Safety rules in criminal situations. Behavior in a criminal situation while in transport


  1. Show the danger of the living environment.
  2. Learn to protect yourself from scammers.
  3. Summary educational material.

Rules for safe behavior with a stranger

a) On the street

Talking about the rules safe behavior With stranger on the street, the teacher needs to be reminded who should be considered a stranger. A stranger is any person you don't know. A stranger may call you by name, say that he came at the request of his parents. But if the person is unfamiliar to you, you must refuse all offers.

The ideal is a careful record of the student's challenging behavior, from which we will soon be able to identify the "starters", preventive factors, "brakes" and the target of the behavior that we want to mitigate or eliminate. An integral part of this stage is also the discovery of information about the student himself, about his personality, characteristics, values, interests, hobbies, strengths and weaknesses, family background and health. We also focus on what the student may perceive as “reward” and “punishment,” and we can use these resources to reinforce desired behaviors.

WITH early childhood Children should know that people are different, and you should only deal with those you know.

Then the teacher brings to the students the law of five “NOTs”, which children in many countries know:

  • never talk to a stranger;
  • never get into a car without your parents’ permission, especially with a stranger, even if he promises something tempting;
  • never play or linger on the way home from school;
  • never walk after dark;
  • do not enter the entrance or elevator when a stranger is there;

The first rule is the most unconditional. The pretext that the attacker will find can be anything: to see some animals, enroll in a sports section, star in a film.

We control how and if a student communicates their needs and how they respond to the mode of communication between different school staff. At the same time, we think about the degree and extent of the student's misbehavior. Can we deal with this by incorporating targeted preventative measures into regular lessons or we need help from others. We will invite these people to cooperate, create a coordinator for all cooperation and talk about its specific form.

More complex interventions should always be carried out as a team collaboration between teachers, families and external experts, depending on the type of problem and the availability of services in the student's area. When working with an individual, it includes, but is not limited to, the use of behavioral techniques to guide behavior, enhance teacher-student communication through video teaching, therapeutic work with the student or family system in collaboration with a psychologist or other professional, outpatient mental health care, social services, centers educational assistance and other types educational institutions, or a therapeutic stay in a psychiatric hospital.

You need to know that if you are alone, then to any words of a stranger you must answer: “Sorry, no” or “Sorry, I don’t know.” And leave.

b) At the entrance of the house, in the elevator.

According to experts (which in turn is confirmed by police reports of incidents), it is the entrances, elevators and stairwells of buildings that are becoming increasingly dangerous places for life.

We can work with families at conferences or through invited experts. In extreme cases of long-term inappropriate influence of family background on the healthy development of the child, these interventions may also lead to the institutionalization of the child. We try to get into his situation and see what motivates him to reconsider the need for change. We remember that our main goal is to stimulate the student's intrinsic motivation to change behavior. Requirements are always formulated in the most specific and unambiguous form. They must be stable, reasonably justifiable over time, fair and in accordance with School rules. If we use rewards and sanctions, we distribute them as soon as possible after demonstrating the observable behavior. The reward should always outweigh the sanction by praising criticism. Our job is to find something that we can positively evaluate with students with significant problem behavior. We remember that students with behavioral problems often have disruptive self-esteem, positive perceptions and appreciation of others help to change self-acceptance. At the beginning of training, the student cannot evaluate himself and take full advantage of the evaluation of others. Self-esteem is gradually taught throughout compulsory schooling and is fundamentally dependent on the student's assessment of his environment. If we use a reward and penalty system, we remember that every student is a little different and we need to take that into account when choosing these resources. The reward must be interesting to the student, otherwise it is meaningless. May take such forms as praising the teacher for extra attention, small sweets, temporary privileges in class, allowing favorite activities, or even refusing unpleasant duties or shortening. Fines, where possible, are related to the nature of the offense - through sanction, students are led to understand the consequences of their behavior. We remember that just because a student knows what to do does not always mean that they will automatically know what to do instead. We have to study this. We communicate intensively with the family about the student's challenging behavior. We do not act as experts, we do not respect the cultural and value traditions of the family, as well as the ability of parents to cooperate with the school. We ask parents to respect the school's planned educational measures, and we try to respect their understanding by choosing appropriate motivational tools to work with the student. We comply with our reporting obligations to the extent required by applicable law. We do not engage in activities that we are not sure we can handle. First of all, we do not reveal deeply personal personal problems of a student unless we have a comprehensive therapeutic background - we leave such work to outside experts. We work as a team, we support each other. For more serious cases, we always report to school management. External contacts are actively in contact and we agree to this form of cooperation for both parties. If service providers cannot provide us with necessary information, we will use them to obtain methodological support to the extent that they can provide. Extremely strong or overly lenient attitudes, as well as the difficult teacher's reluctance to deal with it, can lead to undesirable behavior in the student. In extreme cases, the situation can lead to a serious threat to the safety of the student or others in his environment. The teacher himself may be at risk if his colleagues and school authorities do not provide sufficient support, or if he has to repeatedly deal with an aggressive student or aggressive parents.

  • We know in advance why we want what we want after the student.
  • We set reasonable requirements for the age and abilities of the student.
  • We take into account his personality, ability, family background.
An example of good practice is Pepa, who joined the class directly from family.

Our multi-apartment buildings, which are not guarded by anyone, occupy one of the first places in the world in terms of danger level. At best, one entrance in a thousand is equipped with an intercom, which allows you to open the door only after negotiations with the person you are going to see. The effectiveness of combination locks is clearly low. That's why, when entering the entrance, you should think about the potential dangers.

At home he lived with four living siblings and his parents were overeducated. Conflicts with classmates began at school - the teacher noticed that the reason was the boy’s clumsy attempts to participate in group classes. It therefore included activities to teach social skills and encourage collaboration among students - using games found on the Internet to incorporate music, physics and art education.

For example, she read a story about mutual aid and encouraged them to think about how we can help each other and improve our mood. They did big poster from the ideas they introduced into the class. They also published a list of classroom rules. They invented 20 meter rewards that students could earn when they met class rules, the teacher's daily task, or helped each other and improved their mood. Each student had a glass of glass on the bench, which the lady teacher threw after each action of the colored button - "glasses".

  • Firstly, the lights on the staircases and at the entrance should be on in the evening and all night.
  • Secondly, when entering the entrance, do not allow yourself to “switch off”, completely immersing yourself in your own thoughts. Look around carefully, keeping in mind the possible danger.
  • Thirdly, when approaching the entrance of the house, make sure that there are no strangers or suspicious subjects there. When you see a stranger, linger, do not tempt fate.
  • Fourth, if possible, try to enter the entrances, especially in the evening, with one of your friends or neighbors. Criminals usually attack individuals.
  • Fifth, never ride in an elevator with a stranger, even if the elevator doors are held open “especially for you.” In response to such kindness, you can say that you are not alone and will still wait for your parents.

It would seem that the not so complex rules of safe behavior are easy to remember and strictly follow, but there are times when you need to remember one of the rules of safe life - “anticipate danger.” I give my students an example of how one seventh-grader, knowing that she should not enter an elevator with a stranger, entered the cabin with a woman she knew and who lived several floors below, and with an unfamiliar man. The woman got out, and Nastya V. remained in the cabin with the stranger, who, threatening her with a knife, took away her gold earrings. This is an easy price to pay for forgetting the “anticipate danger” rule.

At the end of each day, the teacher returned the students to the carpet and assessed the day for 15 minutes. The students had to think that someone did not do anything to them from the class and they advised the teacher who should add points. The points were then numbered and if there were enough they would exchange them for some of the rewards on offer. Maybe the candies could be picked immediately, some bonuses were valid until the next day, some could be picked in any week.

Options for measures depending on the level of support

Pepa responded very quickly to the reward system - he was soon able to repeat the rules and sometimes show how to better handle the situation. He quickly learned to interact with others without causing conflict and enjoyed school tremendously. Behavior management can be addressed through simpler preventive interventions in teacher education. It usually works continuously with the entire team in combination with more targeted interventions aimed directly at the student's manifestations.

c) Talking on the phone when you are alone at home.

The lesson is interesting when the teacher creates situations and the students, in the role of a “stranger,” try to force them to break the rules of the owner of the phone.

1) The stranger says that he is dad’s employee and calls the owner of the phone by name. Like, dad asked you to accept the New Year's purchases, which will now be delivered by car. Answer: “Call your father back at work.” Do not open the door without specifications.

Depending on the specific form of demanding behavior, for example by following the following interventions. For example, we know from experience that the student gets too "anxious" in movement games and unintentionally harms others in the game. This is why a student, at the first sign of a split, will ask if he will help us with an important task and inadvertently redirects his attention and energy to an activity that will help him calm down.

The more irritable and easy to teach a student we will sit with students with a similar arrangement or with very lively students. We will ensure that neighbors do not interfere with personal space. For the non-homeschool student, we will discuss an alternative way of entering and monitoring homework - for example, we can inform parents directly via the Internet. For a student who often does not carry assistance, we ask our parents for special set, which we hold with each other, for an hour, to borrow from the student and make sure that he returns her back.

2) A stranger asks if the parents are at home. Answer: “They are busy. Tell me who and where to call back.” Answer: “They are busy. Tell me who and where to call back?”

3) A stranger on the phone asks what number it is. Answer: “Where are you calling?”

The teacher needs to spend a few minutes preparing for such situations and, after listening to the answers, you can give hints, but, as a rule, students create interesting situations.

Easily broken objects in the classroom are inaccessible to live students, leaving them in the classroom for recess. It may happen that a student does something unfortunate and it is too hard for him to apologize. Therefore, we play out a similar situation with students through dramatization, and we make them develop as many possibilities as possible to solve it. We will reproduce together creative solutions allowing students various kinds roles in history. We adapt the depth of this reflection according to age. Let's summarize what can be done in such situations.

Finally this issue An example can be given where information security is violated when communicating by phone. Advertisement in the newspaper: “VCR for sale. Call from 18:00 to 20:00 by phone…”. A call with the question: “Your address, is it possible to come to you earlier, for example at 15 o’clock?” Answer: “No, you can’t, we’re all at work until 6 p.m.” This is how the apartment was robbed.

Activities like these can be thought through and help us illustrate the use of social skills in specific life situations. We want, for example, to teach a student not to shout. The student who enters calls and pays attention to him. In contrast, we ignore the student who is shouting. Only when we begin to communicate do we turn to him with a smile and begin to pay attention to him. But we may encounter a student who needs more motivation than the teacher's attention. For example, we agree that if he leaves without yelling for a predetermined period of time, he will receive a pre-agreed payment or points that he can redeem for a subsequent reward.

2. Fraud and protection against it

Facilities mass media They never tire of warning the population about the widespread fraud in our country.

One of its types - gambling. This phenomenon is designed to kindle in a person a passion for easy money. It is instructive to quote one of the Russian proverbs from the “Encyclopedia of Extreme Situations” by Anatoly Gostyushin: “If you hadn’t played, my friend, you wouldn’t have been left without trousers!” Here is the way of protection - avoid even starting the event:“If you wouldn’t play, my friend...”

All gambling develop according to the following scheme:

  • An imperceptible start.
  • Getting stuck in a web.
  • Complete gutting.

Here many examples can be cited from the AIF (section “O. Bender’s Corner”).

It is worth recalling that the main task of the organizers of “scams” ​​and other street lotteries is to draw a passerby into the game under any pretext, to inflame passion and greed in a person. A mass of all kinds of lotteries, “Loto - Million”, “Sportloto” and others, fell upon us from the TV screen, from the newspapers, and how many home-made lotteries! Historians say that when Catherine II was offered to hold the first lottery in Russia, she replied: “Russia is not so poor as to fool its subjects like that.”


Here the victims are destroyed by one thing - greed. Fraudsters masterfully play on this vice.

The “doll” is a “pack of dollars”: on top and bottom there is one real bill, and in the middle there is cut paper (or money photographed on a color copier). Fraudsters are on duty near exchange offices, looking for simpletons.

You can ask the teacher to pass on the acquired knowledge to parents: under no circumstances should you sell or buy foreign currency, do not sell cars, apartments, dachas, and so on, bypassing stores or specialized companies.


This ancient profession has found a rebirth among us. Young men in a suit, tie, with a backpack or large bag can be seen not only on city streets. Door-to-door visits have already become commonplace. Goal: to start talking, to sell unnecessary goods, and even at prices higher than usual. The hype begins with speeches: “Our company is celebrating an anniversary, and we are giving you...” and so on.

“Forgetful Passenger”

This is when people are engaged in private transportation, and when leaving the car they can be left with a case, a package, and then the driver is required to pay the “left” dollars.

“The Caretakers”

Fraudsters of all stripes have firmly lined the waiting rooms of our train stations and airports. Passengers burdened with heavy luggage often have to spend many hours in the waiting room. And there is a need to leave at least for a while. What should I do? The simplest thing is to ask a neighbor to look after your luggage. This is where unpleasant surprises await us...

“Holiday Gifts”

On holiday, people want a little miracle. This is what scammers take advantage of. They call and say: “Congratulations, you are the winner of the Christmas lottery. Your phone number was given by the lottery machine. Write down how to find us...” You come for a VCR, but it turns out that there are three dozen such lucky ones. You have to compete with them by paying 100 rubles. It is not difficult to guess that at best you will receive a consolation prize - a video cassette.

Another “holiday” type of fraud is the sale of fake tickets to New Year’s performances for children. Therefore, buying tickets in person is a risky business.

“Work abroad, highly paid work”

There are a lot of such advertisements, and they end with the message that you need to send money to receive instructions. That is, a kind of pyramid works.

“Half Prizes”

Who among us has not heard the Coca-Cola advertisement on TV “Your answer to the sun! Prize in every tenth bottle!”? I just had to say “half prize”. Everyone has the back of a bicycle, the right halves of their T-shirts and glasses. This is how we keep the treasured yellow caps until the cancer on the mountain whistles.

We have considered only some types of fraud that are based on the trust of citizens. Modern Ostaps began to earn a lot of money from our decency.

This is the situation: you find a wallet with documents in the elevator. After studying the contents, you come across the owner’s phone and call him. He is happy, thanks, and when we meet he asks: “Where are two thousand dollars?”

Morality: If you find someone's things, do not try to give them back yourself; it is better to return them through the police. It’s more reliable and…cheaper.

And at the end of the lesson, some information.

About gypsy fortune telling

Who among us has not met a gypsy woman on the streets persistently trying to tell fortunes, and if you agreed, then the scenario is already clear. The fact is that fortune tellers use almost all 130 techniques of suggestion known in psychotherapy. But unlike psychotherapeutic hypnosis, gypsy hypnosis has an amazing property: it does not completely turn off the consciousness of the victim, who understands perfectly well that she is now being deceived and scammed out of money, but cannot resist.

Some advice for those who do not want to be deceived by a gypsy:

  • Avoid it.
  • If they pester you, then say sharply: “Leave me alone!”
  • If a gypsy woman pesters you, tell her: “Beautiful, I have hypnosis, and I can tell fortunes with cards better than your fortune teller, my great-grandmother, and if you don’t disappear now, then your entire family, down to the tenth generation...”
  • If you can't leave, try to laugh. Laughter destroys any hypnosis, and the gypsies themselves will leave you alone.

Questions for control.

  1. Tell us about the law of five “NOTs”.
  2. What are the dangers of participating in a street lottery?

Abstract on the topic:

"Rules of conduct in criminal situations»

1. The first actions of a person in an extreme situation

2. Terrorist attack

· General rules security

· Behavior in a crowd

· Behavior in transport

3. Actions when different types attacks

· Robbery

· Assault with intent to humiliate the victim

· Rape


· Assault with intent to kill

1. First actions when you find yourself in an extreme situation

To act adequately in extreme situation, the following action plan should be followed whenever possible:

1. Before making any decision, analyze the situation in which you find yourself.

2. Try, as far as possible, to evaluate the person opposing you, paying attention directly to his physical and mental characteristics, mood and possible behavioral characteristics.

3. Put yourself in a state that will allow you not only to act, but also to think.

4. Determine the tactics of your behavior depending on the total amount of information received by you and behave in accordance with it.

Many people make one of two mistakes - they overestimate their capabilities, or greatly underestimate them. Both of these make you a potential victim. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between real and imaginary dangers, correctly evaluate people and control oneself.

You need to choose the line of behavior that your attackers least expect from you:

Absolutely never provoke the enemy to escalate the conflict, do not respond with rudeness to rudeness, or with insult for insult.

Do not enter into any disputes or conflicts

You cannot underestimate the attacker and treat him leniently. Consider him a dangerous opponent and be prepared to defend yourself

Always look into the eyes of the person you are talking to. If you are shouted at, respond quietly and calmly. The tone must be firm, but at the same time not aggressive. Try to appear confident in yourself and your actions

If you have no chance of relying on your own strength or help, try to escape

Assess the scene, choose the most advantageous position for you (take into account possible escape routes, and also the use of improvised means - a bottle, a stick, heavy objects). When moving, try not to leave the enemy behind you. From a tactical point of view, it is more advantageous to turn your back to the wall.

2. Terrorist attack

General safety rules

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance, so you should always be on guard. Particular caution should be exercised at crowded events with thousands of participants, in popular entertainment venues, and hypermarkets.

1. Pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials.

2. Never accept packages or bags from strangers, or leave your luggage unattended.

3. The family must have an emergency action plan; all family members must have telephone numbers and email addresses written down.

4. You must designate a place where you can meet your family members in an emergency.

5. In case of evacuation, take with you a set of essential items and documents.

6. Always find out where the emergency exits from the premises are.

7. In the house, it is necessary to strengthen and seal entrances to basements and attics, install an intercom, and clear staircases and corridors of cluttering objects.

8. It is necessary to organize a watch for the residents of your house, who will regularly walk around the building, observing whether everything is in order, paying special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, unloading bags and boxes.

9. If there is an explosion, fire, or earthquake, never use the elevator.

10. Try not to panic, no matter what happens, remember that panic can provoke terrorists and accelerate the attack, as well as prevent the authorities from preventing a crime or reducing its consequences.

Behavior in a crowd

Terrorists often choose crowded places for attacks. In addition to the actual damaging factor of a terrorist act, people also die and are injured as a result of a stampede that arises as a result of panic. Therefore it is necessary to remember following rules crowd behavior:

1. Choose the safest place. It should be as far as possible from the middle of the crowd, stands, garbage containers, boxes, abandoned packages and bags, glass display cases, fences and fences.

2. If you panic, be sure to take off your tie and scarf.

3. When crushing, you need to free your hands from all objects, bend them at the elbows, and fasten your clothes with all the buttons.

4. You cannot grab trees, poles, or fences.

5. We must try with all our might to stay on our feet.

6. If you fall, you need to curl up on your side, sharply pull your legs up, and try to rise in the direction of the crowd.

7. Do not attract attention to yourself with provocative statements and shouting slogans.

8. Do not approach aggressive individuals or groups of individuals.

9. Do not interfere in ongoing skirmishes.

10. Try to leave the crowd.

Transport safety

To avoid danger or reduce possible damage in the event of

terrorist attack, you need to follow simple rules.

1. Notify the driver, police officers or

2. station duty officers about detected suspicious objects

3. or suspicious persons.

4. Those who are more likely to be attacked

5. dressed too flashily, wears a lot of jewelry or

6. military-style clothing and camouflage colors.

7. To avoid making yourself a target of terrorist fanatics,

8. Avoid discussion of political discussions, demonstrative

9. reading religious or pornographic publications.

10. If your vehicle is hijacked, try not to

11. attract special attention terrorists.

12. In the event of an assault, it is safest to lie on the floor, and if

13. This is impossible, you must stay away from the windows.

14. Anyone who holds a weapon in their hands is anti-terrorist

15. The group perceives him as a terrorist. Do not touch the weapon, or

16. other property of terrorists. If possible, try not

17. move until the operation is completely completed.

3. Howactfor different typesattacks.


During a robbery, it is better to calmly get everything valuable and hand it over to the criminal than to risk his life, causing aggression in him, this best plan actions if there is a group of criminals in front of you, and there are no people around.

Assault with intent to humiliate the victim

Attacks intended to humiliate the victim occur in Lately more often. These are beatings and rapes that are committed by criminals to increase their self-esteem. Therefore, evaluate the attacker, try to understand what motivates him.


Western psychologists have identified three types of motivation for rapists: anger, power and sadism.

1. If the motive for rape is anger, the offender is aggressive, angry, tries not to talk, and humiliates the victim. This type will try to tie you up and beat you, suppress you, his goal is to hurt you, to avenge himself.

Actions : You can arouse sympathy from the rapist by reporting menstruation, pregnancy, or health problems; you can cause disgust, for example, by vomiting; show that you feel very bad, and you cannot be an object for revenge.

2. A rapist who wants to assert himself by humiliating the victim tries to control and command. The first thing he will do is try to intimidate you. Such a rapist can talk for hours with the victim from the position of the owner. Usually these are failed, notorious subjects. Actions: show that you do not respect the criminal, demonstrate calm and strength; Start teaching him about life, tell him that he is doing everything wrong, he needs to do it differently, etc.

3. Both evil and powerful rapists see you as a victim, behave in a different way, for example, be happy, start clapping your hands joyfully, say that you have dreamed of this for a long time, tell a couple of dirty jokes, and most importantly, do not show your fear, and the rapist will not be able to achieve his goal goals, he simply won’t be able to get excited if the game is on not as he planned.

4. Sadism acts as a motive extremely rarely, this is 3-2% of all rapes, but sadistic rapists rarely leave their victim alive. the main objective a sadist can cause pain, he can cut, burn with a cigarette. He takes pleasure in pain. Show that you feel very bad, and you cannot be an object for revenge. If a sadistic rapist attacks you, resist, your tears and screams only make him happy, so act, don’t be passive, two-thirds of girls who resist the rapist manage to avoid rape. You shouldn’t be afraid to anger him with your actions; in this case, this is not heroism, but the need to fight for life. Actions: resist, your tears and screams only make him happy, so act, don’t be passive. You shouldn’t be afraid to anger him with your actions; in this case, this is not heroism, but the need to fight for life.


· The first rule when confronted with an aggressive group is not to engage in discussion. Any conversation they start is a provocation for further actions, so you should not stoop to their level, remember that they are insulting you deliberately.

· Verbal communication with a superior enemy is pointless.

· Non-standard behavior can save your life. For example, start shouting “Fire”, this is the only word that always attracts the attention of others. If you are in the city, break a window, or run into a store, there are guards in every store, even at night, even if you break something, compensation for material damage is preferable to buying a coffin for your relatives. You should not run into the entrance, no one will help you, the residents, of course, will call the police, but no one will let you into the apartment, remember this.

· Don’t think that refusing to resist will help you avoid bodily harm; an aggressive crowd does not distinguish between a man and a child, and scumbags are unlikely to appreciate your compliance. Therefore, try to provide all possible resistance and run, often this is the only way to save your life. But even here it is necessary to show restraint and prudence.

· Try to identify the leader in the group and attack him, trying to inflict as much damage as possible. The psychology of ultra groups is primitive, and when the leader is attacked, the entire group will unconsciously observe how the leader can cope with the offender; his authority depends on his actions. This period of general confusion could save your life.

Assault with intent to murder

An attack with intent to kill is the most unpredictable of all of the above. But even in this case, your self-confidence can save your life. If a potential killer does not attack immediately, and commits violence “by threatening words,” it means that he still doubts, and it is in your power to make him doubt even more, or to verbally repel aggression.

· The first thing to remember is not to show aggression, but at the same time show that if attacked, you can fight back. A passive person is a victim, and therefore an object of attack. Don't act like a victim, look calmly, without lowering your eyes, behave calmly and confidently.

· Act according to the circumstances, and remember, your main value is life, everything else does not matter. Remember that there are simply no hopeless situations, so in the event of an attack, soberly assess the situation and act.


· Life safety. E.A. Arustamov (Textbook).

· Life safety. P.E. Shlender, V.M. Maslova. (Tutorial).


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