The most interesting facts about children and for children. Interesting facts for children Interesting articles for a 7 year old child

Children make life fun, unpredictable and sometimes even crazy, but incredibly happy. They captivate with their spontaneity, sincerity and trust in the world. But do adults know everything about the lives of children and older children? This article contains the most unusual and interesting facts about children.

Amazing facts about little ones

When a newborn appears in the house, he seems so fragile and defenseless... Incredibly, this impression is largely deceptive. Babies have unusual abilities that make them tougher than they seem. These interesting facts about very young children have been proven by scientists, but new parents should not check their “performance” at home.

However, you should not experiment with this feature: despite the strength of tiny palms, the baby can unclasp his fingers at any time.

Touching features of babies

Can't get enough of:

  • cute baby features;
  • their funny habits;
  • their first “aha” and laughter.

The birth of a child in a family is associated not only with hassle and lack of sleep; there are at least 3 charming reasons why people decide to become parents.

  • takes care of her baby;
  • touches his skin;
  • kisses the top of the head;
  • carries and rocks in his arms;
  • feeds him.

Children have superpowers

Some of the features are incredibly surprising. At first glance, it may even seem that only Hollywood superheroes have such capabilities. It’s amazing that in fact these interesting facts about children apply to every person up to a certain age.

  1. A young organism has the ability to regenerate. If, through negligence, a child has lost part of a finger (within the nail plate), there is a high probability that the damaged area will be restored without medical intervention.
  2. Early in life, a newborn's brain grows at a staggering rate of 1% every day.
  3. Babies can sleep without closing their eyelids, with their eyes open.
  4. While in the mother’s womb, the unborn baby can heal her damaged organs by sending stem cells unique in their properties to “help.”

Transformer children

Newborns have almost 100 more bones than adults. Gradually they connect, transform, and their number becomes smaller. Until this moment, the bones of babies are more flexible and springy, better adapted to shock. This explains why children often fall but rarely suffer serious fractures or injuries.

Another difference in the structure of the skeleton is the absence of kneecaps in newborns. Their formation can take up to 6 years of age.

Interesting facts about children from other countries

Cultural differences between countries concern not only food habits, philosophical views or accepted social norms. Approaches to educating the younger generation outside the borders of their native state have their own significant differences. Interesting facts about children from other countries make it possible to better understand the mentality of its inhabitants.

  1. In some eastern countries, age is usually considered not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception, i.e. newborns are born at 9 months old.
  2. In Japan, there is a ban on words that give an obvious negative assessment - bad, bad. For example, near the school parking lot there is a sign with a picture of bicycles parked level. And another one where they were carelessly thrown. On the first, the inscription reads: “This is how good children park their bicycles,” and on the second, “This is how good children don’t park their bicycles.”
  3. Women from Nigeria are recognized as real record holders for the birth of twins in the world: as a result of every 11 births, more than 1 baby is born. But in Japan this happens much less often - 4 cases per 1000 pregnancies.

However, there is something common that unites all countries. In almost all languages ​​of the world, “mom” and “dad” sound very similar, because these are the first sounds that a baby is able to pronounce.

It is a joy for every parent to collect interesting facts from the life of a child as a keepsake. It is popular among mothers to keep a special album where they can record their baby’s achievements:

  • the day the baby cut a tooth;
  • date of first steps and words;
  • weight and height by month, hand and foot size.

Children are the most inquisitive creatures on the planet. The average child aged 3-4 years asks 900 questions every day, and very soon he begins to be interested in himself. It will be useful for parents to keep in mind the most interesting facts from their lives for children. And when the child becomes an adult, such an album will forever retain pleasant memories.

Some parents tell their child: “You are the light of my life.” But did you know that if you were light, you would fly around the entire globe 7.5 times per second! If you became sound, you could fly around the Earth in 4 hours! If we lived on Jupiter, our day would consist of only 9 hours. It’s good that on Earth a day lasts 24 hours, because we have so much to do during the day! These are just a few fun scientific facts that may interest both an inquisitive child and an adult.

What is science?

Science is an organized and sequential study that includes observation, collection of scientific facts, experimentation, testing of results, and explanation of natural and man-made phenomena. This is an area that gives us the opportunity to better understand the world around us and create good things for the benefit of man and all living beings.

Ordinary scientific facts

Now that you know what we're talking about, here are some fun scientific facts:

  • If you stretch a human DNA chain, its length will be the distance from Pluto to the Sun and back.
  • When a person sneezes, the speed of the air they exhale is about 160 km/h.
  • A flea can jump to a height that is 130 times its own height. If the flea were a 1.80 m tall person, it could jump 230 m.
  • The electric eel produces an electrical current of 650 volts. Touching it is the most powerful shock a person can experience.
  • Light particles called photons take 40,000 years to travel from the Sun's core to its surface, but only 8 minutes to reach Earth.

Scientific facts about the Earth

Earth is our home. To take care of her, we need to know important information about her:

  • The age of the Earth is from 5 to 6 billion years. The Moon and the Sun are about the same age.
  • Our planet is composed mainly of iron, silicon and relatively small amounts of magnesium.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system with water on its surface, and its atmosphere is 21% oxygen.
  • The Earth's surface is made up of tectonic plates located on the mantle, a layer located between the Earth's core and the surface. This structure of the earth's surface explains earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
  • There are about 8.7 million species of living organisms living on Earth. Of these, 2.2 million species live in the ocean, and the rest live on land.
  • ¾ of the Earth's surface is covered with water. When astronauts first saw Earth from space, they saw mostly water. This is where the name “blue planet” comes from.

Environmental Facts

Why do the seasons change? What happens to garbage after we throw it away? What causes the weather to be hot or cool? Children learn this and much more in natural history lessons at school. Let's look at some facts that convince us of what a beautiful planet we live on.

  • Plastic completely decomposes in the ground in 450 years, and glass in 4,000 years.
  • Every day around the world, 27,000 trees are used to make toilet paper alone.
  • 97% of all water on Earth is salty and unsuitable for consumption. 2% of the water is in glaciers. Therefore, only 1% of water is suitable for consumption.
  • The meat processing industry is the biggest contributor to global warming. In second place among global problems is deforestation. About 68% of existing plant species are likely to become extinct in the near future.
  • The population of the Earth is more than 7 billion people. This figure is expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.
  • Unfortunately, 99% of existing species of living organisms, according to scientists, will become extinct.

Interesting facts about animals

The animal kingdom is beautiful and amazing. It contains tame otters, powerful eels, singing whales, giggling rats, oysters that change gender, and many other equally amazing representatives. Here are a few facts about animals that your child will undoubtedly enjoy:

  • Octopuses have three hearts. An even weirder fact: lobsters have a urinary tract on their face, while turtles breathe through their anus.
  • In seahorses, males give birth, not females.
  • The kakapo parrot has a strong, pungent odor that attracts predators. That is why kakapo are in danger of extinction.
  • A squirrel plants more trees than the average person in a lifetime. How can this be? The fact is that squirrels hide acorns and nuts underground, and then forget where exactly they hid them.
  • It is mainly lionesses who hunt among lions. Leos only intervene when necessary.

Interesting facts about plants

Plants green our planet, produce oxygen, and make the Earth habitable. Trees and plants are probably the most useful among the living inhabitants of the Earth. Here are some interesting facts about plants:

  • Like humans, plants recognize other plants of their own species.
  • In total, there are more than 80,000 edible plants on Earth. Of these, we eat about 30.
  • Humanity is rapidly destroying forests. About 80% of all forests have already been destroyed.
  • The oldest tree in the world (sequoia) is located in the USA, in the state of California. His age is 4,843 years.
  • The height of the tallest tree in the world is 113 m. It is also located in California.
  • The largest tree in the world is aspen, growing in the USA, in the state of Utah. Its weight is 6,000 tons.

Facts about space

The sun, stars, planets, the Milky Way, constellations and everything that is in the Universe is located in vacuum space. We call it space. Here are some interesting facts about him:

  • The Earth is tiny compared to the Sun, which is 300,000 times larger.
  • The entire space is absolutely silent, because sound does not travel in a vacuum.
  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The temperature on the surface of Venus is 450°C.
  • The force of gravity changes a person's weight on different planets. For example, the force of gravity on Mars is lower than on Earth, so an 80 kg person on Mars would weigh only 31 kg.
  • Since the Moon has neither atmosphere nor water, nothing can erase the traces of astronauts who set foot on its surface. Therefore, the traces will probably remain here for another hundred million years.
  • The temperature of the Sun's core, the closest star to Earth, is 15 million degrees Celsius.

Facts about famous scientists

For a long time, people thought that the Earth was flat, that the change of seasons depended on the mood of the gods, and that illness was caused by evil spirits. This continued until great scientists proved the opposite. Without them, we would still be living in ignorance.

  • Albert Einstein was a genius, but his talents were discovered quite late. After the scientist's death, his brain was the subject of numerous studies.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus disproved the theory that the Earth is the center of the Universe. He developed a model of the solar system with the Sun at the center.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only an artist. He was also an outstanding mathematician, scientist, writer and even musician.
  • Archimedes invented the law of fluid displacement while taking a bath. The funny thing is that, according to legend, he jumped out of the bathtub shouting “Eureka!” He was so excited that he forgot that he had no clothes on.
  • Marie Curie, the female chemist who discovered radium, was the first person in the world to win the Nobel Prize twice.

Scientific facts from the world of technology

Technology is the engine of progress. We are so dependent on technology in everyday life that it is even scary. Here are some interesting facts about the technical devices we come across every day:

  • The first computer game appeared in 1967. It was called “brown box” (translated from English as “brown box”) because that’s exactly what it looked like.
  • The world's first computer, ENIAC, weighed more than 27 tons and took up an entire room.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing.
  • Robotics is one of the most relevant scientific fields today. However, back in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci drew the world's first diagram of a robot.
  • “Camera Obscura” is a prototype of a camera that influenced the development of photography. It was used in Ancient Greece and China to project images onto a screen.
  • There is an interesting technology that uses plant waste to produce methane, which in turn can be used to generate electricity.

Scientific facts from the engineering industry

Engineering helps create beautiful things - from houses and cars to electronic gadgets.

  • The tallest bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct in France. It is located at an altitude of 245 m, supported by beams suspended on cables.
  • The Palm Islands in Dubai can be called a modern wonder of the world. These are man-made islands floating on the water.
  • The world's largest particle accelerator is located in Geneva. It was built to support the research of over 10,000 scientists and is located in an underground tunnel.
  • The Chandra Space Observatory is the world's largest X-ray telescope. It is also the largest satellite launched into space.
  • Today the most ambitious project in the world is the New Valley in Egypt. Engineers are trying to convert millions of hectares of desert into farmland. Imagine what would happen if we could green the Earth in the same way! Our planet would regain its pristine purity!

Science is a wonderful field of study that inspires many people. All you need is to get your child interested in it. And who knows, maybe your child will grow up to be the next Einstein.

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In Korea, the 9 months that a child is in the womb are counted as age. Therefore, according to documents, Korean children are always a year older than their peers from other countries, although purely physically there is no difference in age. We’ll talk about this and many other interesting facts about children in our article.

The father with many children is Sultan Ismail from Morocco. He has 340 daughters and 548 sons;

Interestingly, a newborn baby can distinguish between red and green, but he cannot see blue. But you will learn about other children's characteristics, everything about the care and health of the child, about childhood diseases and their treatment at;

According to statistics, children 3-4 years old ask 900 questions every day and pronounce more than 12 thousand words;

Parents sought to entertain their offspring many hundreds of years ago. During excavations on the territory of Ancient Persia, a children's toy was found; it is now kept in the Louvre and dates back to the 1st millennium BC.

Nigeria is a country of twins; for every 11 births, one case is certainly twins or twins. But in the Land of the Rising Sun this phenomenon is rare - twins are born only in one case out of 250 births;

Does anyone consider themselves a young grandmother? – in fact, the youngest grandmother in history is 23-year-old Romanian Rifka Stanescu. Her daughter ran away from home at the age of 11 and gave birth to a son;

· According to the registry offices of Russia, a catalog of the most unusual names has been compiled: these are Vanna, Trishka, Afigenia, Banana, Gryazina - for girls, as well as Yarobog, Bluetooth, Luchezar, Zhiromir, Darius - for boys;

· There are more and more cases when parents name their babies after cartoon or book characters - Harry Potter, Anakin Skywalker, Casper and others;

11-year-old Egyptian resident Mahmoud Weil is recognized as one of the smartest children in the world. He has a phenomenal intelligence, the child is able to divide and multiply nine-digit numbers at the speed of a computer. The child has two older sisters, but they do not have such characteristics;

· Scientists have concluded that the hand grip of a newborn baby is much stronger than that of a one-month-old baby;

· Denmark is a country where “home” births are very common, approximately 80% of women agree to them;

Scientists have confirmed that babies who actively crawled in childhood have an easier time learning than those who immediately started walking;

· In many languages ​​of the world, the words “dad” and “mom” sound very similar, and here the point is not in the semantics of the languages, but in the fact that babbling children pronounce very similar sounds first;

· We all know that June 1 is Children's Day, but in the Seychelles this holiday lasts a whole month;

· Many parents are literally obsessed with the safety of their children. Romanians are no exception; in this country, a kindergarten has even been created, where not only teachers, but also security guards look after the kids. Each child even has a mobile phone for emergency calls to their “ancestors”;

· The most “advanced” in terms of computerization and modern technology are German children. On average, every nine-year-old child in the country manages to change at least two mobile phones during his life and owns a computer;

· The most popular day of the week for the birth of children is Tuesday. But few babies are born on weekends;

· The real record holder for childbirth is considered to be a Russian peasant woman who lived in the 18th century. She gave birth to 21 triplets, 32 twins and 16 twins. This couple had 69 children, and only two died in infancy. And you also talk about the oddities of physiology;

In Europe, quite strict requirements are imposed on soft toys: for example, the head of a teddy bear for children over 3 years old must withstand a force of no less than 10 kg;

· Interestingly, but true, in one of the schools in Wales, a primary school teacher was fired who told 6-year-old children that Santa Claus does not exist;

Ganesh Seetham-palam is also considered one of the smartest boys on the planet. At the age of 7, he was already a university student and successfully mastered his courses, planning to obtain an academic degree by the age of 13;

· In many large cities of the world there are closed clubs for indigo children. They are closed not because they want to isolate the kids from the world, but because compared to their peers they look like black sheep. There are children who, at the age of 5, already speak 4 foreign languages ​​or write poems. Previously, such people were considered either geniuses or obsessed; just remember Mozart, Da Vinci and other famous personalities.

Most of the knowledge acquired at school will never be useful to us. Most of this we will never even remember. And yet some crumbs of “useless” information will remain in memory. Paradoxically, it is thanks to them that we feel like educated people. The luxury of keeping in mind not only vital information, but also “information surplus” increases self-esteem and gives a feeling of intellectual competence.

And “unnecessary information” surprisingly turns out to be the most interesting. This interest can become for children a magic key to the vast world of science, which is often hidden behind boring formulas and incomprehensible definitions.

In this article, we have collected nine scientific facts that can be used in mathematics, physics, geography, chemistry and biology lessons to clearly show: science is not something abstract from real life, but situations that we encounter every day.

Fact No. 1. On average, an ordinary person travels a distance equal to three Earth equators in his life

The length of the equator is approximately 40,075 km. Multiplying this figure by three, we get 120,225 km. With an average life expectancy of 70 years, we get about 1,717 km per year, which is a little more than five kilometers per day. Not that much, but it adds up to a lifetime.

On the one hand, this information has no practical application. On the other hand, it is much more interesting to measure the distance traveled not in meters, steps or calories, but in equators. And calculating the percentage of the length of the equator will attract attention not only to geography, but also to mathematics.

The following two facts may also be useful in mathematics lessons. Using the first, you can calculate the number of children in a parallel or even in an entire school born on the same day.

Fact #2: If there are 23 random people in a room, then the probability that two of them will have the same birthday is more than 50%.

And if you bring 75 people together, then this probability reaches 99%. There can be a 100% chance of a match in a group of 367 people. The probability of a match is determined by the number of pairs that can be made from all the people in the group. Since the order of the people in the pairs does not matter, the total number of such pairs is equal to the number of combinations of 23 by 2, that is, (23 × 22)/2 = 253 pairs. Thus, the number of couples exceeds the number of days in a year. The same formula calculates the probability of coincidences for any number of people. This way you can estimate the number of children born on the same day in a parallel school or even in the entire school.

Fact No. 3. The number of living organisms in a teaspoon of soil is greater than the entire population of our planet.

One square centimeter of soil contains billions of bacteria, fungi, algae and other organisms. About 60 million bacteria live in just one gram of dry soil. There are significantly fewer nematodes, or roundworms (the most famous of which are roundworms and pinworms) in the same amount of soil - only 10 thousand. A figure incommensurate with the human population, but no less unpleasant for that.

Practical application of information: Wash your hands thoroughly after taking care of your indoor plants, as well as after working in the garden. An area of ​​increased bacterial danger is the sandbox on any playground.

Fact #4: The average toilet seat is much cleaner than the average toothbrush.

The bacteria on your teeth live at a density of about 10 million per square centimeter. The amount of bacteria on the skin varies depending on the part of the body, but in any case it is much less than in the mouth.

But there are no bacteria on the skin of frogs at all. The reason for this is the mucus secreted by the frog and containing strong antibiotics. This is how frogs protect themselves from the aggressive bacterial environment of the swamps in which they live.

A person is much less adapted in this regard, so it is recommended to change toothbrushes every couple of months.

Fact No. 5. In the evening a person becomes 1% shorter compared to his “daytime” height

Under load, our joints tend to compress. With a normal lifestyle, by evening a person’s height decreases by 1-2 cm, which is approximately 1%. The decrease is short-lived.

The maximum reduction in height occurs after weightlifting. Changes in height can be three or more centimeters. This is due to compaction of the vertebrae.

Fact #6: Diamonds can be produced from peanut butter using very high pressure.

Scientists from the Bavarian Research Institute of Geophysics and Geochemistry tried to simulate in the laboratory the conditions of the Earth's lower mantle, where at a depth of 2,900 kilometers the pressure is 1.3 million times higher than atmospheric pressure. During the experiment, some innovative ways of producing diamonds were discovered. According to one hypothesis, diamonds are formed from carbon under the influence of very high pressure. Carbon is found in almost all foods. And since the researchers only had peanut butter on hand, they tried it. Unfortunately, hydrogen, which is bound to carbon in peanut butter, slows down the process significantly, taking several weeks to produce even a small diamond. Thus, scientific thought proves that the most incredible transformations are quite possible.

Fact No. 7. The height of the Eiffel Tower can change by 12 centimeters depending on the air temperature

An iron rod 300 meters long lengthens by 3 mm when the ambient temperature increases by one degree.

This is exactly what happens with the Eiffel Tower, which is approximately 324 meters high.

In hot sunny weather, the iron material of the tower can heat up to +40 degrees, and in winter in Paris it cools down to approximately 0 degrees (severe frosts are rare there).

Thus, the height of the Eiffel Tower can fluctuate by 12 centimeters (3 mm * 40 = 120 mm).

Fact #8: A typical microwave oven uses much more energy to keep its built-in clock running than it does to reheat food.

When in standby mode, a modern microwave uses approximately 3 watts per hour. Already 72 W per day comes out, and if we multiply this number by thirty days, we get an energy consumption of 2160 W per month.

If we assume that we use the microwave every day for 5 minutes, we get 150 minutes or 2.5 hours per month. Modern stoves consume about 0.8 kW/hour in heating mode. It turns out that with this use, the energy consumption directly for heating food is 2000 W. If you purchase a more economical model that consumes only 0.7 kW/hour, we get only 1.75 kW per month.

Fact No. 9. The first computer mouse was made of wood

Sometimes we are just curious to know the fate of the objects that we use every day.

A computer mouse in our usual design was introduced to the world in 1984 by Apple. Largely thanks to her, Macintosh computers became incredibly popular. But this small but such a necessary device begins its true history 20 years earlier.

In 1964, engineer Douglas Engelbart from Stanford developed a manipulator to work with the oN-Line System (NLS) operating system. Initially, the device was a handmade wooden box with two wheels inside and a button on the body. After some time, a third button appeared on the device, and after a couple of years Engelbart received a patent for his invention.

Then Xerox comes into play, but its modification of the computer mouse costs about $700, which does not at all contribute to its mass distribution. And only Steve Jobs’ company is able to develop a similar device with a cost of 20-30 dollars, which has become part of the everyday life of billions of people.

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Don't know what to do with your baby? Go to Tweedy and choose exciting games for him. Here children can enjoy entertainment on various topics. The site invites adventure lovers to go on a journey with their favorite cartoon characters. Girls can dress up princesses, change their style and hairstyles. Read comics and funny stories online. It doesn’t matter if you’re on the road and don’t have a computer with you - this portal will be able to entertain your child thanks to its mobile version.

If your child is of the age of why, pay attention to this site. Here you will find answers to almost all the questions your child asks. You don’t have to select understandable words and rearrange sentences according to their meaning so that your baby understands you. The children's encyclopedia works online, the facts are presented in simple, accessible language. Tell us why the grass is green and how the car drives. Every day a new piece of explanatory information is posted on the portal.

Welcome to the online magazine about technology and science, in which educational information can be found not only for parents, but also for children. Read about advances in medicine, spaceships and new inventions. In the “Thirst for Creativity” section you will be told about design, art objects and architecture. Watch presentations with new products from both the domestic and foreign automotive industry. To stay up to date with news, you can register on the site and receive newsletter material.

Everything for a child’s leisure can be found on this website. Here children can enjoy cartoons, stories, fairy tales and exciting games. Listen and download children's songs, learn the words to them. In the “Coloring” section, children can draw animals and plants. The site offers young defenders to protect the royal fortress from enemy attacks. To help parents, a “Learning to Speak” section has been created, which contains exercises for speech development and breathing training.

A collection of assignments for students in grades 1-4 is posted on this website. Here you will find assignments for all subjects taught in primary school. You can get acquainted with the exercises and try to solve them in the demo version, but to study the full course, you need to place an order and pay for the services of the portal. Test your child's knowledge of mathematics, literature and Russian. Choose books for extracurricular reading. Want to distract your baby a little? Download cartoons and TV series on the portal.

The site invites everyone to visit an exhibition of homemade fairy tales called “Once upon a time.” They were invented and designed by users of the Internet resource. Wander through the sections of the portal and choose the stories you like. Color your favorite characters and solve puzzles. Here you can order books on raising and teaching children. The publications contain complete lesson scenarios that will help parents organize the lesson. On the forum, mothers can get free advice from an experienced teacher.

The site will become a good assistant in raising children. Here, parents will find many informative articles about the care and feeding of babies, as well as their education. Learn to convey knowledge to your child correctly. The portal will tell you how to instill a love of literature and not extinguish the desire to learn. Read about the development of your baby's speech, develop diction and train his breathing. In the “Appliques, Crafts” section, mommies will find ideas for handicrafts. Introduce children to professions, names of animals and plants.

Here kids will find something to read. Choose works by Russian and foreign writers. Learn folk tales and funny poems. In the “Watch” section, young athletes can watch video lessons on physical education. For those who cannot live a day without a song - music in the “Listen” section, enjoy hits from cartoons and movies. The Workshop, which contains examples of unusual ideas for creativity, will help children develop their talents and learn how to make crafts.

On this site, children will find a lot of interesting and educational information. Read jokes and funny stories. Develop your speech and train your diction with tongue twisters. Learn poems for events. In the “The Art of Communication” section, kids will be told how to win over their interlocutor and will be taught guest etiquette. See ideas for an unforgettable birthday and pay attention to tips on choosing gifts. Participate in competitions and quizzes - valuable prizes await the winners of the best answers.

The daily Scrabble course invites everyone to join the training sessions. Here, every day there are new tasks, selected according to the age of the children with varying difficulty. Learn to count and read, distinguish colors and recognize objects by their shape. The site promises that the classes will not be boring; they are designed in the form of puzzles, riddles, rebuses and cryptograms. In the “Game Library” section, children will be able to play online and participate in competitions and quizzes, as well as perform magic tricks and make crafts.

The site is full of children's entertainment and tips for parents. Here you can learn poems and lyrics with your child, play online and read the news. In the “Education” section, children will be able to get acquainted with the works of great writers and composers. The portal invites mothers to take cooking lessons, where recipes for healthy dishes are collected. Do you want to give your child an unforgettable holiday? See event ideas and download scripts. Give your little one a real carnival with games and competitions.

The online magazine invites children from 6 to 14 years old to visit. Here kids will be told about new books and exhibitions. On the pages of an illustrated story with the dog Yanka, children will learn how to distinguish a chamomile from other flowers in a clearing, and also where birds with blue paws are found. In the IgroDom section, kids will find many exciting games for themselves. Solve crosswords and riddles directly on the site. Watch master classes that will show you ideas for crafts made from milk cartons.

You can watch cartoons, documentaries and fairy tales on this site. Here are educational games, coloring books, puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. In the “Cinema” section for kids there are videos with lessons on the alphabet, mathematics and literature. Learn letters and memorize new words with famous characters. Get to know the environment and learn the names of animals. The “Popular on the Site” section outlines options for weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a fork and various ideas for homemade cards.

When you visit the site, you definitely won’t say that you wasted your time. Here parents and children will find something to entertain themselves with. The “Games” section contains a large number of educational tasks. Puzzles, riddles, arcade games and jigsaw puzzles await kids. Learn poems for holidays and matinees. To take a break from tasks or to lift your spirits, you can turn on songs and listen to your favorite hits from films and fairy tales. The portal advises parents to pay attention to articles about raising and educating their child.

Interesting facts about animals and plants can be found on this portal. Here the children will be told about the environment and what they need to do to avoid polluting it. The “Reader” section contains a collection of children's literature about the fun travels of the main character of the site, Klepa. Find out how she decided to fly in a hot air balloon and what dishes she likes to cook in her kitchen. The “Smile” section will give the little ones a good mood. Send children's drawings and the best ones will be published on the site.

Introduce your child to safety rules in a playful way. On this site, Spasik will tell children how to behave on vacation, while in the water and on the street. Download teaching aids that tell you what you shouldn’t do alone at home, take tests and answer quiz questions. In the gallery you will find thematic drawings. Watch educational cartoons and video lessons. The portal also contains all emergency phone numbers and addresses of rescue services.

If your child is interested in everything around him, then invite him to visit the “Children's Page”, where photographs of plants, stories about the universe and stories about the stars await him. Here the child will read about the planets, where their names came from and why life exists only on Earth. The “Animals” section contains information about forest inhabitants. See pictures of waterfowl and seabed inhabitants. Read epics about Dobrynya and Koshchei, and also about how Vasilisa became the Wise.
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