The most beautiful nation according to the inhabitants of the planet. The most beautiful peoples of planet earth

The first concept about ideal beauty was developed by the ancient Greeks. At all times, this indicator is unified in one way or another. Based on beauty ratings, you can understand which nations are considered the most beautiful.

Latin Americans

Representatives of Venezuela became winners six times international competition beauty "Miss World". Many popular supermodels today come from Brazil, and world-famous fashion models are from there: Marlon Teixeira, Francisco Lachowski, Gisele Bundchen, Gracie Carvalho.

These and some other countries Latin America, for example, Argentina always ranks among the most beautiful nations in the world. The secret of success lies in the ethnic diversity of the population of these countries. The descendants of the indigenous population, slaves from Africa (Brazil, Venezuela), and settlers from Europe live there; there is a large amount mixed marriages. All this formed the attractive image of modern Brazilians, Venezuelans and other Latin Americans. In the photo - Marta Vasconcellos (Brazil) - Miss Universe 1968


The Slavs are the largest group of peoples in Europe, united linguistic relationship. There are up to 350 million Slavs in the world. Among them, in various top beauty lists, first of all, such representatives are singled out Eastern Slavs like Russians and Ukrainians.

Here - similar story with Latinos. Due to the historical development of the country, the annexation of a number of lands during the Russian state, Russian Empire, USSR, modern Russians also received a variety of appearance types. In the photo - Natalya Glebova (Canada, born in Russia) - Miss Universe 2005.


European ladies have long been intrigued by the heroes of northern legends, men of Scandinavian appearance: tall, physically developed blonds with blue eyes. Blonde northern women also excited the hearts and minds of foreigners. And in modern beauty rankings, Sweden, Denmark and Norway often occupy places in the top five. However, despite the fact that in these countries there is still a large number of natural blondes, due to the multiculturalism existing in Europe, everything appears in the Scandinavian countries more people completely different appearance.

In this regard, ethnographers predict a significant decline in the population of the traditional Scandinavian type in these countries. In the photo - Kuusela Army (Finland) - Miss Universe 1952.


Considered the most beautiful among nations East Asia. They tend to have oval faces, almond-shaped eyes, and a more expressive nose compared to the Chinese and Koreans. In addition, white-skinned people are common in Japan. The peculiarities of the appearance of the Japanese are largely explained by the long-term closeness of the island state. Despite the fact that Portuguese sailors reached the Japanese coast in 1543, Japan began to fully contact the West only in the second half of the 19th century. In the photo - Akiko Kojima (Japan) - Miss Universe 1959


According to the theory of “Indo-Aryan migrations,” the tribes of the same name penetrated into the northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. Gradually they moved south and east. As a result, they assimilated with the indigenous population and passed on the language and Vedic culture to them.

At the same time, ethnic diversity was formed, the preservation of which was facilitated by centuries-old caste system. To this day, the skin color of the upper castes is lighter than that of the lower castes. Among modern Indians, oval faces are common, big eyes, large lips, black smooth hair. It is not uncommon to see people with narrow noses. Height rarely exceeds 185 cm, but Sikhs stand out here, whose height is 5-10 cm above the national average. In the photo - Lara Dutta (India) - Miss Universe 2000


These Middle Easterners also score high on beauty lists. The bulk of the Lebanese population are Arabs, about whom one of the ratings wrote “the most beautiful in Arab world" In order to appreciate the appearance of the Lebanese, it is not at all necessary to go to their homeland. Among the celebrities there are many people from Lebanon.

So, the wife is Lebanese by origin Hollywood actor George Clooney, lawyer Amal Alamuddin. Also worth noting are model Rosarita Tawil, hip-hop artist Massari and three-time Emmy Award winner actor Tony Shalhoub. In addition, actress Salma Hayek and singer Shakira are half Lebanese (on their father's side). In the photo - Georgina Risk (Lebanon) - Miss Universe 1971

Despite the fact that on our planet more men, the most beautiful nation, as a rule, is determined feminine beauty. Probably, the decisive role in this was played by the belief that male attractiveness is tied not to appearance, but to intelligence. Be that as it may, numerous surveys on the topic “which nation is the most beautiful” focus exclusively on female parameters. According to them, representatives of some nations are confidently present in all ratings, unanimously recognized as the most beautiful.

Italy. Temperamental, self-aware Italians know how to attract attention. Their dark shiny hair, dark well-groomed skin, huge expressive eyes and white-toothed smile are the standard of beauty and femininity for many. Actress Ornella Muti is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, and the true representative of her nation, Sophia Loren, even in adulthood does not concede the title of the most beautiful woman on the planet to anyone.

Russia. Although Russian women are often ridiculed for their tireless desire to look “one hundred percent” anywhere at any time of the day, perhaps this helps them enter the ratings. Those who admit that Russians are the most beautiful nation note that our compatriots are very feminine, charming and do not belong to a single type. Although in a situation like Russia, it cannot be otherwise.

USA. Perhaps no nation causes so much controversy about its beauty. Fans of the appearance of American women cite as examples their magnificent teeth, hair, athletic figure and rare self-confidence. Opponents appeal to the increasing obesity of the American population and to the disappearance of femininity under the influence of the feminist movement. However, for most, American appearance symbolizes modern canons of beauty.

Sweden. Nine out of ten respondents admit that the most beautiful nation lives in this Indeed, concentration beautiful women within the confines of a small country is amazing. Swedes, as a matter of fact, are all tall and slender, which is explained by their sporty lifestyle. and a well-groomed appearance make them feel very confident. Despite the fact that Sweden is considered to be a country of blondes, there are also plenty of light-eyed brunettes here.

Brazil. Maybe Brazilian women are affected by the generous sun, but they are definitely the embodiment of life, unbridled fun, and coquetry. Dark-skinned women with luxurious bodies and thick hair dance beautifully, play beach soccer and shock with their temperament. Now they are successfully conquering fashion catwalks, which once again proves that Brazilians are the most beautiful nation.

Venezuela. This is every reason to say that the most beautiful nation in the world lives on its territory. Luxurious Venezuelans have become winners of prestigious world beauty contests 19 times. Dark-haired owners exotic appearance They have been participating in such competitions since they were 5-6 years old, so they feel confident on world stages, which allows them to demonstrate all facets of beauty.


“All European travelers who have ever visited Georgia unanimously recognize the beauty and charm of the Circassian and Georgian girls. Turks, Arabs, Persians, of course, share this idea, since with all their hearts they wanted to ennoble their people with Georgian blood, which the Persians managed to achieve.”

(Immanuel Kant - German philosopher, founder of German classical philosophy)

“When describing the Persians, the ancient traveler Chardin says: “Their blood has now been extremely ennobled due to frequent marriages with Georgians and Circassians, two nations that surpass all others in beauty. There is hardly a single noble person in Persia whose mother was not Georgian or Circassian.” +

(Charles Darwin - English naturalist and traveler)

“The most beautiful people in the world, in terms of aristocratic features and slender figure, are the Georgians.”

(German scientist Ritzel ("Znob. Purzeli" No. 1020))

The famous Chardin writes in 1671:

“The Kartvelian tribe is the most beautiful in the entire East and even, I can say, in the whole world. Here I could not see a single ugly person and not a single ugly woman. They are all beautiful. Most Georgian women are gifted with such charm that you will not find anywhere else. It is difficult to depict the beauty of the face and grace of the figure of a Georgian woman: they are personable, gentle, and have a thin figure. You rarely see fat women.”

Memoire sur l'ethnographie de la Perse" (Paris, 1866):

“The Georgian nation has long been distinguished by the grace of its type, and the Persians and Turks owe to the purity of Georgian and Circassian blood the improvement of their naturally rude type, which was helped by countless evictions that have been carried out from Georgia and Circassia for a long time.”

Emile Francois Dessen

“...Georgians, although a warlike people, know how to appreciate pleasure. Cuisine and dancing are their strongest national traits. In the numerous gardens bordering Tiflis, and on the terraces - the roofs of the Tiflis sakels - you can often see flocks of young girls and boys performing fiery dances ... "

“In appearance, Georgians are among the most beautiful peoples globe; They tall and strong build, have a delicate and clear complexion, luxurious hair and big eyes. Georgians are kind-hearted, affectionate and highest degree hospitable. Their passion for dancing and singing is remarkable…” (from “Geography of the Russian Empire” 1892). Blumenbach considered the ideal of a person whose origins were Georgian , believing it to be a prototype white man. He wrote: Caucasian type - for study I took exactly this type, the mountain type of the Caucasus, because its southern slope produces the most beautiful race of people, by this race I primarily mean Georgians.”

Georgian-Circassian settlements in Iran

Mixed Georgian-Circassian settlements, as well as separate Circassian settlements, were founded in the 17th century. in Fars province. Pietro Della Valle, who visited these places in 1621, noted that the plain around Asupas was dotted with Circassian and Georgian settlements. The settlements of Circassians and Georgians in Kashk-i-Zar and Main were called upon, according to the Shah’s plan, to protect the Isfahan-Shiraz road from Kurdish robbery raids.

Sir Thomas Herbert passed through this area in 1627: “We spent the next night in Asupas; in and around it live at least forty thousand Georgians and Sarkash (Circassians) who profess Christianity; they venerate Saint George and consider the Cappadocian bishop their patron.

They are distinguished from Muslims by their gray eyes, which Aristotle considered the most important sign of temperament, in contrast to the black color of most Persians; as well as long blond hair, which they, like the ancient dandies from the descriptions of Pliny and Lucian, tie together with thin bandages of silk, gold or silver. And if one of them converts to Islam, which happens more and more often, they consider it very despicable. Poor souls! When they learned that we were Christians, they crowded around us and many of them shed tears.”

(Quoted from: Oberling P. Georgians and Circassians in Iran, p.140.)

Georgians are a warlike and fearless people. They are brave warriors, strong in body and firm in faith. The countless army of Georgians inspires fear in the Saracens. Many times they caused great damage to Persia, Media and Assyria, near whose borders they live, always surrounded by tribes of infidels.

These people call themselves Georgians because they worship and venerate St. George, whom they chose as their patron and put his image on their banners, which they carry during battle. They revere George above all other saints. The Persians called the Georgians “Gurj”, which means wolf, and their country Gurjistan is the land of wolves.

Arab chronicler and political figure al-Umari (died 1348) describes the Georgians as "supporters of the religion of the cross", adding that the Mamluk sultans of Egypt usually addressed the Georgian ruler in their messages as "To the great monarch, the hero, the brave man, just to his subjects, the successor of the Greek rulers, the defender of the land of his knights, the defender of the faith in Jesus, sacred leader of Christian heroes, best of friends and friend of rulers and sultans." For their part, the Georgian rulers emphasized their role as defenders of the faith by placing on their coins the inscription “Sword of Faith” or “Defender of the Lord”, written in Arabic and Persian ... " +

David Lang. “Georgians. Guardians of the shrines."

The ancient Greeks argued about beauty and its standards. We have not made much progress today. But there is still some progress: “90-60-90” has sunk into oblivion, too thin models are not hired, body positivity is conquering the world. However, the media still writes about those who die from anorexia, and truly cruel diets are produced.


Don't northern men excite your heart and mind? Tall and strong blondes with blue eyes. It's a pity that the stronger sex doesn't compete in beauty!

But here are their fellow countrymen... Girls from Denmark, Norway and Sweden often find themselves in the top five of their respective competitions. However, it is worth noting that multiculturalism is thriving in Europe. In Scandinavian countries, children are born with completely atypical appearance. Ethnographers are sounding the alarm!

In the photo - Miss Universe 1952 from Finland. The girl's name is Army Kuusela.

Latin Americans

As many as six times, girls from Venezuela won the title of the most beautiful at the Miss World competition. Many popular fashion models come from Brazil: Gisele Bundchen, Gracie Carvalho, Francisco Lachowski, Marlon Teixeira.

Latin American countries always rank among the most beautiful nations in the world. And the secret lies in the ethnic diversity of the countries. The blood of the descendants of the indigenous population, Africans and Europeans was mixed there. This has shaped the attractive appearance of modern Latin Americans.

In the photo - Miss Universe 1968 from Brazil. The girl's name is Martha Vasconcellos.


This is the largest group of peoples - there are 350 million Slavs. But most often Russians and Ukrainians are singled out in beauty ratings.

Here, plausibility is explained in almost the same way as among Latin Americans. Historical development(for example, the USSR) provided modern Slavs with a variety of appearance types.


In the photo - Miss Universe 2005 from Canada (but was born in Russia). The girl's name is Natalya Glebova.


This people is called the most beautiful in the lands of East Asia. The Japanese, as a rule, have almond-shaped eyes, an oval face, and an expressive nose.

The appearance of the Japanese is canonical. This is largely due to the prolonged closure of the state. Thus, Japan began to have close contacts with the West only in the second half of the 19th century. Scientists do not take into account the Portuguese sailors who reached the coast of the country back in 1543.

Pictured is Miss Universe 1959 from Japan. The girl's name is Akiko Kojima.


Modern Indians have large eyes, full lips, oval faces and black smooth hair. Sometimes - an elegant nose. Height rarely exceeds 185 cm, but Sikhs are different - they are 5-10 cm taller than the rest of the population.

Ethnic diversity was formed through assimilation. As the theory of “Indo-Aryan migration” states, the tribes of the same name at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. made their way to the northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent. They merged with the indigenous population. Consequently, ethnic diversity emerged, which was preserved by the caste system. Even today, the upper castes have lighter skin color than the lower castes.

Pictured is Miss Universe 2000 from India. The girl's name is Lara Dutta.


And these representatives of the Middle East close our list. The bulk of the Lebanese population are Arabs. One of the ratings described them as accurately as possible, calling them “the most beautiful in the Arab world.”

I photographed girls without hesitation. Since I visited five countries in a week, it would be a sin not to take advantage and compare Asian women different nationalities.

Thailand, Bangkok

1 My journey began here, it’s the easiest place to fly here from Russia, and there are a lot of stereotypes about Thai girls.

2 I can’t be 100% sure that they are all real, but it seems to me that there are no “ladyboys” in my selection.

3 Please note that the girls are not posing. Often they did not notice that I was filming them and continued to go about their business. This makes it more honest and objective to evaluate their beauty.

4 How do you like Thais?

6 Girl in the Bangkok subway.

7 If your choice falls on Thailand, there are always good tickets here.

8 I didn’t know anything at all about Burmese young ladies. Besides the fact that in their country the Civil War, which lasted more than half a century.

9 A young beauty at the market crawled out of bed and immediately sold chickens, without even changing her clothes.

10 “War paint” is often found on the faces of Burmese women of all ages. This thanaka protects from the sun, the evil eye and everything else.

11 You already understand that Burmese women love gold. Poor people - move aside!

12 This girl has a universal appearance, and could pass for Korean, Japanese or Chinese. But she's Vietnamese. (Like the girl in the title photo)

13 We flew to Ho Chi Minh City with the beauty queen. The girl was returning from the competition, she was met by the press and fans, and I took a selfie. But there will be prettier girls in this post, won’t they?

14 Flip flops are very different. But they all have one thing in common.

15 And village simpletons.

16 And unapproachable office madams.

17 They all love sex with foreigners. I haven’t checked it myself, but now I’m biting my elbows! Vietnam, it turns out, is the world capital of male sex tourism.

18 “Picking up” a girl here will not be difficult, primarily because of free morals. And interest in everything foreign. Although some pass this off as an ardent desire of Vietnamese women to marry a European and leave the country. In reality, they just love sex.

19 Did you like any of them?

20 One day I saw a photograph of a Laotian girl, and I was struck to the heart. She was a mixed race, her father was Belarusian, and her mother was from Laos. I have never seen such beauty before or after...

21 ...Not in real life, real Laotian girls turned out to be a little different.

22 But here you evaluate!

23 How do you like the Laotians?

24 Try to imagine her with a smile.

25 This girl lives in a cemetery. She is eighteen, her whole life is ahead of her, but a small bamboo bomb stands among the graves. There is only one room, which he shares with his mother.

26 Cambodian girls smile in front of a portrait of their king.

27 Due to the specifics of the country, this girl was also photographed in the ghetto.

28 Many of the girls turned out to be a little sad. I don't know why. Probably, it was necessary to ask them to pose, and not take pictures on the sly. But this girl is great.

29 In general, it was in Cambodia that there was the most sad faces. But about the country and it tragic story I will tell you in a separate report in the near future.

30 And now - let's choose. Which country's girls are the most beautiful?

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