Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain, does that mean? Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain! Who will you go with...

WHO YOU HANDLE WITH IS WHY YOU WILL GET FROM. Disapproved From the person with whom you communicate, are friends, with whom you often meet, you involuntarily adopt his views, habits, and begin to imitate him in something. The rhymed form and specifically Russian colloquial verbs in the proverb (if you behave, you will start making friends, if you gain some habits, you will acquire some habits) testify to its original Russian origin. In terms of logical meaning and structure, however, it has many parallels in both Slavic and non-Slavic languages. Wed. Polish: “Whoever you get acquainted with is who you become”; German “Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are.”; English "Tell me who you go with and I'll tell you what you do."


Gradually we became addicted to reading. That is, I read almost from infancy and, therefore, the saying “whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from,” like everything in the world, has two sides. It started when I read “ Three Musketeers“And living in the world of noble duels, swords and golden garters, I decided to introduce the Rude boys to duels and swords.

(V. Soloukhin. Drop of Dew)

“Now I see, brother Anton, it was not in vain that the sovereign cut off the heads of the Trans-Volga elders.” They intimidated our brother with their righteousness.
Anton laughed:
- What are we: “brother” and “brother”?! Like Latin monks...
“Whoever you hang out with is where you’ll gain, Antosha.”

(V. Kostylee. Ivan the Terrible)

- There is something in your eyes from... Demyan Sidorovich.
“Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain,” I answered.
- Here you go. You are already starting to speak in proverbs. Exactly like your Demyan Sidorovich.

(P. Ry Lenkov. Magic book).

Whoever you hang out with, that's what you'll do.
You lie down with a dog, you get up with fleas.

WHO YOU HANDLE WITH IS WHY YOU WILL GET FROM. About someone who has adopted the views, habits, etc. of someone with whom he is friends, communicates, lives, etc.

To hang out with a bee means to be in honey, but to contact a beetle means to end up in manure.

Not only those close to Pavel Mikhailovich, but also his servants and employees were passionate about painting. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “Whoever you mess with, you’ll get rich from.”

(Vyurkov. Stories about old Moscow.)

- So far, dad, I have learned one thing: our happiness is in our hands...
- So, you stood up against the authorities?
- Got up, dad. And I can’t be moved from this path.
“Okay,” said Luka Lukic.
“And whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain,” Peter muttered.

(Virta. Evening bells.)

Katerina snatched the basket from under him, Kostya slid down onto the straw and, getting up, shaking off his gray cotton jacket, altered from an overcoat, muttered in embarrassment:
-Your habits are... like those of a cow.
“What can you do, whoever you mess with, you’ll get it from him,” Katerina snapped unsmilingly.

(V. Smirnov. Sons.)

From the 18th century: Whoever you mess with, you'll get enough of. The hairdresser is my teacher, therefore, the student will soon be a hairdresser. Both this and that, January, fourth week.

V. Dahl: Whoever you get along with, that’s what you’ll do.

Vera Fedorina
Whoever you hang out with is the one you'll gain...
or “All examples are contagious”...
or also "The Tomato Story"...

There is a proverb, I somehow never before bright examples I didn’t notice about this, maybe because changes usually happen
not immediately, that is, gradually, and therefore practically not noticeable to ourselves, but for those around us who remember us as before, these changes are clearly visible,
especially if you don’t see each other for a long time in that gap - between us former and present...

Here there was one person, and now - a completely different one...
But, perhaps, it would be more accurate to say that there is also such a nuance that these changes are already inherent in us from the very beginning and, therefore, it would be good to have a head on our shoulders and think after whom and what we are repeating...
What or who do we transform into and what becomes our habits, needs, desires and... in short, our second nature...

Well, I think that I “didn’t open America to you...” After all, it is said: “What you look at, you are transformed...”

There are, of course, as everywhere else, exceptions or even the opposite result, in the event that we REALLY don’t like what we sometimes look at, it even happens that very often against our will... Here we can also cite many examples...
And then we try or try not to be like that... This means we are also transformed, but looking, after all, at something good... We are transformed - in spite of...

The tomato story... which prompted me to write this story:

A little girl... well, not so little - ten years old - spends a week on vacation with one of her grandmothers...

Upon arrival, she visits another grandmother... And at lunch she eats all the tomatoes that were intended for the whole family...
Then he asks if there are any more tomatoes?!.

When did you fall in love with tomatoes so much, since you’ve never eaten them before?.. - Grandma gets more tomatoes...

This is when I was with another grandmother... - she eats so many tomatoes - a full plate...

That's how, sometimes EVERYTHING begins with simple tomatoes...

And tomatoes?.. Eat tomatoes for your health, unless, of course, they are contraindicated for you...
By the way, they are very useful, especially in the summer, as they help us be friends with the sun... and also, this is not the worst thing we can learn

As a child, you don’t always realize how true aphorisms and proverbs can be. By the way, for some reason the proverb “Whoever you hang out with, that’s how you’ll gain” We have only a negative meaning: “don’t hang out with him, you’ll learn bad things.”

But if you look a little deeper, it immediately becomes clear how universal truth is this proverb.

We all know that previously in India there were castes - different layers of society. Moreover, a person did not have to move from one caste to another - he forever belonged either to artisans, or to traders, etc.

Now we perceive this division of society as a social relic. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, engineers are born into a family of engineers, doctors are born into a family of doctors, or, if we take it a little more broadly: in a family of people with higher education, children receive higher education, in a family of entrepreneurs, children most often become entrepreneurs, in a family of alcoholics - you know what.

Like it or not, the environment has a huge influence - and the most important thing is that your environment influences your way of thinking, your aspirations and ideals.

How can we use this?

First, you need to understand that if you want to change, then sooner or later you will have to communicate with a very specific circle of people. Those. if you want to become an entrepreneur and this moment it’s unpleasant for you to communicate with them, because they are not as educated and thoughtful as you, that is, there is something to think about...

There is only one conclusion, YOU you won't be able to change and become new way, if you do not accept the worldview of people of the new circle. By the way, this inevitably applies to your circle of friends - and this is a really sore subject for many.

1. Learning English– in the process of studying I met several good people my age and for 3 years we were best friends, we celebrated all our birthdays together (and spoke exclusively English at these gatherings).

As soon as the goal of learning the language began to fade into the background (because we have already achieved enough high level knowledge of the language), our “get-together” began to gradually disintegrate. It's sad to realize that life paths people disagree, but this is a fact.

So, learning the language led to a radical change in my circle of acquaintances for several years.

2. Blogging– the activity is quite specific, so the circle of acquaintances is network friends and colleagues (a list of which you can find in the “Colleagues’ Sites” section at the top). And this time, successful blogging, a popular blog, means communicating with colleagues.

By the way, it so happened that I turned one of my close acquaintances and even a friend into a blogger. It’s truly “whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from that.”


1. If you want to change something, just realize that your social circle will definitely change. You can use this fact as a litmus test. Is your social circle not changing? So you don't change.

2. The speed of change depends on how often you are in a new social circle. Remember my case with English language. To master it successfully, I practically only communicated with friends from the English club. Briefly speaking, full immersion- this is what you need.

That's the whole trick. Good luck with your communication colleagues.

Copyright © 2007 Balezin Dmitry

0 When you are young and do not have the life experience that you gain over time, you often do not realize how true and accurate sayings and expressions can be. In childhood, we can memorize the meaning of this or that aphorism as much as we want, but we never fully understand what exactly the author wanted to say. Realizing how decoding catchphrases can be difficult for teenagers and even middle-aged people, we created this resource so that you can finally understand the meaning of difficult-to-understand sayings. Add the site to your bookmarks so that you can always have access to useful, and sometimes even advanced, information. Today we will talk about a rather interesting phrase in every sense, this Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain; What does this mean you can find out a little below.
However, before you finally start reading, I would like to advise you to read a couple more explanatory texts on the topic of expressions and sayings. For example, what does it mean that Man proposes, but God disposes; how to understand There are devils in still waters; meaning of the expression People don’t go to Tula with their own samovar; what does Tabula Rasa mean, etc.
So let's continue With whom you hang out, you will gain meaning? There are two unfamiliar terms in this expression " You'll fall for it" And " You'll get enough", the first means to be friends with someone, and the second means to acquire something.

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain- means that all human inclinations, shortcomings and advantages directly depend on the environment and surroundings in which a person lives.

Synonym: Whoever you mess with, that's how you'll get: Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are; From an elk - moose calves, from a pig - piglets; As is the shepherd, so are the sheep.

People periodically quote proverbs, but most often no one knows their direct authors or creators. Therefore, many of them are considered the work of the people. The proverb discussed here is also part of the category of folk wisdom that parents use from time to time when teaching their children.

This means that a person begins to imitate his acquaintances and friends, adopting their views and habits

Any parents are extremely nervous about any bad habits their children, and naturally wish that they would never use them in their practice in their lives. That is why a son or daughter, having done something bad in the opinion of their parents, hears these reproachful words addressed to them. And a request that he or she immediately end all relations with the supposedly bad friend or girlfriend. Most often the phraseological unit " Who you hang out with is the one you'll gain" is used in a negative way, although occasionally it can have a positive meaning. After all, from our good friends we adopt not only bad, but also positive ideas.

You may think that this proverb is too far-fetched and does not reflect reality. However, if you try to look at it more deeply, you will understand how universal it is.
You will be surprised, but life western people painted from birth. For example, if the father is a dentist, then his son will most often follow in his footsteps, and this can be said about any profession. For a Russian person this sounds very strange, but there is a terribly ossified society there, and this is especially evident in England. In our country, this is perceived as a real relic, but they are trying to introduce a similar system here too. For what? That's another question.

Be that as it may, your environment has a huge influence on you, and the main impact is on your ideals, aspirations, and overall way of thinking. If a person has strong personality, then he can level out such pressure, but in most cases people do not resist outside influence and follow the well-worn path.
On the other hand, if you want to achieve a lot in this life, you will need to choose your own friends so that they can bring you up to their level. For example, do you want to become " outbid"used cars, then for this you need to learn many nuances that more experienced comrades can tell you.

What conclusion do we draw from all this? Yes, it actually lies on the surface, you need to change yourself, and accept the dogmas and worldview of people from a new circle in order to radically change your life and take a new path of development. The saddest thing is that you will have no time left for your former friends, which will entail moral torment and destruction. This is a rather sore subject that we certainly won’t touch on today.

English equivalent:

Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas (Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas).

After reading this informative article, you have finally figured out what it means: Whoever you mess with, you will gain from, and now you will not end up in predicament, if you suddenly hear this wise saying again.

Opening my eyes, I saw 5:40 on the alarm clock. I gently “like a cat” stretched, smiled, and stroked my beloved body. She told herself: “ Good morning, dear Natalie! and began with joy my morning awakening, which recently I begin with Thai hormonal gymnastics and gymnastics Nishi. I love developing my physical body. I listen to it, adore it and love it. In my daily routine and joint gymnastics M. Norbekova, and breathing exercises A. Strelnikova and much more that I do with Love and pleasure for the temple of my Soul.

But I only recently started waking up early, without an alarm clock. For about 2 years, I often thought that I would like to get up early. But when I woke up before 6 o'clock in the morning, there were usually reasons to be lazy and continue to sleep. Not to be pampered, but to be lazy. Photocopied versions of hormonal gymnastics and Nisha gymnastics have been lying on my bedside table for several years now... I was going to learn them and start doing them, but something didn’t work out. And now I will share with you my story, thanks to which everything happened in the easiest and most natural way.

So. Usually on your visit to hometown I stayed with my husband’s sister, and on my last visit it so happened that we stayed with my mother-in-law. I lived with her for two weeks. She and I often walked, discussed issues that concern us on topics of health, relationships, creativity, and the upcoming health festival, in which she will participate for the fourth time. We shared our impressions of new books we read and useful films we watched during this time (we even have a list of such films).

It’s good that we always have something to talk about and something to please each other with. We have not suffered and shared “rotten apples” for a long time. Our communication is interesting and useful for both of us.

So, one day I woke up and looked at the clock. Time 5:30. I wanted to continue sleeping, but I felt that my mother-in-law was not sleeping in the next room. I got up, quietly opened the door and saw that she was doing Nisha’s gymnastics (she is 80 years old). At breakfast, I talked to her about waking up early, about these gymnastics that were lying “dead weight” in my bedside table, and she unexpectedly invited me to do these gymnastics with her. From that day on, as if by command of a “magic wand,” I woke up very early. She and I, as a “friendly company,” did two gymnastics in the morning, then went to our rooms for our individual classes))) and did one gymnastics together in the evening. And so on for two weeks. When I returned home, I no longer had the question of “get up early or not”... I was already living in a new way, waking up very early in the morning. I took out photocopied versions of gymnastics that I wouldn’t need and parted with them. My beloved body already knows them and is looking forward to when I pamper it with these magical exercises.

No wonder they say: “If fresh cucumber put it in a jar with pickles, then it will soon become salty too.” A similar story happened to me...☺

I will give another example from life on this topic. The child of my friends was diagnosed with mental retardation (delayed mental development). They were offered to give the boy to correctional school. Hearing this, his father said that if he had been around people with mental retardation all the time, he would have become like that himself. And they sent him to the regular high school, where he is already studying in the 7th grade. He's not an excellent student, but he's not a laggard either. Draw your own conclusions.

And today in my article we will talk about awareness, quality and importance of communication in the life of every Person. We often talk about development... I am developing. But no matter what we do, no matter what we develop ☺, development comes only through relationships. Wherever we go...whether to the store, to the theater, whether we walk, or travel, dance, yoga...we enter into the process of communication everywhere. Even when alone with yourself.

We communicate with a glance, a word, a thought, a Heart..., in the process of communication there is a constant process of energy exchange. The whole World is energy. It constantly circulates around us.
The process of energy exchange occurs constantly between all objects, between the elements of water, fire, air and earth. That's why we feel so good when we walk in the forest or admire beautiful lake, bright colors, we see smiling faces... and we know how our condition worsens, our energy level decreases when we see the “opposite”: for example, dirt, hear obscene language or disturbing news.

The exchange of energy is a constantly ongoing process in human communication.

Friends, do you ask yourself the question with whom do you communicate, with whom do you spend your precious time? How is this communication useful to you and the other party? Is there any development in this communication that we talk about so often? This inevitably applies to your circle of friends. I know this is a sore subject for many. At one time she was sick for my husband and me.

As a child, you don’t always realize how true aphorisms and proverbs can be. By the way, for some reason the proverb “Whoever you mess with, you’ll get the hang of it” is used and perceived by us, as a rule, in a negative sense. I remember my mother always told me: “Don’t hang out with her (him), you’ll learn bad things.” But if you look a little deeper, you can see how universal the truth is this proverb in its other sense.

Communicating with interesting people, applying the worldview of people of a new circle, expanding and changing our consciousness, we ourselves begin to change and our lives change. From the people with whom you communicate, make friends, with whom you often meet, you involuntarily adopt new views, habits, skills, abilities... novelty comes into life. This is how a new habit of “getting up early” came into my life. And novelty is development. It’s interesting to have diversely developed friends, then the area of ​​what you can “gain” becomes much larger. These are not just words, this is mine life experience, which I talk about at the health festival, communicating with Academy students and in the articles that I share with you.

Dear friends, if you want to change something in your life, first just realize that your circle of friends must expand. Ask yourself: “How often do I find myself in new social circles?”

After realizing, take another step - “put yourself in a jar of “pickles” ☺. Start communicating with people who ALREADY live happily, interestingly, lead healthy image life, expand their consciousness, enjoy life, share it with others and the World. I even know where you can find them:

Come to the health festival “Age of Wisdom”!

You can easily win free trip by taking part in the competition!

Then you are guaranteed both the development that everyone so often talks about and growing happiness! The choice is always yours, see you next time!

With Love, Natalya Senicheva.
Teacher at the International Academy of Natural Sciences,
Organizer and teacher of the Health Festival project “Age of Wisdom”,
practical psychologist, family relationship consultant.

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain - this is another one Russian expression, which you can often hear. To be more precise, this is proverb. What is a proverb? Proverb- this is a phrase that what about us - it teaches. People often they repeat proverbs, but no one remembers their authors, that’s why proverbs are called folk wisdom .

So, the phrase “whoever you get along with, you’ll gain from” is also folk wisdom, i.e. proverb and parents they love to repeat it to their children. Let's let's figure it out what does this proverb mean and when can you use it in your speech?

Let's start from the very beginning - let's find out meaning two strangers words: you will behave and gain strength. You'll fall for it - start making friends with someone, A you'll get enough - you will buy something. So, Can paraphrase The proverb goes like this: with whom you begin to be friends, you will gain from him (what?). It’s still not clear what people want to say by this. “What will you get?”

People want to say by this that a person acquires everything that typical his new friend, for example, habits, manners of communication, hobbies, Political Views etc.

Most often this proverb is said when they want express yours disapproval. Parents tell their children when they Not happy friends with whom their children spend time. Proverb: “whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from” reads that person picks up habits and the glances of their friends, they begin imitate. AND of course parents don't want their children to acquire bad habits. Therefore, at every bad moment they action his children, repeat this proverb, Thus pushing your son or daughter stop friendship With supposedly bad friend.

Want reverse your attention on the fact that “whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from” does not necessarily mean disapproval, because from our friends we learn not only bad habits, but also good ones.

Here is one example of how you can use this proverb as approval.

Let's say you've never before went in for sports but then you met wonderful guy, which regularly playing sports. You relationship started, you started often meet, spend time together and over time you're starting too run in the morning. And now imagine this talk with yours best friend:

She: Are you running? Well, I would never have thought that you would start playing sports.

By this you are saying that it is change(playing sports)- merit your new boyfriend. He had a positive impact on you.

This proverb can also be a good response when your boyfriend notes what's in you- that's bad. For example:

Him: What -
You: With whomever you hang out, you will gain.

By answering this way, you you're hinting that you picked up a bad habit from him, i.e. that he himself often snaps.

Here's another example, this time the mother reproaches your daughter:

Mother: What - Then you’ve started snapping back often lately.
Daughter: Not true!
Mother: It's all because of Tanka - your new girlfriend. Whoever you hang out with is where you will gain. I've already got enough.

The mother does not approve of her daughter's friendship with Tatyana (Tanka). She thinks her daughter adopts bad manners from Tatiana.

Also with the help of this proverb you can praise your boyfriend or girlfriend for his habits, views or hobbies. For example, you have a friend who really loves to teach foreign languages. And of course she talks about it all the time. Over time you too appears interest to languages ​​and you start learning Chinese language. Your girlfriend catches you for your new occupation.

She: What are you doing? Is it in Chinese? you teach Chinese? How great is this!
You: With whomever you hang out, you will gain.

So you tell her that she inspired you learn the language.

So, the proverb “whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from” can mean reproach or approval, everything depends on the situation. But most often they say it when they want to reproach or express disapproval.

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