The hottest participants in the new season of the show “The Bachelor. Elena Golovan: biography, personal life, social networks, photo Show “Bachelor” with Ukrainian football player Sergei Melnik

Details Created: 05/26/2016 08:49 Updated: 08/31/2017 09:04

Sergei Melnik is a famous Ukrainian football player (Milsami club, defender), loved by TV viewers as main character and seeker true love on the project "Bachelor" season 5 Ukraine. All the details of his personal life, as well as interesting photos, you can find out in our article.

Biography of Sergei Melnik

According to sources, the future talent and heartthrob was born on September 4, 1988 in the glorious city of Odessa (Ukraine). Dad (Anatoly Savelyevich) is a machinist, and mother (Irina Yuryevna) is a labor protection engineer. Now Melnik’s parents are on well-deserved rest (retired). Serezha also has a sister, Marina, and a brother, Andrei.

Sergei's father

Mom and sister Marina

Brother Andrey

Rumor has it that his love for football began in childhood. IN school years he was involved in acrobatics and was one of the players in school team on football. Graduated Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, but chose a different profession and connected his life with sports (football).

Sergei Melnik in childhood

Interesting Facts

His height - approximately 183 centimeters, weight - about 72 kilograms. Has excellent and slim figure, always keeps her body in sports shape. According to many sources, m He spends a lot of time in the kitchen at the stove and cooks delicious food. She loves water very much, so she always plans her vacation on a cozy beach closer to the sea. Dreams of having faithful wife and a lot of children. Prefers classic clothes in a combination of gray, blue and white shades. He likes to spend more time alone reading an interesting book.

Personal life Sergei Melnik

For Seryozha, what was always important was (as he stated in one of his interviews) what was inside a girl, and not what she looked like on the outside. Although there were still minor preferences. His chosen one had to be in sportswear and always have a light tan. Hair color, status in society, Family status did not have of great importance. That's why he chose a girl who already had a child from her first marriage.

Shot from the show "Bachelor 5"

Seryozha admits that he never had Serious relationships, because constant training takes a lot of time and there is nothing left for personal life. But there are rumors that I fell in love once, with a girl student from a common group of friends. Unfortunately, things didn't go further than flirting. Today it is known that this girl died tragically, and it’s hard for Seryozha to remember this.

Marina Kishchuk (winner of the “Bachelor” project, season 5)

The bachelor admits that he is the most Difficult choice he had when there were three girls left at the end of the show. Each one was good in its own way and it was incredibly difficult to choose the one.

Sergey Melnik and Marina Kishchuk photo

But the choice was made - Marina Kishchuk became his chosen one. She is 24 years old (Gemini) and comes from small town Glukhova. According to the media, Marinka’s dad is a retired lieutenant colonel, and her mother is a housewife. Marinka doesn't only child, she has sisters and a son, Matvey. Her dream is to create a happy family.

There are rumors that after the project, Marina and Sergei dated for some time. The romantic dates did not end: Melnik constantly brought flowers and gifts to his chosen one. Certainly real life and life on the project are very different, but the young couple tried to build relationships outside of the show. Seryozha was constantly busy, as always, with multiple training sessions, championships, and long business trips. He could devote only a little time to Marisha. Oddly enough, this is very little for many women. The couple tried to live together, but were in no hurry to get married. Sergei argued that everything should go as usual.

One more important point in their life together was that the bachelor entrusted Marina to take care of him Online store of children's goods(since Marina is a young mother and she has more experience in what babies need today). In this business, Marisha received a lot of help from Sergei’s brother and sister.

Kishchuk also took up ideas children's charity. The first project was a “Charity Flea Market”, where they collected things for children who need this help. Melnik supported Marina in this action and took a direct part.

Seryozha and Marina admit that their feelings were real (not according to the contract), but everyday life and long separations destroyed their relationship.

Sergey Melnik and Marina Kishchuk: Latest news

Unfortunately, the young couple, for whom TV viewers were so rooting and worried, broke up. Rumor has it that Kishchuk was the first to voice such a decision and it was she who suggested that Seryozha remain friends. The girl admits that she could not fully understand Sergei Melnik’s feelings towards himself. And also, I realized a long time ago that the bachelor is in no hurry to seriously develop their romance, namely to the wedding.

There are rumors that another reason was that Sergei for a long time spent in Minsk, and Marisha physically could not move to him for permanent place residence. After all, she Small child and by law she does not have the right to take him abroad. This means that she would not be able to be constantly near her beloved. Kishchuk has repeatedly argued that if not for the distance, everything would have turned out differently. And besides all this, Sergei never once suggested that Marina move in with him forever and made no plans. Such uncertainty in the future forced Marina to end their romantic relationship.

Sergey Melnik and Elena Golovan

Sparks flared between them during the project. Many TV viewers were very worried about this couple. But the bachelor made his choice, he declared that the feelings between them are not love. Elena was terribly worried about this moment, because she confessed to the bachelor that she had fallen in love with him, and he pushed her away. Her romantic story ended so quickly that it took her a long time to realize it. Elena called it a betrayal. After all, for the first time she trusted a person so much, she felt weak in his arms, and he trampled all her hopes for their future together. After the project, she received not only moral, but also physical trauma (she tore her ligaments and underwent long-term treatment). In Seryozha she saw exactly the person with whom she would like to live her whole life and have children from him.

Bright moments on the show "The Bachelor"

Let us remember that Elena has already participated in the project “All 6 Dance” and she already had a relationship with a dance partner, which also did not work out.

There are rumors that Melnik and Golovan are together now. They don’t advertise it, but Elena, in one of the interviews she gave after the project, let slip about their connection. As you know, the show “The Bachelor” is made according to a script. And in almost all seasons, bachelors choose those girls to whom they are less attracted. And then after the project they part with their chosen passion and return to the one they kicked out in the finale. This is what happened in the 5th season.

Elena Golovan

Elena Golovan born in the Ukrainian city of Lubny in 1994. Dancing Elena I started at the age of 11 and specialized in the Latin American program. She completed her career in ballroom dancing with the rank of KMSU - candidate master of sports of Ukraine.

Lena was an excellent student, but left school after 9th grade due to her strong passion for choreography. Golovan left to conquer the capital of Ukraine and entered the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts, from which she graduated a few years later, receiving a degree in choreography and choreography. Favorite dance styles are modern and classical.

In Kyiv, Elena Golovan began to take part in various television projects and shows. So, in 2012, she starred in the group’s video "Unreal boys", where Miguel was the director. Elena got to the shooting thanks to her friendship with Makar Kilivnik, one of the six members of the group.

The creative path of Elena Golovan

In 2012, Elena Golovan decided to audition for the fifth season of the Ukrainian project “ Everybody dance“, however, the girl did not even make it into the first hundred. A year later, Elena tried her hand at " Everyone dances - 6" Golovan managed to pass the “tests” 20" and even entered the top 12 dancers of the project, but she failed to make it to the final 6.

After " Everybody dance» Lena was invited as a teacher to one of the choreographic schools in Kyiv. In parallel with this activity, Golovan periodically gave master classes, was a judge in various Ukrainian dance shows and competitions, and starred in episodic roles in TV series ( "Bar Duck") and collaborated with the choreographic group of the ballet “X-Factor”.

In 2015, Golovan went to the Ukrainian version of the project"Bachelor - 5". According to Lena, her grandmother, a big fan of this program, pushed her to participate in the show. The girl did not expect to stay on the project, but the charming Bachelor - Ukrainian football player Sergei Melnik - seriously captivated the beauty. Lena reached the final, but here a blow overtook her: out of two girls, Melnik chose not her, but Marina Kishchuk. As she later admitted Elena, initially it seemed to her that the fact that the Bachelor did not choose her was very sad fact. However, after some time, the girl was even glad about this outcome of the show, because from now on she was not bound by anyone or anything.

After "Bachelor" Golovan returned to choreography as a teacher. After some time, she suffered a leg injury and did not dance for a long time. But after seeing the first season of a Russian dance project on TNT, she took up rehabilitation therapy and returned to classes. She appeared on stage in the show “Dancing on TNT Season 2” during a casting in Novosibirsk. Miguel remembered that he worked with Elena, when he choreographed dances in the video of the group “Unreal Boys”, in which the girl played the main role.

Then, at the casting, in August 2015, Golovan performed a dance in the modern style. Prima Bolshoi Theater and member of the “Dancing” jury Kristina Kretova noted that this participant is “very good material" U Lena She has a classical dance background, and she choreographed the dance herself. The girl got into the team Miguel, however, by decision of the mentor, she left the project after the second concert.

In March 2016, Golovan was one of the 20 participants chosen by Miguel and Yegor Druzhinin for the project “Dancing. Battle of the Seasons on TNT. The girl dropped out of the project after the 4th episode, not receiving enough votes from the audience.

Elena Golovan: “It was obvious that I was nervous: I raised my leg, the other was shaking - I thought, at least not to fall. In principle, I’m happy with the judges’ comments, but I’m not happy with myself. I’m very glad that in another country, where no one will say that you paid somewhere and passed, they appreciated me... And even though I’m crying, I’m happy.”

After participating in the TV shows “The Bachelor” and “Dancing on TNT,” the girl took up her old dream - creating her own line of clothing for dance training. The basis of the collection, designed by Gleb Nesmiyan, was bright, practical and comfortable things for training.

In 2018, the dancer took part in the casting for the show “The Bachelor on TNT Season 6.” In a season where contestants compete for attention popular singer Egor Creed, young singer Rosa Hertz, TV presenter, fashion model and actress Olga Lomakina, actress Daria Klyukina and others also participate. When Yegor Creed met the girls, Elena was not very happy that many of the participants recognized her. But all this did not stop her from receiving a scarlet flower at the rose ceremony and becoming a full participant in the 6th season of the project.

Personal life of Elena Golovan

In 2013, during the project “ Everyone dances - 6"Lena began a serious affair with a dancer from Kazakhstan Dmitry Shchebet. After 10 months, the couple broke up, but the young choreographers managed to maintain friendly relations. Subsequently, they repeatedly appeared at master classes and were judges on various dance projects.

In addition to choreography, Golovan is also interested in horse riding, vocals, music and psychology. She dreams of meeting a man who, having recognized her, will not be able to let her go.

Elena Golovan is a Ukrainian dancer, a participant in the TV shows “Everybody Dance” and “The Bachelor,” as well as the Russian television project “Dancing on TNT - 2”, “Dancing. Battle of the Seasons."

Elena Golovan was born in the Ukrainian city of Lubny in the summer of 1994. Lena is the only child in the family. The girl was born when mom was 22 years old and dad was a year older. To put their daughter on her feet and strengthen the well-being of the young unit of society, the parents worked hard. Therefore, Elena often remained alone on the farm and early learned to be an independent person.

At the school of her native Lubny, Elena Golovan studied until the 9th grade, but graduated educational institution Honours. The girl decided not to continue her school education due to her strong passion for choreography. At the age of 11, Lena took up sports ballroom dancing, of which I liked the Latin American direction. Soon the young dancer realized that she enjoyed this activity more than anything else in her life. Doing what she loved, Elena received the rank of candidate master of sports of Ukraine.

After graduating from 9th grade, Elena Golovan went to Kyiv. Here the girl entered the variety and circus school, where she discovered classics and modernity. The specialty received by Elena is “choreographer-producer”.

TV projects

Elena Golovan’s biography is rich in participation in television projects and shows. In 2012, the girl starred in a video that the choreographer choreographed for the group “Unreal Boys.” The girl met the famous dancer by chance. Elena was friends with Makar Kilivnik, one of the 6 members of the group. Makar brought his pretty girlfriend to meet Miguel. He just took up producing the team after the end of the Ukrainian television project “Show No. 1”.

Also in 2012, Elena Golovan decided to take part in the popular Ukrainian project “Everyone Dances”. But the girl failed to make it into the TOP 100 of the 5th season. Lena did not give up and came to the 6th season of the project. For the casting, Golovan prepared a dance accompanied by poems by Olga Yarish. For the musical track, the dancer read the lyrics herself. The girl managed to pass the casting and get on the project, although the audience's reaction to the number she saw was mixed.

In the 6th season of the TV project “Everybody Dance”, Elena Golovan managed to pass the “Top 20 test” and even got into the TOP 12 on live broadcasts. And although the dancer, according to the choreographers, was significantly inferior to her rivals, among whom were strong competitors and Ira Kreidina, Golovan managed to avoid nominations and moved on. Some argue that this is the merit of a powerful support group that Lena’s parents were able to organize in their native Lubny.

Elena Golovan dropped out of the show, reaching the TOP 6.

At the end of the project, Lena was accepted into one of dance schools Kyiv as a teacher. Also, the girl was often invited to act as a judge in various Ukrainian dance shows and competitions. At the same time, Golovan starred in a cameo role in the TV series “Bar Dak”. The serial film was adapted for the Ukrainian public. The sitcom was about a meeting place for friends, where young people share the events of the past day with each other. Elena also managed to collaborate with the choreographic group of the ballet “X-Factor”.

In 2015, Elena Golovan went to Ukrainian project show "Bachelor". According to Lena, the girl was pushed to participate in the 5th season by her grandmother, who always watched the program with interest. At first, the beauty did not expect to stay on the project for a long time. But the charming bachelor, Ukrainian football player Sergei Melnik, seems to have “hooked” the beauty more than Elena had planned. It seems that Lena is seriously interested in Sergei.

Elena Golovan reached the final of the show. But it was at the end that the girl suffered an unexpected blow: the bachelor chose not her from the two girls, but Marina Kishchuk. Lena accepted defeat rather painfully. To escape from her worries and stress, the girl went with her parents on vacation to the Carpathians.

After “The Bachelor,” Elena Golovan continued to engage in choreography as a teacher. One day, a dancer suffered a serious leg injury and temporarily forgot the way to the dance hall. But back to the choreography and regular classes Elena was inspired by the 1st season of the Russian project “Dancing on TNT”. Golovan was so eager to participate in the new project that she took on the restoration.

Elena Golovan arrived on the stage of “Dancing on TNT” in Novosibirsk, where casting for the 2nd season was held in August 2015. Here the Ukrainian again met with Miguel, who remembered the bright girl who starred in the video. Lena presented a number in the Art Nouveau style and passed the test without difficulty. The judges, among whom were and, noted that Elena can become plastic material in the hands of a choreographer, since she has classical dance training and model appearance. The dancer joined Miguel's team.

At the first concert, the girl performed a number in a duet with, the future leader of the project. During the second performance, Elena Golovan was accompanied by participant Timofey Pimenov. At the end of the release, by decision of the mentor, the dancer left the project. But the separation turned out to be short-lived. Already in March 2016, Elena Golovan was one of the 20 participants whom choreographers Miguel chose for the “Battle of the Seasons” project.

At the very first concert, Elena was paired with, then the girl appeared before the audience with a solo number accompanied by a scandalous musical composition"Leningrad" - "Exhibit". The girl also appeared in a duet with,. The audience remembered the performance where Elena Golovan performed in tandem with a compatriot to the band’s track Quest Pistols Show "Different". Later this number was included in concert program, with which the participants of the “Battle of the Seasons” went on a tour of Russian cities.

Personal life

Elena’s first serious romance happened on the “Everybody Dance” project with a dancer from Kazakhstan. This relationship was discussed by thousands of fans of the show. For 10 months, the couple was pleasing to the eye and looked happy. But in May 2014, Dima and Lena suddenly broke up.

The guys managed to maintain friendly relations and not make trouble in public. Elena even volunteered to help Dmitry when he decided to move to Kyiv. Together, the choreographers appeared at master classes and were judges at different projects. But the feeling faded.

The personal life of Elena Golovan again appeared in the top discussions after appearing on the show “The Bachelor.” The beauty fell in love with the main character, although this was not originally planned. Lena just wanted to get in popular show and flash on the screen. But after some time, the girl managed to recover and even look at the situation from the outside. Perhaps everything that happened was for the best.

The girl has her own page in " Instagram", whose publications can only be viewed by the dancer’s friends. Also on behalf of the artist on the network “

23-year-old Elena Golovan was cast in the show “The Bachelor” with Yegor Creed. Before this, the girl took part in the Ukrainian version of the romantic program, and also starred in “DANCING”. Elena recently went live on Instagram to answer questions from subscribers. Together with Golovan with users social networks her friend was talking.

Subscribers asked Elena if she communicates with her daughter. Golovan said that the girl now lives not with her, but with her ex-lover. The ex-participant of “The Bachelor” chose not to share other details, making it clear that she did not intend to discuss her personal life.

“I have a daughter who stayed with the first common-law husband. Her name is Nastya. He just took her away from me, that's all. Yes, I'm serious. Am I supposed to shout about this? I don’t want to talk about this topic,” Golovan said.

Elena's friend was surprised by her words. As it turned out, she never told her friend about her daughter. At first, Golovan’s friend even thought that she had decided to joke, but the dancer denied this statement. Elena suggested that information about her heiress appeared on the Internet, which is why subscribers asked such a question.

One can only guess how old Elena’s daughter is and who her father is. It is known that the girl had an affair with a dancer from Kazakhstan, Dmitry Shchebet. Passion broke out between the young people on the set of the project “Everyone Dances.” Dmitry and Elena did not date for long, only a few months. The couple broke up on the initiative of Twitter.

Subsequently, Golovan took part in the Ukrainian version of the show “Bachelor”. The girl fought for the heart of football player Sergei Melnik. According to Elena, her grandmother pushed her to send an application for the casting, as she followed with interest the previous episodes of the romantic television project. Golovan managed to reach the very finals. However, in latest issue The miller put the treasured ring on Marina Kishchuk’s finger. Elena's disappointment knew no bounds. The dancer became depressed and did not speak to anyone for about a month. Golovan’s relatives did not recognize her.

The failure that Golovan suffered with Sergei Melnik did not prevent her from taking part in the casting Russian show"Bachelor". "First of all, I'm looking for worthy man and a friend who will later become reliable support"- said Elena. It is known that the dancer is friends with Daria Klyukina, who participated in the previous season of the project. By the way, she is called the most likely bride of Yegor Creed. Even in the first issue, the artist singled out Daria from among other contenders for his heart.

Many viewers have already managed to remember Elena Golovan, who showed her choreographic abilities on the show “Everybody Dance!-6”, and also competed for first place on the project “Dancing on TNT”.

The girl has striking external characteristics (height – 167 cm, weight – 47 kg), thanks to which she was repeatedly a participant in the TV project “The Bachelor”. IN creative biography The Ukrainian beauty has not only a dancing, but also a singing career.

Children's passion for dancing

Elena was born in 1994 in the city of Lubny, Ukraine. Her family is not related to creative world. Father and mother had to work a lot, it is not surprising that the girl became independent quite early. She not only successfully studied at school, but also practiced ballroom dancing. This hobby soon grew into a serious occupation, as a result of which the girl was able to achieve the title of candidate master of sports. At the age of 15, Golovan decided to get a choreographic education, however, her parents dreamed of a different profession for their daughter. She nevertheless went to Kyiv, where she studied at a variety and circus school. After receiving her diploma, the aspiring dancer began to develop her career.

Participation in shows and television projects

In 2012, Elena was lucky enough to get to shoot a video for the group “Unreal Boys,” which was directed by Miguel. Meeting the famous choreographer and working in the video made a great impression on the girl, after which she decided to try her hand at the “Everybody Dance” project on the Ukrainian STB channel. Participation in the fifth season did not bring the dancer any luck, but she decided to take part in another episode. In season 6, Golovan was able to beat many competitors, demonstrating her professionalism and choreographic abilities. She performed well and even made it into the top six, but then left the show. In 2015, Elena again appeared on television screens, becoming a participant Ukrainian show"Bachelor". Sergei Melnik liked the beauty, but in the final episode the athlete gave preference to another girl.

In the photo is Elena Golovan at the casting of the show “Dancing”.

After the project, she purchased her own housing in Kyiv and studied choreography in dance studio. In addition, I started solo career and recorded a clip. Then there was a period in the dancer’s life when, after a serious leg injury, she was unable to pursue her career. In 2015, the girl learned about the recruitment of participants in Russian project“Dancing on TNT” and decided to return to the stage. She successfully passed all the tests and began to fight for first place in dance show. While performing a dance in modern style, Golovan was able to conquer the jury members, who noted the professional data of the participant. At the end of the project, the dancer dropped out of the competition, but in the spring next year joined the lineup of participants in a new show called “Dancing. Battle of the Seasons on TNT.” In the spring of 2018, she will again appear on the TNT channel in the show “Bachelor-6”, where, together with other beauties, she will fight for the heart of Yegor Creed.

Personal life

On the “Everybody Dance” project, the girl started a relationship with Dmitry Shchebet, a young dancer from Kazakhstan. The lovers did not hide their romance, thanks to which not only their colleagues, but fans of the show knew about their feelings.

In the spring of 2014, it became known that the young people decided to complete beautiful story your love. They were able to maintain friendly relations. Intersecting on different projects, the former lovers always tried to help each other. Elena is not yet married and has no children, which allowed her to become one of the participants in the romantic show “Bachelor-6”.

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