Redhead top model. The sexiest redheaded celebrities

Rose Leslie- British actress. Rose comes from the ancient Scottish clan Leslie, we know her by her role Wild Ygritte from the series "Game of Thrones" and the role of the maid Gwen Dawson from the series "Downton Abbey".

Esme Bianco- English actress, model and burlesque show participant. Known to us for her role as a red-haired prostitute Ros in the series "Game of Thrones", not every actress will agree to star in such explicit scenes How Esme, and not everyone can find such a rich collection of erotic photos in their photo album.

Sophie Turner– the young British actress, although she has dyed red hair, is quite worthy of being in this ranking of the reddest celebrity girls, especially since this is bright and saturated color her hair suits her very well. Become a redhead Sophie had to do it for filming in the series "Game of Thrones", but she liked this hair color so much that the actress decided to leave it, and she was right!

Find out more about Sophie Turner here

Carice van Houten– Dutch actress, familiar to many for her role Melisandre (Red woman) in the series "Game of Thrones". But in the filmography of the actress there are a lot of wonderful films and one of them is "Black book", where the actress played a Jewish singer who decided to take revenge on the Nazis for the death of her family. Karis prefers to dye her hair brown with a red tint.

Julia Roberts - American actress, familiar to us primarily from the film "Gorgeous", where her heroine captivated her with her shock of red hair eligible groom. This actress not only manages to act in films, but also raise three children.

Anna Kendrick- a very red-haired American actress and singer, known to many from the saga "Twilight", where she starred in the role Jessica Stanley. This girl was nominated for an award "Oscar" in 2010 for best role supporting role in the film "I'd like to go to heaven".

Lily Cole- English model and actress. Who watched the movie "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus", he couldn’t help but notice a lovely girl there Valentine, whose nickname was "Appetizer". Lily red-haired and with freckles - there is no doubt about it!

Jessica Chastain- American actress. Since this site is dedicated to the actors who played in "Game of Thrones", then I hasten to note that Jessica starred in the film "Mother" With Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, because after she appeared in the film "Servant", roles rained down on her like from a cornucopia.

Julianne Moore- American actress. This red-haired beauty is ready to take on any role, but only if she likes the script. Who has she played: a drug addict porn star in the film "Boogie Nights", an artist painting her own vagina in "The Big Lebowski", Mother Malkin's witch-monster "Seventh Son". Julianne Moore truly a magnificent and brave actress worthy of admiration!

Lindsay Lohan- American actress and singer. Lindsay in fact, she is a redhead and there is no doubt about it, just look at her childhood photographs, because she already starred in commercials from the age of three, and from the age of ten she began acting in television series. Early fame played a trick on her cruel joke, and very for a long time Lindsay was the heroine of many scandalous news, but we hope that the actress will finally pull herself together and continue pursuing her career.

Tilda Swinton- British actress, her ancestors belong to the oldest Anglo-Scottish family. Tilde has a very bright appearance. Once you see her, you will never be able to confuse her with anyone. She is known to many for her role White Witch V "The Chronicles of Narnia". True, now this actress is increasingly dyeing her hair blonde.

Debra Messing- American actress, known to us for her leading role in the comedy "Groom for hire".

Gemma Arterton- British actress. And although this red-haired beauty often dyes her hair in various colors, nevertheless, from birth she has her own rich chestnut hair color with a red streak and cute freckles on her face. Did you know that this red-haired actress Born into a family of a welder and a cleaner. In addition, the baby had six fingers on both hands. But none of this stopped me Gemma become one of the most beautiful and sought-after actresses in Hollywood. I remember her most from the movie "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time", where she played the role of a princess Taminas, and based on the mini-series "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"- there she simply perfectly played a girl who had to endure severe trials, I want to note that this actress looks amazing even without makeup!

Yulia Kogan– singer, known to us as the vocalist of the group "Leningrad", Julia extravagant and very bright woman, not only is she not shy about swearing, she can easily sing a swear song for a huge audience of band fans "Leningrad".

Irina Zabiyaka- lead singer of the group "Chile"- owner of a magnificent rare voice timbre. At one time, many believed that she was a man, but no doubts remained about Irina after she gave birth to a child.

Natalia Podolskaya - redhead singer, the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., may have dyed her hair, but judging by her childhood photos, her hair is still red!

Mylene FarmerFrench singer, famous all over the world. Milen I dyed my brown hair red and have not changed that color ever since.

Anastasia Stotskaya. Our list of the most saffron singers and actresses cannot do without this bright, chic diva-protégé of Kirkorov! Her hair is the color of a ripe, juicy carrot. You can’t imagine Nastya with any other hair color.

Cynthia Dicker- Brazilian model. A ravishing beauty, and even covered with freckles. Who said freckles are not beautiful? Freckles are gorgeous and so positive!

Catherine Tate– British comedienne, known to us from the parody-comedy sketch show "The Catherine Tate Show". But at school, classmates laughed at the red-haired girl Catherine, how often does this happen to great people!

Molly S. Quinn who played in the film "We Are the Millers" by Melissa Fitzgerald, that funny girl who was traveling with her parents who wanted to get to know their family better Millerov. Moreover, it is Molly voices fairy bloom in a series of cartoons « Winx Club» . The actress is only 20 years old, but she has already starred in many projects. And yes, she is a real redhead, perhaps because she has Irish blood in her veins?

Lena Katina- ex-soloist of the group "Tattoo". Lena is not at the end of our list of red-haired celebrities, and who knows how long this list could become. If you remember any other red-haired beauties, write, I will gladly join this honorable rank!

Emily Browning- Australian actress. The very first main role she played in the film "Lemony Snicket: 33 Misfortunes", and recently starred in Kit Harington in film "Pompeii".

Emma Watson - redhead actress Hollywood with brown eyes, the girl carefully disguises her freckles, but is in no hurry to get rid of her red hair color, because it gives expressiveness to her appearance. Emma, ​​although she has already grown up, still seems to me like an unopened bud - gentle, unvulgar and talented!

Andrea Riseborough- English actress. Andrea often dyes her wonderful red hair black and dark brown. Riseborough starred with Tom Cruise in a science fiction film "Oblivion", where she played his red-haired partner Vicky. And in the film "We. We believe in love", director, who was Madonna, Andrea Riseborough played one of the main roles, but in this film she was a brunette.

Bela Thorne is a red-haired young American actress, model and singer. This beauty is only 16 years old.

Shailene Woodley-a very popular red-haired American actress, you may have seen her in the films “Devergent”, “The Descendants”, “The Fault in Our Stars”.

Kaya Scodelario– British actress Born 1992. Another red-haired beauty to add to our collection! Blue-blue eyes, freckles and curls of brown-red hair. And you could have seen her in the film "The Maze Runner", where she starred in the role Teresa.

Lana Del Rey- American red-haired singer, composer and model, this beauty’s hair is a bright, rich color.

Victoria Tarasova - Russian actress. This beauty most likely dyes her curls red, she looks so fiery, bright, sunny that I simply can’t imagine her in another color!

27 years
Films: “Harry Potter”, “In White Captivity”, “ Moon scam»

It seems that even those who have not watched a single Harry Potter film know this guy. Although we doubt that there will be such people. Rupert Grint grew up with his hero in front of millions of fans and became truly family to them. This is probably what explains such a strong interest among viewers in his future fate. After finishing filming the magical epic, Rupert had a hard time simpler times: he had to prove to the world that life continues after Potter. And now Grint is preparing for the premiere of his new film Moon Scam, a dark comedy about a crazy scam between London hipsters and a CIA special agent played by Ron Perlman. The latter receives the task of finding director Stanley Kubrick and making a fake film about the moon landing in case Neil Armstrong's mission fails. But instead of Kubrick, the agent runs into the swindler Johnny, who is played by Grint. Johnny arranges the shooting of a top-secret video at a porn film studio, where weightlessness is achieved thanks to illegal drugs... You can appreciate Rupert's comedic talent on February 25th.

Domhnall Gleeson

32 years

Films: “Harry Potter”, “Anna Karenina”, “Boyfriend from the Future”, “Frank”, “Unbroken”, “Brooklyn”, “ Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Revenant

Gleeson, unlike Rupert Grint, owes his world fame not only to the Harry Potter films. Gleason builds a career by making almost unmistakable choices successful projects. In 2010, he played in the film Never Let Me Go along with Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield and Keira Knightley, then we saw him in the western True Grit, which received no less than 10 Oscar nominations, and he also played the role Levin in Anna Karenina by Joe Wright. Most likely, you have already watched “The Revenant” and the latest episode of “Star Wars,” which means you saw Donal there too. And if this year the actor doesn’t have a lot of premieres, then in 2017 three amazing projects await him at once: firstly, the eighth episode of Star Wars; secondly, the thriller “Mena”, where Donal played the main role, and Tom Cruise kept him company; thirdly, the debut directorial project of his father, actor Brendan Gleeson, “About Waterfowl,” in which Michael Fassbender and Colin Farrell have already confirmed their participation.


Rose Leslie

29 years

TV series: “Downton Abbey”, “Game of Thrones”

In Game of Thrones, the hereditary aristocrat Rose Leslie got the role of an ill-mannered savage. In fact, Rose comes from the ancient Scottish Leslie clan. The actress grew up in a 12th-century family castle. Rose could have chosen a career path for a long time without worrying about finances, but the girl firmly decided to become an actress as a child. This aristocrat with a piercing gaze and a determined chin became famous thanks to her roles in the TV series Luther, Downton Abbey, where she played a maid, and, of course, Game of Thrones, where she played the role of the wild Ygritte, Jon Snow's lover. These projects opened the way for Leslie to the world of big cinema. Among the most successful are the drama “Now is the Time” and the fantastic action movie “The Last Witch Hunter,” where the actress had the opportunity to work with Vin Diesel and Elijah Wood. Now Rose is finishing her work in the Russian-American production project Notes from Paradise, where she got the role of a wild dancer who dreams of world fame. But according to the plot, her plans are disrupted by the illness of her father, whom she will have to care for, forgetting about their complex relationship and her own career ambitions.

Sophie Turner

20 years

TV series: "Game of Thrones"

Another Game of Thrones star. Sansa Stark turned out to be perhaps the quietest pool of all the heroes of the unpredictable series. Her heroine, being one of the most fragile and vulnerable at first glance, in fact turned out to be incredibly courageous and strong spirit. It is not surprising that it was Sophie who was invited to play the role of a princess of a noble family. Turner, the owner of alabaster skin and noble appearance, devoted her childhood to ballet, but as soon as the choice arose between the barre and the film set, Sophie did not hesitate to make a decision. There are also internships in English theater came in handy. But for the sake of filming in the sensational series, the actress had to make sacrifices, for example, risking her health: Sophie has a severe allergy to horses, so the girl had a hard time. Now Turner is preparing to conquer big screen. Having tried her hand at the comedy teen action film Wanted, Sofia received a role in the film X-Men: Apocalypse, which will appear on Russian cinema screens on May 19.

Hollywood is the dream of many. How many examples of style, beauty, grace and charm this magical dream factory creates.

Who wants it hot? The color of passion, openness, freedom is undoubtedly red! IN different eras The attitude towards the children of the sun changed. Either they were deified or burned at the stake. But at all times they attracted admiring glances! Who is the best among top 10 redhead beauties of Hollywood? There weren't that many fatal fire lionesses!

Sexy singer, from 14 years old modeling business, star of Hollywood police series. And although her red color is artificial, how clearly it emphasizes the main advantages of Angelica. From year to year, many publications around the world recognize her as the sexiest and most desirable woman.

9. Lindsay Lohan

IN Lately It's not often that you get to see Lindsay Lohan, songwriter, model, actress, clothing designer, and redhead. She changes hair colors very quickly. But her red color is a gift from nature with lots of freckles. And the character is just as restless, wayward and at the same time stubborn.

8. Amy Adams

Another celebrity is an Oscar nominee for the film Junebug, who has had red hair since birth. Real socialite, with flawless marbled skin and the invincible character of a real zodiac Leo. Hot mixture!

7. Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan's Irish roots helped her portray the character of Red Sonja so believably and brilliantly. Of course, only this sexy and gentle diva with brown eyes could win Konon’s heart. How magnificent she is in this role, in this image.

6.Marcia Cross

Having dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood, today she is the star of the series Desperate Housewives, an incredibly passionate, memorable person with bright red curls. The combination of an amazing athletic figure with fiery hair produces the effect of a bomb exploding. No one will ever be able to forget this star, this unique image.

5.Kate Winslet

Naturalness, grace, talent, nobility. All this is about another owner of natural red hair - Kate Winslet. Red hair color helps Kate magically attract attention, making her a special chic woman. No wonder she was awarded an Oscar.

4.Juliana Moore

The main and loyal fan of red hair, despite professional opportunities to try on all colors and shades. The sophisticated American film actress and Oscar winner Julianne Moore appears with red curls in almost all her films. Always looks brilliant and irresistible.

3. Christina Hendricks

Film and television actress, the most beautiful and sexy woman planets according to Esquire and Maxim magazine, star of the TV series “Mad Men”. I always dreamed of being on stage. Red hair only helped in making my dream come true. Although he is still surprised by his success.

2. Julia Roberts

After publication legendary painting“Pretty” Julia Roberts with her fiery red hairstyle woke up famous. And it was in this image that she was remembered by millions of viewers, although she was blonde from birth. It was thanks to her that a certain “boom” of sunny red color occurred!

British actor dressed audience sympathy and recognition from film critics thanks to his work in the dramatic film “Life is a Sentence” and the mini-series “Band of Brothers.” By the way, it was the roles in television series that became the brightest and most noticeable for Lewis. Thus, for his role in the television series, the actor was awarded Golden Globe nominations for two years in a row. For the second time, luck smiled on Damian and he became the proud owner of the coveted figurine. That same year, Lewis received an Emmy for the same film work. In addition to success in film and television, the actor is also an officer of the Order of the British Empire, and this, you see, is far from an insignificant title.

Rupert Grint

Eric Stoltz

The American actor has a fairly rich and extensive filmography. By the way, the decision about the future acting profession Eric accepted as a schoolboy. Having received the appropriate education, Stolz almost immediately began to take cinema by storm. This brutal man has bright roles in films such as “Jerry Maguire”, “Killing Zoe”, “Pulp Fiction” and many others. In addition to filming films, Eric also participates in theatrical productions, and quite successfully. Interestingly, Eric was supposed to play the main role of Marty McFly in cult painting"Back to the Future". However, literally after a month of filming, the director of the film, Robert Zemeckis, for unclear reasons, decided to change the actor to Michael J. Fox. However, this lucky star role, perhaps, the talent of actor Eric Stoltz would have been revealed to the public much earlier, but Eric had to conquer the world of big cinema through independent work and perseverance.

Michael Fassbender

Irish on his mother's side and German on his father's side, he has long gained fame in Hollywood thanks to his undoubted acting talent and courageous, bright appearance. Michael's debut on the big screen was the once popular miniseries Band of Brothers. Today, Fassbender is one of the few actors who occupies an honorable level in the acting community. Thus, he has a difficult role in Quentin Tarantino’s film “Inglourious Basterds”, and for his controversial role in the film “Shame” the actor was awarded the Volpi Cup. In addition, the role of a sadistic villain in the drama “12 Years a Slave” brought Michael an Oscar nomination.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch is probably one of the most famous English actors of our time. This charismatic and charming man gained fame from his role as Sherlock Holmes in popular TV series"Sherlock." By the way, this work also brought the actor many awards and nominations, including the lucky winner of an Emmy statuette. In general, Benedict is different big amount various awards for their work. Thus, Cumberbatch received an Oscar for his role in the film “The Imitation Game.” And in the theatrical production of Frankenstein, he and Jonny Lee Miller had to alternately play either a brilliant but insane doctor or his main creation, a monster. By the way, this work was also noted by several theatrical and prestigious award. In addition to all this, in 2015 Benedict received the honorary title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

David Wenham

Australian David Wenham, although not particularly known to the general public, actually has quite a rich and interesting filmography. The popularity of this red-haired actor was brought to him by the role of Faramir in the film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”. In addition, David was noted for his work in the popular films “Van Helsing”, “300 Spartans” and the film “Australia”. The actor also actively appears in television series. And this year, several films with Wenham’s participation are expected to be released.

Caleb Landry Jones

British actor Tom Hiddleston owes his fame and army of fans, in addition to his acting talent, to his intelligent, slightly peculiar, but attractive appearance. The actor gained enormous fame and critical acclaim thanks to his role as Loki in the films “Thor” and “The Avengers.” By the way, the actor received an excellent education: while still studying at Cambridge, Tom played in the play A Streetcar Named Desire, and then the young man graduated from the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Now Hiddleston’s filmography includes popular big-budget films such as “Crimson Peak,” “High-Rise,” “Midnight in Paris” and others. Also, in addition to his film career, the actor also takes part in theatrical productions. And here his talent was also appreciated: for his roles in the plays Cymbeline and Othello, Tom was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award. In addition, in 2017, fans of the actor expect the release of the third part of Thor, where they will again be able to see their favorite actor in the role of a charming villain.

At all times, people with fiery red hair have been looked at with admiration and suspicion. And that’s true: never

Russian celebrities with red hair

 14:15 06 July 2017

At all times, people with fiery red hair have been looked at with admiration and suspicion. And it’s true: you never know what to expect from those whose fiery temperament can burn cities... Our selection includes 10 red-haired and unusual Russian stars.


Singer, 33 years old

The singer was born into the family of an auto mechanic and a teacher. kindergarten and immediately illuminated the life of my parents. However, life did not spoil the future artist: having arrived to conquer Moscow, Marina lived for 8 days at the Kazansky railway station, because she had nowhere to go. Then MakSim met a girl dancer who invited her to move into a one-room rented apartment and split the costs between two. Marina lived in this tiny apartment for six years. Like all redheads, she knew that success would certainly come to her, and she was not mistaken!

Julia Aug

Actress, 46 years old

In the series “Identity Not Established” on NTV, Yulia Aug plays a victim of domestic violence. However, in real life Don’t put your finger in Yulia’s mouth: she is not only an actress, but also a successful director. Going out to film set, Yulia is not afraid of anything: her heroines are naked, humiliated, vulnerable... This distinguishes Yulia from many other actresses who are afraid of looking unattractive.

Nikita Presnyakov

Musician, 25 years old

The red-haired grandson of Alla Pugacheva is in constant motion: the guy graduated from the New York Film Academy, starred in several films, took part in various television shows, made his own music group, makes films as a director, skateboards, does parkour... In a word, the fire burning on his wild head does not allow him to live ordinary life- it’s always like that with redheads!

Alla Pugacheva

Singer, 68 years old

What colors did the Prima Donna dye her hair in! She was blonde, brown-haired, and brunette. But only the red color best reflects the character and temperament of the artist - few will dare to go against Alla Borisovna, because she will not reach into her pocket for a sharp word. Redheads are no joke!

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov

46 years old

15 years ago, a good half of Russian music lovers went crazy for the red-haired handsome guy from “Ivanushki Internatinal”. And he honestly married a girl with the romantic name Maria, who bore him two sons, Ivan and Artemy. And although both boys are not red-haired, dad's temperament will probably show itself - you just need to wait a little.

Anastasia Stotskaya

Singer, 34 years old

The singer captivated fans with her red curls and songs about passionate love. Recently, Anastasia became a mother for the second time: she gave birth to a daughter, who was named Vera - in honor of the singer’s great-grandmother. Today Nastya is no longer a redhead, but a brunette, but red hair is not just a color, it is destiny. And this means that very soon the singer will be drawn to the stage again - well, redheads don’t know how to sit at home for a long time!

Amalia Mordvinova

Actress, 43 years old

The actress's name was not always so exotic. In fact, Amalia’s name is Lyudmila, but she took the sonorous name for herself. Well, a very “redheaded” act, characteristic of the bright nature of the actress, who, by the way, is mother of many children. Amalia has four children: Diana, Herman, Evangelina and Seraphim.

Natalia Podolskaya

Singer, 34 years old

The red-haired singer is the envy of many girls: a true romantic, Vladimir Presnyakov, fell in love with her. Maybe it’s all because of Natalia’s “orange” curls, which suit her so well? In general, fans have nothing to hope for: the lovers are not just married, but even married, and two years ago the couple had a son, Artemy.

Irina Zabiyaka

Singer, 34 years old

The lead singer of the group “Chi-li” and the color red are synonymous. Irina wears long fiery red hair, which she sometimes braids, sometimes combs, or simply lets down over her shoulders, becoming like a heroine. fairy tale. In general, this is partly how it is: at one time, Irina’s mother went sailing on a merchant ship. It was she who told her daughter that her father was a Chilean revolutionary. If this is actually the case, then Irina’s stormy temperament was inherited by the girl!

Yulia Savicheva

Singer, 30 years old

She doesn't like noisy parties and doesn't shock fans with details. personal life, however, despite this, Savicheva provoked a whole wave of rumors when she suddenly disappeared “from the air.” At the same time, rumors spread about the pregnancy of the singer, who did not want to advertise her situation. The media are divided into two camps: some write that Yulia gave birth in February, others believe Savicheva’s representatives, who claim that Yulia simply took a time out and wants to spend time with her husband. Well, redheads know how to intrigue!

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