The most striking statements about the war. Quotes about war

Times change, but the theme remains. For more than seventy years, films about the Great Patriotic War have been released in our country. Patriotic War(the first of them appeared even before the war came to an end). Of course, comparing films released over such a long period of time is not entirely fair. But for the sake of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, we decided to compile a list of the best, in our opinion, Soviet and Russian films about a long-past but unforgettable war.

Still from the film "We are from the future"

Making a war film is always a confrontation today's people with past events, an attempt to try on the trials that our ancestors endured. In We Are From the Future, however, this happened not only behind the scenes, but also in front of the camera. Main characters fantastic picture Andrei Malyukov, who once directed the cult action movie about paratroopers “In the Zone” special attention”, - young and cynical modern guys who, during the “black excavations” (they look for awards and weapons from war times in order to secretly sell them), miraculously find themselves in 1942. To survive and return to their era, they have to temporarily become soldiers of the Red Army and experience what they previously laughed at. The now super popular Danila Kozlovsky played one of his first star roles in “We are from the Future”.

Still from the movie "Star"

Still from the film "Come and See"

Having won the war, Soviet Union I wanted to see myself as a triumphant warrior, not a victim. Therefore, the main theme of war cinema was opposition to Nazism, and not the death of helpless, innocent people at the hands of invaders. All the more shocking for our public was the film by Elem Klimov, demonstrating the nightmarish reprisal of the SS men and collaborators against the inhabitants of a Belarusian village, guilty only of the fact that partisans were hiding in the adjacent forests. The script of the film was written by the Belarusian writer Ales Adamovich, who deeply studied military history his region and collected evidence from miraculously surviving eyewitnesses. It is significant that in the USA “Come and See” was perceived as “going too far” (they say the Germans could not have been such ruthless monsters), but in Germany some veterans admitted that yes, that’s how it happened.

Still from the film "Shield and Sword"

Still from the film "The Ascension"

War cinema is a traditionally male genre, but from any artistic rule there are notable exceptions. “The Ascension” was created by Ukrainian director Larisa Shepitko, who absurdly died in a car accident just when, after “The Ascension,” they started talking about her as a genius of Russian cinema. Her film tells about two Belarusian partisans who fall into the hands of the Germans. While one of them withstands all the torture and dies a hero, the other betrays his comrades and agrees to enlist as a policeman. When Pyotr Masherov, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and a former partisan, saw the picture, he, as witnesses say, cried bitterly, not embarrassed by his subordinates. Thanks to this, the film, which the censors tried to ban, was finally released. It became the first Soviet film to receive the Golden Bear, the highest award at the Berlin Film Festival (at that time West Berlin).

We were very impressed by the recently released new film adaptation of Boris Vasiliev's story, but it is too early to include it in such charts. So the classic film by Stanislav Rostotsky is beyond competition. Although she would probably have won the competition, even if Renat Davletyarov’s painting had the right to participate in it. Long-term audience love, Oscar nomination in the category " Best movie on foreign language", colossal box office receipts in the Soviet Union... The new film adaptation has not achieved any of this yet. Let us remind you that in both touching and poignant films we're talking about about a small detachment of female anti-aircraft gunners from a rear unit who have to hunt German saboteurs in the northern forests, superior in number and training. Boris Vasiliev wrote “...And the dawns here are quiet” specifically to remind young people that not only boys, but also girls took part in the war. And he did it perfectly.

Still from the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

This is a hit parade of films, not films and television series, but we could not ignore “Seventeen Moments of Spring” by Tatyana Lioznova. In short, this is a grandiose phenomenon in Soviet history. popular culture, a truly “cult” work in the original sense of the word “cult”. Yes, this was not the first time that Soviet directors, screenwriters and actors addressed the topic of “Soviet intelligence officer behind enemy lines.” But no one has explored this topic as masterfully as Lioznova, the author of the novel “Seventeen Moments of Spring” Yulian Semenov and actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. And no one else managed to create not just a wonderful screen intelligence officer, but a character who became a popular hero of jokes and a household name.

Still from the film "The Cranes Are Flying"

In the entire history of Soviet cinema, only one film was awarded the Palme d'Or, the highest award at the Cannes Film Festival. Mikhail Kalatozov’s virtually flawless and innovative psychological drama did not just show the world the highest class of directing. It turned out to be one of the key films of Khrushchev’s “thaw”, when censors allowed to touch on many previously hushed topics. The main topic“Cranes” became the emotional tossing of the young main character, who, having escorted her groom to the front, eventually marries another guy, and then realizes that she was mistaken and that she must wait for the one she was going to marry before the war. She still doesn’t know that her beloved has died... The film was based on Viktor Rozov’s play “Forever Alive.”

Still from the film "Ivan's Childhood"

There are few such debuts in the history of cinema as Andrei Tarkovsky’s Ivan’s Childhood. The film about a 12-year-old boy who, after the death of his mother, became a front-line intelligence officer, blows viewers away. This is both a tense war drama and a requiem for a kidnapped and executed childhood. It’s not for nothing that the film calls the hero “Ivan” and not “Vanya”. The hero of Nikolai Burlyaev is no longer a boy - he is a matured man who can only live the life of a 12-year-old boy in his dreams. If it were Ivan Vanya, he would be worried about quarrels with friends and bad grades, and not about describing the German disposition and listing fascist atrocities. Ivan's Childhood was awarded the Golden Lion, the main prize at the Venice Film Festival. Burlyaev later starred with Tarkovsky in Andrei Rublev, another brilliant film about life in a bloody and ruthless era.

Still from the film "Only Old Men Go to Battle"

If only artistic criteria had been taken into account, Leonid Bykov’s film would hardly have climbed to the top step of our hit parade. “The Cranes Are Flying” and “Ivan’s Childhood” are more artistically strong films. But we took into account not only this, but also the love of the audience, the role of paintings in Soviet and Russian culture, the thoughts that films try to convey to the audience... And “Only “old men” go into battle” came out the winner. First of all, because when we think about our relatives who fought, we imagine them like the military pilots from Bykov’s painting - brave, decisive, able to cheerfully relax in moments of rest... And at the same time deeply humane, not steely “knights without fear and reproach" and simple guys, rural and urban, whom the Motherland called to protect their land, their families, their loved ones. Yes, this is not the most talented, not the deepest and not the most tragic war movie ever made in our country. But it is the most sincere and the most beloved by the audience. And for us this is the most important thing.

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Catchphrases from your favorite movies in the era USSR have already become national property and we, repeating funny quote, we can’t always remember what it is - folk wisdom or a phrase from your favorite movie? In principle, this is folk wisdom, public domain. We just want to remind you of the funniest and favorite quotes and indicate which movie we took them from daily life. And watching your favorite movie doesn’t hurt either. On these good films, loved by us since childhood, more than one generation has grown up.

Soviet comedies will always be very popular! They will never become outdated, but will only remind you of all the good things that were once in our now different countries. Almost everyone knows the name of the legendary Soviet director, screenwriter, actor, and author of most favorite Soviet comedies! It was Leonid Gaidai who gave us these wonderful paintings! Low bow to the great director and great Man!

Catchphrases and expressions from films of the USSR era very popular and known to more than one generation as a keepsake. We have collected the most interesting, funny or memorable quotes from Soviet films. Some of them became winged, others were simply remembered.

Unusuality is always the way to solve a mystery. (film “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”)

Quotes from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

  • - Life is good, as they say.
  • - A good life is even better.
  • - Exactly!

Damn the day when I sat behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner!

May his carburetor dry up forever and ever.

A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.

Let's drink so that our desires always coincide with our capabilities.

A student, a Komsomol member, an athlete, and finally she is simply beautiful.

I feel sorry for the bird.

Please slow down, I'm recording.

Give me the horn, give me both horns.

It is impossible to work, you are giving unrealistic plans.

  • - Shall we figure it out for three?
  • - It’s a sin to laugh at sick people.

And a free trip.
- to Siberia.

We will cure you. Alcoholics are our profile.

Where is our prosecutor?
-In the 6th ward, where Napoleon used to be.

Did I destroy the chapel too?!
-No. This was before you - in the 14th century.

It's a shame. Didn't do anything, just walked in.

Quotes from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune"

He who? A private engineer, that's all. So what kind of life does he have? In the morning to work, in the evening from work. My wife is at home, my children are snotty. Well, he goes to the theater, well, in the summer he goes to a sanatorium in Yalta. Mortal melancholy. And you! You're a thief! Good luck gentleman! Stole, drank - go to jail! Stole, drank - go to jail! Romance!

  • - Pencil.
  • - E pencil.
  • - Table.
  • - E table.
  • - Young woman.
  • - Dude.
  • - Danger?
  • - Nice.
  • - Tell a lie?
  • - Pushing bullshit.
  • - Beer house?
  • - Toshnilovka.
  • - Bad person?
  • - Radish.
  • - Good man?
  • - Forgot...

It's not a small thing for you to pick through your pockets.

All! There will be no kin - the electricity has run out!

Shut up, please, they made a daisy here, I remember - I don’t remember!

I’m a lousy jackal, I steal and steal, and I’m sitting here on a whim.

Buy a card, dude.

Dinner is served! Please sit down and eat.

I'll tear the mouth, get out of here, knock off the horns, gouge out the blinkers, radish, sausage, Hamburg rooster, Nebuchadnezzar!

Who will jail him? He's a monument!

Quotes from the movie "Queen of the Gas Station"

  • - There are no victims?
  • - Judging by the beginning, there will be casualties!

Each dude will still point out.

Like the driver, like the car.

I just don't want to get involved.

This is not a resort for you, little fish.

They put some wicks here.

You should spray it with a spray bottle at the hairdresser.

Melancholy is green in summer, yellow in autumn, white in winter.

Showed care and attention to young staff.

Two for 100 and in one dish - I’m not used to half measures.

Cinema to the masses, money to the box office.

Let's not skimp on beauty.

It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.

Have leniency towards women's weaknesses.

Don't make people laugh. Ballerina.

You understand a lot about beauty.

Quotes from the movie "The Diamond Arm"

Even teetotalers and ulcer sufferers drink at someone else’s expense!

Chief, everything is gone, everything is gone! The plaster is removed, the client leaves!

Tsigel, cigel ay-lyu-lyu!

Rousseau tourist - the face of morality!

Slipped - fell - lost consciousness - woke up - cast.

If a person is an idiot, then this will last for a long time.

I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid.

So that you live on one salary.

So that I can see you in a coffin in white slippers.

Burdock! Let's take this one without noise and dust.

Ice cream for the kids, flowers for his woman.

Don’t be afraid, Kozlodoev, I will hit you carefully, but hard.

Even teetotalers and ulcer sufferers drink at someone else's expense.

Our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery.

Only aristocrats or degenerates drink champagne in the morning.

Whoever buys a pack of tickets will receive a water pump.

I need to take a bath, drink a cup of coffee...

Don't you have the same one, but without wings? No? Will seek.

There is no husband who hasn’t dreamed of becoming a bachelor, at least for an hour.

It's not my fault - he came himself!

  • -Did you attach it well?
  • -Don’t worry, drunk, you won’t lose it!

No, I can’t do that, I need to consult with the boss...

Strike the iron without leaving the cash register.

Quotes from the movie "Carnival Night"

There is a plan to have fun celebrating the New Year.

We will not take Baba Yaga from outside, we will raise him in our team.

Keep cats to a minimum.

I don’t like to joke myself, and I won’t let people do it.

We must educate our audience; you can’t educate them with your bare feet.

Let him draw himself, play himself, sing himself.

There is life on Mars, there is no life on Mars - this is still unknown to science, science is not yet up to date.

We see one star, two stars. Better, of course, five stars.

Quotes from the movie “Operation Y and Shurik’s other adventures”

  • - You should have attracted her attention with a simple natural question. What did you ask?
  • - "How do I get to the library?"
  • - At three o'clock in the morning?! Idiot!

If I get up, you will lie down with me.

Oh! Are you sighted? Now you'll be blind.

Well, citizens are alcoholics, hooligans and parasites! Who wants to work?

The work is worth it, but the deadline is ticking.

He who does not work eats. Learn student!

Stuck, bespectacled guy!

Come on, tell me how spaceships roaming the big theater.

Soon you will be wearing a wooden mackintosh and music will be playing quietly in your house, but you will not hear it.

It's necessary, Fedya! Necessary!

Patience and work will grind everything down - one, finished the job - go for a walk safely - two, you can’t pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty - three, work is not a wolf in the forest... no, no... this is not necessary.

Have you had any accidents at a construction site? They will.

Do not forget. Your accounting is in rubles, but mine is in days.

Quotes from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”

I demand that the banquet continue!

Take the demons alive!

Everything acquired through back-breaking labor... Three tape recorders, three foreign movie cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, a suede jacket... three jackets...

Keep your money in a savings bank! If, of course, you have them!

They say the Tsar is not real!

Walled up, demons! This is what the life-giving cross does!

Kazan took, Shpak... No, I didn’t take.

If I were your wife, I would leave too.
- If you were my wife, I would hang myself.

I got there successfully.

You will rub a hole in me.

Fuck you. Fuck you again.

Where is the king?

You need to have a snack.

Eh! What a beauty! Lepota!

Caviar black, red. Yes, overseas eggplant caviar.

Leave me alone, old lady, I'm sad.

Everybody dance.

I demand that the banquet be continued.

And you will be cured, and you will also be cured, and I will be cured.

Quotes from the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”

A good man must be made by oneself, and not ready to receive.

  • - What if I say something stupid?
  • - Say it with a confident face, then it’s called a point of view!

And at the same time, remember that I will always decide everything myself. At that simple reason that I am a man.

Don’t teach me how to live, better help me financially!

Getting married after two days of dating is simply the height of frivolity. We need to think things through carefully. Five days!

Lord, I imagined this meeting between you and me so many times, I came up with so many different words, but when we met, there was nothing to say. At first I still loved you very much, I thought that it was your mother who confused you. Then I hated you to death. Then I really wanted you to know about my successes and understand how wrong you were. And now... now I think... if I hadn’t been burned so badly then, nothing would have come of me. I think it's good that you didn't marry me. Because then I would miss my only, but very beloved person in life.

Quotes from the movie "Girls"

But I won’t get married! It’s better to be alone - I want to eat halva, I want gingerbread!

Here I am walking beautifully along the street, and the men around me are falling and falling... And they themselves are stacked in piles!

  • - Will you allow me?
  • - Do you always dance with a cigarette? And wearing a hat? So, I don’t dance with people like that!

Yes, she washed you.

Everyone is equal in the dining room and in the bathhouse.

The stew is like in a sanatorium, every calorie is in its place. We won't last long like this. We're growing thin.

Small, but with imagination.

This is not for you to boil potatoes. These are their Shura-Muras.

Nadya is already turning 28 here, not only for Ksan Ksanych, but for a goat.

That you are a tractor to be tested.

You're sitting there in vain. There will be no housing available this year.

Quotes from the movie “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”

Do they love you for something? How do children like it? Little ones whose fontanel is not yet overgrown?.. They love just like that, not on purpose.

What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is!

Oooh, it's getting warm! Rub my back, please!

Why do you keep throwing me down!

Why are you watering me?!! I'm not a flowerbed!

We have forgotten how to do big good stupid things. We stopped climbing through the window to see the women we love.

Found good people... Warmed up, robbed. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up...

Well, should you remember how they put you on the plane?!! - I should remember... but I don’t remember...

Where did you and Galya meet? - She came to see me at the hospital. - Is she... sick?

I have a valuable broom there!

I am the world's mother. I'll get everything ready and go to my friend's place.

I'm surprised you even noticed it - you never know what's lying around there!

Quotes from the movie "Office Romance"

  • - Imagine, Bublikov died!
  • - Why did he die? I didn’t give such an order... How did you die?

You are a woman, not a martinet. Spicy, spicy! And a playful smile! In general, let men think that everything is fine with you. Breathe. More elegant than plastic! And no need to kick. You are not a pacer, but a woman.

Personally, I go to service only because it ennobles me.

I have such an impeccable reputation that it’s high time I was compromised.

If there were no statistics, we would not even suspect how well we are doing.

Have you bought new boots, Vera?
- Yes, I haven’t decided yet, Lyudmila Prokofievna. You like?
- Very defiant. I wouldn't take these. And if I were you, I would be interested in boots not during work, but after it.
- So, you need to take good boots.

Verochka, when you are fifty years old, we will collect for you too!
- I won’t live long, I’m in a harmful job.

Chest forward!
- Breast? You flatter me, Vera.
- Everyone flatters you!

You're smart.
- When a woman is told that she is smart, does this mean that she is a complete fool?

Where is your door?
- Where necessary, there is a door!

Just please, hurry up: I have a lot of things to do.
- It’s okay, your pile will wait. Nothing will be done to her.

Put Vera in her place! And don't touch it with your hands anymore!

Not only are you a liar, a coward and an impudent person, you are also a fighter!
- Yes, I'm a tough nut to crack!

So, it turns out that everyone considers me such a monster?
- No need to exaggerate. Not everyone... not such a monster...

And this is Shura - pretty, but, unfortunately, active. She was once nominated for public work and since then they have not been able to push her back.

There must be a mystery in a woman! The head is slightly raised, the eyes are slightly lowered, everything is free here, the shoulders are thrown back. Hip free gait. Uninhibited free panther movement before jumping. Men don't let a woman like that pass!

Well, there she sits, in creepy roses!

Don't interrupt, please! I'll get lost myself.

Don't hit me on the head, it's my sore spot!
- This is your empty space!

Well, what are your plans for the evening? What company? Will there be men there? Well, go ahead and introduce me. I am now a lonely woman...

What do you think of my hairstyle?
- To die is not to rise!
- I think so too.

Well, you see, you can, of course, teach a hare to smoke. In principle, nothing is impossible.
- You think?
- For a person. With intelligence.

We love you... deep down... somewhere very deep...

Quotes from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle”

Today I will go on a spree. Cheerful, good-natured, with all sorts of harmless antics. Prepare the dishes, plates - I will beat them all. Remove the bread from the barn - I... will set fire... to the barn...

Something terrible is happening inside me. Something good.

I either want music and flowers, or I want to stab someone.

Glory to the brave who dare to love, knowing that all this will come to an end. Glory to the madmen who live as if they were immortal!

You're attractive, I'm damn attractive, so why waste time?

Quotes from the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!"

  • -Where did you sleep last night?
  • “Ladies don’t answer such questions because gentlemen don’t ask them.”

Quotes from the movie "Afonya"

  • - What is your name?
  • - Lyudmila.
  • - Mother is honest, and I am Ruslan.

Quotes from the movie “Wedding in Malinovka”

My heart senses that we are on the eve of a grandiose show.

Your three-inch eyes, with a well-aimed hit, lit a fire-breathing fire in my heart. In a word, bam-bang! And to the point!

Because I am not a wife, but an angel.

Am I a woman or not a woman? I didn't understand it.

Let's part ways nicely.

Father! Pennies!

Where? Where? For what?

Tube 15, sight 120, turn right bam-bang and by.

Do you have migraines?
- No, we don’t have anyone, it’s just boredom.

And why am I so in love with you?

Frozen as if on the seabed.

Take everything, I’ll draw more for myself.

The horses are drunk, the boys are harnessed.

Drop the knife. If you make a hole, then you won’t be able to fill it.

Quotes from the movie “The Twelve Chairs”

Let me ask you as an artist: Do you know how to draw?

Quotes from the movie “Love and Doves”

Salt is white poison.

So sugar is white poison.

Sugar is sweet poison.

Raisa Zakharovna, maybe with some bread, huh?

Bread is absolutely poison!

No, I would have been poisoned by pink salmon right now... Well, I really want to eat!

Not “eat”, but “eat”.

Not “what”, but “what”!

Quotes from the movie "Striped Flight"

- Well, tell me, what use are you in life? Nothing but harm!

  • - They float beautifully.
  • - Who?
  • - That group over there in striped swimsuits.
  • - Comrades! Comrades, I am, of course, not a lecturer.
  • - It’s okay, we’ll understand!
  • - Tamer I...

But there are special films shot in Soviet time, which carry deep ideas, reveal rich characters, clearly tell about the atmosphere of that time and simply make you look forward to the continuation with interest.

This article provides detailed information about three such famous films Soviet period that you can't help but watch.

These films have been loved by many since childhood and are literally disassembled into quotes.


What year was the film made? in 1979

Director: Stanislav Govorukhin

Starring: Vladimir Vysotsky, Vladimir Konkin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Leonid Kuravlev and many others.

The gist of the plot: Post-war Moscow 1945. A newcomer, but an experienced front-line intelligence officer, young officer Volodya Sharapov, joins the department for combating banditry of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. He ends up on the team of seasoned operative Gleb Zhiglov. Their main task is to find and neutralize a gang of robbers who trade under the name “black cat”. In parallel, the team is investigating many other crimes, which gradually lead them to the main case.

What is interesting about the picture: Excellent acting. Best film starring Vladimir Vysotsky. The atmosphere of post-war Moscow is wonderfully reflected. All five episodes of the film are watched in one breath.

  • “What should Gleb Yegorych do?”
  • “What a face you have Sharapov!”
  • “and now Garbaty! I said Garbaty!”
  • “Oh, now I would like some hot soup, but with some guts”
  • “Vanya, come on, hold me! How to hold it? Gently!"


What year was the film made? 1969-70

Director: Vladimir Motyl

Starring: Anatoly Kuznetsov, Spartak Mishulin, Pavel Luspekayev and many others

The gist of the plot: Soviet Russia of the early 20s. Civil War It seems to have already ended, but in the East of the country, gangs of Basmachi are still operating. The film takes place on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, where it turns out main character paintings, experienced Red Army soldier Ivan Fedorovich Sukhov. Unwittingly, he finds himself at the epicenter of a series of events caused by the actions of the leader of a local gang named Abdul.

What is interesting about the picture: Fascinating story. There are many funny and amusing moments in the film. The film vividly reveals the most different tempers, and also demonstrates the high morality and devotion of the heroes to different ideals. Sukhov is devoted to his beloved. Vereshchagin - to his homeland.

What phrases are used as quotations:

  • “How did you end up here? - they shot!
  • "Gulchatay! Show your face!"
  • « good wife, good house“What else does a person need to meet old age?”
  • "East is a delicate matter"
  • “Customs gives the go-ahead”

Many films made in Soviet times carry deep ideas, reveal rich characters, and clearly tell the story of the atmosphere of a certain time.


What year was the film made? in 1974

Director: Nikita Mikhalkov

Starring: Yuri Bogatyrev, Alexander Kaidanovsky, Alexander Kalyagin, Sergey Shakurov and others.

The gist of the plot: A small town in the south of Russia, not far from the border. 1920s. The civil war seems to be over, but gangs of robbers still continue to exist. The local department of the Cheka, where five friends serve, who together won back all civilian life, receives the task of sending the most valuable cargo to Moscow - gold. The train carrying gold is robbed and suspicion falls on one of the five comrades.

What is interesting about the picture: The film demonstrates how valuable and important friendship is and that it is literally more valuable than gold and money. Brilliant acting. The film brings together real masters of acting. Lots of funny and amusing moments.

What phrases are used as quotations:

  • “not good Shurik! Not good at all!"
  • “I did everything, but you don’t want to share! Not good Shurik!”
  • “And where is the gold? M..."
  • “Everyone who betrays their friends will grow horns on their heads”
  • “nothing can be guaranteed, nothing can be guaranteed if they press you to the river, in my opinion it’s over”

Of course, there are many more interesting paintings. Write about them in the comment field. We will make a separate article for them!

Lessons from the past should improve the future. Therefore, from this side, quotes about war are useful. Quotes that show war from all sides will help you develop the right attitude towards this phenomenon of human life.

The soldier is the last link in the evolution of the animal world.
John Steinbeck

...The evil of war and the good of peace are known to people to such an extent that since we have known people, the best wish has been the greeting “peace be with you.”
Lev N. Tolstoy

War inevitably drains the state treasury. Would what was taken from the vanquished fill it? Since the ancient Romans, I do not know of a single nation that has become rich as a result of victory.

War is not a real feat, war is a surrogate for a feat. The basis of the feat is the wealth of connections it creates, the tasks it sets, the accomplishments it encourages. Simple game turning heads or tails will not turn into a feat, even if the stake in it is life or death. War is not a heroic deed. War is a disease. Like typhus.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

To be created to create, to love and to conquer is to be created to live in the world. But war teaches us to lose everything and become something we were not.
Albert Camus

The personalities who left these sayings, I knew the art of war, quotes from these people can really be taken seriously.

War is a denial of truth and humanity. It’s not just a matter of killing people, for a person must die one way or another, but the conscious and persistent spread of hatred and lies, which are gradually instilled in people.
Jawaharlal Nehru

People who... recognize war not only as inevitable, but also useful and therefore desirable - these people are terrible, terrible in their moral perversity.
Lev N. Tolstoy

real reasons the beginning of the war is known to very, very few. Those who are unlikely to want to make them public. Those who benefit from ordinary people believing in a beautiful fairy tale generously flavored with patriotism.
Oleg Nikolaevich Bubela

Aphorisms about war can be difficult to understand, but war, unfortunately, is part of life and statements about war may help to avoid it.

There is no greater disaster than underestimating your enemy.
Lao Tzu

Those who know each other send those who do not know each other to fight each other.
Evgeniy Vitalievich Antonyuk

Art and literature, like war, are based on money.
Samuel Butler

I know that war is a complete atrocity and that in war people who are innocent of each other exterminate each other, being forcibly put into a state of self-defense.
Maksim Gorky

If only half of the efforts that were devoted to waging war, We devoted to the cause of enlightenment, - We would not need arsenals. And “warrior” would become a hated word, And the people who again, having despised the law, Incited war and shed the blood of another, Would again, like Cain, be branded.
Henry W. Longfellow

War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when defending the homeland.
Guy de Maupassant

“I began to understand what people are capable of. Anyone who has gone through the war and does not understand that people create evil, just as a bee produces honey, is either blind or out of his mind.”

(William Golding. Quoted from the book: Golding, William // Laureates Nobel Prize: Encyclopedia)

“If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war.”

(Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace)

“- Is there no God? - No, my friend. Of course not. If he had, would he have allowed what I saw with my own eyes?

(Ernest Hemingway. For whom the bell tolls)

"Everyone standing at state power, is obliged to avoid war in the same way as the captain of a ship avoids shipwreck.”

“War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when one defends the homeland.”

(Guy De Maupassant. Complete collection essays)

“Franco bombs Barcelona because, according to him, monks were brutally exterminated in Barcelona. Consequently, Franco defends Christian values. But a Christian, in the name of Christian values, stands in bombed Barcelona near a fire in which women and children are burning. And he refuses to understand. Meaning of life".

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Who are you, soldier)

“Of all the monstrously insane phenomena of the past, the war was, without a doubt, the craziest. Perhaps, in reality, it caused less harm than such less noticeable evil as universal recognition private property to the ground, but the disastrous consequences of the war were so obvious that they were indignant at it even in that dark and Time of Troubles. The wars of that time were completely meaningless. Apart from the mass of killed and crippled people, apart from the destruction of enormous material wealth and the waste of countless units of energy, the wars did not bring any results. The ancient wars of savage, barbarian tribes at least changed humanity; some tribe considered itself physically stronger and more organized, proved this to its neighbors and, if successful, took away their lands and women and thus consolidated and spread its power. The new war did not change anything except the colors on geographical maps, drawings postage stamps and relationships between a few randomly emerging individuals.”

(H.G. Wells. In the Days of the Comet)

“Permanent peace would be the same as constant war. War is peace."

(George Orwell. 1984)

“War is not just about who will shoot whom. War is about who will change someone’s mind.”

(Boris Lvovich Vasiliev. And the dawns here are quiet...)

“I quickly began to become disillusioned with military affairs. My brothers in arms zealously polished their boots and participated in the exercises with great enthusiasm. I didn't see any point in this. They just turned us into fresh cannon fodder.”

(Charles Bukowski. Bread and Ham)

"When a war breaks out, people usually say, 'Well, this can't last, it's too stupid.' And indeed, war is indeed too stupid, which, however, does not prevent it from lasting a long time.”

(Albert Camus. Plague)

“As long as the earth revolves around the sun, as long as there has been cold and heat, storm and sunlight, until then the struggle will continue. Including among people and nations. If people stayed in paradise, they would rot. Humanity became what it is thanks to struggle. War is a natural and commonplace thing. War is going on always and everywhere. It has no beginning, no end. War is life itself. War is the starting point."

(Adolf Hitler. My struggle)

“Oh, human shame! Consent reigns

Among the damned demons, but a man -

A creature possessing consciousness creates discord with its own kind; Although he has the right to rely on the mercy of Heaven and knows the covenant of the Lord: to preserve eternal peace, he lives in hatred and enmity, Tribes devastate the Earth with merciless wars, bringing destruction to each other.”

(John Milton. Paradise Lost)

“War is a psychosis generated by someone’s inability to see the relationships between things. Our relationships with our neighbors. With economics, history. But above all - with nothing. With death."

(John Fowles. Magus)

“War and love, on Earth, are the two main items of trade. Since time immemorial, we have been releasing them in huge quantities.”

(Robert Sheckley. Pilgrimage to Earth)

“Anyone who has ever looked into the glassy eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think twice before starting a war.”

(Otto von Bismarck, speech, August 1867, Berlin)

“War is a disaster and a crime that contains all disasters and all crimes.”

(Voltaire. Quoted from the book: Kuznetsov V.N. Francois Marie Voltaire)

“We justify everything we do as a necessity. When we bomb cities, it is a strategic necessity, and when our cities are bombed, it is a heinous crime.”

(Erich Maria Remarque. A time to live and a time to die)

(Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky. How steel was hardened)

“War, Your Grace, is an empty game.

Today - success, and tomorrow - a hole...”

(Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky. Letter to General Z)

“History teaches that wars begin when governments believe that the cost of aggression is small.”

(Ronald Reagan)

“Perhaps the only reason wars arise again and again is that one can never fully feel how the other suffers.”

(Erich Maria Remarque. Return)

“You don’t win war at all, Charlie. Everyone does nothing but lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.”

(Ray Bradbury. Dandelion Wine)

“Only a few, whose vile well-being depends on the people’s grief, make war.”

(Erasmus of Rotterdam. Quoted from the book: Aphorisms. Golden Fund of Wisdom. Eremishin O.)

“War is not a real feat, war is a surrogate for a feat. The basis of the feat is the wealth of connections it creates, the tasks it sets, the accomplishments it encourages. A simple game of heads or tails will not turn into a feat, even if the stake in it is life or death. War is not a heroic deed. War is a disease. Like typhus."

(Antoine Saint-Exupéry. Military pilot)

“The old men declare war, but the young go to die.”

(Herbert Hoover)

“War is a test of all the economic and organizational forces of every nation.”

(Vladimir Lenin)

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