Drawing farewell to winter in pencil. The best congratulations on Maslenitsa in pictures with beautiful wishes

Maslenitsa is one of the holidays that has come to us since pagan times and has not lost its relevance to this day. Traditionally, it is accompanied by mass celebrations, eating pancakes and burning effigy. Orthodoxy timed Maslenitsa to coincide with the beginning of Lent, thereby somewhat changing its meaning. Many famous artists captured the folk festivities on this day in their paintings. When preparing for a celebration, it is customary to draw pictures, and we will tell you how to do this simply and beautifully in the material below.

Since it is customary to see off winter on a special scale, mass competitions and colorful festivities, depict a small plot in the picture.

First of all, you need to make a sketch with light and barely noticeable lines. In the center of the sheet place the outline of a child and a Maslenitsa scarecrow, in the background there are snowdrifts, and with right side- a woman with pancakes and a cat.

Draw Maslenitsa’s face, headdress, hands and clothes, draw firewood under it.

Draw clear outlines of the remaining characters in the drawing.

On background draw objects and others acting characters your drawing, such as people on horses, houses, church, animals, etc.

Draw clear outlines and erase the excess.

Color it to your liking. Since the holiday itself is bright and associated with joy and fun, try to choose bright and rich shades.

How to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa with a pencil

How to draw pancakes for Maslenitsa

Pancakes are a traditional dish that is eaten on Maslenitsa and they are not prepared for fun. They are a symbol of home comfort, sun and warmth. It’s easy to draw a stack of pancakes by drawing each pancake, making it individual.

1. Draw an oval without connecting its bottom line, as shown in the picture.

2. In the center of the oval, draw an imitation of a dripping piece of butter.

3. To the first oval, draw the next ovals step by step. They do not have to be perfectly smooth to maintain their naturalness.

4. Draw the plate and steam from the pancakes.

5. Color.

How to draw Maslenitsa 2nd grade

Before you start drawing, think over the storyline. Think about who or what you want to depict. In the second grade, children generally do not know how to draw complex storylines, so we suggest drawing a simple drawing that the child can color with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Draw the outline of the face of the future heroine of your plot. Draw the bangs, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth and eyebrows.

Draw a scarf for the girl.

Draw the upper part of the fur coat and the hands in mittens. Draw the outline of the plate between the mittens.

Then draw the fur coat and felt boots.

Draw a stack of pancakes on the plate.

How to draw the burning of an effigy on Maslenitsa

It’s hard to imagine celebrating Maslenitsa without burning a Maslenitsa effigy at the stake. The drawing should start with drawing the main character and the fire.

As you can see, drawing Maslenitsa and entire plot lines of the drawing is not so difficult. All you need to do is arm yourself with imagination and free time. You can come up with countless other options for paintings, which all need to start with sketches, not forgetting about chiaroscuro. Grouping harmoniously characters, you will achieve a beautiful result.

The ancient Russian holiday Maslenitsa is always celebrated cheerfully, widely, and freely. Its meaning is the change of frosty winter in spring, the transition from a panorama of monochromatic snowy streets to multi-colored ones: golden rays, green grass, yellow dandelions, blue skyMain character creations of the artist’s brush – Maslenitsa in the form of a scarecrow. You can often see in such paintings a fire with bright flames, people walking, and even counters laden with dishes of hot pancakes... And yet, without a scarecrow, the picture will not be real. Let's figure out how to draw Maslenitsa step by step.

Work on your figure and outfit

First, you need to understand that the scarecrow is a woman made of straw, dressed in a sundress, with a scarf on her head. Sometimes the stuffed animal is additionally dressed in an apron. Clothing, as a rule, conveys national motifs. You don’t have to work on the face, that is, the eyes, mouth and nose are not required.

At the top there should be a crossbar along which the arms will be stretched. The next stage is a sketch of the head. Next, we move on to outlining the contours of clothing - a scarf, a sundress.

Before you draw Maslenitsa, you should draw a pole on which it will stand.

Now that the general sketch is ready, you can start working on more small details: ornament on the apron, folds on the dress. You can make a couple of patches, or even some unfixed holes. Next you should mark the legs and arms of the stuffed animal. Since drawing Maslenitsa step by step is not so difficult, the artist can show his imagination and “tie” colored ribbons fluttering in the wind to the pole.

How to draw Maslenitsa: reviving the image with colored paints

It’s good if the palette is replete with warm beautiful colors. The most suitable are:

  • orange;
  • peach;
  • yellow;
  • bright red.

They will add softness to the whole picture and remind you that the long-awaited spring is coming very soon!

To understand how to draw Maslenitsa, you do not need to study numerous manuals for artists; it is enough to have basic drawing skills. It’s also important to tune in to receive quality results work, be creative. To do this, it’s good to go outside, breathe in fresh, almost spring air and great mood get to work.

Maslenitsa is a holiday with centuries-old traditions. It symbolizes the transition from winter to spring, from cold to warmth, from dark and boring colors to bright and cheerful colors. The holiday is accompanied by folk festivities, laughter, jokes, performances, games and treats.

Drawing Maslenitsa is not easy. In order to create a picture with many characters, objects, details, you need the experience and skill of the artist. However, do not be discouraged. You can convey the spring, festive mood by depicting the main symbols of Maslenitsa, one or more. Its main attributes are the sun, pancakes, scarecrow and fire. Before you draw Maslenitsa, you need to imagine future picture, think through the plot, details. Holiday symbols should take center stage.

Scarecrow Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is not only a holiday. This is the name of the effigy that is burned on the last day of the holiday week, on Forgiveness Sunday. Most often, Maslenitsa is made from straw, in the form of a woman in a scarf and a worn sundress, and secured on a pole. Her clothing is dominated by folk motifs, and facial features may be absent or crudely drawn.

Taking into account the above points, you can start drawing Maslenitsa.

You need to draw a pole with a crossbar for the arms and a head.

Outline the outer contours of the dress and scarf.

Draw details of clothing, patterns, patches, holes.

Draw the straw base of the stuffed animal: face, arms, legs.

Since it’s not difficult to draw Maslenitsa step by step, creative process shouldn't cause any problems. The stuffed animal can be painted: it is better to choose bright and warm shades. Be sure to use red, orange and yellow colors. Folk motifs in patterns, rough and simple lines of the design are welcome.


The most colorful part of the holiday is considered to be the moment of burning the effigy, so next to Maslenitsa a bonfire or individual flames are often depicted. You can draw a burning scarecrow.

It is more convenient to draw fire in stages. First you need to outline the main flames. You should remember about chiaroscuro: one side of the fire is always darker. Draw transitions on each fiery tongue. In order for the shadow to appear realistic and continuous, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working and shade tightly.

Add secondary flames and apply shading.

If necessary, add fire from below and increase the volume of the fire. Trace the outline of each tongue with a thin, sharp pencil.

If you only need fire, then outline a circle of light, reflections of the flame. To depict a fire, add sketches of firewood. Outline the size, shape, texture of the wood.

The last stage is the final shading, the transfer of light and shade.

The drawing can be colored or left in pencil.


The sun can be depicted as the central object of the picture or as an addition. Sometimes he is painted on a pole instead of the head of Maslenitsa or the entire effigy.

The image of the Maslenitsa sun has its own characteristics:

  • Folk motifs are used for the design, repeating the symbolism of other attributes of the holiday (pancakes, flames).
  • The sun is often depicted as a spiral or several circles inscribed within each other.
  • The rays resemble tongues of flame, splashes of oil or dancing fiery snakes.
  • Shades of yellow, orange and red are used for the image.

The photo shows examples of colorful and symbolic sun designs that reflect the holiday atmosphere. The pictures vary in complexity, so any novice artist can find a suitable image.


Pancakes are not a simple dish of Russian cuisine. They symbolize the sun, eternity, birth and death, warmth and comfort. Pancakes were baked for various holidays: funerals, weddings and, of course, Maslenitsa.

Drawing a stack of pancakes is not easy. In order for it to look like a real one, and not resemble a pyramid of paper circles, you should pay attention to the drawing of details and light and shade.

First you need to make the markings. Draw a rectangle - the future stack. Then draw the top pancake. It should not be round, but oval, with uneven edges.

Outline the outline of the stack. Since the pancakes cannot be the same and do not lie along a ruler, the edges must be different, uneven. Draw the pancakes, leaving some torn, protruding, hanging. Mark the boundaries of the plate; they should follow the contours of the pancakes. The back edge of the dish will be blocked by the pancakes.

The last stage is applying the details. Drops of honey or oil flowing down and a berry at the top of the stack will add realism to the picture. Final step– outline and draw shadows and highlights, they will add volume to the image.

Real Maslenitsa

In order to depict real Maslenitsa, you do not need to paint a complex, multi-faceted picture with many characters. It is enough to come up with a simple plot with holiday symbols. You can draw Maslenitsa with a pencil or paints, it all depends on the preferences and skill of the artist. A painting in color better conveys the atmosphere of Maslenitsa, the cheerful mood of people, and the warmth of the approaching spring. It is advisable to use bright, warm colors and shades, not forgetting to add calm and cold ones for contrast.

Most often, a simple plot is taken for a drawing:

  • Winter landscape, in the center of the picture is a scarecrow, next to it is a fire. There is a bright sun in the sky.
  • Several mummers carrying plates of pancakes and poles with ribbons and the sun in their hands.
  • A still life in the center of which is a samovar and a stack of pancakes, and around there are tea cups, vases with jam, bagels and crackers.

You can come up with many other paintings with Maslenitsa motifs. It is better to choose traditional plots. In any case, you should start with marking the sheet, sketching the contours, and do not forget about perspective and light and shade. Items should be harmoniously grouped. The festive mood is well emphasized folk patterns. They can be depicted on dishes, clothes, fabrics.

The ancient holiday of the arrival of spring and farewell to winter is Maslenitsa. This article tells you how to draw pancakes, a scarecrow and festivities for Maslenitsa step by step using a pencil or paints.

Maslenitsa is wonderful and very tasty and hearty holiday. On Maslenitsa it is customary to bake pancakes and burn an effigy. It is these two traditions that are “ business card» holiday.

The image of Maslenitsa implies a picture with wide Maslenitsa festivities, stacks of pancakes, and round dances around the scarecrow.

Today we will tell you how to correctly draw the Maslenitsa holiday so that it is easily recognizable.

On Maslenitsa it is customary to cook pancakes in huge stacks.

How to draw the Maslenitsa holiday step by step with a pencil?

As we have already said, the Maslenitsa holiday involves several “rites” or traditions. One of these rituals is to cook large quantities of pancakes to feed family, friends, neighbors and relatives.

Therefore, in this part of the article we will tell you how to draw one of the main symbols of Maslenitsa - pancakes step by step.

Pancakes for Maslenitsa are the main treat

To draw a stack of pancakes, you will need:

  • thick paper
  • eraser
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or pencils of different hardness

So let's get started.

  • First of all, draw a round plate at the bottom of the sheet. At the top, mark the boundaries of the stack of pancakes. The width of the stack is slightly smaller than the width of the plate.
  • Now draw the side of the pancakes. Don't forget that we are drawing a stack of pancakes, so the edges will be uneven.
  • Finish the top part of the pancakes - draw an oval equal in width to the oval of the bottom part of the pancakes.
  • Now erase all the extra construction lines. Make the drawing more voluminous and realistic. To do this, draw the pancakes.
  • It is not necessary to draw every pancake, but keep in mind that there should be enough pancakes. Start at the top or bottom.

Finish drawing the pancakes in the center of the stack.

  • Now draw a triangular piece of strawberry on top and 3-4 stripes of dripping butter on the side of the pancakes. Do this using the same principle as shown in the figure.
  • Shade the dark areas on the pancakes and plate.
  • Draw all the shadows in more detail.
  • The work is almost ready.
  • Now take the softest pencil and highlight the shadows if they do not stand out well, and use an eraser to highlight the light areas.
  • But don't overdo it, or you'll end up with dirt.

  • Add color to your work. And you will get a great drawing of pancakes for Maslenitsa!

How to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa step by step?

Burning an effigy is an integral part of the celebration of Maslenitsa. Any folk celebrations have always been accompanied by this ritual, which takes its roots from ancient times.

In this part of the article we will tell and show you how to draw a real Maslenitsa effigy step by step.


  • paper
  • pencil
  • eraser

First draw the base of the scarecrow. It is made up of a long stick curved at the bottom and a stick transverse to it at the top. The vertical stick is the legs, the horizontal stick is the arms. Draw a silhouette of a stuffed animal on top of the frame. He looks like a woman in a long, loose dress.

Step 1

Now draw the details of the dress and scarf. A dress for a stuffed animal is always taken with patches, or they are specially placed on them. The more colorful the dress, the better.

Step 2

Now draw the remaining parts of the straw: the face, arms and legs. The stuffed animal is specially stuffed with straw so that it burns better and retains its shape.

By straw we mean the thin and short branches that stick out from under the dress.

Step 3

The drawing of the stuffed animal is ready. You can decorate it to your taste and color. Here are several children's drawings of a Maslenitsa scarecrow.

Maslenitsa performance

How to draw the burning of an effigy on Maslenitsa?

One of the most striking and memorable customs on Maslenitsa is the burning of an effigy. This ritual symbolizes saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring. It is believed that after Maslenitsa festivities Spring is coming into its own - the sun is getting warmer and the days are noticeably longer.

To draw an effigy burning, you will need:

  • thick paper of any size
  • pencils and colored pencils
  • eraser
  • imagination and patience

Burning an effigy on Maslenitsa

A drawing on the theme “Burning an Effigy” includes two main elements: the effigy itself and the fire.
We have already described how to draw a scarecrow in this article, so now we will tell you how to beautifully draw a fire. Subsequently, you will just need to connect these two drawings and you will get a drawing of burning an effigy.

Drawing a fire.

  • First, mark an oval - the place where the main part of the flame will be located. In the future, this oval will help you draw the boundaries of light and shadow.
  • Inside the oval, draw flames as shown in the picture.
  • Add smaller flames, additional ones.

  • Make clearer contours - outline the fire, add more contrast to the drawing.
  • Now draw the firewood under the fire.
  • Increase the shading around the fire. Make it better soft pencil and don't press it too hard, otherwise the line will be thick and dark.
  • At this stage, you can add light and shadow to the finished drawing to make the image more realistic. You can also add color to your work if you wish.

The drawing is ready! Draw a scarecrow along with the fire to get a full-fledged illustration of the holiday.

How to draw Maslenitsa for children for school?

For school drawing Maslenitsa you will have to try. One or even two heroes in the picture will clearly not be enough - create a whole composition of many characters. With our instructions you will succeed.

First, arrange the characters, that is, mark with a pencil the location and sizes of the main and minor characters and objects. In our case, we need to outline the horizon line, a scarecrow, children near it and a woman with a cat in the foreground.

Step 1

Now start drawing each shape in more detail. We recommend starting with the scarecrow itself in order to develop the composition away from it. Draw a head in a scarf, a sundress, hands and firewood below.

Step 2

Children are running around the stuffed animal, and we will draw them now. Try to portray joy and fun on the children’s faces, make the figures more alive and dynamic. In our case, we depict a boy and a girl.

Step 3

Let's take a first shot where we have a woman holding a plate of pancakes and a cat cuddling at the woman's feet. For the cat, draw stripes on the back and a fluffy chest, and for the woman, don’t forget to draw a pink blush on her cheeks and a smile.

Step 4

Next up long shot- church, trees and houses. It can be seen that the holiday is taking place in a large village.

Step 5

Draw a small dog playing next to the child.

Step 6

At the bottom left, depict a buffoon. The same one who entertains people with his jokes during the festivities. The buffoon has a long cap, and the merry fellow himself sits in the snow.

Step 7

Draw the buffoon in more detail. In our picture, he plays a pipe-type instrument.

Step 8

Take a thin marker, felt-tip pen or liner. Outline all the characters. Draw the clouds in the sky, outline them too, as well as the distant plan - the village.

Step 9

Use colored pencils to add color to your work - make the clouds pink and purple and the sky blue. Step 13

Your work for school is ready! The drawing is very lively and bright. The teacher will definitely appreciate your efforts and the efforts of your child.

How to paint Maslenitsa with paints?

In addition to simple and colored pencils, of course, you can also use paints. In principle, any of the above drawings can be drawn using watercolor or gouache paints. Oil paints It is better not to use it for such work. If you choose paints on oil based, then your work must be done professionally.

Here is a picture of Maslenitsa you can draw with paints

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