The most effective rituals for fulfilling desires. How to use magic to quickly fulfill your desires

Every person has their own cherished dream that they want to realize in real life. If you start reading an effective conspiracy to make a wish come true, it will come true faster than you might expect. Sometimes, lack of financial resources, lack of time or other obstacles prevent you from realizing your cherished fantasies. To implement them, you can sometimes turn to forces that are higher than man. They are able to help in achieving what you want, but not completely. It is good to be a dreamer and it is bad not to realize your dreams in real life.

What you need to know about wish spells

The desire must be clear and understandable, for you first of all.

Some people think that a conspiracy read once will immediately fulfill all their desires and dreams. This is not true, because there is a set of rules that will bring you as close as possible to the desired result.

  1. Believe in your strengths and those you turn to;
  2. Success depends on how bad you want it;
  3. Don't be afraid to take risks! Fate will throw up some reminders and signs that you should take advantage of;
  4. Don’t think that your dream will come true on its own - move towards your goal and do everything to make it come true;
  5. After performing the ritual, believe that the wish has already come true;
  6. Don't say you're going to use magic.

Guided by these rules, you can get closer to the desired result and gain useful experience. The power of the universe attracted through a spell will be an excellent addition to speed up results.

A collection of wish-fulfilling spells

Most of the spells presented relate only to white magic, which does not harm a person. Only strong magicians can turn to black. The rituals require precise execution, and you will have to turn to dark creatures. Light magic is an appeal to the saints, the forces of nature. It does not bring anything bad and, on the contrary, it helps to cope with some of life’s difficulties.

Spell words for water

To fulfill your wish, you will need to read water spells. The text must be repeated exactly in the order in which it was written. Draw clean spring water or from a well in the morning. Leave it until the evening, and before going to bed, say the spell three times:

“Water, water, your dear sister, you carry secrets within yourself, filling you with living force. Help me find the strength to fulfill my cherished desire. I ask not for trouble and not for grief, but for happiness and joy in my home. Amen"

Spell and handkerchief

This ritual is in third place in terms of its effectiveness. According to old beliefs, a scarf tied in a knot brings not only good luck, but can also help with health problems, attract love, etc. You are required to believe in your desire and say the following words, squeezing a clean handkerchief in your hand:

“As this knot is tied, so it would soon come together for me, the servant of God (name). Amen (three times)."

Wish spell before bed

There is such a sign that if you dream about what you want, it will definitely come true

Reading a conspiracy to fulfill a wish before going to bed is very simple, since no special preparation is required. Read the indicated prayer three times a week, three days in a row. You can also read it after waking up to enhance the effect. The words of the spell must be pronounced in a whisper:

“A clear dawn flares up in the sky, rides across the baptized sky in peace. Look into the house of God's servant (name) and bring joy with you. Illuminate my house with a bright fire, make (name it) a dream come true. Amen".

Prayer for wish fulfillment

There is one prayer that will help you solve all your problems. Say it six days in a row and then everything will gradually begin to come true. Before and after, be sure to read the “Our Father” three times to consolidate the effect and cleanse yourself. Words of prayer:

“Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Mother of God, Our Heavenly Father - I turn to you and bow to you, servant of God (your name). I wish you happiness and peace in your home, may my wish come true (name your dream). Amen".

Amulet of wishes

As you know, on a person’s birthday, fate can give him everything he dreams of. A birthday plot to make a wish come true is as effective as possible, so you will need a small amulet that you will always carry with you. It could be a ring or a pendant. The main thing is to remain in a good mood during the ritual. Not suitable as an amulet:

  • Cloth;
  • Stationery;
  • Gifts from friends or enemies;
  • Things related to a bad past;
  • Gold jewelry

The talisman should be cleaned by leaving it overnight in a glass of clean water. Ideally - spring or melt. In the morning, take it out and wipe it with a clean towel. Hold it in your hand and imagine what you want most. You can pray to Nicholas the Pleasant to enhance the effect.

A conspiracy to fulfill all desires

You need to find seven small icons: the Mother of God, Nicholas the Pleasant, the Savior, Seraphim, the icon of all saints, your name and others that are important to you. It is desirable that they all relate to making wishes come true and helping people. After you collect them all, take a small piece of paper and write your wishes on it. Place the icons next to this sheet, light a church candle (bought on Sunday) and say the following words:

“All Saints and Wonderworkers, I turn to you for help. Fulfill my cherished desire, for good, and not for harm, I ask you. Help the needs of the Servant of God (name). Amen".

Spell for a basket of wishes

One of the most beautiful rituals is with a basket. You will need a set:

  • Small basket;
  • A piece of paper;
  • Bells and red ribbon;
  • Church candle.

It is imperative that the basket is woven from wooden rods. Take a piece of paper and write your deepest wish on it. Then place it in the already decorated basket. You need to place a lit candle on top and say the spell:

“The sun rolled out from behind the sky, the moon rose over the stone castle, my mother gave birth to me in a stone city house, and she said: from arrows and swords, from battles and fighters. May fate be favorable to me and may not refuse my request. Amen"

Not only the paper itself should burn, but also the basket. Collect the ashes after the ritual and take them to a place where no one will be. When returning home, do not turn around or talk to anyone.

Conspiracy to make a dream come true

To implement this ritual, you need to draw an equal triangle on the floor, directed to the South. Place a small transparent crystal or ball in the middle. You should write your deepest desire on a piece of paper. Set fire to the paper and read the plot:

“Our Father is Fiery, not created. You are always moving, absorbing everything in your path. I appeal to you, a servant of God, for the fulfillment of everything visible and invisible in the world. Help me fulfill my cherished dream (name it). Let it be as I have said. Key, tongue, lock"

Ritual for a wish according to Feng Shui

If you really want to, you can even fly into space.

The teachings of Feng Shui will help you normalize the situation in your home, find methods on how to attract happiness and love into your life. Thanks to this ritual, you can gain wealth and health, restore warm relationships with relatives and peace in the house.

One of the simplest and most interesting ways is the “Treasure Map”. Arm yourself with scissors and colorful magazines, take a Whatman paper to place all your dreams on it. Cut out from them all those things that make you feel joy and happiness, glue them in the form of a collage. At the very end, place your photo. The “Treasure Map” should be hung in the most convenient place where you will often refer to and look at it. It is desirable that she was in the East.

How to speed up the manifestation of your dreams

The opportunity to change your destiny and become much luckier in life has always been a desired goal for many people living on earth. There are simple rituals and complex ones, for which various objects are used. A conspiracy to make a wish come true is carried out with the help of icons, candles, precious stones, branches of various plants, linen and other available means. The likelihood of a desire coming true depends on the belief in its power.

Change your destiny

To achieve the desired result, you need to take it seriously, calm down and focus as much as possible on the ritual itself. Mentally, you need to very clearly imagine not only the end result, but also the events that will follow after its execution.

You should only ask for what meets your needs and is not a momentary whim. The more minute details there are, the more real the chance of changing the situation. Experts believe that conspiracies work best during the changing seasons, when a person’s energy potential is maximum.

Conditions for realizing a dream

Bread, salt and water

Spells and conspiracies have been used by our ancestors from time immemorial. A strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish has survived to this day, which is carried out before sunrise on Sunday or Saturday. To carry out the ceremony you will need clean water, salt, bread and a candle. The piece of bread should be held in the right hand, and the salt in the left.

With a candle lit, the bread is sprinkled with salt and the phrase is said:

“Bread and salt is prepared for the gods, intended for dreams. I want my wish (to formulate a request) to come true. I’ll eat bread and salt, my wish will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

Each piece must be chewed thoroughly, joyfully imagining the implementation of your plan. After this, you need to drink 3 sips of charmed water, which is first spoken with the words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so will my desire be born from it. Water - water, help me."

At the end of the ritual the words are said:

“Bread, salt and water will always help, this is a joy, not a misfortune. Everything will be as it is said. Amen".

Spell on a scarf

We use a scarf

To carry out the action, you will need your own clean handkerchief, which should be held tightly in your fist and the spell should be pronounced three times:

“My desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of our Lord. The Lord helps those who ask. Unknown paths and events lead to the fulfillment of desires. It becomes real and strengthened by the spirit of the Lord. Everything I ask for will come true. I tie a scarf and wait. Amen".

The handkerchief is tied in a knot, placed in a pocket and stored there until the result appears.

Ritual with red threads

Red thread conspiracy

On the full moon, you need to buy a woolen skein of red thread and a candle of the same color. On a sheet of white paper you need to write your requests, which will be fulfilled within a year. Next, a 20 cm long thread is cut from the skein, and 9 knots are tied on it in different places.

For each of them, a corresponding plot is read. The wish list needs to be tied with a charmed thread and the package hidden in a secluded place. On the last day of the year, the note is burned. Within a year, dreams should come true.

Ancient rite

Power of the Ancients

This effective method has been known for a long time and is effective. To carry it out, you will need parchment, on both sides of which an appeal is written:

“Adam and Eve! Almighty God has united you together in a holy place, in an earthly paradise. So let the person (name) be favorable to me and fulfill everything I ask. (+Eli, three times).

After this, the parchment is burned and diluted with ink with 7 drops of breast milk, which the woman feeds her firstborn, and a small amount of magnetic powder. The request is written with a quill pen sharpened with a new knife. According to user reviews, the result exceeds all expectations.

Making a wish come true with a large candle

Big candle to help

Magicians claim that the color of the candle plays a big role in the ritual. For example:

  • — a red candle increases self-esteem, gives strength, sexual pleasure, brings healing and victory;
  • — the yellow tint is responsible for creativity, making new friends, and making long trips;
  • - green color is used to improve material well-being, find a new job and get rid of illnesses:
  • — blue color develops intuition, gives peace and health;
  • - orange tone is good luck, success, a wonderful career;
  • - pink candles are lit when asking for romantic love, wedding, tender feelings;
  • - white color has a healing effect and protects against evil influences.

Candles should be large and smooth. A separate candlestick and a heat-resistant vessel are purchased for them. On a piece of paper you need to write your desire with a note that its implementation will bring only good. A candlestick is placed on the note and the candle is lit. Every evening you need to look at the burning flame for 15 minutes, and at the end of the ritual, the paper should be completely burned in the prepared vessel. The ashes need to be scattered to the wind. After performing the ritual several times, you don’t have to worry anymore, heaven heard your request.

Which New Year's Eve do you make a wish, but it is in no hurry to come true? So you are doing something wrong! Today we will fix that. Find out how to make a New Year's wish so that it certainly comes true!

Experienced dreamers claim that in order to let magic into your life, you need to clear your living space. Before the New Year, it is very important to put things in order not only in your home, but also in your life. You should start with the garbage that has long been taking up extra space in your closets. It turns out that the state of your wardrobe very well reflects the state of your thoughts. Therefore, you should throw away all unnecessary and superfluous things.

Pre-New Year cleaning of the house should continue with the living room. It symbolizes family and relationships within it. When the living room is clean and fresh, the Universe gives joy and love to the family. It’s not for nothing that Italians tend to throw away old furniture on New Year’s Eve!

If you want to keep your money in order next year, be sure to clean out your kitchen. Check that there are no cracked dishes left there. For order in love affairs, there must be order in the bedroom.

While cleaning, imagine that you are wiping away all the messes with a rag, sweeping away illnesses with a broom and vacuuming up the negativity. In this case, it is worth saying the following conspiracy out loud:

“I remove all the bad things and attract happiness to myself!”


Rule one

When making a wish, you should very clearly define the time within which it should come true. In addition, you need to clearly formulate your message to the Universe.

For example, someone wants health. However, the capricious Universe will not understand such a desire. What health? For whom? For what period of time?

The wish should be formulated as follows:

“I’m always healthy!”

Please note that the particle “not” of the Universe is also not perceived. And if you make a wish in this way: “I will not get sick,” then illness, on the contrary, is guaranteed to you.

Rule two

The wish must be written down. At the same time, imagine that it has already come true. You should feel the sensations of your body: how good it feels, what emotions it is filled with, what smells and colors are around.

You need to write down your desire, striving for the maximum. For example, you should write not “I will earn a million,” but “I will earn more than a million.” The Universe loves the brave and happily fulfills such orders.

Rule three

Before the New Year, it is necessary to fill the house with new and positive energy. To do this, treat yourself to three new things. Among them there must be beautiful underwear.

By the way, the famous TV presenter Dmitry Kolyadenko gives the following advice to men:

Red underwear always accompanies success in business, happiness and money. It’s even better if your girlfriend and wife buy it for you. On New Year's Eve, you should put on red panties and say the plot out loud:

“I don’t know who, I don’t know how, gives me money just like that!”


Half an hour before midnight, the whole family should gather and perform a New Year's ritual. For this you need a clay pot. Each family member needs to roll their wishes into a tube and place them at the bottom of the pot. To attract good luck, the piece of paper should be covered with semolina. Take candy according to the number of family members and send them there too. Place walnuts on the very top of the magic pot. In this case, you should say the following words:

“Let all problems click like nuts.”

After this, the pot is closed and taken to the stove. There is no need to turn on the heat, just imagine that your desires are being prepared there, like delicious porridge. The next morning, semolina should be poured out to the birds, candy should be given to children, and nuts should be placed under the tree, and wishes should be glued to the window with the inscription facing out.

However, New Year's Eve only comes once a year, but wishes appear constantly. Then you should learn how to do a magic ritual with a mirror.


This ritual can only be performed on the day of birth. That is, if you were born on September 3, then you can ask for your wishes to be fulfilled on the 3rd of every month.

A new mirror is needed for the ceremony. Before the sacrament, immerse it under running water for 15 minutes. Then wipe dry.

Looking in the mirror, you need to read the spell, memorized in advance, 3 times:

"Through a mirror image,

Through seeing yourself

And your double

My wish is coming true!

I want to (name what).

How I see myself

So I will see that my dream comes true.

Then wrap the mirror in a soft cloth and leave it under the pillow until your wish comes true. As soon as you realize that your dream has come true, wash it with running water.

After waiting for your number, you can make a wish again. Just remember that you need to formulate it correctly.


This conspiracy to make wishes come true does not require any props or costs, however, many claim that it helps to achieve your plans.

You should say the following words every morning and before going to bed:

“Lord, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Nicholas the Pleasant, Mother of God of Kazan, help me... (say a correctly formulated desire).”


Nature helps many people fulfill their desires. Rest assured, if you know the wish spell for nature, she will do everything to please you.

If you see a fruit falling from a tree, for example, a nut, chestnut, or acorn, pick it up with your left hand and bury it. After this, say these words:

“Help me, tree spirit, as I helped you. Let there be understanding between us, fulfill my wish.”


If a certain amount of money is not enough to fulfill your dream, then you need to make a money conspiracy. Calculate a specific amount, focus on this number and the next morning at dawn, stand facing east and say:

“I, servant of God (name), got up in the morning to greet the sun and fulfill my cherished plans. There, on the eastern side, three wise men live, one knows what I should get, the second knows where to find what I owe, the third knows how to get what I owe. I will reveal a secret to those sages: I want (say your wish). Give, sages, your wisdom, help me get what I want. Let God's will be done for everything. Amen".

Once you have the required amount in your hands, be sure to spend it on your dream, otherwise the desire will not work next time.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would like to offer you several witchcraft rituals to fulfill your own desire within the framework of this article. There are simple independent rituals to fulfill a wish that are easy to do at home. Each of us has a cherished desire. Most have a lot of them. We all want something, something that we think we need, and that will transform our lives, make it more interesting and brighter. Magic will help you fulfill your cherished desires. There are magical rituals for this purpose, and there are many of them. On the waxing moon, perform a ritual at home to fulfill your own desires. Make for yourself a strong talisman, a unique key of desires.

An independent ritual to fulfill a wish is the key to all doors

Do it on the waxing moon. Perfect for this simple and yet effective magical ritual for fulfilling your own desires. To work you need to prepare:

  • key to an old castle
  • cast iron or cast iron (or steel) pan, not aluminum, uncoated

The lock from which you take the key for your magical talisman must be old. Or better yet, the old one. Decide in advance and decide which doors this key will open, what desires it will help you instantly fulfill, what you will attract into your life:

  • money?
  • good luck?
  • business success?
  • new position?
  • Love?

You better know what you want. Throw the key into boiling water. While the water is boiling, concentrate on how strong your deepest desire is, and how soon it should actually come true. Fix your attention on those tasks that your desire key should help you solve.

When the water in the pan has cooled, take out the key and wipe it on your clothes. Until your innermost desire comes true, do not part with this key. It should always be with you. Place it under your pillow at night and wear it on your body during the day – in your pocket or around your neck. This one is magical ritual to fulfill your deepest desire verified. Despite this, it works quite well at home. Try it. Try. Perhaps this will be the best ritual for you to fulfill your desires. In any case, the reviews about it are good.

The most powerful ritual - a black invitation to fulfill a wish

Through witchcraft you can fulfill your deepest desires in any way. Different Forces work differently. Egregors have their own consciousness and methods too. If you are so possessed by passion that you cannot wait for the fulfillment of your desire, but want everything to come true instantly, choose a ritual from the category of quick conspiracies and rituals to fulfill your desire. The demons work vigorously and harshly. Ask for dark helpers, but be specific in the formulation of your desires, so that along with your realized dream you do not receive side effects and unpleasant bonuses.

I, the magician Serey Artgrom, offer you to practice a powerful ritual of black magic for the instant fulfillment of your cherished desire. The witchcraft ritual is working, that’s absolutely true. What is wished for is fulfilled quickly if everything is done correctly and the sorcerer has the power. In appearance, this magical ritual for fulfilling a wish is unpretentious, however, as with all things, not everything is so simple. It can be called safe only if you have experience in performing black magic rituals, and working with such methods to achieve results in particular.

It is not advisable for inexperienced magicians to do this, because after performing a magical ritual at home to quickly fulfill your dreams, failures may begin in various areas of life. On the other hand, experience comes with witchcraft practice. You won't get far with theory alone, so try. It is not advisable to go to the place where a strong ritual is performed to quickly fulfill your desires for some time.

At a forest crossroads, make a purchase, honor the forester Enareus and all the forest demons. Leave the vodka and throw in 13 coins. Now be careful, remember how to do ritual to fulfill a wish. Go to the birch grove. In addition to purchasing black magic, take with you

  • nickel coin

Choose a birch tree, throw a nickel on the ground at its roots, and immediately cut your left hand. When the blood appears, smear the birch trunk with blood - draw an equilateral cross on it, the cross of Strength. After this, read your desire out loud, say what you want, what you desire.

And after that, read the conspiracy three times for an independent ritual to fulfill your desire:

“Thunder will strike, let the earth open, let the hell door open, let the Lord’s seal be broken, let a prayer be read in a secret book, let a bone be reduced to dust, let death itself swirl over the world, let an apostate monk be read, Yes, he will speak out against the Lord, yes he will influence my fate, yes the demons will come out of the heat, yes my words will be heard by them, yes my request will be heard by the demons, yes it will be strengthened by the accursed cross, the bloody cross, so everything will be done, so everything will come together that what was asked by me, it will be fulfilled, and it will become like hell demons, but in the birch grove it was said, and in the birch grove it was asked for, it was seen by the birches, but it is only known by them. Amen".

Having said the black demonic call, the prescribed number of times, kiss the blood cross. And then quickly leave the forest. Don’t look back, even if you hear something behind you. But it might be heard. They called the demons, not just anyone. Perhaps this is not the most powerful rite to fulfill a wish, but it has considerable power.

How to correctly perform a magical ritual to fulfill a wish

In magical practices there are a lot of effective rituals for fulfilling desires. In order for the rituals to work, and for the Forces to give exactly what you ask for, you need to be able to make wishes correctly. Strong rituals to fulfill wishes that are easy to perform at home may well lead you to the desired result, but remember, there are classic rules for making wishes.

These rules apply to all magical rituals for the fulfillment of desires:

  • intention and will
  • visualization
  • no doubt about the outcome of the work
  • the desire must be formulated in the present tense
  • after the ritual, forget about the desire, let it go
  • do not tell anyone about the witchcraft created

When you are confident in the power of magic and in your own rightness, when you are calm that you will certainly get what you want, even simple independent rituals for the quick fulfillment of desires will work as they should. You need to wish only in the present tense. Need to visualize ritual of fulfilling your deepest desires, the events you need. Such visualization reinforces the sincerity of the desire and adds strength to the witchcraft ritual. For example, try to clearly see that the deal you really want to make has taken place. Imagine a handshake, both parties smiling contentedly.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The formulation of the desire should be, as in rune magic - short, but extremely clear. The more you pile up details and details, the more confusion arises in quick conspiracies and rituals to fulfill a wish. And so that the very quick fulfillment of a desire does not cause harm to the immediate necessary environment, the formulation should end with a phrase like:

“May everything happen for my benefit, and may all changes occur without harm to (voice the names of loved ones and those whom your wish may affect).”

And one more important point in an independent conspiracy to fulfill desires: it is not the process that needs to be made, but an already accomplished event. So, don't say:
  • “I’m marrying the man of my dreams,” and: “I’m married to...”.
  • Not: “I become the head of the department,” but: “I am the boss.”

And so with any desire. Following these simple rules increases your chances of success in your witchcraft work.

Rules for the best rituals for the real fulfillment of your desires

There are many ways to “order” the Forces. You can come up with your own formulas and they will work, but it is necessary that they clearly and unambiguously express your ultimate goal, your true intention. First of all, formulate your deepest desire in the present tense.
When your most cherished wish has already been made and voiced, do not think about how it will come true. The Higher Powers have their own business. All that is required of you is faith in the result. Yes, you just need to be sure that the magical ritual you performed to fulfill your innermost desire works, and your dream is coming true right now.

True, there are also some nuances. So, for example, a beginner in magic does not always have enough strength to bring his intention to the end, and in his desired result. But this is a matter of a particular case, the problem of a particular practicing magician.

When performing a powerful ritual to fulfill your deepest desire, visualization plays a very significant role. But, after performing a magical ritual, any desire should be released. Don't endlessly think about what you want, don't lust. When we continue to lust, it is as if we do not trust the Universe. In addition, there is such a subtle point: while you passionately desire and give energy, it is not beneficial for the Forces to give you what they want, because they will stop receiving this emotional energy. But, the ritual for quickly fulfilling your strongest desires must be supplied with energy! So, I think, a dream should be pumped up with emotions in proportion to its volume. By releasing an energized desire, you express your readiness to receive it.

At all times, people have strived to improve their lives and performed various ceremonies and rituals to attract good luck and get rid of negativity.

Everyone dreams of fulfilling their cherished desire, but not everyone can set themselves up for success when faced with obstacles along the way. To make your dreams come true, use strong rituals. You don’t need any special preparation to perform them, but you need the right attitude. You must sincerely believe that your desire will definitely come true, and also clearly formulate your thoughts.

A strong ritual for desire

In the evening, you need to write your wish on a piece of paper, light a candle and place it on what you wrote. Take a small candle that will burn out quickly. As soon as the wax begins to melt and flow onto the piece of paper, say the words of the spell:

“A candle measures time with wax, fills my desire with meaning, as it burns out, my desire will be fulfilled, life will be filled with joy.”

The leaf must be removed to a secluded place. As soon as your wish comes true, break it and thank the Universe for your help.

How to make a wish come true: an effective ritual

The ceremony is carried out during, but you only need to wish for realistically achievable things. This powerful ritual helps to fulfill your plans before the Full Moon. As soon as the Moon begins to grow, buy any bread in the evening, and before going to bed, say it:

“Bread is the head of everything, and I am the master of my desires. Whatever I wish will come true, it will be born on the Full Moon, it will bring me happiness. Everything that is with me will remain with me, and what is unnecessary will be lost in the past.”

Say your wish, place the bread on your pillow. After waking up, break off and eat a piece, and crumble the rest for the birds.

Ritual for desire

During the waxing of the Moon, collect water from an open source, bring it home and leave it for the whole day. In the evening, say the words of the conspiracy:

“I’ll bring home cold water from the bowels of the earth and speak to make a wish come true. Swift water knows no barriers, it fulfills my every desire. As I say, so it will be, the Universe will not forget me.”

Water must be drunk at midnight. A wish will definitely come true if it is real and does not pose a threat or harm to others.

Knot magic for wish fulfillment

To fulfill your deepest desire, you will need patience, a red woolen thread and a candle. At any time of the day, stay alone, light a candle and peer into its flame. Imagine that your wish has already come true, feel joy and satisfaction. As soon as you feel genuine emotions, start tying knots in the rope. Say your wish out loud along with the words of the conspiracy:

“My desire is simple, achievable. I tie a knot on a thread and tie what was said to myself. The ladder will be made from knots and will follow my wishes. I’ll climb up the ladder and grab onto what’s mine.”

Repeat this spell three times without stopping tying knots. Hide the rope after the ceremony and carry it with you until your wish comes true.

Making your dreams come true with bread and salt

Make your own bread. If you have never done this, then take the simplest recipe. You can bake a small bun. While kneading the dough, think about your desire or pronounce it. The ritual must be performed on a day off (Saturday or Sunday) in the morning. Cover the finished bread with a clean towel. Let it cool a little. Break the bread into two halves, sprinkle one half with salt and the other with sugar. Take a bite of each piece in turn, and then say:

“They always ate nourishing bread, they never knew hunger, they treated everyone. Sweet bread for prosperity, salty so that you don’t forget about grief. I will connect both parts, I will tell you my desire. I’ll treat everyone with bread, I’ll fulfill their wish.”

It is important to eat pieces of bread yourself, treat your household or feed them to animals. It is important that all the bread is consumed without residue. Then your wish will quickly come true.

The fulfillment of desires is also possible with the help of Simoron rituals. Everyone chooses their own way to achieve a goal, which helps fulfill their innermost dreams. Attract positivity into your life, because a lot depends on your mood. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.02.2018 04:36

Our thoughts and psychological attitudes influence the events that happen in our lives. Eliminate negativity...

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