The most important icons for the home. What icons should you have in your home?

Any icon is a prototype of what is depicted on it. Whether it is the Lord, or saints canonized by the church, depicted on icons, they become prototypes of those to whom we send our prayers.

Previously, the eastern corner was used to place icons in the house, just as in a temple the altar is always located to the east. But nowadays, for most believers in city apartments, the eastern corner may end up in the wrong place. Therefore, choose a comfortable corner where you will not be disturbed in your prayer rule, especially if you are praying with the whole family.

What icons should be in the house

  • On the sides of the icons of the Lord and the Virgin Mary you can place icons of the Guardian Angel and Archangel Michael.
  • By church canons On the right are icons of male saints, on the left are the Mother of God and holy women.
  • It’s good if you have icons of saints in whose honor all members of your family are named at baptism.
  • Any family has some problems, so it is worth adding icons of those saints who became famous for their help in these cases.
  • If there is a sick person in the family, purchase an icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer or an image of the Mother of God “Healer” for your home iconostasis.
  • If you have relatives who are addicted to drinking, smoking, or drug addiction, then be sure to pray to the “Inexhaustible Thicket” icon, it is very strong, and you will not be left without help.
  • And of course you can add icons of your favorite saints: Seraphim of Sarov, Matrona of Moscow, and many others.

Where is the best place to buy icons for your home?

It's always better to buy. There they are always blessed before sale. Try to ensure that the size of the icons of saints does not exceed the size of the icons of the Lord and the Blessed Virgin.

If you bought an icon in a jewelry store, then you definitely need to consecrate it. This happens at a prayer service in the temple.

If you want to embroider an icon with threads or beads, you must adhere to several rules. Before starting work, you need to fast, repent and take communion, and take a blessing to work on the image from the priest. Do not buy embroidery patterns where the faces are not printed; you cannot embroider the faces themselves. Try to have before your eyes a written icon identical to the one you are embroidering, so that if there is an error in the pattern, you can correct it.

If space on the shelf allows, you can put a lamp that is lit during prayer requests. Nearby you can store a prayer book, a Gospel, a Psalter.

What is undesirable for a home iconostasis

  • Photos of relatives and friends are not placed on the iconostasis, whether they are alive or have already passed away. Thus, you seem to equate people, even people very dear to you, and saints.
  • It’s not good if the sun’s rays hit the icons; this causes the paint to quickly fade. It is better if the images are illuminated by a candle or lamp. This will put you and your family in a prayerful mood.
  • Small children and pets should not reach the icons, so as not to touch or drop them.

Icons in your home should have a special position. There is nothing more shameful than dusty, unkempt images. Any consecrated icon must be treated as a shrine. Make it a rule to clean up the iconostasis regularly. By honoring images, we honor those depicted in them. Each icon is a window into the heavenly spiritual world, through which we communicate with the Lord, the Mother of God and all the saints. Fervent prayer at home will always be heard.

Setting up a chapel in the house is a long-standing Orthodox tradition in Rus'. And today believers try to have at least a few images at home. But, taking into account the nuances of modern design, find appropriate place not so easy. It is important to adhere to traditions, where icons should be located in the apartment and in which corners of the home they should not be placed.

What icons should be in the house?

Any icon is considered a prototype of a saint, so images of faces were located in the eastern corners. Alternatively, choose the most comfortable spot, where you can be alone and pray.

Every shrine has eigenvalue, so it’s better not to buy at random, but to figure out who is depicted on the icon and what mission he performs.

  • image of Jesus Christ- heals from serious illnesses, protects from troubles, supports and guides during difficulties;

  • face of the Holy Mother of God- attracts pure love, forgives, gives humility, health and family well-being;

  • image of Nikolai Ugodnik- helps in solving complex problems, instills faith in a hopeless situation, heals;

  • image of the Seven Shot Mother of God- protects household members from quarrels, protects against gossips and ill-wishers, discourages thieves;

  • face of the Holy Trinity- brings respect and peace to the house, cleanses from sins, relieves negative emotions, protects from the evil eye;

  • image of "Fading Color"- capable of imparting mental strength, directing the right way, preserves beauty and youth, braves temptations, gives hope;

  • image of a Guardian Angel- heals, gives love, saves from sins, means hope and peace;

  • image Orthodox holidays - icon of Baptism or Nativity of Christ;

    Icon of Baptism

  • icon of the Last Supper- relieves heaviness from the soul, relieves sinful thoughts, helps to improve relationships with family and friends.

Many shrines (most often these are the names of the first three icons) are passed down together from generation to generation, so you should treat the sacred product with care. Regardless of the material the icon is made of, it needs to be carefully looked after, periodically cleaned and a suitable place selected.

Where is the red corner

The ancestors called the red corner (“kutnik”, “goddess”) the front corner in the southeastern part of the hut. There people placed old icons for prayers and hung embroidered towels.

Turning to the holy place, household members were baptized in the morning and evening, knelt down and turned to the Lord when they did not go to church services. The red corner was perceived as a home equivalent of an altar or a table in a church, where icons were placed according to the rules:

  • only the Holy Trinity can stand near the icon of the Savior;
  • Next to the face of the Mother of God, only her other faces are located;
  • the remaining images are placed to the side or on the bottom shelf;
  • the presence of spiritual books and church supplies is allowed in the neighborhood;
  • in each room the arrangement of icons may vary.

Previously, the red corner determined the behavior of not only apartment residents, but also their guests. At the entrance to the house, the first thing men did was take off their headdress in front of the place where the shrines of the owners were kept. Children were put in that corner for their offenses so that they could “atone for sin.”

But during construction modern apartments the place for a shrine is least often thought about, although previously it was with the definition of a “holy corner” that the foundation of the future house was laid. Therefore, the required corners and walls often turn out to be oriented in opposite directions.

In this case, it is advised to act differently: the angle is not chosen to the west; a surface free of paintings and photographs is quite suitable. An extreme case is to place the images in a bookcase under glass.

How to make and place a home iconostasis with your own hands

In a church, the iconostasis is placed inside the central area of ​​the room and is often decorated with gilding to highlight the altar from the rest of the space.

But in an ordinary apartment it will not be possible to adhere to the same rules. Instead, it is recommended to decide in which corner (preferably red) it is most practical to place the icons, and then decide how to build a place for the faces.

Furniture stores take into account the needs of religious customers by offering a wide selection of such specific furniture.

But if it was not possible to find a suitable option among the ready-made models, ordinary wall cabinets will do, where the images should be placed.

If you wish, you can order the production of shelves that will be designed specifically for your home or make them yourself, following the tips:

  • use a variety of materials (for example, plywood), the main thing is that they do not have too much bright color, were durable (taking into account that there was somewhere to put massive icons) and resistant to moisture;
  • make drawings of the future corner, choose the optimal height, width and depth, decide on the number of shelves and decor;
  • do not forget about sufficient distance between the shelves - the correct layout will not only leave plenty of space for any appearance, but will also protect the bottom from heating when the candle is burning;
  • There is no special technology regarding the placement point, but the icons are placed in such a way that they are opposite the eyes, on the same level;
  • under the holy corner itself, you can leave space on the floor to place a table on which it is advisable to light lamps, place holy scriptures, willow (pre-blessed), a stand for candles, holy water and other things.

The iconostasis in the house usually has 5 shelves, and the recommended order of icons is:

  • an Orthodox cross is placed at the top;
  • It is customary to place an icon of the Savior in the center;
  • the image of the Holy Trinity should be placed a little higher;
  • By right side place for the face of the Mother of God;
  • images of the Savior and the Virgin Mary should be larger in size than the others;
  • It is allowed to place other images of saints on the sides.

Many recommendations on how to arrange a red corner claim that it should be kept in uniform style. But to achieve general design It is difficult if all the holy images are not purchased at once. If you want to buy an icon, but it doesn’t fit on the corner shelf appearance, you should not refuse the purchase. Framing the image does not play a role big role- this is not an interior item.

For preservation, the image is often placed in an icon case - a special box with a glass lid.

What and how to arrange images correctly

IN modern buildings doors and windows are often located on the eastern side, so hanging images there, according to ancient Russian traditions church, not advisable. Since it is impossible to change the building, you will have to choose a less suitable location.

It is important not only the location of the wall relative to the cardinal points, but also its accessibility - you need to think about how to arrange the shrines, about your own position during prayer, and convenience. When turning to God, each family member should have a place in front of the icons if joint prayer is practiced.

The images are placed not only on shelves, but also on the walls, at the head of the bed, on the table. It is allowed to place related items nearby: a prayer book, the Bible, and other Orthodox books.

It is undesirable for non-religious paintings, figurines, posters, and calendars to hang next to the faces of saints. It is prohibited to post photographs of both the dead and the living. Even if you are praying for the health and well-being of a particular person, you need to imagine his image during prayer, but you cannot leave a photo near the iconostasis. By the way, photographing icons in general is not prohibited, but the church may make a remark, since the process distracts parishioners from turning to God.

If there are doubts about a specific room and which image is best to place there, it is advisable to seek advice from a priest - he will tell you where to choose and what variations there are. For each room there are special recommendations and there are separate taboos regarding placement and quantity - how many icons in the house should also be important to know.

In the bedroom

Some people believe that it is only worth hanging appropriate images on the walls in the bedroom if the spouses are married. In this case, the images of Saints Peter and Fevronia, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon and nominal variants can protect the union of two lovers.

Saints Peter and Fevronia

If a person still wants to place holy image in the room where he sleeps, then you need to determine what these icons are called and their meaning - you can choose the Mother of God or the Savior. Among other images, priests recommend installing the image of Nicholas the Pleasant, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, or a personal image of the Saint - they are called upon to protect the family hearth and the relationship between the couple.

Nikolai Ugodnik

It is best to place the icons above the bed (closer to the head) or on the bedside table. As an alternative, you can select a corner for prayer by the window: place a small table there, and on it icons and a lamp for a church candle.

In the kitchen

In the kitchen, more time and space is devoted to cooking, so you should hang 1-2 icons there. Before sitting down to the table and after eating, every Orthodox Christian says prayer of thanksgiving, therefore it is better to choose Christ the Savior, the Holy Trinity or the Mother of God. To ensure that the prepared food is always tasty, you should ask for the blessing of Euphrosynus of Palestine.

All family members most often gather in the kitchen, therefore, in such a room you can hang a modest number of icons that can answer everyone’s request for health: Christ the Savior, the image of the Virgin Mary or the icon of the Last Supper. Since the latter, disagreements about where to hang them should not arise a priori. It is advisable that it be located above the table - in this way you can say a prayer for blessing before eating.

In the children's room

How to determine what is best to hang on a newborn? From birth, children must be taught that they can and should turn to the saints for help and thank them for their support. Icons can protect the baby from accidents, the evil eye and illnesses. Parents also need images in the children’s room to pray that their child will grow up to be a worthy person.

To do this, at the head of the bed they place the faces of saints, who are considered protectors or special personalized icons. At the same time, it’s worth thinking about purchasing a dimensional icon - an image that matches the length of the baby’s growth at birth.

Place them as close to the bed as possible or place them under the pillow. For example, in a nursery the following options would be appropriate:

  • the face of the Savior;
  • face of the Virgin Mary;
  • image of a Guardian Angel.

You can hang other faces that promise health and well-being for the child; it is recommended to choose them based on current problems in family. God loves children very much, because all people on Earth are his children. Therefore, one icon in a child’s room will be enough to instill in him love and respect for holy images and prayer in general.

At work

When certain difficulties arise that directly relate to work, inspiration and any desire to work further disappear. There are many reasons why everyday work can be overshadowed by certain events: failures, reprimands from superiors, competitors and envious people.

If you are increasingly haunted by negative emotions in the office, you need to turn to the Saint, who helps you in your work and career. The corresponding icon should be placed in your office or on your desktop.

And the face of a suitable patron is chosen based on the profession:

  • student - an icon with the image of the Martyr Tatiana, which will help in studies and give new ideas;

  • merchant - the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who brings good luck, promotes profitable deals and profits;
  • freelancer, Internet employee - the image of the Mother of God, the Gracious Sky, contribute to an easy career, success in everyday affairs, bring material well-being;
  • sailor, driver, tourism expert - the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Mother of God Powerful, which bring health, promote good luck, attract money and adventures to life;
  • health worker - Icon with Luke of Crimea, which protects at work, brings good health, bestows patience, strength and promises pleasant meetings;

  • diplomat, postal employee - an icon with the image of the Archangel Gabriel, which protects at work, pushes for advancement career ladder and protects from the evil eye;

  • volunteer, teacher orphanage- the face of the Bethlehem babies, which gives patience and mercy, physical health And peace of mind, supports love;

  • teacher, researcher - the icon of the Mother of God of Kaluga, which allows you to constantly strive for knowledge, easily study new sciences, gives confidence in your own abilities and determination;

  • civil servant - an image of the Mother of God Economissa, which makes the government wise and fair, protects from evil influence and cleanses thoughts from sin.

If the list of professions does not contain the required category, then it is advisable to choose an icon with the face of the Patriarch as a patron.

In the living room

The main room of any home is the living room. But here it is important to maintain neutrality: if among friends and acquaintances who often come to visit there are non-believers, it is not tactful to keep a collection of icons in a visible place.

In this case, it is better to move the sacred corner to a private place. As an option, it is also proposed to buy a folding icon: it can be installed only during prayer, and after its completion it can be hidden in a secluded place from prying eyes. If there are no such differences in the matter of faith among visitors, then it is recommended to hang the following icons in the room:

It is equally important to comply correct placement: place the icon with the Lord on the right, and Holy Mother of God put on the left side. You need to make sure that they are not directly under sun rays. As a result, the paint quickly fades and the aesthetics lose their beauty, so icons are placed on the side of the window, in a slight shade, not on the windowsill.

In the hall

Before leaving home, you need to turn to your heavenly patron, ask him to facilitate a safe journey and direct you to a meeting with bright people. And upon returning back, thank the Saint for his intercession, for a quick return home and a successful day.

If you fix the face in the hallway, you can protect your own home from thieves and bad guests:

  • image of the Iveron Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • image of the Intercession;
  • image of the Holy Trinity.

Usually they choose one small icon and hang it above the front door. Priests advise hanging it on the wall, not a frame. Therefore, if the apartment design does not have an appropriate place for a face, then you can move the selected icon to the next aisle. It is important to choose exactly the door through which everyone who visits the house passes, and the face does not immediately catch the eye.

Where not to put

There are no clear rules for keeping a particular icon in the house, only recommendations. For correct placement worth following common sense. In order to preserve the aesthetic combination, not break traditions and simply extend the shelf life of the image itself, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  • the icon is inappropriate in the bathroom or toilet, so the faces are not placed or hung near adjacent elements - sinks, pipes, storage rooms with detergents;
  • you cannot place the image near a TV, tape recorder, computer or other equipment - to perform the ritual of prayer it is extremely important to focus on your own thoughts, and technology attracts attention and distracts from turning to God;
  • do not place the face on the cosmetic table, shelves where there are non-religious books, toys, figurines, posters with famous personalities;
  • It is forbidden to place paintings or reproductions near icons, even if they are characterized by biblical content, despite the general theme, such paintings do not act as family amulets, therefore they will be superfluous in the red coal;
  • a controversial nuance is the placement of icons opposite the mirror, since mystical properties are attributed to it, therefore it is better not to position the holy faces so that they or a person during prayer are reflected there;
  • It is not recommended to save on space. On the question of whether it is possible to put an icon on an icon, the opinion is unanimous - it is impossible. This is fraught with the risk that the images will constantly fall from the shelves and get injured; carelessly storing the images is also unacceptable.

It is important to remember that icons and the principle of their placement are based on prayer. Matching look is selected based on the essence of the request and appeals to the patron. And the location of the faces directly depends not only on the design features of the house, but also on the convenience of performing the sacrament. Taking into account the main recommendations of the clergy, you can make the most successful decision and design the iconostasis yourself.

IN Orthodox tradition Icon painting and the veneration of holy images occupy a special position. As you know, in Catholicism there are slightly different images that are more like paintings, and some other branches of Christianity do not accept revered images at all. Nevertheless, an Orthodox believer needs to know which icons must be in the house, why and where these images should be placed.

Before you start reviewing different images, some fundamental details need to be determined. Many believers understand them, but repeating and focusing on them will be very useful:

Therefore, when choosing where icons should be placed in an apartment, you should focus primarily on the personal connection with each image. You need to realize the value of a particular icon for your own religious practice. At the same time, of course, there is a minimum that every believer is advised to have.

When choosing images, you need to understand why they are needed - for prayer. They are not a decoration of the house or anything like that, because for an Orthodox, a house is also a temple, and prayer can be common, that is, in the temple, and in the cell, that is, at home. It is precisely in order to always have the opportunity to pray privately that home altars are created.

The previously noted minimum includes only two icons: Christ and the Virgin Mary. Although, if there is no such possibility, then even just one is enough, because each of these options represents the whole essence of the Orthodox faith.

In general, the altar may look something like this (although you can limit yourself to only the main icons):

Some choose additional set based on your own activities and preferences. For example, people who are associated with military professions or something similar prefer St. George the Victorious, and those who practice medicine revere Panteleimon the Healer.

As a rule, the space where the home iconostasis stands is called the red corner and represents the most revered part of the house. For an Orthodox Christian, a home is also a semblance of a temple, and the home iconostasis symbolizes the temple altar, where the most basic images for veneration must be placed. A small space is located on the eastern side of the house; a location to the southeast is also acceptable, since houses are not always oriented exactly to the cardinal points.

The next aspect is how to arrange and hang icons on the altar and in other parts of the home. If we're talking about about the home iconostasis, you need to consider the following:

  1. You can put the images on a special shelf or assign some kind of space for this purpose. separate part furniture. But the space always needs to be somehow isolated: there is no need to place anything else there other than icons and other elements of religious worship.
  2. The icons need to be positioned approximately at eye level or higher, so that when praying it is convenient to stand in front of the images and nothing else is located in the field of view.
  3. The iconostasis must always be kept clean, each image must be preserved in its proper form.

The importance of caring should be emphasized. The icon is kept clean, wiped down and revered in every possible way, not because of the value of the piece of wood (or other material) itself, on which some set of spots of different colors is visible. Caring attitude to the icon emphasizes the high value of the depicted and conveyed meaning, like how a window is washed and kept in optimal conditions so that the landscape behind it can be seen.

Apart from the iconostasis, it is difficult to say where else the icons should be located in the house. The use of additional images is purely optional. The choice depends on the preferences and capabilities of the believer himself, but there are quite reasonably explainable limitations. Icons should not be hung:

  • in the toilet and bathroom;
  • in the kitchen directly above the stove or where the image may become smoky;
  • above the TV, in the sideboard and where the environment is purely mundane and related to everyday activities, entertainment or the like.

The point is to show respect and be reasonable. Although the icon can be located in different parts of the house, one should not mix the worldly and the heavenly. This attitude is quite reasonable for cultivating your own faith.

When it comes to how to properly hang icons in an apartment, many initially pay attention to the hallway. Indeed, there is a tradition of hanging opposite front door or protective images above it, but these images should not be considered exactly amulets. They are intended, for example, to do a short prayer before leaving the house or to remember the Lord once again:

To properly hang icons in the kitchen at home, you need to place them away from the stove and not stack them on top of each other. It would be quite correct to have the Last Supper, the Mother of God and the Savior in the kitchen. They can also hang in the bedroom: if the spouses live in harmony and in accordance with faith, there is nothing reprehensible in this.

In children's rooms it is customary to hang dimensional icons, Guardian Angels and named saints. Might be useful for a girl Everlasting Color or Triflant (although this image is not considered canonical), as well as female saints. For boys - male saints and great martyrs, such as St. George the Victorious.

In the old days, every living space had to have an iconostasis with the faces of saints. The icons helped protect the house from various disasters, they were prayed to in difficult times and thanked for the well-being and health of family members. But over time, people lose knowledge of what icons must be in the house, what helps this or that face of the saint, and where to place the home iconostasis.

Icons: what are they for?

Every Orthodox Christian acquires it not for beauty or fashion trends, but in order to pray in silence to the saints for the most secret things. An icon is a chain that connects a person’s soul with the Lord God. By saying prayer speeches, we communicate with the Almighty, ask for intercession and thank you for the mercy shown.

The image of a saint is not only a relic that is passed down from generation to generation. This is the holy of holies, which brings together everyone living under one roof in a single prayer.

Each image, no matter what material it is made from, carries a special mysterious meaning. But in order for the icon to become a real intercessor of your family hearth, you should know where to put the icon, in what order to place them.

Home iconostasis (photo)

In addition to the fact that you just need to have these icons at home, you need to know the rules for their placement.

Previously, it was customary in homes to place icons on special wooden shelves, but now the church allows the faces of saints to be hung directly on the wall. The main thing is the location of the icons.

The image can be hung in any room. Hang the icon directly above the entrance to the room. And you will feel how an unknown force protects your home.

You should hang only 1 or 2 icons in the kitchen. After all, every Orthodox Christian says a prayer of thanks before sitting down to the table and after eating. Choose Christ the Savior, the Holy Trinity or the Mother of God.

If you want your prepared food to always be tasty, healthy, and also blessed by the saints, purchase the face of Euphrosynus of Palestine. For his good deeds, he alone was given the reward of seeing heaven and returning to earthly life. He took apples of paradise as a gift and distributed them to the monks, who gave them only to those who were dying.

Any Small child should be taught from birth to turn to the saints for help and thank them for their support. In addition, the icons will protect your baby from any accidents and illnesses.

To do this, the faces of saints, who are the protectors of children, as well as personalized icons are placed at the head of the bed. It is also worth considering purchasing a measuring icon. This is an image that matches the length of your baby's height at birth.

You can also hang icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel. In the nursery, it is customary to pray that your child does not get sick and grows up to be a worthy person.

Many are inclined to believe that icons are useless in the bedroom. You can hang images on the walls only if the spouses live in a married marriage. Then the faces of Saints Peter and Fevronia, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon and personalized icons will protect your union.

If a person is lonely, then you can place icons of the Mother of God or the Savior.

This is where you can install a home iconostasis, which is assembled according to all the rules. If your room is a walk-through room, you have people who are non-believers, you can move the icons to the room in which you are most present.

When things don’t work out in business, the blues have overcome you and lazy languor has set in, you need to turn to the saints of the profession to which you belong with prayers.

With sincere prayer, the patron saints will always put in a good word for you before the Lord.

Now you know which icons must be in the house. But the main thing is not just to have them in your room, but to sincerely, sincerely and reverently indulge in prayerful speeches.

In the old days, any person entering a house first stood facing the red corner, where the home iconostasis was located, and was baptized at the icons, because icons were an integral part of everyday life for every Orthodox Christian. They always prayed before them when getting up in the morning and going to bed. Note: before them, and not the icons themselves, because they only show us the image of the saint depicted on them.

Icons for the home and their meaning

Some believe that icons that should be in every home , play the role of a kind of amulets or talismans, but this is a completely wrong approach.

It is not the icon that protects, but our prayer to the saint depicted on it

This is the meaning of icons. You can place as many icons around the house as you like, but if you don’t pray in front of them, they will remain just beautiful pictures.

Icons must be consecrated in the church, so it is best to purchase them in a church shop

If you accidentally come across an icon that you would like to place in your home, but whose history is unknown to you, do not be lazy to go to church and consecrate it, then prayer in front of it will have power.

What icons should be in the house?

In everyone's home Orthodox Christian There must be icons of the Savior and the Mother of God - this is the basis of the home iconostasis

Often newlyweds receive such a double image as a wedding gift from their parents, who blessed them with these icons.

Each of us has heavenly patron, whose name we bear, and it is very desirable that they also take their place in the home iconostasis. Prayer in front of their images helps both in strengthening faith and in difficult situations. life situations. There are many icons of revered saints who bore the same name, so before choosing an icon, try to find out the history of this saint.

Among the icons that should be in the house, it is worth including the icon of St. Panteleimon the Healer, to whom they pray in case of illness, and for medical workers he is considered the patron saint of their profession. In general, every profession has its own heavenly patron, and for Russian military personnel there is even a separate one for each branch of the military.

Feats of faith performed by saints are an integral part of Orthodox teaching, and if there is a saint whose story has especially affected you strong impression, then his icon can also be placed in the home iconostasis.

How to properly place icons in the house

The value of an icon is not determined by its market value, so you should not strive to acquire rare or expensive icons in precious frames. Such an icon can be given as a gift, but you should not buy it for yourself. And one more thing: by turning your home iconostasis into something like the icon-painting department of a museum, you risk attracting thieves who are after expensive icons.

The best option for placing icons is a home iconostasis

In the old days, it occupied the eastern corner of the room, which was called red. Modern layout does not always allow you to observe traditions, but this is, in fact, the formal side of the matter, so the iconostasis can be arranged not necessarily in the corner, but anywhere near the wall and even on the shelf of a sideboard or bookcase. But at the same time, you must make sure that there are no photographs, posters, paintings or other secular decorative elements nearby. Also, photographs of living or dead people, be they relatives, priests or elders, should not be placed in the iconostasis.

It is important to know not only what icons should be in the house, but also how to properly arrange the iconostasis. It is probably unnecessary to remind you that it needs to be kept clean and the icons not allowed to gather dust. If icons are placed on shelves, then beautiful napkins or towels are usually placed under them, which will be especially valuable if you embroider them with your own hands.

Many people decorate the iconostasis with bouquets of fresh or artificial flowers. This is where they store church candles. Holy water should be drunk on an empty stomach after prayer, so a vessel with holy water can also be kept near the iconostasis. It is very important that there is a lamp in the home iconostasis, which is lit when praying, as well as in Sundays and on the occasion of major Orthodox holidays.

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