Personal safety rules in crime situations. Crime situations in everyday life. Personal safety rules

We all hear about the crime situation in the news, read in newspapers, but sometimes we don’t fully understand what it is. Let's understand this concept, consider existing species, as well as ways to protect yourself when you get into it.

What is a crime situation?

It refers to an event or condition that caused a person to decide to commit a criminal act. In other words, this is a whole complex of circumstances in which a person finds himself before a crime is committed. These circumstances influence his consciousness, will, feelings and, in accordance with moral qualities of a given person, determine his desire and determination to commit a criminally punishable (intentional or careless) act. Thus, crime situation occupies a very significant position in the complex of reasons for committing a particular crime. But at the same time, it is, as it were, in an intermediate position between its environment and the criminal act.

Classification of crime situations by source

Depending on the source of occurrence, there are three types of crime situations:

Mixed situations may also exist: for example, a driver in a state of severe alcohol or drug intoxication gets into an accident on a problematic, unrepaired section of the road, in bad weather conditions (rain, snowstorm, fog, etc.). In addition to the natural factor, there is also a significant human factor.

Victimological aspects

The concept of crime is inextricably linked to its victims. Without a thorough study of the victim’s personality, prevention cannot go beyond traditional approaches. It is necessary to examine in detail the identities of the victims and all the circumstances due to which they became such. Very often, a criminogenic situation is created as a result of the actions of the victim. Victimology sets itself certain tasks:

  • studying the victim’s personality and behavior;
  • citizens: even if they have some basic knowledge, most victims do not fully or at all understand how to apply it in practice;
  • theoretical-cognitive: unfortunately, it is worth recognizing that the development of this industry is only at initial stage, while in the USA and some European countries it receives sufficient attention and deeper study.

Victimological crime prevention is also important. In essence, it is a special activity social institutions, which is aimed at identifying and eliminating the factors and circumstances that contributed to the work. The work is carried out at three levels: general social, special and individual. Victimological prevention is a fairly broad concept. Crime must be countered by all possible preventive measures.

Long-term crime situations

They are usually understood as circumstances (situations) that arise long before the commission of a crime. They last for a certain period of time, affecting the individual psychologically, often overwhelmingly and depressingly. We can say that they, as it were, “prepare” a person to commit a crime. Examples of criminogenic situations of this nature occur quite often: long-term family conflicts, being in an unfavorable social environment (especially affects adolescents and children), etc.

Short-term criminological situations

Their second name is disposable. They arise quickly and very often seem to merge with a crime, for example, a quarrel in a restaurant, nightclub, even just in line at a store. Over a short period of time, a development occurs that ends in different ways: a fight, bodily harm, insults, etc.

Sometimes it happens that a combination of these two types occurs, for example with prolonged family conflict between husband and wife, when the spouse systematically uses alcohol or drugs, beats her, insults her and humiliates her human dignity. But a crime is committed as a result, as people say, “ last straw", some specific action, short-term and at a certain moment.

Common crime situations

This classification is based on the degree of prevalence; according to it, two types of criminogenic situations are distinguished.

General, that is, spreading over a relatively large territory, for example, a shortage of any goods or services in a particular region or throughout the country gives rise to smuggling crime in Russia.

Local crime situations

They arise in a certain, limited territory, for example, a housing conflict or on the basis of professional relations in a team in a certain organization, quarrel, loss of property, etc.

Classification by content

  • Problematic - they lie in the fact that an individual is forced to look for a way and possible means of getting out of the current situation or life circumstances in order to achieve a set goal: for example, when you need to pay off a monetary debt (your own or your loved ones’ life is at risk), and this pushes a person to commit theft.
  • Conflict - arise when the interests of the guilty person and other persons collide or government agencies and social: for example, juvenile delinquency, which often becomes the result of their conflict with parents, teachers, and other older persons.
  • Extreme, that is, unusual, exceptional situations for a given person that have a strong impact on him: for example, crimes committed in a state of passion, that is, severe mental shock.

Classification by nature of impact

Depending on what kind of effect is exerted on a person, the following criminogenic situations are distinguished:

  • provoking (seductive), they have a motivating effect and push a person to commit a crime: for example, an unattended bag or a car with a key in the ignition, the behavior of the victim herself;
  • accompanying;
  • discharging - they cause a release of psychological tension that was caused by some other circumstances;
  • making it difficult.

Signs of a crime situation

Any criminogenic situation is objective in its essence, including the characteristics of the subject and object of the attack, temporal and geographical, climatic and other conditions. Its elements may include circumstances that favor the commission of a crime, for example, insufficient protection of property, emergency sections of the road that impede normal traffic, provoking behavior of the victim (active or involuntary), etc.

At the same time, the criminogenic situation also has a subjective nature, that is, it is perceived as such by a specific person. Moreover, this nature of perception depends on her moral and psychological qualities, which determine negative or positive behavior in the current conditions. However, it should be borne in mind that even the most unfavorable situation does not always lead to the commission of a crime. Decisive importance belongs to (the system of views, inclinations, aspirations).

Situations criminogenic nature must be identified in a timely manner and eliminated using special measures - this important point in activities to prevent the commission of crimes.

Often there is a combination of the concepts of “criminogenic situation” and “situation”. From a legal point of view, the first term should mean a certain set factors that contribute to the stable maintenance of the crime rate or its growth ( individual genera or species) in a specific territory (republic, city or separate region). And this significantly distinguishes it from the concept of a criminogenic situation. If the first preserves or aggravates the already existing negative situation in the field of crime, then the second term characterizes the circumstances that may lead to the commission of an act punishable by criminal law, but not always.

In Russia, and especially in some regions, the crime situation remains difficult.

The relationship between the concepts of criminogenic and criminal situation

This issue is considered rather narrowly in the legal literature. But most likely, the criminal situation should be understood as possible variant development of criminogenic. But not every one, but only one where a subject with a criminal goal or antisocial attitudes begins to act. Some scientists note that knowledge of the (criminal) situation of committing a crime is carried out using forensic characteristics, as an ideal idea of ​​criminal acts of a certain category (for example, juvenile delinquency) and their consequences. Classification issues are also of undoubted interest, since this will allow the creation of private investigative techniques based on various characteristics.

Stages of a criminal situation

There are three of them in total. Let's look at each in more detail.

1. Prev criminal situation- this is a special system of circumstances and conditions, time and place, the nature of the relationship between the criminal and his victim, which determine the method of committing the crime. Most often, they are formed during the period of preparatory actions: careful drawing up and elaboration of a plan, choice of a weapon, location. Such actions will constitute the essence of a pre-criminogenic situation only if they are not described in the disposition of the relevant article.

2. The actual criminal situation. It represents an established system of conditions and circumstances through which an illegal plan is realized. It appears immediately at the moment when the criminal’s actions begin.

3. Post-criminal situation. Includes events that occur after the criminal act has been committed. This includes concealing or destroying traces and other methods of evading criminal liability.

Crime situations and personal safety

No one is immune from falling into unfavorable conditions or situations. The most important thing is to remain calm and sober minded. The basic rule of safety when getting into crime situations (on the street, in, etc.) can be expressed in three words: anticipate, avoid and act.

The main condition for safety is to avoid direct contact with the criminal. Therefore, it is important to remember some basic points and nuances. Crime situations arise most often in the dark, in sparsely populated places, entrances, and elevators. Therefore, try not to be alone on the street at night. Stay calm and confident, do not show signs of victimhood (depression, exhaustion, tiredness, physical disabilities) and try not to attract attention with large bags and expensive jewelry. When faced with choosing a route, choose the one that is safer, not the shorter one.

Crime in Russia is quite high, which is primarily due to the standard of living and economic indicators. As it says stable expression: forewarned is forearmed. If the area in which you live or often visit for work has a reputation for crime, you should not neglect the rules of personal safety.

1. The concept of a crime situation

CRIMINOGENIC SITUATION (from English criminogen situation) - a situation characterized by the prevalence of criminal acts, giving rise to crimes, contributing to increased crime.

In the causal complex of committing a specific crime, the role of the criminogenic situation is very significant.

A criminogenic situation is understood as an event or condition that aroused a person’s determination to commit a crime.

In other words, this is a set of circumstances in which a person finds himself before committing a crime, affecting his consciousness, feelings and will and in accordance with the moral qualities of a given person, directly determining his intention and determination to commit criminally punishable (intentional or careless) acts. The criminogenic situation, not being the direct cause of the commission of a crime, occupies an intermediate place between the personality of the criminal, the environment and the crime.

It precedes the crime and is its indispensable “companion”.

No crime can be committed if there are no suitable conditions for it in reality.

2. Classification of a criminal situation

Being objective, a criminogenic situation also has a peculiar subjective character and is perceived as such by a specific person. Moreover, such perception depends on the moral and psychological qualities of the individual, which determine his negative or positive behavior in the current conditions, in a specific criminogenic situation. However, it should be borne in mind that even the most unfavorable situation does not necessarily lead to the commission of a crime. The decisive importance, of course, belongs to a specific person with his system of views, inclinations and aspirations.

Timely detection of criminogenic situations and taking measures to eliminate them have important in crime prevention.

4. The role of the criminogenic situation in crime prevention

Law enforcement agencies carry out systematic activities in this area. But today I will focus not on crime prevention carried out by law enforcement agencies, but on general legal education of the population, in Lately which is still not given due, but already much greater importance.

I want to talk about the state’s attention to the formation of legal education for children and youth. In preschool and educational institutions today, entire courses are held to ensure the rules safe behavior in similar (criminogenic) situations.

Briefly, we can say the following about them: for all their unification (standardization), they must have a plan for certain actions of a potential victim of a crime.

For example, some of the courses of such training contain the following instructions:

    always be alert and be able to recognize sources of danger so as not to be taken by surprise;

    try to always be in good physical shape and be psychologically prepared for a possible dangerous situation;

    do not lose heart and look for a way out in any situation;

    Always have the telephone number of the nearest police station at hand;

    learn self-defense techniques and, if necessary, defend yourself in the most decisive manner;

    do not come into contact with strangers, especially those who are suspicious;

    be especially vigilant and attentive in places of increased crime danger;

    make it as difficult as possible for the actions of attackers, since each obstacle poses problems for them and it takes time to resolve them;

    try to cope with the shock and remember the signs of the criminals, the direction of their movement, the transport they used, and immediately inform the police.”

This approach of society to crime situations presupposes a sufficiently high “degree of preparedness” of the population for a possible criminal attack on the life and health of citizens.

The causes of crime are the fundamental and most pressing problem of the science of criminology. It concentrates elements of philosophy, economics, politics, jurisprudence, social psychology, sociology and social practice.

In conditions of aggravation of socio-economic and political situation in the country, the growth of crime, the decline of morality and ethics, the study of the causes of crime becomes especially relevant. These conditions target criminological science and social practice for a deep and specific study of the causal and other dependencies of crime in relation to new processes and changes occurring in society. The relationship, interaction and role of causes and conditions can be illustrated by the following example.

There is already an established opinion in the literature that negative social conditions are the cause of crime, since they (the conditions) give rise to it (the cause). Another position disputes this, believing that external circumstances themselves cannot give rise to crime, and therefore cannot be its causes. They can only form the cause or contribute to the commission of crimes. This opinion seems preferable in relation to the reasons for a specific crime, since it cannot be committed without the will of the person himself. This is evidenced by the fact that under the same social conditions, not every person takes the criminal path. This primarily affects those of them who already had certain defects in legal consciousness, due to the shortcomings of earlier upbringing.

Therefore, we can reasonably believe that the cause of criminal behavior is formed not simultaneously and not by one group of conditions, but by their whole complex and, as a rule, over a fairly long period of time - most often in childhood. Based on the above, in criminology there is a concept of the so-called complete cause of crime, which includes all of its prerequisites together with reasons in the narrow sense. The conditions of crime are usually divided into three main groups: accompanying (they form the general background of events and phenomena, circumstances of place and time), necessary (without such conditions the event could not have occurred), sufficient (the totality of all necessary conditions). When all these conditions are present, we can talk about their integral complex. Studying the process of determining crime involves taking into account relativity, the convention of dividing phenomena and processes into causes and conditions. Many of them are in in some cases

act as a reason, in others - as a condition of crime. At the same time, what is common to all determinants of crime is that they are always based on objective social contradictions.

In conclusion, I would like to note the fact that within the framework of my report I will not be able to consider all aspects of crime situations. However, I would like to say about the importance of the topic I have touched upon. It is necessary to have a strict position regarding offender And, acquire the ability to control their emotions, learn to use any information, any information from social and empirical sciences. At the same time, without turning into a technical executor of legal regulations, which in our difficult times are in the process of constant change.

    General crime situation in the city

Approximately 150 million people live in Russia, including over 100 million in cities.

On modern stage development, humanity is facing acute problems big cities. The city as an artificial habitat created by man allows people to depend less on extreme factors than before natural character. The city provides ample opportunities to improve the comfort of living conditions, to develop spiritual and creative activity each person.

The city attracts people different nationalities, from different geographical areas.

In the city, every person is surrounded by people and at the same time is an environment (environment) for other people. In the home, in transport, in shops, on the street, in production, people enter into a variety of complex interpersonal relationships. Society strives to regulate interpersonal relationships, not only by forming traditions, moral principles, and rules of etiquette, but also by creating rules of routine, behavior, and legislative acts that provide for a measure of responsibility for violating certain norms of human behavior in society. Crowds of people are fertile ground for the emergence of interpersonal and group conflicts, deterioration

criminal situation

, disruption of ecological balance, increasing danger to human life and health.

    The number of crimes, terrorist acts, and riots is growing year by year. Thus, in 1985, 1,416,935 crimes were registered in Russia, in 1992 - 2,760,659, in 1999 - 3,001,748.

    Main features of urban crime

    Research shows that an unfavorable criminological situation has developed in the country's cities. The growth rate of crime in cities is four times faster than the growth rate of their population.

    In general terms, the structure of urban crime is as follows:

The rate of theft of personal property in cities is almost twice as high as in rural areas.

The frequency of thefts from apartments, hostels, holiday homes and sanatoriums, pickpocketing, and vehicle thefts is also significantly higher.

In the cities of Russia, a new type of crime has appeared for us - racketeering, extortion. The intensity of robberies and assaults related to the taking of personal property in cities is high. They occur here more often than in rural areas. As a rule, scarce and expensive personal items are stolen, household appliances

, fur, precious products. A comparative analysis of crime in each group of cities shows that the most favorable situation is in the republican, regional and regional centers; the worst indicators are in new-build cities. These differences in general view can be explained by the living conditions and composition of the urban population, the level and quality

social services

, social security of the individual, the degree of ensuring law and order and legality.

Separately, we should dwell on areas of increased criminal danger, of which there are plenty in the city.

First of all, these are squares, train stations, parks, markets, palaces of culture and sports, stadiums and sports grounds, theaters and cinemas, exhibition halls. Factors influencing urban crime In terms of its impact on crime, urbanization (the process of concentrating population and economic life in

major cities

    ) is a contradictory phenomenon.

    On the one hand, it develops considerable anti-criminal potential, on the other hand, it can be accompanied by processes that become factors of crime.

    Urban phenomena affecting the crime situation:

    increased population density, leading to a partial deterioration in living conditions (it is associated with a shortage of means of life support, transport, housing and other problems);

    migration of the population (the problem of adaptation of new settlers and the possibility of social control over them is connected with it);

    commuting (associated with so-called transport fatigue, which entails increased psychological stress);

an increase in nervous stress on a person, leading to an increase in stressful and conflict situations; industrial and transport injuries; social control. Socializing, coercing role small groups, including families, in the city in some cases is weakening. In a village where everyone knows each other, this circumstance in itself serves as an element of social control and forces one to take into account the general socio-psychological interconnectedness. The conditions of urban life do not allow the same connections and communities to form in all cases.

Finally, in the city there is a greater concentration of people with criminal records than in the village, which affects the rates of recidivism.

Socially – economic phenomena, which become criminogenic factors:

    economic instability;

    emergence and increase in unemployment;

    increasing stratification of the population by income level;

    changes at the level of state policy in ideological attitudes regarding property, means of production and the psychological unpreparedness of many people to perceive these changes;

    power deficit;

    manifestation of bureaucracy and the spread of corruption in the state apparatus.

This apparently explains the high rate of crime growth in last years and, in particular, the increasing incidence of mass antisocial manifestations, often accompanied by grave consequences (murder, bodily harm, arson, pogroms, destruction of property, disobedience to authorities).

Refugees, who are mainly concentrated in cities, are a serious social irritant and a strong crime factor. Here they encounter great difficulties of a housing and property nature, problems of finding a job, enrolling children in schools and child care institutions, obtaining a means of subsistence, establishing normal connections with new people. Many of them, unable to cope with difficulties, begin to earn a living through illegal means, engage in theft, robbery, robbery, and often organize criminal communities (gangs) for these purposes. Naturally, all this causes irritation and protest among the local population: clashes and fights arise, sometimes escalating into massacres.

Population migration complicates the crime situation, especially in small towns, where the migration rate is three to four times higher than in regional centers. The migration flows here are dominated by people with increased criminal activity: single young men, as well as those with previous convictions.

It has been established that in this type of city the crime rate among migrants is two to three times higher than among local residents.

Basic safety rules in a crime situation: anticipate, avoid, act. The main condition for safety is the ability to avoid direct contact with the criminal, i.e. don't become a victim. To avoid becoming a victim of hooligans, robbers and maniacs, you must follow:

following rules

1) do not be on the street alone, or together in the dark. If you have to return along a dark road, call home before leaving. Use your knowledge of the rhythms of life in your neighborhood;

2) walk with a calm, confident look. Victimology (the science of victim behavior) explains what guides the criminal when choosing a victim. The criminal notes everything that plays into his hands: uncertainty in his gaze, sluggish posture, timidity in movements, mental depression, fatigue, physical disabilities. Try not to attract attention to yourself with expensive jewelry;

3) choose a route that is not short, but safe, without tempting yourself with the desire to skip through passageways or entrances;

4) avoid places where you are most likely to meet a dangerous person. This applies to unlit streets and gateways, entrances and secluded corners in parks and squares. If you cannot avoid such places, you should try not to end up in them alone or in a couple, or better yet, three or more (in a group);

5) do not deprive yourself of information about what is happening around you. To prevent danger from creeping up unexpectedly, do not deafen yourself with the headphones of the player, and even more so demonstratively with the tape recorder;

6) it’s safer to walk along the edge of the sidewalk towards traffic, this allows you to avoid a sudden attack from entrances or gateways and at the same time see approaching cars. If a car begins to move slowly next to you, it is wiser to cross to the other side of the street;

8) when approaching the entrance, be as focused and careful as possible, especially in the dark. Always carry a flashlight and a whistle. When you open the entrance door, make sure that there is no one in it. If you see a company at the entrance, leave the entrance and call from the nearest pay phone and ask to be met. If there is no one to meet, it is better to wait for the person who is on the same path with you;

9) while waiting for the elevator, stand not in front of the door, but to the side - with your back to the wall. Enter the elevator only when you are sure that there is no strangers. If you find yourself in an elevator with a stranger, do not turn your back to him, but watch his actions. Be prepared to defend yourself.

If you encounter a criminal, you need to try to remember him appearance: what he’s wearing, bald or not, eye color, whether there are scars on his face, mustache, beard, etc.

1) at the first request of the street robber, give the money (to do this, always carry a small amount in your pocket);

2) do not pull the bag towards you if it is snatched;

3) do not argue or respond to challenging behavior. Speak calmly, slowly, confidently. Life and health are more valuable than any thing or money. Your goal is to get out of trouble, and not to win a fight, and, perhaps, without having the strength and skill to do so, because the criminal is usually armed with either a firearm or edged weapons such as a knife, a sharpener, a fin, brass knuckles, etc.

Extreme situations in natural conditions. Autonomous existence, safety, skills and abilities.

At extreme situation Under natural conditions, a person or group of people is forced to lead an autonomous existence.

Autonomous existence is the existence of one person or group of people who, by chance, find themselves in a critical situation, alone with nature. It may be due to the nature of the profession, which involves working in natural conditions, for example, geologists, geophysicists, prospecting drillers, oil workers, hydrologists, etc. Currently, these specialists work on a rotational basis, i.e. in shifts of 15–30 days. The shift method is used to save financial resources– and there is no need to build expensive settlements with all the infrastructure. The autonomous existence of people in the above professions is voluntary, and they prepare for it in advance.

A forced autonomous existence is very complex and very difficult, when people who are not prepared for such moments in life find themselves alone with nature by accident, usually in vehicle accidents. In both types of autonomous existence, the main task is to survive, for which it is necessary to suppress fear, provide mutual assistance (self-help), save property and equipment, prepare temporary shelter, analyze the situation (establish communication, orientate, develop a survival plan), obtain food and water, prepare signaling means.

An important condition survival in conditions of autonomous existence are the actions of a person or group of people to preserve life and health. The first step is to build a shelter. Temporary shelter can be an awning, a raincoat, snow pits and caves, a hut made of branches and other auxiliary means. A fire is built next to the shelter for cooking, heating, and drying clothes.

Types of fires: node, star, hut, well, etc. Dry branches piled in a heap in the form of a hut light up best. Fire can be produced using bast, roots of dry trees and a stick or twine, but the best way to produce a spark is to strike a stone against a stone (the stone must be a fragment of granite, since the stones of the Cretaceous deposits are soft and do not produce a spark).

A spark can be produced by striking steel against steel or a hard stone against steel.

When starting a fire, you must take measures to prevent a fire; to do this, it must be lit in a prepared, cleared area, away from trees (especially dry ones) and preferably in an elevated, open place.

Under such conditions, a fire is easier to detect from flying airplanes, helicopters, and even from special-purpose satellites (part of the international rescue system for accidents on water and land). In order for a fire to be detected from the air, it is necessary to make the fire smoke by throwing damp branches with leaves (or pine needles) or green grass into the flaring fire.

It is also necessary to take into account that in good, clear and windless weather, the smoke from the fire rises in a column and if there is wind at altitude (even weak), the smoke “falls”. If the weather is cloudy, with a slight wind, then the smoke from the fire will “lie down” immediately and spread over the ground. In case of cloudy, windless weather, smoke will spread around the fire, creating very unpleasant moments for the person or people who are near the fire - their eyes will begin to “eat” and they will water.

Under such conditions, you can get poisoned by carbon monoxide and combustion products (components). When a birch tree burns, for example, black smoke comes out, especially from large, thick branches, but the birch tree produces a lot of heat and its firebrands smolder for a long time. This also applies to other hardwoods - oak, maple, larch, etc. Linden, aspen, spruce, and pine burn quickly, produce less heat, and firebrands burn out quickly. From linden it is good to use bast (bast) - the bark of the lower layer. The bark of linden (both dry and wet) comes off better than other species, and it extends along the trunk, while in birch it extends across (the so-called birch bark).

Taking into account all of the above, the fire needs to be lit in an elevated place or on a slope, then the smoke from the fire will not “spin” around it, creating inconvenience for you in cloudy, quiet weather, but will fall down the slope. To provide food and suppress hunger, you can use young branches and leaves of trees (linden, hazel, etc.), shrubs, as well as plants (only non-poisonous ones) as food. Poisonous plants include henbane, hemlock, wolfberry, wolf's bast, raven's eye, etc. Many berries have medicinal properties, like plants, you just need to know which ones. Poisonous berries and plants can cause severe poisoning.

To quench your thirst (drink water), you can also use non-poisonous plants with succulent leaves and berries, as well as young tree branches. This is in the absence of reserves and natural sources of water - springs, springs, rivers, lakes, ponds, as well as precipitation (rain, snow, dew, frost, ice).

The search for water can be carried out using a vine, a bioframe, by the presence of damp soil and lush, lush vegetation.

Young ones can be used for eating edible mushrooms, after frying them over a fire or coals, using kebab-style firebrands, stringing them on a damp branch. By the way, you can get hot vitamin tea from raw large branches. To do this, you need to hold the raw branches over the fire obliquely - the thick end of the branch is above the fire, and the thin end is above some container - a mug, cup or regular plastic bag. Water will release from under the bark of a damp branch and flow down. Soft trees - linden, willow, willow and willow - are better suited for this purpose. Willow, willow and willow provide the most water.

If willow, willow and willow grow, this is the first sign of close groundwater. If, when searching for mushrooms, you come across poisonous ones (fly agaric, chanterelles, honey mushrooms (false - both types), pale toadstools), do not pick them - they are eaten by forest animals (fly agaric is eaten in small quantities by elk and deer (obviously, for treatment of worms)) .

If there are bodies of water (river, lake) at the accident site, then it is possible to organize fishing using branches - a fishing rod made of bast wood, and as a spinner, use a button, a pin, or any shiny small object. To hunt birds, you can make a trap from branches or bast - a cage with a slamming “door”.

Natural dressing materials (in case of injury in the event of a vehicle accident) are moss, dry grass, finely torn thin bast of linden, birch, willow, willow, willow, etc. If it is far from the nearest settlements, roads and rivers, then you need to settle down thoroughly, and immediately after lighting a fire or several fires, lay out an SOS sign with tree branches, and if there is snow, then trample the SOS sign and mark it with branches.

At night, several bonfires (smokeless and fire), also arranged in the form of an SOS sign, are used. If PSND signal cartridges are available, cartridges with bright orange smoke are used during the day, and with bright crimson fire at night. If there is no clearing, then the bushes are cut down (broken out) in the form of an SOS sign. The size of the characters should be about 6 . 1 m – 6 . 1.5 m; in adult steps this would be approximately 7. 2 steps or 7. 3 steps. The sign can be made from pieces of yellow or orange color– they are clearly visible from afar.

If you are moving towards a populated area or road (highway), you must be able to navigate the terrain. In the Northern Hemisphere, the direction to the north can be determined by standing with your back to the sun at noon (at noon - the sun is at its zenith). The shadow will indicate the direction north, west will be on the left, east will be on the right. Local noon can be determined using a vertical pole 0.5–1 m long by the shortest length of its shadow on the surface of the earth. It must be remembered that at 6–7 am the sun is in the east, and at 7 pm in the west (depending on the time of year, the location of the sun will be slightly different, for example, sunrise in summer is at 5 am, and sunset at 8–9 pm).

The direction to the south can be determined by the large accumulation (influx) of resin on the south-corresponding side of the coniferous tree trunk. In ravines, snow melts faster on southern slopes. The growth rings on stumps on the south side are wider, and moss grows more on the north side of the tree. You can also determine south and north by anthills, the flat side of which faces south. Mushrooms usually grow on the north side of the tree. After orienting yourself and determining your location, you should choose an exit route to locality or transport route.

When moving and crossing frozen bodies of water, you must be extremely careful, since the thickness of the ice in the lake (especially on the river) is uneven along the edges and in the middle places. On a lake, the ice may be thinner above springs that emerge from the ground, and on a river, the ice is thinner above a fast current. Crossing frozen bodies of water is allowed in winter if the ice thickness is 4–5 cm, in autumn and spring - at least 10 cm. Transparent ice with a bluish or greenish tint is the most durable, white-matte with yellowness is less reliable, loose, spongy ice is extremely dangerous.

To avoid falling through the ice when moving and crossing, you should consider and do the following:

1) if the ice under you cracks or begins to break, quickly return with a sliding step or crawl to the shore;

2) always go out on the ice with a stick in your hand and a screwdriver or knife in your pocket. These items help you get out of a hole or hole;

3) if you are carrying a load, then it is better to remove the load before going out on the ice and secure it on two large branches, the ends of which are held in both hands, i.e. make something like a sleigh;

4) walk on ice large group people are allowed only when the ice thickness is 7–9 cm (this is the width of the palm of an adult), and each person in the group must walk at a distance of 5–6 m from each other;

5) you cannot jump on the ice and stomp on it, testing its strength, especially in the area of ​​fast current or where the key comes out of the ground;

6) crossing a frozen body of water on skis and with a load is very risky; it is better to secure the load on the skis, and use poles as a means of traction, securing them to the skis.

If the ice breaks under your weight, you should:

1) get rid of heavy things that hinder movement;

2) get out onto the ice in the place where the fall occurred (the ice may break when you fall or slip);

3) do not waste time getting rid of clothes, since in the first minutes, until they are completely wet, they keep the person on the surface;

4) crawl onto the ice using the “screw in” method, i.e. rolling from back to stomach;

5) stick sharp objects (knife) into the ice, pulling towards them;

6) move away from the broken hole by crawling in your own tracks.

If you have a compass (for example, on a watch), you can use it, but you must take into account that in each area there are certain corrections for magnetic declination (pilots have such data on their flight maps); the same applies to the large compass. Therefore, compass readings need to be clarified based on the position of the sun and other landmarks.

At night you can navigate by the stars; to do this you need to determine the position of large stars ( North Star, Ursa Major, etc.). If you have to walk for several days, then at the site of the accident you must first orient yourself by the sun, mosses, anthills and spend the night on the spot, and start moving according to all certain signs early in the morning, at dawn.

Considering the current state of vehicles of all types (airplanes, helicopters, cars, all-terrain vehicles), before using them, you should prepare in advance everything you need, and first of all, a medical kit in a minimum set, a knife (hunting or kitchen), etc.

The main thing is in any difficult situation do not lose composure, faith in your strength, your mind and your luck.

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