The most beautiful Aryan women (18 photos). Physical characteristics of the Nordic race according to Hans F.K.

The question of the nation and the so-called “purity of blood” concerns everyone differently. There are people who had representatives in their family different nationalities, and they are not at all worried about this and are proud of their ancestors. And there are those who do not accept representatives of other races and despise them. They get married only after making sure of the pedigree of their future half, and, noticing even the slightest nuances in it, they immediately break off any relationship.

Fact or Fiction

Many people still argue about who the Aryans are. Translated, "Aryan" means "respected", "worthy", "noble". However, this term is not scientific. It was put forward by nationalists with the aim of dividing people living at that time into worthy and unworthy. The first included representatives of European nationalities, primarily belonging to the so-called Norman type. Traditionally, this is what people from Northern Europe who have a strong build, blond hair and blue eyes. The representatives of those who, according to the nationalists, were unworthy of life, were primarily considered to be Jews.

Hitler's theory

Surely everyone knows that Hitler’s dream was not only to conquer the whole world, but also to create an ideal race, according to his theory, of fair-haired and blue-eyed people. To understand who Hitler’s Aryans are, just read his quote:

“The entire human culture, all the achievements of art, science and technology, which we are witnessing today, are the fruits of the creativity of the Aryans... He [the Aryan] is the Prometheus of humanity, from whose bright brow sparks of genius have flown at all times, kindling the fire of knowledge, illuminating the darkness of the dark ignorance, which allowed man to rise above other creatures of the Earth."

Given his character and pathological determination in achieving the goals he set himself, Hitler made demands not only on the external data of ideal people. Defining who the Aryans were, he also took into account character traits, lifestyle, principles and even characteristics of sexual development and maturation. The requirements were very strict, but the desire for a fictitious ideal was so high that those who did not meet the slightest requirement were expelled from the caste of the chosen in disgrace and could even be physically destroyed. Arguing on the topic of who the Aryans were, Hitler acted harshly: compassion was alien to him, and with equal success (if one can put it that way, of course), both children and adults were destroyed on his orders.

Making a portrait of an Aryan

To imagine who the Aryans are and what they look like, you can familiarize yourself with the supposed criteria that were applied to the appearance, character type and characteristics of the physical and sexual development of this category of people.

So, a real purebred Aryan is distinguished by:

  • very light, almost snow-white skin;
  • light, preferably blue eyes;
  • smooth and thin hair of light shades;
  • height of at least 180 cm (women may be shorter);
  • weight proportional to height;
  • refined facial features, long thin fingers;
  • lack of hair on the back, legs, other manifestations on the face and genital area are mild;
  • high forehead and regular shaped skull;
  • absence of brow ridges;
  • the presence of a sign of a metopic suture on the forehead;
  • evenly set eyes;
  • straight and healthy teeth;
  • late puberty and late aging;
  • pleasant sound of speech;
  • mandatory talents and (preferably) genius;
  • lack of desire for physical and monotonous work;
  • equilibrium;
  • independence from alcohol and drugs;
  • lack of susceptibility to hereditary diseases (in principle, a person should not get sick);
  • accuracy;
  • complete rejection of even the thought of an alien racial culture, religion, dislike of Jews;
  • selective and picky in sexual relations;
  • strong concepts about the value of family;
  • An Aryan woman is beautiful, slender, faithful to her husband, loves children, an excellent housewife, hates Jews.

Having studied these characteristics, you can imagine who the Aryans are and what they look like. A photo of everyone considered to be a worthy representative of the superior race will not give a complete impression, so all that remains is to fantasize.

Helpful information

If you believe the statistics, then most often when asked about who the Aryans are, associations arise precisely with the period of the nationalist movement during the Second World War, but such a nation actually existed and still exists. This question causes a lot of confusion in scientific world, because the race of Indo-Europeans, some of whom were called Aryans, really existed.

An artificially created nation or a nation with a historical foundation?

Most peoples of the world speak similar languages. This can only mean one thing: we all have common roots and origins. Even in ancient tribes, there was a division of people according to social status, and taking into account natural selection, which in conditions wildlife stood especially tough, only the strongest and most dexterous survived. Tribes consisting of such people conquered territories, later their leaders became rulers, etc. The Aryan tribe was unique.

Its representatives were something of a legend at the time. They were looked up to, imitated, respected and feared. It was precisely because of their historically inherent superiority that Hitler chose them as a model. He was based not only on appearance, although of course this fact cannot be denied. High cheekbones and smooth facial features are characteristic of most Germans, but similar differences in physique are also characteristic of many representatives Slavic peoples, with whom the Nazis waged a fierce struggle. But why should they fight if (based on external signs) they are connected with the Slavs by family ties? This dilemma is the reason why it is not possible to get a clear answer to the question of who the Aryans are.

Historical facts

A brief historical overview will help people who are interested in who the Aryans are and where they came from to understand. Tribes living in northern Europe are often called Indo-Europeans. This term is still used today, but has a broader meaning than in the last century. What the Aryans called themselves is still unknown to historians. These tribes occupied what was then fertile land and are often considered the founders of agriculture and animal husbandry.

It’s interesting, but if you believe the research, the Aryans originally lived on the territory of modern Russia, and not in Germany.

Around the second millennium BC, there was a large-scale settlement of representatives of this tribe throughout the territory globe. Of course, preference was given to areas suitable for agriculture, but the harsh conditions did not frighten them in principle.

As a result of mixing with other peoples, their appearance underwent significant changes, and it became impossible to determine their origin. Even modern indigenous Tajiks have two main types of appearance. One half is dark-skinned, dark-haired and dark-eyed people, and the other half has blond hair and blue eyes. But this does not mean that they are Aryans?

A nation of kings and rulers

Even without really knowing who the Aryans were and where they lived, the ancient kings and emperors recognized belonging to this race as prestigious and were sure to look for the opportunity to find representatives of this race among their ancestors.

Perhaps this is what gave rise to what we call nationalism and fascism. After all, the concept that all people are brothers exists only in church teachings, but practically never occurs in life.

By dividing people into those similar to God (and therefore worthy of worship) and those descended from monkeys (suitable only for providing services to a superior race), our ancestors, without knowing it, laid the foundations for the age-old confrontation between peoples. Some were ready to die to exterminate other races, while others defended their lands and rightly condemned the fascists for their beliefs.

Adolf Lanz theory

At the beginning of the 20th century, the views of the Catholic monk Adolf Lanz on the origin of human races on Earth were published. He believed that initially there were two tribes - the Aryans and the animal people. He called the former heroic, and the latter monkeys. The “super talented” Aryans had divine origins and even looked like angels. Demons on earth were symbolized by monkey people: they were incapable of anything except destruction and stupidity, lies and deception. These races hated each other and tried their best to destroy the opposing tribes. The monkeys began to act by mixing blood and seduced Aryan women, and the Aryans tried to exterminate everyone who posed even the slightest danger to dilute their divine blood.

IN currently due to the mixing of blood there are people on Earth, each of whom has an affiliation to a greater extent to one or the other type, therefore, is closer to either God or a demon. It is from this well-known theory that the Nazis start in their discussions about who the Aryans and Slavs are.

Let's sum it up

Who are the Aryans? Where did they come from and who are they? Most likely, this question will interest humanity for a very long time, but with complete confidence we can only say that Special attention to this category of people is caused by historical factors that have a serious impact on the development of world society.

I don’t even have a hobby, but rather a small hobby, I’m interested in the German armed forces during the Second World War. I am interested in the military formations of the Third Reich, their weapons, uniforms, awards, symbols and other paraphernalia, so since my youth I have been reading books about the war, memoirs of German soldiers and officers, I like to watch films and look at photographs. And today a still from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” caught my eye and I remembered a phrase from the characterization that in the film sounded like this: “... a true Aryan, a Nordic, self-possessed character.” And I began to wonder by what actual signs and parameters this is determined. Of course, I studied the origins of the Aryans at school, studied the ways of their settlement in lessons, and also more than once saw “true Aryans” in photographs of the war years, so the data of this type of appearance are of course in general outline I can imagine, but it was the German version that interested me, as it was interpreted then. I went on the Internet, found a description of the criteria and characteristics, even the dimensions, and also came across a test posted on one of the Internet resources, according to which anyone can test themselves whether they are a representative of that same Aryan race and whether they can write it down on their resume the above phrase from the famous film! :)))

In my opinion, the test is still mostly entertaining and is unlikely to correspond to reality in the sense that in fact, belonging to the so-called “superior” race was most likely determined more scientific methods, and not by counting any points, although the description of the characteristics themselves in the test is very close to what I saw during my searches, although with some abbreviations. So I ask you to treat this test with humor and not take it seriously! :)

Read the parameters and answer whether they match your data: YES or NO.

Signs of the Nordic race according to Hans F.K. Gunter

1) Figure:
People of the Nordic race are tall and slender. Average height adult men are 1.75-1.76 m, often reaching 1.90 m. Men of the Nordic race except tall They are distinguished by wide shoulders and narrow hips. Nordic women are also distinguished by their racial slenderness, despite their feminine body shapes. Here the effect of the so-called false thinness: Nordic women in clothes appear thin despite their developed female forms. The arm span of people of the Nordic race is equal to 94-97% of the body length.

2) Skull:
People of the Nordic race have a long skull and a narrow face. Long-headedness - combined with narrow-facedness, makes the head shape such that it can be enclosed in a rectangle. The convex back of the head is characteristic of the Nordic race. If a long-headed person is placed against a wall, the back of his head will touch it, but with a round-headed person there will be a gap between the back of his head and the wall. The features of a Nordic face in profile are clearly pronounced. The forehead is sloping back, the eyes are deep-set, the nose is more or less prominent. The jaws and teeth are located almost vertically. The chin protrudes especially sharply. The presence of three protruding parts gives the impression of aggressiveness. From the front, attention is drawn to a narrow forehead, slightly arched eyebrows, a narrow bridge of the nose, and a narrow, angular chin. The head is narrowed at the temples, as if it were squeezed on both sides in a vice. A very important facial feature is the cheekbones. Among the Nordic race they are not very noticeable, because they are turned to the side and located almost vertically. A purely Nordic feature - large and long upper front incisors.

3) Leather:
Only the Nordic race can be called “white” in the proper sense of the word. Only the skin of the Nordic race is resistant to sun rays: It turns very red, like a burn, but after a few days the redness disappears. The nipples of men and women of the Nordic race are pink, while those of other European races are brown. Only the Nordic race has truly red lips. The skin of the Nordic race is especially delicate and thin.

4) Hair:
People of the Nordic race have good hair growth on their heads, men have a beard, but their body hair is weaker. The hair color of the Nordic race is light, with variations from blonde to dark brown.

5) Eye color:
Blue or grey. Nordic people often change eye color depending on the lighting and mood. When the light falls from the front, the eyes appear blue, and when the light comes from the side, they appear gray. Their color is somewhere between blue and gray

6) Character traits:
The main mental qualities of the Nordic race are the ability to evaluate, truthfulness and energy. Associated with the first of these are a sense of justice, a tendency toward isolation, distrust of eloquence and the spirit of the masses, suspicion, a sense of reality, distrust of strangers and loyalty to those considered worthy of trust. Intransigence towards malicious enemies is also connected with this. He shows sexual aspirations more restrained and selectively than people of other races. The Nordic person tends to hide his assessment behind reserved behavior and polite coldness and would rather show his mind than his soul. For the Nordic person, freedom is also liberation from the power of one's own moods. There is a strong desire for cleanliness, both in the house and for spiritual purity. Another quality of a Nordic person is cleanliness. In the entire Nordic race, as in individual Nordic people, contemplative peace, sensitive warmth are as possible as thirst for action, cold calculation, mocking contempt and implacable cruelty. A truly Nordic trait - love for physical exercise. Nordic people love to work outdoors.

For each item, if the answer is “YES”, the corresponding point is given, and if the answer is “NO” - “0” points.
point 1: yes-2 points
point 2: yes-3 points
point 3: yes-2 points
point 4: yes-3 points
point 5: yes-3 points
point 6: yes-1 point

11 points and above - congratulations (or sympathize) you are a true Aryan
8-10 points – you have 70% Aryan blood
5-7 you are a half-breed
up to 5 and you are not Aryan at all

P.S. I got 11 points... it seems like I didn’t shortchange myself! :)))

In this book, Blavatsky talked about the theory that she was able to derive thanks to numerous seances and numerous experiences with otherworldly forces. Her theory was about the Aryans. Who are the Aryans?? - mystically illuminated people who once inhabited our Earth and belong to the master race.

She believed that the Germans descended from the ancient Aryans, and the first place where the Aryans appeared was Atlantis or the island of Thule (the name of this island later became the name of the secret society “Thule”). After the destruction of Atlantis, the Aryans moved to the foothills of the Himalayas and Tibet.

According to Helena Blavatsky, the Aryans were God's chosen people, whose calling was to rule all living on Earth. Hitler immediately liked this theory. He realized that this was exactly what he had been looking for for so long. Thanks to this legend, he will be able to raise the morale of those broken in the First World War German people. After all, it is they, the Germans, who must rule all other peoples, and they have been endowed with this right since ancient times.

Was only the book the progenitor of the future ideology of the National Socialist Party, or did something else influence the creation of the foundation of the nationalist ideas of Adolf Hitler?

Hitler was a Freemason

Few people know that back in 1919, Hitler joined one of the Masonic lodges. At that time, he really needed a strong shoulder and support, both financial and spiritual. powerful of the world this. Subsequently he will get rid of his former comrades, Masons - by dissolving all their lodges in every country where his army visits.

No, he did not organize total persecution of the members of the lodges, but in no case could they be allowed to gather in societies, especially those who love the sacraments and strive for power. After all, competitors have no right to exist.

Yet, long before the National Socialists gained power, Hitler considered the Freemasons his brothers and they shared his opinion. It was in the box that Hitler first heard old legend about the secret history of the Earth, which he would later take as the basis of his ideological beliefs, thanks to which he would rise to the pinnacle of power in Germany.

Legend arive

The legend says. Once upon a time there were two races on earth. Some had dark color skin, and were endowed with extraordinary power. They had a highly developed culture and science. All their cities were predominantly located in the south. In the north lived people of the “white race”. Their development in comparison with the “black race” was not great, so they were obliged to submit to the “black masters”. But one day everything changed. Among the white people, a brave and wise Aryan Ram appeared, who no longer wanted to obey the “black masters.” He was able to convince members of his race to rebel in the northern lands. This happened about eight thousand years before the birth of Christ.

Who are the Aryans?? The people of the “white race” under the leadership of Ram were able to defeat the “black masters” and overthrow them. This circumstance subsequently affected the representatives of the “black race” in that they were far behind white people in development. Ram managed to create an empire of extraordinary power that united many peoples of the world. But everything doesn't last forever.

After Ram's death, his heirs could not agree among themselves and on long years unleashed a bloody civil strife. As a result, small uprisings grew into riots, and then into civil war, started by Prince Irshu. Moreover, the struggle for power and the legacy of Ram had not only political significance, but also determined the future paths of development of all mankind.

In this struggle, the Aryans suffered defeats, and all subsequent revolutions, socialist utopian teachings and people’s loss of spirituality are a consequence of this.

After these events, one more legend remained. It’s as if somewhere in Asia, high in the mountains, on the border of Afghanistan, Tibet and India, there is the country of Agarti-Shambhala, which is inhabited by sages-mediums who managed to survive after the Irshu uprising, hidden in inaccessible caves secret laboratories, libraries, warehouses storing all the scientific experience of many ancient civilizations. Whoever can come to an agreement with the inhabitants of Shambhala and take possession of the key to secret knowledge will take over the world and reveal all the secrets of the Universe!

Hitler in search of Shambhala

Having heard this legend and read Blavatsky’s book, Hitler becomes simply obsessed with the idea of ​​finding this secret knowledge. In his search, he relies on the locations indicated by Helena Blavatsky. The first place to look is the city of Aghadi, located underground on the site of former Babylonia, and the second is the legendary Shambhala, where there is a key to all the secrets of the Universe.

After Adolf Hitler officially recreated his National Socialist Party in August of that year, Heinrich Himmler, whom Hitler had already known since the Beer Hall Putsch, joined it in 1925. It was Himmler who carried the “battle flag of the Reich” in 1923. As soon as the devoted Heinrich Himmler became a party member, Hitler immediately appointed him Gauleiter of Bavaria. After some time, Adolf tells Heinrich ancient legend and asks a friend to help in the search for valuable knowledge.

In 1926, first in Munich and then in Berlin, quite numerous colonies of Tibetans and Hindus began to appear, with whom SS specialists worked, trying to obtain at least some information about Shambhala and the black Bonpo faith.

Middle and Middle East were also not forgotten. “Archaeological” expeditions are sent there, consisting of Nazi-sympathizing scientists and SS officers, who are trying with all their might to find the underground city of Aghadi.

Heinrich Himmler tries his best to complete the task entrusted to him by Hitler to search for ancient knowledge and the origins of the Aryans as quickly and as best as possible. In other matters, his efforts were soon appreciated. On January 6, 1929, Heinrich Himmler was appointed Reichsführer of the SS. Thus, Hitler not only thanked Himmler for his efforts, but also gained true friend and "right hand".

Since the beginning of 1931, Himmler has been creating his own independent secret service called the SD. At the beginning of the same 30s, Himmler begins to show interest in the retired sailor Reinhard Heydrich.

A well-educated, musically gifted, fair-haired, athletic young man, he recreated, in Himmler’s opinion, the image true Aryan. But this was not the only thing that interested the Reichsführer SS in Heydrich.

First of all, Himmler drew attention to his education and deep knowledge of culture: not every Nazi functionary or SS officer could boast of this. And Reinhard was born and raised in the family of the director of a conservatory, where the cult of culture reigned.

Reinhard played the violin so masterfully that he could easily do musical career, but he chose the path of a naval officer, but could not stay there for long because of his weakness for women. He had to leave the fleet after the officer's honor trial because of the scandalous love story with the daughter of one of the senior officers.

Project "Heritage of Ancestors"

As a result, Heydrich was invited to Himmler’s office where he was offered to head the secret service of the SD, the goal of which was new program in search of ancient knowledge called “Heritage of Ancestors”.

Himmler believed that only Reinhard Heydrich, possessing enviable erudition and deep knowledge of world culture, would be able to move the deadlocked search forward. Reinhard gladly accepted the proposals of the Reichsführer SS and left the office.

Some time after the appointment of Reinhard Heydrich, a secret structure called the “Legacy of the Ancestors” was organized within the SS. The main task of this organization is to be in the culture, science, and history of the whole world, confirming the chosenness of God and the claims to world domination of the Aryan race in the person of the Germans.

This secret structure united under its roof more than fifty scientific institutes and closed laboratories of various profiles, where highly qualified specialists studied:

  • Symbolism
  • Runic writings
  • Applied linguistics
  • History of the Aryans
  • Knowledge of ancient peoples with translations from Sanskrit

All kinds of myths and legends of various tribes and peoples were carefully analyzed, ethnographic issues were discussed, anthropometric characteristics of various races were identified, etc.

In parallel with the research carried out in laboratories and institutes in Germany, searches are also being conducted in the East and Tibet, where expeditions are often sent, which include professional intelligence officers, saboteurs and venerable scientists.

Subsequently, the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition did not find a single report or report on a single expedition. What the Germans managed to find in the Near, Middle East and Tibet will remain a mystery forever.

Origin of the Aryan race

But some information was still preserved. Experts and the “Heritage of Ancestors” managed to find out where the Aryan race originated. According to them, these places should have been located somewhere in Central Asia in the Gobi Desert, in the Pamirs and Eastern Europe.

It is also known that the SS believed that the Gobi Desert was not always lifeless, but became so as a result of the use the most powerful weapon not yet known to people 30s of the last century. And according to their calculations, this happened about four thousand years ago.

Around the same time, the Aryan tribes after environmental disaster scattered in different directions around the world. The Nordic Aryans, led by Thor (who later became the main deity of the ancient Scandinavians and Germans), went to the northwest; where the rest went remains unknown.

It is not known how Himmler motivated the request when he informed Hitler in the late 30s that sacrifices were required, but Adolf immediately gave the go-ahead to this matter. A year later, the head of the SD, Reinhard Heydrich, also became the head of the system. concentration camps and, having created the first ghetto, he began to solve the problem of “sacrifices” to unknown “powers”.

Apparently the sacrifices were very much to the liking of the gods to whom Hitler brought them, because he won victories one after another, until his luck turned away from him in the winter of 1941 and he “stumbled” near Moscow.

Many scientists are still eager to find out what information the Heritage of Ancestors organization kept and are still striving to understand Who are the Aryans?? From time to time, various fragmentary data about the activities of this powerful organization emerge here and there, for example, here is one of them.

There is evidence that “The Heritage of Ancestors” managed to understand what the energy information system and the unified energy information field of the Earth are, in which the Tibetans believe so much. Maybe it is for this reason that the Allied troops counted thousands of corpses of Tibetans dressed in Waffen-SS uniforms without identification marks, so fiercely defending Berlin, to the last bullet, to last straw blood.

Whether this is true or not and what the Tibetans did in the service of the Nazis will remain a mystery of history. Who are the Aryans?? This is also unknown until the end.

All members of the expedition died under strange circumstances

Luck turned away not only from Hitler in his conquests, but also from his entourage.

For example, the fate of Reinhard Heydrich was very prosaic. He had long been under the surveillance of British intelligence. On May 27, 1942, Deputy Reich Protector Heydrich, in an open Mercedes, was returning through the narrow streets of Prague from his country house to his residence, on sharp turn Two men dressed in overalls jumped up to his car. One opened fire on the driver, and the second threw a grenade under the car. As a result of the explosion, Reinhard Heydrich was seriously wounded by shrapnel in the chest and stomach and died suddenly on June 4 of the same year.

Now it is difficult to say who organized the assassination attempt - the British or Hitler himself. Indeed, on the eve of the incident, one of the expeditions sent to Tibet returned safely and brought valuable information, which Reinhard Heydrich first became acquainted with. According to a number of sources, all members of that expedition died under strange circumstances, and the materials they delivered disappeared without a trace...

According to the German racial theory, carriers of Aryan blood had a biological superiority over other nations. The standard Aryan is different from others in almost everything: height, skin color, hair and eyes, and even body proportions.

Racial ladder

Racial theory is the cornerstone of the foundation of the Third Reich; it actually distinguishes German National Socialism from Italian fascism. For the Nazis, it was fundamental to divide races into “superior” ones, capable of self-organization and progress, and “lower” ones, incapable of anything.

At the top of the hierarchical ladder, according to the German racial doctrine, was the Nordic race (Germans and Scandinavians), followed by the East Baltic, Adriatic and Roman races. It is interesting that the Germans considered the French “degenerate, negroidized, spoiled,” and, as a result, inferior.

Even lower on the racial ladder were mestizos (a cross between white and colored peoples); in the basement itself there was a place for representatives of the “black” (Negroid) and “yellow” (Mongoloid) races. The Nazis disparagingly called the latter, as well as the Slavs, Jews and Gypsies, “untermensch” (“subhumans”).

In July 1941, Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, speaking to the SS, described the European conflict as “a war of ideologies and a struggle of races.” “On one side stands National Socialism: an ideology based on the values ​​of our Germanic, Nordic blood. On the other side stands a people of 180 million, a mixture of races and peoples, whose names are unpronounceable and whose physical essence is such that the only thing that can be done with them is to shoot them without any pity or mercy,” Himmler proclaimed.

"True Aryan"

The Germans often replaced the concepts of the Nordic and Aryan races, although they have differences. The Third Reich borrowed the term “Nordic race” from the book of the French writer Joseph Gobineau “Essay on the Inequality of Human Races” (1855), where the author characterized the Nordic subtype of the white race as fair-haired and blue-eyed people. There, Gobineau argued that it was the “Nordic race” that was the highest stage of human development.

The term "Aryan" was originally used to designate peoples speaking languages ​​of the Indo-Iranian group, and comes from the self-name of the historical peoples of Ancient Iran and Ancient India. This word can be translated into Russian as “respected”, “worthy”, “noble”. The concept of “Aryan” was taken out of its traditional context by German ideologists and used exclusively for the purpose of promoting racial inequality.

The theory of the common Aryan origin of Germans and Iranians is a product of the work of Reich ideologists, primarily Alfred Rosenberg, who on this basis created a coherent picture of history from ancient times to the present: from Aryan India and Persia through Doric Hellas and Italic Rome to “ German Europe." Since 1933, racial theory has become a compulsory subject in schools and universities in Germany.

By a special decree, Iranians were even exempted from “racial” laws. In 1934, in order to emphasize the role of Persia as the ancestral home of the Aryan race, it was officially renamed Iran with the assistance of German diplomacy.

German architects also had a hand in popularizing the myth of the Aryan roots of the German race by designing the National Bank building in Tehran in a neo-Persian style. And the racial administration of the SS seriously considered marriages of German girls with prominent representatives of the military-political and economic elite of Iran in order to “refresh” the blood of the Iranian leadership.

Racial standard

The anthropological, biological aspect is the defining and most obvious one in Nazi racial theory. To express it, the Germans relied on fertile methodological material. In particular, on the works of the Austrian Catholic monk and publicist Adolf Lanz, who divided humanity into two tribes - Aryans and animal people. According to Lanz, the Aryans embodied angels, and the ape-men symbolized demons.

There was a place in the ideology of the Reich and the views of the American Egyptologists Gliddon and Nott, who in the book “Types of Humanity” argued that blacks are closer to monkeys than to others human races, as well as the judgments of the Italian physician Cesare Lombroso, who argued that the skulls of degenerate individuals differ from the skulls of higher beings.

Fascinated by such ideas, Nazi propaganda develops its own racial standard. The media said that true representatives of the Aryan race should have a special skull: with an elongated, convex back of the head, an oblong face, a small forehead, a narrow nose and a slightly angular chin. In the area of ​​the temples, the skull should be narrowed, and the cheekbones should be positioned almost vertically.

As an anthropological and biological sample of a “true Aryan”, a native blue-eyed resident of the northern regions of Germany was taken, who is distinguished by his tall height (women are at least 170, men at least 175 cm), light, almost snow-white skin, thick hair, the color of which varies from absolutely white to golden. It was believed that in those parts of the body where veins appear, the skin has a slightly bluish tint, and should not be harmed by solar radiation.

Aryan men have narrow hips and broad shoulders, female figure“long” parameters predominate, in addition, she should have a narrow neck, arms and refined facial features. U ideal men and women, the arm span should be 94-97% of the body length.

In addition, an Aryan’s weight should be proportional to his height, and his lower back should be approximately 52-53% of his height. total length bodies. The back and legs should be devoid of hair; on other parts of the body, except for the head, their manifestations should be weakly expressed. And also - symmetrically set eyes, straight and healthy teeth, lack of susceptibility to hereditary diseases, late puberty and late aging.

New generation

An integral part of Nazi racial theory was eugenics, popularized in Germany under the name racial hygiene. According to this theory, strict rules of reproduction should lead to the improvement of the Germanic race and stop the growth of the lower representatives of the human race, which multiplied much more quickly.

This is how the “Lebensborn” (“source of life”) program appeared in the Third Reich, which was personally led by Heinrich Himmler. The main objective of this program was the preparation of racially pure mothers, as well as the birth and upbringing of healthy children - the future pride of the Aryan nation. Only representatives of elite German units acted as fathers.

The requirements for the parents of the renewed race were strict: impeccable health, no criminal record and purity of blood. Women selected to participate in the program to improve the gene pool were placed in orphanages - “Himmler's baby factories”, where they gave birth and raised children in comfortable conditions. If the children born had hair that was not light enough, they were irradiated with ultraviolet light until the desired shade was obtained.

Soon, Nazi ideologists decided not to limit themselves to mothers from Germany and turned their attention to Norwegian women: blond-haired and blue-eyed Scandinavian women were the best suited for the “production” of purebred Aryans. There is information that Slavic women were also selected for the role of “Aryan mothers”.

Over the entire period of existence of the Lebensborn program, about 8 thousand children were born in Germany, in Norway even more - about 12 thousand. In 1938, Himmler considered that the reproduction of superchildren was going too slowly. A new proposal was made to select
pregnant women with suitable appearance. In exchange for a monetary reward, they were offered to give the babies to the state.

After the end of the war, the women who participated in the Lebensborn program had a hard time. In Germany and Norway they became real outcasts: they were humiliated, beaten, and forced to do the dirtiest work. Norway tried to get rid of children born under German program, sending them to Germany. But there she disowned them. Sweden accepted several hundred “Norwegian” Aryans, among them the future ABBA soloist Anni-Frid Lyngstad, whose father was an SS sergeant.


Aryans are...

the name of the peoples belonging to the Indo-European community. According to surviving legends Aryans were immigrants from the stars of Ursa Major. They founded a state on the continent of Arctida (Hyperborea) with the capital of Thule. Part Aryans moved to the north of the European continent even before the death of Arctida. Then, during the next wave of the great migration of peoples Aryans captured the Mediterranean, rushed through the Middle East to Central Asia and stopped in the north of the Indian continent. One of the streams of the great migration from Central Asia headed through Eastern Europe to northwestern Europe, which led to the formation of European states. Some anthropologists believe that with their development human civilization owes to the Aryan (Nordic) race.

Despite the fact that the concept of Aryan initially implied belonging to the Nordic northern race, whose descendants live in Europe, the peoples of Central Asia, the Caucasus and China persistently claim Aryan origin. Accordingly, the parameters of a true Aryan are very different for each of the applicants. We will turn to the works of one of the founders of racial theory, the German anthropologist and eugenicist Hans F.K. Gunther.

signs of the Nordic race according to Hans F.K. Gunter

1)Figure: People of the Nordic race are tall and slender. The average height of adult men is 1.75-1.76 m, often reaching 1.90 m. Men of the Nordic race, in addition to being tall, are distinguished by wide shoulders and narrow hips. Nordic women are also distinguished by their racial slenderness, despite their feminine body shapes. Here the effect of the so-called false thinness: Nordic women in clothing appear thin despite their developed female forms. The arm span of people of the Nordic race is equal to 94-97% of the body length.

2)Skull: People of the Nordic race have a long skull and a narrow face. Long-headedness - combined with narrow-facedness, makes the head shape such that it can be enclosed in a rectangle. The convex back of the head is characteristic of the Nordic race. If a long-headed person is placed against a wall, the back of his head will touch it, but with a round-headed person there will be a gap between the back of his head and the wall. The features of a Nordic face in profile are clearly pronounced. The forehead is sloping back, the eyes are deep-set, the nose is more or less prominent. The jaws and teeth are located almost vertically. The chin protrudes especially sharply. The presence of three protruding parts gives the impression of aggressiveness. From the front, attention is drawn to a narrow forehead, slightly arched eyebrows, a narrow bridge of the nose, and a narrow, angular chin. The head is narrowed at the temples, as if it were squeezed on both sides in a vice. A very important facial feature is the cheekbones. Among the Nordic race they are not very noticeable, because they are turned to the side and located almost vertically. A purely Nordic feature - large and long upper front incisors.

3) Leather:
Only the Nordic race can be called “white” in the proper sense of the word. Only the skin of the Nordic race is resistant to sunlight: it turns very red, as if burned, but after a few days the redness disappears. The nipples of men and women of the Nordic race are pink, while those of other European races are brown. Only the Nordic race has truly red lips. The skin of the Nordic race is especially delicate and thin.

4) Hair: People of the Nordic race have good hair growth on their heads, men have a beard, but their body hair is weaker. The hair color of the Nordic race is light, with variations from blonde to dark brown.

5) Eye color: Blue or gray. Nordic people often change eye color depending on the lighting and mood. When the light falls from the front, the eyes appear blue, and when the light comes from the side, they appear gray. Their color is somewhere between blue and gray

6) Character Traits: The main mental qualities of the Nordic race are the ability to evaluate, truthfulness and energy. Associated with the first of these are a sense of justice, a tendency toward isolation, distrust of eloquence and the spirit of the masses, suspicion, a sense of reality, distrust of strangers and loyalty to those considered worthy of trust. Intransigence towards malicious enemies is also connected with this. He shows sexual aspirations more restrained and selectively than people of other races. The Nordic person tends to hide his assessment behind reserved behavior and polite coldness and would rather show his mind than his soul. For the Nordic person, freedom is also liberation from the power of one's own moods. There is a strong desire for cleanliness, both in the house and for spiritual purity.
Another quality of a Nordic person is cleanliness. In the entire Nordic race, as in individual Nordic people, contemplative peace, sensitive warmth are as possible as thirst for action, cold calculation, mocking contempt and implacable cruelty. A truly Nordic trait is the love of physical exercise. Nordic people love to work outdoors.


1POINT - YES=2 NO=0 .2POINT-YES=3 NO=0. POINT 3 - YES=2 NO=0. 4 ITEM YES= 3 NO=0. POINT 5 - YES=3 NO=0. POINT 6 - YES=1 NO=0.

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