay RUB 133,792.76 The overpayment will be RUB 105,513.78, which is 7.03% of the consumer loan amount. As a result, the total cost of a consumer loan will be RUB 1,605,513.78
Mortgage loan 7.4-10.0%
Calculation example: you took out a loan 10,000,000 rub. for 120 months at 9% per annum, every month you will pay RUB 127,611.98 The overpayment on a consumer loan will be RUB 5,313,413.80, which is 53.13% of the consumer loan amount. In total, a consumer loan will cost you RUB 15,313,413.80

A competent choice of a particular lending program is provided by a loan repayment calculator, which allows you to instantly calculate the monthly payment and get a visual table with payments on the loan of interest:

  • For individual entrepreneurs.
  • For pensioners.
  • For individuals.
  • For legal entities.

Particularly attractive conditions are available for salary credit card holders.

The calculation calculator takes into account all the necessary information, including options for closing a loan with early repayment and even partial early repayment, with the ability to download the result.

You can take out a loan:

  • Cash.
  • For refinancing.
  • For the development of small business.
  • To buy a car.
  • To build a house, to buy a home.

Many of Sberbank's future borrowers are trying to independently calculate the payment schedule for the proposed loan. However, after applying for a loan, most clients do not match the amounts received with those indicated in the schedule drawn up by the bank. Why does this happen, and how is the monthly loan payment calculated correctly?

Calculation of the payment schedule for a Sberbank loan using the annuity and differentiated method

When applying for a loan, Sberbank often offers clients an annuity repayment method. It represents a scheme where the loan is paid first, and then the body of the loan itself.

Payment formula for the annuity scheme:

where i is the monthly interest rate or annual/12;

n – loan period in months.

To understand the process of calculating the annuity payment, it is better to consider it using an example:

From the presented graph we can highlight the main loan parameters necessary for the calculation:

  • total amount - 500 thousand rubles;
  • payment scheme - annuity (the outer column contains equal payment amounts);
  • – 60 months;
  • payment start date – 05/16/2012;
  • interest rate – 11.5% per annum.

By substituting the calculation data into the above formula, you can check whether the schedule was drawn up correctly by Sberbank employees.

First of all, you should find the monthly interest rate:

i = 11.05/12 = 0.92083 or 0.0092083

Then you need to substitute all the necessary values ​​into the annuity payment formula:

monthly payment = 500,000 x 0.0092083 x (1 + 0.0092083) 60 / (1+ 0.0092083) 60 – 1;

expression (1 + 0.0092083) 60 = 1.7332.

Substitute it into the final formula, you get:

annuity payment = 500,000 x 0.0092083 x 1.7332/0.7332 = 10883.68 rub.

  • with a reduction in the monthly payment amount;
  • through maternal capital.

You cannot reduce the loan term using early repayment at Sberbank.

An example of calculating a regular early repayment, when the debt balance and, accordingly, the monthly payment are reduced:

  • it is necessary to repay the loan in the amount of two hundred thousand rubles ahead of schedule;
  • you need to find out the balance of the debt as of the specified date;
  • subtract the repayment amount from the balance (RUB 200,000);
  • calculate the new monthly payment under the annuity scheme.

So, in order.

To determine the balance of the debt, you should subtract from the total loan amount the amounts that are in the “loan” column before the required date. For example, if on a loan in the amount of 500,000 rubles. 31,886 rubles were paid. principal debt (without interest), then the balance will be 500,000 – 31,886 = 468,114 rubles.

If you subtract the repayment amount from the balance, you get the new amount of the principal debt: 468,114 – 200,000 = 268,114 rubles. (this is the amount that must be deposited into the bank in order to completely close the loan).

The loan term will also decrease and will now begin from the moment of early repayment. If the borrower paid the amount in the sixth month according to the 60-month schedule, then the new loan term is 54 months.

Now you need to define a new monthly annuity payment for the conditions obtained:

  • amount of debt – 268,114 rubles;
  • loan term – 54 months;
  • interest rate 10.05% (per annum).

To get a new monthly payment amount, you need to substitute the existing data:

268,114 x 0.0092083 x (1 + 0.0092083) 54 / (1 + 0.0092083) 54 – 1 = 268,114 x 0.0092083 x 1.64045 / 0.64045 = 6323.78 rub.

If you compare it with the monthly payment, which was calculated at the beginning of the article (RUB 10,883.68), you can see that after early repayment it decreased by almost half.

Calculating payments on a Sberbank loan using a loan calculator

On the Sberbank website in the section with loans there are calculators for preliminary calculations:

  • by loan amount - the system will automatically calculate the total and monthly payments;
  • by income – the maximum possible loan amount is determined;
  • Based on monthly payments, you can determine the amount of the loan and its term.

  • go to the main page of the official website of Sberbank of Russia;
  • hover your mouse over the “Take a loan” menu;
  • from the drop-down menu, select the appropriate type of loan (consumer, mortgage, refinancing, etc.);
  • in the upper field of the calculator, select the type of calculation (by amount, income, monthly payment);
  • fill out the remaining positions;
  • Click the “Calculate repayment” button.
  • During the calculation, the online calculator applies only those interest rates that are in effect at the time of calculation. If you need to calculate amounts at previously existing rates, the program will automatically change the specified interest rate to the one currently applied by the bank. In such cases, it is better to independently calculate the amount of monthly payments using formulas.
  • It happens that when calculating a differential monthly payment, the payment period begins in the middle of one month and goes to the middle of the second month. In this case, the number of days in a month should be taken based on the first of two months.
  • When making calculations, it should be taken into account that Sberbank may not apply differentiated monthly payments for all types of loans. For example, when mortgage lending, only annuity schemes are used.
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