Who does Andris Liepa live with? Andris Liepa left his daughter without money

Many girls fell in love with Andris Liepa. // Photo: Official website of the Maris Liepa Foundation

Andris and Ekaterina have long stopped appearing together at social events - last time they came to the premiere of Leonid Desyatnikov’s ballet “Lost Illusions” on April 24, 2011. But even the couple’s friends had no suspicion that there was discord in the star family. It turns out that 5 years ago the couple, at the insistence of Catherine, went to different apartments. “Katya is a very reserved person, a real lady,” TV presenter Ekaterina Odintsova explained to StarHit. “She never talks about personal things.” And indeed, in the interview with journalists there was no hint that family life with Andris has cracked. When asked about their secret happy marriage Catherine answered: love and patience.
But a month and a half ago, Liepa turned to lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. “Only one question has been raised – divorce,” Alexander Andreevich told StarHit. – Ekaterina and I didn’t even discuss the division of property, the procedure for communicating with our 14-year-old daughter. Apparently, they will resolve everything peacefully.”
What is the reason for divorce? “I can’t talk about it yet. “Understand me,” Ekaterina answered StarHit.

Love affair at work

This couple seemed ideal, and the love story was completely like a fairy tale. The future spouses met in 1989, when Andris first came to the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg to participate in a gala concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Vaslav Nijinsky. A little later, he joined the Mariinsky troupe, where he met the young ballerina Katya Katkovskaya.
At first, the relationship between them was simply friendly, and in Paris, where the theater went on tour in 1991, a romance began. “We left the restaurant,” Ekaterina said in an interview. – Andris took off his luxurious watch, threw it into the river and said: let time stop and start again. And he proposed to me.” On May 22, 1995, the lovers got married in St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg. The couple put a stamp in their passport shortly before the birth of their daughter Ksenia in January 1998.
So far, Ekaterina and Andris have not decided whether they will interrupt the church marriage. “Debunking is the last question that interests us,” lawyer Dobrovinsky commented to StarHit. “Katya and I didn’t discuss it.” To debunk the couple, they will have to go to St. Nicholas Cathedral, where the sacrament took place. “Most often, this procedure is carried out if the spouses want to marry someone else after a divorce,” Pavel, the caretaker of the cathedral, explained to StarHit. “To remove the blessing and receive a new one, you only need to provide a divorce certificate.”

Children famous parents It is always difficult to be - the shadow of their glory haunts famous offspring relentlessly. Given high bar it is very difficult to jump over - or even to reach it, while thousands of eyes are closely watching you. Not everyone can withstand this, and, unfortunately, there are many examples of how the life of a child famous parents is going downhill. But there are also many who have shown themselves to be worthy successors to the family. And among them is Andris Liepa.

Briefly about parents

Before we talk about Andris and his achievements, we should at least briefly explain whose son he is. And first of all, one cannot help but say about his father, the famous ballet dancer and film actor Marisa Liepa.


Maris was born in Latvia in the thirty-sixth year of the last century. Since childhood he showed Creative skills. At first he began to sing, but soon, due to poor health, he was sent to ballet and enrolled in a choreographic school. In it, Maris Liepa showed his brilliant abilities as a dancer and artist. Already at the age of thirteen, he danced not only children's parts, but also adults. In addition, he went in for sports and succeeded in this too.

In 1953, Liepa entered the Moscow Choreographic School. He was noticed while still a student, and after graduating from college the brilliant career ballet dancer Maris Liepa worked with many groups, including dancing in the legendary Bolshoi Theater troupe - this was his youthful dream which was destined to come true. In addition, Liepa successfully showed himself as a film actor. The first filming of his career was in 1969.

IN last years The artist acted and performed very little in his life. He had a conflict with the Bolshoi Theater staff and was fired from the troupe. Relations with family also left much to be desired. All this together probably contributed to Liepa’s early death. He died in March 1989, he was only fifty-three.


Andris Liepa's mother, Maris's wife, is called Margarita Zhigunova; in her youth she worked as a dramatic actress. She was born in the Tver region in 1937, and already in the sixties she began working at the Moscow Pushkin Drama Theater, having previously graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. At one time she did not work, devoting herself to children, but then returned to the stage again. She acted in films. She never had any particular fame, much less the fame of her eminent husband, and therefore there is much less information about her.

Margarita Zhigunova is still alive today, although she no longer plays. Margarita met Maris on the set of the film “Ilze” in 1959; the couple named their children after the heroes of this film (Andris Liepa’s sister’s name is Ilze, and she too a famous person V creative world).


Now that it is clear in what gifted and creative family Andris Liepa (pictured below) was born on Christmas Eve in 1962, it becomes clear that neither he nor his one-year-younger Ilze could help but follow in the footsteps of his parents.

Andris, half Latvian, became his hometown in Moscow, and his home street was Bryusov Lane. It was there that the future artist spent his childhood, in a house where, in addition to his famous family, many other actors also lived - for example, the well-known Kachalov. And, drawing an analogy with the House of Writers (it is located in Lavrushinsky Lane in the capital, at one time a large number of writers lived in it), native home little Andris can easily be called the Actor's House. However, the future artist’s Moscow childhood began after the age of three. The fact is that when Andris was still just a baby, Ilze was born, and the eldest son was sent to his father’s parents in Riga - to make it easier for his mother. In Latvia, little Andris spoke - of course, in Latvian - and considered his grandparents, his father’s parents, to be his closest people. When he was returned home, it was very difficult for both the boy and his loved ones at first, but then everything got better.

And the most ordinary childhood of the most ordinary Moscow boy began - both with friends and walks in the courtyards, and with the obligatory clubs. Andris and Ilze visited them in large numbers - they went to both choreography and figure skating, and music, and much more. Andris eventually chose only music (he graduated music school) and in ballet - I followed in the footsteps of my father, who, by the way, taught at a ballet school in addition to everything else. Brother and sister went to Riga every summer and every New Year- as long as my grandparents were alive.


After graduating from school, Andris Liepa never doubted for a minute where he should continue his studies. He entered the Moscow Choreographic School, the same place where his father once studied. As the artist himself later admitted, he expected that he would, even involuntarily, be compared with famous father, and was internally ready to work two hundred percent to prove that he was no worse than his eminent parent. Already from the first year, Andris began to show incredible efficiency and determination.

The young ballet dancer graduated from the school in the eightieth year of the last century, and was immediately accepted into the Bolshoi Theater troupe.

Grand Theatre

First serious role young artist The role of Salieri in the production of “Mozart and Salieri” took place on the legendary stage. Andris approached the matter very responsibly and, fulfilling this negative character, demonstrated not only choreographic skills, but also brilliant acting skills. After that, one after another they began to entrust him with major roles in all kinds of performances. Liepa danced in "Giselle", "Sleeping Beauty", "Swan Lake", "Ivan the Terrible" and many others. But the fateful role of Andris Liepa, his personal great victory, is the performance of the Prince’s part in “The Nutcracker”: it was after this performance that the dancer was able to become one of the leading artists of the theater.


After a short period of work at the Bolshoi Theater, Andris Liepa went to America, to New York, to work under a contract. It is interesting that the young artist accepted this offer after he met Rudolf Nureyev on tour in Paris (Liepa Jr. himself would later call this meeting fateful). In New York (by the way, this trip took place in the late eighties) Andris Liepa danced in many performances, including productions by Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Working in New York turned out to be very important for Andris. He later noted that she gave a lot for him further creativity. In America, he gained experience and appreciated how his colleagues from the United States work. During the time spent there - a little more than a year- Andris Liepa danced in more than forty performances and toured all major cities U.S.A.


Upon returning from America, Andris Liepa joined the troupe of the Kirov Theater - that’s what the legendary Mariinsky Theater used to be called. The leader himself, Oleg Vinogradov, called him there. The Kirov Theater will become fateful for Liep in its own way - it is there that he will meet his love. But this will be discussed in more detail later.

And in this theater, as in previous places work, Andris showed himself to be a worthy successor to his father’s work. He very quickly rose to a leadership position and performed leading roles in performances. During his time as a ballet dancer at the Mariinsky Theater, Andris Liepa performed roles in such productions as “Petrushka”, “La Bayadère”, “The Nutcracker” and so on. With the move to Moscow, Andris’s career within the Kirov Theater also ended.

Further career and life

What happened next in the biography of Andris Liepa? A lot of things. For example, the film-ballet "The Return of the Firebird", in which he not only performed the title role, but also acted as a director. In general, he began to actively try himself as a stage director - not only theater and ballet productions, but also music and concert shows. So, Andris staged shows for such pop artists as Jasmine, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Anita Tsoi and so on. If we talk about performances directed by Liepa, then as an example we can name, for example, “Maestro” in “ New Opera"or "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh" at the Mariinsky Theater.

Andris Liepa is actively involved in charitable activities- he also inherited this from his father. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Moscow Vera Foundation. And Liepa Jr. is a member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture (and a deeply religious person).


Andris Liepa has many awards. It is enough to name just a few: Grand Prix of the competition in the United States, “Golden Ribbon of Russian Cinema”, People's Artist of Russia. Liepa received his last title relatively recently, nine years ago.


Big stage Andris Liepa left some time ago after an injury he received at one of his performances. However, he did not completely leave the world of dance. Currently, the artist works at the Kremlin Ballet Theater - he works there as the chief choreographer and at the same time is the artistic director.

Personal life of Andris Liepa

Of course, we cannot ignore talking about personal matters. Moreover, many are often interested in this aspect of the artists’ lives most of all. As for the biography of Andris Liepa, his personal life was (or remains?) very stormy.

He was married twice (according to unconfirmed information - three times). Andris's first wife was Bolshoi Theater ballet dancer Lyudmila Semenyaka, whom the young artist met when he joined the troupe. Their marriage was very short-lived, and broke up, perhaps also because Lyudmila was ten years older than Andris.

After their separation, Liepa lived and worked in America, and, according to some information, managed to get a wife there too. If you believe these rumors, the American was also older than my son Marisa Liepa, and their married life also did not work out.

The third (or second) wife of Andris Liepa (and currently the last one so far) was the ballerina Ekaterina Katkovskaya, who later took her husband’s surname. They met at the Mariinsky Theater - Ekaterina was already dancing there, and Andris had just joined the troupe. After some time, they began dating and then got married. This happened in ninety-eight. Soon their first and only daughter was born, who was named Ksenia. For fourteen years, the marriage of the Liepa couple seemed happy and strong. However, in 2012, everything changed - Andris Liepa’s personal life was bursting at the seams, as his wife filed for divorce. Who was right and who was wrong in that story cannot be known by outsiders. However, the fact remains: Andris Liepa has not been married for six years.

  1. The ballerina Ekaterina Geltser previously lived in Liepa’s childhood apartment; after her death, he began to own the property. Grand Theatre. Maris Liepa received this apartment of two hundred and fifty meters - an entire floor - after the birth of his children.
  2. Was baptized in early childhood.
  3. He began studying ballet at the age of eight.
  4. Andris Liepa's father collected icons and antiques, including furniture.
  5. At school, Andris willingly studied the humanities, but did not like technical sciences.
  6. He loves to spend time with his daughter Ksyusha; together they go to the Sparrow Hills on a skateboard and/or bicycle.
  7. He is a fan of Japanese cuisine.
  8. Andris Liepa became the first dancer to receive official permission to work in foreign troupes.

This is Andris Liepa, whose biography and personal life are still the subject of keen interest and ongoing discussions.

Despite the fact that the court ordered Andris Liepa to pay 25% of his income to raise his minor daughter, journalists found out that the ballet dancer does not do this. He is now listed as a debtor Federal service bailiffs.


Moreover, in addition to unpaid child support, the famous dancer owes the capital's Petrocommerce Bank eight million 534 thousand rubles. SUPER journalists got their hands on pictures front door in the house of Andris Liepa, on which there are already several summonses to appear before the bailiff. According to the law, according to the documents, if the artist does not take any action from the moment he receives the summons, he faces a ban on traveling abroad.

Earlier in an interview, Liepa’s ex-wife Ekaterina said that for several years Andris only paid for his daughter’s school fees. “For everyone present in the hall, it was a shock. People’s Artist of Russia Andris Liepa said that he was not going to pay any alimony. And the father motivated his decision by the fact that he already helps the mother raise her daughter. So he said: “I am participating enough in child's life. For example, I introduced her to Britney Spears...” said lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who defends Catherine’s interests, adding that in support of his words, Liepa showed a photograph depicting Ksenia and the American pop princess. “Everyone in the hall almost burst out laughing,” noted the eminent lawyer.

Let us remember that Andris Liepa and Ekaterina Katkovskaya met in 1989. Then the artist first came to the Mariinsky Theater to participate in a gala concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Vaslav Nijinsky. It was there that Ekaterina worked as a ballerina. However, at first, the communication between the two artists was based solely on friendly feelings, and only in 1991 did this develop into love. On May 22, 1995, the lovers got married in St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg, but got married only in January 1998, shortly before the birth of their daughter Ksenia.

Artist Date of birth January 6 (Capricorn) 1962 (57) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @liepaandris

Andris Liepa was born in Moscow on January 6, 1962. Ballet soloist, producer and theater director received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR and People's Artist RF. He founded a charitable foundation in honor of his father, the world-famous Maris Liepa. His considerable list of professional awards includes the Diaghilev Order and the Latvian Order of 3 Stars, medals for first and second places in various international competitions. Awarded by the French Academy of Film as director of the film ballet "The Return of the Firebird".

Biography of Andris Liepa

Andris was born into a creative family. His father is a world famous dancer, his mother is a popular theater actress, and his sister is a ballerina.

Liepa was educated at the Moscow Academic choreographic school. For about 8 years, his place of work was the Bolshoi Theater. During this period, he performed in the main roles in ballet productions of this theater and La Scala. He successfully acted as a stage director and worked with world ballet stars Baryshnikov and Bejart.

Andris Marisovich Liepa's track record includes work at the Paris, Swedish and Rome Opera and other world-famous ballet companies. He went on tour to England, France, the USA, and Japan.

He shone in the performances of the famous artist of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Vasiliev. Thanks to Andris, Russian audiences saw the ballets “Petrushka”, “Scheherazade” and “Firebird” for the first time. He acted as artistic director these legendary performances.

In all the ballets mentioned, Liepa dances the main roles. The film “The Return of the Firebird” was released at Mosfilm. Here Liepa showed his talent as a director and became the producer of the project. This work has won recognition not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Latvia, France, the USA and Norway. Later he presented to the audience the opera “The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh” by Rimsky-Korsakov.

The life and work of the artist has always been of interest to film directors. Viewers saw a film about him creative success in the theater and all its professional activity. In another film work - “A Short Breath of Love” - he got the main role.

In 2006, the artist became a director concert program to the anniversary of Maya Plisetskaya in England and France. He also acted several times as the organizer of the “Winners’ Ball” for participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Personal life of Andris Liepa

Andris entered into his first marriage with Lyudmila Semenyaka, she was a soloist in performances at the Bolshoi Theater. The second wife, Ekaterina Liepa, danced at the Mariinsky Theater. Their acquaintance took place at the Kirov Theater. In 1995, the wedding took place in St. Petersburg. Their daughter Ksenia was born in 1998. However, the marriage of this star couple fell apart. The divorce was loudly discussed in the press.

Latest news about Andris Liepa

Now Liepa appears in television programs and acts as a director of concerts and performances. He directs the Kremlin Ballet Theater and is on the board of trustees charitable foundation"Faith". He provides assistance to cancer patients.

Alexander Slavutsky

– Andris, how do you remember your childhood now?
- With nostalgia. It was light. Although, of course, it was very different from the childhood of most of my peers. But it wasn’t just my sister and I who felt like this. For example, Maxim Shostakovich lived next door. He studied music six hours a day, and then invited me to his concerts.
However, we also had the usual children's pastimes: football, hockey. I was especially interested in hockey, went to matches, collected pucks. I asked my father to bring me clubs on all his trips.
– Was your father strict?
- No, no, what are you talking about! My sister and I treated him as a friend. He was always kind, sincere, cheerful and unusually patient. We didn't know what it was like to be afraid of our father. Ilse and I did not have a strict daily routine or any restrictions.
Education took place in the form of games. My sister and I did the splits, pumped up our backs and abs, developed flexibility and agility, competing with each other. Often the father took part in these competitions: whoever can do more push-ups, jump higher, longer
stands on a rocking board.
– It turns out that you were doomed to ballet withthe very birth?
- I wouldn't say that. Neither mom nor dad insisted that we follow the ballet path. As a child I did a lot of things. He was interested in painting and loved sculpture. I already talked about hockey. Our parents allowed us to do what we wanted.
So my sister and I came to ballet on our own. From the age of seven I studied rhythmics, gymnastics and a little choreography. We entered the MAKHU choreographic ballet school. I studied for 8 years. Then I got to the Bolshoi Theater.
– From school – and straight to the Bolshoi... Last namehelped you get a successful job?
- No, everything was fair. I passed the state exam. Then with Nina Ananiashvili we won the international competition ballet dancers younger group. The father knew nothing about this. That's why they took us to the Bolshoi.
– I think you often encounter prejudiceyou think that your father's name helped you docareer?
- Yes, especially earlier. For many years the family name preceded me. This both helped and hindered. People who are far from the theater have the illusion that it is easier for the child of a famous artist to succeed. This is wrong. I achieved everything myself. Working in many
theaters around the world, independently built relationships with producers. My father's merits in this diplomacy could not help. No one will give you a place in the sun for the merits of your parents, it must be won. This is a normal process.
– It is known that you are a believer. Are you atDid you come to this under the influence of your father?
- Yes. For many years he collected icons. His collection is still kept in our apartment, where Ilse now lives. In my youth, not yet understanding the essence of masterpieces, I often looked at them just like that. And an icon, regardless of whether you understand its meaning or
no, it still affects a person. Thus, through icons, my initial, not yet fully conscious, attitude towards faith took shape. Much later, when, having broken my leg, I literally lost my profession in three seconds, my worldview changed. It happens: a person comes to God through significant life trials.
– You and your father are similar in character and worldviewvision?
– It seems to me that I differ from him in very many ways. Dad had an amazing capacity for work and dedication to art.
Thanks to this, he was able to reach the heights of mastery. And I, following his example, developed these qualities in myself. But I build relationships with colleagues differently. My father, in my opinion, was too intolerant of other people’s weaknesses, often cutting off from the shoulder.
I believe that we need to be more diplomatic, softer, because we are all not without sin...
– You devoted many years to the “Russian” projectseasons." It is important for you to continue your father's work,which in 1966 restored the performanceFokine's "The Vision of a Rose"?
- Very important. Recreating as many performances from “Russian Seasons” as possible is my main task, one might say, a mission. My passion for ballet Silver Age from dad. He loved that era, so he decided to restore the ballet “The Vision of a Rose”. For a long time
revived it - it was a real feat. IN Soviet time defectors, such as Fokine, Diaghilev, and Stravinsky, were treated with caution. My father became friends with Vitaly Fokin, the son of choreographer Mikhail Fokin. My father talked with Tamara Karsavina, the first performer of the girl’s role in the ballet “The Vision of a Rose,” with Sergei Lifar, asking them how it was under Diaghilev.
By the way, in America, in Mikhail Baryshnikov’s troupe, I met Isabelle, the granddaughter of Mikhail Fokin. This is how it turned out that interest in Diaghilev’s “Russian Seasons” passed to Ilze and me by inheritance and at the call of our hearts.
– In the life of a person of art, creativity is oftencontradicts the family. What is more important to you?
– I try to structure my life in such a way that no contradictions arise. But, of course, family comes first for me. This is generally the meaning of life. You can live without ballet and without music, but you can’t live without family.
– What, in your opinion, is the most important thing in a family?life?
- Love. A family can only be built on love. Family life requires self-denial from both husband and wife. When you are ready to sacrifice something for the sake of another person: name, life, fortune, career - then the relationship will move. When
two people do not want to sacrifice anything for each other, conflicts arise.
– Did you have an office romance?
- No, office romance we did not have. I then danced with Mikhail Baryshnikov in the American ballet theater. And one day, returning from a tour, I looked into some performance at the Mariinsky Theater (at that time it was still called the Kirov Theater).
During the intermission I went backstage, saw an absolutely fantastic girl with unusually deep blue eyes and simply lost myself. As the English say, “fell in love”...
Probably, meeting Katya was not accidental. The Lord brought us to each other. We got married in St. Nicholas Cathedral, next to Mariinsky Theater. This was done by the rector, Father Bogdan. Since then, my whole family has always prayed for him.

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