Russian helicopter carrier surf. News on the development of promising landing ships

UDC-helicopter carrier pr. "Priboy" will be equipped with everything necessary for use in most naval operations

Events related to the “freezing” of the contract for the Mistral universal landing helicopter carriers by the French side acquired Last year completely stupid and dysfunctional looking. Already in the fall-winter of last year, it was approximately clear that this project could be put to rest, but the French continued to come up with various “myths” and delay time, thereby confusing our military departments and negotiators.

This could not continue for long, especially since a powerful and high-status superpower is participating in the negotiation process, which has proven itself to be a reliable and stable party both in the arms market and in any other areas, such as the economy and energy. Why does Russia, which launched such ships as the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" and the aircraft-carrying missile cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov", need an empty French dock hull, which still needs a long time to be re-equipped and modified to the proper condition that meets the needs of the Russian Navy? So the Navy command began to look for ways to solve the problem.

The mass of everything was considered possible options a promising amphibious assault ship, which should become a worthy alternative for the fleet and better suit our operating conditions and needs. One of these options was the possible modernization of the BDK pr. 1174 “Ivan Rogov”, but structurally this ship is more designed for internal transportation of light and heavy armored vehicles and landing troops; the deck is not able to fully support the use of helicopter aircraft. The front and rear parts of the deck are separated by a large superstructure across the entire width of the ship, which in difficult meteorological conditions will pose a certain danger to helicopters landing and taking off.

A solution was required that was most suitable for the use of helicopter aviation in different conditions, i.e. – compact superstructure at the side and the most spacious deck. results design work It didn’t take long to create the first visual aid of a promising ship, which was the model presented on June 16 at the Army 2015 forum exhibition.

UDC-helicopter carrier pr. "Priboy" will be equipped with everything necessary for use in most naval operations

The universal landing ship of the Priboy project, developed by the Nevsky Design Bureau, is a product with an exclusively Russian elemental base, which combines all the features of Soviet-Russian shipbuilding, as well as the most modern trends that appeared at the end of the 20th century. beginning of XXI century and provide for a reduction in radar signature due to the original design of the superstructure.

The superstructure itself has a width of no more than 8 meters and a length of about 30 meters, all corners of the superstructure provide minimal amount right angles, due to which its ESR should have very small values, comparable to the ESR indicators of small patrol boats. IN Lately it is the reduction of the radar signature of the architecture on the deck of the ship that is given Special attention shipbuilders.

The ship will be much smaller than the French Mistral , its length is approximately 165 meters, width 25 meters. The Russian fleet absolutely does not require huge landing ships-helicopter carriers, since The current capabilities of the Ka-52 and Ka-52K attack helicopters have stepped far forward, and to ensure combat stability in a naval theater of operations, no more than ten such combat helicopters are sufficient.

Thus, the modern Ka-52K will be able to perform a complex list of anti-ship missions due to the use of the Kh-31A and Kh-35U anti-ship missiles; in addition, for helicopters, a lighter modification of the radar with the Zhuk-AE AFAR is being developed, which will also be able to operate against air targets within a radius of up to 80 km; It is likely that in the future the R-77 (RVV-AE) air-to-air missile will be unified with the Ka-52K and helicopters will be able to master all types of operations in the sea and coastal zone.

Such a radical improvement in the concept of using helicopters could become an important part in providing “closed airspace” over coastal territory, where UDC Surf will carry out missions to land armored vehicles and troops on enemy territory. Currently, the Priboy project provides for the transportation and use of 8 attack helicopters from the deck of the ship, but after the design work is fully completed, these numbers may change. Multi-purpose Ka-27 helicopters can also be placed on the surf deck. It is worth considering that such naval attack systems based on helicopters are not being developed in any country Western Europe, nor in the USA.

The compactness of the ship with a displacement of 14,000 tons is not limited to its small length and width. The draft of the ship will be only 5 meters, for the Mistral -6.3 m, for the Ivan Rogov - 7 m. This draft gives the UDC of the far sea zone many advantages for maneuvering in waters, bays and straits, where shallow waters are often observed (the ship will be able to enter seas such as the Azov Sea with almost no restrictions). Draft indicators are most important specifically for helicopter carrier ships and UDCs with tactical points of view, since sometimes, at the time of an operation, it is necessary to get as close as possible to the enemy, and shallow water can prevent a ship with a deep draft from doing this; attack helicopters often have a combat radius of no more than 400 km, which is why the enemy on land may remain beyond the reach of attack helicopters.

UDC pr. "Priboy" will have a cruising range of about 11,500 km, a cruising speed of 15-16 knots, and a maximum speed of 20 knots, which is no different from the Mistral. Only at economical speed does the Mistral have an almost 2-fold advantage in range up to 20,000 km. The autonomy of the Priboy will be 2 times higher than that of the Mistral (the duration of the autonomous cruise is more than 2 months).

Enough important criterion can be considered the amphibious capabilities of dock chambers and armored holds for transporting heavy and light armored vehicles, landing craft, as well as fully equipped marines or landing forces. Here, “Priboy” is also no different from foreign products such as “Hyuga” and “Mistral”. The ship is capable of taking 60 units of light armored vehicles and at least 20-30 main battle tanks into its internal compartments, as means of operational landing, in conditions where it is impossible to approach coastal zone UDC, the ship is equipped with 4 landing boats, Project 11770M or 2, Project 12061M.

One of the most important indicators of versatility of this ship Westerners are equipped with a bow landing device and a 25-35 meter strong gangway, which before landing is pulled out from under the upper deck by hydraulic drives, all in the traditions of the good and reliable Soviet school of shipbuilding!

The small size of the Priboy UDC, as well as a decrease in radar signature, are also provided for the possibility of using this ship as a command and staff ship of the KUG/AUG of the Russian Navy. It is known that at the moment of a “star raid” of enemy anti-ship missiles, the active radar homing head locks on a more radio-contrast target, i.e. larger and visible ship, and the radar signature of this ship will not be greater than that of the frigate EM pr. 956. But there is also a smarter VTO with TV and IR seeker, for example, AGM-84E or products such as the NLOS tactical missile, in this case fighting back will clearly be required. For this purpose, “Priboy” is equipped with at least 3 combat modules of the multi-channel shipborne air defense system “Pantsir-M”.

The Pantsir-M/Palitsa anti-aircraft missile and gun system is a naval modification of the Pantsir-S1 land-based air defense system and has inherited its similar firing characteristics. The 57E6E missile defense system has a radio command system based on coordinates that are transmitted to the missile's on-board computer from optical-electronic and radar detection and target designation equipment on the combat module. To guide the missile, radar and optical transponders are used in the tail of the missile, which allow the fire control system on the combat module to most accurately correlate the coordinates of the interceptor missile defense system and the target to align the missile defense system with the target.

The flight speed of the missile defense system is 1300 m/s, the range and interception ceiling are 15 and 20 km, respectively. The maximum speed of the target hit is about 3650 km/h. The guidance speed is 100 deg/s, thanks to which even anti-aircraft missiles flying towards a neighboring support ship that have broken through to the nearby line of defense can be intercepted.

The Palitsa radar channel is represented by a “phasatron” multifunctional radar with phased array 1RS2 and radar 1RS1-1E, in which a “friend or foe” radio interrogator is installed. Autonomous optical direction finder - a two-channel TV/IR sight, capable of capturing the HARM-type anti-ship missile system from a distance of 14 km, the AGM-86C cruise missile - 13 km, and the Harpoon anti-ship missile system - about 9-11 km. The multifunctional radar and optical direction finder are capable of capturing 2 air targets, realizing the simultaneous firing of 4 air targets, while up to 10 targets can be fired at in a minute. The performance of the KZRAK "Pantsir-M" together with 2x6 30-mm AP is almost 2 times higher than that of the KZRAK dirk.

BM KZRAK "Pantsir-M"/"Palitsa" will be installed on "Priboy" in the amount of at least 3 BM, which will ensure all-aspect air defense/missile defense against enemy missiles

On the UDC “Priboi” project, 2 Pantsir-M modules are installed in niches along the edge of the starboard side of the ship, as well as in the front part on the edge of the left side, there is the possibility of installing another module in the rear niche of the side. Thus, the Priboy air defense system can fire simultaneously at 12 attacking missiles, and up to 30 dangerous objects can be fired at in a minute. In fact, this UDC can be both a command and staff ship and a short-range air defense ship of a small naval formation.

Today, only one helicopter carrier has similar air defense parameters - the Japanese Hyuga, which is equipped with the Japanese-Dutch FCS-3A radar and the latest export version of the RIM-162 ESSM air defense missile system.

The command of the Russian Navy expresses hopes that in the coming years at least 4 ships of the Udaloy project will be laid down, which will be able to partially fill the lack of modern landing, strike and anti-ship naval systems in the Russian fleet.

/Evgeny Damantsev/

The Krylov State Scientific Center has developed a project for the universal landing ship "Avalanche" to replace the Mistral-class helicopter carriers. A high-ranking representative of the military-industrial complex reported this to RIA Novosti. “The Krylov Central Research Institute has developed an alternative project to the Mistrals, the helicopter carrier Avalanche, with a displacement of 24 thousand tons, even larger than the French ship,” said the agency’s interlocutor. The ship's type of architecture will be semi-trimaran (??? that’s the name... I almost “didn’t get enough” :)) ...

Its cruising range will be 5 thousand miles at a speed of 18 knots, the maximum speed will be 22 knots, and the crew will reach 320 people. The ship will be able to transport up to 500 marines or 50 armored vehicles. According to the source, the project provides for the deployment of 16 helicopters, including anti-submarine and search and rescue Ka-27, transport-combat Ka-29 and attack Ka-52K. It is also expected to have on board six Project 11770 Serna landing boats or six Project 03160 Raptor landing assault boats. The ship will be armed with AK-176M and AK-630M-2 Duet gun mounts and Pantsir-M naval anti-aircraft systems.

It was previously noted that the Nevsky Design Bureau also developed a design for the Priboy landing ship with a displacement of 14 thousand tons, which could become an alternative to the French Mistrals. The ship carries eight helicopters on board and can transport up to 500 marines or 40-60 armored vehicles. In December 2014,'s sources in the defense industry stated that the new landing ship for the Navy should approximately correspond to the basic parameters of the Dutch universal landing ships of the Rotterdam or Johan de Witt type, chosen as a model. They have a displacement of 14-16 thousand tons, carry up to 500-600 marines and carry on board six helicopters and a set of amphibious landing craft.

UNIVERSAL LANDING SHIP-HELICOPTER CARRIER “AVALANCHE”. As part of the military-technical forum “Army-2015” taking place in the Moscow region on June 19, 2015, the project of the universal landing ship-helicopter carrier “Avalanche” was presented. The Krylov State Scientific Center has created a project for the universal landing ship-helicopter carrier “Avalanche” with a displacement of 24 thousand tons as an alternative to the French Mistral. The future ship, according to its architectural and design type, will be a semi-trimaran with a cruising range of 5 thousand miles at 18 knots, maximum speed 22 knots, crew of 320 people, landing capacity of 500 people or 50 armored personnel carriers, he noted.

The project provides for the deployment of 16 helicopters: multi-purpose Ka-27, transport-combat Ka-29 and attack Ka-52K, as well as six landing boats of Project 11770 “Serna” or six landing craft of Project 03160 “Raptor”. According to the project, the ship will be armed with AK-176M and Palma-type gun mounts and Pantsir-ME naval anti-aircraft systems. At the same time, information on the Priboi UDC was presented at the Army-2015 forum. The “Priboy” project of a universal landing ship was developed by JSC Nevskoe Design Bureau. The universal landing ship “Priboy” will have a displacement of 14 thousand tons with a draft of 5 meters. In addition, it is known that another project of the promising large landing ship “Sperm Whale” is being developed for the Russian Navy. The Navy leadership expects that at least four ships of this class will be built for the needs of the fleet. These UDCs could become an alternative to French helicopter carriers. At the same time, technical developments and systems that are already available on the French ship will not be used. The decision to build the ship will be made after the project is completed.

Recently, the Mistral story has quietly disappeared from the news. In general, it is understandable. Read details litigation boring and uninteresting. But the more time passes, the more often they emerge various details, like pieces of a puzzle that form an extremely interesting picture.

And now another new fragment has appeared. Assistant to the Russian President for military-technical cooperation Vladimir Kozhin announced success in negotiations with France. Promises to complete preparation of the agreement for signing within a month. The exact amount of compensation has not been announced, but apparently it will be about a billion euros. The French are trying to bring it down below a billion. They say that such a figure will be “easier to operate.” Apparently it’s like the number on the price tag; ninety-nine kopecks looks somehow more comfortable than one ruble. However, Russia is unlikely to agree to anything less than nine hundred million. These are expenses already incurred by us and are also subject to refund. So we didn’t throw money away. And this is good.

And it’s even better that confirmation has finally begun to appear that the story with the Mistrals was not started on an empty whim. Even if we leave aside everything that Russia won geopolitically with this contract (and that in itself is not small), we were able to gain access to the urgently needed modern technologies shipbuilding. Including the military. Only very naive and technically illiterate people can consider what to build big ship there is a trifle that anyone can do with just one left hand. Something like, I read the book “Programming for Dummies” and in the morning I wrote my own operating system, cooler than Windows. In reality, things are very different. It’s not enough to buy a licensed ACAD; you also need to learn how to fully use it. It is best to do this with a recognized master. It is not cheap; the master charges a lot for his studies. But in general, the result is worth it, because it costs several times less than independent trial and error. Then the price of a mistake is too high. So ordering two DVKs is precisely the payment for the right to study.

UDC type "Mistral" in the port of Saint-Nazare

Apparently, Russia's studies have clearly benefited. Firstly, the Nevsky Design Bureau developed its project for a universal landing ship. UDC "Priboy" has a displacement of 14 thousand tons, length - 165 m, width - 25 m, speed - up to 20 knots, cruising range - up to 6 thousand. nautical miles, autonomy - up to 60 days. Capable of carrying on board up to 500 paratroopers and 40 - 60 units of military equipment, as well as 8 Ka-52 and Ka-27 helicopters. Although the Priboi is smaller in displacement than the Mistral (14 thousand tons versus 21.3 thousand tons), it is not inferior to it either in range or landing capacity, and is even superior in autonomy.

In general, this is a normal platform for a Marine expeditionary company. No mistake, just the company. Since when operating in isolation from the rear base, it is not enough to have only a soldier with a machine gun. Someone must repair his weapons, supply ammunition, provide communications and reconnaissance. Therefore, for one direct soldier there are usually at least two “auxiliary” people. And they also need to be placed somewhere. That’s why it turns out that 500 paratroopers does not mean five hundred infantry.

Model of UDC "Priboy", Nevsky Design Bureau

But that is not all. Secondly, in addition to “Surf”, the French desert wind also brought to life “Avalanche”. At the military-technical forum "Army-2015" in Kubinka Central Research Institute named after. Academician Krylov presented their project of a universal landing ship. The displacement is 24 thousand tons, 3 thousand tons more than that of the Mistral. Less details about the UDC "Avalanche" are currently known. Armament: Pantsir-ME naval anti-aircraft systems and AK-176M and AK-630M-2 Duet gun mounts. 16 helicopters: combat Ka-27, transport-combat Ka-29 and attack Ka-52K. 6 landing assault boats type 03160 "Raptor". Landing capacity up to 500 people or 50 armored vehicles. In essence, this is an almost complete analogue of the Mistral, adjusted for differences in approaches to the composition of the landing group.

So, apparently, the issue of mastering experience can be removed from the agenda, and, as they say, “take money” from the French. If Russia only built the aft sections of the Mistrals at its shipyards, then here we will do everything entirely ourselves. All that remains is to find the answer - why does the Russian fleet even need ships of this class. And here is something to think about.

Model of UDC "Avalanche", Central Research Institute named after. Academician Krylov

Based on the current state of affairs, the Russian Navy does not now and will not have in the near future tasks the solution of which requires universal landing ships. UDCs in general are something like a large floating barracks, capable of bringing an autonomous landing unit to the middle of nowhere and ensuring its landing there and conducting full-scale combat operations. Russian landing forces were created and sharpened for much smaller tasks. Therefore, the landing fleet was built according to completely different principles. The main one is the “shore to shore” landing scheme. Those. The paratroopers are loaded onto a ship, which takes them to the landing site and delivers them directly to the shore. While the UDC scheme implies that the landing force is delivered from the ship to the shore by an intermediate link - landing boats, which usually accommodate up to a platoon of infantry. Or a couple of armored personnel carriers. Or one tank. The difference in schemes leads to fundamentally different tactics of the landing itself and completely different organization of the entire operation as a whole. Therefore, it is impossible to simply take a ship of a different class and integrate it into our usual system.

Landing of a marine armored personnel carrier ashore from a landing ship of the Russian Navy

However, the fact that such sums were “paid” for the development of large shipbuilding technologies, and completely domestic projects appeared on the stands, ships that at first glance were completely unnecessary to us, makes us think. Work of this kind is not carried out on a whim. These are private companies that can afford any experiments at their own whim. Therefore, the country’s leadership is already thinking about creating a full-fledged ocean-going fleet. Presumably, the fact that we do not see any need for it now does not mean that it will not appear in the medium term. What would have to happen for Russia to need landings on very, very distant shores?

Heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great", Russian Navy

In my opinion, this is only possible in one case, when its current hegemon, the US Navy, disappears from the Ocean. Of course, the NATO countries still have their own fleet, but even in the best case they are only able to field an auxiliary group with disabilities. So only the US Navy “holds the sea”. I mean, they are currently in control. But if we assume for a moment, let’s assume, the ruin of America, or some other serious crisis fraught with its weakening (at least in the form of the withdrawal of individual states from the common federation), then the picture takes shape... The American fleet will inevitably leave the Ocean, and nature can't stand emptiness...

By 2025, the Russian Navy plans to receive two promising landing ships as part of the new state weapons program June 30, 2017, 14:58

The design and construction of two helicopter carriers, the core of which will be the Ka-52K Katran naval helicopters, has already been included in the draft of the new state armament program until 2025. It is planned that the first one will appear around 2022 and will cost about 40 billion rubles (taking into account all stages of development, construction and testing).

The new landing ships will have a diesel-gas turbine installation, in which the diesel is the main engine, and the turbine is needed to boost power. In addition to the Katrans, the ships will carry the Ka-27, Ka-29 and Ka-31 (radar patrol helicopter, another designation is Ka-35. - TASS note).

As told at the VIII International Naval Show (IMMS-2017) in St. Petersburg CEO Nevsky Design Bureau Sergei Vlasov, a new generation landing ship being created for the Russian Navy, is at the pre-design stage and several versions of such ships have already been created.

There are different "paratroopers". Maybe a helicopter carrier, maybe a universal landing ship, a landing helicopter dock ship. I believe that, most likely, it will be a universal landing ship - something similar to the Mistral, but of a slightly different type Sergei Vlasov

General Director of Nevsky PKB

The appearance of the promising "paratrooper" will be chosen by the customer. Appearance will be completely new compared to the traditions of classical military shipbuilding. Also, according to annual report Nevsky Design Bureau, a version of a promising landing ship designed for the Arctic has been developed.

According to the head of the department for advanced construction of ships at the Krylov State Scientific Center (KGSC) Vladimir Pepelyaev, “if a decision on construction is made in the near future, then by the end of the year the center together with the Nevsky Design Bureau will be able to complete work on the preliminary design, and the bureau can begin designing the ship.” .

Shipbuilding potential

According to Advisor to the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Admiral Igor Kasatonov, helicopter carriers will be universal ships for which there are tasks.

The Navy needs them. Now the infrastructure is being developed on Kotelny Island, on the Pacific Fleet closer to the north. Therefore, there will be more than enough tasks for helicopter carriers Igor Kasatonov

Adviser to the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, admiral

Kasatonov says that a decision on the displacement of these ships has not yet been made; there will be several project options. Of these, according to the admiral, they will choose best option for further development.

USC enterprises have begun to develop this project: there is a groundwork in terms of projects, there is an understanding of everyone basic technologies. USC has sites where they are ready to build such a ship: Severnaya Verf after modernization, as well as the Baltic Shipyard and Sevmash, which has extensive experience in building large surface ships Igor Ponomarev

Vice President of USC

Military expert Alexander Mozgovoy believes that, unlike aircraft carriers, our modern shipbuilding industry can build helicopter carriers.

This can also be done at the Baltic Plant, which gained additional experience by building the aft parts of the Mistral. Therefore, this is a feasible task for the domestic shipbuilding industry. Another thing is how much time and money it will take Alexander Mozgovoy

military expert

Model of the universal landing ship "Priboy"

At the same time, the expert talks about another problem - priorities. “We are now standing, as they say, on the edge - almost all Soviet-built ships will have to be written off as obsolete in the coming years. They are not just morally, but physically obsolete. It will be dangerous to release them into the sea,” he concludes.

And of course, I would like it to be built first warships class frigate from the surface, the construction of submarines increased - there are clearly not enough of them Alexander Mozgovoy

military expert

Universal "Surf"

For the first time, the model of the universal landing ship (UDC) "Priboy" with a displacement of 14 thousand tons was demonstrated back in 2015 at the international forum "Army". The conceptual design of this ship was developed by the Krylov Scientific Center. Its experts assure that their concept is superior to the French Mistral-class ships.

During the work on the project, we applied unconventional technical solutions to most optimally carry out the tasks of landing troops from this ship. They relate to both the shape of the body and the electronic equipment. Our project provides, for example, propulsors other than those of the Mistral, with different capabilities Vladimir Nikitin

General Director of KGSC, Doctor of Technical Sciences

About Mistral

Russia and France entered into an agreement in 2011 to build two Mistral-class helicopter carriers for the Russian Navy. The first ship was supposed to be transferred to Moscow in 2014, but in 2015, amid worsening relations with the West and the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, Paris refused to transfer the ships. Later, the helicopter carriers were purchased by Egypt, and Paris returned about €1 billion to the Russian side.

The Krylov Research Center notes that Priboi was created taking into account the peculiarities of Russian operating conditions for such ships in the fleet. The concept has not changed since its first presentation in 2015, but at the request of the customer, certain additions can be made to the design of the ship. According to the general director of the KGSC, this concerns the use of a bow ramp or the placement of missile systems.

The promising "Priboy" is intended for receiving, transporting by sea and landing, in cooperation with other naval forces, troops and equipment on an unequipped coast during a naval landing operation.

In addition, it will be able to provide maritime troop transportation, participate in the installation of defensive minefields and net barriers, as well as sonar buoys for positional underwater surveillance systems. The ship is supposed to be equipped with a gas turbine main power plant.

It will be armed with the Klinok and Pantsir-ME anti-aircraft systems, as well as the A-190 100 mm artillery mount. It consists of two boats of the "Chamois" type or four of the "Dugong" type.

Naval anti-aircraft missile and artillery complex "Pantsir-ME"

As at IMDS-2017, the naval version of the Pantsir will be able to hit targets at a distance of up to 20 km. It will be able to shoot down various objects, including drones and aircraft, and the missiles of this complex can be used against ships. As the developers note, main feature complexes is that it is possible to fire at the target first with missile weapons, then in the dead zone of an anti-aircraft guided missile, if for some reason the target is not hit or not hit enough, it is possible to hit it with an anti-ship missile.

In addition, the Priboi will be equipped with a universal 76 mm artillery mount, a general detection radar, a navigation complex, an electronic warfare subsystem, an integrated communications complex and a station for detecting underwater sabotage forces and means.

The ship can accommodate 12 helicopters for various purposes. The Ka-52K Katran helicopters will be the perfect weapon for ships. They are “adapted” for deployment on Navy ships. To achieve this, they are equipped with a shortened wing, a blade folding system and an air conditioning system designed for use in a humid marine environment.

About "Surf"

Displacement - 23,000 tons, length - 200 m, width - 34 m. Full speed - 20 knots, economic speed - 14 knots, cruising range - 6000 miles, endurance - 30 days. The ship's crew is 400 people, and it will be able to accommodate another 500 to 900 marines, 50 infantry fighting vehicles and 10 tanks. The ship's service life is designed for 50 years

The issue of supplies to Russia of two Mistral amphibious helicopter carriers has resulted in interest in domestic developments in this area. At present, we can say with almost 100% probability that France will not transfer the already built Mistrals to Russia. Under these conditions, the Nevsky Design Bureau (PKB) created a design for a landing ship that could become an alternative to French ships. In particular, at the stand of the Main Command of the Russian Navy, as part of the Army-2015 forum held in the country, a new universal landing ship of the Priboy project, developed by specialists from the Nevsky Design Bureau, was presented in the form of a model.

This ship has a displacement of about 14 thousand tons with a draft of 5 meters and is able to carry on board up to 8 Ka-52K and Ka-27(29) helicopters. The landing ship will be able to reach speeds of up to 20 knots, its cruising range will be 6 thousand miles, and its endurance will be 60 days. The length of the ship will be 165 meters, width - 25 meters. The universal landing ship of the Priboy project will be able to carry up to 40-60 units on board various equipment and up to 500 paratroopers. The UDC will be able to take on board four Project 11770M landing boats or two Project 12061M boats. At the same time, its air defense will be built on the basis of the Pantsir-M sea-based air defense system.

Construction of the first ship of the series is planned to begin in 2016, RIA “” reports, citing its source. At the same time, information previously appeared that the Russian fleet will receive a new landing ship of a new generation by 2020. Vladimir Tryapichnikov, head of the shipbuilding department of the Russian Navy, spoke about this in June 2015. According to him, the new ship will be many times greater in displacement than the BDK Ivan Gren (displacement of about 5 thousand tons), apparently, Tryapichnikov was talking then about the UDC of the Priboy project. Presumably, 4 ships of this type will be built for the needs of the Russian Navy.

Model of UDC "Priboi".

It is worth noting that the UDC of the Priboi project fits perfectly into the appearance of a modern landing ship. In terms of its main characteristics, it will approximately correspond to the main parameters of the Dutch universal landing ships of the Rotterdam or Johan de Witt type, which were chosen as samples. These warships also have a displacement of 14-16 thousand tons, are capable of transporting up to 500-600 marines and carry on board 6 helicopters and the necessary set of floating landing craft.

However, the ship of the Priboy project is the future of the Russian fleet, this project has only reached the mock-up stage and it may take quite a while until it is built and put into service. for a long time. Below we will look at the large landing ships that the Russian Navy actually has or will very soon have (the Ivan Gren BDK should be accepted by the end of 2015).

BDK Project 1171 "Tapir"

The large landing ship (LHD) of the ocean zone of Project 1171 (code “Tapir”, according to the NATO codification “Alligator”) is designed for landing amphibious assault forces with military equipment on an unequipped coast with a low bottom slope, as well as transporting cargo and troops by sea. The ship is able to land landing units directly on the shore, and can launch floating equipment into the water. The lead ship of this project, “Voronezh Komsomolets,” was laid down on February 5, 1964 at the slipway of the Baltic shipyard No. 820 “Yantar” in Kaliningrad. The ship was launched on July 1, 1964. For all its shortcomings, it was the first large landing craft in the Soviet Union that could, with an expeditionary marine battalion on board, serve for some time in remote areas of the world's oceans. Over the ten years from 1964 to 1974, 14 ships of this project were built in the USSR, which were produced in four different options. For almost 20 years, Project 1171 ships formed the basis of the USSR's strategic landing forces.

The ship had a total displacement of 4650 tons, draft was 4.5 meters, length - 113.1 meters, width - 15.6 meters. The full speed of the BDK of the Tapir project was 16.5 knots. The cruising range was 4.8 thousand miles (approximately 8.9 thousand kilometers). The autonomy of a large landing ship in terms of supplies of provisions and fuel (without replenishing them during the voyage) for the first ships of the series was 10 days, for subsequent ships - 20 days.

The ship's disembarkation device includes a bow gate with a ramp, as well as a folding sealed lapport located at the stern. Equipment can be loaded onto a ship under its own power through the stern or bow landing device. To load cargo on the upper deck or through hatches in the tweendeck, the ship has special cranes. Landing from a ship can be carried out afloat, and non-floating equipment is landed directly on the coast, while the minimum bottom slope should be 2-3 degrees (depending on the mass of cargo taken on board the ship). Among other things, the Project 1171 BDK could be used for transporting ammunition, as well as for transporting missiles in containers.

The ship's power plant is diesel, consisting of two power units with a capacity of 4.5 thousand horsepower each (engine models differed depending on the modification of the ship). The armament could also be different and consisted of a twin 57-mm ZIF-31B universal naval artillery mount and two twin 25-mm 2M-3 guns. Also on the ship were mounted two installations of the Grad-M multiple launch rocket system, intended to support the landing force. For air defense, Strela-3 MANPADS were to be used.

The Project 1171 BDK could take on board up to 20 main battle tanks, about 45 armored personnel carriers, or 50 trucks and from 300 to 400 landing troops. The landing party members were housed in two cockpits under the first and fourth tween decks. In addition, the ship could be used to transport goods, taking on board up to 1000 tons of various cargo. In the bow of the ship there was a compartment for armored vehicles, and there was also a ramp closed by a sliding gate. A folding lapport was equipped at the stern of the ship for loading and unloading operations. The ship's crew consisted of 69 people, including 5 officers (Crew of 83 people, including 7 officers and 11 midshipmen for the large landing ship "Nikolai Vilkov", Pacific Fleet, 1990s). According to information from open sources, currently in service with the Russian Navy there are 4 large landing ships of Project 1171: 3 ships in the Black Sea Fleet and one ship in the Pacific Fleet.

BDK project 1174 "Rhinoceros"

The BDK of the ocean zone of Project 1174 (code “Rhinoceros”, according to the NATO codification Ivan Rogov) was intended for transporting and landing landing forces and military equipment on both equipped and unequipped coasts with a low bottom slope. The ship is able to land troops directly on the coast, floating equipment - on water, non-floating military equipment- with the help of special landing craft, landing personnel with portable equipment can also land ashore by helicopter.

In the process of designing the ship at the direction of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Soviet Union S.G. Gorshkov made changes to the project, which ultimately led to the creation of a very original universal landing ship with a relatively small displacement. As a result of changes to the project, a docking chamber appeared on the ship, and the composition of the air group stationed on board was increased. Changes to the project during the course of work were made under the impression of the US Navy's ongoing program for the construction of the Tarawa-class UDC. In the course of all the improvements, the accessibility of the shores for the Project 1174 landing craft became: for the bow gangway - 17%, for landing boats - more than 40%, for helicopters - 100%.

Ships of this project were built in the USSR from 1973 to 1988, a total of three such ships were built. The ships were laid down and built in Kaliningrad at the Baltic shipyard No. 820 "Yantar". Due to constant changes in the project, the lead ship of the Ivan Rogov series was ready only in 1978, 14 years after the technical specifications for its design were issued. In total, three such vessels were built in Kaliningrad: “Ivan Rogov” (1978), “Alexander Nikolaev” (1982) and “Mtrofan Moskalenko” (1990). The first ship was decommissioned from the fleet in 1996. The other two were placed in reserve in 1997 and 2002, respectively. After the story with the Mistrals, information appeared in the press about the study of the issue of restoring the ships and returning them to the Russian Navy.

The length of the ship of Project 1174 code "Rhino" was 157.5 meters, width - 23.8 meters, draft - 5 meters. The ship's total displacement was 14,060 tons. Full speed - 21 knots, cruising range at a speed of 18 knots and a normal fuel reserve of 4 thousand miles, with a maximum fuel reserve of 7,500 miles. The ship's power plant was gas turbine and included two power units with a capacity of 18 thousand hp each. every. The autonomy of navigation in terms of provisions was 15 days when there were 500 paratroopers on board or 30 days when there were 250 troops on board. The ship's crew consisted of 239 people, including 37 officers. To receive liquid and solid cargo at sea, the ship was equipped special systems.

The ships' armament varied depending on the modification and consisted of an AK-726 76.2 mm artillery mount, two AK-630 6x30 mm artillery mounts, two Grad-M multiple launch rocket system installations, and one Osa-M air defense system. (ammunition 20 missiles) and four Strela-3 MANPADS. Up to 4 Ka-29 transport and combat helicopters could be based on board the ship.

In the tank hold of the BDK and the docking chamber, in the absence of swimming equipment in it, it was possible to load up to 50 PT-76 tanks, 80 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, or up to 120 vehicles. In this case, the equipment could be loaded on board in various combinations. Also on board it was possible to accommodate up to 500 landing troops in several cockpits and four-berth officer cabins, or to accommodate 1,700 tons of various cargo. To unload non-floating military equipment onto the shore, up to 6 landing craft of Project 1785 or Project 1176 could be received in the docking chamber of the ship. Or three landing hovercraft of Project 1206 or air-cavity landing craft of Project 11770 “Serna”.

BDK project 775

BDK project 775 for needs Soviet fleet were built in Poland at the Stocznia Polnocna shipyard, in the city of Gdansk. The ships were built from 1974 to 1991; a total of 28 ships of this project were built here in three different modifications. Initially they were classified as medium landing ships (SDK), but in 1977 they were reclassified as BDK. Currently, ships of this project are the most massive landing craft in the Russian fleet, forming the basis of the Russian landing fleet. There are 15 ships of this type remaining in service, and taking into account the Ukrainian BDK Konstantin Olshansky captured by Russian military personnel in 2014, there are 16.

Landing ships of Project 775 were created to replace the large landing ship of Project 1171. The new ship was supposed to receive more powerful weapons and improved survivability, unlike Project 1171, which was made on the basis of a dry cargo ship. Project 775 ships were initially designed as vessels specifically designed for landing operations. They were supposed to take an intermediate position between the Rhinos and KFOR. Project 775 BDKs have a length of 112.5 meters, a width of 15 meters, a draft of 4.26 meters, and the total displacement of the ship is 4,400 tons. Full speed is 17.6 knots, cruising range is up to 4 thousand miles (about 7.4 thousand kilometers), navigation autonomy is up to 30 days. Two Zgoda-Sulzer diesel engines were used as the power plant, developing a power of 9.6 thousand hp each. every.

The armament of ships of this project varied depending on the modifications. Initially, it was planned to install two twin 57-mm AK-725 artillery mounts with remote guidance. To increase firepower and air defense systems, Project 775M ships were equipped with a 76.2 mm AK-176 artillery mount and two AK-630M 6x30 mm artillery mounts. To suppress the enemy’s coastal defenses and destroy his manpower, two Grad-M MLRS launchers were installed on Project 775 landing ships. Strela-3 and Igla MANPADS could be used as air defense systems.

Project 775 ships were initially designed to transport by sea a reinforced company of marines or 225 paratroopers and 10 tanks. The dimensions of the cargo compartment are 95x4.5x4.5 meters; the ship could also take on board up to 480 tons of various cargo. The paratroopers were housed in several cockpits, and the officers in four-berth cabins. The ship's crew consisted of 98 people, including 8 officers.

BDK project 11711 "Ivan Gren"

Large landing ships of Project 11711 (according to the NATO codification Ivan Gren) are a project of new large landing ships of the Russian fleet, designed for landing troops, transporting cargo, military equipment and equipment. This landing ship is a further development of the Project 1171 Tapir ships, while most of the ship’s design has undergone major changes. On June 11, 2015, at the Yantar Baltic Shipyard in Kaliningrad, the laying ceremony of the second large landing craft of Project 11711 “Pyotr Morgunov” took place. The lead ship of the Ivan Gren series was laid down at the Kaliningrad shipyard in December 2004, the ship was launched in May 2012, and the ship's delivery to the military is scheduled for 2015. In total, by 2020, the Russian Navy was supposed to receive 6 ships of this type.

When creating the ship, much attention was paid to the living conditions of the crew and landing party. Loading military equipment onto a ship is possible in two ways: independently using ramps, or using port or deck cargo cranes through a four-leaf cargo hatch located in the upper deck. These hatches also make it possible to ventilate the below-deck space when, immediately before landing, combat vehicles start their engines running at idle speed, which leads to the filling of the landing space with exhaust gases. To carry out loading and unloading operations in the area of ​​the cargo hatch, the ship has a crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons and two boat cranes designed for working with motor boats and lifeboats.

The total displacement of the BDK "Ivan Gren" is 5000 tons, which makes it the largest among all BDKs of the Russian fleet in service at this moment time. The full speed is 18 knots, the cruising range is up to 3,500 nautical miles at a speed of 16 knots. Navigation autonomy - up to 30 days. The ship's crew consists of 100 people. Military equipment is located on the tank deck inside the large landing craft; these can be either main battle tanks weighing up to 60 tons (13 tanks), or infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers (up to 36 units), or 300 landing troops.

The weapons on board the ship are two Grad-M MLRS launchers, two AK-630M 6x30mm artillery mounts, as well as a 76.2 mm AK-176 universal artillery mount. In addition, the ship is capable of hosting one Ka-29 transport and combat helicopter. According to some information, the Igla-V complex can be used as an air defense system.

Information sources:

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