Rules of conduct in criminal situations on the street. Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature

Summary of a life safety lesson in 10th grade.

Subject: Rules of behavior in situations criminogenic nature.

The purpose of the lesson: Review the rules of behavior in a crime situation.

Explain and reinforce the rules of behavior when

terrorist act.

During the classes:

    Org moment.

    Checking homework.

Independent work using cards: determining the cardinal directions by the clock.

    Learning new material.

Frontal conversation.

– Crime situation – what is it and what are its signs?

– Where and at what time do crime situations most often occur?

– Name the forms of provoking behavior that attracts attention

criminals and hooligans.

– How to prevent an attack by hooligans near the entrance?

– How to behave on the street in the dark?

– Name the safe distance from the edge of the sidewalk.

– How should you behave when attacked by hooligans?

Criminal, criminogenic- means criminal. Life shows that following the basic rules safe behavior: to anticipate dangers, avoid them whenever possible, act competently and decisively - allows you to protect yourself from crimes.

In order to avoid becoming a victim of hooligans, robbers and maniacs, you must follow a number of rules.

1. Do not be alone on the street at night. If you must return late at night, call home and have an adult meet you.

2. Choose a safe route, without tempting yourself with the desire to “slip” through passageways or deserted streets.

3. It is safest to walk closer to the edge of the sidewalk towards the traffic and see approaching cars. If a car starts moving nearby, it is wiser to cross to the other side of the street.

4. Never, under any circumstances, get into a car with strangers or people you barely know.

5. Never enter other people's houses and apartments, even if they convincingly ask you for help. In such a situation, you can offer to call the police, rescue service or ambulance.

6. When approaching the entrance of the house, be as careful as possible, especially late in the evening or at night. Make sure no one is following you.

7. Do not enter the elevator with strangers. Don't stand directly in front of the elevator door, move a little to the side so that you can't be pushed into it.

8. If you notice that someone is following you, ring your neighbors' doors and call for help.

9. If no one is home except you, never open the door to strangers.

10. If you find yourself in an emergency situation - face to face with a criminal, you need to try to remember his signs, by which he can be detained. For security reasons, we recommend that you: give money at the first request of a street robber; do not pull your bag towards you if it is snatched, do not get into arguments. Speak calmly and slowly and be confident. If possible, change your route and try to go to a safe place.

Currently, unfortunately, terrorism, both individual and organized, poses a particular danger. This form of aggression has a variety of methods and techniques and primarily causes fear and panic in people. Innocent people become victims.

Common terrorist acts are the taking of hostages and vehicles, kidnappings, and murders as a result of explosions in crowded places. In order to prevent the possibility of a terrorist attack to some extent, it is necessary to exercise maximum caution in relation to suspicious objects, a person or group of people who arouses suspicion by their inappropriate behavior. If a dangerous situation arises, then it is necessary to maintain restraint and avoid panic. World experience in the fight against terrorism confirms the correctness of such recommendations.

Terrorism is a threat to society.

Terrorism- this is violence or the threat of its use against individuals or organizations, as well as destruction (damage) of property and other material objects, creating a danger of death.

Terrorism is carried out with the aim of violating public safety, intimidating the population or influencing the adoption of decisions by authorities that are beneficial to terrorists.

Terrorism as a phenomenon political life practically did not ignore any country in the world. In the last 15 years alone, more people have been killed by terrorists than have died in all of history. Napoleonic wars. People in all corners of the earth have suffered to a greater or lesser extent from terrorism.

Practical lesson.

Students are presented with situations of a possible terrorist attack in which students must act. Students are divided into groups, each group has its own task.

Episode one. A stranger is spotted at school acting suspiciously. He is holding a large package in his hands, which contains what appears to be a box. Task: what should a student do if he notices such a person?

(Students observe the terrorist without attracting his attention, and are obliged to quickly report this person to the teacher on duty or the security guard. The teacher on duty must inform the security guard about this and call the police, and not by phone “02”, but to the local police department. Security guard must detain the terrorist and hold him until the police arrive)

Episode two. Students find a suspicious box on school property with a wire sticking out that looks like an antenna. Task: what should students do if they discover such an object?

(Students who discover a box are required to inform the teacher on duty or a security guard about this. At the same time, they are strictly prohibited from opening the box, pulling out the antenna, changing the position of the box - tilting it, lifting it, touching it at all, or using a mobile phone near the box. After finding the box students must remember the place where it is and quickly move away from it. The security guard, having received a message from students, is obliged to inform the school principal about this by phone and act on his instructions.

The teacher on duty, in addition to calling the director, is obliged to report this to the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and announce the evacuation of the school building.

Episode three. Students are captured by terrorists. The terrorists threaten the hostages with execution and say that if they try to contact in any way outside world or will not comply with the terrorists’ demands, they will be tied up or handcuffed, deprived of food, water and sleep, etc. Objective: practice skills correct behavior when taken hostage.

(Hostages must sit quietly, with their heads down, despite the “terrorists”, show restraint, under no circumstances protest or cry, or even show signs of panic.)

Episode four. Students are captured by terrorists. Terrorists offer moldy bread, uncooked vegetables, tap water and other food that the hostages are not used to as food. They are given food, but no cutlery or utensils, or they are given cutlery and utensils in limited quantities so that there are not enough spoons, forks, and utensils for everyone. Objective: to practice the skills of correct behavior when taken hostage.

(The hostages must take and eat all the food, because they simply will not have any other food. Refusal of food can anger the “terrorists”, and they can either deprive the hostages of food and water altogether, or take some kind of punitive measures.

Episode five.

(During the assault, hostages must close their eyes, lie face down on the floor, cover their heads with their hands, and before that protect their respiratory organs with protective bandages made from improvised materials - from scarves, handkerchiefs, both head and nose, items of clothing)

    Summing up the lesson.

Episode one. A stranger is spotted at school acting suspiciously. He is holding a large package in his hands, which contains what appears to be a box. What should a student do if he notices such a person? Episode two. Students find a suspicious box on school grounds with a wire sticking out that looks like an antenna. What should students do if they discover such an item? Episode three. Students are captured by terrorists. The terrorists threaten the hostages with execution, say that if they try to contact the outside world in any way or do not comply with the terrorists’ demands, they will be tied up or handcuffed, deprived of food, water and sleep, etc. How to behave correctly in this situation? Episode four. Students are captured by terrorists. Terrorists offer moldy bread, uncooked vegetables, tap water, and other food that is unfamiliar to the hostages as food. They are given food, but no cutlery or utensils, or they are given cutlery and utensils in limited quantities so that there are not enough spoons, forks, and utensils for everyone. How to behave correctly in this situation? Episode five. Students are captured by terrorists. The special forces carry out the assault, and the terrorists retaliate. What should the hostages do?

5. Homework: 1.2 answer the questions at the end of the paragraph. If desired, a message on the topic “Criminal responsibility of minors.”




  1. On the street:

On the street

Don't wear clothes. Excessively emphasizing your figure, and also avoid expensive jewelry if you return home late at night;

If you have a large amount of money with you, avoid large crowds of people. Try to stay away from markets and any crowds. Don't count money in front of everyone. Don't keep money in pockets that are easy for a thief to get into.

Protect your bags and pockets in crowded places: department stores, markets and crowded transport. Carry your purse close to your body. Keep your keys and wallet in the inside pockets

When leaving home at night, avoid sparsely populated and poorly lit places, deserted parks and public gardens; On the street, stay away from the walls of houses. It is correct to walk down the street towards traffic) - you are less likely to be attacked from a car or motorcycle. Stay close to sidewalk heaven

On the street, do not be frank with strangers. Do not give out your phone number or address unless absolutely necessary

Beware of anyone on the street gambling. Don't turn to fortune tellers

If returning home late, arrange to be picked up or take a taxi

When using ATMs and pay phones, do not stand with your back to potential danger. Do not place your bag on an ATM or phone as they can be easily snatched

Do not use a player on the street: you may not hear the steps of a potential criminal

Do not take out expensive phones or tablets unless necessary.

If it seems like you are being followed, check it out: change your walking pace, cross to the other side of the street. If the suspicion is confirmed, run to where there may be people. If you are caught near your home, call for help or shout “Fire”, “We are burning”.

If necessary, do not hesitate to seek help from outside reliable people: sellers, managers, pharmacists, security guards, priests, watchmen.


Be discreet and attentive

Be attentive and careful with people sitting at the table. Never get involved in quarrels, do not try to reconcile or pacify those arguing

Do not conduct currency exchange transactions outside of banks, strangers

Do not make purchases second-hand from strangers, especially if they offer low price(may be stolen items)

If you have a lot of packages or bags, take a taxi

Try not to visit a public toilet alone: ​​there may be attacks, robberies, violence


Do not take piercing or cutting objects, film, photo or video equipment with you.

Don't wear shoes on high heels, long clothes, scarves; do not take umbrellas or bags with long handles;

Don’t stand out from the crowd with various signs and symbols on your clothes

It is better to put your hair in a bun or hide it under a scarf or cap.

Fasten all zippers and buttons on your outerwear, close your pockets with flaps


At the stadium, do not show your feelings about one team or another.

Move away from the center of conflict during riots, street marches or demonstrations

Don't go against the crowd

Avoid anything stationary on the way: you might just get crushed. Keep your hands free and do not keep them in your pockets.

Try to stay on the nones at all costs. Feel free to grab running people

Fall to the ground, curl up in a ball, cover your head with your hands


Try not to get on an empty bus, tram, trolleybus, or sit closer to the driver

Don't sleep in public transport

If there are no seats in the transport, stand in the central aisle, and not at the exit, where scammers can quickly escape by snatching your bag

Keep your bags closed

Never keep money, documents, or phones in the back pocket of your pants or skirt.

When waiting for public transport, stick to well-lit areas or groups of people


Try to purchase tickets for the middle, safest carriages in case of an accident

If your compartment neighbors cause hostility and mistrust, try to sleep lightly or not sleep at all

Don't count money in front of fellow travelers

Do not drink drinks offered by strangers

Keep the door open and do not put your things on display. Always keep money and documents with you.

In reserved seat carriages, be vigilant at intermediate stations: a criminal can grab a suitcase and jump out


Do not enter the entrance if someone is following you stranger. Pretend that you forgot something or linger at the entrance

Do not approach the apartment or open it if a stranger is standing on the landing. Leave the entrance and wait until the stranger comes outside

If there is a threat of attack, make noise, shout, knock, break glass

After the attack, once you are safe, call the police. Try to remember the signs of the attacker


Enter the elevator without anyone else on the platform

If there is an unknown passenger in the elevator, do not enter the cabin.

After entering the elevator with a suspicious person, press the “call dispatcher” and “stop” button

Do not stand in an elevator with your back to an unfamiliar passenger.

When attacked, make noise and shout. Protect yourself by any means within the limits of necessary defense (Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Rules of behavior in situations of a criminal nature.

The purpose of the lesson: Review the rules of behavior in a crime situation.

Explain and reinforce the rules of behavior when

terrorist act.

During the classes:

1.Org moment.

2.Checking homework.

Independent work using cards: determining the cardinal directions by the clock.

3.Learning new material.

Frontal conversation.

– Crime situation – what is it and what are its signs?

– Where and at what time do crime situations most often occur?

– Name the forms of provoking behavior that attracts attention

criminals and hooligans.

– How to prevent an attack by hooligans near the entrance?

– How to behave on the street in the dark?

– Name the safe distance from the edge of the sidewalk.

– How should you behave when attacked by hooligans?

Criminal, criminogenic- means criminal. Life shows that following the basic rules of safe behavior: to anticipate dangers, avoid them whenever possible, act competently and decisively - allows you to protect yourself from crimes.

In order to avoid becoming a victim of hooligans, robbers and maniacs, you must follow a number of rules.

1. Do not be alone on the street at night. If you must return late at night, call home and have an adult meet you.

2. Choose a safe route, without tempting yourself with the desire to “slip” through passageways or deserted streets.

3. It is safest to walk closer to the edge of the sidewalk towards the traffic and see approaching cars. If a car starts moving nearby, it is wiser to cross to the other side of the street.

4. Never, under any circumstances, get into a car with strangers or people you barely know.

5. Never enter other people's houses and apartments, even if they convincingly ask you for help. In such a situation, you can offer to call the police, rescue service or ambulance.

6. When approaching the entrance of the house, be as careful as possible, especially late in the evening or at night. Make sure no one is following you.

7. Do not enter the elevator with strangers. Don't stand directly in front of the elevator door, move a little to the side so that you can't be pushed into it.

8. If you notice that someone is following you, ring your neighbors' doors and call for help.

9. If no one is home except you, never open the door to strangers.

10. If you find yourself in an emergency situation - face to face with a criminal, you need to try to remember his signs, by which he can be detained. For security reasons, we recommend that you: give money at the first request of a street robber; do not pull your bag towards you if it is snatched, do not get into arguments. Speak calmly and slowly and be confident. If possible, change your route and try to go to a safe place.

Currently, unfortunately, terrorism, both individual and organized, poses a particular danger. This form of aggression has a variety of methods and techniques and primarily causes fear and panic in people. Innocent people become victims.

Common terrorist acts include the taking of hostages and vehicles, kidnappings, and murders as a result of explosions in crowded places. In order to to some extent prevent the possibility of a terrorist attack, it is necessary to exercise maximum caution in relation to suspicious objects, a person or a group of people that arouse suspicion by their inappropriate behavior. If a dangerous situation arises, then it is necessary to maintain restraint and avoid panic. World experience in the fight against terrorism confirms the correctness of such recommendations.

Terrorism is a threat to society.

Terrorism- this is violence or the threat of its use against individuals or organizations, as well as destruction (damage) of property and other material objects, creating a danger of death.

Terrorism is carried out with the aim of violating public safety, intimidating the population or influencing the adoption of decisions by authorities that are beneficial to terrorists.

Terrorism as a phenomenon of political life has practically not ignored any country in the world. In the last 15 years alone, more people have been killed by terrorists than died throughout the entire Napoleonic Wars. People in all corners of the earth have suffered to a greater or lesser extent from terrorism.

Practical lesson.

Students are presented with situations of a possible terrorist attack in which students must act. Students are divided into groups, each group has its own task.

Episode one. A stranger is spotted at school acting suspiciously. He is holding a large package in his hands, which contains what appears to be a box. Task: what should a student do if he notices such a person?

(Students observe the terrorist without attracting his attention, and are obliged to quickly report this person to the teacher on duty or the security guard. The teacher on duty must inform the security guard about this and call the police, and not by phone “02”, but to the local police department. Security guard must detain the terrorist and hold him until the police arrive)

Episode two. Students find a suspicious box on school property with a wire sticking out that looks like an antenna. Task: what should students do if they discover such an object?

(Students who discover a box are required to inform the teacher on duty or a security guard about this. At the same time, they are strictly prohibited from opening the box, pulling out the antenna, changing the position of the box - tilting it, lifting it, touching it at all, or using a mobile phone near the box. After finding the box students must remember the place where it is and quickly move away from it. The security guard, having received a message from students, is obliged to inform the school principal about this by phone and act on his instructions.

The teacher on duty, in addition to calling the director, is obliged to report this to the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and announce the evacuation of the school building.

Episode three. Students are captured by terrorists. The terrorists threaten the hostages with execution, say that if they try to contact the outside world in any way or do not comply with the terrorists’ demands, they will be tied up or handcuffed, deprived of food, water and sleep, etc. Objective: to practice the skills of correct behavior when taken hostage.

(Hostages must sit quietly, with their heads down, despite the “terrorists”, show restraint, under no circumstances protest or cry, or even show signs of panic.)

Episode four. Students are captured by terrorists. Terrorists offer moldy bread, uncooked vegetables, tap water and other food that the hostages are not used to as food. They are given food, but no cutlery or utensils, or they are given cutlery and utensils in limited quantities so that there are not enough spoons, forks, and utensils for everyone. Objective: to practice the skills of correct behavior when taken hostage.

(The hostages must take and eat all the food, because they simply will not have any other food. Refusal of food can anger the “terrorists”, and they can either deprive the hostages of food and water altogether, or take some kind of punitive measures.

Episode five.

(During the assault, hostages must close their eyes, lie face down on the floor, cover their heads with their hands, and before that protect their respiratory organs with protective bandages made from improvised materials - from scarves, handkerchiefs, both head and nose, items of clothing)

4.Summing up the lesson.

Episode one. A stranger is spotted at school acting suspiciously. He is holding a large package in his hands, which contains what appears to be a box. What should a student do if he notices such a person?

Episode two. Students find a suspicious box on school grounds with a wire sticking out that looks like an antenna. What should students do if they discover such an item?

Episode three. Students are captured by terrorists. The terrorists threaten the hostages with execution, say that if they try to contact the outside world in any way or do not comply with the terrorists’ demands, they will be tied up or handcuffed, deprived of food, water and sleep, etc. How to behave correctly in this situation?

Episode four. Students are captured by terrorists. Terrorists offer moldy bread, uncooked vegetables, tap water and other food that the hostages are unfamiliar with as food. They are given food, but no cutlery or utensils, or they are given cutlery and utensils in limited quantities so that there are not enough spoons, forks, and utensils for everyone. How to behave correctly in this situation?

Episode five. Students are captured by terrorists. The special forces carry out the assault, and the terrorists retaliate. What should the hostages do?

Rules of behavior in situations of a criminal nature.

From practice it follows that the victims of crimes such as murder, bodily harm and rape are often people engaged in criminal activities or in contact with the criminal world, leading an antisocial lifestyle, abusing alcohol, and being indiscriminate in their choice of acquaintances. ;When choosing an object of criminal attack, criminals rarely go for it “by chance,” that is, without preliminary intelligence. Preparation for a crime is expressed in the selection of an object, the collection of information about it, a preliminary examination, and the selection of a method and means. Criminals receive the main information from your acquaintances, work colleagues, and also directly from you.

Therefore, for To reduce the risk of being a victim of a crime, it is necessary to create an “information hunger” for the criminal. How to do it?

  1. Do not wear clothes that emphasize your figure, are too tight, or expensive jewelry if you have to return home late at night. If you do wear jewelry, try not to make it obvious. It is advisable to have someone from home meet you.

  2. Don't go out with expensive clothes mobile phones, radio equipment, etc. - because of them you can become the target of an attack.

  3. When paying a taxi driver, do not show large sums money, and also do not show off your jewelry.

  4. Do not be frank with strangers on the streets, in transport, in queues, in the yard, do not tell them that in your house you have large sums of money, valuables, expensive video and radio equipment.

  5. Don't give out your address and home phone number unless absolutely necessary. You need to remember that when communicating with you, an attacker can come up with a plausible excuse and set your work schedule, intentions to go on vacation, a business trip, etc.
7. Do not allow a significant amount of correspondence to accumulate in your mailbox. This serves as a guide to your absence.

The information factor is not the only one that can deprive criminals of their jobs. Often we ourselves seek meetings with them, create favorable conditions for them, that is, crime-prone situations.

^ How to reduce the likelihood of such situations occurring ?

  1. In the dark, try not to walk through sparsely populated and insufficiently lit places, deserted squares and houses. Be careful at stops. When walking down the street, do not press yourself against the walls of houses - danger may lurk in the gateway and around the corner of the house. It is better to walk down the street towards traffic - this way you will not be suddenly attacked from a car. Stay close to the edge of the sidewalk. It is not advisable to walk along the production buildings - there is little chance of anyone's help. Avoid using poorly lit underground passages.

  2. If you see a group of people ahead, a drunk person, or a parked car with passengers, and there are no people nearby, it is better to cross to the other side of the street and turn back.

  3. Be confident on the street, but not aggressive, so as not to provoke an attack.

  4. In a cinema hall, if there are few spectators, do not sit separately from everyone. In city transport late time stay closer to the driver. Do not board a trailer carriage of a tram or electric train carriage if there are no other passengers in it. At late times, always take the first carriage.

  5. Be picky in your choice of acquaintances and always think carefully before inviting an unfamiliar person into your home or going to visit unfamiliar people in an apartment or hostel, no matter how attractive they may seem.

  6. Take special care to protect your bags and pockets in crowded places, in a department store, at a market, or in crowded transport. Hold the bag close to you, holding it with your hand underneath; do not throw bags with straps over your back.

  1. Do not forget, when leaving the house, to lock the door with all the locks, windows, balconies, vents, transoms, especially on the first floors and apartments located close to fire escapes, balconies and other entry points.

  2. Don't leave your keys in the door, under the doormat, or in the mailbox, where thieves are sure to find it.
9. Unless absolutely necessary, do not enter telephone booths at a late time when there are no people around.

  1. Try not to take passengers. If you still decide to give a stranger a lift, invite him to take a seat in the front seat and do not let him out of your sight. Do not leave an unknown person in the car, or at home.

  2. Do not leave your keys in the car during short absences. You should always lock it, even if you go out for a minute.
If you still couldn’t avoid meeting the criminal, then what should you do?

There is at least three methods of protection. First of all, people strive to be out of reach of danger - run away, hide etc. Others - prefer to be cunning . Their goal is to force the attacker to change his intentions: either abandon the attack, or direct him in a different direction. Finally some attack the source of danger , trying to paralyze him and thus eliminate the threat.

Rules of conduct in criminogenic situations

When communicating with a stranger:

Never engage in conversation with a stranger on the street.

Do not agree to go anywhere with a stranger, do not get into his car. No matter how much he persuades you or offers you.

Never trust a stranger if he promises to buy or give you something. Answer that you don't need anything.

If a stranger is persistent, takes you by the hand or tries to lead you away, break free and run away, scream loudly, call for help, kick, scratch, bite.

Be sure to tell your parents, teacher, and adult friends about any such incident that happens to you.

A stranger is a person you don't know, even if he says he knows you or your parents.

A stranger rings the doorbell:

Never open the door until you have looked through the peephole. If the person behind the door is unfamiliar to you and asks you to open the door under various pretexts, call your neighbors and report it.

Do not engage in any conversation with a stranger. Remember that under the guise of a postman, a locksmith, or a REU employee, intruders are trying to enter the apartment.

If a stranger tries to open the door, urgently call the police at tel.02. state the reason for the call and the exact address, then from the balcony or window call your friends or neighbors for help.

!!!Remember! Under no circumstances should you open the door to a stranger if you are home alone.

Stranger at the entrance of the house:

Do not enter the entrance if a stranger is following you. Pretend that you forgot something and linger at the entrance.

Do not approach the apartment or open it if someone you don’t know is in the entrance. Leave the entrance and wait until the stranger goes outside, then call your neighbors and ask them to check if there are strangers on other floors.

If there is a threat of attack, make noise, attract the attention of neighbors (whistle, break glass, ring and knock on doors, shout “Fire!”, “Help”), try to jump out into the street.

Once you are safe, immediately notify the police, tell your neighbors and parents.

!!!Show attention and vigilance. Try to notice possible danger and avoid it.

Stranger in the elevator:

If there is a stranger in the elevator you called, do not enter the cabin.

Move away from the elevator and call the elevator again after a while.

If you do enter the elevator with a suspicious stranger, press the “Call dispatcher” and “Stop” buttons simultaneously so that the cabin stands still with open doors. After the dispatcher answers, press the button for the desired floor and start a conversation with the dispatcher. The dispatcher hears you and, if necessary, will call the police and the elevator operator.

Do not stand in the elevator with your back to the passenger, watch his actions.

If you try to attack, raise a scream, make noise, knock on the walls of the elevator, defend yourself in any way. Try to press the “Call dispatcher” button on any floor.

If the doors open, try to run out and call your neighbors for help. Once you are safe, immediately call the police and report the identity of the attacker.

!!!Remember! Enter the elevator, making sure that there is no stranger on the platform.

If you find yourself a hostage:

Do not expose yourself to unnecessary risk, try to limit contact with criminals, do not cause aggression in them with your actions or words, especially if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

Try to mitigate the hostility of criminals as much as possible by remaining flexible, calm and peaceful.

Do not resort to extreme measures in order to free yourself if, immediately during capture, you managed to escape and escape;

From the moment of capture, control your actions. Try to record all the actions of criminals.

Assess your location and do not panic, try to remain calm, even if criminals threaten you with physical harm, and also try to limit your mobility, vision or hearing, create difficult living conditions, for example, restrict food and water;

Use every opportunity to convey information about your location, signs of criminals, and the characteristics of their behavior to your relatives or law enforcement agencies;

Do not react to the provocative actions of terrorists, do not ask them questions and try not to look them in the eyes: this may cause additional aggression towards you. Follow the terrorists' demands and ask them for permission for any of your actions.

In a vehicle captured by a terrorist, stay in your place, do not move around the cabin, try to attract the attention of criminals as little as possible;

Avoid rash actions that could put your life and the lives of other passengers at risk, especially when terrorists hijack aircraft.

In the event of a forceful release of hostages (during an assault by a special unit), try to hide behind objects (a chair, table and other pieces of furniture), cover your body from bullets with improvised means, with everything that can weaken the penetrating effect of bullets.

Try to move away from the entrance doors, windows, portholes, hatches and take a horizontal position, remaining in it until the commander of the assault group receives a command to exit the room. In the future, unquestioningly follow all his commands.

During the assault, do not pick up the weapons of criminals, as you may be mistaken for bandits and open fire to kill.

Try, if possible, not to let the bandits take your place among the hostages.

The success of your liberation depends on your endurance and ability to navigate a difficult environment.

^ Rules of conduct if you are attacked for the purpose of kidnapping

Try to make as much noise as possible to attract the attention of others and fight off attackers.

To reduce the risk of kidnapping, the following precautions should be taken:

It is necessary to know well the area where you live, its most deserted areas;

If you feel like someone is following you, turn around and check your suspicions. If this suspicion is confirmed, change the direction, pace of walking or flee;

Do not get into a car with strangers or unfamiliar people;

Never open the apartment door unless you know who is calling, especially if you are home alone.

On the procedure for receiving messages containing terrorist threats by telephone

Remember that the following actions will greatly help law enforcement agencies in preventing crimes and searching for criminals:

Try to remember the conversation verbatim and record it on paper;

As the conversation progresses, note the gender, age of the caller and the features of his (her) speech:

Rate of speech - fast or slow;

Pronunciation - distinct, distorted, stuttering, lisping, with an accent or dialect;

The manner of speech is cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions. Be sure to note the sound background (the noise of cars or railway transport, the sounds of television or radio equipment, voices, etc.), as well as the nature of the call (city or intercity).

Be sure to record the exact time the conversation started and its duration.

^ Outdoor safety:

Try to get home before dark.

If you are delayed, be sure to call home so they can meet you.

Move along illuminated, crowded streets, preferably in a group of people.

Avoid vacant lots, parks, stadiums, dark courtyards, gateways, and tunnels.

If there is a threat of attack, make noise, shout, call for help, and also boldly use self-defense.

Refuse strangers' offers to accompany you or let you down.

If you notice that someone is following you while watching him, cross to the other side of the street; if your guess is confirmed, run to a lit area of ​​the street or to where there are people.

^ Behavior in a crowd:

Avoid large crowds of people.

Don't join the crowd, no matter how much you want to watch the events taking place.

If you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but don't try to get out of it.

Take a deep breath and spread your arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides so that your chest is not compressed.

Try to stay on your feet by any means necessary.

Don't keep your hands in your pockets.

If you drop something, never bend over to pick it up.

If you fall, try to get back to your feet as quickly as possible.

If you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms.

Rules fire safety

Basic requirements of the Fire Safety Rules:

  • do not leave household electrical appliances plugged in unattended;

  • Watch out for faulty electrical wiring, do not use damaged electrical appliances or electrical sockets;

  • operate electrical appliances in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's operating instructions;

  • do not plug several powerful electricity consumers into one power outlet at the same time, overloading the power grid;

  • Do not operate electric lamps with protective shades removed;

  • do not use open flame sources (candles, matches, torches, etc.) indoors;

  • in apartments of residential buildings and dormitory rooms, it is prohibited to set up various types of production and storage facilities in which flammable and explosive substances and materials are used and stored;

  • It is prohibited to store cylinders with flammable gases, containers with flammable and combustible liquids, etc. in apartments and dorm rooms;

  • It is prohibited to block escape routes (stairwells, flights of stairs, corridors) various materials, products, equipment;

  • arrange storage rooms (closets) in staircases and floor corridors, as well as store under flights of stairs and on staircase landings things, furniture and other flammable materials.

Fire in the apartment

1. At the slightest smell of burning or smoke, immediately inform an adult and leave the room.

2. If a TV or any other item powered by an outlet catches fire, immediately turn off the power and call 01 or 112 (from your cell phone). Remember that a small flame can be extinguished by covering it with a thick cloth, such as a blanket, or covering it with sand. Is there sand in the apartment? Land with flower pot, washing powder, water. If the fire gains strength, do not try to extinguish it yourself; immediately leave the room through a door or window if you live on the ground floor. If your apartment is higher, save yourself on the balcony. But there is no need to jump, you can fall to your death. Wait for help, scream.

3. Never hide in secluded places during a fire - under the bed, in a closet or closet. Fire knows no boundaries, and by the time firefighters find you, it might already be too late?

4. Remembers that most often people die in a fire not from fire, but from toxic gases released - hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and others. In addition, hot air can create a burn to the respiratory tract. Therefore, until the firefighters arrive, wet any thick rag and breathe through it.

5. If a fire occurs in school class, then remember all the instructions that the life safety teacher read to you. Keep your cool and remember where you went during the drill.

^ If it is impossible to leave the room:

Go back and close the front door tightly.

Plug door cracks and vents with wet rags.

Signal to rescuers through the window with a piece of bright fabric or a flashlight.

If the room becomes smoky or the temperature rises, go out onto the balcony, tightly

Close the door behind you.

When an electrical appliance catches fire

De-energize the device (unplug the plug from the socket or turn off the switchboard).

Cover the device with a thick cloth or blanket.

If the fire intensifies, close the windows and doors and leave the room.

Notify the fire department by phone. 01 or 112 (cellular)

Fire on the balcony (loggia)

· Call the fire department.

· Try to extinguish using available means (water, washing powder, wet thick cloth, soil from under flowers, etc.). If the fire is gaining strength and your efforts are in vain, then immediately leave the balcony, tightly closing the door behind you so that the fire does not follow you. Close all windows and doors, do not create a draft!

· During extinguishing, you can throw burning things and objects down, after making sure that there are no people there.

· Warn your neighbors on the upper floors that there is a fire.

Shouts of "Fire!", panic in public place

Panic (unaccountable fear) - This psychological condition, caused by life-threatening external conditions and expressed in a feeling of acute fear that grips a person or many people, uncontrollably and uncontrollably trying to avoid dangerous situation. Panic can arise even when there is no real threat, and people succumb to mass psychosis.

At the same time, many people’s consciousness becomes dulled and they lose the ability to correctly perceive and assess the situation.

Panic reactions in children, adolescents, women and the elderly manifest themselves in the form of severe relaxation, lethargy of action, general inhibition and, to an extreme extent, complete immobility, when a person is physically unable to act and follow commands. Other people, as a rule, move chaotically, trying to quickly get away from real or imaginary danger.

Hearing the cries of “Fire”, try to remain calm and self-possessed, call for this standing people, especially women. Assess the situation, make sure there is a real danger (perhaps someone wants to attract people’s attention with this cry).

While standing still, look around carefully. When you see a phone or fire alarm button, report a real fire to the fire department (don’t assume that someone will do it for you) and begin to calmly move towards the nearest exit, paying attention to those around you. If it is possible to cope with the fire, ask people nearby for help and, using fire extinguishing equipment and available means, extinguish the fire, immediately notifying others about it.

When the room is filled with smoke or the lights are turned off, try to walk towards the exit, holding on to the walls, handrails, etc., breathe through a handkerchief or sleeve of clothing, lead the children in front of you, holding them by the shoulders.

In any situation, maintain restraint and composure, calming those around you with your behavior, do not let panic grow (if you can, take charge of people). Moving in a crowd, detain distraught people. Help those who are constrained by fear and cannot move, to bring them to their senses, hit their cheeks with your palms, speak calmly and clearly, support them by the arms.

Having got out of the crowd, provide assistance to those injured due to panic, transfer them to Fresh air, unbutton your clothes, call an ambulance

Road safety rules

Pedestrian safety on the road

Pedestrians must move on sidewalks or pedestrian paths, and in their absence, on the side of the road, a bicycle path, or in a single row along the edge of the roadway.

Outside settlements When driving along the edge of the roadway, pedestrians must walk towards vehicles.

If a pedestrian is driving a bicycle, motorcycle or
moped, it must follow the direction of travel of vehicles

When walking along the street, a pedestrian should try to avoid exits from garages, parking lots and other similar places, so as not to get hit by an exiting car.

A pedestrian should not stop in close proximity to a passing vehicle.

^ Pedestrian movement along the street in heavy ice

Before leaving home, you should prepare your shoes to increase stability when walking in icy conditions (rub the sole with sandpaper, glue insulating tape to the sole to increase the grip of the shoe on the road);

When walking, step on the entire sole, relaxing your legs
knees, be prepared to fall. It is advisable that your hands
were free from bags and other items.

When falling, tense the muscles of your arms and legs, when touching
the ground roll on its side. Remember! The most dangerous fall is
This is a fall on a straight back and relaxed straight arms.

^ Crossing the roadway

You need to cross the roadway at pedestrian crossings. The safest crossing is underground or
above ground. If they are absent, cross the roadway
possible at intersections along sidewalks or curbs.

In places where traffic is regulated, to cross the roadway you must follow the signals of the traffic controller or pedestrian traffic light or traffic lights.

If there is no crossing or crossing in sight, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to
the edge of the roadway in areas with a dividing strip
where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

On unregulated pedestrian crossings You can go out onto the roadway, making sure that the transition will be safe. To do this you need to look carefully
first left, then right to make sure there are no cars nearby.

You can't run out onto the road.

Before crossing the road, you need to slow down and evaluate
environment; Even when crossing the road at a green traffic light, you need to look around.

You should not cross the roadway in front of a slowly moving car, as you may not notice behind it
another car going at a higher speed.

You cannot go out onto the roadway because of a parked vehicle.
a vehicle or other obstacle limiting the visibility of the roadway without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the crossing must stop on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue crossing only after making sure that further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light or traffic controller signal.

When approaching vehicles with a blue flashing light on and sound signal Even when the traffic light is green, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the roadway and give way to these vehicles.

^ Passenger safety

You can wait for a bus, trolleybus and tram only at
landing sites (on sidewalks, on the side of the road).

Boarding of the vehicle begins only when
to a complete stop, respecting the order and not interfering with other passengers.

When boarding a tram, if tram rails located in the middle of the street and you need to cross the roadway, you need to look in both directions and, making sure that the path is clear, head towards the stopped tram.

When entering the vehicle interior, you need to pay attention to where emergency and emergency exits are located.

If there are no free seats, you can stand in the center of the aisle, holding the handrail or a special device with your hand.

You can't stand by front door, and even more so rely on
it, since it can open at any moment.

It is recommended to move around the cabin in public transport only when it is completely stopped.

^ Safety measures in case of fire in a bus, trolleybus, tram

Immediately inform the driver and passengers about the fire,
demand that the vehicle stop and open the doors.

When the doors are locked to evacuate the cabin
of the vehicle, use emergency hatches in the roof and exits through the side windows (if necessary, you can kick out the windows with your feet).

When evacuating, do not panic and follow the driver’s instructions.

Any vehicle contains materials that, when burned, emit toxic gases, so you need to leave the cabin quickly, but without panic, covering your mouth and nose with a scarf or sleeve of clothing.

Remember! There are metal parts in trolleybuses and trams
may be energized, therefore, when leaving the cabin,
It's better not to touch him.

After getting out of the cabin, you need to move away from
vehicle, provide all possible assistance to the victims.

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