Drawing for Maslenitsa step by step. The best congratulations on Maslenitsa in pictures with beautiful wishes

Maslenitsa is a holiday of the omen of spring, when honest people have fun, dance around the scarecrow of Maslenitsa, eat pancakes, dumplings and lead an idle lifestyle in order to drive away winter and convey native land into the power of warm spring. Children adore the holiday, because it is very cheerful and you can enjoy pancakes all week long. We have prepared for you pictures of “Maslenitsa” for children - large collection images that convey the atmosphere of this traditional holiday. All pictures are available in full size on click.

When do we celebrate Maslenitsa?

The date of this holiday varies depending on when Easter is celebrated. In 2018, Maslenitsa is from February 12 to 18.

Collection of children's pictures “Maslenitsa”.

Picture with the inscription “Maslenitsa holiday for children”

People sled, sing, have fun and play the accordion during Maslenitsa. Someone is holding pancakes, someone is dancing, someone is just getting ready to join the fun

Beautiful children's drawing with the inscription “Hello, Maslenitsa!”

Maslenitsa is a celebration of the coming of the sun, so pancakes are baked on it, symbolizing this star.

Everyone eats pancakes - the cat, the dog, the boy, and the girl. And the bear plays the balalaika

Drawing with folk entertainment for Maslenitsa. Sleigh, climb up the pole to the very top, scarecrow Maslenitsa and much more

Children are sitting at the table and preparing to taste grandma's pancakes

The picture is perfect for the title of a children's wall newspaper for Maslenitsa, or even for a sign!

There are even more massive folk festivities in February during Maslenitsa. Now there is a skating rink, a fair, music and a more urbanized city

The same image, but with less flashy colors. Choose a picture you like!

An animated picture with a girl in a traditional kokoshnik offering us to eat a pancake. Happy Maslenitsa!

The buffoon plays the balalaika, the grandfather plays spoons, the granddaughter baked pancakes, and the sun is already warming up. This is how it is, a real Russian Maslenitsa!

We celebrate Maslenitsa, invite spring, drive away winter, and eat pancakes!

Maslenitsa fun in this children's picture

The same girl with pancakes became the heroine of a children's picture with a poem

Children sit at the Maslenitsa table and prepare to have lunch

Children's drawing of burning effigy of Maslenitsa

Photo of a cute boy and girl dressed in old Russian style. A boy holds pancakes with black and red caviar in his hands

Holidays and leisure


Drawing with colored pencils “Wide Maslenitsa”. Master class with step-by-step photos

Step-by-step drawing with colored pencils: “Wide Maslenitsa”

Author: Alina Kucherova, student of the Dubininskaya secondary school No. 13 Krasnoyarsk region, Sharypovsky district, Dubinino village.
Teacher: Verkhoturova Lyubov Mikhailovna, additional education teacher of the first qualification category, MBOU Dubininskaya secondary school No. 13 Krasnoyarsk Territory, Sharypovsky district, Dubinino village.

Description: master class is intended for teachers additional education, educators, teachers primary classes, creative people who work with children aged 6–10 years.
Purpose: drawing for an exhibition, competition.
Target: plot drawing with colored pencils for a competition children's creativity.
- learn to convey events of the surrounding reality in a drawing;
- continue to learn how to draw a human figure;
- cultivate accuracy in work, the ability to paint without going beyond the outline;
- develop Creative skills, the ability to convey your mood in a drawing.
Materials and tools:
- wooden frame;
- colour pencils;
- black felt-tip pen.
I live in a small village in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, every year at the end of winter in our club we celebrate the Russian holiday “Farewell to Winter” or “Maslenitsa”, on this day we dance in circles, bake larks and pancakes. And at the end of the holiday we burn an effigy of Maslenitsa, a rag doll stuffed with straw. I depicted my impressions in a drawing.
Progress of the master class:
Let's start drawing with colored pencils story picture on the theme “Broad Maslenitsa”:
We will draw with a black felt-tip pen, since a simple pencil is difficult to see in the photograph.
First, let's draw a scarecrow of Maslenitsa: a head, a dress, a stick. Then the flames from the fire.

We draw a figure of a girl looking at the stuffed animal.

We draw figures of two more children and hands and faces at Maslenitsa.

Adding another boy.

Draw the sun and clouds. We color the flames, the sun and the hair at Maslenitsa with a yellow pencil.

We paint the children's faces and hands with an orange pencil.

We color the clouds with a blue pencil.

Use a red pencil to color the flames and the dress at Maslenitsa.

With a blue pencil we color the clothes of the girl who is standing to the left of Maslenitsa.

Green pencil We color the clothes of the boy who is standing to the right of Maslenitsa.

Pencil Pink colour We color the clothes of the girl standing to the right of Maslenitsa.

Start by working with your child to think through what will be shown in your drawing. Choose the subject of the future picture and try to list and imagine all the elements that you have to depict. There shouldn't be too many of them, and they shouldn't be complicated, unless of course you are a professional artist.

Most likely, you will decide to draw a scarecrow of Maslenitsa and a stack of pancakes on a plate - after all, these are the main symbols of the first spring holiday. But do not forget that the effigy must burn. This means that you will also have to depict a fire. Fire can be drawn around the stuffed animal, but you can also just draw it next to it. And one more mandatory element of your drawing is the sun. After all, both pancakes and the Maslenitsa holiday itself have been dedicated since ancient times to the arrival of spring, and therefore to the warm and bright sun, driving away the boring winter with its cold and snowstorms.

Now you need to use a thin pencil to mark on a piece of paper where the elements of the drawing will be placed. The younger your child, the more inclined he is to fill the entire sheet with the first element of the drawing, so if he starts drawing a scarecrow, there may simply not be enough free space for pancakes and the sun. Therefore, the composition of the drawing and the dimensions of all elements must be indicated in advance. After that, start drawing.

How to draw a Maslenitsa scarecrow

How to draw Maslenitsa pancakes

How to draw a fire

How to draw the Maslenitsa sun

In the drawing for Maslenitsa, the sun is depicted differently than children usually do - it is not just a small yellow circle with rays. The sun must have a face, and the rays are drawn thick, in a folk style.

Maslenitsa in paintings by artists and in children's drawings

Many people painted Maslenitsa famous artists. Of course, no one will demand the same skill from a child’s drawings, but the pictures will help you choose a subject. These drawings can be used as slides or simply shown to illustrate a story about how to celebrate Maslenitsa.

Artists often depict a festive bonfire with a scarecrow burning on it.

You can depict folk festivities during Maslenitsa and sleigh rides.

Big festive table for everyone, with pancakes - both adults and children enjoy drawing on this topic.

Artists often depict traditional games and fun on Maslenitsa - storming a snow fortress, agility competitions, carousels and ice slides.

And finally, the scarecrow itself! After all, before it burns, the scarecrow is destined to be the main figure in the holiday, which lasts a whole week.

Cool drawings for Maslenitsa

Modern artists do not lag behind the classics and also enjoy painting Maslenitsa. Such images are not only understandable to children, they will not leave parents indifferent either; they can be used as postcards, to decorate an apartment or classroom, or simply be sent to friends. After all, Maslenitsa is one of the most happy Holidays per year.

Now that you know how to create a festive drawing, Maslenitsa will remain with you not only in your memory, but also on paper. Draw, you will definitely succeed!

Maslenitsa is a holiday with centuries-old traditions. It symbolizes the transition from winter to spring, from cold to warmth, from dark and boring colors to bright and cheerful colors. The holiday is accompanied folk festivals, laughter, jokes, performances, games and treats.

Drawing Maslenitsa is not easy. In order to create a picture with many characters, objects, details, you need the experience and skill of the artist. However, do not be discouraged. You can convey the spring, festive mood by depicting the main symbols of Maslenitsa, one or more. Its main attributes are the sun, pancakes, scarecrow and fire. Before you draw Maslenitsa, you need to imagine future picture, think through the plot, details. Holiday symbols should take center stage.

Scarecrow Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is not only a holiday. This is the name of the effigy that is burned on the last day of the holiday week, on Forgiveness Sunday. Most often, Maslenitsa is made of straw, in the form of a woman in a scarf and a worn sundress, and secured on a pole. Her clothing is dominated by folk motifs, her facial features may be absent or crudely drawn.

Taking into account the above points, you can start drawing Maslenitsa.

You need to draw a pole with a crossbar for the arms and a head.

Outline the outer contours of the dress and scarf.

Draw details of clothing, patterns, patches, holes.

Draw the straw base of the stuffed animal: face, arms, legs.

Since it’s not difficult to draw Maslenitsa step by step, creative process shouldn't cause any problems. The stuffed animal can be painted: it is better to choose bright and warm shades. Be sure to use red, orange and yellow colors. Folk motifs in patterns, rough and simple lines of the design are welcome.


The most colorful part of the holiday is considered to be the moment of burning the effigy, so next to Maslenitsa a bonfire or individual flames are often depicted. You can draw a burning scarecrow.

It is more convenient to draw fire in stages. First you need to outline the main flames. You should remember about chiaroscuro: one side of the fire is always darker. Draw transitions on each fiery tongue. In order for the shadow to appear realistic and continuous, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working and shade tightly.

Add secondary flames and apply shading.

If necessary, add fire from below and increase the volume of the fire. Trace the outline of each tongue with a thin, sharp pencil.

If you only need fire, then outline a circle of light, reflections of the flame. To depict a fire, add sketches of firewood. Outline the size, shape, texture of the wood.

The last stage is the final shading, the transfer of light and shade.

The drawing can be colored or left in pencil.


The sun can be depicted as the central object of the picture or as an addition. Sometimes he is painted on a pole instead of the head of Maslenitsa or the entire effigy.

The image of the Maslenitsa sun has its own characteristics:

  • Folk motifs are used for the design, repeating the symbolism of other attributes of the holiday (pancakes, flames).
  • The sun is often depicted as a spiral or several circles inscribed within each other.
  • The rays resemble tongues of flame, splashes of oil or dancing fiery snakes.
  • Shades of yellow, orange and red are used for the image.

The photo shows examples of colorful and symbolic sun designs that reflect the holiday atmosphere. The pictures vary in complexity, so any novice artist can find a suitable image.


Pancakes are not a simple dish of Russian cuisine. They symbolize the sun, eternity, birth and death, warmth and comfort. Pancakes were baked for various holidays: funerals, weddings and, of course, Maslenitsa.

Drawing a stack of pancakes is not easy. In order for it to look like a real one, and not resemble a pyramid of paper circles, you should pay attention to the drawing of details and light and shade.

First you need to make the markings. Draw a rectangle - the future stack. Then draw the top pancake. It should not be round, but oval, with uneven edges.

Outline the outline of the stack. Since the pancakes cannot be the same and do not lie along a ruler, the edges must be different, uneven. Draw the pancakes, leaving some torn, protruding, hanging. Mark the boundaries of the plate; they should follow the contours of the pancakes. The back edge of the dish will be blocked by the pancakes.

The last stage is applying the details. Drops of honey or oil flowing down and a berry at the top of the stack will add realism to the picture. Final step– outline and draw shadows and highlights, they will add volume to the image.

Real Maslenitsa

In order to depict real Maslenitsa, you do not need to paint a complex, multi-faceted picture with many characters. It is enough to come up with a simple plot with holiday symbols. You can draw Maslenitsa with a pencil or paints, it all depends on the preferences and skill of the artist. A painting in color better conveys the atmosphere of Maslenitsa, the cheerful mood of people, and the warmth of the approaching spring. It is advisable to use bright, warm colors and shades, not forgetting to add calm and cold ones for contrast.

Most often, a simple plot is taken for a drawing:

  • Winter landscape, in the center of the picture is a scarecrow, next to it is a fire. There is a bright sun in the sky.
  • Several mummers carrying plates of pancakes and poles with ribbons and the sun in their hands.
  • A still life in the center of which is a samovar and a stack of pancakes, and around there are tea cups, vases with jam, bagels and crackers.

You can come up with many other paintings with Maslenitsa motifs. It is better to choose traditional plots. In any case, you should start with marking the sheet, sketching the contours, and do not forget about perspective and light and shade. Items should be harmoniously grouped. The festive mood is well emphasized folk patterns. They can be depicted on dishes, clothes, fabrics.

A cheerful, noisy holiday, Maslenitsa, which has been celebrated for a week in Rus' since ancient times. The most interesting, funny, rich in custom. This is a time of dancing, dancing around the fire, an opportunity to test your culinary skills, seven days of jokes, laughter and joy. To get a closer look at how interesting Maslenitsa is, the pictures will so vividly and accurately convey all the festive fuss.

There are three horses with ringing bells, a real bear on a chain, a Maslenitsa bonfire with dancing, and a whole mountain of ruddy fluffy pancakes. Drawings of Maslenitsa will tell you in an entertaining, simple and clear way, without words, about one of the oldest traditional Russian celebrations.

Why is it always such a long-awaited day for both adults and children? All because this is a Russian holiday, seeing off cold winter, bitter frosts and blizzards, the time to welcome Spring, warm sun, clear cloudless days. And this is truly a reason to be happy.

Everyone starts baking from day one. delicious pancakes and prepare warm congratulations on Maslenitsa. These could be photographs of winter farewells, youth celebrations, games, competitions, or an image of a rich festive table.

The traditions and rituals of Maslenitsa are very unusual and fascinating. Every day has its own meaning, its own rules. If Monday was considered preparatory, and people finished the last pre-holiday affairs, then Thursday, according to customs, was a “wide revelry”, when it was necessary to go out into the street, share joy with everyone, ride a sleigh, organize youth entertainment, and feast in a noisy company.

ABOUT Sunday afternoon and at the end of the holiday, bright and colorful pictures on the theme of Maslenitsa will be told. These include round dances, dancing around the fire, the obligatory burning of an effigy and the last pancake feast before Lent.

Congratulations on Maslenitsa using beautiful words, comic poems, unusual pictures about Maslenitsa are in great demand. They begin to look for them long before the holiday week. Everyone wants to pick up, download, and send something special and original to their friends.

Gifts should surprise and delight. Great option animated pictures on the Maslenitsa theme with warm wishes and heartfelt words. They can be prepared not only for close friends and family, but also just for good acquaintances.

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts and everyone will be delighted by a wonderful surprise. And since the week is rich in jokes and humor, you should definitely take advantage of funny Maslenitsa greetings. If you're going to have fun, do it with all your heart.

Pictures depicting pancakes occupy a special place at Russian Maslenitsa. They symbolize the sun, fertility, are identified with prosperity and happy life. The more they bake and eat, the sooner the spring days will come and the hotter the weather will be. Therefore, in the old days it was believed that anyone who tasted at least one pancake during the holiday week would receive a piece of the sun into their soul and would give warmth and light to everyone around them.

This means that congratulations on Maslenitsa must be accompanied by the main symbol of wonderful weather until next winter.

Every child should know the customs of his people in order to pass them on from generation to generation, honor and follow them. A great way to introduce young people to the Maslenitsa holiday pictures and various drawings celebrations.

With their help, it is easy to understand, remember, and tell others about the fun and joy with which people greet Spring. And if you use a creative approach, you can invite the children to take their own photos of festivities and a rich table for Maslenitsa, so that they can then post them on the Internet, give them to their relatives, and show them to their children in the future.

Good and happy traditions should live forever, so you should definitely have a selection of Maslenitsa pictures on your computer.

Learning to draw: Maslenitsa with pencils and paints.

Maslenitsa - old Slavic holiday, accompanied by a cheerful mass celebration of the people.
Burning effigy, delicious gingerbread and pancakes, various competitions with traditional ice climbing - these moments were captured by many famous artists in his paintings.
These traditions have not been forgotten in the modern era.
Many children's and adult drawings are undoubted confirmation of this.

How to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil?

Since farewell to winter involves bright and colorful festivities with many characters, we will depict a small plot in our drawing.
The easiest way to do this is with pencils.

  • Begin from sketch sketch
  • In the background we do outlines of snowdrifts
  • In the center we have stuffed animal and figures of children
  • Let's sketch out some features a little to the side traders, holding a plate with pancakes
  • At her feet we pretend to be pleased cat

drawing farewell to winter

Clearly circle circuit central figure, add underneath it firewood.

Draw bold sketches kids.

Let's move on to drawing clear contours traders, pancakes and a cat.

  • Add in the background: buildings, horses and sleighs, people having fun
  • Not far from the boy we draw dog
  • Not a single Russian celebration is complete without buffoon. Let's post it with a pipe, bring to Front

Let's do clear contours merry fellow.

  • Let's circle all sketches with a fine marker
  • We erase extra lines with an eraser

Since Maslenitsa is a bright and colorful holiday, coloring drawing to your taste.

Video: Drawing Maslenitsa

How to paint Maslenitsa with paints?

We learned to draw with pencils.
You can move on to a more complex stage - working with gouache.
Let's try to draw without a preliminary sketch still life.

Maslenitsa: gouache drawing

To work you will need:

  • Gouache
  • Sheet of paper – A-3
  • Brushes sizes: 2, 3, 5

Let's get started:

  • On a horizontal sheet draw with a pencil damn stepping back a little from the bottom edge.
  • Divide the drawing into light zones: yellow-white, ocher (sand), yellow-brown.

  • The remaining, unshaded share we share in light and half light, yellow and brown paint
  • To make transitions smooth, blur boundaries between them
  • Making sketches jar width

  • Add bottom
  • Let's draw neck

  • Shading vessel
  • Darken some areas
  • Transition boundaries blur
  • We highlight light spots
  • Blurring highlighted borders
  • To prevent debris from getting into the milk bottle, we close it cloth
  • Draw the top of the rag white, edging blue
  • Dark highlight folds in fabric

  • Let's draw dish base
  • Selecting shadows and highlights shapes on and under the fabric as shown in the picture

  • We make out shadows from the dish and the jar
  • Don't forget blur shadow contours along the outer borders
  • Sketching the basis of the contours pancakes
  • Paint over basis
  • In small strokes we share stack, onto individual pancakes
  • We make out light and shadow parts
  • We add porosity to the pancakes neatly dots
  • Add a spoon sour cream for pancakes
  • Drawing contours bowls in the foreground
  • Add main details bowls
  • Sketching shadows on the bottom, rim and main part of the bowl
  • Let's highlight same details on the bowl
  • Making a sketch scoop spoons
  • Add handle spoons
  • Add light and shade on the details of the spoon
  • We highlight shadow part spoon scoop rim
  • Execute carefully ornament on the scoop and bowl
  • Drawing shadows under the spoon and cup
  • Blurring the shadows, softening their boundaries
  • Adding light shadows behind the central objects

  • Divide the plane table and wall on “wooden” dies
  • We decorate with wavy, light strokes tree structure on the table and wall
  • Separate the dies with a dark color apart from each other
  • A little blur tinting along the inner contour

How to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil?

Let's start with a sketch pole for the image of arms, torso and head.

Making contours outerwear and headdress.

  • Complementing clothes various parts: buttons, check, patches.
  • We depict the wrists, shape of the legs and face of the stuffed animal as straw rods.

scarecrow for Maslenitsa: pencil drawing

How to draw the burning of an effigy on Maslenitsa?

No winter farewell is complete without straw doll and fire.
We start the drawing with main characters Maslenitsa

  • Next we add baby figurine who admires the stuffed animal
  • Let's sketch more two funny kids
  • We bring the doll to life - we draw for it: eyes, mouth, nose
  • So that your friends don't get bored, let's draw one more boy
  • Add sun, clouds
  • Shading yellow pencil internal tongues of fire, bright sun and pigtails at the scarecrow
  • Orange tone we shade exposed body parts kids
  • Coloring blue palette clouds
  • Red tone add to bows, dress and outdoor fire moments
  • Add shading and edging in blue tone
  • Green color the suit next child
  • Pink draw it up with a pencil next hero costume
  • Dress make the remaining baby aqua blue
  • Shoes all children are shaded brown
  • Add three funny ones birds, snowdrifts
  • Let's draw: luck to the doll, bright lips And cheeks kids and stuffed animals

Video: Drawing on the theme of Maslenitsa with children from 3 years old

How to draw Maslenitsa for school for children?

For the purpose of consolidation in memory the brightest children moments of any holiday, at school for a certain topic they ask you to bring handmade drawing.
To depict the farewell to winter on school drawing can be used drawing technique.

  • By selecting your favorite picture, postcard or coloring book, carefully transfer all the details of the drawing on a blank sheet.
  • Coloring paints or pencils.

We offer some examples for drawing.

draw Maslenitsa

  • Drawing farewell to winter is very interesting.
  • After all, this holiday Very diverse.
  • Can be depicted various motives: funny little animals, themed drawings on dishes, still life, a fairy-tale town, a walk in the forest, pancakes, sweets, bagels, a samovar, the sun and much more.
  • The most important thing is that the drawing expresses cheerful, festive mood.

A simple but colorful drawing will help you draw the short video lesson below.

A cheerful, noisy holiday, Maslenitsa, which has been celebrated for a week in Rus' since ancient times. The most interesting, funny, rich in custom. This is a time of dancing, dancing around the fire, an opportunity to test your culinary skills, seven days of jokes, laughter and joy. To get a closer look at how interesting Maslenitsa is, the pictures will so vividly and accurately convey all the festive fuss.

There are three horses with ringing bells, a real bear on a chain, a Maslenitsa bonfire with dancing, and a whole mountain of ruddy fluffy pancakes. Drawings of Maslenitsa will tell you in an entertaining, simple and clear way, without words, about one of the oldest traditional Russian celebrations.

Why is it always such a long-awaited day for both adults and children? All because this is a Russian holiday, saying goodbye to the cold Winter, bitter frosts and blizzards, the time of welcoming Spring, warm sun, clear cloudless days. And this is truly a reason to be happy.

From the first day, everyone starts baking delicious pancakes and preparing warm congratulations on Maslenitsa. These could be photographs of winter farewells, youth celebrations, games, competitions, or an image of a rich festive table.

The traditions and rituals of Maslenitsa are very unusual and fascinating. Every day has its own meaning, its own rules. If Monday was considered preparatory, and people finished the last pre-holiday affairs, then Thursday, according to customs, was a “wide revelry”, when it was necessary to go out into the street, share joy with everyone, ride a sleigh, organize youth entertainment, and feast in a noisy company.

Bright and colorful pictures on the theme of Maslenitsa will tell about Sunday and the end of the holiday. These include round dances, dancing around the fire, the obligatory burning of an effigy and the last pancake feast before Lent.

Congratulations on Maslenitsa using beautiful words, humorous poems, and unusual pictures about Maslenitsa are in great demand. They begin to look for them long before the holiday week. Everyone wants to pick up, download, and send something special and original to their friends.

Gifts should surprise and delight. An excellent option for animated pictures on the Maslenitsa theme with warm wishes and heartfelt words. They can be prepared not only for close friends and family, but also just for good acquaintances.

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts and everyone will be delighted by a wonderful surprise. And since the week is rich in jokes and humor, you should definitely take advantage of funny Maslenitsa greetings. If you're going to have fun, do it with all your heart.

Pictures depicting pancakes occupy a special place at Russian Maslenitsa. They symbolize the sun, fertility, and are identified with prosperity and a happy life. The more they bake and eat, the sooner the spring days will come and the hotter the weather will be. Therefore, in the old days it was believed that anyone who tasted at least one pancake during the holiday week would receive a piece of the sun into their soul and would give warmth and light to everyone around them.

This means that congratulations on Maslenitsa must be accompanied by the main symbol of wonderful weather until next winter.

Every child should know the customs of his people in order to pass them on from generation to generation, honor and follow them. A great way to introduce young people to the Maslenitsa holiday with pictures and various drawings of the celebration.

With their help, it is easy to understand, remember, and tell others about the fun and joy with which people greet Spring. And if you use a creative approach, you can invite the children to take their own photos of festivities and a rich table for Maslenitsa, so that they can then post them on the Internet, give them to their relatives, and show them to their children in the future.

Good and happy traditions should live forever, so you should definitely have a selection of Maslenitsa pictures on your computer.

    You can draw a dove of peace. For example, like this

    At the bottom, draw a beautiful number 1 and write May next to it. Here we have a dove of peace for the holiday of Peace and Labor. Nearby, the child can easily draw flowers and air balloons. The drawing is ready!

    What can you draw for the May 1st holiday with a pencil step by step? Let's remember what the main symbols of the Spring and Labor holiday are:

    , (,), bright sun, green grass, everything that we have been waiting for so long after the cold winter.

    You can draw a picture

    You can see how to draw spring here

    May 1 has been a holiday of Spring and Labor for decades now. This is what you can draw about. For example, what do you associate with spring - blooming trees, the first spring flowers - in a bouquet or in a meadow, arriving birds - making nests, sitting on green branches, an awakening garden, and what does it say about labor - equipment (shovel, rake...), people working in the field - garden - dacha, holiday - these are balloons, fireworks, flags, a parade, peace - White dove, planet... This is what you can draw. These are examples of such work

    You can draw such a simple drawing with your child and then color it.

    You can simply draw the balls and add an inscription - simple, of course, but it looks quite good:

    This option is also quite acceptable, and it’s also very simple to draw:

    I think for this holiday it will be relevant to depict a dove.

    Initially, we schematically depict a dove.

    Let's draw his paws in more detail and clearly.

    We draw feathers - we detail the plumage. Here our drawing takes on a noticeably improved appearance. Ready! The dove turned out to be very beautiful, although drawing it is quite quick and not very difficult.

    Let's start drawing with a circle, this is planet Earth

    Now, let's draw the number 1 text when hovering, let's start drawing flowers, as in the photo

    this is what we got

    let's finish drawing the balloons

    All that remains is to write the inscription, and you can color it with colored pencils or paints

    We draw balloons in a bunch in the foreground and two bunches in the background.

    In the lower right corner we draw 1ST OF MAY And Spring holiday!

    The drawing is simple, even a child can master it.

    We decorate the balloons in color, the background is the color of the sky, the letters with congratulations are red. The poster is ready!

    You can have a similar drawing, too, with balls in a bunch, but add an image globe with flowers. The inscription can be made differently, on the theme of May 1st.

    An interesting option would be with daisies. Balloons are already becoming a symbol of the holiday not only for birthdays, anniversaries, but also for May 1st. Serpentine will add zest and color to the picture. First we draw the balls, then the flowers. There are daisies here. They are perfect for the May 1st holiday. You can draw bells and asters. We draw serpentine in the form of small trapezoids. And we make an inscription on a poster or postcard.

    Draw any flowers. Symbol of the First of May There were always red tulips. Here's how to draw them step by step:

    When we finish drawing flowers, there should be a lot of them - a whole bouquet!

    Now you can color the work by first writing World Labor May!

    Tulips can be of different colors, but make the inscription more modest, you can leave it white like mine.

    You can also draw any old postcard Happy first of May. Here is a selection of postcards for inspiration:

    I offer the following drawings for consideration, which in my understanding can symbolize the workers' holiday on May 1:

    The white dove symbolizes peace throughout the world.

    Fireworks symbolize fun and joy for people.

    Previously, flowers were given to everyone on this holiday. There was a lot of color everywhere and for everyone.

    In principle, this holiday, May 1 - the day of all workers, can be interpreted differently for each person, and each person can represent it with something of their own, especially if it concerns drawings.

    On May 1st, you can draw spring and reflect symbols and blossoms in your creativity. This could be a twig or blooming flowers, inscriptions, balls, posters, words of May 1, holiday, peace, etc.

    You can also draw balloons, flags, doves, birds, etc.

    The first of May is the day of peace, labor, spring, May.

    It is customary to draw any spring flowers, budding branches, a bird with a twig, etc.

    Let's randomly draw a dove with a twig step by step on May 1: first, only the head and beak, then the outlines of the body and wings appear, then the whole bird and a twig in the beak.

    A flying dove with a twig in its beak is ready - a symbol of spring and May.

    You can create similar drawings for a holiday with your children.

    I don't draw well, so I can't tell you how to draw, but I have an idea.

    It is best to draw from your mind, and not to copy, my idea is to draw a vegetable garden, a girl working there, a mother and father, it is best to depict some kind of tree.

    The main thing is that the child draws, because the important thing is not the assessment, but how your child develops, there is no point in copying, so let him listen to my idea (under your pretext) and draw as he thinks.

Required tools and materials

But before you draw Maslenitsa, of course, you need to prepare. So, you will need to prepare the following office supplies:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Multi-colored pencils.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Markers, paints.

How to draw Maslenitsa: draw a scarecrow

The main attribute, which has remained mandatory since pagan times, is a straw effigy mounted on a pole. It is often depicted in drawings and in the form of a round-faced woman in Russian folk attire. During the festivities, you can see a flaming scarecrow and round dances around it.

To make the image of a stuffed animal look like a real artist’s, follow the step-by-step description:

  1. Draw an oval for the head and a pole with a crossbar for the arms.
  2. Draw the external outlines of the robe and headdress (scarf).
  3. Draw the clothing in detail, highlighting holes and patches.
  4. Draw straw that should show through the clothes. The face of the stuffed animal must be drawn crudely or not shown at all.
  5. The flame in the fire should be non-uniform. Contain lighter and darker areas. Draw large and tall flames first. Then add secondary, smaller tongues that give volume to the fire. At the end, draw sketches of the firewood. Label the size and texture of the wood logs.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil. The described method of execution is simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

Sun of Maslenitsa

The sun can be displayed as the main object of the drawing or as an addition. It conveys the atmosphere of the holiday.">

By the way, sometimes he is depicted on a pole instead of the entire scarecrow or Maslenitsa head.
The image of the Maslenitsa sun has colorful and symbolic features:

  • Folk motifs are used for the design, and they also duplicate the symbolism of other festive attributes (flames, pancakes).
  • The sun is often depicted as several circles or spirals inscribed within each other.
  • The rays of the sun can resemble dancing fiery snakes, tongues of fire or splashes of oil.
  • Shades of red, yellow, and orange are used for the image.

Fire is an integral attribute of Maslenitsa

The most striking part of the celebration is the burning of the effigy. Separate flames or a bonfire are often depicted next to it. You can also depict a burning effigy. In this case, it is easier to draw fire in stages.

First you need to identify the main flames. Don't forget about the shadow: one side of the fire should always be darker than the other. Draw such a transition on each fiery tongue. To make the shadow look continuous and realistic, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working.

Add secondary flames and apply shading. If necessary, you can add fire from below, thereby increasing the volume of the fire. Using a thin pencil, trace the outline of each tongue. Draw a circle of light and highlights of the flame if you only need fire.

To depict a fire, complete the sketch of the firewood. Outline the wood grain, size and shape. Now all you have to do is draw the final shading and light and shade. The drawing can be left in pencil or painted.

Let's try to draw the Maslenitsa holiday, with pancakes

Pancakes symbolize eternity, sun, comfort and warmth. They were baked for various holidays, including Maslenitsa.

It's not easy to depict a stack of pancakes. To make it look realistic and not look like a pyramid of paper circles, focus on drawing details and light and shade:

  1. Initially, make markings and draw the future stack in the form of a rectangle.
  2. Then draw the top pancake - it should turn out oval, with uneven edges.
  3. Draw the outline of the stack. The pancakes cannot be the same; their edges must be uneven.
  4. Mark the boundaries of the plate - they should copy the contours of the pancakes. The far edge of the dish should be covered with pancakes.

The final stage is drawing out the details. The realism of the picture will be created by drops of oil or honey flowing down and a berry at the top of the stack. Mark and draw shadows to add dimension to the image.

The final stage

The provided article describes in detail how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil, in an accessible and lightweight way.

A colored drawing better conveys a warm and joyful atmosphere holiday. Therefore, you can colorize the resulting sketch. Use warm colors in your work, but dilute them a little with cool shades, since contrast is also needed. Drawings dedicated to such a celebration as Maslenitsa, as a rule, turn out to be cheerful and bright.

You can come up with many different themes with Maslenitsa motifs, but it is better to choose ordinary themes. And you can emphasize the festive mood by using folk patterns.

    It’s actually not difficult to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa.

    Initially, we draw her skeleton - it’s simple. Next, we begin to give it an outline - we draw the clothes. After that we begin to finish drawing small parts clothes. Finally, add straw and add the finishing touches - you're done! If you wish, you can decorate the drawing, but even in this version it looks pretty good).

    On the eve of the holiday with centuries-old traditions of Maslenitsa, students in school drawing lessons may be given the task of drawing Maslenitsa scarecrow.

    Maslenitsa scarecrow - main character holiday. It is made using a wooden pole, on top of which something in the form of a head made of straw is attached, and onto which another shorter pole is attached transversely, which will be the arms of the scarecrow (the arms are also made of straw). A dress is put on these poles and a scarf is put on the head. A small sheaf of straw serves as legs. When making a stuffed animal, materials are used that allow it to burn with a red flame.

    They also draw the Maslenitsa scarecrow in the same order: poles, head, dress, scarf, legs and arms, patterns and patches:

    Maslenitsa is approaching, and the symbol of this holiday is the effigy of Maslenitsa, which is then burned at the stake. So, I propose to draw the Maslenitsa effigy with a pencil step by step according to this sketch:

    Although here it is drawn and described how to make a stuffed animal, we can take this as a basis for drawing. So:

    1) Draw a base in the shape of a cross;

    2) Then we add volume by shading with a pencil, thereby simulating straw;

    3) Now we draw the head and the scarf on the head;

    4) Draw the dress and sleeves;

    5) Draw the eyes, mouth, nose and cheeks;

    6) Draw the braids;

    7) The Maslenitsa scarecrow is ready!

    The Maslenitsa scarecrow is easy to draw. We will draw Maslenitsa from straw. Draw a circle - this is the head of the stuffed animal. We draw hairs on the head, as in the picture, 2 funny tails :)

    Next, the oval under the circle is the body. We draw arms outstretched to the sides, with tassels at the ends. We draw a Maslenitsa waist and a cone-shaped, fluffy straw skirt. We throw a scarf over our shoulders and color with paints or pencils.

    That's it, our drawing is ready :)

    Draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa.

    First, let's sketch out the outlines of the scarecrow for burning on Maslenitsa. We carry out vertical line and parallel to the floor above the center line. Parallel line needed for drawing hands. Draw a circle for the face and a triangle for the dress. if you complicate it, you will get a drawing like this.

    Finish drawing the doll, coloring it.

    Draw this doll, a simple drawing with clear lines

    A scarecrow is one of the main attributes of the Maslenitsa holiday. It symbolizes winter and cold. Its burning is a farewell to the cold, bitter winter and a welcome to the warm spring.

    Here's how to draw a straw man:

    Here's another simple option:

    another drawing:

    In fact, this is not such a difficult task, since here you don’t have to strictly maintain any proportions, as, for example, when depicting a person. For the most part, you should use your imagination and creativity here.

    I propose to draw the next symbol of spring.

    As a rule, first, in the form of a sketch, crossed two perpendicular lines, where the vertical is longer than the horizontal. Then, you can ask for approximate human proportions (head, arms, upper torso). Next, a little carelessly depict the straw and twigs from which this frame is actually made. Draw a sundress or a skirt with a shirt, as well as a scarf.

    Maslenitsa is a spring holiday when we say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. This week everyone should eat pancakes and visit each other for pancakes. And this entire holiday is marked by the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa.

    A stuffed animal is most often a malted doll on a large stick.

    And this is how children imagine Maslenitsa.

    On Maslenitsa, they make a stuffed doll out of straw and dress it in a scarf and dress. They dance around, and then they burn this scarecrow. There are some like this, they are for Maslenitsa

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