Rosa Syabitova and her country home with a new guest house. “Zodchiy” made Rosa Syabitova’s dream come true! Dacha of Roza Syabitova

The other day, the main matchmaker of Channel One and the whole country, Roza Syabitova, showed off her new Vacation home. She invited her family and closest friends to the housewarming party. What the TV presenter presented surprised many. So what now family estate at Rose's?

Country estate

It’s difficult to simply call the place where Syabitova invited guests home. There are several buildings on a large plot. The main one is a relatively small house with a kitchen and several rooms. The estate also has a guest house, a pavilion for celebrations and a small family SPA complex. All this splendor was built in just six months.

For the ceremonial housewarming, the hostess set a rich table, on which, among other things, there was caviar, oysters and champagne. The guests walked around the site with admiration and were amazed at how Rosa managed to implement this project.

Force majeure at a construction site

At the very beginning of the construction of this suburban complex there were many problems: the sewerage system would leak, the building materials would disappear, or the workers would miss all deadlines. In the end, Syabitova could not stand it and drove all the builders away. She took on the duties of a foreman. Daughter Ksenia was appointed accountant, and son Denis got the role of handyman. As a result, the project was completed before winter, as the TV presenter had planned.

The country's main TV matchmaker, Roza Syabitova, fulfilled her long-time dream and built a large country house, and she did it in record time - in just six months. Last weekend, the TV presenter invited many stars to a housewarming party, among whom were Yana Poplavskaya, Angelina Vovk, singer Alexander Zardinov and others. She prepared delicious treats, delicious drinks and an original cake for them.

Syabitova herself affectionately calls her house “The Family Nest”, because on the site there are not only main house, but also other buildings: a star gazebo, a house for his daughter, outbuildings and a small spa. According to the idea of ​​​​Rosa, who loves to receive guests, people will gather in the gazebo famous personalities and discuss various projects, as well as just have a nice time. And already in next year There will be a mini golf course nearby where you can play.

“Home is the place that every person dreams of! Where they are waiting for you, where you strive, where you feel good. Let this house be very warm and cozy, let only people come here good people!,” Yana Poplavskaya said about Syabitova’s housewarming.

Roza Syabitova approached the construction of her house with full responsibility and even broadcast live in one of social networks, where she shared her opinions, as well as renovation projects. The telematchmaker recommended builders and companies that helped her in this difficult work. At some point, unscrupulous workers even deceived her, then Syabitova’s daughter and son intervened in the process and began to control the costs and materials for repairs.

“Let's congratulate this amazing woman who built an amazing house. I thought there would be a stone palace here, but here it’s very warm, cozy and nice,” said Angelina Vovk.

Popular TV presenter and the country's most famous matchmaker Roza Syabitova recently celebrated a housewarming at her country estate.

This summer, Rosa purchased a plot of 20 acres, where she plans to establish her “family nest.” She entrusted the construction of the entire estate complex to the Zodchiy company. The construction of the main house is still ahead, but a beautiful gazebo-pavilion for relaxing and receiving guests has already been built.

Created by specialists from the Zodchiy company in collaboration with the designers of the program " Perfect renovation", attracts attention with its unusual appearance. This is not just a building in which you can pleasantly relax in the summer, but a warm, permanent structure. It is based on a planed wooden frame, and the walls, floors and roof are reliably insulated with basalt wool slabs. Tall windows with energy-saving double-glazed windows perfectly retain heat and at the same time add romantic charm to the interior. In such a cozy “holiday home” Rosa will be able to gather her guests even in winter. By the way, she plans to celebrate New Year here!

“Here is everything I dreamed of. A wonderful sitting area with a fireplace, and a fireplace always creates a homey feeling. Stylish dinner Zone, amazing kitchen - this is the most important thing for the housewife! The result exceeded my expectations. Indeed, everything is very beautiful, functional and, most importantly, comfortable,” Rosa shares her impressions. « Thanks a lot specialists of the Zodchiy company. You are real architects in a high sense this word"!

Born in early 1962 in the capital. I studied seriously figure skating, but after school she did not continue her sports career, but graduated from the Institute of Electronic Engineering.

In 1995, she started her own business and founded a dating agency. In 2007, she acted as the host of her own program “Looking for Love,” and a year later she was invited to become a co-host in a similar program “Let’s Get Married,” which she hosts to this day.

In 2016, together with Sofiko Shevardnadze, she hosted the TV show “About Love,” on which she had previously often appeared as an expert.

At the beginning of 2016, she repeatedly announced her intention to run for the State Duma, but never appeared on the lists.

Personal life

In 1983, she married Mikhail Syabitov for the first time. From this union Ksenia and Denis were born. After ten years life together Mikhail had a heart attack from which he died.

In 2008, she married for the second time one of the participants in the program hosted on the “first” - Yuri Andreev. The marriage lasted only three years.

Dacha of Roza Syabitova

For several years now, the TV presenter has been building a dacha 40 kilometers from Moscow, not far from Noginsk. Without a man, according to Rosa, it is very difficult. In 2016, one of the popular repair programs came to her aid. On an undeveloped plot with a small guest house, they erected a warm, enclosed frame-type veranda.

There are several comfortable areas inside: a soft room with sofas and a fireplace, a dining room with an oval-shaped table and a kitchen.

Outside, the program specialists created a landscaped area and laid out a large fireplace on which you can cook not only meat, but other delicious dishes.

Subsequently, the owner built an open terrace and landscaped the area adjacent to the house. Construction works are still ongoing, with plans to build a large mansion where children and family friends can stay.

Apartment of Rosa Syabitova

For many years she has been the owner of a three-room apartment on Profsoyuznaya Street. This living space belonged to the parents of the first husband. In 2009, she and her second chosen one made renovations here. Yuri handled all issues related to the design. He hired qualified specialists who completely changed the design of the rooms in three months.

The overall design turned out to be bright and sunny. Yuri and the designer were also involved in choosing the main colors, since the hostess was busy filming during this period. In a fairly compact space we managed to place as much furniture and design elements as possible.

The living room is in pink and beige tones; it combines a workspace, a corner sofa for relaxing and spacious open shelves for storing things.

The master bedroom is decorated in blue and bright blue colors, this is Yuri's favorite shade. The hostess's dressing table is also located here.

The six-meter kitchen is fully equipped household appliances, Syabitova’s lover took care of this.

Only daughter Ksenia lives in the nursery. Once a month she rearranges the furniture, but still does not want to give up her bunk bed, which combines not only a bed and a table, but also shelves for storing books.

According to CIAN, three-room apartments on Profsoyuznaya Street cost from 10 to 49 million rubles.

Daughter's apartment

In 2015, Ksyusha got married and moved to a one-room living space in the Chertanovo district, this apartment belonged to Rosa’s parents, and then her brother lived there, and now the family council unanimously decided to move Ksenia there. After moving with her husband, they arranged everything to their liking in a couple of weeks.

According to CIAN, one-room apartments in the Chertanovo area cost from 3 to 8 million rubles.

Syabitova’s new apartments

In the same year, Rosa bought an apartment with an area of ​​almost a hundred square meters on the 51st floor of the Mercury City Tower, located in Moscow City. The interior design is designed in pastel and soothing colors.

According to the TV presenter, the apartment cost her 24 million rubles, but she is quite pleased with the result, since the two-bedroom apartment already has a good and high-quality renovation, an excellent location, and the panoramic windows offer a magnificent view of the capital.

Large floor-to-ceiling windows were one of the factors in making a positive decision about the purchase, and the hostess also liked the presence of two bedrooms, one of which can be converted into a guest room, and the presence of two bathrooms. nodes and a spacious living room, which can simultaneously accommodate more than ten guests.

According to CIAN, apartments with a similar layout in the Mercury City Tower residential complex cost from 89 to 151 million rubles.

The host of the “Let's Get Married” show, Roza Syabitova, always wanted to acquire a large house that would not just be a summer house, but would allow her to live on a permanent basis and would become something like a “family nest” for her entire family. Several years ago, the TV personality looked at a site in the Moscow region and launched large-scale construction. Soon, a covered warm gazebo-pavilion, a guest house and the owner's mansion were erected on the territory. However, the interior decoration of the home took much longer.

In between filming, Roza Syabitova found time to choose wallpaper for the office, bedroom and living room, looked after tiles, coordinated design sketches and resolved many related minor issues.

And now, finally, everything is ready. All buildings have been completed, furniture has been purchased, renovations have been completed - the family home is ready to receive your family, and you can invite guests for a housewarming party. Syabitova decided to organize a large-scale feast for this occasion on October 20, promising all those curious to arrange a live broadcast from the scene of events. Friends and colleagues from Channel One will gather to congratulate and share the family’s joy at the celebration.

By the way, Ksenia Borodina is also finishing the designer renovation of her own home. The TV presenter has already moved into the house, where the first two residential floors have been completely completed, and is only waiting for the completion of work on the third floor, reserved for a home theater. However, already now Borodina, where, wanting to create a truly designer space, has ordered an abundance of marble for decoration.

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