The most dangerous signs of the zodiac. The very best Zodiac sign: what makes you better than others

Can be determined by various criteria. Some are good at communication, others at business, and still others are good at raising children. All in all, positive traits Every sign has one. You just need to be able to identify them. Moreover, the stars don’t always decide everything.

Most good sign I tried to define the zodiac in the sphere of love. I propose to see what happened as a result of my personal observations and research.


Representatives of this sign are gentle and passionate. They are romantic, fall in love easily, but can also easily turn away their once loved one. But this does not mean that they are windy. If Aries falls in love seriously, it will last for a long time. In sex, Aries is open to new sensations. He loves everything unusual and tries to captivate his partner. IN family life Aries are loyal and do not tolerate. They directly say that they are not bothered by how they can offend their partner. But you shouldn’t be offended by the truth.


Very gentle people. Reliable, economical. Betrayal is never forgiven. They themselves are also practically incapable of treason. They are very jealous, but if you don’t give a reason, they will trust your partner. They love it when their virtues are praised (although who doesn’t love that). They have fairly high self-esteem, but their level of aspirations is also high. They demand a lot from themselves and from their partners.


Dual sign. Can show tender feelings to several people at once. Fickle, prone to betrayal. This is due to the fact that he cannot decide what exactly he wants to get as a result of the relationship. But if the feelings are serious enough, then there is a chance that you will create a strong and friendly family. Geminis are cunning and can manipulate their partner to achieve hidden goals.

Cancers are good family men and are distinguished by strong and lasting feelings. Even if love turned out to be unhappy, Cancer will worry about this for a long time. But the tendency to cheat is still present in him. Cancer is rarely left alone. He attracts partners with his stability and constancy.

Just as lions are the kings of beasts, so Leo loves to be the head of the family, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man. They love to be the center of attention and are very worried if the laurels go to someone else. Therefore, if you decide to throw in your lot with Leo, then be prepared for the fact that you will always be in the background in society. But in private, Leo will idolize you for forgiving him such small weaknesses. Keep in mind that if you spoil him, you can turn out to be a domestic tyrant. Leos are stable in relationships. If he has chosen a mate, he will remain faithful to her for the rest of his life.


It is rightfully considered the best sign of the zodiac in terms of housekeeping. Representatives of this sign are very decent (including in love), but sometimes they are capable of leading people out of order. peace of mind even the most calm person with his tediousness. They are demanding of their partners, while forgiving themselves for most of their shortcomings. They do not like to take responsibility, so they prefer a civil marriage to an official one.


Very sociable. Sometimes it even seems that what comes first for them is not love, but communication with numerous friends and acquaintances. They love to flirt and make advances. Men of this sign often turn out to be real Don Juans. It is very difficult for them to choose a permanent partner, because there are so many interesting people in the world.


The most passionate people. This doesn't just apply to love. Any business in the hands of Scorpio burns with a bright flame. We are not ready to put up with our partner’s shortcomings, so before last breath(or until complete separation) will strive to re-educate him. Very secretive. You may not guess for a very long time about the true purpose of their actions. Persistent. If Scorpio has set a goal for himself, then rest assured that he will achieve it.


Very positive people. They can infect everyone with optimism this moment is next to them. But if they have problems, then everyone around them also knows about it. Often criticizes his partner over trifles, without noticing that this can be quite unpleasant. Doesn't like monotonous relationships. Courage and variety are important to him. In some matters (for example, fidelity) he is very conservative and is unlikely to be ready to change his views on life.


Cold people. They rarely show their true feelings. Even if they are madly in love, it is very difficult to understand. Careerists, so family can take a back seat. They have a great sense of humor, which makes them excellent conversationalists. If you do not like manifestations of passion and unearthly love, then Capricorn is exactly what you need.


If the relationship is not constantly maintained, then Aquarius is unlikely to be able to maintain it. Very vulnerable and sensitive. Can't stand it heartache, so he will prefer to break up rather than endure her. Attracts partners with unusual views on life and plans for the future.


They get close to people easily. They have many friends, and if you want to choose a partner born under this sign, then you should be prepared for constant calls, requests for help and nightly gatherings with different people. In family relationships, they may show despotism and cruelty towards other family members. They may be unfair.

Using these characteristics, you yourself can choose the best zodiac sign for yourself and understand who is best for you to connect your destiny with. I hope the information will help you in this difficult issue. Just don’t forget that in addition to zodiac signs, a person’s personality depends on many other factors, so you shouldn’t rely entirely on this indicator.

Yes it's true! I always felt that I was spiritually stronger than my husband. It is believed that each zodiac sign comes into the world with its own special mission. The stronger the spiritual sign of the zodiac, the harder its mission. You've probably noticed more than once that exactly strong people life always brings many challenges. The one who overcomes them is tempered like steel.

Zodiac signs are greatly influenced by the elements - fire, water, air or earth. It is our elements that give us strength and energy. As Vasilisa Volodina says, in each element one can single out one strongest sign.

Air Element:

1. Aquarius

In the element of Air, the strongest sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius. Despite some dreaminess and striving for high ideals, this is a sign that may experience difficulties many times in life, but will never give up. Aquarians are able to quickly adapt to any changes in life, which makes them morally stronger.

2. Libra

In second place in terms of fortitude in the air element are Libra. They are not that weak, but they have a bad habit of wasting their energy and not finishing things. They quickly lose enthusiasm and desire, and with it, purpose.

3. Gemini

The weakest sign in this element is Gemini. They cannot concentrate on one thing, they often lack outside support. When difficulties befall them, they panic and ask other people for help.

Fire Element:

1. Sagittarius

In the element of Fire, Sagittarius is the strongest. Representatives of this sign never lose heart and try to maintain humanity under any circumstances. They know how to control their emotions, do not give in to provocations and always have their own opinion. Their strength lies in optimism and open-mindedness.

2. Leo

In second place is Lev. At first glance, representatives of this sign look like strong and strong-willed people. But they largely depend on external circumstances and on the opinions of others. Leos constantly need support and praise. If this does not happen, they will quickly hang their noses.

3. Aries

The weakest sign of the fire element is Aries. Despite the fact that this sign is very active and active, in its element it gives slack. Aries do not know how to control emotions; they are too subject to what is happening in their souls. Sometimes Aries act unreasonably, which leads them to a difficult situation.

Earth Element:

1. Capricorn

In the element of Earth, the strongest sign of the zodiac is Capricorn. He is persistent, decisive and consistent. It is difficult to offend him and touch a nerve. Even if everything is bad, he will still go towards his goal, albeit in small and leisurely steps.

2. Virgos

Virgos are in second place in terms of strength of spirit in the element of earth. They often make an impression strong man, but sometimes they are not able to accept the world as it is, and simply begin to go with the flow.

3. Taurus

Taurus is the weakest sign in the earth element. Representatives of this sign do not like change. They want to live their whole lives in peace and happiness, but if their plans collapse, Taurus become defenseless.

Water Element:

1. Pisces

In the element of Water, the strongest sign is Pisces. Moreover, they are strong not only among the signs of their element, but among the constellations of all zodiac horoscope. This may seem a little strange, since Pisces often have a complete lack of connection with real world. This is their strength. Pisces can for a long time endure, wait and hope. Such fortitude helps them fight for their happiness to the end.

2. Scorpio

Scorpio is not as strong as Pisces. His weakness is that he can accumulate emotions within himself for a long time. They will eat him from the inside, making him weaker and weaker.

3. Cancer

Cancer is the most sensitive sign of the Zodiac in its element. Representatives of this sign are very sensitive and vulnerable. They constantly need moral support and help. If there is no one next to them, Cancers will take this as a sign that nothing can be changed and will become depressed.

But it is obvious that birth during the period of patronage weak sign Is not a zodiac prerequisite that a person will be haunted by failures and his life will be difficult. Also, the patronage of a strong sign does not mean that a person will be able to achieve a lot without much effort.

Many people who are interested in astrology and believe in horoscopes sometimes ask themselves the following question: “What is the best zodiac sign?” It is impossible to give a definite answer, since individual parameters need to be taken into account - strength, beauty, sexuality, spirituality, wisdom. Some are good at communication, others at creativity or raising children. It all depends on what qualities are most desirable for you. Astrology gives a lot interesting information O different areas, where each of the signs manifests itself with the best side. So, let's look at the list of the very best.

Best compatibility of zodiac signs in bed

Fire, Earth, Air and Water are the 4 elements, the most important factor of compatibility (including sexual), which contributes to strong relationships. Therefore, although the pleasure of intimacy can be obtained with any partner, when considering a relationship on a long-term basis, it is better to choose a companion from the same group as your sign. So, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius harmonize well with each other, and intimate relationships between them are full of passion and fire. Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are voluptuous and restrained, able to control their desires. The best zodiac sign for Libra is Aquarius and Gemini. Air types are attracted to partners who are capable of experimentation and have high intelligence. These qualities support their sexual interest. And the band water representatives— Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio are extremely passionate, and as lovers they are simply inseparable. They strive to find in a partner not only sexual, but also moral satisfaction.

The most jealous zodiac sign

From an astrological point of view, Scorpio is considered the most jealous. By nature he is suspicious, and if his partner gives him a reason for jealousy, even the smallest one, then all the anger, indignation and intransigence of the partner falls on him. Taurus is in second place. This is the best zodiac sign for family relations, but a terrible owner. Along with them, representatives of the entire fire element also have the status of the most furious jealous people. Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are leaders by nature who are not going to share the championship with anyone else. But they are jealous as leaders, and not as owners. Pisces and Aquarius can be considered the calmest in this regard. These signs have the tendency to change themselves if they suddenly suspect their partner of cheating. They strive in every possible way to match their life partner, or in response they try to arouse his jealousy.

Which zodiac sign is best in family relationships?

Cancer is considered the most homely and family sign. For him, these values ​​always come first. He is caring, patient and responsible. For him, the main thing in life is a strong family, comfortable relationship, full of understanding, children and home comfort. According to astrologers, Taurus are also ideal husbands and wives. They are monogamous and take everything related to household responsibilities seriously. If they get married, then once and for all. Perhaps their only drawback is their stinginess in expressing their feelings. It may seem to partners that Taurus does not love them at all, but this is not so.

Best female zodiac sign

From the perspective of family relationships and home improvement, Virgo takes first place, followed by Taurus. Not a single zodiac sign can boast of innate economic qualities and the ability to arrange things so skillfully. A Capricorn woman, according to many astrologers, can also join this list. If we consider the signs from the point of view of external attractiveness, then primacy should be given to Pisces, Libra and Leo. According to many astrologers, often beautiful people, this applies equally to both men and women born under the constellation Sagittarius. They are well built and pay a lot of attention to self-care. Although, by and large, a woman who takes care of herself is always attractive, it doesn’t matter what sign she was born under.

The most successful zodiac sign

Astrologers note that absolutely everyone can achieve success in life. But some mean by this position in society, status, others - material stability, and still others - the opportunity to do their own business. The best zodiac sign for accumulating money is Cancer, followed by Taurus. Both are attached to what they have, are in no hurry to spend money, and carefully plan expenses, this especially applies to men. In third place is Capricorn. However, unlike the first two, he strives not so much to accumulate as to realize his ambitions, of which he has a lot. Important for him career, development. These people more often than others strive to occupy leadership positions. Dev is worth mentioning in this category. They are very hardworking and work well under someone's leadership. They enjoy the process of work itself.

The most picky sign

People born under the sign of Scorpio can be simply unbearable. Not only are they selfish and can easily offend a person, they are also vindictive. Another zodiac sign is Capricorn (woman or man, it doesn’t matter) - very cold, harsh and indifferent. He does not show feelings and can simply destroy if someone crosses his path. In third place are Gemini. These people are incredibly smart and cunning. They are rarely able to admit their mistakes. Some astrologers also consider Aquarius difficult to communicate with, since they tend to commit rash actions, do not think about others, and like to go out for a walk and live for their own sake.

The most secretive sign

The most complex sign Psychologically, Capricorn is considered. He is stingy with his feelings, even after living next to him for many years, it is impossible to guess his true feelings, to understand what is in his head. To some extent, this also applies to the constellation Pisces. Tiger woman (if considered by eastern calendar) is a person with double bottom. All their emotions are inside. Although they are very artistic and sensitive, they are excellent family people. But an unstable emotional background, a tendency to passion, and internal tension make relationships with them very difficult. The partner will have to try to maintain the alliance with them.

Another emotionally closed sign is Scorpio. Cancers are also quite secretive; they are difficult to understand. They can be vulnerable and sensitive, harsh and cold. These symbols are powerful internal forces, moving below the surface. And it is difficult to penetrate under it, since people of this sign erect barricades and hide in their shell. As mentioned, Pisces are no less closed. The female tiger, and many other representatives of this sign, are endowed with a changeable, lethargic and very closed character.

The most harmonious sign

Libra takes first place here. This is a balanced, diplomatic and open sign. All yours best qualities these people manifest themselves in communication and personal relationships. They strive for balance and harmony in everything. They feel serene in a calm, comfortable environment. The Libra-Ox combination is worth mentioning separately. In Chinese astrology, the Ox symbolizes willpower and determination. Libras born this year are charming, subtle and sensual. These are the calmest, most balanced individuals from the entire zodiac circle. They are attractive because of their fairness, sincerity and balance in everything. For a man of this sign, it is important to be in agreement with everyone, to decide conflict situations in a peaceful way. Also, the Libra (Ox) man takes marriage very seriously and tries to build a good relationship with the family of his chosen one. Overall this is a great combination of year and sign, the personality traits of Ox and Libra complement each other perfectly.

The most spiritual sign

Surprisingly, here three completely different signs: Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Every person strives to develop spiritually. From the natal horoscope chart you can see how much attention he pays to this aspect of life. Some may have developed intuition, others believe in “subtle worlds.” However, from the position of spiritual strength, it is the three listed signs that are dominant. This is explained by the fact that they can move forward, no matter what, focusing on their inner feelings, and not on external factors.

The most sensitive sign

Of the entire horoscope, Cancers are considered the most sensitive, followed by Scorpios. From a deeper point of view, the Rat-Cancer is an even more sentimental and emotional sign. This combination produces very receptive individuals who need to be very careful in life so as not to take the wrong person under their wing. They easily read the experiences and suffering of others. These are people with the finest nervous system, who absolutely cannot stand rude relationships. They need a reliable and understanding life partner more than others.

Using an astrological characteristic, everyone will be able to determine for themselves the main shortcomings and advantages of a person. Do not forget that personality is determined by many other qualities, so you do not need to focus only on stellar indicators.

Much has been said about the typical characteristics of zodiac signs.

But it's time to talk about real statistics. To demonstrate criminal tendencies, the FBI shared the birth dates of serial killers.

According to their research, some zodiac signs are more prone to certain types crimes.

So, which zodiac signs are most likely to commit crimes?

Let us recall that all zodiac signs can be divided into four elements:

Air – Aquarius, Gemini and Libra

Water – Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio

Fire – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Earth – Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Of all the fire signs, Sagittarians are the most criminal and the most difficult to arrest. Aries are usually armed to the teeth, but Leos are very dangerous.

When we're talking about About air signs, most crimes are committed by Libras, and they are usually well armed and dangerous. On the other hand, Geminis are most often caught cheating, and Aquarians most often commit crimes out of revenge.

Of the earth signs, Taurus is the most temperamental and risky. Virgos are usually armed, and Capricorns are the most versatile criminals.

Surprisingly, among the water signs the most big number The criminals among all the zodiac signs have been found among Cancers, and they are very cruel. Pisces and Scorpios have an uncontrollable temperament.

12. Gemini

Even though you hear a lot of bad things about Geminis, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac! Among Geminis, it is rare to find those whose hands were covered in blood, since they do not take others so seriously as to injure or kill them. The greatest harm they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego that is difficult to crush. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. This may be because they are smart enough to avoid getting caught, or they don't leave evidence behind after a crime.

10. Leo

Lions are actually big cats and they try to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if Leo commits murder, he does it only to attract attention.

9. Libra

Libras are considered kind, fair and patient. However, there were more cases of murder among Libra than among Aquarius and Leo. Libras tend to become cruel if you try to abuse their good intentions.

8. Virgo

Among Virgos, there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.

7. Pisces

If you thought Pisces were cute, you are sorely mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers there are many Pisces. Given their penchant for addiction, Pisces often commit extraordinary murders.

6. Capricorn

Among all the zodiac signs, Capricorns are the average serial killers who kill the most people. Although they respect rules and laws, when they are angry they bring out the worst. They don't kill often, but once they start doing so, they are difficult to stop.

5. Aries

People born under the sign of Aries are known for their uncontrollable nature. They can get angry easily, but usually cool down quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, but they will soon forget what made them angry.

4. Taurus

Taurus's anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is also more prone to cheating than murder.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is in third position on the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs. They do not target petty crimes, but something larger, such as mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They commit thefts more often, but are very difficult to catch.

2. Scorpio

People of this sign are real psychopaths. They can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpios often become professional spies and mercenaries. Most serial killers are born in November.

1. Cancer

Tops the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs Cancer. For the most part, people of this sign kill others out of jealousy, envy or emotional instability. They kill with special passion and leave decals on the victim's body

The most insidious Sign Zodiac sign is Scorpio. This is the 13th sign of the zodiac, corresponds to the constellation Ophiuchus, few people know about it and not everyone recognizes it. Let's take a look at the most jealous sign of the zodiac.

Accordingly, those conceived in November, December, January, February and March were born in July, August, September, October and November, which means under the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. There were the most of these signs, therefore, the rest were considered rare signs of the zodiac. The role and functions of the 13th sign are not completely clear. What is the element of Ophiuchus, and why does the Sun in November, leaving the sign of Scorpio, find itself in the power of a constellation that is not classified?

In the sky, this constellation is located almost in the middle between Sagittarius and Scorpio. The active phase of the sign is the period from November 27 to December 17 inclusive. It is believed that all Ophiuchus are people who came into life with a unique mission. Ophiuchus, like no other zodiac sign, is prone to dramatic changes in life. And if to achieve his goal he has to climb Olympus, he will do it.

People born under an “unofficial” sign are real magnets: they attract others to them, literally hypnotizing them with their openness and goodwill. I believe that the rarest sign (excluding Ophiuchus) is people born in November and December. People born under this sign are conceived in February-March, when there is traditional vitamin deficiency, and as a rule, conceptions are not planned. That is, the signs from February are Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus.

Of course, the zodiac signs start with number 1 and don’t end with number 31, but it still turns out to be about the same. The least, and accordingly the rarest, sign of the zodiac is “Aquarius”, then comes “Sagittarius” and the third place in the least number is taken by “Taurus”.

As for the so-called “thirteenth” sign of the zodiac, “Ophiuchus,” it is rather the most little-known astrological sign (if one can seriously say such a thing about it) than the least numerous. After all, the number and month under which we were born will subsequently influence your character and your destiny from birth. However, it often happens that we want to know much more about another person than we actually know about him and what we do is look at the horoscope.

However, each sign expresses sexuality in completely different ways. Scorpio is very serious in relationships and if he loves someone, he takes it very seriously. Sagittarius people need not just the sexual act itself, but also the conversation after it. They love to talk, and are also extremely indecisive. If we talk about character traits and zodiac signs, then the owner of the most jealous title is Taurus.

Men born under this sign are sometimes simply unbearable. For them, the most important thing is family, and they turn a blind eye to others. The most dangerous thing is that in appearance Scorpios are calm as mice, but passion is boiling in their souls. The sign is sharply emotional and cold. This sign is very cunning and does not admit his mistakes, thereby stubbornly proving that he is right, while knowing that he is wrong. It is interesting to note that 10 years ago, Aquarians were considered the most harmful.

All Zodiac Signs are different from each other. There is no doubt about it. Astrologers believe that the most powerful Zodiac sign is Pisces. This is quite strange, because the representatives of this constellation are very impressionable and sentimental. The most sexy sign The zodiac sign is considered to be Aries. Representatives of this constellation are energetic, attractive, passionate and active. They act using the most sophisticated methods; it is difficult to catch or suspect them of anything.

People of this constellation are naturally very harmoniously built in appearance, which gives them every right be called the most attractive. The kindest sign of the Zodiac is Taurus. He does not like to conflict, he is always soft and tactful in communication, which, of course, in itself is a sign of his goodwill.

The most selfish Zodiac Sign is Leo. Despite their generosity and friendliness, representatives of this constellation do almost everything to please their desires. Libra is considered the most sociable sign of the Zodiac. Don’t put your finger in their mouth - just let them chat for an hour or two.

Thanks to their luck, they can rightfully be called the most happy sign Zodiac. If you want to determine which is the best zodiac sign, you can use a variety of signs to do this. We would like to present to your attention a pyramid of the 12 most beautiful signs of the zodiac. I think the rarest sign is Ophiuchus. Astrologers decided to make a rating of the very best Zodiac Signs and see which of them succeeds in what.

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