Dmitry Malikov’s parents spoke about his newborn son from a surrogate mother. Biography of Dmitry Malikov, personal life and latest news Biography and personal life of singer Dmitry Malikov

Do you know what path to success Dmitry Malikov took? Are you interested in the biography and personal life of the singer? All necessary information contained in the article. We wish you pleasant reading!

Dmitry Malikov, biography: childhood

The singer and musician was born on January 29, 1970 in the Russian capital. His parents are representatives creative professions. Mom (Lyudmila Mikhailovna) worked as a dancer, and father (Yuri Fedorovich) was always a musician. The parents had high hopes for their son. They were confident that Dima would definitely glorify their family name. WITH early years his father tried to instill in him a love of music. He put headphones on his son and turned on Beatles songs. The kid really liked it.

Before Dmitry’s eyes, VIA “Gems”, created by his father, was gaining popularity. In the early 70s, the songs of this group could be heard from every window. And records were produced in millions of copies and sold out in a few days.

Success always has reverse side medals, not very pleasant. Dmitry Malikov knows this firsthand. His parents often went on tour around the country. At this time, the grandfather and grandmother were raising the boy. They doted on their grandson and tried to invest a lot of kindness and goodness into him. After so many years, we can say that their labors were not in vain. Dmitry Malikov is not only a wonderful musician, but also kindest soul Human.


In September 1977, our hero went to first grade. Unlike other children, he enjoyed studying. Teachers celebrated the boy’s successes, but at the same time called him “fatherless.” And all because they did not personally know Dima’s parents. Later I came to the same school to study younger sister Inna. They are 7 years apart. The girl was constantly given an example of her talented brother.


The biography of Dmitry Malikov indicates that from an early age he demonstrated musical and vocal abilities. As a second-grade student, the boy, together with his friend Vovka Presnyakov, created a mini-ensemble. Both of them benefited from this experience. Our hero played the piano, and his friend mastered the drums.

For several years in a row, Dmitry performed as a pianist at school holidays. His classmates respected him and admired his talent. They had no doubt that this man would achieve a lot in the musical field.

Dima composed his first song at the age of 14. It was called "Iron Soul". The composition was about a robot that no one heard or understood. In 1985, our hero graduated from 8th grade. His parents insisted that he transfer to the Merzlyakov School, created at the conservatory. The guy supported their decision.


In parallel with his studies, Dmitry took his first steps on the stage. He showed himself as talented composer. The songs he wrote were included in Larisa Dolina’s repertoire. His father gave Dima the opportunity to participate in concerts of VIA “Gems”. The guy played on keyboard instruments.

In 1986, Malikov Jr. made his solo debut. In the program “Wider Circle” he performed the song “I am painting a picture.” A year later, Dima was invited to the program “ morning Star" Our hero readily agreed.

The biography of Dmitry Malikov as a serious singer began in June 1988. It was then that he first performed on the big stage. This happened at a concert organized by the newspaper " TVNZ" The listeners really liked both songs performed by Dima. One was called “You will never be mine”, and the second was “Moonlight Dream”.

Our hero was seen in "New Year's Light" (1989). There he presented a new composition - “Until Tomorrow”.

Career development

The biography of Dmitry Malikov says that by the age of 20, the singer already had his own audience, several hits and decent touring experience. Many artists could only dream about this. In November 1990, the Olympic Sports Complex hosted solo concerts Dima Malikov. Tickets sold out in a few days. Among his listeners and fans were people of different ages.

In 1992, director A. Proshkin offered Dmitry a role in his film “See Paris and Die.” The singer thinks for a long time, but still gives a positive answer. He was involved in filming for almost 3 months. In the film, Malikov played a pianist, a graduate of the conservatory. Our hero easily got used to the image that was close to him. In the same year, Dmitry released his first collection of hits. It is followed by two albums - “With You” and “Until Tomorrow”. Fans are literally sweeping his CDs off the shelves.

In June 1994, Malikov Jr. received a diploma from the conservatory. He considered this a worthy reward for his efforts. Between 1994 and 1997, Malikov wrote dozens of new songs and compositions.

Change of image

In 1997, the “new” Dmitry Malikov appeared on the scene. The singer’s biography, family - all this still interested his fans. But when they saw their pet without long hair, then even more questions arose. There were rumors that the singer had lost his full head of hair due to a serious illness. But Dmitry just wanted to change his image. At one of the concerts he performed the song “You’re the One.” Soon our hero pleased his fans with such a hit as “My Distant Star.”

Filming in videos, communicating with journalists, touring - the artist lived in such a busy schedule for 10 years. IN Lately he rarely appears on television. But this does not mean that Malikov has finally said goodbye to the stage. The long-haired romantic enjoys performing at concerts with his artist friends. In addition, our hero tried on himself new role- producer. He created his own studio where aspiring performers record. The born musician liked this kind of work. Now he has more free time to communicate with his beloved family.

Dmitry Malikov, biography: wife

Thousands of fans follow the singer’s creative successes. Some of them don't know anything about marital status your pet. We have to disappoint them: the Russian showbiz star has been married for a long time. Who is she - the wife of Dmitry Malikov? Do you know her biography? Let's start with the fact that her name is Elena. She is 7 years older than her husband. At the time they met, Lena had already divorced her first husband and was raising a first-grader daughter.

The famous singer was fascinated by the beauty and kindness of the girl. He looked after her beautifully: he presented her with huge bouquets of flowers and expensive jewelry, took her to restaurants and invited her to his own concerts. Soon Elena agreed to live together with Dmitry. However, they officially registered their relationship only after the birth of their common daughter Stephanie. This happened in 2000.

Information about the singer's daughter

Stefania Malikova was born on February 13, 2000. Her famous dad was incredibly happy. He devoted every free minute to his beloved daughter. From an early age the girl was surrounded by affection and care. She was dressed like a little princess. Dad always bought the toys she wanted.

Stephanie's main hobby is model business. Already at the age of 9, she announced to her relatives her desire to become a fashion model. The girl dreamed of participating in shows held in Paris, Milan and New York. Today Stesha's hobbies have changed a little. She enjoys drawing and fashion design. And the young blond beauty loves to be photographed. She takes most of the pictures herself. But sometimes he turns to professional photographers. Her profile on the social network Instagram is replenished with thousands of subscribers every month.

But Stefania shows no interest in music and singing. Elena and Dmitry did not force their daughter to learn all this. Moreover, dad knows what a difficult path to success must be taken.


In January of this year popular singer turned 45 years old. At first, our hero was going to celebrate the anniversary in a family setting, inviting only close people and relatives. But a week before the big date, he changed his mind. Malikov spent his birthday at CROCUS CITY HALL. The singer appeared on stage several times to please the guests with his hits. His devoted fans and showbiz colleagues came to congratulate Dmitry on his anniversary.


The biography of Dmitry Malikov indicates that we have before us an amazingly talented and hardworking person. Not every artist on our stage has such qualities. Let's wish him creative success!

// Photo: Roman Sukhodeev /

The singer became a father for the second time on January 24: his son was born at the Ava-Peter reproductive medicine clinic in St. Petersburg. 48-year-old Dmitry and 54-year-old wife Elena have long dreamed of an heir. To implement their plan, the couple resorted to the services of a surrogate mother. “This is the main event of the past year of my life,” Dmitry admitted. “I’m absolutely happy!” Dmitry’s friends and family told StarHit about the child’s first photo shoot, Malikov’s bachelor party and the shock experienced by the artist’s daughter.

"Just a doll"

Grandparents were among the first to meet the new family member. Dmitry and Elena and their baby arrived home from St. Petersburg on the singer’s birthday - January 29, at 22:30.

“I held my grandson in my arms, shook him, and shed a tear,” Malikov’s father, Yuri Fedorovich, tells StarHit. – The boy is strong, his height and weight are normal. We also conducted the first shooting there, which lasted five minutes. Lena's eldest daughter Olya Izakson acted as the photographer; she is a professional in this matter. The baby endured everything calmly, did not cry, and carefully looked at those around him. Then the parents put the child to bed, and we drank a glass of champagne for his health.”

For the elder Malikovs, the birth of their grandson was a surprise. “We were waiting for this event, but did not know on what day it would happen,” continues Yuri Fedorovich. “And they didn’t really ask, it’s still a personal matter.” When Dmitry and Elena reported eldest daughter Stefania about the desire to have another child, for her it came as a complete surprise.

“It was a shock,” Stesha admitted to StarHit. “But then the realization came that it was best gift for my dad's birthday and my upcoming 18th birthday. The baby is a real doll, one can only dream of such things.”

If earlier Stefania was the epicenter of the family’s attention, now she will have to share it with her younger brother. “I’m already past the age when jealousy can get the better of me,” continues the 17-year-old girl. – I’m sure my parents treat Olya, me and my brother the same. Introducing myself mother of many children. Could I love someone less and someone more? This is simply impossible."

Stesha carefully prepared for the return of Elena and Dmitry from the Northern capital. “The whole house was decorated with blue balloons and lilacs - these are my mother’s favorite flowers,” says the girl. “I also helped furnish the nursery; we chose the best.” Now my brother is too young to sing lullabies for him. For now he just sleeps, eats and walks. When he gets older, I will definitely read him fairy tales about a prince on a white horse and a princess in a blue dress. It's so cool!"

"It's a joke, I guess"

Actors musical performance Dmitry Malikov’s “Turn the Game” learned about the upcoming event a day before it became public knowledge. “We have a WhatsApp group where we discuss news,” Gleb Podgorodinsky tells StarHit. “When we heard about the child, at first we thought it was a prank. They decided that Dmitry was probably joking. But it turned out not. They inundated him with congratulations. He kept everything a secret, never said a word - neither at rehearsals, nor at performances.”

The artist celebrated the appearance of the heir and his birthday with a bachelor party at the Georgian restaurant “Kazbek” on January 31. The guests of the holiday were close friends, including composer Vladimir Matetsky, singer Valery Syutkin, and actor Igor Ugolnikov. Many came with gifts for the newborn.

“There were congratulations and toasts, everyone shared the feelings they experienced upon learning about Dima’s happiness,” Matetsky tells StarHit. – In principle, the birth of a child is a common thing, but surrogacy is an unusual thing. Well done Malikovs for deciding to take this step! They also talked about what profession the heir would choose and whether he would follow in his father’s footsteps. I wished my friend joy, because it is great luck to become a dad as an adult. Dima said that the boy’s name had not yet been chosen, and I, as Leonardovich’s patronymic, suggested calling my son Leonard. I don’t know if he’ll listen.”

Malikov Dmitry
22 rebounds, 1 of them this month


Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of All-Russian and international festivals and competitions

Born on January 29, 1970 in Moscow. Father - Malikov Yuri Fedorovich, Honored Artist of Russia, creator and artistic director VIA "Gems". Mother - Vyunkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, formerly a ballet soloist, now concert director of Dmitry Malikov's group. Sister Malikova Inna, a graduate of the acting department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, made her debut as a singer in 2000 with solo album"Who Was Right" (J.S.P. Company). Wife - Elena. Daughter - Stefania (born in 2000).

In 1970, musician and composer Yuri Malikov experienced two important events in life - the birth of his son Dmitry and the creation of VIA "Gems". Fate gave Dmitry Malikov a unique chance to join the world of music from an early age. Before his eyes, Dima Malikov dreamed of becoming a hockey player. 1976 All-Union glory comes to his parents. Famous musicians visited their house, and since childhood, Dima was surrounded by a creative atmosphere of creating new songs and discussing concert performances. Instead of lullabies, his grandmother played him records with Gems songs, and at the age of one and a half years, Dima himself put on headphones and listened to the records." The Beatles", brought by his father from abroad. As a child, Dmitry Malikov dreamed of being a hockey player, and from the age of five he was engaged in music school in piano, went on tour a lot with my parents. Dmitry Malikov's first performances as a pianist took place at school concerts. At the age of 14, he composed his first song, “Iron Soul.” It was then that Dima Malikov finally abandoned his childhood dream of becoming an athlete. The piano becomes the second part of his “I”.

In 1985 after finishing 8th grade high school Dmitry Malikov enters the School of Music at the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time he makes the first independent steps on stage, plays keyboard instruments in composition of VIA"Gems". Even then, the songs of the young composer entered the repertoire of the ensemble, as well as the singer Larisa Dolina. Dmitry Malikov. School of Music. 1985 Dmitry’s television debut took place in 1986 in the program “Wider Circle” with the song “I’m Painting a Picture” (lyrics by Liliya Vinogradova). In Yuri Nikolaev's program "Morning Mail" in 1987, Dmitry Malikov presented new song"Terem-teremok". Dmitry Malikov's first performance on the big stage with the songs “Moonlight Dream” (lyrics by Liliya Vinogradova) and “You will never be mine” (lyrics by David Samoilov) took place on June 25, 1988 in Gorky Park. These songs were loved by young people and immediately entered various charts. The song “Moonlight Dream” became the record holder of the most authoritative hit parade at that time “Sound Track”, remaining in the list of hits whole year. In "New Year's Light" in 1989, Dmitry presented his new song "Until Tomorrow" (lyrics Alexander Shaganov), which to this day is considered his " business card" and traditionally ends concert performances. It most fully expresses the essence of his work - a beautiful melody, carefully executed arrangement, light optimistic text.

After its release on the All-Union television screen, real success came to Dmitry Malikov. His songs (“Student”, “Sing to Me”, “Golden Braids”, “Marriage Cortege”, “Poor Heart”, “Everything Will Return”, “Native Side” and others) topped the country’s leading charts. Dmitry Malikov's performances were packed concert halls and stadiums, he gained a huge number of fans all over the country, he is Dmitry Malikov after the concert. The year 1989 experienced a real mania around its name. But he admitted that this unexpected success he was unable to turn his head, so after graduating from music school in 1989, Dmitry Malikov entered the piano department of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of Professor V. V. Kastelsky). He did not give up the pop stage; he combined studies at the conservatory with touring activities. Classical education became the necessary foundation on which all his work is now built. In the summer of 1989, Dmitry Malikov was invited as a guest of honor to the international festival of popular music in Sopot. Noting the singer’s great popularity and wide interest in his work, the Sopot News newspaper wrote: “Dmitry Malikov is a professional in the kind of music that people in Europe enjoy listening to in discos.” In Poland alone, 5 of his fan clubs were immediately created; their number in Russia numbered in the hundreds. The first solo concerts of singer Dmitry Malikov in Moscow took place in November 1990 at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, which seats 18 thousand spectators.

In 1993, composer and singer Dmitry Malikov made his debut in a new acting field, playing the role of a pianist, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in feature film"See Paris and Die" directed by Alexander Proshkin ("Cold Summer of '53", "Mikhailo Lomonosov"). The main roles in the film played with him famous actors Tatiana Dmitry Malikov and Oscar. Duet "Baroque". 1993 Vasilyeva, Stanislav Lyubshin, Vladimir Steklov. At the same time, in 1993, the single “Don”t Be Afraid” was released in Germany (studio “Coconut”) performed by the duet “Baroque”, consisting of the black singer Oscar and Dmitry Malikov. Their duet, where he acted as a composer and arranger and pianist, were repeatedly invited to take part in music shows on German TV. In 1994, Dmitry Malikov graduated with honors from the Moscow Conservatory, at the same time releasing a collection of his first hits “Until Tomorrow” (J.S.P. Company) and recording. new album“Come to Me” (J.S.P. Company), which already has its own concept. It is noteworthy that in addition to songs, composer Dmitry Malikov included two of his instrumental compositions in it for the first time, clearly indicating new round in a creative search. From now on, the creation of instrumental music occupies one of the important areas of creativity of the singer and composer Dmitry Malikov. In the album “100 Nights” (Rec Records) in 1996, Dmitry Malikov once again demonstrated his desire to be a fashionable performer, while he used rich classical and folk musical material to create hits.

Parallel to career pop singer Dmitry Malikov devotes a lot of time classical music and practicing the piano. Viewers could appreciate his performing skills as a pianist in 1995 in the television program “Paradise Cocktail”, where he performed on Dmitry Malikov at the piano. 2003 Godroyal concert by Franz Liszt with an orchestra conducted by Konstantin Kremets. In 1997, Dmitry Malikov's piano concerts took place in Stuttgart (Germany). In the spring of 1997, he finally realized his long-time dream of releasing an album of his instrumental music, called “Fear of Flying” (Rec Records). This serious orchestral-symphonic album showed another facet of the talent of composer Dmitry Malikov. In 2001, the Universal Music company published his second instrumental album, “Game,” which included piano arrangements of popular Russian songs. Instrumental compositions by Dmitry Malikov are heard in television programs, used as soundtracks in documentaries. In 2004, the album "Fear of Flying" underwent a second edition, which confirms the demand for instrumental music in Russia. Composer Dmitry Malikov plans to continue working on instrumental music, creating music for the theater and soundtracks for films.

It develops successfully and variety career singer Dmitry Malikov. In his songs included in the 1998 album “My Distant Star” (J.S.P. Company), new motives appear, Dmitry Malikov. 1997 sounds more soulful, soulful lyrics and even irony. On this disc, Dima performed for the first time several songs by other composers - Viktor Reznikov, Nikolai Shipilov, Igor Kamensky. In 2000, the album "Beads" (Iceberg Music) was released, which pleased lovers of high-quality dance music. This album also featured the release of his famous hit “Happy Birthday, Mom,” which significantly expanded the age audience of the composer and singer Dmitry Malikov. In 2002, the song album “Love Story” (CD Land) was released, which became his eighth and so far last solo project. But now Dmitry pays a lot of attention to releasing hit singles. New songs by Dmitry Malikov (“Mama Summer”, “Don’t Be Bored”, “Cherry Resin”, “With clean slate", "If") become popular, are heard on television and radio, and are regularly included in the country's charts. Collections of his songs are constantly appearing on sale best songs, which are in demand among listeners of different ages.

Malikov PIANOMANI In 2007, Dmitry Malikov presented his author's project "PIANOMANIA". He, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, had long been expected to return to the classical mainstream. But he decided not to follow the beaten path and for the first time announces a real instrumental show “PIANOMANIA”, which simply has no analogues in Russia. Deep traditions of Russian classics, handwriting of famous instrumental orchestras world, ethnic motifs and modern arrangements. With such a non-standard approach to modern music Composer and pianist Dmitry Malikov delighted the audience. Mixing styles in search of new genres is more relevant than ever at the turn of the millennium. This concert is predicted big success far beyond the borders of our country. As part of the project, in February the premiere of a solo instrumental concert on the NTV channel was successfully held, the album "PIANOMANIA" was published, and on April 12, 13, 14, the premiere of an instrumental show at the Moscow Operetta Theater (directed by Dmitry Chernyakov) was held to full houses. .

Dmitry Malikov's constant collaborators are songwriters - Liliya Vinogradova, Alexander Shaganov, Vladimir Baranov, Lara D" Eliya. In 2000, Dmitry Malikov acted as a producer dance project"Plasma". A separate page in the work of composer and singer Dmitry Malikov is occupied by video clips, many of which have already become classics of Russian music video production (VHS “My Distant Star” (J.S.P. Company, 2000) and DVD “Love Story” (CD Land, 2003) were published. Total in videography of the composer and singer Dmitry Malikov, more than 20 clips, some of which were shot by famous domestic video directors Oleg Gusev, Mikhail Dmitry MalikovKhleborodov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Yuri Grymov, Georgy Gavrilov, Irina Mironova. In his work, this is also evident. in his videos, which he invited as directors - editor-in-chief of the magazine “OM” Igor Grigoriev, photographer Dmitry Vlasenkov. Videos for Dmitry Malikov’s songs “I’ll drink to the bottom” and “My distant star” were recognized as laureates of the national video clip festival “Generation”. On November 22, 1999, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Malikov was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia.” Lives and works in Moscow. Dmitry Malikov - laureate national award"Ovation" in the nomination "For intellectual contribution to the development of youth music" (2000). For creative path Dmitry Malikov has repeatedly become a laureate of the “Song of the Year” television festival. In 1995 at VII international festival "The World Music Awards" in Monte Carlo he was awarded in the category "Worlds best-selling recording-artist of the year". Dmitry Malikov is the winner of the people's award "Golden Gramophone" radio station " Russian radio"(1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005), the "Stopudovy Hit" award of the radio "Hit - FM" (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003).

Name: Dmitriy Malikov

Age: 49 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 183 cm; Weight: 86 kg

Activity: singer, composer, TV presenter

Marital status: married to Elena Malikova

Dmitry Malikov: biography

Dmitry Malikov is a wonderful composer whose songs have been sung for many generations; he is a pianist and singer. He can be seen as a TV presenter and actor. A lot of directions creative activity this talented man.

Childhood, family of Dmitry Malikov

Such a versatile personality of a boy from Moscow is explained by the fact that Dmitry’s parents devoted their entire lives to music, and the child spent his childhood with his grandmother. Everyone with whom Dima came into contact added their skills, their own piece, to their upbringing.

Parents are real stars. Father - Honored Artist of Russia - Yuri Malikov. Mother - soloist of the capital's music hall - Lyudmila Vyunkova. Both parents glorified their names thanks to the still famous Gems ensemble.

Who can dispute the fact that Malikov’s biography has been determined? The entire time that his parents were on tour, Dima stayed with his grandmother. Valentina Feoktistovna loved her grandson very much, forgave him a lot, and did not forbid him to play with the children in the yard.

The boy most often ran away from music lessons, which greatly upset his grandmother. From the age of seven, Dima began to care about helping to raise his new sister, Inna.

Dmitry Malikov - music, songs

From the age of fourteen, the teenager himself was drawn to music, began to play at school and even organized entire concerts. Dmitry created songs himself, and then performed them for his classmates and relatives. Sports and yard games have faded into the background. With eighth grade behind him, Dmitry decided to seriously study music. There was a music school at the Moscow Conservatory, where the younger Malikov entered. Along the way, Dima performed with the Gems. Several songs by the novice composer were in the ensemble's repertoire, they were performed by Larisa Dolina.

The beginning of the career of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry was first seen by millions of viewers in the program “Wider Circle”, then he was only 16 years old, and he already sang beautifully. The young man did not go unnoticed, and already in next year ended up with new song on the Morning Post. There was no end to fans and admirers. Many of Malikov’s songs, as soon as they saw the light of day, became hits and rose to the very top of the charts.

The young singer and composer was “Singer of the Year” for two years. Good start creative biography so much at a young age. At the age of 20, the aspiring pop artist had solo concerts and filled the stands of the Olympic Stadium.

Career growth of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry combines touring with studies, graduated from the conservatory with honors, gives classical music concerts in Germany, and releases his first instrumental album. Writes compositions for documentaries and feature films.

In recognition of Malikov’s talent, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, and a little later he received the Ovation Award. A year after the award, the singer releases his second album. Since then, not a single concert or “Song of the Year” has taken place without Dmitry Malikov.

2007 in career junior Malikov marked the year of the implementation of a grandiose, ambitious project that combined Russian classical music and folk motifs. This project became a real show, which twice sold out at the Moscow Opera (“PIANOMANIЯ”). Those who could not get into the hall for the show sold out one hundred thousand albums of the same name. The composer often pleases his fans with his appeal to different styles in music. Actively collaborates with the Imperial Russian Ballet of Taranda, with the symphony orchestra, and with the theater choir " New Opera».

Having united all the listed groups, Malikov presented a new musical show in 40 cities in France. Spectators in Paris, Cannes and Marseille filled the halls. The composer continues to release Studio albums their plays and songs. Under the leadership of Dmitry, it was successfully brought to life educational project“Music Lessons”, which provides composer lessons for young musicians.

Dmitry Malikov today

The singer himself admits that in currently no longer keeps up with fashion in music. But Malikov’s creative nature does not give him a peaceful existence with himself. She leads him forward, and Dmitry finds satisfaction in acting as a producer.

Tries to give new life those songs that were previously loved by listeners and viewers, but today are undeservedly forgotten. Dmitry Yuryevich often appears as a guest on various television programs.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

In the life of Dmitry, young, handsome, stately young man there were always a lot of fans. On his part, ardent love for the singer first appeared

Among the many artists on the Russian stage there are recognized stars. Not only their work, but also their biography attracts close attention. Dmitry Malikov is one of these figures.

Famous singer and National artist Russian Federation Dmitry Malikov was born in Moscow in 1970, January 29. It must be said that music quickly became his main hobby. While still at school, he began to study it, honing his performing skills. The piano became my favorite instrument. The parents noticed their son’s talent very quickly, and as a result, at the age of 15, Dmitry Malikov, whose biography is replete with interesting events, entered the music school. He studied well. This is evidenced by the certificate received six years later from the Moscow State Conservatory (of course, in piano class).

The singer and composer wrote his very first songs at the age of fifteen (“I am painting a picture”, “Sunny City”, “House on a Cloud”). A little later, his works began to be performed by famous artists, which brought even greater popularity. Thus, “House on a Cloud” was performed. Undoubtedly, his biography is successful. Dmitry Malikov soon wrote the songs “You’ll Never Be Mine,” “Until Tomorrow,” and “Moonlight Dream,” which became hits. They were performed literally everywhere, women from all over the country sang. The popularity gave results - fans began to show interest not only in creativity famous composer, but also to his personal life. He sang too beautifully and romantically about love. In addition, his appearance also contributed to this - Dmitry has always been distinguished by his beauty and charm.

Soon he was awarded the “Discovery of the Year” award, and two years later received the title “Singer of the Year”. Official awards and fame fell on him at the age of 20, but did not turn his head. Numerous articles and photographs began to appear in various newspapers and magazines, where his biography was also covered. Dmitry Malikov began giving his first solo concerts. The career was going uphill, more and more new songs appeared.

The singer and composer was noted on film set. So, in 1992, he starred in the film “See Paris and Die”, later appeared in “Old Songs about the Main Thing”, and in 2010 in the film “Still I Love”. Participation in films attracted even more fans and admirers to the artist. By the way, his biography (Dmitry Malikov makes no secret of this) is also marked by successes in the field of classical music. In 1997, he held a series of piano concerts, presenting his first instrumental album, which he called “Fear of Flying,” and ten years later he presented it to the public great show, dedicated to modern arrangements of classical music, ethnic motifs and a variety of instrumental compositions. The director participated in the creation of this project called “Pianomania.” The piano concerts were also successful during tours in France (Paris, Lille, Cannes, Nantes, Marseille and other cities).

The artist’s family still attracts a lot of attention from the public and the press) is happy and successful not only on stage. Life with singer Natalya Vetlitskaya did not work out, and now the singer is married to a girl who came from Tula. The couple has two children ( own daughter and a girl from his wife’s first marriage).

Dmitry Malikov has a lot of plans. He is actively involved in many projects, writes new songs, and does not forget about classical music, performing as a pianist with symphony orchestras.

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