Russian Unified State Examination argument the fate of man. Fate of man arguments

Arguments on the topic "War" from literature for essays
The problem of courage, cowardice, compassion, mercy, mutual assistance, care for loved ones, humanity, moral choice in war. The influence of war on human life, character and worldview. Participation of children in war. A person's responsibility for his actions.

What was the courage of soldiers in the war? (A.M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”)

In the story by M.A. Sholokhov’s “The Fate of Man” can be seen as a manifestation of true courage during the war. The main character of the story, Andrei Sokolov, goes to war, leaving his family at home. For the sake of his loved ones, he went through all the trials: he suffered from hunger, fought courageously, sat in a punishment cell and escaped from captivity. The fear of death did not force him to abandon his beliefs: in the face of danger, he retained his human dignity. The war took the lives of his loved ones, but even after that he did not break, and again showed courage, although not on the battlefield. He adopted a boy who also lost his entire family during the war. Andrei Sokolov is an example of a courageous soldier who continued to fight the hardships of fate even after the war.

The problem of moral assessment of the fact of war. (M. Zusak "The Book Thief")

In the center of the story of the novel “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak, Liesel is a nine-year-old girl who finds herself in a foster family on the threshold of war. The girl’s own father was associated with the communists, so in order to save her daughter from the Nazis, her mother gives her to strangers to raise. Liesel begins new life away from her family, she has a conflict with her peers, she finds new friends, learns to read and write. Her life is filled with ordinary childhood worries, but war comes and with it fear, pain and disappointment. She doesn't understand why some people kill others. Liesel's adoptive father teaches her kindness and compassion, even though it only brings him trouble. Together with her parents, she hides the Jew in the basement, takes care of him, reads books to him. To help people, she and her friend Rudi scatter bread on the road along which a column of prisoners is supposed to pass. She is sure that the war is monstrous and incomprehensible: people burn books, die in battles, arrests of those who disagree with official policy are taking place everywhere. Liesel does not understand why people refuse to live and be happy. It is no coincidence that the book is narrated from the perspective of Death, eternal companion war and the enemy of life.

Is human consciousness capable of accepting the very fact of war? (L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, G. Baklanov “Forever – Nineteen Years Old”)

It is difficult for a person faced with the horrors of war to understand why it is needed. Thus, one of the heroes of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "Pierre Bezukhov does not participate in battles, but tries with all his might to help his people. He does not realize the true horror of war until he witnesses the Battle of Borodino. Seeing the massacre, the count is horrified by its inhumanity. He is captured, experiences physical and mental torture, tries to comprehend the nature of war, but cannot. Pierre is unable to cope with his mental crisis on his own, and only his meeting with Platon Karataev helps him understand that happiness lies not in victory or defeat, but in simple human joys. Happiness lies within every person, in his search for answers to eternal questions, awareness of oneself as part human world. And war, from his point of view, is inhumane and unnatural.

The main character of G. Baklanov’s story “Forever Nineteen,” Alexey Tretyakov, painfully reflects on the causes and significance of the war for the people, people, and life. He finds no compelling explanation for the need for war. Its meaninglessness, devaluation human life for the sake of achieving any important goal horrifies the hero and causes bewilderment: “... The same thought haunted me: will it ever turn out that this war might not have happened? What could people do to prevent this? And millions would remain alive...”

A huge number of works of Russian literature are devoted to the problem of unity of people during the war. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "" people of different classes and views united in the face of a common misfortune. The unity of the people is shown by the writer using the example of many dissimilar individuals. So, the Rostov family leaves all their property in Moscow and gives carts to the wounded. The merchant Feropontov calls on the soldiers to rob his shop so that the enemy does not get anything. Pierre Bezukhov disguises himself and remains in Moscow, intending to kill Napoleon. Captain Tushin and Timokhin perform their duty with heroism, despite the fact that there is no cover, and Nikolai Rostov boldly rushes into the attack, overcoming all fears. Tolstoy vividly describes Russian soldiers in the battles near Smolensk: the patriotic feelings and fighting spirit of the people in the face of danger are fascinating. In an effort to defeat the enemy, protect loved ones and survive, people feel their kinship especially strongly. Having united and felt brotherhood, the people were able to unite and defeat the enemy.

What feelings does the steadfastness of a defeated enemy evoke in the victor? (V. Kondratyev "Sashka")

The problem of compassion for the enemy is considered in V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”. A young Russian fighter takes a German soldier prisoner. After talking with the company commander, the prisoner does not give out any information, so Sashka is ordered to take him to headquarters. On the way, the soldier showed the prisoner a leaflet on which it was written that the prisoners were guaranteed life and return to their homeland. However, the battalion commander, who lost a loved one in this war, orders the German to be shot. Conscience does not allow Sashka to kill an unarmed person like him young guy, who behaves the same way as he would behave in captivity. The German does not betray his own people, does not beg for mercy, maintaining human dignity. At the risk of being court-martialed, Sashka does not follow the commander’s orders. Belief in the rightness saves his and his prisoner’s life, and the commander cancels the order.

How does war change a person’s worldview and character? (V. Baklanov “Forever - nineteen years old”)

G. Baklanov in the story “Forever - Nineteen Years” speaks about the significance and value of a person, about his responsibility, the memory that binds the people: “Through a great catastrophe there is a great liberation of the spirit,” said Atrakovsky. – Never before has so much depended on each of us. That's why we will win. And it won't be forgotten. The star goes out, but the field of attraction remains. That’s how people are.” War is a disaster. However, it leads not only to tragedy, to the death of people, to the breakdown of their consciousness, but also contributes to spiritual growth, the transformation of the people, the definition of true life values everyone. In war, a reassessment of values ​​occurs, a person’s worldview and character change.

The problem of the inhumanity of war. (I. Shmelev “Sun of the Dead”)

In the epic “Sun of the Dead” I. Shmelyov shows all the horrors of war. “The smell of decay,” “the cackling, stomping and roaring” of humanoids, these are cars of “fresh human meat, young meat!” and “one hundred and twenty thousand heads!” Human!” War is the absorption of the world of the living by the world of the dead. It turns a person into a beast and forces him to do terrible things. No matter how great the external material destruction and destruction may be, they are not what terrify I. Shmelev: neither a hurricane, nor famine, nor snowfall, nor crops drying up from drought. Evil begins where a person begins who does not resist it; for him “everything is nothing!” “and there is no one, and no one.” For the writer, it is indisputable that the human mental and spiritual world is a place of struggle between good and evil, and it is also indisputable that always, in any circumstances, even during war, there will be people in whom the beast will not defeat man.

A person's responsibility for the actions he committed in war. Mental trauma of war participants. (V. Grossman "Abel")

In the story “Abel (Sixth of August)” by V.S. Grossman reflects on the war in general. Showing the tragedy of Hiroshima, the writer speaks not only about the universal misfortune and environmental disaster, but also about a person’s personal tragedy. Young bombardier Connor bears the burden of responsibility for becoming the man destined to activate the killing mechanism with the press of a button. For Connor, this is a personal war, where everyone remains just a person with their inherent weaknesses and fears in the desire to preserve own life. However, sometimes, in order to remain human, you need to die. Grossman is confident that true humanity is impossible without participation in what is happening, and therefore without responsibility for what happened. Pairing in one person heightened senses Peace and soldierly diligence, imposed by the state machine and the education system, turns out to be fatal for the young man and leads to a split in consciousness. The crew members perceive what happened differently; not all of them feel responsible for what they did, and they talk about high goals. An act of fascism, unprecedented even by fascist standards, is justified by public thought, presented as a fight against the notorious fascism. However, Joseph Conner experiences an acute consciousness of guilt, constantly washing his hands, as if trying to wash them from the blood of innocents. The hero goes crazy, realizing that his inner man cannot live with the burden that he has taken upon himself.

What is war and how does it affect people? (K. Vorobyov “Killed near Moscow”)

In the story “Killed near Moscow” K. Vorobyov writes that war is a huge machine, “made up of thousands and thousands of efforts different people, has moved, is moving not by someone else’s will, but by itself, having received its own move, and therefore unstoppable.” The old man in the house where the retreating wounded are left calls the war the “master” of everything. All life is now determined by war, changing not only everyday life, destinies, but also the consciousness of people. War is a confrontation in which the strongest wins: “In war, whoever breaks down first.” The death that war brings occupies almost all the soldiers’ thoughts: “In the first months at the front, he was ashamed of himself, he thought he was the only one like this. Everything is so in these moments, everyone overcomes them alone with themselves: there will be no other life.” The metamorphoses that happen to a person in war are explained by the purpose of death: in the battle for the Fatherland, soldiers show incredible courage and self-sacrifice, while in captivity, doomed to death, they live guided by animal instincts. War cripples not only people’s bodies, but also their souls: the writer shows how disabled people are afraid of the end of the war, since they no longer imagine their place in peaceful life.

Literature has been transformed by a large number of talented and original poets and writers, among such wonderful people Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov deserves a special place, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of literature. His unforgettable work entitled “The Fate of Man” raises many issues that should be pondered upon.

The main character of this book is Andrei Sokolov, who dedicated his life to protecting the Motherland, human destinies from such terrible phenomenon like fascism. During the fighting, the hero experienced a lot: he lost not only his comrades and friends, but also his relatives, whom he loved with all his heart. What is it like to realize that your home is no longer there, you will never hear your wife’s tender voice, you will never see your two sons running, you will not see how beautiful your daughter will become in the future? It is very painful to accept the fact that you are left alone. The war has taken its toll. What is justice? You sacrifice yourself, help others survive, stand up for your homeland, but as a result you find yourself with nothing... With nothing. One explanation: it's war. And there's nothing you can do about it.

The surprising thing is that Andrei Sokolov did not lose himself in the abyss of despair, but, on the contrary, looked at life completely differently than before. He committed a moral act: he adopted a boy who, like the hero, was left alone. And there is no one but him to help the younger generation. Therefore, Andrei Sokolov’s action makes you think about your life, reconsider all your actions and attitude towards people.

In the work, in addition to the problem of the horror of war, the problem of patriotism, the problem of morality, there is another most important one: the problem of family, which is clearly raised in Sholokhov’s book. For the main character, family was above all else; it was a kind of strong core, a steadfast support that you can rely on and trust. He loved his beautiful wife with all his might, whom the war mercilessly took with him. But, not breaking under the weight of adversity, Andrei Sokolov found the strength to move on. His most responsible act was precisely the adoption of the boy Vanya. Together they created strong family. Now there is an incentive to live and wake up every day with joy in your heart.

Thus, the book is excellent in its content. It touches on many issues and raises important questions, which cannot fail to impress the reader. Sholokhov created a hero - a hard worker, whom he treated with care and understanding. He gave him hope, which gave new meaning to the character's life. The author likes people like Andrei Sokolov, who, despite difficulties and dangers, do not give up, do not break, but steadfastly resist adversity, continuing to maintain faith in the best in their souls!

Option 2 Feedback

Fate... There are so many mysteries in this word, from time to time I think about what fate is. It seems to me that fate can be called all those events that happened or are happening to us. It’s not for nothing that they say: “You can’t escape fate.” Each person has his own destiny and no one knows what turn in life awaits him. Some people succeed in everything in life, while others lived their lives in vain. How life goes depends primarily on the person, on his actions and life goals.

Not long ago I read a story that left a mark on my soul. Despite the simplicity of the description, it is filled with vitality.

This is the work “The Fate of Man” by Mikhail Sholokhov. Sholokhov was the author of works that are considered classics of literature, for example “ Quiet Don" or "They fought for their homeland." But personally I was touched by the story “The Fate of Man.”

From the name it might seem that we're talking about about fate, but this is not so, the plot shows us a person, a person with capital letters. Andrei Sokolov is the central character, he a common person who wants peace and hates war. However, there are a lot of such people. He simply lived, did not make any great plans, did not dream of being a hero. Andrei listened to his heart, was attached to his home, family and native land. But suddenly disaster struck, disaster struck his native place, and Sokolov was forced to go to the defense of his homeland.

The main character showed himself to be a good, loyal, brave soldier. The war destroyed everything that Andrei had. He was even captured, but no amount of torture and torment could break the spirit of the Russian soldier; he managed to escape and return to his native system in order to continue fighting.

The house where I lived before main character, was completely destroyed by a bomb; at that time his wife and daughters were there. The only ray of light for Andrey was the hope that everything was fine with his son. But unfortunately, it was on the ninth of May, when everyone was happy, that Sokolov learned of the death of his son. The man is left completely alone with his grief, his experiences, all that remains for him is the memory of how they lived before and did not know grief until trouble came to their land.

But the dark streak does not last forever, everything ends sooner or later. It so happened that Andrey found little boy-Vanyushka, who was also left all alone. Now the main character has a meaning to live, and the boy has a reliable shoulder and support.

It's scary to imagine how much suffering I endured in my life. life path Andrei Sokolov, but he survived everything and showed how strong he is. Of course, he cannot return his wife, children, or home, but the man found his happiness, found a son, whom he will now raise as a real person.

Essay based on Sholokhov's work The Fate of Man

When a person is born, his destiny, which is destined from above, is born along with him. At the same moment, a special combination of planets occurs and a star is born, each person has his own star, and when a person is baptized, a guardian angel appears. Each of us eventually thinks about the meaning of our existence and what will remain after it. Humanity is the only individuals who realize that death ultimately occurs. It evokes strong emotions and touches you to the very depths of your soul.

I believe that each person has his own destiny, for example: getting married and living with this person all your life is destiny. And if they lived for a year and separated, it means they were not made for each other, and it was simply not destiny.

If we read Sholokhov’s works, we will see that the writer combines two themes: the theme of people and war. In the fate of a person, Mikhail Alexandrovich shows the troubles and misfortunes that the Great Patriotic War brought. About the endurance of a person who was able to withstand all the suffering and did not break. This story by Sholokhov pierced all readers to the core. And people believed in the spiritual powers of the Russian people.

This vivid story is built on such moments as seeing off to the war, being in captivity, an attempt to escape, news about the family. A huge book could be written from this, but Mikhail Alexandrovich put everything in little story. Events from real life one driver who returned from the war and told the author of this story. The hero of this story is Andrei Sokolov, he had the opportunity to experience many moments that are associated with the war. But he’s great, he survived everything and he was able to survive strong-willed and character, and no matter what happened, he always moved forward, without losing hope for the best.

Despite all life difficulties, the hero adopted a little boy Vanya. This suggests that the Russian people cannot be defeated, neither by force nor by spirit. To sum up this story, I want to say: no matter what happens, you cannot lose heart and only move forward. Finding meaning in life. Fate is all the events and situations that happen in a person’s life. This is all - has, big role in the life of a person himself, every action attracts something else, which ultimately results in a chain of phenomena a certain person. And it turns out that a person creates his own destiny.

No family is unthinkable without a child in the family. All these children need care, support, attention and protection. But from whom and what should they be protected?

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    Perhaps for any schoolchild, the most the hard part in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, this is the essay of part C. And the paragraph, which, presumably, should contain arguments, can even lead to hysterics. What to write? How to write? And most importantly, what literary works choose? It's not so scary! On our website you will find arguments for essay Part C on almost all topics! Moreover, this page is constantly updated as we post more and more new arguments! Visit us more often, and you will feel quite calm and confident at the Unified State Exam in Russian. For ease of perception, we group the arguments into tables by topic. Save the tables you need or just learn them, and then you won’t need to re-read a bunch of literary works in order to write a good essay in Part C. So, arguments!


    1) The problem of the “superfluous person” has been reflected more than once in Russian literature. “The extra person” is a special specific historical socio-psychological variety of a more general type “ strange man“. We can also call the main character of the work “an extra person.” Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” Pechorina. Pechorin's personality in the novel is broader than his time, environment, and specific circumstances offered to him by society social roles. Awareness of oneself as a spiritually free holistic personality, responsible not only for individual actions, but also for the choice of life position, for the implementation of one’s “high purpose,” and at the same time, a tragic misunderstanding of one’s purpose makes Pechorin “an extra person.”

    2) Another hero who can easily be called “The Superfluous Man” is the hero of the same name novel in verse by Eugene Onegin. Onegin lives according to the principles of the surrounding society, but at the same time he is far from it. Belonging to the light, he despises it. Onegin does not find his true purpose and place in life; he is burdened by his loneliness. It is Evgeny Onegin who opens a whole “gallery extra people"in Russian literature.


    1) We will find many works of Russian classical literature that reflect this problem. Let us remember, for example, little twelve-year-old Vaska from Kuprin’s works “In the Bowels of the Earth”, who is forced to work in a mine, which seems to him a strange and incomprehensible monster. Vaska is also a child with a stolen childhood. He is forced to go to work in the mine, although he does not understand the morals that reign among the workers, and the work itself is too hard for a twelve-year-old boy.

    2) Not only literary works teach us to appreciate what we have. Real stories Almost every child knows about children participating in military battles of the Great Patriotic War. We remember the names of Leni Golikova, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova, Nadya Bogdanova. All of them lost their childhood, and some even their lives, in the war.


    1) Let's remember the work N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General”. Having learned about the arrival of the auditor, officials are terribly frightened and try to “prepare” for his arrival. For example, the trustee of charitable institutions is advised to dress the sick in clean caps, and in general, to make sure that there are fewer sick people. As a result, all the officials decide to give Khlestakov, who is taken for an auditor, a bribe “supposedly as a loan.” All this shows that already in the time of Nikolai Vasilyevich, bribery and lawlessness among officials was quite a big problem.

    2) B Divine Comedy" Dante in one of the circles of hell, devils throw bribe-takers into a ditch filled with boiling tar. The devils also make sure that the bribe-takers do not stick their heads out of the boiling tar, and they beat those who stick out with hooks.


    1)“Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev. The main character of the novel, Evgeny Bazarov, denies all kinds of feelings, friendship, love. He never shows his warm attitude towards his parents, who madly love and admire their son. The hero communicates little with his parents, after a long separation he leaves, having stayed only a few days... Only before his death does Bazarov realize how much he really loves them.

    2) Stationmaster"A.S. Pushkin. The author tells us the story of a poor stationmaster, whose only joy was his beloved daughter. But the girl leaves her father. He tries to find her, even just to see her, but he is kicked out of his daughter’s house. And only after his death, when the girl comes to visit her father, she realizes what she has done.


    1) Zhukovsky's ballad “Lyudmila”. The main idea of ​​Zhukovsky’s ballad, written in imitation of Burger’s “Lenora,” was the conviction that grumbling about fate is a sin. Lyudmila, who has lost her fiancé, grumbles at fate, so her prayer becomes heard by heaven. A dead groom comes for Lyudmila, who takes her to the grave.

    2) “Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov. In the chapter “Fatalist” of the novel by M. Yu. Leromontov, we are also faced with questions of fate. The officers start a dispute about whether a person's fate is written in heaven. Lieutenant Vulich is called in to resolve the dispute, who randomly takes a weapon from the wall, decides to shoot himself in the head and... misfires! But Pechorin is sure that he saw the stamp of death on his face. And indeed, Vulich dies that same evening at the hands of a drunken Cossack.


    1) “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol. Problem " little man” has been reflected more than once in Russian literature. Let us remember the main character of the story “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol. Akakiy Akakievich - typical image“little man”: a humiliated and powerless official who worked all his life in the department, copying papers. The theft of a new overcoat becomes a tragedy for this hero. Akaki Akakievich tries to seek help from his superiors, but does not find a response in society. And everyone he turns to considers his problem insignificant and not worth attention.

    2) “Station Warden” by A. S. Pushkin. Another example of reflecting the problem of the “little man” is the work of A. S. Pushkin “The Station Warden”. In this work, the author tells us the story of Samson Vyrin, whose only daughter leaves with the hussar and leaves her poor father. Vyrin can’t even see his daughter! He feels a huge gap between him, his life and his new position in the society of his Dunya. Having never come to terms with his daughter’s betrayal, he dies.


    1)“The Master and Margarita” by M.A. Bulgakov. This problem has been reflected more than once in Russian classical literature. Let us recall Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”, in which Woland and his retinue tempt Muscovites who, over and over again, do not right choice, for which they receive their punishment. Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy takes a bribe, the barman cheats, Styopa Likhodeev is debauched... And, of course, speaking about moral choice, one cannot help but recall Pontius Pilate, who was never able to make the right choice. After all, he realizes too late that “this afternoon he irretrievably missed something.”

    2) “Eugene Onegin” A.S. Pushkin. To others literary hero, who also could not make a choice according to his conscience, is Eugene Onegin. The hero understands that his duel with Lensky is absolutely pointless, but still accepts the challenge. Why? A.S. Pushkin gives a completely unambiguous answer: “And here is public opinion! Spring of honor, our idol! And this is what the world revolves on!” That is, for Onegin public opinion was more important than a friend's life. But if the hero tried to make a choice, relying on his conscience, then everything would end well.


    1)A word about Igor's regiment. Nature reflects state of mind heroes, indicates danger, warns princes.

    2)“War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy. Natasha Rostova admires the beauty of the night landscape in Otradnoye, it inspires him. And the changes that occur in the soul of Andrei Bolkonsky are reflected in appearance oak tree, which he sees when going to Otradnoye and back. The oak here is a symbol of change and new, better life.

    3) “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” N. A. Nekrasov. The hero of the poem, during the spring flood, saves drowning hares, collecting them in a boat, and cures two sick animals. The forest is his native element, and he worries about all its inhabitants.

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    Let's remember the hero M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man”. Severe war time subjected the main character Andrei Sokolov to the most severe trials: he fought, was wounded, was captured, and was almost shot by the Germans. Having been freed from captivity, he learned that a bomb had fallen on his house and his wife and daughters had been killed. And on the last day of the war, his only son Anatoly was killed. The wartime whirlwind destroyed the hero’s life, taking everything from him: “... I had a family, my own home, all this was put together over the years, and everything collapsed in a single moment, I was left alone.” However, nothing can take away the main thing from a hero - humanity. Grief and pain did not break the hero, did not force him to become bitter, sensitivity, kindness, and the ability to love remained in him. It is these qualities that the hero displays when he adopts an orphan boy after the war.

    What importance do home traditions have in a person’s life?

    . In autobiographical story “The Summer of the Lord” by I.S. Shmelev turned to the past of Russia and showed how Russian holidays are woven into patriarchal life - a symbol of the eternal movement of life. The hero of the book is the keeper and continuer of traditions, the bearer of the ideals of holiness, goodness and beauty. Forgetting traditions will not bring peace to Russia - this is the main idea of ​​the author.

    Why is a person’s connection with family and home so important? (+ Can a person live without a Home?)

    K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"

    Nastya lives a bright, fulfilling life away from her lonely, old mother. To her daughter, all her affairs seem so important and urgent that she completely forgets to write letters home and does not visit her mother. Even when a telegram arrived about her mother’s illness, Nastya did not go right away, and therefore did not find Katerina Ivanovna alive. The mother never lived to see her only daughter, whom she loved very much.

    F Abramov "Alka"

    The heroine of the story went to the city in search of a better life, leaving behind her old mother, who died without waiting for her daughter. Alka, having returned to the village and acutely aware of the loss, decides to stay there, but this impulse quickly passes when she is offered a lucrative job in the city. The loss of native roots is irreparable.

    But children grow up, and in almost every family some kind of misunderstanding arises, and conflict often flares up between the older and younger generations. Why is this happening? Why don’t family and close people feel comfortable around each other, can’t or don’t even want to be together? These are not issues of today: the problem has existed for centuries and, unfortunately, not only has not been solved, but is becoming more and more aggravated. The conflict between “fathers and sons,” of course, could not help but end up on the pages of the works of Russian writers.

    In the 19th century I.S. That’s exactly what Turgenev called one of his significant novels - "Fathers and Sons". Basically, the writer talks about the clash of ideas, but I would like to dwell on an everyday situation that is close to any person: the relationship between Yevgeny Bazarov and his parents.

    Bazarov's parents, Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasevna, madly love their only son. When, after a long separation, he comes to them, they can’t get enough of their “Enyushenka”; they don’t know what to feed or where to put their son. The father experiences undisguised joy and pride when Arkady calls Bazarov “one of the most wonderful people, with whom he has ever met." And what about Bazarov? Does he experience the same feelings towards old people? He loves his parents, but judges them harshly, calling their life insignificant, stinking. Such an existence causes boredom and anger in him. Having not lived with the family for even two days, Evgeniy is preparing to leave: his father’s adoration and mother’s worries interfere with him.

    The situation is clear and typical: young people always think that their parents are “retired people, and their song is over,” that everything new and interesting is located outside their home. That they, the young, will do much more and better than their ancestors. Of course, this is how it should be, otherwise life would stand still! But young man there should remain a feeling of emotional attachment to parents and home, a feeling of sincere gratitude to everything that the elders gave him.

    In the last tragic moments of his life, Bazarov is surrounded by the love of his parents and speaks of them with tenderness: “After all, people like them are hard to find during the day...” No matter where the hero strives, no matter what goals he sets for himself, it’s enough he has the warmth to give the old people their due before he dies.

    I would like to recall another work that makes us think about how callous and cruel we are sometimes towards ourselves. to a loved one- mother. In the story by K. Paustovsky "Telegram" old loving mother Katerina Petrovna has been waiting for her daughter Nastya for a long time. And she has things to do, worries, everyday bustle, and doesn’t even have time to answer her mother’s letter. But since the mother writes, it means she is alive and well. Nastya sends the old lady money and doesn’t think that the mother just needs to see her daughter, hold her hand, stroke her head. When the girl received an alarming telegram and finally arrived in the village, her mother had already been buried by strangers. All she has to do is come to the fresh grave mound. She feels the bitterness and heaviness of her loss, but nothing can be returned.

    Writers show that often the basis of the eternal conflict lies in the ordinary callousness and ingratitude of children.

    Life is not easy: parents and children cannot live without ever arguing, quarreling, or offending each other. But if both of them remember that they are one link in an endless chain of generations, that life is tightly connected links in this chain, that everything rests on love, kindness, mutual understanding, then perhaps the long-standing conflict of generations will exhaust itself, and people on earth will be happier. I think it's possible.

    Each of us has a home. This is not just a place where we come after studying, where we sit down at the table or go to bed. This is, first of all, a place where we are surrounded by warmth and care, love and attention. Here we bring our sorrows and joys, here they support us, here they worry about us. Home is our family, close and dear people, thanks to whom we feel protected. Home is where mom is.

    IN story by A.N. Tolstoy “Russian character” the author describes Yegor Dremov’s return home after a serious wound that disfigured his face: “I turned diagonally towards the house. Stuck knee-deep in the snow, bending over to the window, I saw my mother - in the dim light of a screwed-on lamp above the table, she was getting ready for dinner. Still in the same dark scarf, quiet, unhurried, kind. She was older, her thin shoulders stuck out... “Oh, if only I knew, every day she would have to write at least two words about herself...” the hero thinks. He sees how his father has changed, how old he has become: “Father came, Yegor Yegorovich, who had also passed over the years, and it was as if his beard was showered with flour.” The hero knows that they love him here and are waiting for him, thinking about him. At the same time, he does not want to scare his parents with his appearance and decides to call himself by a different name. He is afraid to upset his parents, to hurt them, because his face is disfigured beyond recognition. Yegor Dremov left without opening up to his parents. But you can’t deceive a mother’s heart. The mother felt that it was him. His parents accepted him for who he became; his appearance does not matter to them. They will always love him because he is their son. The doors of one's home will never close on a hero.

    Special role The parental instruction received in childhood in the father’s house plays a role in a person’s fate. In fact, it is this that determines the future behavior of the individual, his worldview. Let's remember work by A.S. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter» . Accompanying his son Petrusha to service, his father instructs him this way: “Serve faithfully to whom you swear allegiance; obey your superiors; Don’t chase their affection; don’t ask for service; do not dissuade yourself from serving; and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.” The son invariably follows this order. During the Pugachev rebellion, he is faced with a choice: go over to Pugachev’s side and survive, or remain faithful to the oath and die. Grinev remembers his father’s behest to preserve his honor and decides to die rather than disgrace his uniform. His courage was appreciated by Pugachev himself. Grinev’s honesty and directness and his courage endear him to Pugachev so much that he subsequently helps Peter rescue Masha as well. Father's guidance helped Pyotr Grinev go through all the trials with honor and find happiness.
    Chichikov, the hero, received completely different instructions from his father. poems by N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls» : “Most of all, take care and save a penny: this thing is more reliable than anything in the world... You can do everything and lose everything in the world with a penny.” And the meaning of his son’s life becomes the desire for money, for the sake of it he starts a wide variety of frauds.
    As we see, parental guidance played a decisive role in the fate of the heroes and directed them along the path of life.

    Home is also small homeland, the region where I spent my childhood. By magical power he has. In moments of sorrow and adversity, to whom do we turn our gaze? To my mother. And also - to Mother Earth, native nature. It heals our soul, bestows strength, just as a handful of our native land once gave power to an epic hero.

    Of course, every person has his own home - the place where he was born and raised. And this is not just a village hut or a city apartment, this is our native land, be it the streets hometown or fields and forests, rivers and springs. This is the Motherland. And wherever fate takes you, there is no sweeter corner than motherland. The connection with him will never be broken, the image of his father’s house will always live in his memory.


    Let's remember poem by S.A. Yesenin “Low house with blue shutters...” The leitmotif is the following lines:
    Low house with blue shutters
    I will never forget you.
    The lyrical hero says that, even being far from home, he carries his image in his heart, remembers him, sees him in his dreams.
    Until today I still dream
    Our field, meadows and forest,
    Covered with gray chintz
    These poor northern skies.
    And even if the pictures of nature are not so luxurious, the region is not rich, it is still dear to the heart, because it is native. It is impossible to tear your heart away from everything that is cute:
    As much as I would like not to love,
    I still can't learn
    And under this cheap chintz
    You are dear to me, my dear howl.

    Love for his native land is expressed by the poet and in the poem by S. Yesenin “Go away, my dear Rus'...” Everything here is dear to my heart lyrical hero: “the huts are in the robes of the image...” and fields, low outskirts and poplars, the smell of apples and honey, the sounds of cheerful dancing and girlish laughter. Likewise, every person has pictures of his native places forever imprinted in his heart, and the love for his father’s land is just as strong. The poet wants to convey to us the idea that there is nothing more valuable in the world:
    If the holy army shouts:
    “Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”
    I will say: “There is no need for heaven,
    Give me my homeland."

    The heart accepts everything that is in native land, over the years, any memories of home become dear.

    Children grow up and leave their home. Sometimes they leave to find their own path in life and build their own home; sometimes they are called by duty to their homeland, and they go to defend their home from the enemy. And how sweet it is to return after a long separation! There is nothing sweeter than looking back at your native places, touching familiar things, feeling the smell of childhood. There is no person for whom home would not become part of the soul.


    Let's turn to to the story of A.N. Tolstoy “Russian character”. The main character, tanker Yegor Dremov, returns after being seriously wounded for a visit to his parents' house. The difficult wartime and concern for their son changed the appearance of the parents: they look older, but everything in the house remained unchanged. The hero’s heart aches at the sight of objects familiar from childhood: “Yegor Dremov sat down on the bench near the table in the very place where he sat when his legs did not reach the floor and his mother used to stroke his curly head and say: “Eat.” , killer whale." He remembers that in the old cabinet in the corner on the left there were “fishing hooks in a matchbox - they lay there - and there was a teapot with a broken spout - it stood there.” All this remains the same, pre-war, and the hero again plunges into the atmosphere of home warmth and peaceful life. Things, smells, the very walls of the house - so familiar, so familiar: “They took him to sleep on the stove, where he remembered every brick, every crack in the log wall, every knot in the ceiling. It smelled of sheepskin, bread - that familiar comfort that is not forgotten even in the hour of death.” Everything here is imbued with warmth, here the hero feels cared for: in the morning his mother washed his things, washed his boots, baked pancakes. The detail is eloquent: she was “cautiously fiddling around the stove.” “Careful” - because I didn’t want to wake you up. It is difficult to express in words the feeling of “being at home”, but everyone understands: nowhere and never will a person feel the way he does in home.

    Everyone needs their own home, they need close and loved ones. Just as a tree has its roots in the ground and thanks to them does not bend before gusts of wind, so a person is attached to his home and family, which give him strength, help him stand stronger on his feet, and not give in to the blows of fate. A person without a home and family is like a tumbleweed. Nothing binds him to the earth, there is no shelter for him anywhere. What should he love, what should he live in the world for, what should he fight for? (Bazarov)

    Home... Parental home. For each of us it has exceptional significance. After all, a person is not only born in his father’s house, but also receives a spiritual and moral charge for the rest of his life. It is in one’s own home and family that the moral guidelines that he will need throughout his life are laid in a person. “Everything in a person begins from childhood,” it seems that the writer S. Mikhalkov said. What we will be like in life depends on the family in which we grew up, on the spiritual atmosphere that reigned in our parents’ home.

    The theme of the house is a cross-cutting theme in world fiction.

    In the comedy “The Minor” D.I. Fonvizin shows the landowner's house of the Prostakov nobles. What kind of house is this? The head of the family here is not a man, but the despotic Mrs. Prostakova. The atmosphere in this house is very difficult, since from morning to evening you can hear screams, swearing, and rude words.

    The landowner watches everyone, cheats, lies, no one can calm her down. Prostakova has no human dignity, she scolds the tailor Trishka and her henpecked husband, who indulges his wife in everything. But she loves and regrets her son Mitrofanushka very much, for his sake she throws herself at her brother.

    Lawlessness reigns in this lady's house. This ignorant, narcissistic, cruel landowner is building family relationships from a position of strength. Despotism destroys and destroys everything human in a person. It is not difficult to guess what the son of this evil and cruel woman will be like. In the atmosphere of his home, ruled by his mother, the son could not learn anything good; he did not receive the strong moral charge that he so needed in life.

    Such an environment in the parental home cannot provide good and strong moral guidelines.

    "My home is my castle?" (+ What moral values strengthen the family?)

    D. I. Fonvizin “Minor” (negative example)

    A person’s character is formed in the family, but what kind of person could Mitrofanushka become? He adopted all the vices from his mother: extreme ignorance, rudeness, greed, cruelty, contempt of others, rudeness. Not surprising, because parents are always the main role models for children. And what kind of example could Mrs. Prostakova set for her son if she allowed herself to be rude, rude, and humiliate those around him in front of his eyes? Of course, she loved Mitrofan, but due to this she spoiled him greatly.

    A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm” (negative example: Kabanikha, her son and Katerina)

    Generation conflict

    I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

    Novel by a Russian writer I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.” We see a conflict of generations in the relationship between Bazarov and his parents. The main character has very contradictory feelings towards them: on the one hand, he admits that he loves his parents, on the other, he despises the “stupid life of his fathers.” What alienates Bazarov from his parents is, first of all, his beliefs. If in Arkady Kirsanov we see superficial contempt for the older generation, caused more by the desire to imitate a friend, and not coming from within, then with Bazarov everything is different. That's his life position. With all this, we see that it was to the parents that their son Evgeniy was truly dear. The old Bazarovs love Evgeny very much, and this love softens their relationship with their son, the lack of mutual understanding. It is stronger than other feelings and lives even when the main character dies.

    The problem of a person’s moral choice has always been especially significant in Russian literature. Exactly at difficult situations doing this or that moral choice, a person truly reveals his true moral qualities, showing how worthy he is of the title of Man.

    The story by M. A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” was written in 1956 - at the beginning of the “thaw”, a complex, transitional historical period. It is dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War And post-war years and is a narrative common man, driver Andrei Sokolov about his life. This simple story contains a typical story of thousands of people: in his youth he worked as a farm laborer, fought in the civil war, worked in a factory, started a family, built a house. The war destroyed all his peaceful happiness: his family died, his eldest son, an officer, was killed. All this was usual for that time, as usual, that like thousands of other people, for Andrei Sokolov in this situation there was the only possible moral choice: to courageously defend his Motherland. “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it,” he says to his interlocutor. When it is necessary to deliver shells to the artillerymen and the commander asks Sokolov if he will get through, for Andrei there cannot even be a doubt about this: “I have to get through, and that’s it!” He is not used to thinking about himself; he first of all thinks about his dying comrades. But shell shock and captivity put him in completely new, unusual conditions for him. He is ready for death, and for him it is more important not to lose his dignity, to remain a person faithful to the moral law of his own conscience. It is not easy for him to make the decision to kill a traitor who is ready to betray his commander. But he cannot live by the principle “his shirt is closer to his body,” and in order to save the skinny boy commander, Sokolov strangled the traitor with his own hands. He experiences this event: “For the first time in my life I killed, and then it was my own... But what is he like? He’s worse than a stranger, a traitor.” The situation of moral choice is resolved by the hero according to the laws of socialist realism: the death of the traitor will prevent the death of many honest people.

    The main moral choice of the hero in captivity was the same: not to collude with enemies, not to betray his comrades for a piece of bread, to courageously endure torture and humiliation. Someone less resistant in spirit denounced Andrei for a carelessly spoken phrase, and Sokolov, summoned to the commandant of the camp, prepares to fearlessly accept death, “so that my enemies do not see at my last minute that it is still difficult for me to part with life...”. Refusing to drink "to victory" German weapons“, Andrei Sokolov agrees to drink “to his death and deliverance from torment,” proudly refusing the snack. It was important for him to show “that although I am disappearing from hunger, I am not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” And even his enemy appreciated his dignity, letting Sokolov go to the barracks in peace and giving him bread and lard. Dividing the “grub” among everyone is also the moral choice of the hero, who remains true to his concepts of honor, justice, and collectivism.

    Andrei Sokolov still has a lot to endure: escape from captivity, news of the death of his family, the death of his son - “exactly on the ninth of May, in the morning, on Victory Day.” Such blows of fate can break any person no less persistent than Andrei Sokolov. Having been demobilized, he works as a driver, drinking “one hundred grams a day” after a flight. But he doesn’t drink himself to death, doesn’t complain about his fate - the hero finds the strength in himself to pick up an orphan boy and adopt him. This is also the moral choice of Andrei Sokolov - to find spiritual generosity in himself and take responsibility for the little man destitute by the war. And the author believes that, a man of strong will, with a kind and courageous heart, Andrei Sokolov will be able to raise a person with the same moral criteria, like him, a person “who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to do so.”

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