Tallest male celebrities. The tallest Russian actresses

Always on top, or Why you shouldn’t worry about “extra” centimeters We recently told you how our inch-sized stars live. But what about those whose height is 180 and above? Read and be surprised!

Dreams of ballet (180 cm)

The biggest frustration about my height is Ravshana Kurkova(nee Matchanova) due to the fact that she could not become a ballerina.
- I dreamed of pointe shoes and tutus. But in the three studios where I went with my mother to watch, I heard only one thing: “With your height, girl, nothing will work out in ballet,” Ravshana sighs. “Big! Stick!" - I constantly heard such insults addressed to me in school years the now famous 36-year-old actress. And even now, haters write caustic comments to the star under posts on social networks. The actress now, of course, does not react to rudeness.

I accept myself as I am. When, as a child, I had complexes about my appearance and was worried, especially because boys were embarrassed to be friends with me, my grandmother uttered the golden words: “It doesn’t matter how long your legs are. There are three things a woman has that men pay attention to: hair, teeth, skin,” says Kurkova.

Creature from another planet (180 cm)

Olesya Zheleznyak has only bonuses from its height. For example, she got into the movies thanks to her long legs and somewhat awkward appearance.
- This is exactly the kind of funny bigot Tigran Keosayan needed for main role in "Silver Lily of the Valley". “He saw me in the corridor of Mosfilm and immediately stopped looking for the heroine,” said the 42-year-old actress. - And my husband (Olesya has been married to actor Spartak Sumchenko for 18 years and is raising four children; Spartak’s height is 185 cm - K.B.) first of all paid attention to my height. “You seemed to me like a creature from another planet, an alien - it was impossible to take your eyes off,” he later admitted to me.

Actress with her husband and children - Agafya, Prokhor and Savely

She is at school from her tall didn't suffer. Vice versa. Olesya was seated at the last desk so that her head would not disturb anyone.
- Write off and mind your own business - that’s where it’s at!

Beauty is not in long eyelashes (180 cm)

- IN adolescence everything irritated me: from my nose and eyebrows to my knees,” recalls the 50-year-old Maria Shukshina. “And when I began to stand first in the line at physical education, it seemed that life had not worked out at all. But with age I began to understand that size does not matter. Neither short nor tall height will make you happier. And the beauty of a woman is not in long eyelashes, thin waist and large breasts, but in the mind. If everything is in order with your head, then even the most ugly one (by some completely stupid standards invented by I don’t know who) will be able to present herself in such a way that not a single man will pass by without looking back.

The TV presenter is convinced that the main thing is to find YOUR man:
- And it doesn’t matter what difference in height you have. If you look in one direction, then all these little things will not matter.

Say no to the black one!

Strict - 182 cm. Stefanenko - 185 cm
“It’s pointless to dream of becoming a miniature brunette: it will never happen anyway” - this is the motto that TV presenter Tasha Strogaya lives by (according to her passport - Natalya Frolova). There were periods when she was complex and envious of girls with standard height: they say, boys want to take care of such people, and if you are far from a baby, then they treat you as “their boyfriend.”

“After a while, I realized that such an attitude is much more valuable than short-term affection,” says 43-year-old Tasha. - There were problems with clothes before. Now they sew taking into account maximum height. Yes, I am a designer myself. When I became a mother (at the age of 37, Strokaya gave birth to twin boys. - K.B.) and suddenly at some point looked back, it became funny from worrying about my appearance. I want to appeal to all the girls who are embarrassed because of the “extra” centimeters. These are such little things! Natasha Stefanenko (Tasha’s co-host on the program “Take it off immediately!” - K.B.), who is three centimeters taller than me, walks freely and in heels. He says: “It’s men who have to worry about how to reach me!” Be confident. Never slouch or hide behind caps with large visors. Say no! black and shapeless. And women's happiness will definitely overtake you!

Nice to kiss (180 cm)

If rumors are to be believed, then the participant’s romance “ Comedy Woman» Catherine Barnabas and Dmitry Khrustalev began with Katya’s phrase: “Aren’t you too small to follow me?” It is no wonder - Khrustalev is 14 centimeters shorter than Barnabas. At the same time, many considered this couple harmonious and sweet.

Katya and dancer Kostya MYAKINKOV got married in early June. IN Honeymoon let's go to Rome
- A small man and a tall girl are very erotic, don’t you think? - 32-year-old Varnava smiles. - Here is Dima Khrustalev - our one and only man. What do you think Mitya was doing in “Comedy Woman” among so many women? He is small, agile and funny - a real conqueror women's hearts! In general, I noticed that short men are much more talented and successful than those whose height exceeds the mark of 190 - 195. In general, of course, people with short stature have a more difficult time, because throughout their lives they look at the world with their heads slightly raised - Your neck will hurt. But for us, tall ones, kissing is always pleasant.

Lose weight with lemon rice (181 cm)

“Long-legged Heron” - that’s what the singer was nicknamed Varvara(real name - Elena Tutanova) classmates from Gnesinka. And at school the future artist was christened Ostankino Tower. Therefore, Varvara had the habit of walking with a stoop. But in the basketball section Alena had big success. The complexes regarding height finally disappeared while working as a model at the Fashion House of Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

- It’s profitable to be high on stage, but in life... I can’t afford to wear shoes with beautiful, elegant heels - I’ll just knock down all the ceilings! - says the 43-year-old singer. - You need to carefully monitor your weight. If, with such growth, you are also a donut... Once a week I arrange a fasting day: kefir, buckwheat or apple. Recently I tried a new diet: boiled rice sprinkled with lemon juice, and grapefruit with egg white.

17.12.2018 |

There are many actors and actresses in Russian cinema tall. Parameters that sometimes caused them problems in childhood helped them achieve certain successes in film set and become famous personalities.

Dmitry Dyuzhev: 195 cm

Dmitry Dyuzhev

His tall stature in his youth added to his attractiveness, which harmoniously combined with his good-natured disposition. According to the actor’s recollections, this allowed him to get the role of Cosmos in the cult TV series “Brigade”, where he noticeably towered over the short Sergei Bezrukov.

Ivan Urgant: 195 cm

Ivan Urgant

One of the tallest actors is happy with his height and is always ready to joke about this topic. He once refused to star in the film Midshipmen, saying that his tall stature and unusual appearance were unlikely to fit into the parameters of a historical film.

Victor Loginov: 195 cm

Victor Loginov

Victor retained warm memories of his childhood and youth, which he spent in Yekaterinburg. His height never caused him any inconvenience, and years later he was even immortalized: in hometown The actor erected a monument 220 cm high to Gene Bukin, Loginov’s character in the comedy series.

Evgeniy Sidikhin: 192 cm

Evgeniy Sidikhin

Remembering his youth, the actor certainly talks about folding beds and the small communal apartment 20 meters away where the Sidikhin family lived. He barely fit in a standard bed, so he often did not get enough sleep and dreamed of a comfortable sleeping place.

Maxim Averin: 192 cm

Maxim Averin

Already a 6-year-old child, Maxim appeared on the silver screen, playing his first role. He was noticeably taller than his peers, but this did not hinder his development acting career. Averin often plays leading roles and looks great on camera.

Stanislav Duzhnikov: 192 cm

Stanislav Duzhnikov

Stanislav is sincerely pleased with his growth. According to Duzhnikov, difficulties haunt him only in everyday life: driving a small car is very difficult due to his height, so he has to choose large cars.

Grigory Antipenko: 191 cm

Grigory Antipenko

Beautiful facial features and charm give charm to the tall actor, who is very popular among women. It is not surprising that his heroes are often romantics with languid eyes.

Oleg Maslennikov: 190 cm

Oleg Maslennikov

WITH early years the future actor was studying different types sports First water polo, then martial arts. In his youth, Maslennikov became the best basketball player at school, but he preferred working on a film set to a sports career.

Stanislav Sadalsky: 190 cm

Stanislav Sadalsky

Since childhood, the actor was head and shoulders above other boys, but he always knew how to present himself correctly. The actor has more than a hundred roles in theater and cinema, each of which is distinguished by real skill.

Denis Kosyakov: 190 cm

Denis Kosyakov

List of tall male actors completes former captain KVN team Denis Kosyakov. Young actor is often invited to lead roles in films, and in 2016 he became the producer of a comedy series.

Alexey Makarov: 190 cm

Alexey Makarov

Makarov is considered one of the most attractive actors playing the roles of courageous and romantic heroes. Alexey has excellent proportions and tries to keep his body in athletic shape.

Alexey Kortnev: 190 cm

Alexey Kortnev

Kortnev grew up in a sports family, and therefore from childhood he was fond of mountaineering and volleyball, and in the past he was a champion in the game of ball. However, Alexey chose a creative career and excelled in cinema and music.

Egor Beroev: 189 cm

Egor Beroev

Olesya Zheleznyak: 180 cm

Olesya Zheleznyak

The actress was head and shoulders taller than all her classmates, but thanks to her good sense of humor, her excessive “height” did not create any complexes for her. In the future, her unusual appearance helped Olesya get leading roles in comedy films and become a successful actress.

Olga Kabo: 180 cm

Olga Kabo

The famous actress Olga Kabo is an example of the fact that tall women are in demand theater stage and in cinema. WITH youth the girl played in the theater, where most often she was offered only leading roles, thanks to her bright appearance.

Maria Shukshina: 180 cm

Maria Shukshina

One of the most beautiful actresses was catastrophically dissatisfied with her appearance during her school years. Over time, Maria learned to love herself and completely focused on her career.

Svetlana Khodchenkova: 180 cm

Svetlana Hodchenkova

The actress’s family lived in poverty, which Svetlana was very embarrassed about. She worked as a janitor and cleaner to help her mother, who raised her herself. Modeling school helped me overcome self-doubt, and my career as an actress perfectly consolidated this result. .

Ravshana Kurkova: 179 cm

Lyudmila Chursina: 177 cm

Lyudmila Chursina

According to the actress, as a child she was more like a boy - she was the tallest in the class and constantly bullied everyone. However, she soon turned into a slender beauty, entered drama school without any hassle and devoted her life to art.

Yulia Menshova: 177 cm

Yulia Menshova

From an early age, Menshova performed in public, and her attractive appearance always aroused audience interest and sympathy. I dreamed of becoming a journalist, but by chance I ended up on the faculty of the Moscow Art Theater School. Today she combines acting in the theater with work on television.

Tatyana Vasilyeva: 176 cm

Tatiana Vasilyeva

The actress recalls that as a child she dreamed of being 162 cm tall and was worried about her appearance, which was noticeably different from others. Fortunately, children's complex did not prevent her from becoming an Honored Artist of the country.

Julia Vysotskaya: 174 cm

Julia Vysotskaya

The actress and TV presenter has an attractive appearance, but always watches her figure. Vysotskaya tries to adhere to proper nutrition so that the weight corresponds to the parameters of her height.

“Extra” centimeters do not at all interfere with tall actors in their creative career. The main thing is to correctly take advantage of the advantage provided by nature, and then in the frame the viewer will see an inimitable image performed by a real master.

Photo: Instagram, ruskino.ru, womanhit.ru

They could attract attention only with their height, but life decreed that these people are also famous. WomanHit found out whether growth helps their career or only hinders it.

Maria Sharapova
1 meter 88 centimeters

Her height, which is also great for the modeling business, allows Maria to realize herself in different directions. Of course, her sporting achievements are difficult to overshadow, but it was her appearance that made the tennis player both an advertising star and a girl from the podium. With a height of 188 centimeters, Maria weighs no more than 60 kilograms. At the same time, Sharapova also has a sweet tooth. The only thing the famous Russian woman limits herself to is her choice of shoes. "IN ordinary life I very rarely wear high heels. “I’m already very tall,” Masha once admitted.

Ekaterina Varnava
1 meter 81 centimeters

The Comedy Woman participant initially saw herself as a star ballroom dancing. But during training she injured her back, and with dance career I had to say goodbye. But she had a television career, and we must admit that for a girl of her stature, a sense of humor is a useful quality. According to rumors, it started with jokes. One day during dinner, Khrustalev said: “Have you finally realized that I’m hitting on you?” To which Katya replied: “You’re too small to hit on me.” But Dmitry was not taken aback: “And we haven’t seen such tall ones!” - the colleague retorted. And although Katya and Dmitry eventually broke up, many believe that they were a very beautiful couple.

Alexander Astafiev

Olesya Zheleznyak
1 meter 80 centimeters

Already at school, Olesya Zheleznyak was the tallest girl in the class, so she often sat on the last desk with poor students and hooligans. “But the first beauties were friends. I successfully highlighted their charms,” Olesya jokes. By the time she graduated from school, Zheleznyak’s height was 180 centimeters, and it was a sin not to take advantage of such unusual data. Her acting talent, combined with her unconventional appearance and tall stature, allowed Olesya to play in many comedy films. The actress’s appearance also attracted her future husband, actor Spartak Sumchenko. “Olesya seemed like a creature from another planet, an alien - I did not understand either her appearance or her character,” the artist once admitted.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

Dmitry Guberniev
2 meters

With such height, Dmitry’s mass is 104 kilograms, which, of course, makes his sports comments very significant. At one time, Guberniev was not involved in basketball at all, as fans mistakenly believe, but in rowing. In everyday life, Dmitry’s height does not bother him. But it doesn’t always help professionally. At one time, the TV presenter was forced to climb into a T-80 tank when he was making a program about tank biathlon. “Really, I had to sit bent over like hell! But I drove 20 kilometers!” the commentator recalls.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

Philip Kirkorov
2 meters 2 centimeters

“Two meters of beauty”—that’s what the artist sometimes jokes to himself. Some time ago there was a rumor about Philip that the pop star was suffering from a disease due to which he could not stop growing. But since then, Philip has not grown a centimeter, which probably upset the gossipers. Selecting clothes for a person taller than two meters can turn into a long procedure, but Philip is not complaining. On the contrary, he is trying to get rid of a huge number of things. At some point, Philip decided to sell designer items, many of which he had never worn. The demand for things, however, turned out to be small, which is not surprising: after all, Philip’s clothes are not only exotic, but also clearly designed for growth.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

Nikolay Valuev
2 meters 13 centimeters

It was not for nothing that Nikolai’s fans awarded him such nicknames as the Russian Giant and Kolya the Sledgehammer. Nikolai is one of those who is unlikely to ever be able to blend in with the crowd. But the athlete, actor and deputy also have rather big problems. For example, Nikolai’s shoe size is 51. And this means that everything - from classic boots to slippers - he has to sew to order. It’s not easy for Nikolai to move around the world. It is quite possible that airline seats in business class cabins will be able to accommodate him, but hotel beds are not always designed for people of this height. Valuev's wife barely reaches her husband's shoulder. At the same time, Galina claims that she loves every centimeter of her chosen one.

Brigitte Nielsen and Nicole Kidman.

Being a star, a celebrity already means living an unusual, vibrant life.
Some tall celebrities with tall stature already have one of the criteria for unusualness.

Not just men

Such as actors Dolph Lundgren (196 cm) or Ben Affleck (192 cm) are always in sight of viewers and film directors.
In our country, tall Russian celebrities are just as loved and recognizable. Maybe growth helps here?

Among the male actors there are celebrities with tall stature. But tall actresses are also loved and adored by fans.

Who doesn’t know and doesn’t love, for example, Charlize Theron or Julia Roberts? While their height is approaching 180 cm. Which of them tall actresses have the greatest height?

The tallest actresses. In Russia and Hollywood.

Women - actresses from 180 cm

Among women, the tallest actresses in Hollywood, and therefore the most noticeable and recognizable:

Gwendoline Christie 190 cm

Gwendoline Christie (190 cm)

Born in 1978, British actress. This height helped complement the image of the female knight Brienne of Tarth with remarkable strength and acumen in the acclaimed series “Game of Thrones.” She also starred in famous painting"Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Gwendolyn is a bright contender in the category “tallest actresses in the world.”

Brigitte Nielsen (Brigitte Nielsen), with a height of 185 cm.

Brigitte Nielsen (Brigitte Nielsen), with a height of 185 cm.

She starred in the legendary "Rocky" and "Cobra". Born in Denmark in 1963, with three children, she remains to this day a bright and extraordinary actress and fashion model. She is also known for her marriage to Sylvester Stallone.

Muse and favorite of Quentino Tarantino - Uma Thurman 184 cm

Uma Thurman (184 cm)

Born in Boston in 1970, her parents named their daughter in honor of a Hindu goddess. She is not only an actress who has starred in best-selling books. She can play the roles of brooding beauties and cold-blooded killers (“Kill Bill” and “Kill Bill 2”), moreover, Uma is a former model.
In 1994, she starred in the famous film “Pulp Fiction” by Quentin Tarantino. She was nominated for an Oscar and other film awards.

Brooke Shields height 183 cm.

Brooke Shields. height 183 cm.

Viewers remember her from the film “The Blue Lagoon” (1980), where she starred as a child-teenager. In 2016, Brooke, aged 51, still acts a lot and is an active Instagram user.

Famke Böhmer Janssen - height 183 cm

Famke Boehmer Janssen (height 183 cm)

American actress, fashion model, born in the Netherlands in 1964.
She starred in one of the highest-rated films of 2007 - “Taken” with Liam Nyssanon and its two sequels, as well as in the “X-Men” trilogy.
In 2011, the film “Bad Mommy” was released with Milla Jovovich, where Famke showed herself as a director and producer.

Gina Davis 183 cm

Gina Davis (183 cm)

Gina Davis (183 cm), just like other tall actresses, attracts glances. Born in the USA in 1956. Educated from Boston University. The actress's career began in 1982 with the famous film "Tootsie" by Sydney Pollack with Justin Hoffman.
In 1989, Gina won an Oscar for her successful participation in the film “The Reluctant Tourist.”
The film, released in 1995, “Cutthroat Island,” became a threat to the actress’s career. The film was considered the most disastrous by critics. Addition to the portrait: Gina Davis is a member of the Mensa club, which consists of people with high IQs.

Sigourney Weaver 182 cm

Sigourney Weaver (182 cm)

The actress was born in Manhattan, New York, USA in 1949. In 1979 she starred in legendary painting Ridley Scott's Alien, and in 1986 Aliens James Cameron. She was nominated for an Oscar three times.
The blockbuster Avatar was released in 2009, and Sigourney Weaver is currently starring in the sequel, which is scheduled to be released in 2018.

Nicole Kidman height 180 cm.

Nicole Kidman, (height 180 cm) with Naomi Watts

Born in Hawaii in 1967, the family soon moved to Australia.
People started talking seriously about the actress after the release of the film “The Deadpool” with Billy Zane in 1989.
With Ewan McGregor in the 2001 musical Moulin Rouge, the actress showed that she is also a wonderful singer.
In 2003, Nicole, playing the best female role in the film “The Hours”, she became an Oscar-winning actress.

Perhaps the most famous actresses those with a height above 180 cm are listed.

Actresses whose height is above 175 cm

Among the “most” there are also such tall Hollywood actresses, whose height is just above 175 cm.
The most tall girls- celebrities can be presented in the following sequence:

Julia Roberts, already synonymous with "beauty", her height 178 cm.

Julia Roberts. 178 cm.

Born in 1967 in the USA. The famous Eric Roberts - brother Julia.
Surprisingly, one of Julia’s first roles was immediately recognized with an Oscar nomination and a Golden Globe award (the 1989 film “Steel Magnolias”).
The famous “Pretty Woman” in 1990, “Erin Brockovich” in 2000, and “Ocean’s Eleven” in 2001 brought the actress many film awards.

Charlize Theron height 177 cm

Charlize Theron height 177 cm

Born in 1975 in South Africa, then at the age of 16, she left and began working as a model in Milan. She was seriously involved in dancing, but due to a severe knee injury, she gave up this hobby.
At the insistence of her mother, she remained in the United States.
She became recognizable in cinema after the release of “The Devil’s Advocate” with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino in 1997. In 2004, she won an Oscar for Best Actress in the film “Monster,” for which she gained 13.5 kg.

Cameron Diaz 175 cm

Cameron Diaz, Liv Tyler and Lily Cole.

American actress, born in 1972. The comedy “Mask” with Jim Carrey brought her debut success. The films “Charlie’s Angels” in 2000 and “Gangs of New York” with Leonardo DiCaprio, which was shown in 2002, made the actress truly famous. Cameron Diaz, Liv Tyler and Lily Cole.

Lily Cole 179 cm

The red-haired British woman, born in 1988, graduated private school. became famous model at 14 years old. Already in 2004 she was named “Model of the Year”. In cinema, she is best known for her role in the TV series Doctor Who and in the 2009 film The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, with the last participation of Heath Ledger.

Liv Tyler 178 cm

The American, born in New York in 1977, learned that her father was the famous Steve Tyler at the age of 9 years. Before that, she bore the surname Rundgren (after her mother’s husband).
At the age of 14 she began her modeling career and subsequently became the face of the Givenchy brand in 2003.
In cinema, Liv became super famous after the release of the films Stealing Beauty (1995) and Armageddon with Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck in 1998.

Cara Delevingne 176 cm

Born in 1992 in London. Top model and British actress. In 2012, she became the face of Burberry and signed a contract with DKNY. The film "Suicide Squad", released in 2016, introduced Kara as an actress.
Starring in “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets” by Luc Besson, the premiere is expected in 2017. Although actresses are slightly taller than 175 cm and do not look too flashy, their bright appearance, with only one characteristic eyebrow shape, has become business card Kara.

Poppy Delevingne 178 cm

Born in 1986 in London. The older sister of Cara Delevingne. She began her career as a model. She starred in the films: “Rock Wave” in 2009 and in the series “Members of the Royal Family.”

Tall non-actresses

model Adriana Sklenarikova, Kathryn Bigelow and Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama 180 cm.
American, born in 1964. The tall woman is the wife of the former US President. A lawyer by training. Michelle is the first African-American presidential wife.

Often tall female celebrities are former models or work in the modeling business. An example of this is model Adriana Sklenarikova.
Born in Slovakia in 1970. Model height 186 cm.
Adriana has the most long legs(124 cm), listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Kathryn Bigelow ex-wife venerable director James Cameron, has height 182 cm. Born in California, born in 1951. Known as a film director, she works on
horror and science fiction films.
The first woman awarded with a prize"Oscar" as director for the film
"Lord of the Storm."

Kate Middleton - 176 cm.

Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton- 176 cm. Year of birth - 1982, place - Great Britain. Prince William's wife. She received her education at the University of St. Andrews.

Tall Russian actresses

When considering Hollywood and European female actresses, it is difficult not to mention the fact that there are tall Russian actresses.

Wonderful, loved by thousands of viewers, Tatyana Vasilyeva, whose height is 176 cm. Born in 1947, in Leningrad. Film and theater actress, has a singing talent. In 1975, after appearing in Viktor Titov’s film “Hello, I’m your aunt!”, she became famous wide circles TV and film audiences. She played in the film “The Most Charming and Attractive”, “The Inspector General” by Valentin Pluchek.

It is worth special mentioning the kind of life the actress leads. Does boxing
swimming, so he looks completely inappropriate for his age.

Unique Lyudmila Chursina, whose height is 177 cm , perfectly complements the list
tall Russian actresses.
Born in Stalinobad (Tajik SSR) in 1941. She studied in Velikiye Luki and graduated from school with a Gold Medal. Lyudmila Chursina graduated from the Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin with honors in 1963. In addition to the Nika and other awards, in 2012 she was awarded the Andrei Mironov Figaro Prize.

Olesya Zheleznyak 180 cm and Yulia Vysotskaya 175 cm.

The tallest actresses in Russia, such as Olesya Zheleznyak is 180 cm tall.
Born in 1974 in Moscow. She studied in the studio with Mark Zakharov. Plays at the Lenkom Theater and the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.
She starred in the films “Silver Lily of the Valley,” the TV series “Matchmakers” and “My Fair Nanny.”

Julia Vysotskaya 175 cm
Born in Novocherkassk in 1973. Actress, TV presenter. The wife of director Andrei Konchalovsky. She starred in the films “Gloss” (2007), “Paradise” 2016.
Since 2003, he has been hosting the “Eating at Home” program on the central TV channel. She has published a series of books on culinary topics.

It is worth noting that high Russian actresses not the only ones in the crowd famous women with tall stature.

Tall non-actresses of Russia

IN Russian Federation the tallest female celebrities from the world of sports, fashion and media.

Maria Sharapova - 188 cm and Ekaterina Andreeva - 176 cm.

Maria Sharapova, with her victorious height of 188 cm!
The famous tennis player was born in Nyagan, Tyumen region. in 1987. She started playing tennis at the age of 4, when her family lived in Sochi.
She won the Grand Slam tournaments five times.

Ekaterina Andreeva, her height176 cm.
Presenter of Channel One (ORT) since 1998, journalist, born in Moscow in 1961. Awarded the TEFI Prize in 2007.

Yulia Menshova - 177 cm and Ulyana Sergeenko 177 cm.

Yulia Menshova 177 cm.
Born in 1969, in Moscow, in the family of the famous director Vladimir Menshov and actress Vera Alentova.
TV presenter, producer, although she previously acted in films.
The TEFI Award was awarded to Yulia in 1999 in the “Talk Show Host” category.

Ulyana Sergeenko 177 cm.
Born in 1981 in Kazakhstan in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.
Russian clothing designer, fashion blogger.
In 2012, she launched her own fashion line in Paris.

This article mentions the tallest women, actresses and celebrities from other fields. Talented, beautiful, and... tall! Fate has endowed these stars not only with some kind of talent, but also with an appearance that is slightly more different from the usual criteria, making them even more memorable.

The star of the series “Barvikha” and the film “Unreal Love” said goodbye to her dream of ballet due to her considerable height. But already at the age of 12, Ravshana tried herself as an actress. Now she has more than forty roles in films and TV series.

Maria Shukshina, 180 cm

Actress and TV presenter Maria Shukshina is taller than her peers famous parents. By the way, her son, 20-year-old Makar Kasatkin, was significantly ahead of her in height. As Maria admits, as a teenager she was worried about her height, but in the tenth grade she realized that she was popular with her classmates - and her complexes disappeared.

Olga Kabo, 180 cm

Olga Kabo tries to be on top in everything. She is the only Russian stunt actress, a member of the Russian Stuntmen Association. Together with actor Vladimir Steklov, she underwent training for the flight to the Mir station. The experiment failed due to the actress’s pregnancy, but Olga still dreams of space. Her husband is also tall, and together they look harmonious.

Nicole Kidman, 180 cm

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Already at the age of 13, Nicole’s height reached 179 cm. At the same time, the actress looks graceful thanks to her beautiful figure: her parameters are close to the canonical 90–60–90, and her weight is only 55–57 kg. They say that Kidman's height was the reason for the complexes of her first husband, Tom Cruise, who is 10 cm shorter. Kidman's current husband, singer Keith Urban, is not embarrassed by Nicole's height and does not even mind if she wears high heels.

Uma Thurman, 181 cm

Uma Thurman and Thierry Fremaux

According to various sources, Uma’s height ranges from 180 to 183 cm! True, the latter became one of the trump cards in her career for the actress. As you know, Quentin Tarantino is a real fan of beautiful bare feet, and he has photographed Uma’s feet more than once (“Pulp Fiction”, “Kill Bill”).

Gina Davis, 183 cm

Gina Davis with her husband

Growth helped young Geena Davis in her career. She made her film debut with Sydney Pollack: for the role in the comedy “Tootsie,” he was looking for an actress who would be significantly taller than Dustin Hoffman. By the way, the woman is not only outstanding in height, but also in intellect: Gina Davis is a member of the Mensa club, which consists of people with high IQs.

Sigourney Weaver, 182 cm

Screenwriter Juan Antonio Bayona and Sigourney Weaver

One of the tallest actresses in Hollywood admitted that she lost many roles because of her height - producers and potential partners on the set were much shorter than Sigourney. “Once I offered to draw shoes instead of feet in order to get a role - because it made me seem 10 cm shorter,” she said in an interview.

Brigitte Nielsen, 185 cm

Brigitte Nielsen with her husband

The 80s action star and ex-wife of Sylvester Stallone started out as a model, which is not surprising given her height. She later continued her career as a TV presenter. Bridget is currently in maternity leave: The 54-year-old actress gave birth to a daughter on June 24 this year.

Maria Sharapova, 188 cm

One of the most beautiful sportswomen in the world, Maria Sharapova could easily play basketball, but at the age of 4 her parents sent Masha to tennis - and they were right. The girl was repeatedly offered to do modeling business, but sport always came first for her. By the way, Maria always chose tall boyfriends: she dated basketball player Sasha Vujacic and tennis player Gregor Dimitrov.

Gwendoline Christie, 191 cm

Gwendoline Christie and Giles Deacon

The British actress can perhaps lay claim to the title of tallest woman in Hollywood. Her heroines are very warlike: Commander Lyme in The Hunger Games, Captain Phasma in Star Wars"and, of course, Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones." Film directors for a long time This hero was not offered roles, but now she is in great demand: this year alone, four films with her participation are being released.

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