The rarest Armenian names for girls. How are Armenian female names formed and how to choose the right one? Alphabetical list and meanings

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what different Armenian words mean male names, in reality, the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Calendars of Christmastide and holy people, without consulting a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility (and not people’s characters) is an absurdity that turns interactions inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Vigen (strong), this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the bearers of other names will be weak. The name can block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

Most Popular Armenian names for boys in 2015 this is also a misconception. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child, the deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below are several hundred male Armenian names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Armenian names in alphabetical order:


Abig - chanter
Avet, Avetik, Avetis - blessing, sacred knowledge
Agasi - unshakable
Azat - free
Hayk, Haykaz - unity
Hakob - may God help and protect
Amazasp - victorious defender
Hmayak - sincere, highest spirit
Ambartsum - ascension, luminous, sparkling in the sky
Amo - walking
Ananias is one of a kind
Ara - noble
Arakel - apostle, divine protector
Aram - noble
Argam - worthy
Argishti - worthy of love
Areg is the sun, sacred movement(sign)
Aristakes - holy protector
Armen, Armenak - the spirit of the Aryans
Arsen - a noble warrior
Artavazd - the abode of truth
Artak - striving for the sun
Artash, Artashes - striving for truth
Artem - the path to truth
Arthur - light of truth
Artush - striving for light
Harutyun - resurrection
Arushan - sunny face
Arshavir - solar hero
Arshak - life-giving sun
Atom - divine spirit
Ashot is the hope of this world


Babken - father-sage
Baghdasar - blessed power
Bagish - intoxication with happiness
Bagram - happiness of love
Bagrat - the joy of love
Barseg - very influential
Barkhudar - worshiper of strength


Vahagn - omnipresent fire
Vaan - shield, omnipresent
Vagharsh, Vagharshak - the omnipresent sun
Wagram - the swiftness of a tiger
Vazgen - light of sacred knowledge
Vanik - merchant
Varazdat - the gift of space
Vardan - reward
Vardwan is a patriot who loves the country
Vardges - king (lion) of the country
Varuzhan - born to be a protector
Vasak - light of the eyes
Vahak - the omnipresent sun
Vakhinak - solar warrior
Vachagan - fiery speech
Vache - speech, word
Vigen - strong, powerful
Virab - hero-defender
Vramshapuh - good oath


Gagik - heavenly
Galust - arrival, coming to the house
Geregin - fire of sacred knowledge
Garnik - lamb, sacrificial lamb led to the fire
Garsevan - fire worshiper
Gaspard - going to liberate
Gegham - home
Grant is a holy book
Gurgen - sacred knowledge from spiritual teacher


David - beloved
Derenik - humbly worshiping God
Jeevan - living incarnate soul


Yeghish - thirsty for power
Ervand - holy faith, holy veneration


Zhirayr - lively, lively Aryan (male)


Zaven - well-mannered, humble
Zoriy - priest of the cult of the sun and fire
Zurab - divine, fragrant


Kamari - holy love
Karapet - lord of the rays of the sun, sun
Karen - elephant
Kerop - solar arrow
Kikos - hard, durable
Kirakos - chronicler
Koryun - chanting, praising God, the sun


Mamikon is mine
Markar - the path of the Aryans, the noble path
Mher - sunny
Melkon - greeter of the sun
Melkum - greeting the dawn
Mesrop - moon arrow
Mehak - carnation, sunny eye
Mihran - sunny face
Minas - fish
Mushegh - excellent


Nerses - the birth of a hero
Nubar - praise


Ogan, Oganes, Ovanes - fiery


Panos - amazing, wonderful
Parkev - reward, custom of libations (associated with sacrifice)
Partev - ruler, king, warrior
Paruyr - a spiral filled with light
Parunak - a particle of God
Patvakan - dignity, honor from a young age
Petros - stone, fatherly, paternal
Poghos - boy


Rachiya - creation, creation


Sahak - the power of the sun
Sagatel - a sign of power
Sako - divine
Sanasar - the power of eternity
Santur - sacred light
Sapah - worshiper of God
Sargis - the power of nature
Saro - strong

Armenian mothers play an important role in family life. They educate their daughters - the future keepers of the hearth, as well as their sons - the future defenders. Therefore, the symbol of fidelity, beauty and purity are Armenian female names. Their origins are very diverse. It may be related to religion or local traditions and customs.

Armenian girl names are divided into several groups:

  • According to the external features of the owner;
  • By geographical location;
  • By type of activity.

The list of modern names also includes:

  • National names. This Nana, Anahit, etc. in honor of the pagan goddesses.
  • Names borrowed from nouns. This group includes nicknames derived from the names of festivals, planets, precious stones. Often there are beautiful female Armenian names borrowed from toponymic names natural phenomena and plants. For example, Arpi – “sun”, Zara – “gold”, Leila – “night”, etc.
  • Successive names. A number of nicknames are not biblical, but have a holy note. There are names suitable for both girls and boys. For example, Gracia, Erdzhanik. This should not come as a surprise, since the commitment to the Armenian people and best features do not depend on age and gender.

The history of this people goes back to the distant past, many names have mixed origins. Some nicknames are originally national, while others are Turkic, Greek, Slavic, etc. The principles of naming among Armenians are somewhat similar to the traditions of ancient peoples: from nicknames with religious significance to names that emphasize personal qualities or family origin. But Armenian nicknames have their own specificity: they are formed from the names of natural resources, animals, birds, etc. They personify the beauty and tenderness of Armenian women.

Meaning of Armenian female names

Armenian names are characterized by melody and deep meaning. Before naming a child one name or another, you need to carefully study its meaning. Armenians believe that it influences a person’s destiny and shapes their way of life. Today, the choice of Armenian names for girls is almost limitless. If parents honor national traditions and customs, then they pay attention to nicknames such as Zaruhi, Astghik. If they want their child to embody certain character traits or to be the personification of natural resources, then they choose the names Gayane (“close”), Arev (“sunny”), Tsakhik (“flower”) or Lusin (“lunar”).

Many beautiful nicknames emphasize a woman’s dignity, her beauty, grace and temperament. The most common of them are: Seda – “the most tender”, Amest – “modest”, etc. In modern Armenia, interethnic nicknames are used, among which there are names that are exotic for Armenians. For example, Erica, Loya, Julia.

Many Armenian daughters are named after their father. Modern nicknames are easily obtained by adding the ending -ui or -uht to a male name. For example, Tigranui (from the male name Tigran). There are also suffixes, thanks to the presence of which they distinguish male version nicknames from the female form. For example, Armen - Armenui, Arman - Armanui, etc. Many names are formed as a result of some important events in the life of the people. The best present for her daughter was to be named Mariam in honor of the Mother of God Mary.

New Armenian female names

In Armenia, giving a name to a girl means giving her a gift, thereby giving her your love and care, etc. Most Armenians are very sensitive to naming, they never rush and think everything through thoroughly. There are many Armenian names characteristic features that are worth noting:

  • carry deep meaning;
  • personify beauty and femininity;
  • are euphonious.

The most popular Armenian names for girls are Milena, Ani, Miriam; among the rarest nicknames, Suzanne, Liana and Monica, which have survived to this day, should be highlighted.

When choosing a name for a girl, do not follow fashion, choose carefully and consciously. Take an interest in the meaning of this or that nickname in order to give a euphonious name with deep meaning and in accordance with your family principles. If the name evokes positive emotions and associations in you, and also combines beautifully with the surname and patronymic, this is best option. It might be worth stopping there. But if you have doubts about the scientifically selected name or don’t like it at all, don’t dwell on it, look for other options. You will definitely find the name that a loving parent's heart will point to. We have collected the most beautiful, popular and rare Armenian female names, a list of which will certainly help you in such a difficult choice. We wish you success!

Every nation has cultural and spiritual treasures that it has been proud of for centuries and passes on from generation to generation. Original and ancient culture Armenian people preserves a unique piece of national existence - Armenian female names. Their sonority and tenderness, restraint and warmth, melodiousness and severity carry within themselves the pain and suffering of the people, their courage and the greatness of the culture they created.

Armenians managed to carry their charm through the centuries national traditions, preserve their purity and spirituality and remain a living and young people striving forward.

Armenian female names are a bridge between the past and the future; after all, for Armenians, a woman is, first of all, a mother, a stronghold of morality and duty, and her name is a symbol of strength, purity, care and warmth.

Naming traditions of the Armenian people

Representatives of the Armenian people were lucky - their personal names were collected and classified by the famous Armenian linguist Rachia Acharyan. This outstanding scientist, educated at the Sorbonne in Paris, compiled a four-volume “Dictionary of Armenian Personal Names” in the mid-20th century, which made it possible to familiarize himself with a huge number of male and female names that have arisen throughout the centuries-old history of Armenia. No other nation has such a complete dictionary of personal names.

The origin of Armenian names is very diverse - their history is connected with paganism, and Christianity (Armenia is the first country to adopt Christianity as a state religion), and with the cultures of other peoples, and with local naming traditions.

The principles of the formation of Armenian names are similar to the naming processes of many ancient peoples: from the original nickname, emphasizing the generic origin or characteristics of personal qualities, to religious and cultural meanings. But Armenian names have their own specifics: for example, names derived from the names of animals, plants, birds are not associated with their deification, as was customary among most primitive peoples. Among Armenians, such names mean strength, beauty, tenderness, nobility, etc.

With the adoption of Christianity, new names did not supplant the more ancient ones, but acquired their own sound, preserving Christian meanings. For example, Ambartsum - ascension, Avetis - good news, Srbui - saint. Many of them are translations from ancient Greek names: Harutyun - resurrection; Arakel - apostle; Astvatsatur – sent by God, etc.

There are Armenian names derived from the names of geographical objects: Ararat, Vanik, Nairi, Araksi and others.

Often the name was based on personal characteristics person: Amest - modest, Patkavan - venerable, Sirun - beautiful.

So, we can distinguish 5 categories of historically formed Armenian names:

  • by title;
  • by gender;
  • by field of activity;
  • By distinctive features person;
  • by geographical location.

The list of modern Armenian names includes:

  • national names, including the names of ancient Armenian deities, kings and generals;
  • national names formed from common nouns;
  • names borrowed from other languages: Persian, European languages.

Features of the formation of Armenian female names

Many Armenian female names originate from the names of pagan goddesses: Nane (goddess of war and motherhood), Anahit (mother goddess), Astghik (patron of love and beauty) and others. The most common Christian name is Mariam ().

A separate category are names derived from the names of plants, natural phenomena, celestial bodies: Lusine (moon), Suzanne (lily), Agavni (dove), Leila (night), Arpi (sun), Garunik (spring), Manushak (violet), etc. .d.

Some names are both male and female: Hayastan (Armenia), Erdzhanik (happy, happy), Nubar (first-born).

But the most interesting feature formation of many Armenian female names - they are based on male names with the addition of the endings “uht” (daughter, holy oath) and “ui” (personification feminine). For example, Wormizdukht is the daughter of Vormizd, Tigranui is female uniform named Tigran.

List of beautiful Armenian female names

The list includes the most beautiful and euphonious Armenian female names and their meanings:

  • Anush – sweet;
  • Anahit – mother goddess;
  • Alvan - scarlet;
  • Amest – modest;
  • Almast – diamond;
  • Azatui – free;
  • Ani - from the name of the medieval capital of Armenia;
  • Armine - fate;
  • Astrik – asterisk;
  • Asmik – jasmine;
  • Araika – bestowed by the supreme god Arai;
  • Araksi - along the Araks River;
  • Arevik – sun;
  • Arus – sunny;
  • Ashkhen – heavenly;
  • Batil - snowflake;
  • Vargine – chaste;
  • Varsenik – long-braided;
  • Vartiter – pink rosette;
  • Voskinar – gold;
  • Garunik – spring;
  • Gayane – earthly;
  • Egine - directed towards the sun;
  • Eranui – blessed;
  • Zara – gold;
  • Zarui - priestess of the fire temple;
  • Karine – generous;
  • Leila – dark-haired, night;
  • Liana – thin;
  • Lilith – nocturnal;
  • Mane - goddess of the morning;
  • Marina - Marina, sea;
  • Margaret is a pearl;
  • Mariam - Maria;
  • Metaxia – silk;
  • Milena – sweetheart;
  • Naira – free;
  • Nazan – graceful;
  • Nana – mother;
  • Narine – woman, wife;
  • Nune – keeper of the hearth;
  • Ruzanna – Rose;
  • Sate – divine;
  • Siranush - love;
  • Sirun – beautiful;
  • Sophie – Sophia, wise;
  • Tsiatsana – rainbow;
  • Shagane – kind, pious;
  • Shushan – lily;
  • Helen – light;
  • Ermina – dear, courageous;
  • Eteri - ether.

The most popular female names in modern Armenia are Milena, Ani, Mariam, Anahit, Lilith, Mane, Gayane.

It is impossible to limit the story about Armenian female names to one list, because the history of a wonderful and hardworking people continues, and, therefore, new beautiful and sonorous names will appear.

One Armenian linguist named Rachia Acharyan created a list of Armenian names in his time. The volume turned out to be huge - four volumes. This is not surprising: the Armenian people are more than two thousand years old. Since the word “Armenia” (more precisely, “Armina”) appeared in the inscription of King Darius on the Behistun rock, a lot of time has passed, and the number of names has only increased. In fact, the entire history of the Armenian people is reflected in national names.

We cannot reliably find out what children were called in ancient times. Writing appeared among the Armenian people in 406 thanks to the many years of efforts of Mesrop Mashtots. Before this, literate Armenians used the Persian and Greek alphabet. From legends and written sources in other languages ​​we know people who have left their mark on history, whose names continue to be used in modern everyday life.

In the list of Armenian names, several layers can be distinguished:

All names taken from other languages ​​are adapted by Armenians so strongly that it is often difficult for a foreigner to distinguish original name from borrowing. Only the last category of names still retains traces of its origin. Interestingly, Turkish and Arabic names are very rare among Armenian names, although Armenians often had to communicate with these peoples, but sometimes not of their own free will.

National names

They began to take shape in those days, when Armenians as a separate people with their own identity did not yet exist. The society of the 1st millennium BC, living in the Armenian Highlands, was multi-ethnic. It was at this time, when the state of Urartu fell, and first one conqueror and then another walked around the country, the Armenian community and language were consolidated.

This category includes the names of gods and heroes, as well as those with the help of which parents wanted to make their child happy. Armenian names for men often have solar symbolism, often mentioning strength and nobility. Armenian names for girls were chosen differently: rare and beautiful for a foreigner, they were designed to evoke positive emotions in those who know Armenian. The themes of female names are beauty, preciousness, purity, among them there are many “flower” names.

male nameoriginfemale nameorigin
AramnobleAnahitpagan goddess of fertility in Armenia
MacawnobleAnione of the ancient capitals of Armenia
Hayk (Haik, Hayk)name of the legendary ancestor of the ArmeniansLusinemoon
Narektoponym, name of a localityGegetsikbeauty
Artashespursuit of truthGayaneearthly

Period of Iranian rule

Iranian names began to penetrate into Armenia during the Achaemenid era. Later influence was due to the hegemony of Parthia in the region, then of Sasanian Iran. In the Middle Ages, Armenia was divided between Byzantium and Iran.

Among the Iranian names there are many royal ones: almost the entire first legendary dynasty - the Ervandids - bore just such names. According to Persian and Greek sources, these people were known as satraps - representatives regional authorities in the Achaemenid Empire.

The specificity of these names is that some of them became Armenian many centuries before the adoption of Christianity, and are now recognized as primordially national.

From that era, legendary names have come down to the present day, known from the times when Armenia did not yet exist. These include the female name Shamiram - the Armenian version of the Assyrian Shammuramat (that was the name of Queen Semiramis).

Influence of Christianity

Along with Christianity, a stream poured into Armenia Greek, Latin and Hebrew names. It cannot be said that they did not exist before: there was a fashion for names in this region, and such a phenomenon as Hellenism also affected the Armenians. But with the advent of a new faith that united the people, Christian names became one of the most common. Often, tracings of religious concepts, that is, a literal translation, were used in this capacity difficult words. Christian names have always been heard, and here are some of them:

Trends of the 20th century

Only a third of Armenians live in Armenia. The remaining two thirds are in diasporas. Thanks to this, foreign ones were also included in the number of Armenian names. This process was especially pronounced in the last century, when many Armenians became significant figures in politics, culture and business in different countries. Often they wore quite traditional names, but in order to facilitate communication with people of other nationalities, they took local ones in addition, and thereby contributed to their spread among their people.

Sometimes the name became the surname of some important figure, and not an Armenian at all. This is how the Telmans, Engels, Frunzes and Kamos appeared among the Armenians. Sometimes foreign names adapted to Armenian pronunciation. So, Isabella became Zabel, Sergei became Serzhik (although there is a name of similar origin, Sarkis).

From Western European Edward, Robert, Arman, Eric, and women's - Ophelia, Ermina, Suzanne (although there is also a national analogue - Shushan) have taken root.

There has been a trend towards universal names. In order to make a feminine name from a masculine name, the feminine ending -ui is added to it, for example, Vardui. There are names that can be worn by people of both sexes, but these are few. These include the name Hayastan - “Armenia”. But the name, which comes from an exoethnonym - Armen - is masculine. Female version will sound like “Armenui”.

Most often, Armenians have a surname ending in -yan. This suffix is ​​similar to the Russian -in, which forms a possessive adjective. Simply put, the surname answers the question “whose?” The suffix -yants puts the surname in the genitive case, and it will answer the question “Whose will you be?”

The oldest surnames are those that end in the suffixes -unz and -uni. They go back to the times of the first dynasties of pre-Christian Armenia.

Based on their origin, Armenian surnames can be divided into five categories:

Sometimes you can find out his nationality by the name of an ancestor, which remains at the root of the surname. Thus, the surnames Artashesyan, Bagramyan, Pakhlavuni, Shakhnazarov speak of the Persian origin of the ancestor; the surnames Kardashian, Kocharyan, Shaginyan - about Turkic.

The prefix Ter- before any surname also indicates a connection with the spiritual field. Thus, the ancestors of a person with the surname Terteryants were most likely priests, and Khatstukhyan were bakers.

Nowadays Armenian surnames are transmitted by transcription, that is, their ending remains Armenian. But it was not always so. In Russia for a long time there was a tendency to Russify a surname or nickname, even if the bearer did not ask for it, and sometimes did not know at all. So, Khachikyan could become Khachinsky, and Ayvazyan really became Aivazovsky. Movses Khorenatsi, the first Armenian chronicler, also got it. In Russian historiography he appeared as Moses Khorensky, although this was not his last name: the village where he was born was called Khoren.

Most popular names

Fashion for names exists everywhere, and Armenia is no exception. Behind last years The top ten most common names look like this:

Male names:

Female names:

From the list it is clear that various options The name Maria is well common among Armenian female names. Beautiful modern Mari, Maria (and Mary is also included in the top twenty) coexist quite well with the traditional Mariam. Of the twenty most common female names in Armenia, seven are modern.

Armenian male names and their meanings are more traditional: boys are preferred to be given Christian or national names.

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