The most popular singers are black. Black singers: list, short biographies, photos

Tina Turner

Born November 26, 1939 in Tennessee. No wonder Rolling Stone magazine named her one of the greatest singers of our time. Anna Mae Bullock (real name Tina Turner) has been singing since childhood. Winner of eight Grammy awards. For her artistry, temperament and stage expressiveness, she bears the title “Queen of Rock and Roll” and is listed among the ten best dancers in the world.

In 1956, guitarist Ike Turner noticed her and invited her to join his band. After the wedding, they formed a duet - Ike & Tina Turner, which was very popular. In 1975, during a joint tour, Tina left Ike - both personally and professionally. She later admitted that all these years her husband had been using drugs and beating her. Tina Turner's career as a solo artist began only in 1983. On January 16, 1988, Turner entered the Guinness Book of Records by performing in front of the largest paid audience - more than 188 thousand people at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. It was later reported that Turner again entered the Guinness Book of Records by selling concert tickets more than any other solo artist in the world. musical history.

Released in 1995 New film about James Bond "Goldeneye", the soundtrack to which was performed by Tina Turner. At the end of October 1999, Tina Turner returned to the UK Top 10 - her song "When The Heartache Is Over" took first place. Turner now lives in Switzerland; on July 15, 2013, she married music producer Erwin Bach, whom she dated for 27 years.

Pearl Bailey

Born March 29, 1918 in Virginia. A magnificent actress and singer, winner of the prestigious theater award"Tony" for the black version of the musical "Hello, Dolly!" At the age of 15, she began performing musical numbers, and after her brother Bill Bailey took up dancing, they organized an amateur theater in Philadelphia. In 1946, Bailey made her Broadway debut in the musical The St. Louis Woman. She played in the musical films “Carmen Jones”, “Porgy and Bess”, “St. Louis Blues”.

In 1964, Bailey and Cab Calloway appeared in the lead roles in an all-black version of the famous musical Hello, Dolly! Pearl then wrote down music album with numbers from the musical. She was married to jazz drummer Lou Bellson, in 1961 they had a daughter, DJ Bellson, who died in July 2009, 5 months after the death of her father.

Sarah Vaughn

Born March 27, 1924 in California. This is one of the greatest jazz vocalists of the 20th century. The star Vaughn rose in 1942. Over the next three years, she worked in big bands, then began her solo career. Since the 1950s, along with the classical jazz repertoire, she has recorded popular hits, which brought her widespread recognition outside the world of jazz. Vaughn objected to being called a jazz singer: she believed that her range was wider. The outstanding singer fell victim to her smoking addiction: she died at the age of 66 from lung cancer.

Janet Jackson

Janet is the youngest in the legendary Jackson family. When Jackson was just learning to walk, her older brothers - Jackie, Tito, Germaine, Marlon and Michael - were already performing musical numbers in nightclubs and theaters, called The Jackson 5. She first appeared on stage at the age of 7; at the age of 16, Jackson signed a contract with the A&M record label, which released the album of the same name in 1982. While she was criticized for her modest vocal abilities and her “star” family, she was working on her third album, Control, which brought her fame. The subsequent album, Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814, became a huge success in her career. In 1991, Jackson signed a multimillion-dollar contract with Virgin Records, becoming one of the highest paid performers in the world and a real sex symbol.

Now Janet is actively acting in films, hosting various shows on television and, of course, continues to sing.

Eartha Kitt

Born January 17, 1927. She is called a cabaret star, and she became famous thanks to her “purring” vocals and the corresponding image (for which she received the nickname “sex kitten”). Kitt made her Broadway debut in New Faces of 1952 before gaining worldwide fame with the Christmas hit Santa Baby (1953). Kitt enjoyed cult popularity; Many pop and rock singers named her among her main influences. Director Orson Welles called Kitt "the most exciting woman in the world."

Natalie Marie Cole

Born February 6, 1950. Singer, songwriter and actress, daughter of popular jazz pianist and singer Nat "King" Cole. She achieved great success at the very beginning of her career thanks to her R&B compositions, and by the early 1990s she smoothly changed her repertoire towards pop music and jazz. Over the years of her career, Cole has been nominated 19 times for the prestigious music award Grammy and won it nine times. Besides musical career Natalie Cole has played a number of roles on television and in big films.

Diahann Carroll

Actress and singer, winner of the Tony and Golden Globe awards, as well as a multiple Emmy and Oscar nominee. She starred in the films “Carmen Jones”, “Porgy and Bess”, “Paris Blues”.

She became the first African-American actress on American television with her own television show, “Julia,” where, unlike her predecessors, she was the main character, and not a servant or maid. In addition, her role in “Julia” brought her a Golden Globe in 1969. In 1975, the actress was nominated for an Oscar for her role in the film Claudine. In 1984, Carroll played in the television series Dynasty and Dynasty 2: The Colby Family. She underwent successful treatment for breast cancer, after which she became an activist in the fight against this disease.

Diana Ross

Diane Ernestine Earl Ross (full name) was born on March 26, 1944 in Michigan. She is rightfully considered one of the most popular American singers (soul, rhythm and blues, pop, disco, jazz, rock and roll styles), actress, music producer. Repeatedly nominated for Grammy, Oscar, Golden Globe, American Music Awards...

Ross is one of the few who have two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (one for solo career, the second - for his career as a member of “The Supremes”). In total, throughout her musical career, Diana Ross recorded 57 studio albums and sold more than 150 million records worldwide. In 1999, the VH1 music channel named Diana Ross to its 100 list.

In the film "Lady Sings the Blues" she played the famous black jazz singer Billie Holiday. In 1973, Ross was nominated for an Oscar for her role (losing to her friend Liza Minnelli). Now Diana is still successful, she has

Born December 31, 1948 in Boston. American singer who performed compositions in musical directions rhythm and blues and disco. Nai great success Her dance recordings were used from the second half of the 1970s until the early 1980s, changing the face of popular music. Donna Summer was called the "queen of disco."

Donna Summer holds the record for the most consecutive double albums to reach number one on the Billboard 200. She also became the first singer in music history to have singles reach the top of the Billboard Hot 100 four times in one year. Over the course of her career, she sold more than 130 million records. She has performed both in the USA and abroad. The singer has given successful world tours to European countries 7 times, Latin America, Asia and Australia. Summer's concerts were held with great success in the UK, Brazil, Germany and other countries. He is the winner of 6 Grammy awards. She died at the age of 64 in Florida on May 17, 2012 after a long battle with lung cancer; in 2013 she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. By the way, she was once included in the list of performers banned in the USSR with the wording - eroticism.

Music is a happy component in our life. When we are under stress, music can help us heal our Bad mood. Beautiful music needs singers who have amazing voice to be a component. With their beautiful voices along with their fiery styles, they are becoming popular in the entertainment industry. Today, we present to you the top 10, most popular foreign singers in 2017. If you want to know who the most popular singer in the west, enjoy reading the list below.

Rihanna was born in St. Michael, Barbados in 1988 and she is a famous Barbadian singer, actress and fashion designer. She began her singing career in 2005, and her first debut album, “Sun,” was released the same year. Betting on singing career and with great effort, she has won 22 Billboard Music Awards, 6 Grammy Awards and many more. In 2012, she was ranked fourth as the most powerful celebrity by Forbes magazine. In the same year, she became the most popular singer.

Born in London, England in 1988, Adele is a singer and songwriter. She began her singing career in 2006 after a friend posted her demo on MySpace and brought her to the attention of XL Recordings. Two years after signing the contract, her first album comes out and makes her famous. Later, the second album sold over 26 million copies worldwide. Moreover, she was awarded 6 Grammy Awards because of her beautiful voice for the movie “007”. Coordinates: "Skyfall". Due to her many achievements as well as her talent in her singing career, she is the second most popular singer in 2015.

A charismatic and gentle singer, Taylor Swift was born in Pennsylvania, United States in 1989. At the age of 14, she began her singing career. She is best known for her country songs, which have earned her 11 Country Music Association awards. Her soft and beautiful voice reaches out to the public, making her debut album sell out quickly and be downloaded frequently. Due to all these reasons, she is known as the third most popular singer in 2015.

Lady Gaga is recognized as a crazy artist. Her clothes, makeup and dance style are so whimsical and colorful. However, she is one of the most popular singers in 2015. She has won many awards, including 5 Grammys. Her debut album “The Fame” made her famous as it sold millions of copies. She was born in New York, USA in 1986.

Shakira is not only famous singer, but she is also a choreographer, songwriter and model. She attracts the attention of the public with her very entertaining performance. No other singers can actually move the hip spiral beautifully just like her. She won countless awards with her debut album “Hips Don’t Lie.” Among the numerous awards: Grammy, Billboard Music Awards and others. She was born in Atlantico, Colombia in 1977.

Born in California, USA in 1984. Katy Perry became famous with her single "Ur So Gay", released in 2007. She has won numerous awards including Guinness World Records and is known as the most highly paid woman in music according to Forbes magazine.

Popular American singer, songwriter and actress, Beyoncé was born in Texas, USA in 1981. She has been a very popular singer for at least one decade due to her cute and beautiful voice. She puts all her efforts into the entertainment industry and tries to find fashion, dance and hairstyles to keep fans attracted to her around the world. She ranks 7th in the TOP 10 list of the most popular singers in 2015.

Miley Cyrus began her career as a singer in 2006 when she appeared as Miley Stewart in the Disney Channel television series Hannah Montana. She emerged to later become a teen idol. Although there is a lot of criticism about her nudity and seductive antics, while on stage, she tries her best and doesn't let those critics ruin her fame. And after all, she is still one of the most popular singers to this day. She was born in 1992, in Tennessee, USA

The penultimate most popular singer in 2015 is Jennifer Lopez, who was born in New York, USA in 1969. In 1980, she began singing professionally. She remains the most popular singer in the world and has one of the best-selling albums worldwide. She is not only a singer, but also an actress, fashion designer and songwriter.

The least, but not the most popular singer in 2015, Cheryl Cole was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, England in 1983. She began her career in 1990 as a singer and later became a songwriter, dancer, entrepreneur, model and TV presenter. Her stunning work along with her unique voice has captured the hearts of fans all over the world.

Typically, in all countries, at the end of the year, best songs, which sounded from winter to winter. The Reuters website collected the hits of the year according to Billboard and added the best photos of their performers. What songs were heard across America this year?

1. Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars

The song, which was only released at the end of 2014, has become more popular this year than ever. The YouTube clip alone has received a billion views. And it's worth it, because Bruno Mars knows how to rock. The song was one of the top 100 sales hits this year.

2. Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud

Briton Ed Sheeran attracted attention back in October with his video and magical dance. The clip justified itself, gaining 800 million views. By the way, it was after the release of this song that the singer announced a temporary suspension of his musical career and a desire to engage in charity work.

3. Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Charlie Puth

The song became the soundtrack to the new film “Fast and Furious 7”, and therefore gained great popularity among fans of racing and extreme sports. A mixture of touching lyrics and rap, the song is performed in modern American style.

4. Fetty Wap - Trap Queen

People like Fitty are said to have “broken out of the ghetto.” A relatively cheaply filmed clip, the atmosphere of a gangster area - the clip is more reminiscent of a social network. At the same time, the rapper himself is trying to show himself satisfied with his life. Despite the budget of the video, it collected 336 million views on YouTube.

5. Maroon 5 - Sugar

There is no need to even say anything about this group. In the 2000s, they blew up the charts with their song “This Love.” New clip collected almost a billion views. In the video, either in reality or pretending, they arrange a surprise for young couples at a wedding. Worth a look.

6. WALK THE MOON - Shut Up and Dance

American rock band from Cincinnati. In December 2014, their second studio album, Talking is Hard, was released. The album includes the group's most successful song to date, "Shut Up and Dance", which reached number four on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and topped the Billboard Alternative Songs and Billboard Rock Songs charts.

7-8. Taylor Swift - Blank Space; Bad Blood

Taylor Swift has been at the top of the charts for several years now. The singer stubbornly sticks to her style, and the song Blank Space has gained a billion views.

Taylor also shot a heroic video with Kendrick Lamar, who also won the world charts.

9. Silentó - Watch Me

Silento is a 17-year-old singer who, thanks to the launch of a flash mob, made good clip, which has reached 500 million views on YouTube. And how does he manage to do this? His song and dance captured the entire American segment of the Internet.

10-12. The Weeknd - Earned It; The Hills; Can't feel my face

The soundtrack to the acclaimed film “50 Shades of Grey” even on YouTube has age restrictions. The Weeknd itself has scored several hits this year.

The second video for the song “The Hills” received almost 500 million views on YouTube and became the basis for video toads on the Internet.

By the way, The Weeknd also boasts the hit “Can’t feel my face,” which this year also became a video meme in the American segment of the Internet. The chorus of this song will not leave you indifferent.

13. OMI - Cheerleader

This year's single "Cheerleader" ranked high places in the American charts. OMI group noted joint work with Taylor Swift. Their summer, warm video collected 290 million views on YouTube.

14. Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do

It seems like all the 50 Shades of Gray soundtracks have become popular this year. Ellie’s tender song sounded on many charts around the world after the film’s release.

15. Hozier - Take Me To Church

Yes, this is another 50 Shades of Gray soundtrack. But the official Hoizer video is not related to the film, although it has erotic scenes.

16. Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On

Either oriental motifs or a strange dance became popular on YouTube thanks to a video Major Lazer and DJ Snake. On television, this clip was played on all music channels.

17. Jason Derulo - “Want To Want Me”

Jason is famous for his hit "Wiggle" with Snoop Dogg. Now the singer has released an energetically erotic video for the song “Want To Want Me,” which has collected more than 200 million views on YouTube.

18. Skrillex and Diplo - “Where Are Ü Now” with Justin Bieber

The trio wrote a song together that topped the charts for quite some time this year. And their video, shot in an art style, received 360 million views. Today they can well be called representatives of modern music.

19. Fifth Harmony - Worth It ft. Kid Ink

These five girls and the simple tune of the song conquered the pop charts in America and Europe. Many remixes were played in clubs to their main tune. The composition of the pop group is so diverse that everyone can like at least one girl.

20. Sam Smith - I'm Not The Only One

Sam performs his songs in a very interesting style. This year his aspirations have been ranked high on international charts. In 2015, at the 57th Grammy ceremony, he won in four categories: Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Best new artist" and "Best Pop Vocal Album".

21. Selena Gomez - Good For You

Selena was famous even while starring in children's TV series in the 2000s. But today she is no longer a little girl: she allows herself to appear in erotic photo sessions, tries himself in cinema. Her serious video, which was released this summer, seems to show how much Selena has grown during this time.

22. David Guetta - Hey Mama (Official Video) ft Nicki Minaj

David Guetta today is one of the most popular DJs world, and his songs immediately become hits. Nicki Minaj became popular relatively recently, but their duet brought them 500 million views on YouTube and first lines in the world charts.

23. Flo Rida - GDFR ft. Sage The Gemini and Lookas

Unlike the clip, in Russian film"Duhless 2" this song was more appropriate. Despite the simple video, the song was very popular not only in America, but also in Europe.

24. Adele - Hello

After a short pause, Adele released an incredible soundtrack for the new Agent 007, and the song immediately took first place in the English charts. Despite the fact that the video for the song was released only in October of this year, it has 700 million views. The singer's voice is simply mesmerizing.

25. Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney - FourFiveSeconds

The best trio of this year, which delighted fans of the singers back in early 2015. 300 million views for professional voices and excellent accompaniment by McCartney.

Nikita Nedaverkov

For your favorite one.

18. Rihanna / Rihanna(born February 20, 1988, Barbados) - R&B and pop singer and actress. At the age of 16 she moved to the United States to begin her singing career. She later signed a contract with Def Jam Recordings.

17. Miley Cyrus / Miley Cyrus(born November 23, 1992) is an American actress and singer, the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus.

16. Alicia Keys / Alicia Keys(born January 25, 1981, New York) - singer, pianist, poet and composer, performing in the styles of rhythm and blues, soul and neo-soul, winner of fourteen awards "Grammy".

15. Britney Spears / Britney Spears(born December 2, 1981, Kentwood, Louisiana) - American pop singer, award winner Grammy, dancer, songwriter, film actress.

14. Ciara(born October 25, 1985) is an American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress, model, music video director. Ciara made her debut in the summer of 2004 with the single "Goodies", which hit the top of the chart. Billboard Hot 100. The album sold over five million worldwide and received many awards and nominations.

13. Iggy Azalea / Iggy Azalea(born June 7, 1990, Sydney, Australia) is an Australian hip-hop artist and songwriter. In 2012, she became the first girl and the first non-American rapper to appear on XXL's annual Top 10 Freshman.

12.Selena Gomez / Selena Gomez(born July 22, 1992, Grand Prairie, Texas) is an American film, television and voice actress, singer, composer, songwriter, and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Since 2009 she has been the vocalist of a pop rock band Selena Gomez & the Scene.

11. Christina Milian / Christina Milian(born September 26, 1981) is a famous American actress and singer of Cuban origin.

10.Madonna(born August 16, 1958) is an American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, writer, actress, film director, screenwriter and entrepreneur.

9. Nicole Scherzinger / Nicole Scherzinger(born June 29, 1978) is an American pop/R&B singer, dancer, songwriter, record producer, actress and model of Filipino-Hawaiian-Russian descent, best known as the vocalist of the group The Pussycat Dolls.

8. Avril Lavigne(born September 27, 1984) is a Canadian singer, songwriter, designer and actress.

7. Jessica Simpson / Jessica Simpson(born July 10, 1980) is an American singer, actress, TV presenter and designer. Her rise to fame began in 1999.

6.Katharine McPhee / Katharine McPhee(born March 25, 1984 Los Angeles, USA) - American singer, poet, actress, model. She became famous after the 2006 season of the musical television show American Idol, where she became a finalist, losing to the winner of the season, Taylor Hicks.

5.Katy Perry / Katy Perry(born October 25, 1984) is an American singer, composer and actress, as well as a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Is second performer after Michael Jackson, whose 5 singles from one album reached number one on the US chart.

4. Jennifer Lopez / Jennifer Lopez(born July 24, 1969, Bronx, New York) is an American actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer, producer and businesswoman. two nominations for "Grammy", two awards wins "Latin Grammy", three figurines American Music Awards.

3. Christina Aguilera / Christina Aguilera (born December 18, 1980, New York) is an American singer, songwriter, dancer, actress, producer, television personality, philanthropist, and UN Goodwill Ambassador. Winner of 5 awards "Grammy" and one Latin Grammy Awards. Rolling Stone called it one in 100 Greatest Performers EveryoneTimes, Thus, she became the youngest representative and the only one under 30 years old.

2. Gwen Stefani / Gwen Stefani(born October 3, 1969, Fullerton, California, USA) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, producer and designer. Lead singer of the ska-rock band No Doubt (since 1986), winner of 46 music awards.

1.Beyonce Knowles / Beyonce Knowles(born September 4, 1981, Houston) is an American R’n’B singer, music producer, actress, dancer and model. She became famous in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the female R&B group Destiny's Child.

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