Rostislav the meaning of the name is character and fate. Rostislav (male name)


The meaning of the name Rostislav

Increaser of glory. “Growing glory” (slav.) It can be difficult to deal with little Rostik: he is very stubborn, capricious and knows how to get his way with tears. The boy is often sick, he has an unstable nervous system, and his parents try to indulge him in everything. But as he gets older, he gets rid of these, frankly speaking, not very pleasant qualities. The Rostislavs are talented, and their talent manifests itself in the most different areas. There are also clergymen among them. "Winter" - with acute developed sense justice, they are desperate “fighters for truth” and in this field they get themselves into a lot of trouble. Their character is not simple - they are on their own minds and will not miss their benefits. A little sloppy, pay little attention to their own appearance, can’t part with old things and wear the same suit for years. They are unpretentious in everyday life and do not like to complicate their lives by caring about comfort. They are distinguished by some slowness, but their most intolerable feature is their penchant for moralizing. However, it can be difficult to be angry with them - they disarm you with their kindness. The business that Rostislav undertakes is always noble, and he is convinced that sooner or later he will achieve success. “Summers” are often simply spineless people who are already under the thumb of their peers. They have a difficult fate; their first marriage is often unsuccessful. These are very capable people, but their abilities mostly remain unrealized. Fanatically devoted to their work. "Summer" Rostislavs are characterized by theatricality. They are easily influenced strong personalities. "Autumn" - have good intuition, they know how to bypass sharp corners and, if necessary, act with cunning. It is difficult to get along with people and just as difficult to part with. They form an opinion about people once and for all: if they don’t like a person, then it’s irrevocable. Rostislav is very attached to his family and meekly bears the entire burden of responsibilities to them. You need to be patient with Rostislav - he is worth it. The only thing to be wary of is his addiction to drinking.

Name day: March 14 (27) NAME DAY: March 27 (14) - blessed Grand Duke Rostislav - Mikhail.

Numerology of the name Rostislav

Soul Number: 2.
Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their most strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 9

Body number: 2


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, deer.

The name Rostislav as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
With Word
T Firm
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
With Word
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
In Vedi

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Rostislav

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.

T - intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic soft nature.
WITH - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.

The meaning of the name Rostislav: The boy's name means "increasing glory." This affects the character and fate of Rostislav.

Origin of the name Rostislav: Old Slavonic.

Diminutive form of name: Rostik, Rostya, Rostyana, Rosya, Slava, Slavunya, Slavik.

What does the name Rostislav mean: The name includes two roots: “grow” and “slav” (glory). The name translates as “increasing glory.” Another meaning of the name Rostislav is “raised for glory.” Now the name Rostislav is becoming more and more popular; there are analogues of the name in Polish, Czech and Bulgarian. The owner of this name strives for popularity throughout his youth, but closer to maturity he gives up this activity and gains a lot - peace of mind in his personal life and at work, because he no longer worries about his future.

Middle name: Rostislavovich, Rostislavich, Rostislavovna, Rostislavna

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Rostislav celebrates his name day once a year: March 27 (14) - the noble prince of Kiev Rostislav, grandson of Monomakh, was distinguished by his kindness and peacefulness, and built many churches in Smolensk.


  • Zodiac - Pisces
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color: steel gray
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Treasured plant - forget-me-not
  • Patron - pike
  • Talisman stone - pearl

Characteristics of the name Rostislav

Positive features: The name Rostislav gives a sharp and agile mind, a desire for popularity, complacency, and forbearance. Rostislav has an easy-going approach to life, he is not offended, and easily restores a good mood. A guy with this name loves entertainment, witty jokes, and laughs a lot. A man named Rostik is emotional, surprisingly responsive to any grief and, if he himself is wealthy, will help others a lot to reduce their suffering.

Negative features: Impulsiveness, extravagance, excessive sensitivity, excessive mobility, instability of opinion and interests. He is not distinguished by perseverance or concentration on any problem. A child with this name is a sprinter and does not like long and painstaking studies. As a child, he is often punished for frivolous actions, and Rostislav is tormented by remorse.

Character of the name Rostislav: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Rostislav? Rostik, by his very name, seems obliged to show great promise and climb the ladder of success.

In school and student years This is usually what happens. Thanks to her perseverance and hard work, Rostika is considered an excellent student, and after receiving her diploma, she finds a job she likes, most often in the field of art or business. But it can be difficult for him to get along with the team: he is too power-hungry and does not hide his ambitions, and is also prone to deceit. He quickly gets drunk at a feast, becomes talkative and can blurt out other people's secrets. Bearers of this name are big gamblers, gamblers on the races: usually they are lucky. Oddly enough, the Rostislavs become good military leaders.

A man with this name is easily excitable and restless. It is difficult for him to sit still; he can start and quit several classes one day. A guy named Rostislav can be hot-tempered and irritable. In games he likes to set his own rules and always insists on his own. He can be convinced when he is wrong; it is useless to prohibit and punish him. A man named Rostislav is fair and brave; if he is guilty, he will not hide behind his comrade’s back, but, looking honestly in the eyes, admits his guilt. He studies well, loves to read fairy tales, draws well, enjoys listening to music, and dances.

The name Rostik has a generous and compassionate soul. He true friend, has maintained relationships with school friends all his life. A man named Rostislav is very susceptible to outside influence and bad habits, for example, alcohol. During a feast, he quickly gets drunk and becomes uncontrollable. Rostislav is passionate: he plays cards, on the run, and is not always successful.

Intuitive, sensitive, creative personality, mature age still finds attentive and caring wife. A man with this name himself will be ready to show maximum attention to her, actively participate in her affairs, and receive her relatives.

Rostislav and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The union of the name with Anna, Evgenia, Lyubava, Roxana, Sbyslava is successful. The name Rostislav is also combined with Svetlana. Difficult relationships can develop with Alexandra, Dorothea, Irina, Maria, Martha.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Rostislav promise happiness in love? Rostik's heart is filled with love. A guy named Rostislav tends to change his chosen ones often. Flirting is of particular importance to him. Easily sparked by interest in a girl, he can also easily cool down towards her, even to the point of complete indifference. It is advisable to get married as late as possible.

Sex life depends on feelings. He is faithful to his home and family, but due to his addiction to alcohol, Rostislav’s marriage repeatedly breaks up. He is a hospitable person and is an excellent cook himself.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Rostik tends to scatter his strength, abilities and resources over trifles; he often does not have time for big things. He attaches great importance to occult knowledge, he is interested in everything mysterious, but he keeps this side of his nature secret from others. Rostislav will try, not unsuccessfully, to express himself in art. He can achieve success by choosing a career as a writer, speaker, preacher, or leader of a social movement.

Rostik doesn’t get along with everyone mutual language. He is irritable, so he is capable of rash steps. He loves to argue, constantly sorts things out, always in the fight for justice. But the guy works hard, diligently, prefers exact sciences, and is very enterprising. Can successfully teach at a university or engage in commerce. Rostislav is a reliable partner, you can trust him. Rich emotionally, with great intuition, subtle humor, Rostislav is very artistic. He can be an artist, an artist, a musician. But Rostik has difficulty asserting himself, trying to find his place in life, he is always searching.

Business and career: He can earn money in the field of art and mass entertainment. He is characterized by intuition in business and in dealing with people, but he would rather inherit money than make it himself. When making a decision, he needs to weigh everything, not be too optimistic and accept as inevitable the delays and difficulties that initially arise.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Rostislav: The meaning of the name Rostislav from a medical point of view. It can be difficult to get along with little Rostislav: he is very stubborn, capricious and knows how to get his way with tears. The boy is often sick, he has an unstable nervous system, and his parents try to indulge him in everything. But as he gets older, he gets rid of many, to put it mildly, not very pleasant qualities.

The Rostislavs are talented, and their talent manifests itself in a variety of areas. There are even clergymen among them. The “winter” ones have a keenly developed sense of justice, they are desperate “fighters for truth” and in this field they get themselves into a lot of trouble. Their character is not simple, they are on their own minds and will not miss their benefits. The Rostislavs are a little sloppy, pay little attention to their appearance, cannot part with old things and wear the same suit for years.

They are unpretentious in everyday life and do not like to complicate their lives by caring about comfort. Men named Rostislav are distinguished by some slowness, but their most intolerable feature is their tendency to moralize. However, it is difficult to be angry with them - they disarm you with their kindness. The business that Rostik undertakes is always noble, and he is convinced that sooner or later he will achieve success.

The meaning of the name Rostislav depends on the time of birth. Born in the summer - these Rostislavs are spineless people, under the heel of their wife. They will have a difficult fate; their first marriage is often unsuccessful. They are very capable, but their abilities mostly remain unrealized. Fanatically devoted to their work. The "summer" Rostislavs - their manners and behavior - are characterized by some theatricality.

Men with this name are easily influenced by strong personalities. "Autumn" - have good intuition, they know how to get around sharp corners and, if necessary, act with cunning. It is difficult to get along with people and just as difficult to part with. They form an opinion about people once and for all: if they don’t like a person, then it’s irrevocable. A man named Rostislav is very attached to his family and meekly bears the entire burden of responsibilities to them. You need to be patient with him - he's worth it. The only thing to be wary of is his addiction to drinking.

The fate of Rostislav in history

What does the name Rostislav mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Rostislav Zakharov, captain of the Guards artillery, was killed at Borodino on August 26, 1812. He commanded a battery of eight guns on the very flank of the left wing of the Russian army. Having received orders to transfer six guns to reserve due to a lack of shells, he returned to the remaining two guns to encourage the soldiers to perform their duties. His last words were: “Are ours winning? Is the enemy retreating?”
  2. Rostislav Alekseev (1916-1980) - Russian Soviet design engineer, laureate of Lenin and State awards, at the Krasnoe Sormovo plant, who created the first models of the Soviet high-speed fleet, which had no equal in the world. Under the leadership of Rostislav Alekseev, the idea of ​​hydrofoil propulsion was practically realized for the first time. The appearance of the high-speed motor ship "Raketa" (1957) meant a real revolution in shipbuilding. A square in Alekseev is named after Nizhny Novgorod. One of the outdated Meteors is installed on it, where a museum of the history of the Soviet high-speed fleet is opened.
  3. Rostislav Plyatt (1908-1989) - a brilliant universal actor. He is a wonderful comedic master, subtle and strong dramatic talent. His acting abilities contained both a bright, almost poster-like catchiness of characterization, and what is commonly called an intellectual actor - deep thought, restraint artistic means. Rostislav Plyatt began his acting life in the late 1920s as a comedian in the theater-studio of Yu.A. Zavadsky, teacher Rostislav Plyatt and director of many of his milestone roles throughout the artist’s life. There were also comedic roles in films - “The Foundling”, “The Elephant and the String”, “Spring”.
  4. Rostislav of Moravia (prince of Great Moravia from the Mojmirovich dynasty, who reigned from 846 to 870; during his reign, Cyril and Methodius were missionaries in Great Moravia)
  5. Rostislav Fadeev - (1824 – 1883) military historian, publicist, major general.
  6. Rostislav Yurenev - (1912 – 2002) film expert, critic.
  7. Rostislav Durlyakhov - Russian Soviet designer of artillery weapons.
  8. Rostislav Rybakov - Indologist, specialist in cultural history, intercultural interactions, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1994-2009.
  9. Rostislav Vygranenko is a Polish organist of Ukrainian origin.
  10. Rostislav Gorelov - Soviet painter, graphic artist, genre painter, portrait painter, representative of the socialist realism genre, master industrial landscape and genre-historical painting.
  11. Rostislav Yankovsky is a Soviet and Belarusian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1978), academician of the International Theater Academy.
  12. Rostislav Grigorchuk is a Russian mathematician working in the field of group theory.
  13. Rostislav Shirokikh - legendary announcer of Leningrad radio and television, National artist RSFSR.

Rostislav in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different.

  • On English language translated as Rostislav, in French - Rostislav;
  • In Spanish - Rostislav;
  • On Polish language- Ros?aw (Roslav), Ro?cis?aw (Roschislav, Roscislav), Ra?cis?aw (Raschislav, Rascislav), Rasaw (Raslav).
  • In Ukrainian - Rostyslav, diminutive forms - Rostik, Rostya, Rostichok, Slavko, Slavik, Slava, Slavchik, Slavtsio;
  • In Czech - (Rastislav), Rostislav, Rastislav.

Name Rostislav - ancient name Slavic origin. The name is very sonorous and noble. You expect glorious and great deeds from Rostislav, and it is not surprising that the meaning of the name Rostislav is associated with a thirst for glory and exploits.


Rostislav – Slavic name, common in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia and other countries. The origin of the name goes back to ancient times, and the echoes of the glory of its owners are still heard.

If you break the name into two parts, it becomes clear what the name Rostislav means - “increasing glory.” And it’s probably not for nothing that so many princes known to us were blessed with this name.

Abbreviated forms of the name: Rosya, Slava, Rotya, Slavik, Slavunya, Rostik, etc. The abbreviated name Slava corresponds to many other Slavic names: Beloslav, Vyacheslav, Stanislav, Vladislav, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Miroslav, etc.

Patron symbols of the name:

  • Zodiac sign - .
  • The stone is pearl.
  • The sacred tree is pine.
  • The animal symbol is the pike.
  • Planet – Venus.
  • Color – steel.

Character and destiny

The majestic origin of the name suits the character of Rostislav well. This name belongs to noble and generous men who are ready to do a lot to maintain their good name.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the meaning of the name Rostislav lies in such qualities as courage, justice and benevolence. However, these are not all the features that are characteristic of this name; we will talk about them below.

The childhood of the boy Slava is stormy. He is an incorrigible fidget, very active and curious, it is simply impossible to keep track of him. Having started one game, he immediately moves on to another, and sometimes even plays several games at once. This Napoleonic character will remain with him throughout his life; the adult Rostislav will also strive to do several things at the same time.

The child has a sociable character, he quickly finds a common language with his peers, and has many friends. He loves to be the center of attention and will not miss a single fight or argument.

The adult Rostislav retains his cheerful character. He likes to live, and every day for him is another opportunity to get one step closer to the desired happiness. He doesn’t see the point in “bothering” with minor problems and doesn’t worry about trifles. He easily returns to his cheerful and optimistic state even after big troubles.

A man attaches great importance to his success. Rostislav cannot stand being on a losing team; he needs victories in life. This trait is the cause of one of his weaknesses - love for gambling. Rostislav should avoid playing with bets, because momentary success can blind him and lead to big financial problems.

The craving for excitement does not allow him to pass by a single dispute. Rostislav has a sharp mind, and it gives him great pleasure to prove that he is right, so he argues heatedly about everything in the world and does not miss the opportunity to show his character.

Rostislav's purposeful character allows him to achieve success in any business. Most often, he chooses a profession in the field of art or tourism. He is resourceful and will always find a way out of difficult situations. He has all the qualities of a good businessman, he is active and has a good understanding of people, he easily manages to establish useful contacts.

Fate presents him with many excellent opportunities to open his own business, however, it can be difficult for Rostislav to choose one activity, because he is restless not only in childhood. It is difficult for him to concentrate on one task, so he often scatters his energy and does not bring to mind a single business idea.

If Rostislav becomes a leader, he achieves the respect of his subordinates with his fairness. He will never ignore problems in the team, and his goodwill and sense of humor help resolve any conflict.

Attaching great importance to sincerity, Rostislav will not be able to deal with liars, even if the business promises to be profitable. Innate optimism often prevents you from seeing the situation as a whole and accepting the right decision, therefore, Rostislav should have a person as an adviser who will help him see the negative sides of the overall picture.

The name Rostislav belongs to loyal and reliable men who make excellent friends. His natural artistry and sense of humor will bring fun to any company. He is not touchy, not vindictive, and his generous character easily forgives his loved ones their mistakes.

Love and compatibility

It seems that all Rostislav’s courage and thirst for risk disappears when it comes to love. In love, he is timid and cautious, and often lacks initiative. Because of the fear of being rejected, he cannot decide to take the first step, so relaxed and confident women who are not shy about showing their feelings suit him well.

"amplifying glory"

Origin of the name Rostislav

Slavic, this name is based on two Slavic roots - “growth” and “glory”

Characteristics of the name Rostislav

little Rostislav is capricious and stubborn. This is a sickly child with an unstable nervous system. However, as he gets older, he begins to get rid of his negative qualities. Rostislav is talented and has varied interests; His abilities are manifested in a variety of areas: from military affairs to art. The character of a man with this name is complex; Rostislav is often contradictory and does not always know what he wants. He doesn't attach of great importance appearance, unpretentious, he is little interested in everyday comfort. The most unpleasant character trait of Rostislav is his tendency to moralize, but it is difficult to be angry with him because of his disarming kindness. Rostislav is very attached to his family; he meets women solely for the purpose of starting a family. As a rule, Rostislav good husband and a wonderful host.

Famous personalities: Rostislav Zakharov (1907–1984) – choreographer and teacher, Rostislav Plyatt (1908–1989) – an outstanding theater and film actor.

Name Rostislav - when is the name day?

Derivatives of the name Rostislav:

Rostislavka, Rostya, Rostyan, Rosya, Rotya, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for the name Rostislav:

The name Rostislav is suitable for Leo, Virgo, Aries and Libra.

Harmony with name bearers:

Incompatibility with native names:


The strengthening and rise of the Smolensk principality is associated with the name of Saint Rostislav, the Grand Duke of Kyiv, who lived in the middle of the 12th century. In 1136, Saint Rostislav achieved the founding of a separate Smolensk diocese. Prince Rostislav was a real builder of the Church: he financially provided the Smolensk Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, turned the city cathedral into the church center of the huge Smolensk diocese. The years of the reign of Saint Rostislav fell on one of the most difficult periods in the history of the Russian Church, when there was a struggle between supporters of the creation of an autonomous Russian church and supporters of the Byzantine traditional metropolitanate. The holy prince died on his way to Kyiv in 1167.

A man’s name is a guide in life; it allows him to perform strong-willed actions, because it embeds certain qualities in his character. But not all men are equally strong-willed; a lot depends on their name.

What does the name Rostislav mean? What is the origin and history of the name Rostislav.

The meaning of the name Rostislav

Rostislav is a name that has Slavic roots and literally means growing glory. This man knows his worth and will not allow anyone to doubt that he is right. The zodiac sign that patronizes him is Pisces. This is why Rostislav is so sensitive to other people’s emotions and tries to hide his own.

Planet, which guides him is Venus. This is the planet of love and victories. Thus, Rostislav is very lucky in his love relationships. But Venus is a fickle planet, so a man will have difficulties in marriage.

Color, which suits him best is steel-gray. This is the color of a true warrior and provider who can stand up for his family and at the same time wisely resolve conflict.

Tree, which patronizes him is pine. This is a tree of a strong kind. Rostislav is, of course, the best successor of his family.

What does the name Rostislav mean? A man of growing fame. By his actions he forces other people to cheat personal life. A plant that can cure his mental illnesses is forget-me-not. His patron is the pike. The stone that stores his energy and strength is pearls. This is a very controversial stone. It is considered a stone feminine. But at the same time, Rostislav also adds softness.

Origin and history of the name Rostislav

Rostislav celebrates his name day once a year - on the twenty-seventh of March. The name has several abbreviated forms - Rostya, Rosya, Slava, Slavik. All of them are mainly used in the Orthodox world. The name is very common in Europe.

The meaning of the name Rostislav was determined by the fact that they were given to boys of noble families. It was believed that such a first-born would bring honor and respect to the family, and very soon the hopes were justified. His father has always been an authority and role model for him.

The character and fate of Rostislav

It is worth noting positive features character of Rostislav, which he very skillfully develops in himself:

Sharp mind;

Desire for fame;

Good nature;




He is characterized by character traits that are not characteristic of some women. Therefore, his peers may consider him somewhat soft and phlegmatic. But in reality he is always strong and finishes what he starts.

At the same time, he also has negative character traits, which sometimes cover up all the good he has done:

Emotional sensitivity that goes to extremes;


Frequent mood changes;

Frequent changes of opinion.

Little Rostislav causes his parents a huge amount of trouble with his mobility. N understands the world precisely through his personal experience and precisely through your personal mistakes. Rostislav loves when people pay attention to him, but hates following directions and assignments. They seem boring and inappropriate to him.

As an adult, he already makes decisions thoughtfully and understands why he needs to perform this or that action. He does not evaluate people by their wealth, he tries not to evaluate anyone at all, but only to adopt their experience, but making his own adjustments to it.

Friends value Rostislav for his agility of mind and ability to always find a way out of a situation. He grasps the causes of the problem so subtly that he is always ready to help with advice. But due to his gentle nature, he does not always become an authority for his friends. He is very persistent and hardworking in his studies. Loves praise and demands it excessive attention.

He has another one negative quality character – excessive gullibility and talkativeness. He can very quickly blab out other people's secrets, without immediately realizing that he did the wrong thing. He can excel in creating a new business and generating new ideas. He embodies them for quite a long time and not without outside help.

At the same time, he does not like to obey. It is difficult for him to work in a large team and not be the center of attention. Because of this, he is often depressed and irritated, which prevents him from looking at things happening in his life in a balanced manner. Rostislav often demands excessive attention even from clients, which tires them.

Rostislav is a creative person. He loves everything mysterious and mystical, and takes much of mysticism at face value. May be fanatical in faith or even join a sect. But his loved ones can prevent such events. It is enough for them to listen to his point of view and try to support him in it.

Lyubov Rostislava

For a long time, Rostislav cannot decide on his choice of life partner. He is very fond of romantic and eccentric beauties, who quickly exchange him for wealthy men. He falls in love very quickly and begins to promise a lot, while his significant other may not even notice how her chosen one has cooled off.

Rostislav may have several marriages. At the same time, he is in no hurry to get married early, but he also cannot refuse his chosen one. He simply considers it necessary to legitimize his relationship with the woman he loves. But at the same time, he does not quickly agree to become a father. You can’t keep Rostislav around as a child. What he needs is an adult and Strong woman. He will choose his last wife precisely according to strong qualities character. She may even seem somewhat rude, but this is only at first glance. Otherwise, she is simply more experienced than Rostislav.

If his chosen one acts wisely and remains in his shadow, the marriage will be long and happy. If she tries to share powers in the family with him, the marriage will be doomed to failure. His love for children arises later, when he comes to understand that this is his continuation, the continuation of his family. In marriage, Rostislav is happy because he loves and is loved. He tries to maintain friendly relations with his women.

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